%20LifeScience.pdf;- Temp Team

Nyt på Sønderhøj-biblioteket - april og maj måned 2012
Rapportskrivning & undersøgelsesmetoder
IT, grafisk design og programmering
Kulturer & samfundsudvikling
Organisation & ledelse
Salg og markedsføring
Reklame & PR
Alt, der ikke passer ind i emnerne
Rapportskrivning & undersøgelsesmetoder
Universal methods of design : 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design
effective solutions / forfattere: Bruce M. Hanington, Bella Martin. - Beverly, Mass. : Rockport Publishers, 2012. 207 s.
ISBN-13: 9781592537563
ISBN: 1592537561
ISBN-13: 9781610581998
DK5: 13.1576.08
Emne: undersøgelsesmetoder ; design ; ideudvikling
LC-emneord: Research. Methodology
Compiles and summarizes 100 of the most widely applicable and effective methods of design-research,
analysis, and ideation-the methods that every graduate of a design program should know, and every
professional designer should employ. Methods are concisely presented, accompanied by information about the
origin of the technique, key research supporting the method, and visual examples.
List of design methods: Link to publisher's homepage:
Includes index
Toft, Trine
Informationssøgning til bachelorprojektet : for professionsbachelorer / forfatter: Trine Toft. Samfundslitteratur, 2012
ISBN-13: 978-87-593-1638-2
DK5: 19.1
Emne: informationssøgning ; bachelorprojekter ; emnesøgning ; dataindsamling ; kildekritik
Når du har læst denne bog, ved du præcis, hvor du skal søge din viden. Bogen forklarer, hvor og hvordan du
finder de informationer, du skal bruge til dit bachelorprojekt. Bogen indeholder guides til emnesøgning og lån
på bibliotek.dk og på dit lokale folkebibliotek, tips og tricks til effektive søgninger på Google, en gennemgang af
hvordan man får data ud af Statistikbanken, lovstof, hvad man kan bruge artikeldatabaser til og meget, meget
mere. Bogen henvender sig primært til studerende ved professionsbachelor-uddannelserne, men kan bruges af
alle, der skal til at skrive bachelorprojekt.
1 Informationssøgning. 2 Emnet. 3 Problemformulering. 4 Fra problemformulering til informationssøgning. 5
Dataindsamling. 6 Folkebiblioteket. 7 Bibliotek.dk. 8 Internettet. 9 Databaser. 10 spørg dem der ved det! 11
Referencer. 12 Sådan kan du lave en litteraturliste.
Denscombe, Martyn
The good research guide : for small-scale social research projects / Martin Denscombe. - 3. edition. Maidenhead : Open University Press, 2007. - 349 sider. - (Open up study skills)
ISBN-13: 9780335220229
ISBN: 0335220223
DK5: 30.01
Emne: samfundsforskning ; samfundsvidenskabelige metoder ; undersøgelsesmetoder ; samfundsfaglige
metoder ; grundbøger ; research methods ; social sciences ; social scientific methods
Written for anyone undertaking a small-scale research project, either as part of an academic course or as part
of their professional development, this book provides: an introduction to data collection methods and data
analysis; explanations of the key decisions researchers need to take; and, essential checklists to guide good
Includes bibliographical references and index
Introduction; Part I STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH; 1 Surveys; 2 Case studies; 3 Experiments; 4
Ethnography; 5 Phenomenology; 6 Grounded theory; 7 Mixed methods; 8 Action research; Part II: METHODS
OF SOCIAL RESEARCH; 9 Questionnaires; 10 Interviews; 11 Observation; 12 Documents; Part III ANALYSIS 13
Quantitative data; 14 Qualitative data; 15 Writing up the research
IT, grafisk design og programmering
Build your own ASP.NET 4 website using C# & VB / forfattere: Cristian Darie, Wyatt Barnett, Tim Posey. - 4. ed..
- Victoria, Australia : Sitepoint, 2011. - xxxii, 800 s. : ill. ; 23 cm.
ISBN-13: 9780987090867
ISBN: 0987090860
DK5: 19.633
Emne: webdesign ; internetprogrammering
LC-emneord: Microsoft .NET Framework ; Web site development ; C# (Computer program language) ; BASIC
(Computer program language) ; Microsoft .NET ; C# (Computer language) ; Web sites. Design
Build Your Own ASP.NET 4 Web SiteUsing C# & VB is aimed at beginner ASP.NET developers wanting to develop
their skills, web designers wanting to move into server-side programming, and experienced developers making
the leap from ASP to .NET.
Includes index
Joomla! programming / forfattere: Mark Dexter, Louis Landry. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Addison-Wesley, 2012.
- xxv, 558 sider
ISBN-13: 9780132780810
DK5: 19.633
Emne: webudvikling ; CMS ; content management systemer
LC-emneord: Web sites. Authoring programs ; Web site development
What is Joomla! development? -- Getting your workstation ready for Joomla! development -- How Joomla!
works -- Extending Joomla! with layout overrides -- Extending Joomla! with plugins -- Extending Joomla! with
modules -- Components part i, controllers and models -- Components part ii, views, Jform, and front end -Components part iii, example component back end -- Components part iv, example component front end -Working with your database -- JavaScript and MooTools in Joomla! -- Using the Joomla! platform as an
application framework -- Crash course on PHP and object-oriented programming -- Joomla! filter types -JHTML methods -- Glossary
Includes index
Sams teach yourself WordPress 3 in 10 minutes / forfattere: Chuck Tomasi, Kreg Steppe. - Reprinted. Indianapolis, Ind. : Sams, 2011. - v, 231 sider : ill.. - (Sams teach yourself)
ISBN-13: 9780672335464
DK5: 19.633
Emne: internet ; blogs ; hjemmesider ; WordPress
Form: vejledninger
På omslaget: Covers: WordPress 3.0. User level: Beginning
Tidligere udgave med titel: Sams teach yourself WordPress in 10 minutes
Indhold: Introducing WordPress ; Completing your profile ; Creating posts and pages ; Configuring your blog
settings ; Managing comments ; Personalizing the appearance of your blog ; Using RSS and data migration tools
; Setting up hosting ; Installing WordPress ; Using themes on your own site ; Customizing your site with plug-ins
; Blogging on the go ; WordPress support
The WordPress anthology / forfattere: Mick Olinik, Raena Jackson Armitage. - Collingwood, Victoria, Australia :
SitePoint, c2011. - xxiv, 303 s. : ill.
ISBN-13: 9780987153005
ISBN: 0987153005
DK5: 19.633
Emne: webudvikling ; CMS ; content management systemer
LC-emneord: Blogs. Computer programs ; Web sites. Authoring programs
Contents: 1 Hello World 2 WordPress 101 3 The Loop and WordPress File System 4 Post Types 5 Plugins 6
Themes 7 Taxonomies 8 Image Galleries and Featured Images 9 The WordPress API 10 Multisite: Rolling Your
Own Network 11 Going Global with Themes and Plugins 12 SEO, Marketing, and Goal Conversion
Includes index
3D art essentials. - London : Future plc, 2012. - 225 sider
ISBN: 1-858704-51-0
ISBN-13: 9781858704517
DK5: 19.6333
Emne: 3D design ; computergrafik ; computer graphics
3D Art Essentials is a guide dedicated to helping you create brilliant artwork using leading CG software. Inside,
you'll find inspiring artwork to show what can be achieved, and page after page of tutorials showing you how
to use programs including 3ds Max and ZBrush. Take a look at how 3D software is used in illustration today
before jumping into four packed tutorial sections covering popular themes of characters, environments,
creatures and vehicles. Each section offers a range of complete projects showing you how to create models and
renders from start to finish.
Clifton, Brian (1969-)
Advanced Web metrics with Google Analytics / forfatter: Brian Clifton. - 3. ed.. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley ;
Chichester : John Wiley distributor, 2012. - xxv, 574 s.
ISBN-13: 9781118168448
ISBN: 1118168445
DK5: 19.639
Emne: datamining
LC-emneord: Web usage mining ; Webometrics
Includes bibliographical references and index.
PART I MEASURING SUCCESS 1 Why Understanding Your Web Traffic Is Important to Your Business 2 Available
Methodologies and Their Accuracy 3 Google Analytics Features, Benefits, and Limitations PART II USING
GOOGLE ANALYTICS REPORTS 4 Using the Google Analytics Interface5 Reports Explained PART III
IMPLEMENTING GOOGLE ANALYTICS 6 Getting Started: Initial Setup 7 Advanced Implementation8 Best
Practices Configuration Guide 9 Google Analytics Customizations PART IV USING VISITOR DATA TO DRIVE
WEBSITE IMPROVEMENT 10 Focusing on Key Performance Indicators11 Real-World Tasks 12 Integrating Google
Analytics with Third-Party Applications
Content strategy for the web / forfattere: Kristina Halvorson, Melissa Rach. - 2. ed.. - Berkeley, Calif. : New
Riders ; London : Pearson Education distributor, 2012. - xviii, 197 sider : ill.
ISBN-13: 9780321808301
ISBN: 0321808304
DK5: 19.639
Emne: hjemmesider ; webdesign ; webudvikling
LC-emneord: Web site development ; Web site development. Management
Understand content strategy and its business value. Discover the processes and people behind a successful
content strategy. Make smarter, achievable decisions about what content to create and how, and find out how
to build a business case for content strategy
Includes bibliographical references and index.
REALITY 1 Now 2 Problem 3 Solution DISCOVERY 4 Alignment 5 Audit 6 Analysis STRATEGY 7 Core 8 Content 9
People SUCCESS 10 Persuasion 11 Advocacy 12 Hero
Previous ed.: 2010
CSS design essentials vol. 2. - London : Future plc, 2012. - 226 sider
ISBN: 1-858705-09-6
ISBN-13: 9781858705095
DK5: 19.64
Emne: cascading style sheets ; CSS ; internetprogrammering
CSS Design Essentials Volume 2 is a collection of the best articles from .net - the world's best-selling magazine
for web designers and developers. Split into three sections, the first section includes articles on everything
from responsive web design to web typography. If you're looking for inspiration, section two includes
interviews from top designers and looks at some of the best sites around. To help you get started, section three
is packed with hands-on projects to take your skills to the next level, using the new CSS3 properties to create
perfect layouts, cool visual effects, and more. Plus! FREE project files for every reader.
Andrew, Rachel
The CSS3 anthology. - 4. edition. - Collingwood, Victorie : SitePoint, 2012. - xxi, 420 sider : ill.
ISBN-13: 9780987153029
ISBN: 0987153021
Emne: CSS ; cascading style sheets
A compilation of answers, how-to's, and examples for all your CSS questions. Complete with ready-to-use
downloadable code examples.
1. Making a Start with CSS. 2. Text Styling and Other Basics. 3. Images and Other Design Elements. 4.
Navigation. 5. Tabular Data. 6. Forms and User Interfaces. 7. Cross-browser Techniques. 8. CSS Positioning
Basics. 9. CSS for Layout.
