Parish Office: (516) 785-1266 Fax: (516) 785-4824 Web Page:

Saint William
the Abbot Parish
Parish Office: (516) 785-1266
Fax: (516) 785-4824
Web Page:
2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, New York 11783
Twenty-Eighth Sunday
In Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
Rev. Robert L. Hayden
Associate Pastors
Rev. Belevendiram Rathinam
Rev. Ryszard Ficek
In Residence
Rev. Richard Viladesau
Thomas Buchenberger
John Lynch
Pastoral Associate
Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C.
Mass Schedule
Our Parish Mission Statement
We, the Parish Family of St. William the Abbot, are a welcoming community of
faith, guided by the Holy Spirit and centered in God’s Word and the Eucharist.
Through the Sacraments, prayer and the stewardship of our God-given gifts,
we are called to minister with respect and compassion to all,
from the youngest to the oldest.
We commit ourselves to continue the mission of Jesus Christ,
to proclaim His Gospel and to love one another as He has loved us.
Saturday Evening: 5:00 & 7:30 PM
Sundays: 7:45, 9:15 and 10:45 AM
12:15 and 5:00 PM
Holy Days of Obligation:
Eve of Holy Day: 7:30 PM
Holy Day: 7:30, 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon
4:30 and 7:30 PM
Monday - Friday: 8:00 & 9:00 AM
Saturday Mornings: 8:30 AM
In This Issue
Feast of All Souls
Page 2
Liturgy, Prayer
and Sacraments
Page 3
Parish Social Ministry
Page 4
Flu Shots - Senior Citizens
Page 4
Faith Formation
Page 5
School News
Page 6
VIRTUS Training
Page 6
Moms and Tots
Page 7
Parish Appreciation Party
Page 8
Twilight Cabaret
Page 9
Anniversary Celebration for
Sr. Joann Bonauro Page 11
Faith Alive
Page 12
Page 16
It can be said that after the Mass itself, the rosary is the spiritual
devotion that most people associate with Catholics. Certainly, the
members of no other Christian denomination have a devotion to the
rosary and thereby also to Mary which equals that of Catholics.
The Congregation for Divine Worship describes the rosary as a
contemplative prayer, which requires “tranquility of rhythm or even a
mental lingering which encourages the faithful to meditate on the
mysteries of the Lord’s life.” When prayed in the fullness of its spirit, the
rosary can therefore draw us into both the contemplative and the
discursive modes of prayer. The repetition of the “Hail Mary” invites us to
center ourselves in the presence of God in a way that is almost wordless.
At the same time, as we move through the mysteries of our Lord’s life
associated with each decade (The Joyful, the Sorrowful, the Glorious, and
since 2002, the Luminous Mysteries), we bring to mind the history of
salvation and the lives of Jesus and Mary.
In other words, through the rosary we can deepen our unity with
God in a meditative prayer while recalling Christ’s life, death, and
resurrection, through which God’s infinite love for us was revealed and
by which we are saved.
The history of the rosary begins in medieval times and especially
with St. Dominic who in the thirteenth century popularized the use of
the rosary. Other saints and popes have also played an important role in
spreading devotion to the rosary and in giving it its present form.
During the sixteenth century the popularity of the rosary
continued to grow and Rosary Confraternities sprang up in many parts of
Europe. When the survival of Europe hung in the balance at the decisive
Battle of Lepanto between the European fleet and that of the Ottoman
Turks, Pope Pius V, a Dominican, called for private and public recitation
of the rosary. Later, in thanksgiving for the defeat of the Turks, Pius V
established the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary (October 7th) and
designated the rosary as an official prayer of the Church.
