St. Susanna Parish Reflecting with the Pastor … Feasting at God’s Table ...

St. Susanna
616 Reading Road
Mason, OH 45040
(513) 398-3821
FAX: (513) 398-2254
The Lord’s Day
Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM,
11:15 AM, 6:00 PM
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday,
8:15 AM
8:15 AM, 6:00 PM
Holy Days of
6:30 AM, 8:15 AM,
7:00 PM
6:45 PM
4:00 PM
6:45 to 9:00 PM
First Friday
After 8:15 AM Mass
Friday to beginning of
8:15 AM Mass Saturday
Monday through
7:45 AM
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Reflecting with the Pastor …
Feasting at God’s Table ...
The opening verse of today’s parable likens God to a king and the reign of God to a
wedding feast for God’s Son. Certainly marriage, the covenant relationship between a
husband and wife, most closely resembles the relationship between God and His
people. When Jesus, the bridegroom, is in our midst we can do nothing except feast,
dance and rejoice. God cares for all of us and invites us to participate in the heavenly
meal that is set before us. Meals in the Gospel signal life, love, acceptance and care.
But they can also signal conflict and division. To break bread with someone indicates
commonality … oneness with them. Recall Jesus’ eating with tax collectors and
sinners. In the eyes of Jesus, they are one, everyone is important but in the eyes of the
religious leaders this is anathema. “If He is God, doesn’t He know the kind of people
eating with Him?” The invitation is sent to everyone to come to the feast … come to
the banquet … come, join your brothers and sisters in God’s celebration of love. But
not everyone accepted. Maybe they weren’t ready to drop their own misconceptions,
their own needs and concerns to associate with those different than them. Maybe
they weren’t ready to change their lives and priorities to make dining at God’s table a
priority. Maybe they just wanted everything for themselves. There are two things at play
here: God’s utterly gracious and underserved offer of a place at the eternal banquet AND
divine judgment with the invitation is not fully acted upon. Jesus predicts that because
many who were originally invited to the banquet of God will not come or accept the
invitation, “outsiders, Gentiles,” will be offered a seat at the table.
The strange scene at the end of the parable … the man thrown outside because he was
not wearing a wedding garment … might indicate that we must always be ready, living
our faith each day, because we don’t know when the invitation from God will come. It
could also be a warning that admission to God’s Kingdom is costly and comes with
expectations. It’s not about us! It is about God and what Jesus is doing in and through us.
We can’t come to God or accept His invitation by saying, “Yes, I will come, but I expect
this … I still want to live my life this way … I still want to keep doing what I am doing
because it makes me happy and I am comfortable.” No, it is just the opposite. Jesus says, “I
offer you something greater and better than you can ever imagine. But if you say yes, I
expect you to mirror Me … My loving, My compassion, My generosity and My acceptance.
You need to die to yourself, take off what you think is so important and put on My
garment of truth, of life, of love and compassion.” God is ready… are you?
Fr. Bob Farrell
Reflect …
Reflection: This is a story that actually happened: When a groom-to-be called off the
wedding, the bride decided to go ahead with the wedding banquet. Instead of
inviting friends and relatives, she invited some homeless people. These unlikely
guests had a wonderful time. And the “bride” had the joy of sharing a banquet
with them. This story is very similar to today’s Gospel. In the parable, the invited
guests do not show up, so other guests are invited to share the table and the joy.
Sometimes we ignore God’s invitation.
Questions: Do we recognize that God has an invitation for us every day? How can we
receive and accept it?
If you need to inform the parish of an emergency situation outside of Parish Office hours,
please call 398-3821 ext 3200 and leave a message. The line is constantly monitored.
A priest will be contacted and you will receive a return call as quickly as possible.
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ╬ October 12, 2014
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The next Taizé Prayer will
be Tuesday, October 14th
at 6:30 PM in Church.
Plan to come
and enter the song!
Sunday Café meets every Sunday from
10:10 to 11:10 AM in the St. Susanna Room.