Freeman, Adam (1972-)
The definitive guide to HTML5 / forfatter: Adam Freeman. - New York : Apress, 2011. - xxxv, 1041 s. : ill.
ISBN-13: 9781430239604
ISBN: 1-4302-3960-3
DK5: 19.64
LC-emneord: HTML (Document markup language) ; Web site development ; Multimedia systems
Summary: A guide to use all of the core features of HTML5 to create standards-compliant, semantic, modern
Putting HTML5 in context. Getting ready. Getting started with HTML. Getting started with CSS. Getting started
with JavaScript. HTML elements in context. Creating HTML documents. Marking up text. Grouping content.
Creatign sections. Table elements. Working with forms. Customizing the input element. Other form elements
and input validation. Embedding content. CSS in context. Using the CSS selectors-Part I. Using the CSS
selectors-Part II. Using borders and backgrounds. Working with the box model. Creating layouts. Styling text.
Transitions, animations, and transforms. Other CSS properties and features. The DOM in context. Working with
the document object. Working with the window object. Working with DOM elements. Styling DOM elements.
Working with events. Using the element-specific objects. Using Ajax-Part I. Using Ajax-Part II. Workign with
Includes index
HTML5 games : creating fun with HTML5, CSS3, and WebGL / Jacob Seidelin. - Chichester, West Sussex, U.K. :
John Wiley & Sons, 2012. - xv, 440 s. : ill.
ISBN-13: 9781119975083
ISBN: 1119975085
DK5: 19.64
Emne: computerspil
LC-emneord: Computer games. Programming ; HTML (Document markup language)
PART 1. 1 Gaming on the Web 2 Taking the First Steps 3 Going Mobile PART 2. 4 Building the Game 5
Delegating Tasks to Web Workers 6 Creating Graphics with Canvas 7 Creating the Game Display 8 Interacting
with the Game 9 Animating Game Graphics PART 3. 10 Creating Audio for Games 11 Creating 3D Graphics with
WebGL PART 4. 12 Local Storage and Caching 13 Going Online with WebSockets 14 Resources
Includes index
19.6532 JavaScript
Firtman, Maximiliano R.
jQuery mobile : up and running / forfatter: Maximiliano R. Firtman. - 1. ed.. - Sebastopol, Calif. : O'Reilly Media,
c2012. - xi, 254 s. : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN-13: 9781449397654
ISBN: 1449397654
DK5: 19.6532 JavaScript
Emne: jQuery ; internetapplikationer ; mobile enheder ; applikationsudvikling
LC-emneord: JavaScript (Computer program language) ; HTML (Document markup language) ; Computer
This introductory guide shows you how to build web applications in the jQuery Mobile framework. Through a
series of hands-on exercises, you'll learn the best ways to use this framework's many interface components to
build customizable, multiplatform apps. You don't need any programming skills or previous experience with
jQuery to get started. By the time you finish this book, you'll know how to create responsive, Ajax-based
interfaces that work on a variety of smartphones and tablets, using jQuery Mobile and semantic HTML5 code.
19.6532 Objective-C
Kochan, Stephen G.
Programming in objective-C / forfatter: Stephen G. Kochan. - 4. edition, 1. printing. - Indianapolis, Ind. :
Addison-Wesley, 2012. - xiv, 544 sider : ill.. - (Developer's library)
ISBN-13: 9780321811905
DK5: 19.6532 Objective-C
Emne: Objective-C ; Mac OS X ; iOS ; objektorienteret programmering ; programmeringssprog
Form: vejledninger
Tutorial on the basics of Objective-C and object-oriented programming for Apple's iOS and Mac platforms.
Requires no prior experience with object-oriented programming languages or with the C language. Readers can
also learn the concepts of object-oriented programming without having to first learn all of the intricacies of the
underlying C programming language. Program examples and exercises at the end of each chapter.
På omslaget: Updated for iOS 5 and ARC
En Uniform Entity-Relationship Model / Peter Kraft og Jens Otto Sørensen. - 1. udgave, 1. oplag. - Frederikshavn
: Dafolo, 2001. - 212 sider : ill.
ISBN: 87-7281-027-0
DK5: 19.639
Emne: databasedesign ; UER-modellen ; entitets-relationsdiagrammer
Med litteraturhenvisninger
Banksy locations (& a tour) Vol. 2 : A collection of grafitti locations & photographs in Britain / by Martin Bull. 1. udg.. - Vincenza, italy : L.E.G.O., c2010. - 2. v. (various pagings) : chiefly col. ill., maps ; 12 x 17 cm.
ISBN-13: 9780955471230
DK5: 74.18
Emne: grafitti ; Britain ; England ; Street art
When it comes to art, London is best known for its galleries, not its graffiti. However, not if photographer
Martin Bull has anything to say about it. While newspapers and magazines the world over send their critics to
review the latest Damien Hirst show at the Tate Modern, Bull, in turn, is out taking photos of the latest street
installations by guerilla art icon Banksy. In three guided tours, Martin Bull documents sixty-five London sites
where one can see some of the most important works by the legendary political artist.
Banksy locations (And tours) Vol. 1 / by Martin Bull. - 4. udg.. - : Shellshock Publ., c2010. - 1. v. (various
pagings) : chiefly col. ill., maps ; 12 x 17 cm.
ISBN-13: 9780955471247
DK5: 74.18
Emne: grafitti ; Britain ; England ; Street art ; London
When it comes to art, London is best known for its galleries, not its graffiti. However, not if photographer
Martin Bull has anything to say about it. While newspapers and magazines the world over send their critics to
review the latest Damien Hirst show at the Tate Modern, Bull, in turn, is out taking photos of the latest street
installations by guerilla art icon Banksy. In three guided tours, Martin Bull documents sixty-five London sites
where one can see some of the most important works by the legendary political artist.
Computer arts collection : Branding. - Bath : Future, 2012DK5: 75
Emne: branding ; designers ; branding ; designers
6 nr. årligt
Our selection of inspiriring branding from the last 12 months, curated by art editor Luke O´Neill and designer
Becca Allen
Computer arts collection : Illustration. - Bath : Future, 2012DK5: 75
Emne: illustration ; illustrators
6 nr. årligt
FOLIO: Our carefully curated selection of stunning illustration work from around the world . TREND REPORT:
Stay ahead of the curve with our in-depth guide to the visual styles currently permeating illustration, produced
execlusively for Computer Arts Collection by experienced trend forecasting agebcy FranklinTill. INDUSTRY
FOCUS: Creating briefs are being scaled back in line with declining marketing budgets - so what oppertunities
and threats do illustrators face? STUDIO PROJECT: For the third instalment in our studio project series, follow
Vault49 through every stage of the process as the New York-based studio creates a limited-edition illustrated
poster exclusively for CA Collection - from initial brainstorm, through the different phases of illustration, and
into production, you will find the poster bound in at page 114. PROCESS: Deep behind the scenes of some of
the past years best illustration projects. PROGRESS: Tackle fresh creative challenges in animation and 3D
The book of inspiration vol. III : The worlds very best graphic design, digital art and illustration. - London :
Future plc, 2011. - 189 sider. - (Computer Arts book of inspiration ; Vol.03 (November 2011))
ISBN: 1-858704-50-2
ISBN-13: 9781858704500
DK5: 75.405
Emne: design ; artwork ; digital design ; digital art ; illustration ; kunst ; digital kunst ; grafisk design
A snapshot of what's happening in the industry right now it will hopefully inspire you to progress and develop
those ideas brewing in your head. Volume III also plays host to some modern day design icons such as Kate
Moross, Anthony Burrill, James Jarvis and more, all thoroughly deserving their places in our design hall of fame.
Dive deep into the minds of the world's foremost creative influencers.There's also in-depth profiles of some
truly brilliant agencies who are pushing boundaries in the creative sphere - from the addictive apps of us two to
the sublime branding work of Landor.
YouTube's greatest hits : The true story behind 15 of YouTube's most popular videos : including how they did it
and where they are today / . - Lexington, KY : Minute Help Press, 2012. - 59 sider. - (Minute Help Guides)
ISBN-13: 9781475160826
DK5: 75.5
Emne: internet ; viral video ; YouTube ; storytelling
This book covers 15 YouTube videos that went viral and what happened to each of these viral video stars.
Gamification by design : implementing game mechanics in web and mobile apps / forfattere: Gabe Zichermann,
Christopher Cunningham ; redaktør: Mary Treseler ; illustrator: Robert Romano. - 1. edition. - Sebastopol, Calif.
: O'Reilly, 2011. - xix, 182 sider : ill. i farver
ISBN-13: 9781449397678
DK5: 62.397
Emne: mobiltelefoner ; spilteori ; spil ; smartphones ; apps ; webdesign ; sociale netværk ; sociale teknologier
Form: vejledninger
Provides the design strategi and tactics to integrates game mechanics into any kind of consumer-facing website
og mobile app
Indhold: Foundations ; Player motivation ; Game mechanics : designing for engangement ; Game mechanics
and dynamics in greater depth ; Gamification case studies ; Tutorial : coding basic game mechanics ; Tutorial :
using an instant gamification platform
Sams teach yourself Android application development in 24 hours / forfattere: Lauren Darcey, Shane Conder. 2. edition. - Indianapolis, Ind. : Sams, 2012. - xix, 485 sider : ill. i farver + 1 cd-rom. - (Sams teach yourself)
ISBN-13: 9780672335693
DK5: 62.397
Emne: software ; operativsystemer ; Google ; mobiltelefoner ; open source ; platforme ; programmering ;
Android ; applikationsudvikling ; mobile enheder
This friendly, full-color book will help you master modern Android development. You can build a fully-featured
app from scratch, learning all the skills you'll need to create your own. Each lesson builds on prior chapters,
providing a solid foundation for success. This edition is thoroughly updated for Android's newest features and
development tools, while still supporting the popular Android 2.0.
Rygtitel: Android application development
På omslaget: User level: Beginning-to-intermediate
Med links
Scenario : Pirat vs. pirat. - København : Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning, 2010-. - 71 sider. - (Scenario ; Nr.
ISSN: 1904-4631
DK5: 30.11
Emne: tendenser ; trends ; fremtidsforskning ; Piratpartiet ; ophavsret ; demokrati ; Kenya ; international
økonomi ; Sydkorea ; kultureksport ; FOMO ; Fear Of Missing Out ; produktinnovation ; brugeroplevelse
Udgives hveranden måned
På forsiden: Piratpartiet: Vi interviewer de folkevalgte internetpirater og spørger dem, hvad de egentlig vil med
magten. Penge & Pistoler: Reportage om business i verdens gråzoner. Hvad kan pirater og terrorgrupper lære
os om fremtidens økonomi?