In the eighteenth century St. Louis de Montfort championed both
devotion to Mary and the recitation of the rosary. In the following
century Pope Leo XIII, who became known as the “Rosary Pope,” wrote
twelve encyclicals and five apostolic letters about the importance of the
rosary. Likewise, in several Marian apparitions over the past two
centuries there have been references to the importance of praying the
Several years ago I came across the German custom of adding to
each Hail Mary a reference to the incident in the life of Christ or Mary
associated with that decade. I later found out that this custom goes back
to a Carthusian monk in the fifteenth century who added a quotation
from Sacred Scripture to each Hail Mary. I find that this addition helps
me to keep in mind the content of the mystery of the decade I’m praying
at that moment.
Regardless of the manner in which you pray the rosary, privately
or publicly, in silence or along with the recitation of the rosary on
television, the rosary is a prayer that has been treasured by Catholics for
centuries and still has many more blessings to offer us. Fr. Robert L. Hayden
Presider Schedule
Saturday, October 18, 2014
5:00 PM Mass
Fr. Bala Rathinam
7:30 PM Mass
Fr. Robert Hayden
7:45 AM
9:15 AM
10:45 AM
12:15 PM
5:00 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Fr. Bala Rathinam
Fr. Ryszard Ficek
Fr. Richard Viladesau
Fr. Ryszard Ficek
Fr. Robert Hayden
Prayers & Devotions
Morning Prayer
Monday through Friday:
8:35 AM
9:00 AM
Miraculous Medal:
Saturdays at 8:15 AM
Eucharistic Adoration:
Next Sunday’s Scripture
Isaiah 45:1, 4-6
I Thessalonians 1:1-5b
Matthew 22:15-21
Jesus challenges us to examine how we demonstrate
our fidelity to him while living in the world. Do
worldly attachments or loyalties get in the way of
our being faithful to Jesus and his teachings?
Today’s readings show that there need not be a
conflict between fulfilling our civil obligations and
our obligations to God.
Feast of All Souls
On Sunday, November 2 at 5:00
PM, there will be a special Mass
in which the people whose funerals were held at St. William the
Abbot this past year will be remembered. All are invited to attend this special Mass.
Monday-Saturday after
8:30 AM/9:00 AM
First Friday of the month
Holy Hour - 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Third Sunday of the month
11:00 PM – 7:00 AM
(Nocturnal Adoration)
Mass Intentions
October 13, 2014 - October 19, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
8:00 AM George Cain
9:00 AM Collective Intentions
Rev. John Mariano, Angela
Labadie, Marty & Millie
Stipicevic, Bob & Jeannette
Stipicevic, Joseph & Julia
Marinovich, Smolich Families
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
8:00 AM Susan McNally
9:00 AM Larry Marchiony
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
8:00 AM Cathy Gemski
9:00 AM Jean Riordan
Thursday, October 16, 2014
8:00 AM Hubert Lahey
9:00 AM Joseph Brady
Friday, October 17, 2014
8:00 AM Barbara & Larry
Friday continued...
9:00 AM Patricia McVeigh
Saturday, October 18, 2014
8:30 AM Purgatorial Society
5:00 PM Collective Intentions
Thomas Allegra, Marty & Millie
Stipicevic, Bob & Jeannette
Stipicevic, Joseph & Julia
Marinovich, Smolich Families
7:30 PM Angelo Cordaro
Sunday, October 19, 2014
7:45 AM Nocturnal Adoration
9:15 AM People of St. William
10:45 AM Collective Intentions
Marilyn Cassano, Americo Vari,
Dominic & Louisa Fortunato,
Ida Cariopio
12:15 PM Christina Varrichio
5:00 PM Edlen Pearson
Reflecting on the Word
Jesus’ parable in today’s Gospel draws into itself the images of the great feast of the end of time that God, as the first
reading tells us, “will provide for all peoples,” a feast of “rich food and choice wines, juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines.” At
this feast, “The Lord God will wipe away the tears from every face.” It is this feast that fulfills the promise in the second reading that “God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” The joy of a feast becomes an image of the joyous event of the union of our life with God’s life, when God will consummate human history, wipe
away all tears, and fill every cup to overflowing.
