Dental Dispensing maDe easy how to guiDe DENTAL DISPENSING MADE EASY HOW TO GUIDE Brought to you by INTRODUCTION Welcome to your new Dental Prescribing and Dispensing System The highest level of patient care is based on making every element of your treatment meet the needs of each particular patient. Prescribing and dispensing pain relief or antibiotics is one important step for some patients. Doing this inside your practice guarantees that your patient has the right drugs and the right advice – research has shown that perhaps a third of patients intend to follow your advice but fail to do so as they are distracted by the pressures of just getting on with their lives and all that this involves. Getting started 1. Your drug storage area (for S3, S4 and S8 products) needs to be secure and out of any area where patients will be allowed to access. 2. Read this guide and make sure that each member of your team has read the guide and understands how the dispensing process works. 3. We suggest you use Avery Labels, go to and go to the product labels area. We have provided a sample at the back of the guide. On the site you will also see templates and software tab. There are two ways to do the labels as shown at the rear of the guide. We use Avery L7163. 4. You will need to personalise each label to your practice with the title, name and qualification of the dentist along with the practice address and daytime telephone number to the bottom of each label. 5. Set up the Warning labels near the Drug Cabinet and the Dispensing Quick Reference Guide – now you are ready to make up the dentist’s prescription for the dentist to hand to the patient. Please find your copy at the back of this guide. 6. Discuss the introduction of this new program with each team member especially all the dentists in the practice – a different set of labels will need to be created for each dentist that dispenses products. 7. Determine how you will bill your patients and set this up at the front desk – most practices use Item Number 927 and adjust price, some practices just have a single price of $29.95 for the item number that covers the product. | Fax: 03 9568 2885 | PO Box 608 Carnegie 3163 © Ingenuity Dental Page 2 DENTAL DISPENSING MADE EASY HOW TO GUIDE Brought to you by ACTION PLAN FOR DISPENSING Program protocol In surgery 1. Determine need for a script. 2. If “No” then terminate plan. 3. If “Yes” – ask patient if they would like their script filled at the practice because… • You can legally now offer the service. • You can provide the antibiotics and pain relief at equivalent prices to the pharmacy. • The practice has included dispensing as a convenient service. 4. Write the script at the conclusion of the treatment once the dentist has de-gloved – due to infection control protocols. 5. Enter details of the script in computer/on card. Item number for dispensed drugs is 927. 6. Print label – write in patient name and date. Add Warning Labels as required. At reception 7. Nurse or dentist collects drugs from dispensing cabinet. 8. Apply labels and dentists checks that label matches dispensed drugs on packaging. 9. Patient signs the script. 10. Patient pays (fees and cost of drugs – for prescribing, advice, dispensing and product.) 11. Drugs are handed to patient by dentist – you need to confirm any advice on side effects, use frequency and highlight any warning labels. 12. Store script in safe place – you will need to keep it for three years. | Fax: 03 9568 2885 | PO Box 608 Carnegie 3163 © Ingenuity Dental Page 3 DENTAL DISPENSING MADE EASY HOW TO GUIDE Brought to you by DISPENSING GUIDE FOR DENTISTS 1. Complete your patient’s script as usual. 2. Complete the label writing the date and name of patient. 3. Refer to your MIMS to ensure instructions and pharmaceuticals are correct. 4. Obtain a copy of Therapeutic Guidelines – Oral and Dental, visit Go to the Products page, then the Oral and Dental section for a current version. This should be readily available in one place where every practice team member knows it is stored. 5. Check Medical History to ensure prescription is appropriate. 6. Have a set of blank labels if other instructions that are needed. 7. Follow-up patient to ensure compliance or for a visit to review status. 