MICROSOFT St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Newsletter October 2014 O UR MISS ION I S T O SHARE T HE LI FE , LO VE AN D J OY O F J E SUS C HR IST W IT H OT HE RS CONTACT US: PASTOR’S CORNER Micah 4.12: “But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord; they do not understand his plan.” Office: 610-828-3098 When I was a Church Organist at a Lutheran Church during my college years, I remember a gentleman coming up to the organ console after the postlude and saying, “You play too loud. It hurts my ears!” Now I’ll admit that there are some times I play a bit loudly, but this particular Sunday was not one of them. I asked him which part of the service seemed loud today. He mentioned one specific hymn. I asked him to listen to a few different sounds from the organ and let me know when it hurt his ears. I noticed he was wearing a hearing aid. When I pulled on the mixture (an organ stop that is high-pitched) he held his ears and said, “That’s it!” I let him know that it was not the loudness of the organ, but the high pitch that caused a problem with his hearing aide. I told him I would be more aware of the problem, but could not promise never to use that stop. When he realized that the issue was not with the loudness of the organ, but rather was a problem with the hearing aide, he was more content. Church Email: How often do we get upset with God, because we have a problem that we feel is God’s fault for some reason or another? Why doesn’t God make others more cooperative with us? Of course, we want that to happen without us having to make sacrifices, be forgiving, or love our neighbor as ourselves. Why doesn’t God make our work situation better? Then again, we aren’t motivated to go above and beyond what is expected; might have been late a few times; know we’re not really giving 100% although we are sure no one else has figured that out. Why hasn’t God given me better health? But we never stuck to that diet, don’t want to exercise, eat all of those fried foods, don’t get enough sleep, never check our blood pressure and won’t go to a doctor. FAX: 610-828-3232 Pastor’s Email: Website: Address: 3025 Church Road Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 S PE CI A L PO IN T S OF INTEREST: As the prophet Micah says, we don’t understand the ways of the Lord. For as bad as we are at being in control of our lives sometimes, it is amazing how well things August Operating Budget usually turn out. God is gracious to us even when we don’t hold up our end. Not only October Worship Schedule does God provide for much of our earthly needs, but God also promises to provide for us throughout Eternity. Adult Forum Once that gentleman realized the situation with my organ playing, he was able to accept the situation and be more content in worship. Once we realize that we will not totally understand God’s plan, but trust that it is in our best interest, we can live a more contented life. Too often we want God to live by our standards instead of adjusting our lives to live according to God’s standards. Trust that God really does know what is best. Faithfully Yours, The Rev. R. Bruce Todd Stewardship October Calendar Boar’s Head Letter Boar’s Head Ticket order Form O UR MISS ION I S T O SHARE THE LI FE , LOVE AND J OY O F J E SUS C HR IST W IT H OT HE RS P AGE 2 October Operation Warm Coat If you pull out your winter clothes and decide it’s time to donate, please consider giving to those in need. We will be collecting winter coats and jackets, sweaters, hats, scarves, mittens, gloves and blankets. Items will be given to the Colonial Neighborhood Council, St Michaels and/or Refugees. Enjoy a delicious Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, October18, 5 P.M. to 7 P.M.. Tickets are $8 and will be on sale in the Narthex and the church office. Participate in this fun shopping event, on Tuesday, October 21. Tickets are $5.00 and include a 25% off shopping pass for that day, free refreshments and the chance to win prizes. Tickets will be on sale in the Narthex and the church office. Autumn Food Giving Initiative: This program begins on October 19th and continues through November 16th. The collection of food items are for local families so that they may also enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner. A cornucopia table will be set up in the Narthex to receive all boxed and canned dinner items. SCRIP cards for grocery stores will also be welcomed. SCRIP cards enable the purchase of fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy items to be included in the families’ dinner. College Care Packages We will be sending out much appreciated Care Packages to College students this fall. We need University names, mailing addresses, what year they're in and when their final exams are for the fall semester. This information can emailed to the church at Donations of snack foods and Scrip cards are appreciated. S T . P E T E R ’ S L UT HE R AN C HURC H N E WS LE T T E R O CT OBE R 2 0 1 4 P AGE 3 SCRIP: The Holiday Season starts to gear up this month. Purchases are needed for the “ghosts” and “goblins” that will soon be knocking at your door. Social Ministry’s Autumn Giving Initiative is working to provide the ingredients for a Holiday Dinner for local families in need. A cornucopia table will be in the Narthex to receive contributions. SCRIP cards for Acme, Giant, ShopRite, Super Fresh, Weis, Whole Foods, Target and Walmart can help you and the local families. Social Ministry can use the grocery store cards to add fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy items to the food contributions. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: We will be receiving new members into our congregation on October 26th. Orientation class will be on October 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel. If you are interested in becoming a member, please note on the Worship Pad at the end of the pew or call Ursula at 610-828-2492. 26 Psalms 66:1-2 “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: Sing forth the honor of his name; make his praise glorious.” Let the Rejoicing Begin! Our new season of music making is finally here! There is a long tradition of fine choral music at St. Peter’s, and I am anxious to not only maintain our fine traditions, but also develop some new skills. Exciting plans are being made, and challenging goals have been put in place, and I warmly invite all to be a part of this year’s music ministry. Do you need to be a trained vocalist? NO! Do you have to audition? NO! Do you have to read music? NO! Will you have a wonderful opportunity to take part in our congregation’s music ministry? YES! Will you discover that you really enjoy singing? YES! Will you discover that you really enjoy ringing bells? YES! Rehearsals are the following: Thursdays at 4:00 PM– Children’s Choir will meet in music room beginning on September 25 (we may change rehearsals to Sunday after church?) Thursday nights 6:00 PM – Handbells meet in music room beginning October 9 Thursday nights 7:30 PM – Adult Choir meets in Sanctuary Thursday nights 8:30 PM – Boar’s Head Choir meets in Sanctuary beginning October 23 Please join us for any of our Music Opportunities and not only enrich your life in the above ways, but also serve God by making your joyful noise of praise! All are welcome! Contact Carol Evans for more information ~ P AGE 4 O UR MISS ION I S T O SHARE THE LI FE , LOVE AND J OY O F J E SUS C HR IST W IT H OT HE RS TREATS-FROM-THE-TRUNK Following Worship on Reformation Sunday, October 26th, we will have our annual "Treatsfrom-the-Trunk" event. For those of you not familiar with this activity, we invite all of the children (and adults too) to come to church in costume on that day. Following the worship services, we go into the parking lot and go trick-ortreating from car to car. Church members willing to participate are asked to park in the back portion of the parking lot and bring goodies for the kids. It is always a wonderful time for everyone. Plan ahead and mark your calendars! St Peter’s CHILDREN’S CHOIR Invitation Come join us! We rehearse from 4:00-4:45 on Thursday afternoons Ages 4—11 PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY DID YOU KNOW? The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes more than shawls! In addition to making shawls that give comfort to so many people, we will be busy this year making scarves and hats for those who come to the community meals at St. Michael’s, we make scarves and hats for the care packages to our college students, AND we help St. Peter’s Youth with craft projects. A male dancer is needed for the 2015 Boar's Head Festival. Please Contact David Littlejohn at 610-825-2999 or if interested. Thanks Dave We sing— do crafts— eat snacks— have parties— make friends! Carol Evans is the director. If interested, please call the church office at 610-828-3098 or email Carol at S T . P E T E R ’ S L UT HE R AN C HURC H N E WS LE T T E R O CT OBE R 2 0 1 4 P AGE 5 Boar’s Head and Yule Log Festival