Holy Ghost Catholic Church PARISH STAFF Fr. Robert Merced, O.P., Pastor Fr. Cayet Mangiaracina, O.P., Associate Pastor Rev. Bro. Mauricio Salazar, O.P., Deacon Lea Smith, Parish Secretary Peggy Powell, Data Secretary Carla Richmond, Bookkeeper Trisha Labbe, Director of Religious Education Marli Freas, Youth Minister Cheryl Brothers, Music Director PARISH OFFICE 601 North Oak Street • Hammond, LA 70401 Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Telephone: 985-345-3360 • Fax: 985-542-4191 Parish Website: www.hgchurch.org HOLY GHOST SCHOOL Tangee Daugereaux, Holy Ghost School Principal Holy Ghost School Telephone: 985-345-0977 School Website: www.hgschool.org MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am Youth Mass: 5:00 pm Children’s Church: during 9:30 am Mass Spanish Mass: 1:30 pm Sunday Daily: 7:00 am Monday thru Friday (in the Daily Chapel) Holy Days: 7:00 am, 12:15 pm, 6:00 pm RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm BAPTISMS Contact Trisha Labbe at 985-345-3360 ext 28 or email at tlabbe@hgchurch.org at least 6 weeks in advance. MARRIAGES Contact the Parish Office at 985-345-3360 ext 21 to schedule a marriage at least 6 months in advance. NEW PARISHIONERS If you have not yet had an opportunity to register, please call the parish office during office hours. We are very happy to have you here in our midst. October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 World Mission Sunday In a country that has a strong commitment to separa on of church and state, it is noteworthy that our money, both bills and coins, is inscribed with the words “In God We Trust.” The history of this mo o and its rela on to our currency goes back to the Civil War. Changing it has never go en much support. It serves as a helpful reminder about where our true security lies. In the Gospel, the Pharisees, along with some supporters of the Roman regime called Herodians, get into the act of trying to trap Jesus into taking a stand that would get him in trouble with either the Roman authori es or his own people. But Jesus, as much the fox as Herod was reputed to be, slips out of their net by no ng that there can be different loyal es without a loss of priori es. Jesus calls on them to produce the idolatrous coin that no devout Jew should carry, since it declared Caesar to be a god. Then he advises them to return to the emperor the coin that bears his image but to return to God what bears God’s image, that is, themselves, made in the image of God. A new order is revealed when we give God’s image back to God by our words and deeds, showing God’s image to others. When this happens, the mo o “In God We Trust” becomes not merely stamped on paper or branded on copper, but encountered in living flesh and blood.— James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. 40 Days for Life Events Pro‐Life March The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a pro‐life march on October 19 immediately following the 9:30 Mass at Holy Ghost. It will start at the Holy Ghost Church parking lot and finish at the Knights of Columbus Home. There will be a police escort and refreshments will be served. The length of the march is only .9 of a mile, not very far to march to make people aware of the abor ons taking place in our country, about 3500 every day. We will pray the rosary as we march. PLEASE come out and help make a difference in the lives of the unborn. Holy Ghost Parish Fair Holy Ghost Parish Fair: "KEEP CALM & LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" Lots of new and exciting attractions, food, entertainment and more are coming to The Holy Ghost Parish Fair! October 24, 25, and 26 It will be a Fair to remember! Friday night —a street dance and free performances by Jamie Lynn Spears and The Todd O’Neill band Saturday Fun Run—Fun run is back beginning at 8am Saturday night —Trunk or Treat 6‐8 pm and Queen Elsa from Frozen will be there! Great food like Smok’n Bubs BBQ, Tad’s Famous Oysters, Walking Tacos, PJs Coffee, Southern Maid Donuts, and much, much more! A new ride company with rides