1917 Logan Avenue | Minneapolis, MN 55403 | 612.377.1273 | stpaulsmpls.org October 2014 Messenger Saint Paul’s Episcopal Parish Project Footsteps and Uptown Inspired Steve Clarke Messenger • Page 1 Missional Assessment Process • Page 2 From Your Deacon Special Days • Page 3 Ministers In Liturgy • Page 4 Farewell Marlene! • Page 5 Vestry Minutes • Page 6 & 7 Sabbatical Planning & Resources Staff The Rev. Marlene Jacobs, Rector The Rev. Harlan Strong, Deacon Jacob Manier, Music Director Kelly Belanger, Sexton Brad Lien, Finance Vestry John Gisselquist, Senior Warden Meghan Nimmer, Junior Warden Paul Hanson, Treasurer Laurie Larsen, Clerk Liz Clarke, Member at Large John Harrer, Member at Large Julie LeEnfant, Member at Large J.J. Austrian, Member at Large Submissions Would you like to submit content for the website, online parish calendar, or the Messenger? Email: office@stpaulsmpls.org. The Messenger deadline is the 15th of the month. Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church 1917 Logan Ave South Minneapolis, MN 55403 612.377.1273 stpaulsmpls.org office@stpaulsmpls.org After months of brainstorming, reflection and planning, Saint Paul’s began a partnership in early summer with Project Footsteps to address a vital need in the effort to address youth and teen homelessness in Minneapolis. It may be hard to believe but, according to recent research by the Wilder Foundation, some 40,000 Minnesotans experience homelessness each year. Of these, nearly 14,000 are children who go through the system with their parents/guardians, and another 5,000 are minors who are experiencing homelessness on their own. In Hennepin County, it’s estimated that more than 6,700 folks on average are homeless on any given night and nearly half of these are under the age of 21. According to Wilder, 55% of homeless youth reported having experienced physical or sexual abuse as a child, with 46% experiencing violence or sexual exploitation while they are homeless. innovative program called Uptown Inspired was developed by Project Footsteps in collaboration with Saint Paul’s. Project Footsteps (PF) is a local nonprofit organization based very close to the church (1900 Hennepin Ave. South) whose mission is to inspire, empower and prepare youth and young adults to be change agents and social leaders in action. PF partners with schools, colleges, cities and other non-profit groups to support and build youth empowerment and leadership in the community. The purpose of Uptown Inspired (UI) is to provide homeless teens in the South Minneapolis/Uptown area with the opportunity to dream and grow through a mentorship-type program, especially with young professionals. PF staff are identifying and recruiting young professional “millennials” in the Uptown area, convincing them to ally themselves with homeless youth and share their Fortunately, there are organizations knowledge, talents, contacts and in our community providing shelter resources. UI is also developing or transitional housing and access to partnerships with local businesses regular and decent food as well as and organizations to secure addressing drug abuse problems internship and apprenticeship and other health and safety issues. opportunities, strengthen community What is missing for homeless involvement, obtain additional youth, however, is a way to get resources and spread the word. beyond the difficulties of day-toSaint Paul’s has provided start-up day survival and to envision and dream about a better future. It is to funding for this pilot program and will help with future grant-writing address this need that a new continued on page 2 ❖ O CTOBER 2014 ❖ continued from page 1 and fundraising. In addition, Saint Paul’s is providing space for staff training and meetings between mentors and homeless youth as well as contributing mentors and connections to local businesses. Kyle Rucker, the inspiring Executive Director of PF and a person who was homeless during his youth, spoke to the congregation during the Sunday service on September 21 and then answered questions during the discussion forum held following the service in the undercroft. Special thanks to Ruth Mary Gens and the amazing