LEDGER LEGES THE Fall 2009 - Vol. 2

Fall 2009 - Vol. 2
Third Semester Colony
founded by seventeen
young men on a mission
to better themselves and
create a memorable
college experience.
The Legend Grows
The summer has come and gone and
the brothers are back in Amherst. As we are
half way through the fall semester we have
accomplished a lot. Our second annual
homecoming Alumni BBQ was a huge success
and a lot of fun. Thank you to those who came
out and enjoyed some laughs, grilling, and a
beautiful fall day.
Our relationships with the sororities
here on campus has taken off. We have held
exchanges with Sigma Delta Tau, Iota Gamma
Upsilon, and Alpha Epsilon Phi. We are also
looking forward to events planned with
sororities like Sigma Kappa, Chi Omega, and
Alpha Chi Omega.
We are also competing in intramurals
here on campus. Our teams have upheld the
reputation of Delta Chi while playing football,
baseball, and basketball. Last year during
Greek Week our football team upset the
favorite, Theta Chi’s team, taking home the
trophy for Football Greek Week Champions.
Coming up on November 14 we have
our 1st annual DX Games Philanthropy event.
It is a relay-style race with the events relating
to a stereotypical college day. We are hoping
to raise a lot of money for the Jimmy V
foundation. In addition we are also going to
participate in UDance which is philanthropy
event done by all of greek life which raises
money for the Children’s Miracle Network.
I-Week will be from November 30December 4, with Initiation on December 5 in
Walpole, MA. If you are interested in attending
initiation please send me an email. More
details about the event will be coming out in
the coming weeks. Many of you have also
been asking about our old house and
composites. We are working right now on
getting the old composites and paddles back
from a brother who has been holding onto
them, and have found a potential house for
next year. We’re really excited about recovering
this lost history and restoring it to Delta ChiUMass.
In The Bond,
Joshua Evans
“If your actions inspire others to
dream more, learn more, do more
and become more, you are a
leader.” -John Quincy Adams
Beta Class Pinning Night!
And now comes
President’s Note:
eight in the coming month. With the
addition of the alpha and beta classes, I
Alumni brothers,
feel much more comfortable knowing
that as the founding father class begins
I am proud today. I am proud
of our growth as a Colony in the Delta to leave, we have leaders in place who
are ready to take control of this
Chi Fraternity and I am proud of the
fraternity and do so in the right way.
growth I have seen on the individual
level of our membership. Each brother The future of this, soon to be, chapter
looks very bright and with the positive
has grown in maturity, foresight,
attitude that we exemplify, the town,
organizational skills, and leadership
ability. As a member of the Executive the school, and Greek life will soon
take note and take pride in our growth
Board since our conception, I have
been able to see the improvement first and positive impact on the community
at large.
hand and have helped to guide my
I hope this newsletter finds
brothers, and in turn future brothers, to
you and your loved ones well. Thank
reach their true potential as collegiate
students as well as men who will make you all for your help and support.
a positive difference in the world. I am
proud to see our alumni base growing In The Bond,
in both numbers and in excitement.
Josh “Spiff” Klein
Let me assure you, we are
working hard towards our chartering
President “A”
goal. The Colony has initiated twenty- Delta Chi Fraternity
five men and plans to initiate another
Josh “Spiff” Klein
A quote to live by….
which one is
our president!
“Failure is only a
temporary change in
direction to set you
straight for your next
~ Denis Waitley
Troy Bringhurst-
A quote to live by….
"Don't take life too
seriously, you won't get out
alive." -Van Wilder
Vice President’s Note:
looking to move into these positions in the
future to, in a way, prime themselves for
Hello Alumni. I am glad to tell you
elections and training. Attending Executive
that Delta Chi UMass is right on track. We
Board meetings and sitting down for onehave implemented many new programs
on-one training have made the colony as a
that are showing terrific success. As we
whole more aware of the responsibilities
grow into a thriving part of greek life here
and expectations of an Executive Officer.
at UMass we are developing a solid
I am also very glad to tell you that our
foundation for the years to come.
committee chairmen system is running
One of the most important initiatives
more fluently. Working as a discussion and
this semester is the implementation of our
brainstorming team at meetings has
newly expanded Scholarship Program.
brought better productivity and higher
More than ever we are assisting brothers
efficiency. For example, our fundraising
and associate members alike in their
has jumped from a few hundred to over
academic success. Workshops, study hours,
three thousand dollars in just one semester.
tutoring, and advising are just a few of the
That’s progress!
many tools included in this strong new
I hope you are all as pleased as I am
program. Delta Chi is beginning to develop
with these new programs, which are just a
a reputation for our appreciation of
few of the expansions we’ve been making.
academic values.