In the Eucharist that we celebrate every Sunday we share already in that feast. We come, week after week, to have our
lives joined to the life of God, to have our tears wiped away, to have our cups filled to overflowing. We have been called, like
the guests in the parable, to the wedding supper of the Lamb who has taken away our sins. But the parable is also a warning
not to take lightly so great a call. Though the actions of the king in the parable seem extreme, burning down the cities of those
who reject the invitation and throwing out those who arrive underdressed, the very exaggeration of those actions drives home
the point that this is a call to the feast of life itself:. To decline that invitation is to reject the gift of life that is offered. The invitation ought neither be ignored nor accepted lightly: we are to adorn our souls with the wedding garment of love, a garment
that, as St. Gregory the Great put it, is woven of two strands of wool: love of God and love of neighbor (Homily 37).
How we respond to God’s invitation is a matter of life and death, and our weekly presence at the wedding feast of the
Lamb is an obligation that we should joyfully fulfill: the obligation to let our lives be joined to God’s, to let our tears be wiped
away, to let our cup be filled to overflowing
A Way of Life
October 4, 2014
October 6, 2013
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish
who share their gifts by cooking or providing meals for
the homebound or those in need at soup kitchens.
Please pray for the sick…
Josephine Longabardi
Judith Canzoneri
...and for the deceased
Catherine Cassano
Francis J. Ryan
Tillie Ferraro
Wine and Hosts
The Bread and Wine used at Mass this
week have been donated in loving
memory of
Gene Goettlicher
From Pat Goettlicher
Altar Flowers
The Flowers in the Sanctuary this week
have been donated in loving memory of
Mary Geiger
from Michele & Rose Williams
Eve of Holy Day
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Thursday before
First Friday
9:30 AM & 4:00 PM
You may also schedule penance by appointment by calling
the Rectory Office at (516) 785-1266.
Initiation of Infants Baptism
In order to keep our list current, names of the sick will be
in the bulletin for 3 weeks.
Scarlet Holohan
Catherine Kelly
Mildred Emanuel
4:00 PM-4:45 PM
First Four Sundays
of the month
2:00 PM
Parents must contact the rectory office to register their
child. For additional information, please visit our website:
Initiation of Adults: Adults who have not been baptized,
received first Eucharist or Confirmation should contact the
rectory office and ask about enrolling in the R.C.I.A.
Program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).
Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made as
soon as possible, preferably before reserving a place for your
reception, but no later than six months prior to the
wedding. The same priest initiates and completes all the
arrangements with wedding couples.
Communion and Anointing of the Sick: Those who are
unable to attend Mass because of age or declining health
may arrange with the rectory to receive Holy Communion
at home. The Anointing of the Sick is available to those who
are going into the hospital or seriously ill and can either be
administered communally (first Sunday of the month
following the 12:15 PM Mass) or by contacting the rectory
as soon as possible in the event of immediate need.
Banns of Marriage
All Souls Envelopes
Banns 1
Bridget DuPlessis (SWA) & Matthew Lappas
(St. Ann, Garden City)
St. William’s is preparing for its All
Souls Masses. In the month of November, 9 Masses will be offered for the All
Souls Intentions.
Banns II
William Coumaras, Jr. (SWA) & Lucia LoPinto (St. Dominic,
Kristie Danielson (SWA) & Joseph Recine (St. James, Seaford)
Mary Loester (SWA) & Christopher Pearson (St. Martin of
Tours, Amityville)
Banns III
Kaitlyn Melexenis (SWA) & John Swenson (St. Rose of Lima)
Tracy Doktor & Michael Kenduck (both SWA)
If you wish to have a deceased loved
one remembered in these Masses,
please fill out one of the All Souls envelopes and return it to the Rectory, or
place it in the Sunday Collection basket.
This is an excellent way to pray and
offer a sacrifice for those who have
gone before us in faith.