St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 3025 Church Road, Lafayette Hill, PA. 19444 phone: 610-828-3098 fax: 610-828-3232 Dear Friends of the Boar’s Head Festival, We are excited about entering our 34th year of presenting the annual Boar’s Head & Yule Log Festival. This year we welcome our New Director of Music, Carol Evans, who will be directing the Choir & Orchestra. Her enthusiasm and excitement for the Festival will be obvious through her work. Even after three decades, people still say it is an indescribable event. Is it a concert or is it a theater production? There is dancing as well as acting and pageantry. It’s an Epiphany Pageant but also tells the Christmas story. Some people come every year while others make it an occasional tradition. Whichever category you fall into, you will not want to miss this year’s presentation. While we hold on to the integrity of the festival, we have updated and added some new costumes, interspersed some new music, and have authentic medieval dances. The schedule for our 32nd presentation is: Saturday, January 10th 2015 – 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. Sunday, January 11th 2015 – 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. We look forward to sharing this year’s festival with you. Tickets are usually gone weeks before the festival weekend, so we encourage your prompt reply. We suggest a $12 donation be given for each ticket requested, same as last year. As in the past, our custom is to fill ticket requests that include a tax deductible donation with the order form. If tickets are available after requests including a donation are fulfilled, we will then honor requests from those orders that have not included a contribution. In addition to your financial support, we also request your prayers as we prepare to help make your Christmas/Epiphany season inspirational. Enclosed you will find an Order Form for tickets. To assure tickets for your desired performance, do not delay in submitting your request. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope, otherwise, your tickets will be held for you at the door. Tickets will not be available for pick-up in the church office. If you have questions concerning tickets you may contact Anne Hipp at 610-825-7837. We thank you for your past support and look forward to another year of presenting an inspirational Boar’s Head & Yule Log Festival. This helps us fulfill our mission to share the life, love and joy of Jesus Christ with others. With Blessings, The Rev. R. Bruce Todd For the Boar’s Head & Yule Log Committee P AGE 6 O UR MISS ION I S T O SHARE THE LI FE , LOVE AND J OY O F J E SUS C HR IST W IT H OT HE RS September 14, 2014 Dear Member of St. Peter’s In mid-October, our annual Pledge Drive will begin. Envelopes will be distributed by our Pledge Captains before worship services. In order to develop an accurate 2015 budget to cover salaries and our variety of church programs we need a realistic idea of your intended annual giving to the Church. The Stewardship Campaign is the only way to make this determination; therefore, it is important that everyone completes and returns their pledge cards. Two years ago a Building Capital Reserve Fund was developed to provide a means of funding long delayed capital improvements to the church. The plan required that 3% of annual congregational giving be transferred to this fund. In fiscal year 2013, Total Income was down by 6.43% and the church budget had a $41,145 deficit. Part of this deficit was due to unexpected costs for snow removal. This year our giving is down 4% as of September 1st. As In the past, mortgage giving was down, and money from the general offering was used to cover the difference. This year despite an increase of 2% in the general giving ($5,112.26), mortgage giving is down 15% ($13,146) leaving us 2% ($8,034) behind in our Total Income. Please consider giving more to the mortgage fund so that we can meet our mortgage payments. Also, you may want to consider the Simply Giving Program which provides the convenience of your offering being deducted from your designated bank account at a specific date each month. Being part of this program is not only convenient for you but provides better cash flow to the church to meet our financial obligations. Information regarding this program will be enclosed in the pledge envelopes. Remember another way to increase income to the church is to participate in the SCRIP Program. Information regarding SCRIP will also be enclosed. Thank you in advance for