kitchen helpers for the delicious luncheon to accompany our post-worship discussion! Steve Clarke, Helen Lockhart and Harlan Strong are the main points contact with PF, so feel free to contact them for more information. Their sincere hope is that members of Saint Paul’s will become engaged in this new outreach program, through prayer, connections to local companies, ideas for mentors and other resources. Kyle Rucker at the Uptown Inspired Forum NIP Leisure Time Party On Thursday, October 16, Saint Paul's will host a NIP Leisure Time Party for challenged neighbors featuring entertainment, dessert, and Bingo, as we have for many years in the past. We can always use help for setting up and holding the party in the under-croft anytime between 10:00am and 3:30pm that day. Call Rose Nightingale (952.836.0268) or Shirley Holt (612.377.5419) for more information. We can always use contributions for Bingo prizes —small items such as notions, sox, greeting cards, jewelry, etc. There is a basket on the table in the Church entrance hallway for contributions. From Your Deacon As we approach fall we are also in the second month of Marlene’s sabbatical. Uptown Inspired, space rental and many more activities will require all our involvement. Things have been going well these past two months. Thanks mostly to the vestry, Rev. Roger and Rev. Gretchen, Jacob and all of you who have stepped up in Marlene’s absence. The Central Metro Mission Area is growing in attendance and activity among the twelve churches in the CMMA. The CMMA team, which consists of one priest, one deacon and two lay people, are looking at and steering towards more All of Saint Paul’s parish community is to be congratulated. inter-action among the parishes in the CMMA. More on Our pulling together for the good of Saint Paul’s was and is this in future Messenger articles. still the greatest accomplishment that Marlene wishes for Fall is a great time in Minnesota, and especially around our parish. By the way, I can tell you that Bishop Brian is Lake of the Isles. Enjoy the color, the friendships and the also very pleased. services at Saint Paul’s. The next two months will be very busy! Stewardship, post convention happenings, developing child care capabilities, 2 Faithfully & Toksa, Deacon Harlan ❖ St. Paul’s Ministers in Liturgy October 2014 October 5 17 Sunday after Pentecost th 10AM Morning Service Prayer Blessing of the Animals O CTOBER 2014 October 12 18 Sunday after Pentecost th ❖ October 19 19 Sunday after Pentecost th October 26 20 Sunday after Pentecost th 10AM Rite II 10AM Rite II 10AM Rite II The Reverend Harlan Strong The Reverend Michael Pipkin The Reverend Michael Pipkin Celebrant N/A The Reverend Grethen Roeck The Reverend Michael Pipkin The Reverend Michael Pipkin Master of Charles Peterson Ceremony Kathy Kullberg Jill Westendorp Jim Smith Pat Champ Ellen Dresselhuis Mary Neal Betty Moe Terry Williams Pat Trumbull Jim Carroll John Harrer Jean Brooks Exodus 32:1-14 Exodus 33:12-23 Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Larry Weisner JJ Austrian Betty Moe Philippians 4:1-9 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Bobby Boergerhoff Angie Paulson Jill Westendorp Kevin Rohe Crucifer Bryon Jones Chris Nimmer Tom Lockhart Jacob Reeves Steve Reindl Paul Hanson Cy & Phyllis Webster Norm Mitchell Julie L’Enfant Simon Struyk John Struyk Josie Struyk Joe Austrian Kate Austrian Simon Struyk John Struyk Nancy & Pringle Rodman Steve and Becky Briggs David Neal Steve Clarke Barb Smith Steve Clarke JJ Austrian Paul Hanson John Gisselquist Paul Hanson Julie L’Enfant JJ Austrian Julie L’Enfant Liz Clarke Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Preacher The Reverend Gretchen Roeck Chalice Bearers N/A Lector 1 Prisca Cushman First Reading TBD Lector 2 Meredith Johnson Second Reading TBD Intercessor Ushers Jim DowCurt Kullberg Acolytes n/a Greeters Vestry Counters Altar Guild Team Team 1 3 ❖ O CTOBER 2014 ❖ a Blessing of the animals 5 October at ten o’clock In celebration of the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, please join us for a Blessing of the Animals liturgy in the Undercroft. All creatures great and small, real and