10. NORDISKE PIANISTKONKURRENCE CARL NIELSEN IN MEMORIAM 23. - 29. juni 2013 Nyborg Slot - Danmark www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk Protektor for den Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Henrik Organisationskomiteen takker nedenstående hjerteligt for deres støtte til 10. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: Nyborg Kommune Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsens Legat Velkommen til Nordisk Pianistkonkurrence Pianister i hele Norden indbydes til at deltage i den 10. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence, der afholdes fra søndag den 23. til lørdag den 29. juni 2013 i Riddersalen på Nyborg Slot. Konkurrencen afholdes hvert 3. år. Som noget nyt skal finaledeltagerne ikke kun spille solo, men også kammermusik sammen med Nightingale String Quartet. Der er gratis publikumsadgang under hele konkurrencen. Dog er der entre til finalen lørdag den 29. juni. På åbningsdagen den 23. juni 2013 mødes deltagere, dommere og arrangører til en åbningskoncert i Riddersalen. Her vil præsentationen af deltagerne og juryen foregå. Desuden foretages lodtrækningen om start 2 rækkefølgen i konkurrencen, der afvikles over de næste 6 dage mellem kl. 16.30 og ca. 22.00. Der vil blive stillet øvefaciliteter til rådighed for deltagerne forskellige steder i Nyborg. På de følgende sider kan du læse om: • • • • • • Konkurrencebetingelser Konkurrenceprogram Tilmeldingsbetingelser Vinderpriser Juryen Indkvarteringsmuligheder i Nyborg Programmet og tilmeldingsblanketter kan hentes på www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk Konkurrencebetingelser Den 10. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence finder sted i Nyborg, Danmark, den 23.-29. juni 2013. Konkurrencen er åben for alle nordiske pianister og klaverstuderende, der ikke er fyldt 29 år ved konkurrencens start. Ikke-nordiske pianister og klaverstuderende skal have studeret i et nordisk land i mindst to år for at kunne få adgang til konkurrencen. Konkurrencen har tre runder: 1.Indledende runde 2.Runde 3.Runde - Finale under medvirken af Nightingale String Quartet Alle tre runder er åbne for publikum. Åbningskoncerten finder sted den 23. juni 2013 kl. 19.30. Rækkefølgen, hvori deltagerne spiller, afgøres ved lodtrækning ved åbningskoncerten. Juryen afgør, hvor mange deltagere der går videre til 2. runde. Dog max. 10. 3 deltagere vil få adgang til finalen. Juryen har ret til: a) at undlade at uddele én eller flere priser. b) at dele en pris mellem to kandidater. Juryens beslutning er definitiv og kan ikke appelleres. Alle prøver såvel som koncerter kan blive: • Optaget til radio og TV. • Optaget på video, cd el. lign. • Fotograferet til pressen. Alt kun med tilladelse fra organisationskomiteen. Deltagerne frasiger sig alle rettigheder og honorarer. Deltagerne betaler selv rejseomkostninger og ophold i Nyborg. Konkurrenceprogram 1. runde (24.-25.-26. juni) Maksimal varighed: 30 minutter 1. Et eller flere værker af Carl Nielsen 2.Et værk af en wienerklassisk komponist (Schubert inkluderet). Der må spilles enkeltstående satser af en sonate, i tilfælde af at programmet ellers ville overskride de 30 minutter. 2. runde (27.-28. juni) Maksimal varighed: 35 minutter 1.Et eller flere værker af J.S.Bach. Enkeltstående satser fra en suite eller en partita må spilles. 2.Et eller flere værker skrevet efter 1950. 3.En etude eller et lignende værk (præludium eller toccata) af virtuos karakter. 4.Et eller flere værker af Chopin med en total varighed på 10-15 minutter. 3. runde (29. juni) FINALE Maksimal varighed: 45 minutter 1.Et større værk på mindst 15 minutter repræsenterende den romantiske stil (Schubert inkluderet). 2.Første sats af en af følgende klaverkvintetter: Robert Schumann, Es-Dur op. 44, Antonín Dvorák, A-Dur op. 81, ˇ Johannes Brahms, f-mol op. 34. 