your 2015 pledge of giving to St. Peter’s. Sincerely, The Stewardship Committee William Friedgen, Stacey Levins, David Littlejohn, Claire Riggs, Charles Skutches S T . P E T E R ’ S L UT HE R AN C HURC H N E WS LE T T E R O CT OBE R 2 0 1 4 P AGE 7 ST. PETER’S OPERATING BUDGET (August) Category August Actual August Budget Total Current Income Total Misc Income Total Rental Income Total Income 25,029.50 21,818.33 9,351.50 12,174.56 5,144.67 5,199.67 39,525.67 39,192.56 08/31/2014 Diff YTD Actual August YTD 08/31/2014 Budget Diff 3,211.17 -2,823.06 -55.00 333.11 209,938.44 81,041.72 38,267.36 329,247.52 204,826.18 5,112.26 97,396.48 -16,354.76 41,597.36 -3,330.00 343,820.02 -14,572.50 -308.21 2,499.36 2,733.03 -233.67 637.50 401.60 1,841.67 -175.00 1,692.20 146.11 23,907.89 -8,364.15 20,303.17 -2,709.78 2,625.00 -2,082.82 39,192.56 333.11 51,315.64 -13,092.25 -12,123.08 13,425.36 5,648.61 15,947.24 15,012.04 197,315.24 148,514.31 18,899.38 329,247.52 403,836.18 -74,588.66 5,100.00 14,733.36 15,134.98 152,553.62 162,239.66 21,000.00 343,820.02 373,494.65 -29,674.63 548.61 1,213.88 -122.94 44,761.62 -13,725.35 -2,100.62 -14,572.50 30,341.53 -44,914.03 Income Expenses Total Worship Ministry Total Church Community Ministry Total Outreach Ministry Total Office Total Property/Building Total Personnel Total Miscellaneous TOTAL INCOME TOTAL EXPENSE OVERALL TOTAL 0.00 1,039.10 1,666.67 1,838.31 15,543.74 17,593.39 542.18 39,525.67 38,223.39 1,302.28 308.21 Notes The September meeting of Congregational Council saw the receipt and discussion of several reports from our active committees. Foremost, of course, were the final touches on the proposal to submit to the Congregation regarding the roof repairs to Fellowship Hall. On September 14, the proposal for the repair, which involves considerable complex work, was approved unanimously by the congregation in a special meeting... Much time and effort was and will be expended as this project, scheduled to begin soon will require our close attention to detail. We thank the Property Committee for its work in this project! Other issues discussed were the organ restoration project, the sound system, church security plans and processes, and staffing for the Christian education and youth ministry programs. A comprehensive report was received by the Social Ministry committee whose several projects are more than impressive. The invitation is wide open for members who wish to help with at least one of these endeavors such as the Community Meals program that is a valuable large weekly effort. Please see Ellen Daneke if you wish to help with this program or one of the others that continue to help us carry out our mission. A list of Council members is found in this bulletin; feel free to speak with any member if you have any questions or concerns! O UR MISS ION I S T O SHARE THE LI FE , LOVE AND J OY O F J E SUS C HR IST P AGE 8 W IT H OT HE RS WORSHIP ASSISTANTS SCHEDULE FOR October 2014 ALAR GUILD: Pat Hughes; Jane Schultz; Lois Trautman COMMUNION ASSISTANT 10/05: Marshall Coursey; Sandy Leonardo 10/26: Bernadette McMeans; Betty Rotenbury DATE Oct 5 Oct 12 Oct 19 Oct 26 GREETERS READERS ACOLYTES CRUCIFERS Bernadette McMeans Bill Friedgen Lisa & Megan Julia Friedgen Peuser Doris & Theresa Webber Jack Melillo USHERS John Hansel Emily Turner Mrtin & Jenifer Bogdon; Rugh Mucha; Bill Raupp; Bernadette McMeans Austin Hokanson Rylynn Trembath Jodi Ash;Stephen Roehm Hannah Peuser; Joseph Santino Alexa Lavanchy Michael Gould Paul & Karen Knittel; Rob Celia Sue & Karen Jackson Kohler Vicky Hyczko Nolan Lockard Speers Guzik Mark & Deann Boyer Tom Peuser; Nancy Barr Kathleen & Emily Turner THANK YOU FOR SERVING! If you would like to donate your offerings through our “Simply Giving” program, simply contact the office. This program makes it possible for your offering to be directly deposited from your bank account into the church’s bank account on a date you designate. This is a good way to initiate faith-based giving. We appreciate your support. Save SPLC the expense of paper and postage! Electronic Monthly Newsletter OPT-IN to view your Monthly Newsletter online! Each month you will receive an email indicating the Newsletter is available on the Church Website. Click and view! Get all the news first! No waiting for USPS mail delivery. Go to, scroll to the bottom and click on Luther’s Rose. If this is right for you, please OPT-IN ~ To OPT-IN: Send email to with subject line “Monthly Newsletter OPT IN” If you do not have a computer or email, don’t worry ~ we will continue to mail the Newsletter to you! Thanks for helping to reduce costs and Go Green! S T . P E T E R ’ S L UT HE R AN C HURC H N E WS LE T T E R O CT OBE R 2 0 1 4 P AGE 9 OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS 10/01 10/02 10/02 Kevin Pownall, Sr. Nicholas Moore Cathy Anderson 10/18 10/18 10/19 Sue Speers Lucia Santaniello Doris Weber 10/03 10/04 10/05 10/05 10/05 10/06 10/06 Tyler Brown Nicholas DeVitis Tom Bahnck Ashley Rossi Sienna Bunt Carol Benner Katie Culp 10/19 10/19 10/21 10/21 10/21 10/21 10/22 Marge Guldner Paul Ohntrup Charlie Muhler Jo McManus Courtney Soda Gemma Cohen Kristin Hokanson 10/07 Linda Helm-Fahy 10/22 Charles Giovanisci 10/08 Jimmie Garrison 10/24 Brynn Hopper 10/08 10/08 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/11 10/12 10/12 Robert Graham Scott Culp, Sr. Nancy Lockard Adam Zipfel Justin Aloia Jennifer McCullin Charlotte Thompson Gene Soda, Jr. Megan Phillips 10/24 10/24 10/25 10/25 10/25 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/28 Don Riggs Ashley Dorn Jane Schultz Paul John Feigel, Jr. Emma Hokanson Peg Heffernan Paige Totten Clare Sweeney Thomas Aloia 10/12 10/12 10/15 10/15 10/17 10/18 Eva Friedgen Dana MacNeal Sandy Hudson Bob Blundin Patrick J. O’Hara Kevin McBurney 10/29 10/29 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/31 Frank Mayer, Jr. Tommy Pezzano Faith Cullen Bob Gallagher Tim Johnson Joseph Polowczuk O UR MISS ION I S T O SHARE THE LI FE , LOVE AND J OY O F J E SUS C HR IST P AGE 1 0 W IT H OT HE RS BAPTISM: 9-21-2014 August Walter Semler NEWSLETTER Articles are due on the 15th of the month. Please email your Word document to ALTAR FLOWERS Dedicating the Sunday altar flowers is a lovely way to remember or honor loved ones. There are many dates available throughout the summer! Call the church office 610828-3098 to schedule a special date. Commemorate special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or achievements! "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come!" This year’s Community Thanksgiving Service will be held on Thanksgiving Eve, November 26th at Or Ami Synagogue on Ridge Pike at 7:30 p.m. The preacher this year is our own Pastor Todd! The choir will consist of members of the various churches and synagogue in the PlymouthWhitemarsh area! Mark your calendar now to save the date for this inspirational event. ADULT FORUM: MARK YOUR CALENDAR Our bi-monthly Adult Forum sessions will continue to focus this year on inviting everyone to become more fluent in the language of faith---the language of Scripture--in order that we may live into our calling as a people renewed, enlivened, empowered and sent by the Word. This framework for this study series is an initiative of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The sessions are designed to allow everyone to “drop in and out” as needed, although for best results, joining the group on a regular basis is great for your spiritual health! Note that except for Lent, our sessions meet every other Wednesday according to the schedule below. Sessions are held at Noon and 7:30 p.m. In the event of inclement weather, call the church office or see the website at P AGE 1 1 S T . P E T E R ’ S L UT HE R AN C HURC H N E WS LE T T E R O CT OBE R 2 0 1 4 ADULT FORUM: (continued…) DATE Dates for Our Meetings: TOPIC October 8, 2014 Songs of the Faithful: Studies in Psalms October 22, 2014 Songs of the Faithful: Studies in Psalms (part II) November 5, 2014 Signs of the Kingdom: Studies in Matthew November 19, 2014 Signs of the Kingdom: Studies in Matthew (part II) December 3, 2014 December 17, 2014 God’s Will for Life: Studies in Mark God’s Will for Life: Studies in Mark (part II) January 7, 2015 Being the Body of Christ: Studies in I Corinthians January 21, 2015 Being the Body of Christ: Studies in I Corinthians (part II) February 4, 21015 Overview of Lenten Studies – Selected Scripture/Discussion – Contemporary Application February 25, 2015 LENT Daily Discipleship During Lent: Being an Instrument of Peace March 4, 2015 LENT Daily Discipleship During Lent: Being an Instrument of Pardon and Faith March 11, 2015 LENT Daily Discipleship During Lent: Being and Instrument of Hope and Light March 18, 2015 LENT Daily Discipleship During Lent: Being an Instrument of Joy and Consolation Daily Discipleship During Lent: Being an Instrument of Understanding and Love March 25, 2015 LENT April 15, 2015 God’s Own People: Studies in 1 Peter April 29, 2015 May 13, 2015 Final Session God’s Own People: Studies