stuffed, are welcome, and treats for humans and their companions will follow. The Parish Church of Saint Paul—Episcopal 1917 Logan Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55403 www.stpaulsmpls.org 4 ❖ O CTOBER 2014 ❖ August Vestry Meeting Minutes Date: Clerk: Attendees: August 18, 2014 Laurie Larsen Pat Trumball, Liz Clarke, John Gisselquist, Julie L’Enfant, J. J. Austrian, Steve Clarke, Paul Hanson, Jacob Manier, Kelly Belanger, Meghan Nimmerst Opening Prayer Gospel Based Discipleship Scripture Reflection. Kelly presented a handout and spoke on church repair issues. John moved that we accept the narthex roof repair bid of $13,550.00, with funds coming from the capital fund. Meghan seconded. Approved. Meghan moved that we have the gutters cleaned for the cost of $600. J.J. seconded. Approved. J.J. moved that we repair the slate and metal roofs near the sacristy for $1250 with funds coming from Dream to Grow. Liz seconded. Approved. J.J. moved that we install the kitchen sprayer for $400. Liz seconded. Approved. Julie moved that we replace the east side outside faucet at the cost of $620.00, as a maintenance expense. John seconded. Approved. John moved that we replace the metal trap and drain stop, for $520, as a maintenance expense. J.J seconded. Approved. John moved that we make repairs to the black metal rails on the steps north of the driveway and the concrete stairs leading up to the garage roof, for a total of $580.00, as a maintenance expense. J.J. seconded. Approved. John moved that we repair the water leakage problem in the basement for the $1840 bid, as a capital expense. Meghan seconded. Approved. Meghan moved that we have all the electrical repairs made for approximately $500, with maintenance funds. Julie seconded. Approved. J.J. moved that we repair the oven in the kitchen for $500, out of maintenance funds. Julie seconded. Approved. Steve discussed Saint Paul’s involvement with Project Footsteps. “Uptown Inspired” is a 2-year pilot program, connecting homeless teens with young professional mentors. Liz talked about the childcare program at Saint Paul’s. Parents at a meeting agreed that there should be a paid childcare nursery (0-5) attendant. Attendants would need Safe Church training. Further discussion followed. J.J. moved that we inquire into childcare and the rates and authorize payment at the going rate. John seconded. Approved. Meghan briefly discussed Homecoming Sunday, September 7, which would be a brunch. Liz moved to approve the July minutes. Julie seconded. Approved. Compline 5 ❖ O CTOBER 2014 ❖ SABBATICAL RESOURCE DIRECTORY Our Rector will begin a sabbatical on 7 August, returning on 10 December. During this interval, the Senior Warden (John Gisselquist) and Junior Warden (Meghan Nimmer) oversee the day-to-day operations of the Parish, including building- and personnel-related matters. John: 612.518.8651, johngg@qwest.net Meghan: 612.808.5068, meghannimmer@gmail.com Pastoral Care Our Deacon, The Reverend Harlan Strong, will attend to matters of Pastoral need in concert with The Reverend Roger Sonnesyn. Harlan: 612.749.6810, harlanstrong@comcast.net Roger: 612.965.6561, sonnesyn@msn.com Communications Consult with Angie Paulson regarding Messenger and Facebook content, all-Parish communications (such as Constant Contact), and Office Angel and Nursery Coverage. Contact Angie to schedule building use, and to add events to the Parish calendar. Angie: 612.483.4187, paulson.angie@gmail.com Facilities The Sexton is Kelly Belanger. Kelly can unlock the building, and resource general maintenance-related needs. Major building/maintenance issues should be directed to the Senior Warden, John Gisselquist (contact information above) or JJ Austrian. Kelly: 612.834.0718, kellyb@yahoo.com JJ: jjaustrian@gmail.com Hospitality The Junior Warden, Meghan Nimmer (contact information above), will coordinate Coffee Hour and is available to resource parish social events. Liturgy Choirmaster-Organist, Jacob Manier, works in concert with visiting clergy to facilitate worship-related matters, and assist Altar Guild and Ministers in Liturgy as needed. Jacob: 612.296.5195, steepleghost@gmail.com 6 ❖ O CTOBER 2014 ❖ OCTOBER PLAN These things need to happen in September. Here’s who will do it. Stewardship planning committee formed Tom Lockhart committee November Messenger content solicited. Messenger edited Angie Paulson Messenger addressed, folded, mailed Ruth Mary Gens, Steve and Liz Clarke, Meredith Johnson Determine review process for caterer lease John Gisselquist, Meghan Nimmer 5 – Blessing of the Animals Gretchen Roeck+, Jacob Manier, Laurie Larsen, JJ Austrian 11 – Jorgensen, Pietz wedding Mark Thompson+ 12 or 19 – Parish Meeting re: MAP process Michael Pipkin+, Mary Neal 13 – Vestry agenda, financials, minutes sent John Gisselquist 20 – Vestry meets 26 – Stewardship kick-off Tom Lockhart, Rolf Lowenberg-DeBoer 7 ❖ O CTOBER 2014 ❖ Homecoming Sunday 2014 8 ❖ O CTOBER 2014 ❖ Because You Asked: An Ecclesiastical Footnote Jacob Manier Q: Why are there three Altars in the Church Proper? A: There aren't. Saint Paul's Church has two Altars: one on the dais (Predella, in churchspeak) extending from the Chancel, and one in the Chapel. Saint Paul's also has two Retables. These are the ornamental panels behind the Altars, on which are placed crosses, candles, and other cool ecclesiastical stuff. Throughout history, in response to ever-evolving theology, the Altar and Retable have been positioned together (google: Ad orientem to learn more than you ever wanted to about this) and apart. When they are conjoined, as in our Chapel, the collective noun is 'Altar'. Q: Does the position of the Chancel Retable, because of elevation, make it a "High Altar"? A: No. The Retable is not an Altar at all, so it cannot be a "High Altar". In very large churches, with multiple Altars, the Altar of most prominence bears the distinction "High Altar". Beatrice (Bea) Jones and Earselene Wallace Goodwin On 25 August, Saint Paul parishioners received an email informing them of the deaths of Bea Jones and Earselene Wallace Goodwin. Beatrice (Bea) K. Jones died on 16 August, one day shy of her 96th birthday. A private family internment was held. Earselene Wallace Goodwin, mother of Deacon Morris Goodwin, died on 22 August. She was 96 years old. A wake was held Tuesday, 26 August, with a 'Celebration of Life' offered at Bethesda Baptist Church on Wednesday, 27 August. If you would like to be added to the Saint Paul’s email list, please send your email address to: office@stpaulsmpls.org. Saint Paul’s Nursery Opens Saint Paul's is pleased to announce our infant/toddler nursery room is up and running for the 2014-15 program year. Two members of our own parish family have been hired to provide childcare for children 0-5 years of age. Lindsay Goodwin (left) and Antrina Peterson will be sharing childcare duties on Sunday mornings from 9:30-11:30am. We are fortunate to have these experienced and caring women sharing their time and talent with our youngest parishioners! 9 ❖ O CTOBER 2014 ❖ OCTOBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Choir 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Rehearsal Meeting: Project 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Sunday Footsteps Service 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Blessing of the Animals & Morning Prayer 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Sunday Service 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Meeting: Project Footsteps 7:00 PM Project Footsteps 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Choir 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Rehearsal Meeting: Project 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Sunday Footsteps Service 7:00 PM Project Footsteps 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Sunday Service 11:00 AM All Parish Meeting 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Meeting: Project Footsteps 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Vestry Meeting 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Choir 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Rehearsal Meeting: Project 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Sunday Footsteps Service 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Submissions to 10:00 AM Messenger Due - 3:00 PM Leisure 