Retired Nurses
Invites all to a special
The Town of Hempstead
Office of Senior Citizen Affairs
presents an informative
Learn How To Avoid
Identity Theft Predators
Monday, October 27
11:00 AM
Convent Center
Parish Social Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul Society – In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Many
are invited, but few are chosen.” To give thanks for all that God has given
to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by
joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? If you or anyone you know
would benefit from the use of the food pantry or assistance from Saint
Vincent de Paul Society please call Parish Social Ministry 679-8532.
Utmost confidentiality is promised.
Homebound – Do you know someone who is homebound and lonely. Let
us know so that we can visit and make friendly phone calls to our
homebound parishioners. Contact Parish Social Ministry 679-8532.
Meals On Wheels – If you are a for senior citizens without the use of a
car, living without an aid and unable to prepare your own meals, you may
be eligible for Meals on Wheels. Call Parish Social Ministry 679-8532.
This week our pantry needs include:
Canned Peas
Pasta Sauce
Stove Top Stuffing
Pork & Beans
Turkey & Beef Gravy
Mashed Potatoes
Tuna Fish
Cake Mix
Flu Shots
Rite of Christian
Are you or someone you
know considering coming
into the Catholic Church
or are you already Baptized and wish to receive
the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation?
To learn more, call
Rosemary at 679-8532.
Those 60 and over are particularly vulnerable to complications arising from the flu virus. We encourage all seniors from our community to take advantage of this free
Monday, October 20, 12 Noon until 2:30 PM
In the Abbey - Handicapped Accessible
Identification and Medicare or Insurance Card
Appointments Are Necessary
Call Parish Social Ministry - 679-8532
Faith Formation
Please visit our website:
The Office of Faith Formation (Religious Education) hours are as
follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 AM – 1 PM
and 1:30 PM – 4 PM. Wednesday: 10 AM – 1 PM & 2 PM – 4 PM.
Please note Faith Formation Classes this week as follows:
Grade 4 – Tuesday, Oct. 14th 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Grade 5 – Wednesday, Oct. 15th 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Grade 6 – Wednesday, Oct. 15th 5:45 – 7:00 PM
Grade 7 – Wednesday, Oct. 15th 7:30 – 8:45 PM
Grade 8 – DVD: Sex Has a Price Tag – Students must attend with a parent Wednesday, Oct. 15th 7:30 PM in the Abbey (students have been assigned
by last year’s Room #)
Grade 2 – Thursday, Oct. 16th 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Family Mass every Sunday at 9:15 AM in the Church. Oct. 19th – Gr. 2
Note: Please keep consulting the schedule for upcoming Grade 8 events.
The Grade 8 schedule and all other information regarding Faith Formation
classes can be found on our Faith Formation website at
Family Mass Corner
The Family Mass is held every Sunday at 9:15 AM in the church. If you
are interested in having your family bring up the gifts at the Family Mass,
please call Tara at (631) 691-0992. We are also in need of greeters to welcome our families to mass each week and hand out any materials. Our
Family Mass Committee discusses ideas on making the Mass more effective for our children and modern-day family dynamics in general. Please
consider lending a little of your time to make our Family Mass a better
experience for everyone. If you are interested or would like more information about the committee, please call Alfred Allongo, 781-3253.
2014 Confirmation
Prayer and Fellowship
Take the Day
Our 8th Grade Confirmation students shared a very special prayer
and fellowship experience on Sept. 27th as Marion and Frank of SON
Ministry brought their unique Confirmation Retreat Presentation to our
Faith Formation program. Students were welcomed by an invitation to
“Open their hearts to know Jesus better.”
Silly Schedules, Crazy Questions and THE world’s best Name That Tune
game brought our youngsters together while personal stories and reflections kept them engaged. Students participated in creating a prayer of
healing that included focusing on their own special gifts to bring that
healing to their world. Sessions ended with a beautiful guided meditation
centered on the youngsters’ personal friendship with Jesus, and a reminder of how much each of them is treasured by God. All were challenged to live their faith every day - to make a difference in the world and
to love as Jesus loved.