This Week:
Catholicism: The New
by Fr. Barron returns
Next Week:
Fr. Barron’s Series
The next Table Talk is October 21 from
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the St. Isidore
Please bring your
own bag lunch.
RSVP to Cody Egner,
398-3821 ext 3149.
The flowers gracing
the altar last
weekend were placed
by Greg & Erin (Mott)
Johnson on the occasion of
their wedding in memory of
Jim & Jo Ann Mott and
Henry & Arlene Johnson
Reflect on
Next Sunday’s
World Mission Appeal Is Soon
Next weekend, October 18th/19th, there
will be a special collection for the World
Mission Appeal. Each year in October, the
universal Church unites to recommit each
member to his/her vocation to be a
missionary for Christ. Your prayer for
Catholics around the world reaching out
to spread the faith is essential. Your gift
of treasure helps to support 9,000 clinics
caring for the sick and dying, 10,000
orphanages, 900,000 children receiving
an education and the message of God’s
love, 80,000 seminarians and 9,000
religious Sisters and Brothers in
formation. 1,150 mission dioceses,
mostly in Africa and Asia, are home to the
above services. Your gift to the World
Mission Appeal could help to support the
world’s youngest Catholic Church in
Mongolia. There is a designated envelope
in your packet or visit the parish web site
and click on Online Giving on the home
page to make a designated gift.
The flowers gracing
the altar this
weekend have been
placed in memory of
Don von Holle by
Norma von Holle
First Reading
Is 45:1, 4-6
Second Reading
1 Thes 1:1-5b
Mt 22:15-21
October 18/19
5:00 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
11:15 AM
6:00 PM
Misa en español es
el segundo y cuarto
domingo del mes
a las 4:00 PM.
Mass in Spanish is the
second and fourth Sunday
of every month at 4:00 PM.
Nursery services are
provided on Sundays
for the 9:00 AM and
11:15 AM Masses.
The nursery is located
in the undercroft.
Call ext 3126 or e-mail
for details.
Mass Intentions
Monday, October 13
8:15 AM Mass (Meyer)
Special Intention for
Baby Lee and Parents
(Mike & Sharon Weil)
Tuesday, October 14
8:15 AM (Farrell)
Julia Boedo
(Hector & Mila Sanchez)
Wednesday, October 15
8:15 AM (Bishop)
Jack Pugh (His Family)
6:00 PM (Farrell)
Special Intention for
Bill Miesch, Sr.
(Fred Miesch Family)
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Thursday, October 16
8:15 AM (Farrell)
Antonia McCarthy
(Jennifer Connors & Family)
2:30 PM (Bishop) at
Mason Christian Village
Vi Ayers (Anna Geiser)
Friday, October 17
8:15 AM (Bishop)
John Haley
(Barbara & Ed Swain)
Saturday, October 18
8:15 AM (Farrell)
Dennis Sheehan
(Paul & Margaret Hunsberger)
Saturday, October 18
5:00 PM (Bishop)
Joan Seman
(Frank Seman & Family)
Sunday, October 19
7:30 AM (Farrell)
Florence Schneider
(Vince & Mary Beth Meyer)
9:00 AM (Farrell)
Jim Sherby (Eleanor Sherby)
11:15 AM (Bishop) Baptism
Jesse Carmicle
(Brunck Family)
6:00 PM (Bishop) Baptism
Claudia Margaret Bell Carr
Fr. Jerome Bishop
Fr. Bob Farrell
Fr. Bob Farrell
Fr. Jerome Bishop
Fr. Jerome Bishop
of the Word
for Children
The proclamation of the
readings of the day
with age-appropriate
discussion is provided
for children in
Grades K-2 at the
9:00 & 11:15 AM Masses
from September to May.
Contact Susan Gravely,
(Susan Howard & Kathy Marksberry)
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CFP Grades 1-8
Faith formation for
elementary students
will be Summer Sessions
and Sundays
from 10:15 to 11:45 AM
and Mondays
6:30 to 7:45 PM.
Contact Susan Gravely,
ext 3110 or,
with questions.
Saint Susanna
The parish school
provides a Catholic
education for
Grades K-8.
