QUAID-E-AWAM AWAM UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, NAWABSHAH Phone (0244) 382260 PABX (0244) 9370381-5 Ext: 2509 No. QUEST/NH/DW/-660 of 2014 Dated: 09-10--2014 TENDER NOTICE All the interested Contractors / Firms, which are Pre-qualified in Category – C-D at QUEST Nawabsh Nawabshah are invited to participate in the following tenders. tender Sr. 1 Name of Work Construction of Financial Aid Office at QUEST Nawabshah. Tender Fee Completion period Rs. 08 Months 1000/- Earnest Money Date of Purchase 2% 13-10-2014 2014 of bid value To Date of Submission & opening 29-10-2014 28-10-2014 2014 The tender documents can be had from office of the undersigned on the payment of Tender Fee (Non (Nonrefundable) mentioned above in the shape of Pay Order / Demand Draft in favour of Director Finance, QUEST Nawabshah, on workings day and will be submitted at 12:00 noon on dated 29-10-2014 and opened on same day at 01:00 pm in presence of the contractors or their representatives, who so ever will be present at that time. Any conditional conditi or un-accompanied accompanied of the earnest money tender will not be considered in the competition. The procuring agency reserved the right to reject all or any bids subject to relevant provisions of SPPRA Rules. Director Works QUEST Nawabshah Construction of Financial Aid Office at QUEST Nawabshah Schedule - B Part-A: Civil Work Sr. Description of Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 QTY Unit Excavation in foundation of building bridges and other structures including dagbelling dressing, refilling around structure with excavated earth watering and ramming lead upto 5 ft b) In ordinary soil 4370 Cft Cement concrete plain including placing compacting, finishing and curing complete (including screening and washing of stone aggregate) ratio 1:4:8 1514 Reinforced cement concrete work including all labour and material except the cost of steel reinforcement and its labour for bending and binding which will be paid separately. This rate also includes all kinds of forms moulds lifting shuttering curing rendering and finishing the exposed surface (including screening and washing of shingle) ratio 1:2:4 1205 Pacca brick work in foundation and plinth in cement sand mortar 1:6 Supply of clean screened (River or pit) sand within 5 chains including removal of top crust of earth or over burden and royalty to the Governent or cost of the Private Owner. 1099 Filling watering and ramming earth in floors with surplus earth from foundation lead upto one chain and lift upto 5 feet. 2913 Rate Unit Amount 3,176.25 %0 Cft 13,880.21 Cft % Cft 11,288.75 Cft 170,911.68 P/Cft 337.00 Cft 406,085.00 % Cft 11,948.36 8545 Fabrication of mild steel reinforcement for cement concrete inlcuding cutting, bending laying in position, making joints and fastening including cost of binding wire (also includes removal of rust from bars) b) using tor bars 54 Pacca brick work in ground floor in cement sand mortar 1:4 Providing and laying 2" thick topping cement concrete (1:2:4) including surface finishing and dividing into panels 1538 Laying white marble flooring fine dressed on the surface without winding set in lime mortar 1:2 including rubbing and polishing of the joints.a) 3/4" thick flooring 1000 Cement plaster 1:6 upto 12' height a) 3/8" thick 4920 Cft 131,312.48 420.00 %0 Cft 35,889.00 1,512.50 %0 Cft 4,405.91 Cft Cwt P/Cwt 5,001.70 Cft 270,091.80 % Cft 13,227.41 770 Sft 203,437.57 % Sft 3,275.50 Sft 25,221.35 P/Sft 567.48 Sft 567,480.00 % Sft 2,122.72 104,437.82 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Cement plaster 1:4 upto 12' height b) 1/2" thick Providing & fixing in position doors, windows and ventilators of 1st class deodar wood frames and 1-1/2" thick Teak wood ply shutters of 2nd class deodar wood skeleton (solid) styles and rails core of partal wood and Teak ply wood (3-ply) on both sides i/c hold fasts, hinges, iron tower bolts, handles and cleats with cord etc. complete Supplying & fixing in position Aluminum channels framing