HEaling Link®
Ministry Is Here!
The next meeting is
Tuesday, October 21st
HEaling Link® focuses on allowing the healing energies of Jesus to
manifest through powerful
prayers, sacred scripture, uplifting
Christian music, healing meditations, and purposeful expression
in a friendly and relaxing environment. Join us for a faith-filled evening that will expand and nourish
your relationship with Jesus, and
inspire you as a Catholic.
We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday
of the month at 7:30 PM in the
Church’s Small Abbey.
For more information, please contact:
Six Hour Defensive
Driving Course
Sponsored by “Adult Antioch
Community” and Presented by
a National Safety Council
Certified Instructor
To be held on:
Friday, Nov. 7 & 14
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
St. William the Abbot
School Library
Fee: $40 per person
The Parish Ministry will receive 10% of registration fees.
Upon completion, you will
qualify for a 3 year 10% discount on Car Collision & Liability Insurance and 4 points
will be deducted from your
license. Pre-registration is required. Please contact Penny
Duggan - 516-799-0862.
Saint William the Abbot School
(A Middle States Accredited School)
Weekly Calendar
Monday, October 13, 2014
Columbus Day - School closed.
8:30 AM - 12:00 N - MSS
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Book Fair
Friday, October 17, 2014
Book Fair
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
1:00 PM - Evacuation Drill (Abbey)
Author Visit - K - Gr. 3
Saturday, October 18, 2014
2:30 - 6:00 PM - MSS
8:30 AM - 12:00 N - MSS
Bingo Team 3
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Winter Uniforms start
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Technology Day - Grade 7
9:15 AM - Grade 2 Mass and HospiDon’t forget Box Tops!
7:30 PM - School Board Meeting
Pre-K Students
Fall is a busy time for the Pre-K 5 day students in Ms. Milteer's class at St.
William the Abbot School. They started the new school year focusing on
friendship and school rules. "It was fun to watch the children greet friends and
make room for new relationships to develop," said Ms. Milteer. As part of the
science curriculum, the children learned that the ocean is teeming with life
from the seashore to the ocean.
The children painted seashells, created an ocean book, and painted a rainbow
fish using dot markers. The Pre-K 5 day program follows the Common Core
Standards and uses the OWL Reading Program. The children love to use the
Smartboard which enables them to interact with various activities." All in all",
said Ms. Milteer, "the children have a fun and educational experience at St.
William the Abbot School."
Tuesday, October 21st
10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM in the Abbey
(you need only attend one meeting)
The Abbey is located in the basement of the Church building
ALL parish ministers and volunteers are required to have undergone VIRTUS Training and a Background Screening.
The Background Screening Form is available at the Rectory. The VIRTUS Workshop assists us in creating a safe environment for children and young people by helping us become more aware of situations that could be potentially harmful.
Please use the following steps to register for a Workshop: Go to the Diocesan Website: and click on
“VIRTUS Training Registration.” Select the site where you will be attending the Workshop. (It is important that you
register so that they will have your Certificate of Completion ready for you at the training session. After you have gone
through the training and received your Certificate, make a copy of it and send it to the Rectory to the attention of Susan
You and a guest are invited to a celebration…
We appreciate all you do and we want to say “thanks!”
So join us for a Parish Appreciation “Oktoberfest!”
This party is for all our active volunteers who serve in our many parish ministries.
When: Friday, October 24th
Time: 7:00 – 10:00 PM
Where: The Abbey (lower level of the Church)
Adults Only
Unfortunately, in order for us to properly plan for the food,
we will not be able to accommodate walk-ins.
Please R.S.V.P. by Monday, October 20th by returning the form below to the Rectory
or online @
Parish Appreciation “Oktoberfest!”