Contact the School
Office, ext 3108 or,
for more information.
Early Childhood
Faith formation
for 3-, 4-, preK
5-year-olds and
meets on
Sunday mornings
at 9:00 AM.
Contact Kristen Tell,
ext 3135 or,
for more details.
Weekday Preschool
is available for
ages 2-5
in the undercroft
of church.
Contact the Preschool
Office, ext 3131 or
for more information.
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Families Invited to
Stories of Jesus Event
The Stories of Jesus is a family event for
preschool through fourth grade children.
It will take place on October 26th from
10:00 AM to Noon. This is a great chance
to learn about Jesus' life through fun
activities! Preschool age and kindergarten
children and their families will meet in
the Meyer Center. Students of grades 1-4
and their families will meet in the
gym. Registration is required. Cost: $5 for
supplies. An online form for registration is
located on the Family Formation page
under the Faith Formation tab. The fee
can be paid at the event.
Fifth Grade Teacher Honored
Mrs. Karen Lauber, fifth grade teacher
at Saint Susanna School, was chosen by
her peers to represent Saint Susanna
School for the National Catholic
Education Association Sister Mariam
Joseph Farrell Distinguished Teacher
Award. Mrs. Lauber is held in high regard
by her peers and epitomizes what a
Master Teacher represents. Karen will
complete the application process for
NCEA. Congratulations and good luck to
Mrs. Lauber.
There is a School Commission meeting
on Monday at 7:00 PM.
Picture retakes will occur on Friday.
Are You Looking for Faith Activities for Your Family?
Visit the round table in the gathering space or the tables
near the bulletin boards in the hall from the gathering
space. There are suggested readings and prayers, ideas
for home activities, coloring sheets, and outreach ideas.
Attend the October Family Festival! Details on next page.
Those Volunteering with Children
Must Fulfill Requirements
All those who volunteer with children must attend
a Protecting God’s Children seminar provided by VIRTUS,
have a cleared background check of no more than five years old,
and must read the monthly training bulletins online.
If you have not yet attended a seminar,
please contact Laureen Catlin, Safe Environment Coordinator,, before you visit in order to register.
She will provide you with a FASTRAX code that will cover the fee
for you to complete the process for the background check online.
Please do not make payment with a credit card.
The next seminar here at the parish
is Wednesday, October 22nd.
Please note that the above seminar will be held in the Meyer Center.
The room is located at the end of the hall from the cafeteria on the first floor.
You must register online to attend.
Visit to register! Choose one of the many options.
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Attention, All 6th-12th Graders,
Faith Alive and LIFE Nights
Are Faith-Filled and Fun!
Faith Alive meets on Sundays
from 4:00-6:00 PM in the Meyer Center
This week’s focus:
Respect Life!
The meeting will be in the cafeteria.
Next week’s focus:
The Saints … There’s a Saint for That!
All of Faith Alive will be attending Mass
together at 6:00 PM.
Life Night is on Sundays from
7:00-9:00 PM in the St. John Bosco
Room in the undercroft.
This week’s focus:
The greatest of our prayers …
The Mass
Next week’s focus:
First Communion … Do you remember it?
For more information or to register,
visit Youth Ministry under the Faith
Formation tab on the parish web site.
Contact Caitlin Craig, 398-3821 ext
3195 or
Are you a parent and interested
in volunteering for
Faith Alive or LIFE?
If so, contact Caitlin Craig.
Contact info is above!
with Mary
This Week!
Filmed on location
in the Holy Land,
Mary: A Biblical
Walk with the Blessed Mother will show
how Mary works in our lives today
drawing us ever closer to her Divine Son.
Seeing Mary in this way will change you
forever. Mary will become a part of your
daily life … and in your daily life, you will
become more like Christ. The study will
be held on Thursdays at 9:30 AM
beginning on October 16th. Cost is $22.