for all ages ‐17 total! Youth Group Sweets Booth The Youth Group will again this year sponsor the “Sweets Booth”. We need your help! If you would like to donate some treats to our booth, please bring them to the Parish Office by Thursday, October 23. Help us make this Parish Fair as successful as it has been in the past. Trunk or Treat Date: Time: Loca on: Cost: Saturday, October 25th 6pm ‐ 8pm Oak St. between the Church and the office $2 per child BLESSING OF THE GRAVES NOVEMBER 1ST AT 10:00 AM The Board of Directors of Rose Memorial Cemetery Association invite all to attend the blessing of the graves at the mausoleum at Rose Memorial Park. Deacon Nat Garofalo will preside over the blessing at 10 am on Saturday, November 1st. Children of all ages are invited to dress up and come Trunk or Treat for candy and prizes. Come meet the Snow Queen – Elsa will be there! Interested in entering your car or truck? Email kallib@aisouth.com Bingo will return this year to the Fair!!! Join the Catholic Daughters to play BINGO on Saturday and Sunday from 1pm ll 4pm in the School Cafeteria. InOurParish Welcome to Holy Ghost Church. Youth Ministry Should you like to become a member of our parish, please visit our website at hgchurch.org where you can find a registra on form that you can place in the Sunday Collec on or bring to the parish office. We also have registra on forms in the pamphlet racks in the gathering area. If you have any ques ons, please feel free to contact us at 985‐345‐3360. May God pour out his blessings upon you! HOLY GHOST LIVING ROSARY SOCIETY Our Lady of Lourdes Chapter Jr. High Costume Contest and Party Saturday, October 25 from 7‐9 pm At the Saxon Youth House Please contact Marli Freas at mfreas@hgchurch.org or 345‐3360 ext 26 for more informa on. Our commitment is for the re‐establishment of the family unit including your own personal inten ons. A team consists of 20 members who by their individual daily par cipa on help to complete a Living Rosary. The me period began on October7, 2014‐October 2015. The commitment is to pray daily at your leisure one decade of the rosary while reflec ng on an individually assigned mystery and medita on for the event. The Youth Schedule of Events Sunday, October 26th ALL youth are invited to a end World Youth Day in Baton Rouge For more informa on, contact Marli Freas at mfreas@hgchurch.org or 345‐3360 ext. 26. Prayer Really Changes Things For more informa on call Pauline Dvornak at 902‐8300 Thanks to the generous folks at Hood Auto Group, you can win a: 2014 Mustang V6 Convertible OR a 2014 Ford Escape SE Your choice!! There will be only 500 tickets sold. Each ticket is $100.00 and will be available for sale. Tickets are always available to purchase at the school office during regular business hours and in the Church Gathering Area after each Mass. Your chances are great for winning a BRAND NEW CAR! The drawing will be at the Holy Ghost Parish Fair on SUNDAY, October 26th. *Winner is responsible for tax, title, and license. Holy Ghost School Holy Ghost Catholic School is currently par cipa ng in a 5‐year evalua on for accredita on by the Southern Associa on of Colleges and Schools. To meet the accredita on requirements for stakeholder survey data, the Program Effec veness Stakeholder survey is available for community members who ARE NOT parents of current students and who ARE NOT employees of the school. The survey will be open through October 31, 2014. Please take a few moments to complete the survey. The survey can be accessed through the Catholic Schools Office website at h p://www.csobr.org/ Thank you for your help in comple ng this accredita on requirement.