Fortsættelse af: Fremtidsorientering
Også i engelsk udgave: Scenario
Scenario : The pirate versus pirate issue. - København : Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning, 2010-. - 71 s.. (Scenario ; Nr. 03/2012)
ISSN: 1904-4631
DK5: 30.11
Emne: future scenarios ; tendencies ; trends ; The Pirate Party ; democracy ; copyright ; terrorism ; global
economy ; Kenya ; South Korea ; FOMO ; Fear Of Missing Out ; user experience ; product innovation
Published 6 times per year
Cover text: The Pirate Party: We interview the popularly selected internet pirates and ask them what they want
to do with hteir growing influence. Money & guns: A report on business in the grey areas of the world. What
can pirates and terrorist groups teach us about the economies of the future?
Fortsættelse af: FutureOrientation
Også i dansk udgave: Scenario
Tid & Tendenser (tt)
- - April. - Herning : PEJ Gruppen, [1996]-. - 98 s.. - (Tid & Tendenser ; 0/2012 ; April 2012)
ISSN: 1396-2345
DK5: 65.52
Emne: tendenser ; trends ; Norden ; Skandinavien ; skandinaver ; Danmark ; Norge ; Sverige ; kultur ;
nationalidentitet ; økonomi ; madkultur ; boligindretning ; medier ; livsstil ; mode ; detailhandel ; ledelse
8 numre årligt
Indhold: 04 Tiden og tendenserne. 08 Fra Scientific management til bæredygtig ledelse. 16 Rejsetrends. 24 Den
gennemsigtige kunde. 30 High tech og high touch. 38 designtrends: Light function. 42 Megatrends mod 2020.
54 Dansk musikteater og musical har vækstpotentiale. 64 Uoverskuelighed uden kant. 71 Nye fødevarertrends.
78 Gastroscape, det gastronomiske landskab. 84 Himmelbrød, til middag hos gud.
Kulturer & samfundsudvikling
Global business etiquette : a guide to international communication and customs / Jeanette S. Martin and Lillian
H. Chaney. - 2. ed.. - Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2012. - p. cm.
ISBN-13: 9780313397172
DK5: 30.12
Emne: Business etiquette ; intercultural communication ; business communication
Business people who work internationally or work with people who are international need toknow how to act
before they can get the business and keep it. Proper business communication includes everything from email
to eye contact, and the rules of what is "right" in other countries can be daunting to navigate.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface and acknowledgments. Travel customs and tips. Language, greetings, introductions, and business
cards. Socializing. Gestures and other nonverbal communicators. Dress and appearance. Cultural attitudes,
behaviors, and customs. Dining and tipping customs. Conversational customs and manners. Oral and written
communication customs and etiquette. Etiquette for international businesswomen. International negotiation
etiquette. Notes. Index
The lifestyle puzzle : who we are in the 21st century / Henrik Vejlgaard. - Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books,
2010. - 245 s.
ISBN-13: 9781616141851
DK5: 30.12
Emne: livsstil ; lifestyles ; livsformer ; identitet ; identity trends ; samfundsudvikling ; social change ; USA
This fascinating study of American diversity suggests that as globalization and mass communication continue to
link us together, we may all become so used to diversity that the idea of conflict based on national identity
distinctions may seem antiquated.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Living in a million ways-laying out a jigsaw puzzle. We are what we are-sorting the jigsaw pieces. Organized
living-how the pieces fit. Stylish communication-an image emerges. To be or not to be a tribe-putting the
pieces in order. Devoted to a style-pattern recognition. Designed life-filling in the blanks. Society
rearranged-the full picture
Byens digitale liv / bidrag: Sophie Esmann Andersen ... [et al.] ; medredaktør: Mette Stentoft ; redaktører:
Martin Brynskov, Kim Halskov, Lars Kabel ; diverse: Rasmus Steengaard. - 1. udgave. - Aarhus : Ajour, 2012. 191 sider : ill. (nogle i farver)
ISBN-13: 978-87-92816-06-1
DK5: 30.14 ; 71.9
Emne: byer ; byrum ; bymiljø ; byliv ; IT ; kommunikationsteknologi ; digitalisering ; Multimediehuset ;
Atmosphere ; Klima-væggen ; Holgers rejse ; Klimatrends ; digitale fortællinger ; Aarhus by Light ; Running
sculpture ; Planetary Pledge Pyramid ; Digital natives
Udforskning af byens digitalisering og de potentialer og udfordringer, indlejring af informations- og
kommunikationsteknologi i byrummet stiller samfund, borgere og virksomheder over for
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger og links
Indhold: Den digitale by (Martin Brynskov: Smart cities : globale udfordringer, lokale muligheder.
Softwarebyens udfordring / Christian Ulrik Andersen og Søren Pold). Design i digitale byrum (Digitale og
interaktive teknologier som oplevelse / Ditte Basballe og Jonas Fritsch. Urbane interfaces / Martin Brynskov,
Peter Dalsgaard og Kim Halskov. Deltagelse i byens digitale liv / Ole Sejersen, Peter Dalsgaard og Kim Halskov).
Byens kanaler og platforme (Lars Kabel: Digital, mobil og urban journalistik. Mediearkitektur : bygninger er
fremtidens medie / Tobias Ebsen, Peter Dalsgaard og Kim Halskov. Krise og innovation i dagbladsindustriens
forretningsmodeller / Anna B. Holm, John Parm Ulhøi og Anastasia Uliyanova. Medansvar i byrummet : fra
digitale oplevelser til kommunikative indsigter om den klimabevidste borger / Sophie Esmann Andersen og
Anne Ellerup Nielsen. Teknologiske udfordringer i urbane miljøer / Jens Rimestad et al.). Nye offentlige og
private rum (Ejvind Hansen: Mobile distribuerede offentligheder. Lars Holmgaard Christensen: Mobilt privatliv i
synlighedens offentlighed. Platforme, indkapsling og ren kode / Geoff Cox og Robert Jackson)
De Mente, Boye
Japan : understanding & dealing with the new Japanese way of doing business! / forfatter: Boye De Mente. [s.l.] : Phoenix Books, 2012. - x, 197 s.
ISBN-13: 9781469986166
DK5: 30.2829
Emne: Japan ; virksomhedskultur ; kulturforskelle ; kultur ; business culture
LC-emneord: Business etiquette. Japan ; Interpersonal relations. Japan ; Business entertaining. Japan
A description of the fundamental changes that have taken place in the way the Japanese do business since the
meltdown that began in the late 1980s and early 1990s, with specific guidelines for understanding and dealing
with the changes. It covers the Western practices that have been adopted by Japanese companies in
conjunction with the core traditional culture values and behavior that still distinguish the Japanese, and the
measures the Japanese have taken to contend with global competition, particularly the rise of China and other
Asian countries as economic powerhouses.
På omslaget: The foundations of Japanese behavior
Winks, Quintin
Tanzania / forfatter: Quintin Winks. - London : Kuperard, 2011. - 168 s.. - (Culture smart!)
ISBN-13: 9781857334838
DK5: 30.28479
Emne: Tanzania; samfundsforhold; forretningskultur; etikette; kultur ; business culture ; etiquette ; culture
På omslaget: The essential guide to customs & culture
Includes bibliographical references (p. 165) and index
Indhold: Land and people; Values and attitudes; Beliefs, customs and tradition; Making friends; Tanzanians at
home; Time out; Travel, health and security; Business briefing; Communicating
Ferriss, Timothy
4-timers arbejdsuge : drop 9-5, bo hvor du vil og bliv rig på en ny måde / Timothy Ferriss ; forord af Jesper
Kring. - 1. udgave, 3. oplag. - Valby : Borgen, 2008. - 320 sider
ISBN-13: 978-87-21-03175-6
DK5: 33.11
Emne: arbejdstid ; arbejde ; arbejdsliv
Originaltitel: The 4-hour workweek
Hvordan man ved at vælge fra, maksimere, fokusere, globalisere og systematisere sit arbejdsliv, kan opnå den
personlige og økonomiske frihed, man drømmer om
Med litteraturhenvisninger og internetadresser
Microeconomics / Robert S. Pindyck, Daniel L. Rubinfeld. - 8. edition. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson
Prentice Hall, 2012. - xxiv, 743 sider : ill. i farver
ISBN-13: 9780133041705
ISBN: 0-13-304170-0
DK5: 33.165
Emne: microeconomics ; mikroøkonomi
A book that provides a treatment of microeconomic theory that stresses the relevance and application to
managerial and public policy decision making. A book that provides a treatment of microeconomic theory that
stresses the relevance and application to managerial and public policy decision making.
På omslaget: Pearson international edition
Part 1. Introduction: Markets and prices. Part two: Producers, consumers, and competitive markets. part three:
Market structure and competitive strategy. part four: Information, Market failure, and the role of givernment
Romania's road towards the Euro : impact on the financial and banking environment / forfatter: Dragos Paun. Cluj-Napoca : Presa Universitara Clujeana, 2011. - 251 sider
ISBN-13: 9789735952990
DK5: 33.1876733.2665
Emne: Romania ; Euro ; EU ; financial institutions ; banking ; finansielle institutioner ; banker
Inc. referencer
Contents: 1 European monetary integration. Principles. Requirements. Experiences. 2 Strategy and policies on
adapting the euro in Romania. The role of the National Bank and of the government institutions. 3 The impact
of the euro adaption on the financial and banking environment. 4 An analysis of the monetary, financial and
banking correlations concerning the adaption of the euro.
Tænk. Penge : så får du bedre råd / Forbrugerrådet. - København : Tænk Mer, 2009-. - (Tænk Penge ; 14/2012)
ISSN: 1903-7457
DK5: 33.2
Emne: privatøkonomi ; forbrugerinformation ; pension ; lommepenge ; begravelser ; forbrugslån ; ægteskab
4 numre årligt
Tænk Penge udgives af Forbrugerrådet som en del af tidsskriftet Tænk, men også som selvstændigt blad og
netsted. Det er et blad om penge og økonomi for almindelige mennesker inden for alle områder, som berører
privatøkonomi. Det indeholder kritiske artikler, gode råd og finansielle test.
TEST & GUIDES Vælg den rette pensionsopsparing. Lommepenge er en lære for livet. TEMA Ulemper ved
begravelsesordninger. ARTIKLER Dyre forbrugslån i ingenmandsland. Nye apps til kortbetaling. Finansielle
fadæser 2. Bankpriser med forbehold.
- - Fokus på pensionssystemet. - Århus : Fagtidsskriftet Finans/Invest, [1975]-. - Ill. ; 30 cm27 s.. - (Særnummer
til Finans/invest ; Nr. 02 / Marts 2012)
ISSN: 0106-1798
DK5: 33.205
Emne: pension ; efterløn ; Private Equity ; offentlig-privat samarbejde
8 numre årligt: Feb/Mar/Maj/Jun/Aug/Sep/Nov/Dec
Indhold: Pensionssystemets tilpasning - den danske model. PENSION: Er pensionssystemet god nok?