3 Tilmeldingsbetingelser Tilmeldingsblanketten sendes til: Mail: nyborgslotskoncerter@mail.dk eller Nordisk Pianistkonkurrence Slotsgade 34 DK-5800 Nyborg Danmark. Sidste tilmeldingsfrist: 1. maj 2013. Følgende bedes vedlagt tilmeldingsblanketten: a)Kort biografi (curriculum vitae) b)Et vellignende portræt af ansøgeren digitalt som jpg på min. 300 dpi. c) Et tilmeldingsgebyr på DKK 750,Gebyret dækker deltagelse i konkurrencen. Indsættes på bankkonto: Reg.nr.: 5875 - konto 8345703602 IBAN: DK3020000 8345703602 SWIFT-kode: NDEADKKK Vinderpriser 4 1. pris 75.000 DKK 2. pris 50.000 DKK 3. pris 25.000 DKK Ansøgerne vil senest den 15. maj 2013 få oplyst, om de er anerkendt som deltagere i konkurrencen. I tilfælde af afslag vil tilmeldingsgebyret blive refunderet. I tilfælde af afbud vil tilmeldingsgebyret ikke blive refunderet. Deltagerne skal møde på Nyborg Slot den 23. juni 2013 kl. 18.00. I ekstraordinære tilfælde (force majeure) kan organisationskomiteen tillade for sent ankomne at deltage i konkurrencen, hvis de henvender sig personligt, senest én dag efter at konkurrencens første runde er begyndt. Patron of the Nordic Piano Competition His Royal Highness Prince Henrik. With thanks to the following sponsors: Nyborg Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsens Legat Welcome to The Nordic Piano Competition Pianists from the Nordic Countries are invited to participate in the 10th Nordic Pianist Competition, which runs from from Sunday, 23rd to Saturday, 29th June 2013 in the Banqueting Hall at the Castle “Nyborg Slot”. The competition is held every third year. This year the finalists will not only play piano solo, but also chamber music together with Nightingale String Quartet. Entrance is free for the duration of the competition except for the final on Saturday, 29th June 2013 where an entrance fee will be charged. On 23rd June 2013, the participants, the jury and organizers will meet for the opening concert in the Banqueting Hall. The participants and jury will be introduced, and a draw to determine the order in which the participants will play over the following 6 days will also take place. These concerts will take place every evening between 4.30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Facilities will be made available for the participants to practice in various locations around the town of Nyborg. On the following pages you can read about: • • • • • • Terms & conditions of the competition The program of the competition Conditions of entry The prizes which can be won The jury The accommodation in Nyborg The program and application form can be downloaded at: www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk 5 Terms & Conditions of the competition The 10th Nordic Piano Competition is held in Nyborg, Denmark from 23rd to 29th June 2013. The competition is open to all pianists and students from the Nordic countries under the age of 29 years at the start of the competition. Non-Nordic pianists and students must have studied for a minimum of two years in a Nordic country to be eligible for entry. The competition has three stages: 1. Preliminary round 2. Semi Final 3. Final, with assistance of Nightingale String Quartet All three stages as well as the opening concert are open to the public. The opening concert takes place on 23rd June 2013 at 7.30 p.m. The order in which the participants will play will be determined by a draw at the opening concert. The jury will decide how many participants proceed to the Semi Final. However a maximum of 10 will proceed. 3 participants will qualify for the Final. The jury has the right to: a) abstain from awarding one or more prizes. b) divide one prize between two candidates. The decision of the jury is final and cannot be appealed. All rehearsals and concerts may be: • Recorded for radio or TV. • Recorded for video, cd. • Photographed for the press. Any recordings or photos should be authorised by the organisers. The participants will renounce all claims and royalties. The participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses, and also board and lodging during the competition. Competition program PRELIMINARY ROUND (24th - 25th - 26th June) Maximum duration 30 minutes. 