8. Please keep clinical records as per AHPRA Guidelines for clinical notes. Special case for dispensing less than a full box There may be a small number of prescriptions (for drugs such as Cilicaine VK) where you may need to prescribe less than the complete tablet pack. For these cases, obtain some small sealing bags and attach labels – the standard patient label along with the appropriate warning labels can be put on this bag. | Fax: 03 9568 2885 | PO Box 608 Carnegie 3163 © Ingenuity Dental Page 4 DENTAL DISPENSING MADE EASY HOW TO GUIDE Brought to you by GUIDELINES FOR DISPENSING Reference: Dental Board Information for Dentists 1993. In accordance with the Drug, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations 1985 and Drug, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981. General 1. As a dentist under the Act your are entitled to obtain, possess, use or supply most drugs for the lawful practice of the profession of dentistry, but there are some specific limitations which will be described below. 2. Authorisation does not extend to using drugs for conditions other than those related to the dental treatment of patients under your care, and where a prescription is written, to the person named on the prescription. (S 13: Reg. 801(4), 100 (5), 1012 (1)). 3. No licence is required; your registration as a dentist authorises you to obtain, possess, use or supply most drugs and poisons listed in the schedules to the Act (S 13). 4. The health department or police can at any reasonable time enter your premises inspect your stock and records of drugs (S42). 5. Self-administration of drugs is prohibited (Reg. 801 (6), 1143). Dispensing restricted substances (Schedule 4) 1. You must dispense a restricted substance for a patient under your care but you cannot delegate this activity to dental nurses or receptionists 2. If you dispense, sell or supply a restricted substance to a patient, a label must be attached to the container stating (Reg.1018): • The patient’s name. • The date. • The name, address and telephone number of your practice. • The name, strength and form (i.e. tablets and capsules) of the medication (unless you deem otherwise), directions for use, the words “keep out of reach of children” in red capital letters. Records A true record of any drugs administered or supplied needs to be maintained and kept for three years. Your treatment card showing the patients name and address, the date of the medication administered or supplied is a suitable form of record (Reg. 1025, 1145). Visit, if you have any questions, go to the dental section under Policies, Codes and Guidelines and see the sections especially under Dental Guidelines on Dental Records. Stock & storage Your stocks of restricted substances are to be stored in a locked storage facility such as a room, receptacle, cupboard, drawer or refrigerator and access by authorised persons (as defined in the Act) only. Manufacturers storage instructions are to be observed (Reg. 1010(1)(b)). Your supplies may be obtained from a licenced wholesaler or from a pharmacist to whom a signed order should be provided (S 24, Reg. 1001 (6)(b)). Ingenuity Dental is a licenced wholesale provider. Any loss or theft is to be reported to the Department and to the Police. | Fax: 03 9568 2885 | PO Box 608 Carnegie 3163 © Ingenuity Dental Page 5 DENTAL DISPENSING MADE EASY HOW TO GUIDE Brought to you by PROCEDURES FOR DISPENSING These procedures need to be understood by all practice members. General 1. Only dispense to patients where their dental treatment is under your care (you have a card on them). 2. Only dispense to patients where a prescription is written, to the person named on the prescription. (S 13: Reg. 801(4), 100 (5), 1012 (1)). 3. Keep clear records of your stock and records of drugs. 4. Self-administration of drugs is prohibited. Dispensing restricted substances (Schedule 4) 1. Only a dentist can dispense a restricted substance to a patient under your care – the dentist must personally hand the drug to the patient. 2. If you dispense, sell or supply a restricted substance to a patient, a label must be attached to the container stating (Reg.1018): • The patient’s name. • The date. • The name, address and telephone number of your practice. • The name, strength and form (i.e. tablets and capsules) of the medication (unless you deem otherwise), directions for use, the words “keep out of reach of children” in red capital letters. 3. Use preprinted labels that meet the standard required. Records 1. Keep a true record of any drugs administered or supplied needs to be maintained and kept for three years. 2. Your treatment card showing the patients name and address, the date of the medication administered or supplied is a suitable form of record (reg. 1025, 1145). 