3M Optical Systems Dual Brightness Enhancement Film—Matte (DBEF-M) Power Savings Wide Viewing Angle Vikuiti™ DBEF-M is a thin film reflective polarizer with an integral diffuser that increases display brightness and is ideal for LCD notebook computer displays. It increases on-axis illumination up to 100% by itself, and up to 250% when combined with two Vikuiti™ BEF films, in wedge light guide designs. This increased brightness can be converted into power savings. Vikuiti DBEF-M offers combined functionality (illumination enhancement + diffusion). Its unique surface properties soften cut-off and provide improved display uniformity while reducing the need for a top diffuser/cover sheet. And the matte surface provides minor cosmetic imperfection masking, eliminates wet-out and reduces reflective moiré. 3 Vikuiti™ Dual Brightness Enhancement Film–Matte (DBEF-M) How it works Nominal film properties Vikuiti™ DBEF-M works through polarization recycling. The diagram shows a conventional backlit system emitting P1 and P2 light. A Vikuiti™ DBEF-M Vikuiti™ DBEF-M+ BEF II 90/50 Vikuiti™ DBEF-M+ BEF II 90/50 Crossed On-axis Illumination:* • Slab, increase • Wedge, increase 53% 102% 121% 207% 160% 254% Half Brightness for Full Viewing Angle* • Slab, Horz./Vert. • Wedge, Horz./Vert. 122°/96° 56°/48° 101°/69° 47°/33° 58°/53° 29°/27° Physical Characteristics • Nominal Thickness • Thermal Shrinkage, MD/TD: • Thermal Expansion, MD/TD: 132µm (5.2 mils) (ASTM D2103) 0.3/0.3% (85°C, 15 minutes) 0.6/0.2% (85°C, 15 minutes) Film properties typical polarizer absorbs P2, but Vikuiti DBEF-M reflects P2 into the backlight, where it is recycled into P1 and P2 light. With Vikuiti DBEF-M, more P1 light is available to be transmitted through the LCD, increasing on-axis illuminance by up to 53% for a slab backlight and over 100% for a wedge light guide. Vikuiti DBEF-M achieves additional on-axis illumination performance in a wedge backlight display by redirecting available light to the viewer. Conventional Backlight Display Display Enhanced with Vikuiti™ DBEF-M The technical data for the products described are typical, based on information accumulated during their life, and are not to be used in the generation of purchase specifications which define property limits rather than typical performance. 53% more light Increases display brightness by 53% Top Polarizer Liquid Crystal Display Bottom Polarizer P1 P1 P1 Vikuiti™ DBEF-M in a typical LCD P1 Vikuiti DBEF-M P1 P1 P2P2 P1 P P2 P2 P *Vikuiti DBEF-M brightness gain depends on the backlight material composition, design and overall lighting efficiency. LCD Vikuiti™ DBEF-M P2 P2 Vikuiti™ BEF Backlight Vikuiti BEF Diffuser Light Guide Vikuiti™ EDR High End Notebook Display Product Size Offering • Custom Sizes—Converted to Customer Sizes • Product Kits—30 Sheets 11N x 11N, 10 Sheets 17N x 17N Brighter brighter Polar plots on standard 35.8 cm notebook PC wedge light guide Display Vikuiti™ DBEF-M & Two Crossed BEF II 90/50 Vikuiti™ DBEF-M Brightness increase with no viewing angle loss Bottom BEF Top BEF Reflective Polarizer none none none Axial Luminance (nt) Maximum Luminance (nt) Integrated Intensity (lm/m2) Horizontal 1/2 Viewing Angle (°) Vertical 1/2 Viewing Angle (°) 42.1 74.0 102.6 43.7 36.5 none none DBEF-M 84.9 102.3 183.1 55.5 47.5 BEF II 90/50 none DBEF-M 129.1 136.6 177.9 47.4 32.7 BEF II 90/50 BEF II 90/50 DBEF-M 148.7 151.1 149.1 28.5 26.6 Eldim optical data taken on standard production 35.8 cm (14.1) notebook PC, TFT display, with wedge light guide with single CCFL and standard industry back reflector. Vikuiti™ DBEF-M Horizontal Scan Vikuiti™ DBEF-M Vertical Scan 160 160 140 140 120 100 XBEF II 90/50, DBEF-M 80 BEF II 90/50, DBEF-M 60 DBEF-M 40 Display 20 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 0 20 40 60 80 Luminance (nt) Luminance (nt) 120 100 XBEF II 90/50, DBEF-M 80 BEF II 90/50, DBEF-M 60 DBEF-M 40 Display 20 -80 Viewing Angle (deg.) -60 -40 -20 0 0 20 40 60 80 Viewing Angle (deg.) Vikuiti™ DBEF-M Environmental Effects on Color Vikuiti™ DBEF-M Environmental Effects on Gain (Delta x, Delta y) 1.60 0.010 65°C/95% RH, 0deg delta x 0.008 65°C/95% RH, 60deg delta x 85°C, 0deg delta x 0.006 85°C, 60deg delta x 0.004 -40°C, 0deg delta x -40°C, 60deg delta x 1.50 XBEF II 90/50, DBEF-M BEF II 90/50, DBEF-M DBEF-M Display 1.45 Color Shift Illumination Gain 1.55 0.002 -40°C to +85°C, 0deg delta x -40°C to +85°C, 60deg delta x 0.000 -0.002 T=0 hours 500 hours 85°C, 0deg delta y 85°C, 60deg delta y -0.006 T=0 T=1000 hours Hours 65°C/95% RH, 0deg delta y 65°C/95% RH, 60deg delta y -0.004 1.40 1000 hours -40°C, 0deg delta y -0.008 -40°C, 60deg delta y -40°C to +85°C, 0deg delta y -0.010 Hours -40°C to +85°C, 60deg delta y Important Notice to Purchaser The following is made in lieu of all warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 3M warrants that, at the time of shipment, product will meet 3M’s published specification or that specification agreed in writing between 3M and purchaser. Should product not meet specifications at time of shipment, 3M will replace or refund the purchase price of such quantity of the product found not to meet specifications. Purchaser shall determine the suitability of the 3M product for purchaser’s application. 3M shall not be liable under any legal theory, including in contract or in tort, for any injury, loss, or damage, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential, arising out of the use of or the inability to use the product. The warranties and remedies set forth herein are purchaser’s sole and exclusive warranties and remedies. 3 Optical Systems Division 3M Center, Building 235-1E-54 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 1-800-553-9215 For more information, visit our website vikuiti.com Vikuiti and the Vikuiti “Eye” symbol are trademarks of 3M. Please recycle. Printed in U.S.A. © 3M 2008. All rights reserved. 75-0500-4184-9
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