1. One or more works by Carl Nielsen 2. A work by a Viennese classical composer (including Schubert). Individual movements of a sonata may be played in cases where the programme would otherwise last over 30 minutes. SEMI FINAL (27th - 28th June) Maximum duration 35 minutes. 1. One or more works by J.S. Bach. Individual movements of a suite or partita may be played. 2. One or more works written after 1950. 3. An etude or a comparable work (prelude or toccata) of virtuoso character. 4. One or more works by Chopin with a total duration of 10 - 15 minutes. 6 FINAL (29th June) Maximum duration 45 minutes. 1. A large-scale work of at least 15 minutes representing the romantic style (including Schubert’s works). 2. First movement of one of the following string quintets: Robert Schumann, E Flat major, Op. 44. ˇ Antonín Dvorák, A Major, Op. 81. Johannes Brahms, F Minor, Op. 34. Conditions of entry The application must be sent to: nyborgslotskoncerter@mail.dk or by mail to: Nordisk Pianistkonkurrence Slotsgade 34 DK-5800 Nyborg, Denmark Final entry date: 1st May 2013. Please enclose the following: a)A short biography (curriculum vitae) b) A digital photo as jpg - min. 300 dpi. c) An entry fee of DKK 750,-. The fee covers participation in the competition. Reg.nr.: 5875 - account 8345703602 IBAN: DK3020000 8345703602 SWIFT-kode: NDEADKKK Applicants will be informed no later than 15th May 2013, if they have been successful in their application to participate in the competition. If unsuccessful the application fee will be refunded. Should the applicant refuse the place, the fee will not be refunded. The participants must register at the Castle “Nyborg Slot” on 23rd June 2013 by 6.00 p.m. In exceptional cases (force majeure) the organisers can allow a late arrival, if the applicant personally makes contact no later than one day after the qualifying round of the competition has commenced. Winner Prizes 1st prize 75,000 DKK 2nd prize 50,000 DKK 3rd prize 25,000 DKK 7 Arrangement: Nyborg Kommune Nyborg Slotskoncerter Nyborg Turistforening Organisationskomité /Organizing Committee: Poul Ove Juul Jørn Nielsen Anne Hansen Hans Jørn Knudsen Knud Erik Jørgensen Thomas Mikaelsen Anette Blauenfeldt Sekretariat / Secretariat: Nordisk Pianistkonkurrence Slotsgade 34 DK-5800 Nyborg Danmark www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk E-mail: nyborgslotskoncerter@mail.dk Konkurrencen afholdes i Riddersalen på Nyborg Slot, der havde sin storhedstid i middelalderen, hvor Nyborg var Danmarks hovedstad. Slottet er den ældste kongeborg i Norden. Opførelsen påbegyndtes i ca. 1175. Riddersalen har plads til 200 tilhørere, og den har en meget fin akustik. The competition is held in the Banqueting Hall of the Castle ”Nyborg Slot”, which had it’s heyday in the Middle Ages, when the town of Nyborg was the capital of Denmark. The castle is one of the oldest royal residences in Scandinavia. The construction of the castle was commenced in approx. 1175, the Banqueting Hall seats an audience of 200 and enjoys splendid acoustics. 8 Jury Anne Øland (Danmark). Professor ved Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium, Århus. (Præsident). Stefan Bojsten (Sverige). Professor ved Kungliga Musikhögskolan, Stockholm Peter Máté (Island). Pianist og lærer ved Den Islandske Kunsthøjskole, Reykjavik. Jens Harald Bratlie (Norge). Professor ved Norges Musikkhøgskole, Oslo. Jussi Siirala (Finland). Professor ved Sibelius Akademiet, Helsinki. 9 Vindere / The Winners 1986 1. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: 1st Nordic Piano Competition Sebastian Soyka, Denmark 1989 2. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: (Delt 2. pris) 2nd Nordic Piano Competition: (Split 2nd prize) Raija Kerppo, Finland Jens Elvekjær, Denmark 1992 3. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: 3rd Nordic Piano Competition Janne Mertanen, Finland 1995 4. