For Sale by Private Treaty On the instruction of Declan Taite & Patrick Brennan, Joint Receivers, Duff and Phelps (Ireland) Ltd. (tenants not affected) High Yielding Residential Investment Portfolio Wilford Court, Bray, Co. Wicklow • • • • • • • • odern residential investment portfolio. M Generating €199,200 per annum*. Currently fully let with a strong letting history. 14 modern apartments finished to a high standard. Including 5 contemporary penthouses with views across Bray Head & The Sugar Loaf. Located within a single secure gated development, with landscaped gardens and basement & surface car parking. Highly accessible location, just off the M11 motorway, close to Bray town centre. Benefiting from excellent public transport links to Dublin city centre, including the DART, Dublin Bus and feeder buses to the Luas Green Line. 86 Merrion Square South, Dublin 2, Ireland 01-676 2711 Location ThepropertiesarelocatedatWilfordCourtoffCorkeAbbeyAvenue,adjacenttotheDublinRoadapproximately3kilometres SouthofBraytowncentre. Thedevelopmentislocatedapproximately0.5kilometresfromexit5oftheM11(DublintoWexfordmotorway)enablingeaseof accesstoDunLaoghaire,SouthCountyDublinandtheM50motorway.Theareafurtherbenefitsfromexcellentpublictransport linksincludingBrayDARTstation,cityboundbusesandfeederbusestotheLuasGreenLineatCherrywood. Description WilfordCourtisawell-presentedmoderngatedapartmentdevelopmentwithamixofbasementandsurfacecarparkingwithin landscapedgrounds.Thesubjectapartmentsarelocatedwithinthreeblocksandcompriseamixofpenthouses,duplexesand owndoorgroundfloorapartments.Theunitsarewelllaid-outandareinexcellentdecorativeorder.Thepenthousesbenefit fromwraparoundbalconieswithpanoramicviewsofBrayHeadandTheSugarLoaf.Theduplexesareowndoorandbenefit fromabalconyleadingfromthelivingroomandthegroundfloorapartmentsarealsoowndoorandenjoyasmallreargarden. Thesubjectunitsareasfollows: Number Location Description Size sq.m. No. of bedrooms No. of car spaces BER Rating** Unit23 BlockA Penthouse 160 3 3 B2 Unit25 BlockA Penthouse 170 3 3 B2 Unit52 BlockB Penthouse 170 3 3 B2 Unit53 BlockB Penthouse 120 3 3 B1 Unit54 BlockB Penthouse 160 3 3 B2 Unit55 BlockC Groundfloorowndoorapartment 64 1 1 D2 Unit56 BlockC Duplex 116 3 2 B3 Unit57 BlockC Duplex 116 3 2 B3 Unit59 BlockC Groundfloorowndoorapartment 64 1 1 C3 Unit60 BlockC Duplex 116 3 2 B2 Unit61 BlockC Duplex 116 3 2 B2 Unit 62 BlockC Groundfloorowndoorapartment 64 1 1 C3 Unit63 BlockC Groundfloorowndoorapartment 64 1 1 C3 Unit64 BlockC Duplex 116 3 2 B2 Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves in relation to the floor areas. ** Additional BER information available upon request. Internallythepenthousesbenefitfromahighqualityfitout,includingopenplanfullyfittedmodernkitchensandlivingrooms. Fullyfittedmodernbathroomswithunderfloorheating.Themasterbedroomisensuiteandbenefitsfromaccesstoabalcony, thesecondbedroomisatwin/doubleroomwithbalconyaccessandthethirdbedroomisadoubleroomalsoensuite.Allthe bedroomshavefullyfittedwardrobesandbenefitfromhighqualitycarpets. Theduplexesbenefitfromtheirownfrontdoorandcompriseaseparatehighqualitykitchen/diningroomandalivingroom athallfloorlevelwiththreedoublebedrooms(1ensuite)andafamilybathroomatfirstfloorlevel.Theduplexesfurtherbenefit frombuiltinwardrobes,amplestorageandawestfacingbalconyleadingfromthelivingroom. Thegroundfloorapartmentsalsobenefitfromowndooraccessandcompriseanopenplankitchen/livingroom,double