Elementary Testing Bulletin October 2014 Evaluation, Research and Accountability PALS – Fall - 1-2 (Optional) Dates to be given: Inside This Issue 1 Monday, 7/28/14 – Friday, 10/3/14 Trad Tuesday, 8/26/14 – Friday, 10/3/14 Notes: 1) All questions should be directed to Becky Gerber, 801-567-8087 or becky.gerber@jordandistrict.org PALS, SRI, and Math Benchmark 2 YRE Math Benchmark, SRI and DIBELS 3 PALS, ALPS and WIDA ACCESS 4 SRI – Fall 3-6 NAEP, SAGE and Math Benchmark 5 Keyboarding, DIBELS, & SRI 6 DLM and SAGE 7 Math Benchmark & PALS 8 Math Post Test Dates to be given: YRE Monday, 7/28/14 – Friday, 10/31/14 Trad Tuesday, 8/26/14 – Friday, 10/31/14 Notes: 1) All questions for both tests should be directed to Becky Gerber, 801-567-8087 or becky.gerber@jordandistrict.org Math Benchmark #1 Please read entire bulletin and watch for changes. Grades K-6 Dates to be given by: YRE AB: Tuesday, 9/9/14 CD: Friday, 10/3/14 Trad Friday, 10/3/14 Notes: 1) These dates are the days that the test is due to Wendy Harmon, Math Consultant. 2) Questions should be directed to Wendy Harmon, 804-567-8377 or wendy.harmon@jordandistrict.org PAGE 2 OCTOBER 2014 Math Benchmark #2 Grades K-6 Dates to be given by: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin YRE ABC: Friday, 11/7/14 D: Friday, 12/5/14 Trad Tuesday, 11/25/14 Notes: 1) These dates are the days that the test is due to Wendy Harmon, Math Consultant. 2) Questions should be directed to Wendy Harmon, 801-567-8377 or wendy.harmon@jordandistrict.org SRI Midyear Grades 3-6 Dates to be given: YR: Trad: Monday, 12/1/14 – Friday, 2/27/15 Monday, 12/1/14 – Friday, 2/27/15 Notes: 1) Please direct all questions to Becky Gerber, 801-567-8087 or becky.gerber@jordandistrict.org DIBELS Mid-Year Grade 1-3 Dates to be given: YRE Tuesday, 12/9/14 – Wednesday, 1/28/15 Trad Tuesday, 12/9/14 – Wednesday, 1/28/15 Notes: 1) Your school will be contacted to let you know the date and time that the DIBELS team will be at your school. 2) All questions should be directed to Becky Gerber, 801-567-8087 or becky.gerber@jordandistrict.org OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 3 PALS – Midyear - Grades K-2 Dates to be given: YR: Trad: Monday, 1/5/15 – Friday, 3/13/15 Monday, 1/5/15 – Friday, 3/13/15 Notes: 1) Test is Optional for grades 1 and 2. 2) Questions should be directed to Becky Gerber, 801-567-8087 or becky.gerber@jordandistrict.org ALPS TESTING Grades K-6 Dates to be given: Grades 3-6 Wednesday, 1/7/15 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm Thursday, 1/8/15 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm Monday, 1/12/15 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm (Make-up Day) Grades 1-2 Friday, 1/10/15 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm Saturday, 1/11/15 8:30 am – 11:00 am Monday, 1/12/15 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm (Make-up Day) Notes: 1) Testing will be held at Majestic Elementary 2) This test is for students who are interested in being enrolled in the ALPS program. 2) Questions should be directed to Rebecca Smith, 801567-8368 or rebecca.smith@jordandistrict.org WIDA ACCESS – Grade K-6 Dates to be given: Tuesday, 1/20/15 – Friday 3/13/15 Notes: 1) This test will be administered to your ELL students who are 1, 2, 3, or 4. 2) We will be contacting your school in November to let you know when we will be testing at your school. 3) Please refer to the WIDA ACCESS blog for updated information. (wida.jordandistrict.org) 4) Questions should be directed to Bekkah Friant, 801-567-8112 or bekkah.friant@jordandistrict.org “Education is the movement from darkness to light.” – Allan Bloom PAGE 4 OCTOBER 2014 NAEP Grade 4 Dates to be given: YRE Monday, 1/26/15 – Friday, 3/6/15 Trad Monday, 1/26/15 – Friday, 3/6/15 Notes: 1) This test is for select schools only. You will be contacted if your school was selected to participate. 2) All questions should be directed to RaDean Meyers, 801-567-8393 or radean.meyers@jordandistrict.org SAGE (Summative) – Writing – Grades 3-6 Dates to be given: YRE AB: C: D: Monday, 2/2/15 – Friday, 2/20/15 Monday, 2/2/15 – Friday, 2/13/15 Tuesday, 2/17/15 – Friday, 3/6/15 Trad Monday, 2/2/15 – Friday, 2/20/15 Notes 1) A schedule template will be sent to Test Coordinators as a Google doc. Please fill it out and return the completed Writing schedule to RaDean Meyers by January 14, 2015. 2) Please watch the SAGE blog (sage.jordandistrict.org) for further information regarding this test. 3) All questions should be directed to -RaDean Meyers, 801-567-8393, or radean.meyers@jordandistrict.org or Bekkah Friant, 801-567-8112 or bekkah.friant@jordandistrict.org Math Benchmark #3 Grades K-6 Dates to be given by: YRE ABC: Friday, 2/13/15 D: Friday, 3/6/15 Trad Friday, 2/20/15 Notes: 1) These dates are the days the test is due to Wendy Harmon, Math Consultant. 