09 OCTOBER A quieter week on the roads and in the office with school holidays and a few staff taking some well deserved days off for serving alongside the volunteers at conference last week. Come along to a location near you this Sunday for an inspiring message, then spend some time afterwards over a coffee catching up with friends or making new friends. Missed a service? Go to our website for sermon notes, lifegroup notes and to listen to last week’s sermon. See Luke’s blog for more news on what’s happening around all our locations. WWW. ELIMCHRISTIANCENTRE .ORG.NZ WHATS ON WHERE KEY: NORTH LOCATION CITY LOCATION EAST LOCATION SOUTH LOCATION acrossalllocations s rl y i g r hy i t o c i m tr o r d mission’s offering MISSIONS OFFERING This Sunday you’ll be given an envelope in preparation to give on Sunday 19th October 2014 at all locations, supporting the completion of the TVGM Elim Christian Home in Trichy. Elim has funded the current building as it is in previous offerings, this offering to goes towards building the girls’ wing. The target is $30 000. target - $30,000 19th october 2014 Spotlight on Family SPOTLIGHT ON FAMILY Take the moments. Life is busy, and even with the best of intentions it can be hard to stay connected with our tweens and teens as their world begins to separate from ours. There might be fewer opportunities to talk and see each other, or less shared experiences to draw on as you try to keep your relationship strong. Remember that even the small moments can be meaningful. Take any opportunity to share a sideways hug, a silly joke, or even a chance to sit quietly together. By all means be available for deep conversations when they're required, but it's good to know that there are lots of simple ways to express "I enjoy being with you". More parenting Hot Tips from The Parenting Place. Visit our blog for more ideas and stories. NORTH service times 10am - Steve Green BOUNDARIES COURSE When to say YES, How to say NO, to take control of your life. This course next Wednesday 15th October at 7pm & for 9 consecutive weeks. Cost $20pp. Register at the info area or church office. MOVIE FUNDRAISER Screening at Elim Christian Centre is the GOD’S NOT DEAD movie, Sunday 19th October at 7.30pm. $10 per person donation to go to our Christmas Box, an initiative feeding hundreds of people at Christmas time! Popcorn, drinks, coffee and snacks will be available for purchase on the night (just like the movies). BACK ON NEXT WEEK ELIM WOMEN Attention all LADIES!!! Elim Women kicks back into gear on Thursday 16th October with a fantastic new DVD series by Beth Moore, looking at the book of James! Beth Moore is a fantastic teacher. Make sure you set Thursday mornings aside. Starts 10am. See you there. STARTING BACK AFTER THE HOLIDAYS KAI+1, Mainly Music, Mums & Bubs & Oxygen CIT Y https://s.yimg.com/ea/img/-/130626/logo_400_18sku89-18sku8f.jpg https://s.yimg.com/ea/img/-/130626/ service times logo_400_18sku89-18sku8f.jpg 10am - Mike Griffiths 2pm - Rosa Chen LIFE/INTEREST GROUPS A new term of Life Groups starts Wednesday 15th of October. Life Group is where we reach, serve and influence our city. Contact the church office 09 309 3798, email city@elim.org.nz or register on Sunday. COMING SOON Sunday Night Live for Inspiring Experiences over 8 Weeks. EAST service times 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am - Luke Brough 5pm - Tamil service 6pm - Adam Frost INTRODUCTION TO ELIM Is an opportunity to meet our Pastors and learn about our history, how we are organised, our core Biblical beliefs, our vision and the future of Elim Christian Centre. Our next Intro to Elim is on Sunday 19th October 1-2.30pm in the chapel. Lunch will be provided. Sign up at the info area on Sundays or contact the church office on 538 0360 during the week. ELIM WOMEN TERM 4 UNDAUNTED DVD Series by Christine Caine, starting Thursday 16th October 2014 at 10am. Workbook available for purchase from Elim Life Store. ALPHA COURSE What is the purpose for my life…? Is there a God…? What about all the suffering in the world…? An opportunity to explore the meaning of life and the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over 8 thought provoking sessions. Here is your chance to ask the questions about life and faith you have always wanted answers to. Starts Tuesday 21st October with an introductory dinner and finishes 9th October with a celebration dinner, 7.30-9pm in the chapel. Saturday retreat on the 22nd November, 10am - 4pm. Register at the info area on Sundays or contact the church office 538 0360. EVERYDAY EVANGELISM COURSE A seven week course where you will learn how to share the Gospel. The course is based on one to one friendship evangelism by building relationships as a bridge to sharing your faith conversationally. You will learn stories and scripture to help you communicate the gospel message accurately. Starts Wednesday 22nd October 7.309pm, The Galaxy classroom at Elim East. Cost $20. For more information please contact Chris Torrey 021 105 6757. SOUTH service times 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am - Boyd Ratnaraja MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE For those people planning to get married. Starts Tuesday 21st October at 7pm in the dining room. Contact Nico 021 679 075 for more info. Cost $25 per couple, includes handbook. KIWISE COOKING A practical 10 week course teaching healthy eating on a budget starts up again Tuesday 14th October 11.30am in the dining Room. PRAYER AND MINISTRY NIGHT Wednesday 29th October 7.30pm in the Chapel with Len Buttner. PRAYER COURSE For people wanting to learn more about prayer. Starts Wednesday 22nd October. Contact Nico 021 679 075 if interested. 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