bedroomandalargebathroom.Eachofthegroundfloorapartmentsfurtherbenefitfromitsownreargarden. HighYieldingResidentialInvestmentPo Tenancy All the units are currently let under standard letting agreements producing a total rental income of €16,600* per month gross (€199,200* per annum gross). A full break down of the rent is available upon request. *Rental information was accurate at the time of compiling there particulars. Potential The subject property represents an excellent opportunity to acquire a high Sample kitchen in a Duplex quality residential investment with excellent potential for short term rental growth and future unit sales. Title We understand the property is held long leasehold. Guide Price On application Solicitor Mason Hayes and Curran South Bank House Sample kitchen in a Penthouse Barrow Street Dublin 4 View from a Penthouse rtfolio, Wilford Court, Bray, Co. Wicklow G le n Ro B eech a d Crinken Fe r ale Hill nd d The Woo Crink en Lane ale Gl en Lane oad Dublin R rn Fe Old Rathmichael d le da rn Fe 8 lin 1 Dub M11 Shanganagh Cemetary M11 ry ta me Ce Shanganagh Al lie s Qu arr yR oad ad Ro er Riv R119 Allies River Road Shanganagh Cemetary Cork Little Woodbrook Golf Club o Wo R119 5 Saint Brendan's College ve rR oa d Ri ies All R119 Capital Gains Provisions Wi c Pa rk Co ur t Gr klow een pa rk Co un ty Du bli nW ick low Glenw ood d Par k m or e ne ll Roa d Bray d Roa vay Ve Ar d Dav itt R oad ar gl e e D r Pa d oa Thor nhill R D ad Ro R918 gle ar rD pe p U er Upp ad Ro Florence Road d ar dw gE Kin hill Road Thorn PSRALicenceNo.001234 Ard Chu lan ar gl ngs alti eM Th d Roa bert Her Her be rt R oa Fax:+353-1-6611766 Blin d La ne Tel:+353-1-6762711 oad eR rgl Da er w o L Ro ad Ashlawn Cou rt Thornhill Road 86MerrionSquareSouth,Dublin2,Ireland. Little Bray leW rglinDaub D Ga rove an G Row eet Str ee Ard ad Ro we ns ve Ra Ca stle Stre et ught onna Old C ad Ro rse Pea iew na V Con Old rove na G 5 Dar gle Ballym oad rn R tho Haw n Old Co Forfurtherinformationortoviewpleasecontact; an Road Thorn hi ll V iew d Roa ch Bee Tho rnhil l Road Contact ick lo w aw Conn Old Connaught Dargle View Golf Course Sain t o od n Ballyma Connawood Drive Strictlybyappointmentwiththesolesellingagents. R761 Pe ter' s Road L2047 y be Ab rke Co ad Ro enue naught Av Old Con Viewing br od Wo Kil lar ne yR oa d Festina generallyandseektaxadvicefromtheirtaxadvisor. Lente irn Ca Cois lin Dub Cois Cai rn relationtoCGTandtaxationmattersrelatingtotheproperty Cork Great oo kG len M11 t Cour ord Wilf Werecommendthatinterestedpartiessatisfythemselvesin n ree eG Th holdingperiodwillbeexemptfromCapitalGainsTax(CGT). e Driv The R761 e Grov The e Grov The foratleast7years,thecapitalgainattributabletothat7year Lawn The ays airw The F n Gree The Old Conna Golf Course Ifthepropertyispurchasedbeforetheendof2014andisheld Ma in S tree t Aravon School Dublin Road dale Road Fern db rok Downs Saint Patrick's Girls' National School Notetheaboveparticularsareconfidentialandaregivenonthestrictunderstandingthatallnegotiationsshallbeconductedthroughthisfirm.These particularsareforguidancepurposesonlyandarenotintendedtoformpartofanycontract.Theaccuracyofmeasurements,siteareasanddescriptions arenotguaranteedandintendingpurchasersshouldsatisfythemselvesbyinspectionorotherwiseastotheircorrectness.
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