Reserve your place today by visiting
“Family” Is Focus of October
“Family” Festival
The second of nine Family Festivals will
be held October 18th from 2:30 to 4:00 PM
in the St. Susanna Room. The theme will
be Celebrating Families to acknowledge
Pope Francis’ Synod on the Family. The
Synod will be held October 5th through
19th to discern the “Pastoral Challenges
of the Family in the Context of
While the Synod is
coming to a close, those attending the
Family Festival will celebrate families in a
variety of activities for different ages.
Please contact Susan Hack, 398-3821 ext
3169 or, to register
for the event. Be sure to share number
attending and ages of the children.
New Titles Available from
Lighthouse Media
Check out the new titles at the Lighthouse Media display
in the gathering space of church.
Being Featured this Week:
Born Again? Faith Alone?
In one of his most focused talks to date, Stephen
Ray discusses salvation, the authentic Biblical
understanding of being "born again", and how we
are saved by faith, but not “faith alone.”
With great humor and doctrinal depth, he goes all
the way back to Abraham to show that we are
saved by faith and obedience to all that Christ
demands of us.
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Faith Alive
Faith Alive is a youth
ministry experience at
St. Susanna Parish
for 6th, 7th & 8th grade
students that focuses
on service and
experiential learning.
Faith Alive
meets on Sundays
4:00 to 6:00 PM
in the Meyer Center.
Contact Caitlin Craig,
or 398-3821 ext 3195.
LIFE is the faith
formation program for
grades 9 through 12.
Sessions are
every Sunday at 7:00 PM
in the St. John Bosco
Youth Room.
Contact Caitlin Craig,
or 398-3821 ext 3195.
Interested in
Catholic? Adult
Catholic Seeking
Contact Susan Gravely,
ext 3110 or
All Volunteers Who
Work with Children
Need to Attend a
VIRTUS Session
and Have a Clear
Background Check.
For details, visit the
parish web site, choose
Parish Info tab then
Child Protection
from its dropdown menu.
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Preparation Class
This class is a
prerequisite for
infants to age 6;
contact Cathy Meyer
at the Parish Office,
398-3821, ext 3100.
For children over age 6,
contact Susan Gravely,
ext 3110 or
Contact the Parish
Office, no later than 6
months prior to the date
of intended marriage.
Parish Library
The Library is located in
the undercroft of the
church. Media can be
checked out at any time.
Stop by the Parish Office
for help.
Would You Like
to Be a Member
of the Parish?
Contact the Parish
Office, 398-3821;
register after all Masses
on the first Sunday of the
month in Parish Office
and third weekend
of each month
at the Information Desk;
or visit the Parish Office
during office hours.
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday
from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
with extended hours on
Tuesdays until 6:00 PM.
First Sunday of the
month from 8:15 AM to
12:30 PM.
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Cincinnati Catholic Women’s
Conference Is Sheer Goodness
All women are invited to attend the
annual Cincinnati Catholic Women’s
Conference on October 25th. This year’s
theme is Embracing God’s Plan of Sheer
Goodness for Women. This day of
spiritual renewal for the soul will focus
on topics that help connect women in
the search for meaning, belonging,
freedom, courage and peace. A slate of
international speakers will include
Kelly Whalquist with Women in the New
Evangelization, Theresa Tomeo with
Extreme Makeover, Fr. James Brooks
with Women in Love, and Danielle Bean
with Blessed and Beautiful. The day also
includes Mass with Archbishop Schnurr
presiding and an end-of-day wine event.
The Conference will be held at St.
Gertrude Church on Shawnee Run with
check-in at 7:30 AM, beginning speaker
at 8:30 AM and conclusion after 4:30
PM Mass. To register and to obtain
information about cost, directions and
more details, visit
Explore the Joy of the Gospel
Visit neighboring St. John Parish in West
Chester for Exploring the Joy of the
Gospel: The Teaching of Pope Francis. On
November 5th, join Fr. Dan Hartnett, SJ,
from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the St. John
Chapel. He will lead those present in a
discovery of the recent papal letter in
which Pope Francis beautifully outlines
his dream for the Church and for the
world. Fr. Hartnett, the former
Considine Chair in Applied Ethics at
Loyola University and current pastor at
Bellarmine Parish, Xavier University,
will highlight the Pope’s message of
mercy, service and renewal. All are
welcome! Direct questions to St. John
Parish Office, 777-6433.