for sliding windows & ventilators of Alcop made with 5mm thick tinted glass glazing (Belgium) etc complete b) Deluxe model (Bronze) 4920 Providing fixing iron collapsible gate with channel framing of section 3/4"x5/16" at 4" i/c revitted with 3/4"x1/8" flat iron patti placed diagonally and provided with top & bottom Tsection 1"x1" 1/8" along with rollers also i/c locking arrangement and fixing in floor/ceiling or wall etc complete 48 Distempering 3 coats (1st coat over priming coat) Providing and laying 3" thick topping cement concrete (1:2:4) including surface finishing and dividing into panels 5920 Two coats of bitumen laid hot using 34 lbs for %Sft over roof and blinded with sand at one Cft per %Sft 1270 French polishing complete a) on new work Laying floor of approved with glazed tile 1/4" thick in white cement 1:2 over 3/4" thick cement mortar 1:2 complete 266 Extra labour for each storey above ground for mosaic, conglomerate or tiles, stone and wooden floor. 1000 Providing & fixing 3/8" thick marble tiles of approved quality and colour and shade size 8"x4" / 6"x4" in dado shirting and facing removal / tucking of existing plaster surface etc. over 1/2" thick base of cement mortar 1:3 setting of tiles in slurry of white cement over mortar base including filling the joints and washing the tiles with white cement slurry curring finishing cleaning etc complete for new works Providing fixing approval quality mortice lock 90 Sft % Sft 2,283.93 133 Sft 112,369.36 P/Sft 1,182.56 116 Sft 157,280.48 P/Sft 1,449.69 Sft 168,164.04 P/Sft 387.04 Sft 18,577.92 % Sft 1,646.15 1000 Sft 97,452.08 % Sft 4,411.82 Sft 44,118.20 % Sft 1,887.40 281 Sft Sft 23,969.98 % Sft 3,841.75 27678.86 10,219.06 % Sft 77,777.60 Sft % Sft 226.88 Sft 2,268.80 P/Sft 186.04 6 Nos 16,743.60 Each 1,786.13 24 Providing fixing iron steel grill 132 Sft 10,716.78 P/Sft 194.16 Total 25,629.12 2,698,439.82 Sub Divisional Officer (Civil) QUEST Nawabshah Construction of Financial Aid Office at QUEST Nawabshah Part-B: Water Supply & Sanitary Works Sr. Description of Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Qty Providing & fixing 24"x18" lavatory basin in white glazed earthen ware complete i/c the cost of W.I. or C.I. cantilever brackets 6" built into wall, painted white in two coat after primary coat of red lead paint, a pair of 1/2" dia rubber plug & chrome plate brass traps malloable iron or brass unions and making requisite number of holes in walls, plinth & floor for pipe connection and making good in cement concrete 1:2:4 (Standard pattern) 2 Nos Add extra labour for providing & fixing of earthen ware pedestal white glazed or coloured glazed (Foreign or equivalent) 2 Nos Providing fixing european white galzed earthen ware wash down W.C. pan complete i/c cost of white / black plastic seat (Best quality) and lid with CP brass hinges and buffers, 3 gallons white glazed earthen ware low level foushing cistern with siphon fitting 1 1/2" dia white porcelain enamelled flush bend 3/4" dia and making requisite number of holes in walls, plinth and floor for pipe connections and making good in cement concrete 1:2:4 (Foreign quality) 1 Nos Providing fixing orisa type white or colour glazed earthen ware w.c pan with cost of low level plastic flush tank of 3 gallons capacity of approved quality i/c making requisite number of holes in wall, plinth and floor and making good in cement concrete 1:2:4 i) with 4" dia C.I trap Providing fixing CP brass toilet paper holder of standard size with chrome plated brass brackets complete (similar to tyford design No. 1108) Superior quality 1 Nos Providing fixing in position nylon connections complete with 1/2" dia, brass stop cock with pair of brass nuts and lining joints to nylon connection. 