PensionDanmarks markedsrenteprodukt med fokus på udjævningsmekanismen i udbetalingsperioden. Til- eller
fravalg af efterløn. PRIVATE EQUITY: Danske liv- og pensionsselskabers investeringer i Private Equity
underperformer aktiemarkedet. ERHVERVSRET: Infrastrukturinvesteringer - offentlig-privat samarbejde med et
stabilt afkast til investorerne
- - Fokus på statsgældskrisen. - Århus : Fagtidsskriftet Finans/Invest, [1975]-. - Ill. ; 30 cm27 s.. - (Finans/invest ;
Nr. 01 / Februar 2012)
ISSN: 0106-1798
DK5: 33.205
Emne: statsgæld ; banker ; realkredit ; kapitalmarkedsret ; bankret ; investering
8 numre årligt: Feb/Mar/Maj/Jun/Aug/Sep/Nov/Dec
Indhold: Græsk euro-exit? Statsgældskrisen. Stresstesting - når virkeligheden overgår fantasien. Fremtidssikring
af dansk realkredit. Fokus på investorbeskyttelse - risikomærkningsordningen for investeringsprodukter. Ny
dansk lækageregel.
Etik og rådgivning / forfatter: Ole Eriksen ... [et al.] ; redaktør: Bjarke Tinten. - 1. udgave. - Kbh. : Hans Reitzel,
2012. - 205 sider
ISBN-13: 978-87-7675-838-7
DK5: 33.21
Emne: finansiel rådgivning ; rådgivning ; finanssektoren ; etik ; lovgivning
Form: lærebøger
Målgruppe: for finansbacheloruddannelse
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger
Indhold: Etikbegrebet ; God skik ; Rådgivning ; Professionsansvar ; Klageproces ; Revision ;
Ejendomsadministration ; Penge- og realkreditinstitutter ; Ejendoms-handel ; Forsikring og pension ;
Samfundsetik og CSR
Finansielle forretninger og rådgivning. - København K : Finanssektorens Arbejdsgiverforening, FA
ISBN-13: 978-87-92744-01-2
DK5: 33.21
Emne: kreditpolitik ; kreditvurdering ; styrkeprofil ; regnskabsanalyse ; finansiering ; investeringsbanker ;
virksomhedsformer ; skat ; kreditoplysninger ; betalingsformidling
Bogen er udarbejdet som en væsentlig del af det samlede pensum til specialefaget "Finansielle Forretninger"
på Akademiuddannelsen i Finansiel Rådgivning.
1. Udlån og kreditvurdering. 2. Drifts- og anlægsfinansiering. 3. Opstart og overtagelse af virksomheder. 4.
Risikostyring. 5. Betalingsformidling. 6. Engagementsopfølgning.
Finansielle forretninger og rådgivning - privat / . - FA
ISBN-13: 978-87-92744-00-5
Emne: bankvirksomhed ; lovkrav ; kreditpolitik ; kreditvurdringsmodel ; kunderådgivning ; andelsboliger ;
forældrekøb ; skat ; pensionsordninger ; sociale ydelser ; forsikringsaftaler ; behovsanalyse ; porteføljer ;
obligationer ; pantebreve ; ejendomme ; aktier ; investeringsforeninger ; nødlidende engagementer
Bogen er udarbejdet som en væsentlig del af det samlede pensum til specialefaget "Finansielle Forretninger"
på Akademiuddannelsen i Finansiel Rådgivning.
1. bankvirksomhed og risikostyring. 2 Udlån og kreditvurdering. 3 Bolig. 4. Pension og personforsikring. 5.
Private skadesforsikringer. 6 Investeringsrådgivning. 7. Engagementsopfølgning.
Tillæg til håndbog i boligfinansiering / . - 1. udgave. - Kbh. : Finanssektorens Arbejdsgiverforening, FA. - 59 sider
ISBN-13: 978-87-92744-02-9
DK5: 33.23
Emne: boligfinansiering ; fast ejendom
Indhold: 1. Lovgivning. 1.2. Omsætningsregler. 1.3. Forbrugerbeskyttelsesregler. 1.4. Skatteregler. 1.5.
Byggelovgivning m.v. 1.6. Regler for finansielle virksomheder. 1.7. Realkreditlovgivningen. 1.8. Anden relevant
lovgivning. 2. Retsforfølgning.
Aktiehåndbog / Dansk Aktionærforening. - Holte : Dansk Aktionærforening : i samarbejde med Dansk Aktie
Analyse A/S
ISSN: 1398-0610
DK5: 33.24 ; 33.19
Emne: aktier ; aktieinvestering
Tillæg til: Aktionæren
Børshandlens psykologi : hvorfor markederne er hysteriske, og hvordan du kan tjene penge alligevel / . - JP
Politikens Forlagshus
ISBN-13: 978-87-400-0490-8
Boligbogen : bolighandel og boligfinansering / redaktører: Lokale Pengeinstitutter, Morten Egholm Andersen,
George Wenning ; forfatter: Lokale Pengeinstitutter. - 4. udgave. - Kbh. : [Lokale Pengeinstitutter], 2010. - 80
ISBN-13: 978-87-986196-0-4
DK5: 33.955
Emne: bolighandel ; ejendomshandel ; ejerbolig ; finansiering ; andelsboliger ; forældrekøb
Rygtitel: Boligbogen 2010
Tidligere: 3. udgave. 2006. Faustnr: 26512611. ISBN: 87-986196-6-7
1. oplag. 2010
Med links
Markedsrapport : erhvervsejendomme i Danmark / Nybolig Erhverv. - København : Nybolig Erhverv
DK5: 33.955
Emne: lejemål ; udlejning ; erhverv ; erhvervslejemål ; markedsinformation ; erhvervsmægler
I markedsrapporten analyseres det danske ejendomsmarked og giver et bud på den fremtidige udvikling region
for region. Læs bl.a. om: Tomgangsrater, leje- og afkastniveauer. Ejendomsmarkedet indenfor kontor, butik,
lager- og produktion. Kontormassen i udvalgte byer og i forskellige regioner. Interessante udviklingsprojekter
og -tendenser.
Findes også på internet: http://www.nyboligerhverv.dk/markedsinformation/publikationer/
Købsretten / forfattere: Nis Jul Clausen, Hans Henrik Edlund, Anders Ørgaard. - 5. udg. / Nis Jul Clausen, Hans
Henrik Edlund, Anders Ørgaard. - Kbh. : Karnov, 2012. - 327 s.530
ISBN-13: 978-87-619-3121-4
DK5: 34.53
Emne: købsret ; kontraktforpligtigelse ; løsøre ; forbrugerkøb ; fast ejendom ; købsaftalen
En gennemgang af reglerne om løsørekøb, forbrugerkøb og køb af fast ejendom. Forfatterne gennemgår bl.a.:
Kontraktforpligtelser og misligholdelse heraf. Købelovens anvendelsesområde. Køb af løsøre - parternes
ydelser. Betalingsforsinkelse. Leveringsforsinkelse. Mangelsbegrebet.
Transport law in Denmark / forfattere: Anders Hedetoft, Henrik Frandsen, Peter Holm Jensen. - Kbh. : DJØF
Publishing ; Alphen aan den Rijn : Wolters Kluwer, 2012. - 220 sider
ISBN-13: 978-87-574-2692-2
ISBN-13: 9789041138460
DK5: 34.53
Emne: transport law ; Denmark ;
The book describes the main sources of transport law, jurisdiction and courts, state immunity, and the legal
role of transport intermediaries, with detailed reference to maritime law, transport by road, transport by air,
transport by rail, and inland navigation. A spevial chapter is devoted to multimodal transport.
Originally published as a monograph in the International encyclopaedia of laws/transportlaw
1. oplag. 2012
Dansk forsikringsret / forfattere: Henning Jønsson, Lisbeth Kjærgaard. - 9. udgave. - Kbh. : Jurist- og
Økonomforbundet, 2012. - 1162 sider
ISBN-13: 978-87-574-2231-3
DK5: 34.535
Emne: forsikringsret
Tidligere: 8. udgave. 2003. Faustnr: 24952126. ISBN: 9788757406795. ISBN: 87-574-0679-0
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger
Indhold: 1. Idé, teknik og organisation 2. Historie 3. Funktion 4. Forsikringslovgivningen 5. International
privatret 6. Forsikringsaftalen 7. Forsikringsvilkårene 8. Salgskanaler og rådgivningsansvar 9.
Risikooplysninger 10. Forsikringstiden 11. Præmien 12. Forsikringsbegivenheden, dens årsager og følger 13.
Fremkaldelse af forsikringsbegivenheden 14. Fareforøgelse 15. Sikkerhedsforholdsregler 16.
Redningsforanstaltninger 17. Anmeldelse af forsikringsbegivenheden 18. Forsikringsbare interesser 19.
Skadesopgørelse 20. Erstatning in natura 21. Erstatning for totalskade 22. Erstatning for partiel skade 23.
Erstatning for indbogenstande 24. Erstatning for fast ejendom 25. Erstatning for tilvirkede varer 26.
Erstatningskravet 27. Underforsikring og overforsikring 28. Dobbeltforsikring 29. Forsikring af tredjemands
interesse 30. Forsikring og erstatning 31. Ejendomsforsikring 32. Ejerskifteforsikring 33. Indboforsikring 34.
Privatansvarsforsikring 35. Motorkøretøjsforsikring 36. Retshjælpsforsikring 37. Erhvervs- og
produktansvarsforsikring 38. Livs- og pensionsforsikring 39. Ulykkesforsikring Forkortelser. Domsregister.
Pensionsbogen / redaktører: Niels Lautrup-Nielsen, Lokale Pengeinstitutter ; forfatter: Lokale Pengeinstitutter.
- [Særudgave] (9. udgave). - Kbh. : [Lokale Pengeinstitutter] ; [S.l] : [for] Sparekassen Limfjorden, 2011. - 83
DK5: 38.61
Emne: pension ; kunderådgivning
Kreditaftaler og ejendomsforbehold / . - Karnov Group Denmark
ISBN-13: 978-87-619-3132-0
Emne: kreditaftaler ; ejendomsforbehold ; aftaleret Danmark ; boliglån ; kreditkøb ; fjernsalg ; finansielle
1 Kreditlovens beggrund og anvendelsesområde. 2 Kreditaftalelovens definitioner. 3 Kreditgiverens
oplysningspligt før indgåelse af aftale. 4 Kreditgiverens kreditvurderingspligt. 5 Den kontraktuelle
oplysningspligt - oplysningskrav til aftalen. 6 Kreditgiverens underretningspligt efter aftaleindgåelse. 7 Forbud
mod pant i forbrugerkreditkøb. 8 Fortrydelsesret. 9 Kredittagerens betalinger og betalingsmisligholdelse. 10
Fogedrettens henvisningsret. 11 Fogedrettens henvisningsret. 11 Civilretlige sanktioner - mangelfulde
kreditoplysninger, urimelige vederlag eller omkostninger. 12 Personskifte i kreditaftaler. 13 Forbrugerens
retsstilling over for en kreditgiver i et oprindeligt trepartsforhold og i en tilknyttet kreditaftale. 14 Køb med
ejendomsforbehold. 15 Retsvirkninger og bortfald af ejendomsforbehold. 16 Kreditgiverens indenretlige
fyldelstgørelse i køb med ejendomsforbehold. 17 Kreditgiverens udenretlige fyldestgørelse i køb med
ejendomsforbehold. 18 kreditkøb der ikke er forbrugerkøb.