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Telephone #: _______________________________
Number of people: _______________
Ministry: ___________________________________
E-Mail: ________________________
Twilight Cabaret
On Saturday, September 27, our Parish was treated to an evening of live music and fine food at our Annual
Twilight Cabaret. Thanks to the efforts of Alfred Allongo, our Music Director, Matthew Georgetti, our Assistant Director, Kevin and Mary Vehiles, our Cabaret Cooks, and an ensemble of talented musicians and
singers, along with the help of parishioner volunteers, many parishioners and friends enjoyed a pleasant evening in our transformed Las Vegas-style Abbey.
University of Dayton
The Office of Faith Formation invites you to venture once-a-month to where topics such
as "Spirituality", "Rediscovering the Parables" and "Portrait and Promise of Discipleship"
meet the revelations and ideas of a lively round-table gathering.
Participants independently read and review articles, published through Catechist Magazine, and written by some
of today's top theologians, religious educators and authors. Each piece examines Catholic traditions, teachings,
or Scriptural excerpts in deeper, richer perspectives that enlighten and awaken your spiritual awareness.
The group follows with a monthly forum where Q&A takes on a whole new meaning....sharing revelations, ideas,
and understandings in lively, thought provoking discussions. Prayer, fellowship and refreshments are always
part of the session. Attendees are asked to sign up for hospitality and prayer services for the different meetings.
Stay tuned for This Season’s Dayton Topics!!!
2014 - 2015 Schedule
Thursdays - 7:30 PM - SWS Faculty Room
October 16
November 20
December 18
January 15
February 19
March 19
April 16
May 21
June 18
St. William the Abbot’s Office of Faith Formation
is pleased to announce our new home on the Web!!!!!
Our Parish commitment to the foundation, continuation and enrichment of our faith journey to Christ
You’ll find wonderful opportunities for spiritual growth and faith-filled fellowship...Adult Formation
classes, lecture series, Sacramental studies, religious education, retreats and missions. Get connected
with Christian Family Ministry, Women’s Spirituality and University of Dayton.
Faith Formation at St. William’s really is all about your whole family’s spiritual journey and you can get
started today....visit us through your browser at or from St. William the Abbot
Parish website at
Faith Mission, Inc. Fundraiser
Join us for a fun night and support a good cause on Saturday, October 18th, from 7:00
- 11:00 PM in the Abbey at St. William the Abbot Church.
The fundraiser benefits our Hempstead Soup Kitchen, which is run by volunteers,
many of whom are St. William’s parishioners. We will have dinner, beer, wine, DJ,
Dancing, 50/50, and Raffle Baskets for the price of $45 each or $40 each for a table of
8. For more details and payment information, call Billy D’alessio at 516-343-4676 or
visit our website: Please RSVP by October 14, 2014.
The Sisters of Charity, Halifax
warmly invite you to join in celebrating
25 Years of Religious Life of
Sister JoAnn Bonauro, SC
Eucharistic Celebration
November 15, 2014 at 2:00 PM
St. William the Abbot Church
2000 Jackson Avenue
Seaford, NY 11783
Reception following in Msgr. Leavey Auditorium
R.S.V. P. by November 1, 2014
Sisters of Charity New York Office: 718-651-1685
St. William the Abbot Faith Formation: 516-679-9558
CYO Girls
Registration will be held online
from October 19th through
October 30th for CYO Travel and Intramural Volleyball for girls in Grades 5 - 12.
Please go to: to register. Visit for all details and
New coaches & assistant coaches are needed. If
you would like to volunteer, please send a note to: .
Karen’s Hope
The mission of Karen’s Hope, Inc.
is to support and empower disabled individuals and their families
to have an independent life through education and
A Masquerade Ball to benefit Karen’s Hope, Inc., will
be held at Mulcahy’s Pub & Concert Hall on Thursday, October 30th - 6:30 - 10:30 PM. There will be
an open bar, food and DJ, Chinese Auction, and a live
auction. Masquerade optional!