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Time Party Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Loaves & Fishes 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 AM Rehearsal: Brian Jorgensen and Richard Pietz 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Fundraising Event: Miles for Mallory 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Saint Paul Men's Group 4:30 PM Wedding: Brian Jorgensen and Richard Pietz Special Dates in October Happy Birthday 2 3 5 7 8 11 14 20 23 Mark Hiemenz Susan Hoffman Zander Lorence Nicholas Bolt Jim Carroll Andrew Mitchell Jeanette Turner Susan Fisher Emma Forschler Jerome Burns Lu Whitney Sarah Rademacher Elena Carroll Cyrus Webster 10 Happy Anniversary 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 Jacob Hay Rhiannon Jones James Wallace Carole Baker Catherine Turner Alexandra Miller Morris Goodwin III Susan Kruger Charlie Rounds & Mark Dennis & Victoria Rock October 3, 1981 Hiemenz Stephen & Rebecca Briggs October 5, 2015 Jill Westendorp & Donald October 4, 1980 James & Pamela Dow Eddy October 8, 1983 October 26, 2013 Frank & Meredith In Loving Memory Johnson of….. October 9, 1982 Richard & Sue Allen ✝…Donald Busbey, husband Jctober 18, 1958 of Gloria Christopher & Meghan October 16, 2011 Nimmer October 22, 1988 ❖ O CTOBER 2014 ❖ SEPTEMBER 28, 2014 – SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST FEAST DAY OF FRANCIS OF ASSISI On October 4, the church celebrates the Feast Day of Francis of Assisi, an 11th-century Italian friar. St. Francis founded the Franciscan Order for men and the Order of Saint Clare for women, and he is also widely known for his love of nature and animals. Because of his dedication and ministry to all living creatures, many congregations hold pet-blessing ceremonies each year on or around October 4, to commemorate St. Francis’ Day. The Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare (ENAW) offers pet-blessing ceremonies in English and Spanish on their website, http://enaw.org. The ENAW website explains: “We are a grassroots organization composed of laity and clergy within the Episcopal Church who share the common belief that all God’s creatures deserve basic compassion and humane treatment and ought to be within the scope of the church’s ministry and embrace. ENAW has no staff or budget, mutual support in our various and widespread ministries of animal welfare at the local, parish and diocesan levels. Periodically we gather together to witness to the church at the wider national level. However, our day-to-day communication is through our email ListServ, which is the ‘glue’ of our group. ENAW was co-founded by Ms. Sue Grisham and the Rev. D. Rebecca Dinovo, with the help and support of many others. Today we have over 200 members throughout the United States and friends from other denominations and around the world.” In addition to providing pet-blessing ceremonies, the Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare offers the Rites and Prayers for the Care of Beloved Animals, authorized at the 2012 General Convention, as well as other liturgies, sermons, prayers and resources for animals. Collect for the Feast of St. Francis Most high, omnipotent, good Lord, grant your people grace to renounce gladly the vanities of this world; that, following the way of blessed Francis, we may for love of you delight in your whole creation with perfectness of joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen (“Holy Women, Holy Men,” p. 623). Diocese of Los Angeles Bishop Jon Bruno blesses pets at St. Francis Mission in San Bernardino. (Photo by Janet Kawamoto, courtesy of The Episcopal News, Los Angeles) Copyright © 2014 The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society | www.episcopalchurch.org 11 ❖ Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church 1917 Logan Ave South Minneapolis, MN 55403 October @ Saint Paul’s • Blessing of the Animals Sunday, 5 October • Saint Paul’s Men’s Group Saturday, 11 October • Parish Meeting Sunday, 19 October • Vestry Meeting Monday, 20 October • Loaves & Fishes Wednesday, 29 October 12 O CTOBER 2014 ❖
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