Women’s Retreat
Offered This Fall
This fall presents an exciting
opportunity for all women
of the parish!
You are invited to experience a renewal
of faith with the Christ Renews His
Parish (CRHP) Retreat. The retreat will
be held on the weekend of November 1st
and 2nd. Each of us has a unique and very
special relationship with the Lord. This
weekend gives you the chance to
strengthen that relationship and bring
members of our parish together in Christ.
Don’t pass up this great opportunity to
strengthen your spiritual foundation and
continue to build upon your faith. For
further information on this retreat,
contact Valerie Stammen, 317-2480.
Caregivers Have Support
You are a caregiver whether you devote a
few hours each week or 24 hours a day to
providing or supervising the care of a
loved one who is disabled, frail, or
elderly. It can be both physically and
emotionally demanding. Meet others who
share your experience to discuss topics
such as maintaining your balance,
caregiving issues and learning to care for
yourself so that you can continue to care
for others. Come to Caregivers Support!
The next meeting is October 22nd at 7:00
PM in the St. Catherine Room. Join with
others who have walked the journey
before. Are you a former caregiver? Your
wisdom and knowledge is needed! Share
with those who are just beginning the
journey. Be there on October 22nd.
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Contact: 398-3821
Parish Office, ext 3100
School Office, ext 3108
Please Help with
Habitat for Humanity
Fr. Bob Farrell,
In celebration of Respect Life Month in
October, St. Susanna Parish is teaming up
with Habitat for Humanity. Individuals
or groups are needed to assist this
nonprofit Christian housing ministry on
Saturday, October 18th from 8:30 AM
to 4:00 PM. No prior experience in
homebuilding or finishing work is
needed, just a desire to be the “Hands of
Christ” to insure a safe and affordable
place to live for families in need. For
more information or to sign up to work,
please contact Mary Beth Meyer, or 398-3821
ext 3120.
Help Start a Fair Trade
Ministry Right Here
at St. Susanna Parish!
Interested individuals are needed to
serve on a core committee to help with
communication and distribution after
Masses one time a month. Fair Trade will
give parishioners the opportunity to
support small farmers, primarily in
Central America, by buying Fair Trade
products once a month after each
Mass. Fair Trade allows farmers in
developing countries to make a fair wage
for their products. For example, a small
farmer usually sells coffee for about fifty
cents per pound. Under Fair Trade, they
can sell for about $1.50 per pound. The
plan is to begin with coffee, chocolate
and cocoa. Please contact Susan Hack,, to help.
Take a Stand for Life
The St. Susanna parish community is
joining thousands of others throughout
the nation currently taking part in 40
Days for Life. This parish has committed
to a prayer vigil outside of the Women's
Medical Center in Sharonville each
Friday from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. To sign
up for a vigil time, visit 40daysfor Please do your part
and take a stand for life!
Fr. Jerome Bishop,
Parochial Vicar, ext 3106
Deacon Dan Rader,
vm 3165
Deacon Lou Wong,
Chris Baumgardner,
Preschool, ext 3131
Caitlin Craig,
Youth Ministry, ext 3195
Cody Egner,
Help Women’s Association
to Make Blankets for Others
to “Take Away the Chill”
The Women’s Association is sponsoring
a No Sew Blanket Making Project on
October 15th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM in the
Meyer Center. As part of the larger
parish outreach to the needy, these
blankets will be donated to the Schuh
Center for the upcoming cold weather.
Come join in this project! Please bring
fabric scissors and a yardstick if you
have them available to you. Let’s make
sure no one feels the chill of winter for
lack of a warm blanket! For more
information, contact Fran Kester,
573-0994 or, or
Christine Phelan,
or 492-7265.
Actively Live Out Today’s Gospel Message
In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say:
“Many are invited, but few are chosen.”
To give thanks for all that God has given to you,
have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor
by joining the parish St. Vincent de Paul Conference?