Danish business law / . - Djøf/Jurist- og Økonomforbundet
ISBN-13: 978-87-574-2739-4
Organisation & ledelse
Stagis, Nikolaj
Den autentiske virksomhed : gør indre styrker til fremtidens vækststrategi / forfatter: Nikolaj Stagis. - 1.
udgave. - Kbh. : Gyldendal Business, 2012. - 355 sider : ill.
ISBN-13: 978-87-02-07310-2
DK5: 60.1
Emne: organisationsudvikling ; virksomheder ; identitet ; autencitet
På smudsomslaget: Noma, Lego, Ducati, Alessi, Hästens, Novozymes, BMW, Absolut
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger
Indhold: Verden ønsker det autentiske ; Autentisk organisatorisk identitet ; Kend dig selv ; Mellem handling og
Events management : an introduction / Charles Bladen....[et.al.]. - 1. ed.. - New York : Routledge, c2012. - p.
ISBN-13: 9780415577410
ISBN-13: 9780415577427
ISBN-13: 9780203852972
DK5: 60.1
Emne: management ; events
The book covers every type of event studied on an Events Management course, including sports, music, the
arts, corporate events, tourism, and the public and voluntary sectors. It introduces the key issues facing the
contemporary events industry, from health, safety and risk management to sustainability to developing a
market-oriented business, with every topic brought to life through case-studies, personal biographies and
examples of best practice.
Introduction to event management. 2 Managing event projects. 3 Event design and production. 4 Event
operations. 5 Managing the event human resource. 6 Event finance. 7 Event marketing. 8 Event health, safty
and risk management. 9 Sporting events. 10 Mega-events. 11 Events in the public and third sectors. 12
Corporate events. 13 Cultural events and festivals. 14 Event impacts, sustainability and legacy. 15 Events in the
Larsen, Frederikke
Frisk luft til ledelse. - Gyldendal
ISBN-13: 978-87-02-12431-6
Emne: ledelse ; performance management ; den offentlige sektor
Indhold: Del 1: Om performance management: 01 Den nye idé om performance management. 02 Tillid som
koncept og på kontrakt. 03 Ledelse af den engagerede medarbejder. 04 Den engagerede organisation er et
væsen. Del 2: Om performance dialogue: 05 Performance dialogue-styringssamtaler. 06 performance
dialogue-mødeformer. Del 3: Den eklemplariske perspektivering: 07 Hvorfor dette, hvorfor nu. 08 Når
kompleksiteten råder. 09 Exit. Litteratur.
Ørholst, Henrik
Guru : de 20 største ledelseseksperter / forfatter: Henrik Ørholst. - 2. udgave. - Kbh. : Gyldendal Business, 2012.
- 301 sider : ill.
ISBN-13: 978-87-02-12930-4
DK5: 60.1
Emne: organisationsteori ; ledelsesfilosofi ; ledelsesteori ; ledelse ; ledere
På omslaget: Interview og beskrivelse
Tidligere: 1. udgave. 2010. Faustnr: 28381409. ISBN: 9788702074420
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger
Indhold: Chris Anderson - den lange hale ; Ram Charan - en konsulent uden hjem ; Clayton M. Christensen - det
innovative spring ; Jim Collins - en lang proces for fantastiske virksomheder ; Peter Drucker - stamfaderen ;
Lynda Gratton - en kvinde i toppen ; Gary Hamel - en gråhåret revolutionær ; Charles Handy - en britisk guru ;
Geert Hofstede - hvad med kulturen? ; Robert S. Kaplan - scor med Kaplan & Norton ; W. Chan Kim & Renée
Mauborgne - en troldmand og hans lærling ; Philip Kotler - ham, alle kender ; John Kotter forandringsspecialisten ; Constantinos Markides - en energisk professor ; Henry Mintzberg - mesteren, der kan
det hele ; Tom Peters - krøllet habit og krøllet hjerne ; Michael Porter - 1980'erne er stadig hotte ; C.K. Prahalad
- en indisk guru med udsyn ; Edgar Schein - kultur og psykologi ; Frederick W. Taylor - den første ; Andre
Hyldgaard, Henrik
Hotel creativity : check in and change the destiny of your company / forfatter: Henrik Hyldgaard. - 1. udgave. Hinnerup : Ankerhus, 2012. - 174 sider
ISBN-13: 978-87-89303-13-0
DK5: 60.1 ; 65.5
Emne: virksomheder ; branding ; kreativitet ; organisationer ; innovation ; markedsføring ; kommunikation ;
corporate branding
Målgruppe: for ledere
Tekst på dansk
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger og links
Indhold: Son-of-a-rich ; Brand surfing ; Creative Executive Officer ; High performance business creativity
Networked business factbook EU-DK 2012 : dansk erhvervslivs brug af sociale medier, mobile, cloud /
redaktører: Jan Futtrup Kjaer ... [et al.], SocialSemantic.eu. - Kbh. : SocialSemantic.eu, 2012. - 96 sider : ill. ; 30
DK5: 60.1
Emne: sociale medier ; virksomheder ; Danmark ; undersøgelse ; cloud computing ; mobile applikationer
Afdækning af dansk erhvervslivs brug af web 2.0 teknologier med fokus på Sociale medier, Mobile (og APPS) &
Cloud. Der belyses, hvor i organisationen (både internt og eksternt) de nye værktøjer og dynamikker skaber
mest værdi, og hvilke ressourcer der investeres i. De 6 forretningsområder, der afdækkes, er; PR &
Kommunikation, Salg & Marketing (inkl. web), Service & Support, Innovation (R&D, Produkt- &
Procesudvikling), HR & Personaleudvikling, Organisation & Ledelse.
I: VIRKSOMHEDERNES ERFARINGER MED SOCIALE MEDIER Udbytte ved ekstern brug af sociale medier. Udbytte
ved intern brug af sociale medier. II MOBILE/APPS-BASEREDE LØSNINGER I VIRKSOMHEDERNE Eksternt.
Cases om organisation og ledelse / . - Samfundslitteratur
ISBN-13: 978-87-593-1606-1
Corporate governance : mechanisms and systems / . - Djøf/Jurist- og Økonomforbundet
ISBN-13: 978-87-574-2295-5
Den undersøgende leder / . - Samfundslitteratur
ISBN-13: 978-87-593-1515-6
Organisationsanalyse / redaktører: Christian Frankel, Kjeld Schmidt ; bidrag: Rikke Drejer ... [et al.]. - 1. udgave.
- Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur, 2012. - 222 sider : ill.
ISBN-13: 978-87-593-1572-9
DK5: 60.1
Emne: organisationsteori ; organisation
Form: lærebøger
Målgruppe: for videregående uddannelse
Om hvordan organisationsteori kan bruges til at skabe ny viden om organisationer gennem en systematisk
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger og links
Indhold: Kjeld Schmidt: Organisationsanalyse : en historie ; Arbejdets organisering. Christian Frankel:
Arbejdsprocesser. Rikke Drejer: Struktur : fordeling og koordination. Nathalie Skovgaard: Kultur :
grundlæggende antagelser. Fortællinger : en narrativ tilgang / Sanne Frandsen, Didde Maria Humle og Marie
Mathiesen. Lise Høxbroe: Lederroller. Karen Overgaard Jørgensen: Sensemaking. Organisationsforandring :
processer, relationer og netværk / Marianne Stang Våland og Christian Frankel
Entreprenørskabsundervisning / redaktører: Anne Kirketerp, Linda Greve. - Århus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag,
2011. - 296 sider
ISBN-13: 978-87-7934-711-3
DK5: 60.108
Emne: entreprenørskab ; corporate entrepreneurship ; læring
Entreprenørskab er ikke noget, man automatisk tilegner sig ved at skrive forretningsplaner, snarere en metode
eller måde at anskue verden på. Undervisning i entreprenørskab trænere studerendes evne til at se
muligheder, men også til faktisk at sætte ting i gang med lyst og energi. Målet er at skærpe kommende
entreprenørerers foretagsomhed, og midlet er gennem arbejdet med konkrete projekter at give dem erfaringer
i at bruge deres faglighed til at løse opgaver i den virkelige verden.
1. oplag. 2011
Med litteraturhenvisninger og links
Lederskab i perspektiv / forfattere: Pia Lindkvist Knærkegaard, Henrik B. Sørensen ; redaktør: Kamma Lund
Jensen. - 1. udgave. - Kbh. : Hans Reitzel, 2012. - 360 sider : ill.
ISBN-13: 978-87-7675-761-8
DK5: 60.13
Emne: ledelse ; ledelsesteori ; organisationer ; ledere ; medarbejdere ; medarbejderudvikling
Form: lærebøger
Målgruppe: for videregående uddannelse
Lederskab i både historisk, nutidigt og fremtidigt perspektiv, hvor medarbejderne står i centrum
På omslaget: Videregående uddannelse
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger og links
Indhold: Forskellige syn på ledelse ; Det ledelsesmæssige arbejdsfelt ; Emnefokuseret ledelse ; Det strategiske
lederskab ; Teamledelse ; Fremtidens lederskab ; Globalisering og internationale kulturer og værdier ; Identitet
og mening ; Forandringer ; Kompetencer og kvalifikationer
Business model you : a one-page method for reinventing your career / written by Timothy Clark in
collaboration with Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2012. - 257 s. : col. ill.