For more information, please visit
or contact Karen at 516-698-9291.
“What do you know about Exodus?” Sister JoAnn will be the presenter.
Tuesday, October 14th and 21st at 7:30 PM in the Rectory Meeting Room.
“The Gospel of St. John” Fr. Bob will be the presenter.
Tuesdays, November 18th and December 12th at 7:30 PM in the Rectory Meeting
“Luke Live!” A dramatic presentation of the Gospel of St. Luke interspersed withmeditations, songs, discussions and preaching. Fr. James Diluzio CSP will focus on
the first two Chapters of the Gospel---the Infancy Narratives.
November 19th---in the Church at 7 PM.
“The Prophets” Fr. Bob will be the presenter.
Tuesdays, February 2nd and 9th at 7:30 PM in the School Library.
Lenten Parish Mission Fr. Thomas O’Connor OSB will be our Retreat Director.
March 2nd, 3rd and 4th after the 9:00 AM Mass and at 7:30 PM in the Church.
“Oremus” from Ascension Press (“Series on Prayer”)
March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 16th, 23rd, 30th, May 7th, 21st at 7:30 PM
All are in the School Library except March 12th which is in the Convent Meeting
Second Collection
Next Sunday, World Mission
Sunday, our Holy Father, Pope
Francis, calls every Catholic to
celebrate at the Eucharist, our vocation to be missionary and to help the Missions.
As Catholics around the world, here at home and in
the Missions, gather at the Eucharistic table, let us
pray for the Church’s worldwide mission and offer
financial help through the Propagation of the Faith for
more than 1,150 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America
and the Pacific Islands. Thank you for your generosity.
Nocturnal Adoration
The Nocturnal Adoration Society
will hold its monthly Adoration
Vigil on Saturday, October 18th
in the Convent Chapel. The first
watch begins at 11:00 PM. All parishioners who
would like to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and adoration are invited.
Mass for deceased members of the Nocturnal
Adoration Society will be the 7:45 AM Mass on
Sunday, October 19th. Parishioners who would
like more information or a reminder card are
asked to call Bill Markland - 516-826-0394.
A special invitation is extended to parishioners, families and friends of
St. William the Abbot Parish
Fr. Robert Hayden, Pastor
Czech Republic, Austria & Bavaria
11-Day Pilgrimage: June 29 - July 9, 2015
Prague - Vienna - Melk Abbey - Mariazell - Salzburg - Garmisch
For a detailed color brochure and enrollment information, please contact us
at 800-225-7662/
or you can pick up a copy at the Church.
Let us pray in a special way for those who are
serving our country in the Armed Forces who are
parishioners or family members (sons, daughters,
and spouses) of our parishioners:
Airman Michael Alba, USAF
1st Sgt. Craig Bianco, Armed Forces
Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Brendel,
US Army
1st Lt. Michael DiPietro
HN Sean Farrell, Marine Division 1
1st Lt. Matthew Fernandez HHC-2
Col. Pete Ferraro, USMC
Lt. Joseph E. Fitzgerald, US Navy
Captain Michael Fitzgerald, US
2nd Lt. Christopher J. Frasse,
US Army
US Army Spec. Michael Gale
LCPL Christopher Henao,
Marine Div.