Contact John Bennett, 675-3620, and say you would like to join!
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Pastor, ext 3101
Formation, ext 3149
Karen Fultz,
Business Manager, ext 3121
Susan Gravely,
Children’s Formation,
ext 3110
Susan Hack,
Adult Formation, ext 3169
Kevan Hartman,
Principal, ext 3109
Mary Beth Meyer,
Faith Formation, ext 3120
Doug Popp,
Facilities, ext 3154
Kristen Tell,
Early Childhood, ext 3135
Guy Vanasse,
Music & Liturgy, ext 3105
Twenty-EighthS unday in Ordinary Time ╬ October 12, 2014
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A report on
how your….
the Mission of
St. Susanna
Fiscal Year
7/1/2014 to
Report on the
Budget - $63,000
Offerings - $65,181
Over (under)
Budget - $2,181
Year to Date (2014-15)
Budget - $611,000
Offerings - $626,607
Over (under)
Budget - $15,607
to keep in
serving their country
overseas, including:
Ryan Hale,
Shane West,
Mark Anzer,
Joseph Patrick Fusco,
Justin Schuh,
Jake Denman,
Jonathan Stanifer,
Christian Sorfnsen,
Ryan Whitaker,
Thomas Prieve and
Michael Zeller
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Flu Shots
On Site
Operation Christmas Child
Needs You
St. Susanna Parish kicked off a new
chance to reach out to children who are
in need. Operation Christmas Child is a
great ministry helping children around
the world who live in extreme poverty.
This new program is the parish outreach
internationally to complement the local
outreach done through the Giving Tree.
Look for that annual outreach on
Thanksgiving Weekend! There are
several ways to participate in Operation
Christmas Child! Have a Shoebox party
within your own existing group; donate
items to be put in a box; or make a box as
a family. If you were unable to get an
instructional handout at Mass or happen
to lose yours, visit the parish web site
and click on the Peace & Justice tab. Boxes
will be collected during the Pancake
Breakfast on October 26th or in the
gathering space of church before
November 17th. The boxes will be taken
to the distribution center before
November 24th. Please direct questions to
Cody Egner, or
398-3821 ext 3149.
Timely Seminar on
Immigration Issues Offered
Neighboring St. John Parish in West
Chester is hosting Immigration Issues and
Catholic Social Teaching from 7:00 to
8:30 PM in the parish’s Favret Hall on
October 20th. The speaker will be Fr. Mike
Pucke, pastor of St. Julie Billiart Parish.
Fr. Pucke’s five years as a missionary in
Chile give him a unique perspective on
the challenges facing the immigrant
community. All are welcome! Please
direct questions to St. John Parish Office,
The St. Susanna Health & Wellness
Ministry is hosting Kroger pharmacists
to administer flu shots, blood glucose
screenings, blood pressure screenings
and medication reviews. Pharmacists
will be available in the Our Lady of
Guadalupe Room, located just off the
gathering space, after the 9:00 AM Mass
until the 11:15 AM Mass each week
starting next Sunday, October 19th
through Sunday, November 23rd. The
cost of the flu shot is $28.00 payable by
cash, check or by presenting your
insurance card for the pharmacist to
verify how much your health care
provider will cover. These services will
also be available after the 4:00 PM Mass
in Spanish on November 9th from 5:00
PM until just before the 6:00 PM Evening
Mass. Direct questions to Ann Ballard,
398-7464, or Tram Tran, 254-0541.
Boosters News
Tidings on Titans Teams
Boosters Needs
Girls Volleyball Coaches
and Two Coordinators!
St. Susanna Boosters are in need of sixth
and seventh grade coaches at all levels
including "A" teams for their girls
volleyball season. They are also in need
of a Spirit Wear Coordinator and a Boys
Volleyball Coordinator. Please contact
Boosters immediately, if you can
volunteer for either of these important
roles! Contact Dan Maziar, 910-5018 or, to coach volleyball.
Kelly,, for additional
information on the coordinator roles.