—Tangee Daugereaux, Principal Confirma on October 19, 2014 Candidate & Sponsor Confirma on Prepara on End of the Year Retreat (Lunch Provided) In the Parish Hall Candidate 9:00am to 6:00pm; Sponsor 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm Monday, October 20th The 2014 Confirma on Candidates will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirma on All Candidates and Sponsors must be at the Church by 6:00 pm Parish School of Religion PSR 2014 Fall Schedule Oct. 19 OFF 26 OFF (Parish Fair) Nov. 2 PSR Session 5 9 PSR Session 6 Dec. Advent/Christmas Event TBA To register go to www.hgchurch.org Book Blessings for October With An Everlas ng Love: How To Develop An In mate Rela onship With God by William A. Barry, SJ “Grand Day” Celebra on READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK Honoring grandparents and grandchildren 12:00 Noon Sunday, October 19, 2014 First Reading….............................Exodus 22:20-26 Second Reading.………….1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Gospel Reading……….................Matthew 22:34-40 STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCE 1st Collection……………………....$19,436.37 Online………………………..…….…$1,997.67 Total…………………………….…..$21,434.04 No Second Collection next week— FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR The Flowers on the Altar are donated In Loving Memory of Richard Burch From Steven, Josie & Stephanie Newman Come and See Weekend November 7‐9, 2014 St. Joseph Seminary College Thought about the priesthood lately? Been on your mind a lot? Come and see what God has to say about it. This weekend is about how to discern God’s call for your life. No cost to you. Meals and beds provided (bring bed linens, pillow, towels and personal items), prayer provided. The weekend is hosted by the seminiarians and the Benedic ne monks of the St. Joseph Abbey and is open to men 16 years and older; you must register a week prior to the event For more informa on contact; Fr. Ma Dupre, Voca ons Dirctory 225‐336‐8778 Www.diobr.org/voca ons St. Joseph Cathedral, Fourth at Main Streets Downtown Baton Rouge All grandchildren, grandparents, and their families are invited to a special Mass and a street party featuring Bubbles the Camel, a pe ng zoo of farm animals, pony rides, music entertainment, food, cold beverages, ice cream and many fun ac vi es for children This event if free and open to everyone. For more informa on, call 225‐387‐5928 2014 Bishop’s Annual Appeal Campaign Through the BAA, You Honor Christ and Meet Others’ Needs On behalf of the essen al ministries your gi s support, and the many thousands whose needs they help to meet, please accept the sincere gra tude of our spiritual shepherd Bishop Robert W. Muench for your generous contribu ons to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Your contribu ons model the love of Christ and offer hope to those most in need. Par cipa on in the ministry of the BAA is a message of shared concern and a commitment to address the needs of others. “Bear one another’s burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Gala ans 6:2) Your personal gi is helping to life burdens individuals and families have been carrying. Thank you for choosing to help bear that load. And, if you are among those who have planned to give, but haven’t done so already, please join your fellow parishioners and support the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Consider the concerns of others, for God knows our needs. By now, parishioners should have received a mailed invita on from Bishop Muench invi ng them to par cipate in the 2014‐15 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Our parish has a long history of generously suppor ng the BAA, and we invite you to consider a personal commitment again this year. If you do not receive a copy of this year’s appeal by mail, please contact the Office of Stewardship at 225‐3368790 or stewardship @diobr.org. For an in depth look at the ministries or programs supported through the BAA, visit baabr.org Walking on Water: YouareinvitedtoaBreakfast sponsored by Healing the Peter Within Us with Father Matt Linn, S.J. Rosaryville A Ministry to Catholic Women West St. Tammany Chapter Tuesday, November 11, 2014 BENEDICT’SPLANTATION 9a.m.