OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL 42 WEST MAIN STREET ● MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 ● WWW.OLGCNJ.ORG PARISH INFORMATION SABBATH MASSES Saturdays 5:00pm Sundays 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00 noon PARISH OFFICE Phone: 856-235-0181 Email: parish@olgcnj.org Emergency Sick Calls: 856-425-0181 PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Very Rev. Damian McElroy, V.F. , Pastor Rev. Matthew Pfleger, Parochial Vicar OLGC SCHOOL (PRE-K – 8TH GRADE) Dr. Frank McAneny, Principal Phone: 856-235-7885 Email: school@olgcnj.org PERMANENT DEACONS Joseph A. Paul, David Papuga, Ed Heffernan Tom Kolon, John F. Bertagnolli, Jr. and John Scanlon RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (1 - 8 GRADE) Dr. Linda M. Dix, Director Phone: 856-235-7136 Email: reprogram@olgcnj.org October 12, 2014 THE CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL Page 2 Columbus Day Saturday, Weekday, October 11 9:00 AM William A. Welch, Michael J. D’Ambra 5:00 PM Kelly A. Gesshel, Esther Simon Sunday, Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Oct. 12 7:30 AM Leo McChesney, Paul Scheier 9:00 AM Matthew and Mary Musial, Amelia Canuso 10:30 AM Thomas Ryan, Thomas G. Pierce 10:30 AM (Gym) Virginia DiPaola, Dorothy Seislove 12:00 PM Charles Pitts (35th Anniversary), Regina Herman Monday, Weekday, October 13 6:30 AM Lauds 9:00 AM Jean M. Guarino, Herbert Curley Tuesday, St. Callistus I, October 14 6:30 AM Lauds 9:00 AM Loretta Barone. Maria J. Conlow Wednesday, St. Teresa of Jesus, October 15 6:30 AM Lauds 9:00 AM Nicholas DiBlasio, Sr., Joseph M. Blaston Thursday, St. Hedwig, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Oct. 16 6:30 AM Lauds 9:00 AM Terry Cornelius, Tom Quigley Friday, St. Ignatius of Antioch, October 17 6:30 AM Lauds 9:00 AM Sister Marianne Sullivan, Peter Hoehne Saturday, St. Luke, October 18 9:00 AM Dr. Javier Fernandez, Ruth Scott 5:00 PM William K. Mosca, Sarah Goode Sunday, Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Oct. 19 7:30 AM Pete Italiano, Nick Verratti 9:00 AM Wheeler and McShane Families, Robert Roselli st 10:30 AM Rosemary Lanzilotta (1 Anniversary), Richard Archer 10:30 AM (Gym) Robert Kleszics, James Beech 12:00 PM Edward C. Kuehnle, Nina Morella Sanctuary Lamp The Sanctuary Lamp will be burning during this week for the following intentions: Main Church: The Derickson Family Crypt: Special Intention Candles can be designated for the intention of someone who is ill or in special need of prayers. Parish Sacramental Information Baptism: 1:30 pm First and Third Sundays of the month. Parental Preparation Session: Second Sunday of the month at 1:15pm in the Heritage House. Please call the Parish Office to register for both. Reconciliation: 3:30 pm Saturdays in the Crypt Chapel. Marriage: Arrangements are to be made a year in advance and at least one person must be a registered member of the parish. Couples are asked to call the parish office to schedule an appointment with Fr. Matthew. Please visit the Sacraments page of our website for more information. www.olgcnj.org/parish/sacraments/ The OLGC campus will be closed Monday, October 13, 2014 in observance of Columbus Day. It will re-open Tuesday with normal business hours. Thank you! VIRTUS TRAINING Our annual Fall Virtus training will take place Oct.23rd from 6:30-9:00pm in Heritage House. If you plan on volunteering or are on staff in our parish and will be in the presence of children this is a mandatory requirement. If you have already been previously certified, you do not need to attend again. Please register for the training with Karen Kershes by phone 235-0181 or email kershesk@olgcnj.org. WEEKLY COLLECTION The collection total for the weekend of 09/28 was $16,558.92 using collection envelopes and $2,910.89 through Parish Giving. The collection for the same weekend last year was $18,500.92 using collection envelopes and $1,964.41 through Parish Giving. The collection for the Good Counsel Courier for 2014 totaled $1,265.00 compared to the 2013 total of $860.50. Thank you for your continued generosity and support. Noah’s Ark Ministry “We will tell the next generation about the Lord’s power and his great deeds and the wonderful things he has done.” Psalm 78:4 Noah’s Ark is a supervised Childcare and Church Readiness Program for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten children. Noah’s Ark is available weekly during the 10:30am Mass and meets in the Early Childhood Center. There is no fee for using the services of Noah’s Ark. New “passengers” may register at any time during the year, and parents may use these services as often as they choose. Please visit the Noah’s Ark page on the parish website: www.olgcnj.org. You may also contact the Captain, Ms. Laura Kowalick at (856) 235-7136 x 4 or kowalickl@olgcnj.org. Casserole Collection We will be collecting frozen casseroles on Monday, October 13th in the Heritage House from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, and on th Tuesday, October 14 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm. All casseroles are delivered to Catholic Charities in Delanco. They are then distributed to families in need throughout Burlington County. Baking pans are available in the room behind the Sacred Heart statue in the upper church. This is a wonderful opportunity for all families to participate in helping people in need. Gathering Sunday On Sunday October 19 the Parish Life Committee presents "Gathering Sunday". Parishioners are encouraged to "gather together" with old friends and to welcome new friends. Please join us to share breakfast treats after the 10:00 a.m. Mass in the school cafeteria. October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time All Seniors and Nine O’Clockers All are welcome to join us for our monthly socials which are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays in Heritage House following morning Mass. Oct. 14th and Nov. 11th will be our time together for coffee and conversation. A general topic is usually offered. A nurse will be available to take blood pressures and to help with any health information. On the fourth Tuesday of the month a presentation is given which is of interest to everyone. The speaker for Oct. 28th will be Dr. Linda Dix presenting the topic: Pope Francis: A Man of Prayer. Dr. Dix will explore the life of Pope Francis with implications for our own. On Nov. 25th our presentation will be Icons and Sacred Art presented by Mrs. Cristina DeVore. Because December is a busy time for all of us we will meet only once this month for our annual Christmas luncheon at the Field Club. More details to follow. For suggestions and concerns please feel free to contact Jane McCorkell at 235-2374 or mccorkellj@olgcnj.org. New Workbooks Attention current readers: The Workbooks for the new liturgical year beginning November 30, 2014 will be available in the sacristy beginning the weekend of October 5th. Please cross off you name from the list when you pick up your manual. Thank you for your service, time and preparation in this important ministry. Readers Are Always Needed The Reader Ministry welcomes confirmed members of our parish to participate in this faith enriching experience. Pope Paul VI in 1972 stated that the Ministry of Reader is no longer reserved for the candidates of the Sacrament of Orders. As a member of the laity please consider this important and visible role. A clear and concise handbook is provided for your use. Orientation is very easy; it only takes an hour of your time. After this introductory session is completed you will scheduled for a weekend liturgy of your choice. Please call JoAnne Campbell @ 856-866-8884 to arrange for a training session. Every effort will be made to accommodate your individual schedule. Final Evening Bible Study This Wednesday evening, Dick Lohkamp will lead the final session on Pope Francis’ first encyclical, “The Light of Faith.” Session 5 (October 15): Faith Creates Hope for the Modern World: a Place Where Human Beings can Live Together will begin at 7:00pm in the Heritage House. Altar Server Training This October, Deacon Ed Heffernan will be conducting a training session for all boys and girls interested in becoming new altar servers. You must be in fifth grade or above to be eligible. The training session will consist of two nights of instruction, Mondays, October 20th and 27th. Both evenings will run from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm and will be conducted in the Church. A prospective server must attend both evenings and be accompanied by a parent or guardian. To reserve a spot in the training class please call Deacon Ed at 856-905-5019, e-mail him at deaconheffernan@comcast.net or leave a message at the rectory with Megan Quigley. Page 3 Religious Education News Registration for 2014-2015 RE Classes: Phase 2 Registration is underway! Forms are available on the parish website and in Heritage House. Home Program: Materials will be available for pick up in the Heritage House – Monday, Wednesday or Friday during normal business hours. No RE Classes: Monday, October 13 and Tuesday, October 14 – Columbus Day holiday. Special Needs Program: Classes begin Saturday, October 18, 10:00am in the school cafeteria. Please contact the Religious Education Office for more information. Confirmation Candidates 2015: Confirmation Retreat: October 23 (WAMS N-Z) and October 30 (Mt Laurel and all non-WAMS schools). Books of Commitment: Will be presented at a special prayer service: RE: December 2. OLGC School: 9:00am Mass. Please continue to work on completing service experiences, reflections, and all aspects of the book. Information Sheet, Sponsor Eligibility Certificates, Retreat / Related Expenses, Gown Orders: Forms are now due. Voice and E-Mail Communication: Honeywell Instant Alert: All families and volunteers are asked to activate / update emergency contact information. Link is available from parish website. Parish E-Mail Newsletter: Please register for monthly parish and RE e-mail announcements. Sign up is found on main parish website page: www.olgcnj.org. We encourage you to check the parish website regularly for parent newsletter, schedules, and special announcements. Book Club Join the OLGC Book Club October 20 at 7:00pm in the Heritage House to discuss the first 13 chapters of Jesus: A Pilgrimage by James Martin, SJ. On November 17 we will discuss the remainder of the book. Jesus: A Pilgrimage, brings together the most up-to-date Scripture scholarship, wise spiritual reflections, and lighthearted stories about traveling through the Holy Land with a fellow (and funny) Jesuit, visiting important sites in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Martin, gifted storyteller, editor at large of America magazine, popular media commentator, and New York Times bestselling author of The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything, brings the Gospels to life in Jesus: A Pilgrimage, and invites believers and seekers alike to experience Jesus through Scripture, prayer, and travel. Children & Youth Music Ministry The Children and Youth Choirs/Ensembles will lead music at the following Masses: • HS Praise Band: 10:30 Mass in the gym every Sunday 12:00 Youth Mass on Sunday, Oct. 19th in the church • Youth Choir & Chapel Choir: Sun., Oct. 19th at 9:00am Mass • Junior Choir: Sun. Oct. 26th at 10:30 Mass • String Ensemble: Sun. Oct. 26th at 12:00pm Mass For more information, please contact Paula Quann; pquann@olgcnj.org. October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4 Holy Cross High School Whole Community Catechesis Gospel - Matthew 22:1-10 Jesus again in reply spoke to the chief priests and elders of the people in parables, saying, "The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son. He dispatched his servants to summon the invited guests to the feast, but they refused to come. A second time he sent other servants, saying, 'Tell those invited: "Behold, I have prepared my banquet, my calves and fattened cattle are killed, and everything is ready; come to the feast."' Some ignored the invitation and went away, one to his farm, another to his business. The rest laid hold of his servants, mistreated them, and killed them. The king was enraged and sent his troops, destroyed those murderers, and burned their city. Then he said to his servants, 'The feast is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come. Go out, therefore, into the main roads and invite to the feast whomever you find.' The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests." Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time When we hear this Gospel, we need to remember that God sends us a personal invitation—very personal—and waits for our response. Our response is evident in the joyful way we live our Catholic faith every day. Question of the Week: Adult: What does the phrase “Many are invited but few are chosen” mean for us today? Child: How and when do you thank God for all he has given to you? Open House at Holy Cross (5035 Route 130 South, Delran, NJ) will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM. An Alumni Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated in the Auditorium at 1:30 PM. The Octoberfest Alumni Tailgate will begin at 2:00 PM and conclude at 7:00 PM. If you have any questions regarding the Open House please contact Mr. Christian Cantwell, Director of Admissions at Admissions@holycrosshighschool.org. Searching for a Job? The Career Transition Partnership (CTP) offers FREE job search programs to help the unemployed in their employment transition. Workshops are held bi-weekly at St. Isaac Jogues, Marlton and Temple Emanuel, Cherry Hill. All workshops are facilitated by highly skilled professionals. MARLTON WORKSHOPS @ ST. ISAAC JOGUES PARISH 10/15 – Selling Yourself to an Employer 11/5 – Technology to Improve Job Search CHERRY HILL WORKSHOPS @ TEMPLE EMANUEL 10/23 - Back to the Basics No Pre-registration is required! Informal networking begins at 6:30pm followed by the program at 7:00pm. Visit www.ctpnj.org for up-to-date workshop schedules and topics. Faith Sharing Program Pope St. John Paul said that we Christians need to promote a spirituality of communion so that the Church may become “the home and school of communion.” Let’s discover together what he might mean with these words and how we in our parish community can contribute to making it a reality. You are invited to participate in Called to be community: living a spirituality of communion. Join us Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30pm in the Heritage House, Columbus Room. There will be two sessions: October 30 to December 11 (6 sessions) and from March 5 to April 9 (6 sessions). For more information contact Mary Ann at 856-313-6315. Youth Group News Sunday, Oct. 12: General meeting from 7:00-9:00pm in gym. Bring a small pumpkin to decorate for our Pumpkin Decorating Contest. Prizes will be awarded. Catholic Charities will be accepting our “Change for Change” collection of coins. Pretzel sale after all Sunday Masses – Help selling pretzels is needed after each Mass. Service time is awarded. Funds raised will go toward Options for Women. Sunday, Oct. 19: ANNUAL INTERGENERATIONAL NIGHT All are welcome to an evening of Irish Folk dance presented by members of the Burlington County Irish Society. The evening will include demonstrations, instruction, live music and refreshments. Please plan to bring a finger dessert or bagged snack for our refreshment table and wear soft soled shoes if you plan to dance. Sunday, Oct. 26: No Youth Group Meeting! OPTIONS' NEIL DIAMOND DINNER SHOW Saturday, October 25th from 6:00-10:00pm Come for the fun and fundraising! No ticket sales at the door. Purchase tickets at www.diamonddinnershow.weebly.com or call Andrea at 856 795-0166 for info about ticket sales. Ticket sale deadline is Thursday October 23rd. Options is very grateful for your support! The OLGC PTA is seeking donations of items for a Germanthemed gift basket to be auctioned off at our Oct. 24 Oktoberfest event at Lenola Fire Hall. Please contact Michelle at molz@comcast.net. 2014 Oktoberfest Friday, October 24th 7pm-11pm Lenola Fire Hall, Moorestown On Sale Sept. 3rd - Oct. 22nd *$40/per person • Craft Beer Tasting ADMISSION SOLD SEPARATELY at the event • Come Out & Get Your Deutsch On! • Authentic German buffet by Sebastian’s Schnitzelhaus Voted BEST OF SOUTH JERSEY by SJ Magazine • Entertainment by SOUTH JERSEY POPS 20-Piece German Band • Taste 3 Select Craft Beers, Featuring Our New OLGC Craft Beer!
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