ISBN-13: 9781118156315
ISBN: 1118156315
DK5: 60.133
Emne: karriereplanlægning ; erhvervslivet ; arbejdsliv
LC-emneord: Career development ; Success in business
Offers advice and inspiration for readers interested in changing their career or life paths, presenting techniques
for designing and implementing a business model for an individual personal life
CANVAS 1 Business Model Thinking: Adapting to a Changing World. 2 The Business Model Canvas. 3 The
Personal Business Model Canvas. REFLECT 4 Who Are You? 5 Identify Your Career Purpose. REVISE 6 Get Ready
to Reinvent Yourself. 7 Re-Draw Your Personal Business Model. ACT 8 Calculate Your Business Value. 9 Test
Your Model in the Market. 10 What's Next? EXTRAS
Tema: Arbejde under forandring : organisering, relationer og arbejdsliv : tema / redaktion: Jan Tønnesvang,
Niels Christian Nickelsen, Thomas Jønsson. - København : Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, 2009. - S. 385-807. - (Psyke
& logos, ISSN 0107-1211 ; 2009, årgang 30, nr. 2)
ISBN-13: 978-87-7706-668-9
DK5: 60.136
Emne: arbejdspsykologi ; arbejdsmotivation ; arbejdsmiljø ; ledelse ; læring ; arbejdsliv
Med engelsk resumé
Indhold: Jan Tønnesvang, Niels Chr. Nickelsen & Thomas Jønsson: Arbejde under forandring - organisering,
relationer og arbejdsliv; Benedicte Madsen: Kurt Lewins modstandsbegreb - nærlæsninger, udvidelser og kritik;
Timo Klindt Bohni: Sammenhæng mellem organisationsteoretiske paradigmer og forståelsen af modstand mod
forandring; Hans Jeppe Jeppesen og Thomas Jønsson: Participation som organisatorisk praksis; Peter Musaeus:
Teamtillid; Ellen B. Magnus: Globale team og globale kompetencer; Niels Christian Nickelsen: Identitet som
indpakning - Tværfagligt samarbejde og kontroverser på et hospice; Dorthe Staunæs, Malou Juelskjær og
Hanne Knudsen: Psy-ledelse. Nye former for (skole)ledelse set igennem tre optikker; Martin B. Sars:
Ledelsesværdier i bevægelse, - implementering fra central til decentral som en linje? Pernille S. Strøbæk: Stress
og socialitet; Anders Buch & Vibeke Andersen: Begejstring og belastning i videnarbejdet; Annette Kamp, Henrik
Lund og Helge Hvid: Tid, belastning og fællesskaber i det grænseløse arbejde. Vivi Bach Pedersen:
Work-life-samspil betragtet fra et indflydelsesperspektiv - en vej til syntese? Martin Pedersen og Klaus Nielsen:
Læring, konflikter og arbejdsdeling - en udvidelse af den socialt situerede læringsforståelse; Lisbeth Hede
Jørgensen og Claus Haugaard Jacobsen: Gruppesupervision af læger på onkologisk afdeling. Niels Christian
Nickelsen og John Damm Scheuer: Tilblivelsen af det ny nordiske køkken - Claus Meyer som institutinel
entreprenør; Anette Schnieber: Livsvalg konceptualiseret som dynamisk realisering af livsbaner; Rolf Kuschel:
"En fed moppe har altid været en lækkerbisken" - om hundeslagtning i Tyskland og hundespisning i Danmark;
Jens Mammen: Til forsvar for den sunde fornuft. Kan psykologien blive en videnskab uden at fjerne sig fra
virkeligheden? Benny Karpatschof: Den kvalitative og kvantitative undersøgelsesform - de ontologiske,
erkendelsemæssige og metodologiske karakteristika; Mimi Y. Mehlsen: Anmeldelse af introductuction to
structural Equation Modelling using SPSS and AMOS af Niels Blunch (anmeldelse)
Valuation : measuring and managing the value of companies / McKinsey & Company ; Tim Koller, Marc
Goedhart, David Wessels. - 5. ed.. - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010. - 837 p. : ill.
ISBN-13: 9780470424704
DK5: 60.11
Emne: Vurdering ; Valuation ; værdiansættelse ; virksomhedsøkonomi ; banker
LC-emneord: Corporations. Valuation. Handbooks, manuals, etc
Includes bibliographical references and index.
PART ONE FOUNDATIONS OF VALUE. 1 Why Value Value? 2 Fundamental Principles of Value Creation. 3 The
Expectations Treadmill. 4 Return on Invested Capital. 5 Growth. PART TWO CORE VALUATION TECHNIQUES. 6
Frameworks for Valuation. 7 Reorganizing the Financial Statements. 8 Analyzing Performance and Competitive
Position. 9 Forecasting Performance. 10 Estimating Continuing Value. 11 Estimating the Cost of Capital. 12
Moving from Enterprise Value to Value per Share. 13 Calculating and Interpreting Results. 14 Using Multiples to
Triangulate Results. PART THREE INTRINSIC VALUE AND THE STOCK MARKET. 15 Market Value Tracks Return on
Invested Capital and Growth. 16 Markets Value Substance, Not Form. 17 Emotions and Mispricing in the
Market. 18 Investors and Managers in Efficient Markets. PART FOUR MANAGING FOR VALUE. 19 Corporate
Portfolio Strategy. 20 Performance Management. 21 Mergers and Acquisitions. 22 Creating Value through
Divestitures. 23 Capital Structure. 24 Investor Communications. PART FIVE ADVANCED VALUATION ISSUES. 25
Taxes. 26 Nonoperating Expenses, One-Time Charges, Reserves, and Provisions. 27 Leases, Pensions, and Other
Obligations. 28 Capitalized Expenses. 29 Inflation. 30 Foreign Currency. 31 Case Study: Heineken. PART SIX
SPECIAL SITUATIONS. 32 Valuing Flexibility. 33 Valuation in Emerging Markets. 34 Valuing High-Growth
Companies. 35 Valuing Cyclical Companies. 36 Valuing Banks.
Interactive discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation model: is available as a companion CD-ROM or DCF model
download to allow readers to conduct their own valuation analysis of companies
Valuation workbook : step-by-step exercises and tests to help you master Valuation / Tim Koller, Marc
Goedhart, David Wessels. - 5. ed.. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley ; Chichester : John Wiley distributor, 2010. - 241 sider
ISBN-13: 9780470424643
ISBN: 0470424648
DK5: 60.11
Emne: værdiansættelse ; virksomhedsøkonomi
LC-emneord: Corporations. Valuation. Problems, exercises, etc
If you want to get more out of Valuation, Fifth Edition, then pick up the Valuation Workbook. This
comprehensive study guide provides you with an invaluable opportunity to explore your understanding of the
strategies and techniques covered in the main text, before putting it to work in real-world situations.Along with
a complete answer key, this workbook also covers such essentials as value creation, value metrics, M&A and
joint ventures, and valuation frameworks. Brief summary chapters also help to reinforce major points.
Previous ed.: 2005
Value : the four cornerstones of corporate finance / McKinsey & Company ; Tim Koller, Richard Dobbs, Bill
Huyett. - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2011. - xviii, 254 s. : ill.
ISBN-13: 9780470424605
ISBN: 0470424605
DK5: 60.11
Emne: værdiansættelse ; virksomhedsøkonomi
LC-emneord: Corporations. Valuation ; Corporations. Finance ; Stockholder wealth
Summary: "An accessible guide to the essential issues of corporate finance While you can find numerous
books focused on the topic of corporate finance, few offer the type of information managers need to help
them make important decisions day in and day out. Value explores the core of corporate finance without
getting bogged down in numbers and is intended to give managers an accessible guide to both the foundations
and applications of corporate finance. Filled with in-depth insights from experts at McKinsey & Company, this
reliable resource takes a much more qualitative approach to what the authors consider a lost art. Discusses
the four foundational principles of corporate finance. Effectively applies the theory of value creation to our
economy. Examines ways to maintain and grow value through mergers, acquisitions, and portfolio
management. Addresses how to ensure your company has the right governance, performance measurement,
and internal discussions to encourage value-creating decisions. A perfect companion to the Fifth Edition of
Valuation, this book will put the various issues associated with corporate finance in perspective"--Provided by
Includes index
Regnskabsanalyse for beslutningstagere / Christian V. Petersen og Thomas Plenborg. - 1. udgave, 1. oplag. Kbh. : Thomson, 2005. - 597 sider : ill.
ISBN: 87-619-1242-5
DK5: 65.213
Emne: regnskabsanalyse
1. oplag. 2005
Med litteraturhenvisninger
1 Introduktion til regnskabsanalyse. 2 Årsrapportens bestanddele(Lovregulering). 3Regnskabsbaserede versus
cash flow baserede resultatmål. 4 Opstilling af resultatopgørelse og balance til analyseformål. 5
rentabilitetsanalyse. 6 Vækst. 7 Risiko. 8 Vurdering af den kort- og langsigtede (solvens) likviditetsrisiko. 9
regnskabskvalitet. 10 Indregningskriterier for indtægter. 11 materielle og imaterielle anlægsaktiver. 12 Leasing.
13 Hensatte forpligtelser. 14 Udskudt skat. 15 Pensioner og lignende forpligtelser.
Salg og markedsføring
The 4 A's of marketing : creating value for customer, company and society / Jagdish Sheth, Rajendra Sisodia. New York : Routledge, 2012. - 209 s. : ill. ; 26 cm.
ISBN-13: 9780415898348
ISBN-13: 9780415898355
DK5: 65.5
Emne: customers ; relationship marketing ; customer relations ; marketing ; acceptability ; affordability ;
accessibility ; awareness
The 4A framework helps companies create value for customers by identifying exactly what they want and
need, as well as by uncovering new wants and needs. (For example, none of us knew we "needed" an iPad until
Apple created it.) That means not only ensuring that customers are aware of the product, but also ensuring
that the product is affordable, accessible and acceptable to them.
Introduction: How to Suceed in Marketing 1. Marketing Remix: Introducing the 4As 2. Think Like a Customer 3.
Managing Acceptability 4. Managing Affordability 5. Managing Accessibility 6. Managing Awareness 7. Applying
4A Analysis 8. Implimentation and Extensions. Appendix A: The "Market Value Coverage" (MVC) Audit.
Appendix B: Mini Cases
Includes bibliographical references and index
The B2B social media book : become a marketing superstar by generating leads with blogging, Linkedin,
Twitter, Facebook, email, and more / Kipp Bodnar and Jeffrey L. Cohen. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012. - 218 s.
ISBN-13: 9781118167762
DK5: 65.5
Emne: internet marketing ; social media ; online social network ; marketing ; blogging ; linkdIn ; twitter ;
facebook ; e-mail
Summary: The B2B Social Media Book provides B2B marketers with actionable advice on leveraging blogging,
LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and more, combined with key strategic imperatives that serve as the backbone of
effective B2B social media strategies.This book serves as the definitive reference for B2B marketers looking to
master social media and take their career to the next level. Describes a methodology for generating leads using
social media Details how to create content offers that increase conversion rates and drive leads from social
media Offers practical advice for incorporating mobile strategies into the marketing mix Provides a
step-by-step process for measuring the return on investment of B2B social media strategies.
1 The fundamentals of social media lead generation. 2Social media lead generation in action. 3 Taking social
media lead generation to the next level.
Siegel, David
Futurize your enterprise : business strategy in the age of E- customer / by David Siegel. - New York, 1999 : John
Wiley. - xiii, 318 s.