3. On your computer system on the patient file or in a document specifically designed to track the dispensing meeting the regulations. Stock & storage The storage cabinet is only to be opened when a dentist is on the premises – no dentist – no access to the drugs. Stock is to be stored in a locked storage facility. Manufacturer storage instructions are to be observed. Your supplies may be obtained from a licenced wholesaler. Simple action guidelines 1. Dentist writes script and records on file/card. 2. Nurse enters data and generates label and places label on bottle/packet. 3. Dentist checks label and bottle/patient signs script/packet and dispenses to patient. | Fax: 03 9568 2885 | PO Box 608 Carnegie 3163 © Ingenuity Dental Page 6 DENTAL DISPENSING MADE EASY HOW TO GUIDE Brought to you by RECOMMENDED SELLING PRICES (EXAMPLE ONLY) As a professional medical practitioner, you set your own fees. The recommended selling prices reflect pharmacy guidelines and include the normal pharmacy dispensing fee, check prices at your local pharmacy from time to time. Method 1 (example only) Dental Cabinet Product Maxigesic 30’s Prodeine (15) Prodeine Forte (20) Mersyndol Forte (20) Abbocillin VK 250mg (25) Abbocillin VK 500mg (25) Metronide 200mg (21) Metronide 400mg (21) Amohexal (Amoxycillin) 250mg (20) Amohexal (Amoxycillin) 500mg (20) Augmentin Duo Forte (10) Diazepam DP Tab (50) Karlor Kd (10) RRP $9.95 $9.95 $16.50 $24.90 $15.95 $18.45 $16.50 $419.50 $16.50 $19.50 $31.90 $9.50 $21.30 GST Sales of prescribed or recommended scheduled drugs as part of the professional treatment plan of your patients forms part of your professional services and is the same as your dental services in these are free of GST. Sale of any products to “walk in” patients not as part of your professional care may be subject to GST – in all cases, you should consult your accountant as to the exact circumstances that may apply in your practice. Method 2 (example only – recommended) – Easy to implement! 1. Have a single item number 927. 2. Charge every product at $29.95 (or the fixed fee you choose) which includes the product, advice, dispensing fee and administration fee. It is simple for all staff. | Fax: 03 9568 2885 | PO Box 608 Carnegie 3163 © Ingenuity Dental Page 7 DENTAL DISPENSING MADE EASY HOW TO GUIDE Brought to you by ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Attachment 1 Following is a copy of the Dispensing Reference Guide – there are two copies provided in the package and these should be in each surgery – additional copies can be provided on request with replacement drug orders. Attachment 2 – Copies of Label Samples (This should be faxed or mailed to the locations indicated on the form. We would recommend that one staff member has primary responsibility for ordering and receiving drugs so that adequate stock is always available and correct records are maintained.) Attachment 3 - Copy of Order Form (Example Only) Fax back a completed order form to place a product order with Ingenuity Dental, using one of the order forms supplied with this booklet. Additional copies can be supplied on request. Additional products Ingenuity Dental holds a DHSV Drugs and Poisons Licence to wholesale S3, S4 and S8 drugs to dental practitioners. We can source and provide to your practice any drug that comes within these Schedules – we would require that a practice purchases a reasonable quantity (say 10 to 15 units) in each order to maintain our minimum offtake with our wholesale suppliers. Questions Please email or fax (03) 9568 2885 with questions about setting up this system or for another copy of the order form. | Fax: 03 9568 2885 | PO Box 608 Carnegie 3163 © Ingenuity Dental Page 8 Dental Dispensing Quick Reference Guide Brought to you by Treatment issue Drug type Cabinet product Superficial infection 1 & 2 Penicillin V Abbocillin VK 250mg (25) / Abbocillin VK 500mg (25) Always confirm no allergy to penicillin before prescribing these drugs Take ONE tablet FOUR times a day on an empty stomach at least 30 mins before food or 2 hours after food, until all taken 2 DO NOT TAKE ALCOHOL while being treated with this medicine. PSA 2 B If unresponsive: Metronidazole 200mg (21) Metronidazole 400mg (21) PSA-B Take ONE tablet THREE times a day until all taken Amoxycillin Amohexal 250mg (20) / Amohexal 500mg (20) Take ONE tablet THREE times a day with food until all taken 2 DO NOT TAKE ALCOHOL while being treated with this medicine. PSA 2 B If unresponsive: Metronidazole 200mg (21) Metronidazole 400mg (21) PSA-B Take ONE tablet THREE times a day with food until all taken Superficial infection 1 Penicillin allergy Cephalosporin Karlor Cd 375mg (10) Take ONE tablet TWICE a day until all taken 2 DO NOT TAKE ALCOHOL while being treated with this medicine. PSA 2 B If unresponsive: Metronidazole 