4 Nos Providing fixing chrome plated brass towel rail complete with brackets fixing on weeden cleats with 1" long CP brass screws I) 36" long 3/4"dia (Standard pattern) 2 Nos Supplying fixing long bib cock of superior quality with CP head 1/2" dia Providing fixing handle valve (China) 3/4" dia 4 Nos Rate Unit Each 4,253.90 8,507.80 Each 938.47 1,876.94 Each 11,477.40 11,477.40 Each 5,836.00 1 Nos 5,836.00 Each 1,071.40 1,071.40 Each 447.15 1,788.60 Each 1,269.95 2,539.90 Each 1,109.46 2 Nos 4,437.84 Each 271.92 10 Providing fixing handle valve (China) 1" dia Amount 2 Nos 543.84 Each 365.42 730.84 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Making the connection with the G.I pipe of size larger than 2" to 6" dia i/c cutting the pipe & providing fixing necessary fitting 1 Nos Supplying fixing concealed stop cock of superior quality with CP head 1/2" dia Supplying fixing concealed Tee stop cock of superior quality with CP head 1/2" dia Supplying fixing CP Muslim shower with double Bib cock & ring pipe etc complete. Supplying fixing wash basin mixture of superior quality with CP head 1/2" dia Providing fxing 6"x2" or 6"x3" CI floor trap of the approved self cleaning design with a CP screwed down gratting with or without a vent arm complete i/c making requisite number of holes in walls, plinth & floor for pipe connections & making good in cement concrete 1:2:4 Providing fixing 4"x4" dia CI branch of the required degree with access doors, rubber washer 3/8" thick bolts nuts and extra painting to match the colour of the building. 4 Nos Providing fixing MS clamps or the approved design to 3" dia CP pipe sockets i/c the cost of cutting and making good to wall on MS bolts nuts 3" into wall i/c pipe distance pieces and extra painting to match the colour of the building Providing fixing 6"x4" CC gully trap with 4" outlet complete with 4" thick 1:2:4 CC for bed & 1/2" thick cement plaster (1:3) to the karb, CI grating 6"x6" & CI cover and frame 12"x12" (inside) etc complete C.C. Gully Trap 6"x6"x4" with RCC Cover 10 Nos Providing fixing 15"x12" bavelled edge mirror of belgium glass complete with 1/8" thick hard board and CP screws fixed to wooden pleat (Standard pattern) 2 Nos Supplying fixing fibre glass tank of approved quality and design and wall thickness as specified i/c cost of nuts bolts and fixing in plateform of cement concrete 1:3:6 and making connections for inlet, outlet & overflow pipes etc complete d) 1000 gallons wall thickness 5 mm Providing fixing 4" dia CP plain bend of the required degree i/c extra painting to match the colour of the building. 1 Nos Providing fixing 4" dia CI offset of various lengths i/c extra painting to match the colour of the building. 6 Nos Providing laying UPVC pressure pipes of Class "C" (equivalent make) fixing in trench i/c cutting fitting and jointing with "Z" joint with one rubber ring i/c testing with water to a head 91.5 meter or 300 ft a) 80 mm (3" dia) Each 761.20 761.20 Each 509.74 2 Nos 2,038.96 Each 843.92 1 Nos 1,687.84 Each 3,432.00 2 Nos 3,432.00 Each 2,882.00 4 Nos 5,764.00 Each 2,024.43 4 Nos 8,097.72 Each 702.00 2,808.00 Each 264.00 2 Nos 2,640.00 Each 1,259.50 2,519.00 1161.6 Each 2,323.20 Each 58,962.94 4 Nos 58,962.94 Each 566.70 2,266.80 Each 584.40 80 Rft 3,506.40 P/Rft 107.00 8,560.00 25 b) 100 mm (4" dia) 60 Rft P/Rft 174.00 26 c) 150 mm (6" dia) 60 Rft 10,440.00 P/Rft 373.00 27 28 Providing GI pipes, specials and clamps etc i/c fixing cutting & fitting complete i/c cost of breaking through walls and roof, making good etc with white zink paint with pigment to match the colour of the building and testing with water to a pressure head of 200 feet and handling a) 1/2" dia b) 3/4" dia 40 Rft 22,380.00 P/Rft 73.21 40 Rft 2,928.40 P/Rft 95.79 29 c) 1" dia 100 Rft 3,831.60 P/Rft 128.55 30 31 32 Constructing manhole or inspection for the required diameter of circular sewer and 3'-6" depth with walls of B.B in cement plastered 1:3, 1/2" thick, inside of walls and 1" thick over benching and channel i/c fixing C.I manhole cover with frame of clear opening 1-1/2' x 11/2' of 1.75 cwt embaded in plain C.C 1:2:4 and fixing 1" dia MS steps 6" wide projecting 4" from the face of wall at 12" C/C duly painted etc complete as per standard specification & drawing a) 4"x12" dia 2' x 3'-6" Excavation for pipe line in trenches