ISBN-13: 9780471357636
DK5: 65.5
Emne: business strategy ; Internet Companies ; economy ; management ; e-business
Futurize your enterprise challenges you to rethink your approach to the web. It teaches you how to harness the
exponential power of e-customers and take your business in new directions. You will see how leading-edge
companies like Microsoft and Dell are now organized around customer groups rather than products and
1 Principles. 2 Practice. 3 prototypes. 4 Predictions.
Insight : Magazine for the international community
- - Economy Special. - Viby J. : Jyllands-Posten, [2012]-. - 47 sider : Ill. i farver ; 30 cm. - (Insight ; Issue 1/2012)
DK5: 65.5
Emne: Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster ; Denmark ; financial crisis ; immigration ; taxes ; culture ; events
udkommer 4 gange årligt
CONTENTS: 4-16 Economy and Taxes. 18-19 Business focus. 20-43 Other sections. 44-47 Calendar.
Blythe, Jim
Key Concepts in Marketing / forfatter: Jim Blythe. - London : Sage publications ltd, 2009. - 219 s.. - (SAGE Key
Concepts series)
ISBN-13: 9781847874993
ISBN-13: 9781847874986
ISBN: 1847874991
DK5: 65.5
Emne: markedsføring ; marketing
A reference text for your marketing course. It introduces and examines the key issues, methods, models and
debates that define the field of marketing. It covers over 50 essential concepts, including the marketing mix,
branding, consumerism, marketing communication and corporate image. Each entries feature a summary of
the concept.
PART ONE: CUSTOMERS AND MARKETS Customer Centrality Evolution of Marketing Relationship Marketing
The Leaky Bucket Theory Postmodern Marketing The Marketing Environment Marketing Research The
Marketing Audit Competitive Advantage Porter's Competitive Strategies Strategic Planning Marketing Planning
Boston Consulting Group Matrix Globalisation Consumerism PART TWO: THE OFFER Product as a Bundle of
Benefits Product Anatomy Core Product Added Value Service Products Product Life Cycle New Product
Development Diffusion of Innovation Quality Elasticity of Demand Demand Pricing Price Skimming
Psychological Pricing Not-for-Profit Marketing PART THREE: APPROACHING CUSTOMERS Need Satisfaction
Involvement Segmentation Targeting The Marketing Mix The Elaboration Likelihood Model Reference Groups
Distribution Channel Management Logistics Stages of Development Model of International Market Entry
Market Share PART FOUR: PROMOTION Branding Brand Personality Positioning The Communications Mix
- - Tema: Apps - exploiting tablets, smart phones and internet TV. - Kbh. : Market Magazine, [2005]-. - 50 sider :
Ill. i farver ; 30 cm. - (Market Magazine ; nr. 59/2012)
ISSN: 1604-9802
DK5: 65.5
Emne: Volkswagen ; markedsføring ; branding ; applikationer ; apps ; mobil markedsføring ; smartphones ;
udkommer 7-10 gange årligt
INDHOLD: 08 Apps bringer Volkswagen tættere på kunden. 16 Nu er det nu! 22 Derfor er de fleste apps spild af
penge. 28 Menneskets bedste ven. 36 Mål din app. 42 Verdens bedste apps til smartphone og tablets. 46 The
truth about - apps
Scott, David Meerman
The new rules of marketing & PR : how to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news
releases, & viral marketing to reach byers directly / forfatter: David Meerman Scott. - 3. edition. - Hoboken, N.J.
: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. - xxxii, 366 sider : ill.
ISBN-13: 9781118026984
DK5: 65.5
Emne: sociale teknologier ; sociale netværk ; Web 2.0 ; PR ; marketing ; markedsføring ; elektronisk
markedsføring ; viral markedsføring ; internet ; virksomheder ; Social media ; sociale medier ; sociale netværk ;
social networking ; sociale netværk ; web 2.0 ; markedsføring ; marketing ; PR ; public relation ; reklame ; viral
markedsføring ; viral marketing ; television ; Facebook ; Twitter ; video ; google
Med links
Odden, Lee
Optimize : how to attract and engage more customers by integrating SEO, social media, and content marketing
/ forfatter: Lee Odden. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012. - xii, 243 s. : ill.
ISBN-13: 9781118167779
ISBN: 1118167775
DK5: 65.5
Emne: direkte markedsføring ; sociale medier ; content marketing ; søgemaskineoptimering ; search engine
LC-emneord: Direct marketing ; Direct selling ; Social media
Optimize is designed to give readers a practical approach to integrating search and social media optimization
with content marketing to boost relevance, visibility, and customer engagement.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 233-238) and index.
PHASE 1: PLANNING 1 Setting the Stage for an Optimized State of Mind 2 Journey: Where Does Optimize and
Socialize Fit in Your Company? 3 Smart Marketing Requires Intelligence: Research, Audit, and Listen 4 In It to
Win It: Setting Objectives 5 Roadmap to Success: Content Marketing Strategy PHASE 2: IMPLEMENTATION 6
Know Thy Customer: Personas 7 Words Are Key to Customers: Keyword Research 8 Attract, Engage, and
Inspire: Building Your Content Plan 9 Content Isn't King, It's the Kingdom: Creation and Curation 10 If It Can Be
Searched, It Can Be Optimized: Content Optimization 11 Community Rules: Social Network Development-Don't
Be Late to the Social Networking Party 12 Electrify Your Content: Promotion and Link Building 13 Progress, Refi
nement, and Success: Measurement PHASE 3: SCALE 14 Optimize and Socialize: Processes and Training 15 Are
You Optimized?
Safko, Lon
The Social Media Bible : Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success / . - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons,
2012. - 636pp.
ISBN-13: 9781118269749
ISBN: 1118269748
DK5: 65.5
Emne: social media ; sociale medier ; web pages ; hjemmesider ; marketing ; markedsføring ; internet ; web 2.0
; Wiki ; Podcast ; audio sharing ; video ; RSS
Summary: The go-to guide to social media skills, now in an updated and revised Third Edition The Social Media
Bible is comprehensive 700-plus page social media resource that will teach corporate, small business, and
non-profit marketers strategies for using social media to reach their desired audiences with power messages
and efficiency. This newly revised 3rd edition addresses technology updates to the iPad, apps, Foursquare, and
other geotargeted networks. New case studies and company profiles provide practical examples of how
businesses have successfully implemented these strategies, using the newest social media marketing tools
Part I: tactics and tools. Part II: Strategy: the five steps to social media success.
Zimmerman, Jan
Web marketing for dummies / forfatter: Jan Zimmerman. - 3. edition. - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, 2012. - xvi,
412 sider : ill.
ISBN-13: 9781118065167
DK5: 65.5
Emne: internet ; marketing ; markedsføring ; elektronisk markedsføring ; sociale teknologier ; sociale medier ;
sociale netværk ; hjemmesider ; søgemaskiner ; e-mail ; blogs ; telemarketing
Form: vejledninger
På omslaget: Learn to: Use e-mail marketing, pay per click, and banner ads ; Maximize social media to build
brand loyalty ; Select the best tools to market an e-commerce site ; Stay ahead with mobile marketing
Kommunikationsstrategi for fattigrøve / . - Gyldendal
ISBN-13: 978-87-02-11447-8
Cathcart, Jim
Relationship selling : The eight competencies of top sales producers / . - 1. ed.. - Lake Sherwood, CA : Cathcart
Institute, 2002. - 250 s.
ISBN: 0-9710078-1-0
DK5: 65.54
Emne: Relationsmarkedsføring ; Kunderelationer ; Salgsorganisation ; salg ; sælgere ; selling ; relationship
marketing ; sales management ; customer relations ; relationship selling
From the author of the original "Relationship Selling", this is the updated edition with two decades of results
learned from the first edition. If you were to spend just 15 minutes each day gaining one new sales idea or
sharpening a skill, within just a few years you could become an industry leader. RELATIONSHIP SELLING gives
you the simple essential skills for your self-directed performance improvement. As you grow your knowledge
base, you will gain self-mastery. This competency based book involves the incorporation of "emotional
intelligence" into your sales career as well as the profit-focused "hard-skills."
Thorborg, Steen
Salg og salgsledelse / forfatter: Steen Thorborg. - 2. udgave. - Kbh. : Hans Reitzel, 2012. - 378 sider : ill.
ISBN-13: 978-87-7675-891-2
DK5: 65.54
Emne: salgsledelse ; salgsteknik ; markedsføring ; ledelse
Form: lærebøger
Målgruppe: for sælgere ; for salgsledere
Tidligere: 1. udgave. 2007. Faustnr: 26601401. ISBN: 9788776754426. ISBN: 87-7675-442-1
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger
Indhold: Sælgerens vilkår og salgets begreber ; Salgskanaler (salgscirklen) ; Personligt salg ; Telefonsalg ; Direct
mail ; Forhandlings- og mødeteknik ; Fokus på værdi i stedet for pris ; Salgsstrategi ; Salgspsykologi ; Key
account management ; Salg og markedsføring på B2B-markedet ; Salg og markedsføring på B2C-markedet ;
Onlinesalg og sociale medier ; ; Salgsledelse ; Eksportsalg og TQM
Selling and sales management / forfattere: David Jobber, Geoffrey Lancaster. - 9. ed.. - Harlow : Financial Times
Prentice Hall, 2012. - xx, 565 s.
ISBN-13: 9780273762652
ISBN: 0273762656
DK5: 65.54
Emne: salg ; salgsteknik
LC-emneord: Selling ; Sales management
This text discuss global aspects of selling and sales management, and covers all of the important elements of
the marketing mix. Topics covered include the technological applications of selling and sales management, the
ethics of selling & sales management, a look at the sales cycle, cold canvassing and systems selling, and a
thorough coverage of B2B and B2C selling
Includes bibliographical references and index.
PART I SALES PERSPECTIVE 1 Development and role of selling in marketing. 2 Sales strategies PART II SALES
ENVIRONMENT 3 Consumer and organisational buyer behaviour. 4 Sales settings. 5 International selling. 6 Law
and ethical issues PART III SALES TECHNIQUE 7 Sales responsibilities and preparation. 8 Personal selling skills. 9
Key account management. 10 Relationship selling. 11 Direct marketing. 12 Internet and IT applications in selling
and sales management PART IV SALES MANAGEMENT 13 Recruitment and selection. 14 Motivation and
training. 15 Organisation and control. 16 Sales forecasting and budgeting. 17 Salesforce evaluation
Previous ed.: 2009
Østenkjær, Erik
Viljen til salg / forfatter: Erik Østenkjær ; redaktør: Marie Lauritzen. - 1. udgave. - Århus : Turbine, 2012. - 211
sider : ill.. - (Mental revolution ; vol. 2)
ISBN-13: 978-87-7090-833-7
DK5: 65.54 ; 15.2
Emne: vilje ; personlig udvikling ; mental træning ; succes ; salg ; sælgere ; salgsteknik ; sælgerteknik
Hvordan man bruger mental træning i forbindelse med salg, med fokus på viljen til salg som det
Serien udgivet af Sport Psychology Institute
1. oplag. 2012
I bogen Viljen til salg præsenteres viljens fire grundelementer: Beslutsomhed Sælgerens evne og mod til at
træffe valg for hele tiden at komme videre. Vedholdenhed Sælgerens evne til at holde fast i en beslutning,
uanset hvad. Anstrengelse Sælgerens villighed til at bruge den nødvendige tid og energi på at opnå salget.