2) Questions should be directed to Wendy Harmon, 801-567-8377 or wendy.harmon@jordandistrict.org “The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.” - Diogenes OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 5 Keyboarding Assessment – Grade 6 Dates to be given: YRE A: Monday, 1/26/15 – Friday, 2/13/15 BCD: Monday, 1/5/15 – Friday, 1/23/15 Trad Monday, 1/5/15 – Friday, 1/23/15 Notes: 1) The classroom teacher is responsible to administer this test. 2) If you have questions, please see the Curriculum Technology Page: http://curriculumtechnology.jordandistrict.org DIBELS End of Year Grade 1-3 Dates to be given: YRE Monday, 3/30/15 – Wednesday, 5/6/15 Trad Monday, 3/30/15 – Wednesday, 5/6/15 Notes: 1) Schools will be contacted to let you know when the DIBELS team will be at your school to test your students. 2) All questions should be directed to Becky Gerber, 801-567-8087 or becky.gerber@jordandistrict.org SRI End of Year - Grades 3-6 Dates to be given: YRE: Monday, 4/13/15 – Friday, 6/26/15 Trad: Monday, 4/13/15 – Friday, 6/5/15 Notes: 1) Please work your SRI testing around your SAGE testing. Make sure that your SRI testing is done by the end of the school year. 2) Please direct all questions to Becky Gerber, 801-567-8087 or becky.gerber@jordandistrict.org “Nine tenths of education is encouragement.” – Anatole France PAGE 6 OCTOBER 2014 DLM – Dynamic Learning Map 3-6 Dates to be given: YRE A: Monday, 4/27/15 – Friday, 6/5/15 B: Monday, 4/20/15 – Tuesday, 5/29/15 C: Monday, 4/20/15 – Tuesday, 6/12/15 D: Monday, 4/13/15 – Tuesday, 6/12/15 Trad Monday, 4/13/15 – Friday, 5/22/15 Notes: 1) This test is replacing the UAA test from years past. It is for Special ED students who qualify on their IEP. 2) The DLM will be for Math and Language Arts, but the Science portion will be tested through the UAA. 3) Teachers giving the DLM will need to create a login through the Educator Portal in the KITE system and take the 7 required Module Trainings before administering the DLM. 4) Questions should be directed to Bekkah Friant, 801-567-8112 or bekkah.friant@jordandistrict.org SAGE (Summative) – End of Level – Grades 3-6 Dates to be given: YRE A: LA, MA, SC: Monday, 4/27/15 – Friday, 6/5/15 B: LA, MA, SC: Monday, 4/20/15 – Tuesday, 5/29/15 C: LA, MA, SC: Monday, 4/20/15 – Tuesday, 6/12/15 D: LA, MA, SC: Monday, 4/13/15 – Tuesday, 6/12/15 Trad Notes: LA, MA, SC: Monday, 4/13/15 – Friday, 5/22/15 1) A schedule template will be sent to Test Coordinators as a Google doc. Please fill it out and return the completed LA, MA and Science Testing schedule to RaDean Meyers by March 4, 2015. 2) The LA portion of the SAGE test cannot be started before 4/15/15. 3) Trainings will be set up and posted at (sage.jordandistrict.org) . Please watch for those dates and get signed up early. 4) SAGE Training tests can be found at sageportal.org. 5) Questions should be directed to RaDean Meyers, 801-567-8393 or radean.meyers@jordandistrict.org or Bekkah Friant, 801-567-8112 or bekkah.friant@jordandistrict.org “To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” – Edmund Burke OCTOBER 2014 Math Benchmark #4 PAGE 7 Grades K-6 Dates to be given by: YRE ABC: Friday, 5/15/15 D: Friday, 5/29/15 Trad Friday, 4/24/15 Notes: 1) These dates are the days the test is due back to Wendy Harmon, Math Consultant. 2) Questions should be directed to Wendy Harmon, 801-567-8377 or wendy.harmon@jordandistrict.org PALS End of Year – Grades 1-2 (Optional) Dates to be given: YRE: Friday, 5/15/15 – Friday, 6/19/15 Trad: Friday, 5/15/15 – Friday, 6/5/15 Notes: 1) Please direct all questions to Becky Gerber, 801-567-8087 or becky.gerber@jordandistrict.org PALS – Kindergarten End of Year Dates to be given: YRE Trad Notes AB CD Friday, 5/15/15 – Friday, 5/22/15 Friday, 6/5/15 – Friday, 6/12/15 Friday, 5/15/15 – Friday, 5/22/15 1) All questions should be directed to Becky Gerber, 801-567-8087 or becky.gerber@jordandistrict.org “I am a part of everything I have read.” – Theodore Roosevelt PAGE 8 OCTOBER 2014 Math Post-Test Grades K-6 Dates to be given by: YRE A: Wednesday, 6/10/15 BCD: Friday, 6/26/15 Trad Friday, 5/29/15 Notes: 1) These dates are the days that the test is due back to Wendy Harmon (Math Consultant). 2) The Math Post-Tests are required for Title I schools; all other schools are recommended to give it, but not required. 3) Questions should be directed to Wendy Harmon, 801-567-8377 or wendy.harmon@jordandistrict.org “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X
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