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: 4th Nordic Piano Competition Per Tengstrand, Sweden 1998 5. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: 5th Nordic Piano Competition Ivetta Irkha, Sweden 2001 6. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: 6th Nordic Piano Competition Marie Rørbech, Denmark 20047. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: 7th Nordic Piano Competition Juho Pohjonen Finland 20078. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: 8th Nordic Piano Competition Marko Mustonen Finland 20109. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence: 9th Nordic Piano Competition 10 Emil Gryesten Jensen Danmark Hele Danmarks Mødested Udspil overtUne Den 10. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence, 23.-30. juni 2013 The 10th Nordic Pianist Competition 23th - 30th June 2013 Nyd hele klaviaturet af harmoni, ro og positive oplevelser, medens du lader op til dine præstationer. På Nyborg Strand byder vi alle deltagere i den 10. Nordiske Pianistkonkurrence velkommen med en særpris på overnatning: Enkeltværelse med bad/toilet og TV, inkl. morgenmad, pr. nat ..... kr. 595,Dobbeltværelse med bad/toilet og TV, inkl. morgenmad, pr. nat .. kr. 895,Ved ugeophold er den 7. nat gratis. Enjoy the harmony, tranquillity and positive experiences, while you recharge for your performances. At Nyborg Strand we welcome all the participants of the 10th Nordic Pianist competition with a special rate on accommodation: Single room with bath/toilet and TV, inclusive of breakfast, per night .. kr. 595,Double room with bath/toilet and TV, inclusive of breakfast, per night . kr. 895,For weekly stays – 7th night is free. specielt for pianister… Velkommen på Nyborg Strand – Til gensidig fornøjelse. Direkte booking via link på www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk especially for pianists… Welcome to Nyborg Strand – a mutually enjoyable experience. Direct bookings via the link on www.nyborgslotskoncerter.dk Østerøvej 2 · 5800 Nyborg · Tlf. +45 65 31 31 31 · Fax +45 65 31 37 01 www.nyborgstrand.dk · nyborgstrand@nyborgstrand.dk Andre overnatningsmuligheder / For other accommodation: Privat indkvartering / Private accommodation: SINATUR Hotel Storebælt Østerøvej 121 5800 Nyborg Tel. +45 65 31 40 02 Visit Nyborg Adelgade 3 5800 Nyborg Tel. +45 63 75 94 60 E-mail: mail@visitnyborg.dk www.visitnyborg.dk Hotel Villa Gulle Østervoldgade 44 5800 Nyborg Tel. +45 65 30 11 88 11 Carl Nielsen in memoriam Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931) er uden sammenligning den danske komponist, der er blevet mest kendt både set i et nationalt og et internationalt perspektiv. Såvel i sin samtid som i eftertiden har han øvet stor indflydelse på det danske musikliv, dels via sine værker, og dels via sit virke som dirigent, skribent og pædagog. Han har skrevet musik inden for stort set alle tænkelige genrer, bl.a. seks symfonier, tre solokoncerter (for hhv. violin, klarinet og fløjte) og kammermusik. Desuden har Carl Nielsen sat musik til omkring 300 sange, hvoraf en stor del er blevet en del af den danske folkesjæl. Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931) is without question the most renowned Danish composer both nationally and internationally. Carl Nielsen’s compositions exerted a considerable influence on Danish music during his lifetime and continue to do so to this day. His influence was felt through his work as both a conductor, writer and teacher. He composed music in every genre including 6 symphonies, three solo concertos (for the violin, the clarinet and the flute) as well as chamber music. Furthermore Carl Nielsen has written the music for around 300 songs and melodies of which the majority have become a part of Danish culture. Fotograf: Thorvald Andresen, 1930. Copyright: Odense Bys Museer/Carl Nielsen Museet
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