US Army Spec John Michael James
Pvt. 1st Class Brian Kirby
Private Patrick Lynch, US Army
Capt. Eamon G. McArdle
Pvt. 2nd Class
2nd Lt. Caitlin McArdle, US Army
Corporal Sean McNulty, USMC
Lt. Shannon Meyer,
US Navy Nurse Corps
Commander Daniel Montgomery
Lance Corp. Conor Murphy, USMC
2nd Lt. Mary Theresa O’Donnell,
US Army
Pvt. Christopher Nee, US Army
S.A. Gregory J. O’Neill, FBI
Lance Corp. Joseph J. Pirro, USMC
PFC Dominick Pititto
Private 2nd Class Donald Rogers,
US Army
Private 1st Class Christopher Rossi
Capt. Thomas F. Shields, US Air
Daniel Timpanaro, US Coast Guard
Matthew Timpanaro, US Marines
Major Curtis Unger
Captain Christopher James Ustler,
US Army
Lt. Jg. Katherine Ustler,
US Coast Guard
Lance Corp. Robert Vitale, USMC
Brendan Wemssen, US Coast Guard
Airman John Zimmerman, ISAE
Pregnant and
Birthright Can Help
Bingo is played every Saturday in
St. William the Abbot School
Cafeteria. Doors open at 6:00
PM and games start at 7:00 PM.
Thank You
We would like thank the Seaford American Legion for
their generous donation to the
collection for the troops held
the weekend of September
Their donation will help us to
mail the items collected to the
L. I. Credo Recovery Retreats
Women - October 30 - November 2
Men - November 20 - 23
Long Island Credo Recovery is a Christian, nondenominational outreach similar to the Catholic
Cursillo. We provide exciting, life changing, threeday weekends for those who are in recovery from alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, codependency, over-eating, etc. Any life controlling
Our goal is to create a strong relationship with
Christ throughout the recovery process. Credo puts Christ’s teachings
into the recovery process with the long-term objective of a lifetime of
sobriety and a stronger, fuller relationship with God.
The retreats will be held in St. Joseph’s Renewal Center, Brentwood,
and there is financial assistance available. Anyone interested in attending, sponsoring someone to attend the weekend, or wishing to get more
information can call Steven DeCillis at 516-551-7309.
Gift Box Drawing
10/04/14 $50 Paul Fries,
10/05/14 $50 Kevin Gauser,
10/06/14 $50 Ann Gardali,
10/07/14 $50 Santina Vaughan,
10/08/14 $50 W. Werner & Anju,
Asheville, NC
10/09/14 $50 C. LaPersonerie,
10/10/14 $50 Ann Fehling,
Parish Directory
Parish Office -2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, NY 11783
Mrs. Sue McCormick, Office Manager
Mrs. Judy Goldman, Business Manager
Mrs. Susan Valdez-Le Goff and Mrs. Catherine Federici, Parish Receptionists
Parish Office: 516-785-1266
Parish Fax: 516 785-4824
Saint William the Abbot School – A Middle States Accredited School
2001 Jackson Avenue
School Office: 516-785-6784
School Fax : 516- 785-2752
Mrs. Margaret Grimaldi, School Principal
Web Page: www.
Email address:
Faith Formation
(School Building - 2001 Jackson Avenue)
Mrs. Laura Walsh, Director Grades K - 5
Religious Education Office: 516-679-9558
Fax: 516-679-1649
Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C., Director Grades 6 - 8
Web Page:
Email address:
Music Ministries
(Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue)
Mr. Alfred Allongo, Director of Music and Organist
Matthew Georgetti, Assistant Director
Mrs. Louise Sewall, Folk Group Director
Music Ministry Office: 516-781-3253
Fax: 516- 679-1083
Parish Social Ministry
Mrs. Rosemary Graziano, Director
(Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue)
Office: 516-679-8532
Fax: 516- 679-1083
Parish Grounds and Maintenance
Mr. Joe Mormon, Head of Maintenance
Pastoral Council
Parish Representatives
Mrs. Maggie Bobby -- Mr. Bill D’Alessio -- Mr. Steve DeCillis -- Mrs. Catherine DuPlessis
Mr. George Gilmartin -- Mr. Richard Hass -- Mr. Joseph P. Missilli -- Mrs. Susan Neubauer
Mrs. Nancy Schleyer -- Mr. Thomas Ward --
Parish Trustees
Mr. Edward Lettieri
Mr. Robert Gerhard