All of these initiatives are bringing us
Another initiative is what we have
closer and closer to chartering which we
come to call “Shadowing.” Members of the
see coming in the very near future.
fraternity are shadowing Executive Board
In the Bond,
members to gain an understanding of what
Troy Bringhurst, “B”
the position entails. This allows members
Recruitment Report:
Recruitment for the Fall semester 2009 was a memorable one to say the least.
Being a senior and knowing that my time as a undergraduate is slowly but surely
coming to an end, I felt it was vital not to gain numbers to reach that magical number
30, and to find potential Delta Chi leaders. I made it a principle goal to find men that
someday will be able to replace a predominantly senior-class E-Board and lead this
new fraternity back to the greatness which it once was. Together, with the help of this
“brotherhood of college and university men”, I was able to see that goal achieved.
During the several weeks of events, which included everything from Monday Night
football at Papa Ginos to competitive games of basketball and Texas Hold’Em, Umass
Delta Chi was able to recruit, bid, and pin eight new associate members. Zachary
Durand, Kevin Carifio, Philip Schweiger, Julian Pinto, Andrew Fang, Joshua Brown,
Nicholas Allain, and Nathan Saucier are all new associate members who have the
ability to lead and have shown the potential to surpassed our expectations of how
motivated our Beta Class could be. Within two weeks of the associate member
program, several of these men knew what was expected of a Delta Chi.
I am proud to say that after initiation we will finally reach that anxiously awaited
number 30. Though I should say we do not plan to except this number and are taking
steps every day to make our recruitment process easier and more successful. I have
created a recruitment committee and designated one brother from each class to
contribute to it. The committee and I will look to ensure a successful Spring 2010
recruitment process.
In the Bond,
Reginald R. Bailey
30cis the
Reginald R. Bailey
A quote to live by….
ABT President’s Note:
colony faces: rush/membership,
It’s hard to believe that the Colony finances, administrative best
practices, accountability, just to
is a little more than one year old.
name a few.
They have their second set of
The Colony, now in its
officers and E-Board in place, and
second phase… is looking forward
are now a major presence in the
to the transition to the younger
Greek community. Membership
totals 29, the E-Board is a seasoned group. They have a “shadowing
program” that allows younger
group, and the ABT’s role is
members to work with officers and
provide training for future
During the first year we
played the role of teacher/
I would say that things are
motivator/role model for the new
going well, at dear old UMASS
colony. This year at our monthly
Delta Chi…there is always room
meetings the focus is on assisting
for improvement, but to date it has
the members to meet chartering
been a rewarding experience for all.
goals, scholastic excellence, and
Hope to see you at Initiation.
enhancing the quality of life in
Delta Chi.
Alums and undergrads work In The Bond,
Ira Kligerman
together as a team at these
meetings, brainstorming on new
ABT President
ideas to solve the challenges the
RLC Spring 2009!
“ A friend is one who believes
in you when you have ceased
to believe in yourself. ”
- Unknown !
A quote to live by….
“Only a man who knows what it is like to be
defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul
and come up with the extra ounce of power it
takes to win when the match is even”
- Muhammad Ali
“The Leges Ledger” Newsletter is published
for the members and friends of the UMASS
Colony of the Delta Chi Fraternity. Address
changes, job or family updates, news about
brothers, and photographs are always welcome
and may be mailed to our address listed under
“contact information.”
Contact Information
Address: Delta Chi Fraternity “E”
32 Campus Center Way
Amherst, MA 01003
Upcoming Events
DX Games - Nov. 14
UDance Philanthropy - Nov. 21
I Week - Nov. 30-Dec. 4
Website: http://umassdeltachi.com
Initiation - Dec. 5
E-mail: umassdxalumni@gmail.com
ABT Meeting - Dec. 12
Facebook: UMass Delta Chi Alumni
Alumni Congratulations and Thanks!
Want to get involved or come to initiation?
- A very hearty congratulations to Evan
Wheeler on becoming engaged to get married
on May 30th, 2010 to his fiance, Rachel
Please send your current address, e-mail,
and telephone number to
umassdxalumni@gmail.com so we can update our
- A huge thanks to all the alumni that made it
out to the October Homecoming Tailgate Event,
especially the new faces such as Jeffrey
Manning and Dan Gasser!
Please send this e-mail to all other brothers that
maybe interested in hearing about what is going on
in this fraternity.
- A special thank you to Summer Silverman for
attending last month’s ABT Meeting.
Please RSVP for Initiation to our new “E” Joshua
Evans. email: jevans@student.umass.edu
- Congratulations to our “BB” Bob Burns and his
new wife Tracey.