‐noon Our Speaker: Cookie Read October 31 -November 2, 2014 Fr. Matthew Linn, SJ has focused on integrating physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. He is a member of the Association of Christian Therapists with advanced graduate degrees in sociology, anthropology, spirituality, and theology. Ordained in l973 he currently lives in a Jesuit community in Minneapolis where he trains spiritual directors. To register call Rosaryville @ 225-294-5039 Tickets: $15.00 Available at Most Holy Trinity Church St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Tickets on sale October 31 thru November 7 No tickets sold at the door. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Susan Robichaux, Peggy Gennardo, Deb Hill, Raymond Bergeron, Mike Guzzardo, Cindy Costanza, Phyllis Fanara, Cheryl Bergeron-Bonie, John Ferrara, Melia Franks, Mary Ann Huebinger, Anne Raphael, Elise Angelette, Vita Demarco, Jody Ratliff, Jr., Carl Fletcher, Sr., Hunter Hoffman, Brentley Hoffman, Fred Trapp, Audrey Martinez, Johnny Carlton, Susan Spring, Arthur Daussat, Morris Bankston, Monette Garon, Richard Seale, Emerson Bean, Audrey Nuccio, Steven Bourque, Torrey Harris, Robert Carlisle, Donna Skinner, Thelma Brettillo, Beverly Basha, Adolf Schilling, James Christina, Johnnie Santangelo,III, Janice Breuhl, Ken Yeomans, Bryan Estopinal, Anna Bass, Linda Freire, Ricky Lips, Alena Governale, Freddie Dubois, Claire Villien Bohn, Vicki Rogers, Elise Boyle, Anthony Prescia, Jr., Eddie Paul Bearb, Macy Gueldner, Joseph Diecidue, John Marlbrough, Lynette Edwards, Joe Tickle, Joseph Jette, Josh Wendell, Leon V. Latino, Sr., Jeanette Ernst, Patricia Manzella, Rosalie Miller, Bonnie Shettles, Gracie Anzalone, Daisy Arvello, Jay Burchfield, Isabella Pena, Johnny Domiano, Robert Goodwin, Dru Frederick, Frank Schiro, Thomas Bourgeois Jr, Mary Cashio, Audrey Costanza, Carlo Bentivegna, Gregg Mader, Sarah Marie Caldorera, Joseph Lacara, Lillie Giacone, Pete J. Arnone, David Hebert, Melissa Madere, Crosby Gallinaro, Gail Gorman, Christine McTopy, Mary Fardella, Robert Egan, Jo Ellen Marten, Albert Niquiporo, Amy Sutton, Frank David DePaula, Hazel Sam, Carl and Cynthia Boucher, Mary and John Hanks, Leon V. Latino, Jr. If you seek intentions for someone who is sick, please call the Holy Ghost Office so we can include them in our prayer list. Please keep in mind that we pray for all the sick in the St. Vincent de Paul For the year ending September 30, 2014, St. Vincent de Paul Society ( Holy Ghost Conference) provided the following to the poor in our area. Families helped: 410 Individuals helped: 902 Value of Services Provided Food $ 3, 141 Lodging $ 316 U li es assistance $13, 455 Rent $ 2, 526 SVDP Store Requisi on $ 4, 006 Gas $ 1, 739 Prescrip ons $ 3, 284 Misc. (Christmas families) $ 4, 837 Total $33, 305 St. Vincent de Paul Society thanks all Holy Ghost parishioners who contributed their me and dollars in our ministry to the poor. MASS INTENTIONS Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri 7:00 A 7:00 A 7:00 A 7:00 A 7:00 A OCT. 20 ‐ OCT. 26 Rosalie Pecoraro Joe & Anna Demarco & Sons+ Paul Arvello Eunice Rutledge+ Joseph Ferraro, Sr.+ REQUESTED BY: Family Mrs. Cecilia D. Giannobile Wife & Children Daughter, Ruth Gwen Meehan & Family Sat 4:00 P PURGATORIAL John Sugar+ Pat Josie Albano+ Granddaughters, Tracy &Melissa Lena Legoria+ Anthony & Virginia Lamonica Frank Hervieu+ Lore a Vial Ann & Sam Annina+ Family Patricia A. Lee+ Sister, Gaynell Lee Charles, Angelina Lato & Sons+ Family Mrs. Jocelyn Bourgeois+ Fugarino Family Joseph Barcia+ Rosalie Barcia Sun Sun 7:30 A 9:30 A Frank Pellichino+ Frank & Lee Marten+ Roger Stromeyer, Jr.+ Dominican Fathers Jo Ellen & Tommy Marten Roger Stromeyer, Sr. Family Joseph S. Tan llo, Jr.+ Tan llo Family Joe Demarco+ Wife, Nancy Anna Distefano+ Family Jimmy Collura+ Family & Friends Harold Dimaggio, Jr.