200mg (21) Metronidazole 400mg (21) PSA-B Take ONE tablet THREE times a day with food until all taken ANUG For Acute (Necrotising) Ulcerative Gingivitis prescribe Metronidazole Significant surgery planned 1 Amoxycillin Amoxyl 3g sachet Take the contents of sachet 1 hour prior to dental procedure Paracetamol 500mg/Codeine phosphate 15mg (20) Take ONE to TWO tablets every THREE to FOUR hours when required for mild pain relief Maximum of EIGHT tablets in 24 hours This medicine may affect mental alertness and/or coordination. If affected do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery. PSA 1 PSA 12 This medicine may cause drowsiness and may increase the effects if alcohol. If affected, do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery. This medicine may affect mental alertness and/or coordination. If affected do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery. 19 Paracetamol 500mg/Codeine phosphate 30mg (20) 12 Day: Prodeine Forte (20) 1 Severe pain This medicine may cause drowsiness and may increase the effects if alcohol. If affected, do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery. 12 Prodeine 15 500mg/15mg (20) 1 Mild to moderate pain Contains PARACETAMOL. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if taking other paracetamol products. Night: Mersyndol Forte Paracetamol 450mg/Codeine phosphate 9.75mg/ Doxylamine succinate 5mg (20) Take ONE to TWO tablets every FOUR to SIX hours when required for moderate to severe pain relief Maximum of EIGHT paracetamol tablets in 24 hours Anti inflammatory Ibuprofen 2 PSA 1 PSA 12 PSA 19 MAXIGESIC (Paracetamol 500mg & Ibuprofen 150mg) B PSA-B 10a Take TWO tablets initially then ONE to TWO tablets every SIX hours when required Check for heartburn, ulcers Maximum of EIGHT tablets in 24 hours Do not take more than one asprin tablet or capsule each day while being treated with this medicine. PSA-10a “KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN” label must be fixed to each patient drug label. Notes: Notes: 11 Antibiotic onlyonly to be if spread of infection is beyondisconfines jaw or physical or when there is or systemic symptoms. Antibiotic toprescribed be prescribed if spread of infection beyondofconfines of jaw system or physical system orfever when there is fever or systemic symptoms. 22 Confirm no Ibuprofen sensitivity or hypersensitivity to Asprin, other NSAIDS. Confirm no Ibuprofen senstivity or hypersensitivity to or Asprin, or other NSAIDS. 3 Advil can promote thinning of the blood so should not be prescribed until surgery plan is completed (suggest 24 hours post surgery). Fax: (03) 9568 2885 Mail: PO Box 608, Carnegie VIC 3163 Email: Amohexal (Amoxycillin) 500mg (20) Take ONE tablet THREE times a day with food. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Amohexal (Amoxycillin) 500mg (20) Take ONE tablet THREE times a day with food. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Amohexal (Amoxycillin) 500mg (20) Amohexal (Amoxycillin) 500mg (20) Take ONE tablet THREE times a day with food. Take ONE tablet THREE times a day with food. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: (10) Paracetamol 500mg Ibuprofen 150mg Take ONE to TWO tablets every SIX hours. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: (10) Paracetamol 500mg Ibuprofen 150mg Take ONE to TWO tablets every SIX hours. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: (30) Paracetamol 500mg Ibuprofen 150mg Take ONE to TWO tablets every SIX hours. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: (30) Paracetamol 500mg Ibuprofen 150mg Take ONE to TWO tablets every SIX hours. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Metronidazole 400mg (21) Metronidazole 400mg (21) Take ONE tablet THREE times a day with food. Take ONE tablet THREE times a day with food. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Prodeine Forte (20) Prodeine Forte (20) Paracetamol 500mg Codeine Phosphate 30mg Paracetamol 500mg Codeine Phosphate 30mg Take ONE to TWO tablets every FOUR to SIX hours. Take ONE to TWO tablets every FOUR to SIX hours. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Prodeine 15 (20) Prodeine 15 (20) Paracetamol 500mg Codeine Phosphate 15mg Paracetamol 500mg Codeine Phosphate 15mg Take ONE to TWO tablets every FOUR to SIX hours. Take ONE to TWO tablets every FOUR to SIX hours. Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Patient: Practice: Dentist: Phone: Please implement this program responsibly and follow all regulations and guidelines. ©Ingenuity Dental © Ingenuity Dental
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