Glæde Sælgerens evne til at glæde sig over resultatet og tage imod udfordringer med begejstring.
Morrison, Janet
The global business environment : meeting the challenges / forfatter: Janet Morrison. - 3. ed.. - Houndmills,
Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. - xxx, 486 s. : ill. (some col.), col. maps ; 25 cm.
ISBN-13: 9780230210257
ISBN: 0230210252
DK5: 65.555
Emne: international økonomi ; virksomheder ; globalisering ; erhvervsforhold ; international handel
LC-emneord: International economic relations ; International business enterprises ; International trade ;
Globalization. Economic aspects ; Competition, International
Summary: "This book offers an accessible and engaging introduction to the business environment, covering the
economic, political, social, legal, cultural, technological and financial dimensions to provide a comprehensive
overview of the global environment within which businesses operate"-Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Introduction. PART I: THE BUSINESS IN THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT. Introduction to the Business Enterprise.
Globalization and the Business Environment. PART II: ECONOMIES AND MARKETS. National Economies in the
Global Environment. International Trade and Global Competition. Strategies in a globalized world. PART III:
SOCIETIES IN THE INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Cultural and Social Environments. The Political
Environment. The Legal Environment. PART IV: GLOBAL ISSUES AND BUSINESS. Financial Markets. Technology
and Innovation. Ecology and Climate Change. Ethics and Social Responsibility. Critical themes in perspective.
Borberg, Hjarn Zernichow
Handelspolitik, konkurrenceevne og udenrigsøkonomi / Hjarn Zernichow Borberg. - 2. udgave. - Kbh. :
Handelshøjskolens Forlag, 2012. - 160 sider : ill.. - (Erhverv & samfund)
ISBN-13: 978-87-629-0374-6
DK5: 65.555 ; 33.25
Emne: Handelspolitik ; udenrigshandel ; udenrigsøkonomi ; økonomi ; Danmark ; konkurrenceevne ;
økonomiske forhold
Beskrivelse: At beskrive og forstå dansk økonomis virkemåde uden hensyntagen til de udenrigsøkonomiske og
handelspolitiske forhold er ikke muligt. Dertil er såvel de politiske som de økonomiske sammenhænge med
udlandet af for stor en størrelsesorden. Bogen behandler disse emner på en overskuelig og sammenhængende
måde, og kapitel 1 giver en oversigt over de seneste 20 års udenrigsøkonomiske udvikling. Gennem to separate
kapitler får læseren en dybere indsigt i dansk og europæisk handelspolitik, som er to sider af samme sag, samt i
det ofte anvendte begreb konkurrenceevne set fra et dansk perspektiv.
Med litteraturhenvisninger og links
1 Nøgletal på det udenrigsøkonomiske område. 2. Handelspolitik. 3. Konkurrenceevne. 4 Udenrigsøkonomi og
nationalregnskab. 5 Udenrigshandel med varer. 6. Betalingsbalancen over for udlandet. 7. Danmarks
udlandsstilling og kapitalbalance
Reklame & PR
Felton, George
Advertising : concept and copy / . - 2. ed.. - New York : W.W. Norton, c2006. - 256 s. : ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm.
ISBN: 0-393-73159-6
ISBN-13: 9780393731590
DK5: 65.6
Emne: advertising ; advertising strategy ; reklame
LC-emneord: Advertising
How to find the ideas that make for great ads and deliver them in fresh, memorable, persuasive ways.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 245-248) and index
Part one: Strategy. part two: Execution. Part three: The toolbox.
Key concepts in public relations / Bob Franklin .... [et al.]. - London : SAGE, 2009. - xii, 253 s.. - (SAGE key
ISBN-13: 9781412923194
ISBN: 1-4129-2319-0
DK5: 65.69
Emne: public relations ; PR ;
Provides a comprehensive, easy-to-use overview to the field, and covers over 150 central concepts in PR. Paves
the way for students to tackle primary texts. Grounds students in both practice and theory. Takes it further
with recommended reading.
Alt, der ikke passer ind i emnerne
Felland, Jan
Forfatter A/S : sådan udgiver du en bog og opbygger en "business" omkring den / . - [Dragør] : Kreaktor Media ;
[Haslev] : [eksp. NBC], 2011. - 272 sider
ISBN-13: 978-87-994230-2-6
DK5: 00.4
Emne: forlagsvirksomhed ; publicering ; bogudgivelser ; bøger ; e-bøger
Form: vejledninger
1. oplag. 2011
Med links
Indhold: Baggrund (Den gamle verden ; "Udviklingen" -?) ; Udgiv en bog (Inden du skriver ; Mens du skriver ;
Klargøring til salg ; Salg af e-bog ; Salg af trykt bog ; Hjemmeside ; Synliggør bogen) ; Byg din business (Fra bog
til business ; Forretningskoncept)
The philosophy book / . - 1. American ed.. - London ; New York : DK Pub., 2011. - 352 s. : ill.
ISBN-13: 9781405353298
ISBN: 1405353295
DK5: 10
Emne: filosofi
LC-emneord: Philosophy. Introductions
Summary: Explains the history of philosophy and demystifies some of its most hard-to-grasp concepts. This is
done by arranging the philosophers in chronological order from 700 BCE and Thales of Miletus to the present
and Slavoj Zizek
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The ancient world 700 BCE. 250 CE. The medieval world 205-1000. Renaissance and the age of reason
1500-1750. The age of revolution 1750900. The modern world 1900-1950. Contemporary philosophy
Gode møder - bedre resultater på kortere tid / . - Gyldendal Business
ISBN-13: 978-87-02-10603-9
I bad med Picasso - sådan bliver du mere kreativ / . - Gyldendal Business
ISBN-13: 978-87-02-09980-5
Peter Bastian - mesterlære - en livsfortælling / . - Gyldendal
ISBN-13: 978-87-02-10871-2
Hammershøj, Lars Geer
Kreativitet : et spørgsmål om dannelse / forfatter: Lars Geer Hammershøj ; redaktør: Lars Theil Münster. - 1.
udgave. - Kbh. : Hans Reitzel, 2012. - 236 sider
ISBN-13: 978-87-412-5603-0
DK5: 37.01
Emne: kreativitet ; dannelse ; pædagogik
1. oplag. 2012
Med litteraturhenvisninger og links
Indhold: Vidensøkonomi og uddannelse ; Kreativitet som dannelsesproblematik (Kreativitet som problem ;
Kreativitet, dannelse og sanselige kræfter ; Kreativitet som et spil mellem kræfter ; Relatering af idéen om
kreativitet) ; Kreativitetspædagogik som dannelse (Pædagogik og kreativitet ; Dannelse af kreative kræfter ;
Kreativitetspædagogik i uddannelsessystemet ; Ledelse og kreativitet ; Kreativitetspædagogik som
37.05 Kvan
Innovation i skolen / (red.) Vibeke Boelt m.fl. - Århus : Tidsskriftet KVAN, 2012. - 117 s.. - (KVAN Tidsskrift for
læreruddannelse og skole ; nr 92 (Marts 32. årgang), ISSN 0107-4016)
DK5: 37.05
Emne: undervisning ; pædagogik ; innovation ; folkeskolen
Dette temanummer vil skitsere, hvordan man kan forstå og arbejde med innovation i folkeskolen - og hvordan
man allerede er godt igang med det
Med litteraturhenvisninger
07 Kreativitet og innovation for dannelsens eller nyttens skyld / Lars geer hammershøj ; 18
Innovationspædagogok - fremtidens læring / Lotte Darsø ; 30 Innovation i uddannelse og undervisning /
Lasse Skånstrøm ; 42 Entreprenørskab i lokalområdet / Rune Overvad Schou ; 54 Viljen til innovation / Jens Erik
Kristensen ; 73 Innovation og kreativitet i en kompetencemålstyret skole / Jens Rasmussen ; 85 KIE-modellen /
Ebbe Kromann-Andersen ; Innovativ historieundervisning / Susanne Ørnstrøm og Lotte Schou ; Entreprenant
undervisning / Sussie Sandfeld og Ulla Boe nielsen.
Otte Hansen, Henning
Dansk gartneri og Den Grønne Vækstklynge : Udfordringer og strategiske udviklingsmuligheder / forfatter:
Henning Otte Hansen. - København : Handelshøjskolens Forlag, 2012. - 240 s.
ISBN-13: 978-87-629-0409-5
DK5: 63.5
Emne: Gartnerier ; Brancheanalyser ; Danmark
Denne bog viser en række af de væsentlige udfordringer, det danske gartnerierhverv står overfor og vil stå
overfor i de kommende år. Udfordringerne kommer både udefra og indefra fra markedet, fra de politiske
rammevilkår og fra erhvervet selv. Bogen viser nogle af erhvervets rammevilkår på baggrund af interviews,
spørgeskemaundersøgelser og økonomiske analyser.
Inc. litteraturliste
Indhold: 1. Det danske gartnerierhverv - overblik og status 2. Vækst i gartnerisektoren 3. Gartneriklynger 4.
Erhvervsgartnerier på Fyn: Succesfuld regional klynge 5. Gartnerisektoren i Danmark og Holland: Udvikling,
struktur og konkurrenceevne 6. Globalisering 7. Udflytning 8. Eksport 9. Blomsterproduktion flytter fra vest til
syd 10. Handelsleddet 11. Gartneribruget og detailleddet 12. Innovation 13. Gartnerisektorens rammevilkår 14.
SWOT - styrker, svagheder, muligheder og trusler i gartnerisektoren 15. Mulige løsninger: Gartneriets egne
Møbelstatistik. - Kbh. : Foreningen Dansk Møbelindustri, 1999-. - 30 cm
DK5: 68.5
Emne: statistik ; møbelbranchen ; afsætning ; branchestatistik ; møbelindustrien ; Danmark ; møbler
Beskrivelsen baseret på: 1998
The non-profit narrative : how storytelling can change the world / forfatter: Dan Portnoy. - 1. ed.. - Lexington,
KY : Portnoy Media Group, 2012. - 104 sider
ISBN-13: 9780615599793
DK5: 80.8
Emne: ikke-kommercielle virksomheder ; non-profit organizations ; storytelling ; fundraising ; communication ;
Help non-profits apply storytelling principles to their comunications for maximum effect. Encourages
non-profits to interpret fundraising and engagement through the perspective of storytelling
Includes bibliographical references