+ Special Inten on Sun 11:30 A Robert Owens+ In Thanksgiving Lena & Raymond Costanza+ Margaret & Darrell Amar Mrs. Cecilia D. Giannobile Family Sun Sun People of the Parish Fr. Edward Everi 1:30 P 5:00 P Holy Ghost Parishioners Support Those Who Support Us: Parish Bulletin Advertisers Our parish bulletin is provided at no cost to the parish through the generous support of local businesses (often, parishioners as well!). When you use their services, please be sure to thank them for their support of the parish! Holly & Smith Architects A Professional Hea ng & Air Condi oning Anatomix Physical Therapy Aram Technologies Baton Rouge Telco Federal Credit Union Bill Hood Import Corner Brandon Thompson Funeral Home Caribbean Pool and Pa o Cashe, Coudrain & Sandage A orneys Catholic Cruises and Tours Knights of Columbus Lemoine Dance Academy Life Watch USA Medical Arts Urology Melvin D. Allen, D.D.S. North Oaks Internal Medicine Piggly Wiggly/Paul's Pharmacy Pizzolato's Body Shop Community Motors Premier Hearing and Balance Florida Parishes Bank Gasaway Gasaway Bankston Architects Harry McKneely and Son Rescue Alert South Coast Solar St. Margaret Sunday Missal The Bulletin deadline is Monday at 1:00 PM. This information will be published in the next Sundays bulletin. Some of our bulletin deadlines change during the holiday season. Please e-mail all bulletin articles to ppowell@hgchurch.org. No articles will be accepted over the phone. Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Oficina de Holy Ghost: 985-345-3360 LECTURAS DE HOY Preparación para Bautizos: Rosa Robichaux, teléfono 985-542-9479 Primera lectura Isaías 45:1, 4‐6). Preparacion para Primera Comunion: Rosa Robichaux, teléfono 985-542-9479 Segunda lectura 1 Tesalonicenses 1:1‐5b. Preparación de Ministros de la Eucaristia: Rene Abadie, teléfono 985-542-7859 Evangelio Preparación de Lectores: Coco Sandino, teléfono 504-228-9398 Coro y Quinceañeras: Veronica Holt, teléfono 985-320-1707 Preparación de Acólitos o monaguillos: Rene Abadie, teléfono 985-542-7859 Confesiones Apunten la Fecha! Todos los Sábados de 3:00 p.m. a 3:45 p.m. Durante los días de semana llamar para hacer una cita con el sacerdote al 985‐345‐3360 La feria de “Holy Ghost” se llevará a cabo los días 24, 25, y 26 de Octubre 2014. Vengan todos a comer y a divertirse! Preparación religiosa y catecismo “Kindergarden” y Octavo grado Clases de Confirmación Fechas y horario de clases de confirmación para el mes de Octubre Octubre 19, 2014. Preparación de confirmación para Horario del año 2014 candidatos y padrinos (madrinas) y retiro de fin de año (incluye almuerzo). La preparación para los candidatos es de 9 am a 6:00 Octubre 19, No hay clases pm; para los padrinos o madrinas de 12:00 pm a 6:00 pm. Octubre 26, No hay clases (Feria parroquial) Horario del mes de Octubre Octubre 20, 2014 Horario del mes de Noviembre Celebración del Sacramento de la Confirmación. Noviembre 2, Sesión # 5 7:00 pm en la Iglesia de “Holy Ghost” Noviembre 9, Sesión # 6 Se servirá cena de 6:00 a 6:30 pm (después de Misa de 5:00) . Inscripción y cuotas Todos los niños del “Kindergarden” al quinto grado deben completar un formulario de inscripción que incluye una cuota de $ 35.00 dólares por un niño y $15.00 dólares por cada niño adicional. Todos los estudiantes de los grados 6 al 11 deben completar un formulario de inscripción y pagar una cuota de inscripción de $ 35.00 dólares. Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Ruega por nosotros ¿Te está llamando Dios a ser un fraile Dominico? Si alguna vez has pensado o has sentido curiosidad por la vida religiosa, ya sea como un hermano cooperador o sacerdote, puedes comunicarte con nuestro director vocacional fray Charlie Johnson OP al (504) 837‐2129 Ext. 6. También puedes vistar nuestro sitio web, vocations@opsouth.org INFORMATION SHEET Church name & address: Holy Ghost #291050 601 N. Oak Street Hammond, LA 70401 Contact person: Peggy Powell @ 985-345-3360 Software: Win 7-SP1, MSPub 2010, Adobe Acrobat X Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 4 content pages + this page = 6 (6-8-JL; 1 advt) Date of publication: (Sunday’s date) Day & time of transmission: Tuesday by noon Special instructions for Production: FedEx shipping address: Special instructions (for delivery): FedEx tracking e-mail: The Holy Ghost Bulletin went to press early because of the Thanksgiving Holiday, therefore the collection was counted
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