and pits in soft soils i/c trimming and dressing sides to true alignment and shape levelling of beds of trenches to correct level and grade, cutting joint holes and disposal of surplus earth within one chain as directed by Engineer Incharge. Providing fence guards, lights, flags and temporary crossings for non-vehicular traffic where ever required lift upto 5 ft and lead upto one chain Providing fixing 4" dia terminal guard i/c extra painting to match the colour of the building 3 Nos 12,855.00 Each 14,748.00 1100 Cft 3,600.00 4 Nos 44,244.00 %0 Cft 3,960.00 Each 389.70 Total 1,558.80 246,376.42 Sub Divisional Officer (Civil) QUEST Nawabshah Construction of Financial Aid Office at QUEST Nawabshah Part-C: Electrical Works Sr. Item of Work 1 Wiring for light or fan point with 3/029 PVC Quantity 60 points insulated wire in 20mm (3/4") PVC conduit recessed in the wall or column as required (Si.I.No.124 Page-15) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Wiring for plug point with 3/029 PVC insulated wire in 20mm (3/4") PVC conduit recessed in the wall or column as required (S.I.No.126 Page-15) Wiring for call bell point with 3/029 PVC insulated wire in 20mm (3/4") PVC conduit recessed in the wall or column as required. S.I.No.128 Page-15) 12 points 4 points 11,820.00 P/point 1,764.00 Providing & laying (MAIN or SUB MAIN) PVC insulated with size 3-7/044 (6mm2) copper conductor in 1" dia PVC conduit recessed in the wall or column as required. (S.I.No.26 Page-4) 80 Mts Providing & Fixing circuit breaker 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60,75 & 100amp TP (XS-100NS) on prepared board as required. (S.I. No. 207 Page-31) Amount 67,800.00 P/point 985.00 150 Mts Providing & Fixing circuit breaker 6, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 63 amp SP (TB-5S) on prepared board as required. (S.I. No. 203 Page-31) Unit P/point 1,130.00 Providing & laying (MAIN or SUB MAIN) PVC insulated with size 3-7/029 copper conductor in 3/4"dia PVC conduit recessed in the wall or column as required. (S.I.No.24 Page-4) Providing & laying (Main or Sub Main) PVC insulated & PVC sheeted with 4 core copper conductor 300/500 volts size 10 mm2 (S.I. No. 101 Page-12) Rate 7,056.00 P/Mts 294.00 44,100.00 P/Mts 468.00 200 Mts 37,440.00 P/Mts 742.00 15 Nos 148,400.00 Each 916.00 2 Nos 13,740.00 Each 9,261.00 Providing & fixing one way SP 5amp switch flush type. (S.I.No. 219 Page-33) 72 Nos Providing & fixing two pin 5amp plug & socket. (S.I. No. 222 Page 33) Providing & fixing three pin 10 / 15amp plug & socket. (SI.No.224 Page-33) 12 Nos Providing & fixing two pin 5amp plug & socket flush type. (SI.No.225 Page-33) 10 Nos Providing & fixing three pin 10 / 15amp plug & socket flush type. (SI.No.227 Page-33) 6 Nos 18,522.00 Each 54.00 3,888.00 Each 80.00 15 Nos 960.00 Each 151.00 2,265.00 Each 83.00 830.00 Each 162.00 972.00 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Providing & fixing Bakelite ceiling rose with two terminals. (S.I.No.228 Page-33) 20 Nos Providing & fixing Brass pendant lamp holder. (S.I.No.229 Page-33) Providing & fixing Brass Ceiling fan 56" (good quality). (S.I.No.235 Page-34) 20 Nos Providing fixing CKT breaker 6 to 63 Amp DP (TB-5S) (S.I.No. 204 Page-31) 3 Nos Providing fixing of down light saver fixture 4/5" size with holder etc complete (N.S.Item) Providing & Fixing of Tube light fixture 2x40 w (PH) or equivalent) (N.S.Item) Providing & Fixing Energy Saver 25W Good quality (N.S.Item) Providing fixing Exhaust Fan plastic body 12" size good quality (Non Schedule Item) Providing Fixing DB board metal 16 Swg with 06 Nos SP SKT breaker as required folding shutter etc complete (Non Schedule Item) Each 72.00 1,440.00 Each 74.00 1,480.00 4 Nos Each 3,185.00 12,740.00 Each 2,456.00 7,368.00 30 Nos P/Job 1,500.00 45,000.00 10 Nos Each 2,500.00 25,000.00 30 Nos Each 250.00 7,500.00 2 Nos Each 2,500.00 5,000.00 1 Nos Each 25,000.00 Total 25,000.00 488,321.00 Sub Engineer (Electrical) QUEST Nawabshah
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