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Knights of Columbus
Holds Charity Event
The St. Susanna Knights of Columbus is
hosting a wine tasting charity event on
November 15th at 7:00 PM at the Marival
Club House, Marival Way, Mason. Come
enjoy great wines, friends, and an
evening of fun, with an opportunity to
win some wine! Proceeds from this
charity event will benefit the St. Susanna
Outreach Ministries and St. Joseph’s
Orphanage. For information about
featured wines, ticket prices and event
details, visit the parish web site. Choose
the Ministry tab, Fellowship from the
dropdown and Knights of Columbus on
the left panel. Purchase tickets by asking
any member of the St. Susanna Knights
of Columbus or after any St. Susanna
Mass on November 1st/2nd or 8th/9th.
Please direct questions to Keith Chasse,
767-4525 or
The St. Susanna Knights of Columbus
Council #10272 works closely with
St. Susanna Parish providing funds for
various projects, charitable causes, and
the sponsorship of seminarians.
Are You Familiar with the
Parish Gift Card Program?
Did you know that you can visit the
Information Desk after any weekend
Mass and purchase gift cards to places
you regularly shop or dine that help
raise funds for the parish? It’s true. You
can purchase cards to Applebee’s, Bob
Evans, Chipotle, Culver’s, Home Depot,
Kidd Coffee, Kohl’s, Kroger, Mike’s
Car Wash, Outback/Carraba’s/Bonefish,
Petsmart, Speedway, Subway, Wal-Mart,
Wendy’s or Whole Foods. Or you can
pick up information about hundreds of
other gift cards available online. There is
no cost for the card. You use it to make
payment and the parish receives a
percentage. Want to learn more? Visit
the parish web site,,
choose the About tab and then from the
menu Stewardship/Giving.
St. Susanna Parish ╬
Divorced/Separated Support
Group Meets Weekly
St. John Parish's Support Group for
Divorced and Separated meets every
Monday at 7:30 PM in the hospitality
room off the gathering space inside the
church at 9080 Cincinnati-Dayton
Road. You don’t have to walk this
journey alone. Give yourself the gift of
sharing and support with others who
understand. For more information, call
St. John's Parish Office, 777-6433, or
Mary Taylor, parishioner, 398-7355.
Parishioners Seeking
A working parish couple is searching
for a part-time sitter for their one-yearold granddaughter. The need is for two
or three afternoons per week in their
home just north of Mason. Days and
hours would be flexible. Hourly rate to
be discussed and based on experience.
Send an e-mail with summary of
experience to
or call 277-0268 and ask for Marty or
to the following
individuals who were
the winners of the
365-Day Raffle of 2013-2014
for September 28th - October 4th:
Fening Family ($100)
Ward & Katie Quan ($40)
Denise Suttman ($40)
Jim DeJoy ($40)
Maria Victoria ($40)
Amy Rudy ($40)
Pat Schafer ($40)
Gina Kelly, 573-9648
Dan Lally, 755-3228
Finance Commission:
Karen Fultz, 398-3821
Fish Fry Coordinator:
Scott Kososki, 461-9098
Health & Wellness:
Laura Barbetta, 847-1849
Hispanic Ministry:
Wilson Velez, 336-0829
Knights of Columbus:
Matt Bennie, 309-5250
Men’s Prayer Group:
Bill Bross, 777-6069
Moms Group:
Karissa Cullen, 509-3445
Natural Family Planning:
Tom & Colleen O’Rourke,
Schuh Center:
Teresa Bolte, 779-8965
Prayer Network:
Kathy Mussman, 777-5981
Renee Fischer, 234-9313
Respect Life:
Colleen O’Rourke,
Risen Life:
Roberta Brunck, 777-1476
School Commission:
Ray Yunkunis, 336-0073
St. Vincent de Paul:
John Bennett, 675-3620
Women’s Association:
Christine Phelan,
Young at Heart:
Paul Steiner, 398-2709
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ╬ October 12, 2014
Do you need
assistance or
know someone
who does?
Leave a message
for the parish
St. Vincent de Paul
398-3821, ext 3500.
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