in I Peter (part II) Putting it All Together with the Holy Trinity If a session is cancelled because of weather, we will move on to the next date and topic Resources Needed You. Your attendance is needed and will be welcomed! Bring your Bible if convenient; if not, we will have Bibles at the ready as well. Just Be prepared to: Make a joyful noise as we open our sessions with a favorite hymn! Be prepared to: Pray, Read, Contemplate, Contribute, and have some fun doing it. 21 19 28 27 7:30 Mutual Ministry 26 Reformation Sunday Worship 8:30 & 10:00 10:00 Sunday School Treats From the Trunk New Members accepted 7:30 Boy Scouts 7:30 Boy Scouts 19th Sunday after Pent Worship 8:30 & 10:00 10:00 Sunday School 6:00 Catechism Class 7:30 Pipers 29 12 Adult Forum 7:30 Pipers 7:30 Adult Forum 22 7:30 Pipers 7:30 Boy Scouts 7:30 Church Council 20 15 14 13 12 Adult Forum 7:30 Pipers 7:30 Adult Forum 4:00 Children’s 6:00 Handbell Choir 7:30 Adult Choir 8:30 Boar’s Head Choir 30 4:00 Children’s Choir 6:00 Handbell Choir 7:30 Adult Choir 8:30 Boar’s Head Choir 23 4:00 Children’s 6:00 Handbell Choir 7:30 Adult Choir 16 4:00 Children’s Choir 6:00 Handbell Choir 8:00 Adult Choir 9 31 24 17 10 6:00 Dietrich Wedding Rehearsal 4:00 Children’s Choir 7:30 Adult Choir 7:30 Pipers 8 3 2 1 FRI THU WED Pent Worship 8:30 & 10:00 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Prayer Shawl 11:00 BH Meeting 1218th Sday after 7 7:30 Boy Scouts 6 5 TUE 17th Sunday after Pent Worldwide Comm Worship 8:30 & 10:00 Sunday School 10:00 MON SUN 11:00 Community Meals 25 11:00 Community Meals 5:00 Spaghetti Dinner 18 9-2 Craft Fair 11:00 Community Meals 11 11:00 Community Meals 3:00 Dietrich Wedding 4 SAT October 2014 IT’S THE BOAR’S HEAD 2015 CASTING CALL! Performances in 2015 are January 10th and 11th Mandatory Dress rehearsal is Thursday, January 8th Sign up sheet for all cast members, will be with me in the Muhlenberg Chapel on Sunday October 19th after both 8:30 and 10:00 Worship services. The costumes are ready... the music is ready… the props are ready… the Pipers are ready! We need YOU to commit to the weekend and celebrate the joy of St. Peter's. We are down a few male dancers this year. If any one knows of folks outside of the congregation that might like to put on those beautiful costumes and be a wonderful part of the show as dancers, tell them to contact David Littlejohn or Kate Garrison at 610-940-1373 or If you're in the Boar's Head Cast, Choir and Crew, please send an email to Kate Garrison with your email address so that we may build an updated email database and keep you up to date with announcements. Least you forget - there is a part, a roll, a job for ANYONE that would like to participate!!! Sign up for the Fun! ~~~ Kate Garrison Optimism can take you anywhere CRAFT FAIR Saturday, October 11, 2014 9 am - 2 pm St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 3025 Church Road. Lafayette Hill, PA 19444 Over 40 Crafters Snacks, Lunch, Face Painting BOAR’S HEAD AND YULE LOG FESTIVAL 2015 TICKET ORDER FORM Name_____________________________________ Telephone #__________________________ St. Peter’s Member # _________ OR Non-Member Six Performances: Saturday, January 10th, 2015 at 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. Sunday , January 11th, 2015 at 1:00, 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. PLEASE indicate two (2) choices in order of priority: First Choice Date:_______________ ____ Second Choice Date:_____________________ Time:___________________ Time:_____________________ # Of Tickets:______________ # Of Tickets:________________ Suggested Donation of $12 each ticket ~ Total Ticket Donation Enclosed: $__________ Please make check payable to: ST. PETER’S BOAR’S HEAD FESTIVAL Return to: St. Peter’s Boar’s Head Festival, 3025 Church Road, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-1707 If you would like to receive your tickets by mail, please include a Self-addressed stamped envelope with your order. Otherwise, your tickets will be held for you at the door. If your 1st choice is sold out, you will be notified by phone. No notification will be made if your 1st choice is available. If you would like to support the festival with an additional donation, please use the special donation form below . Would you like to be added to our email list ___________________________________________________________. BOAR’S HEAD AND YULE LOG FESTIVAL 2015 SPECIAL DONATION Please use this form for gifts to the Festival in addition to your ticket donation: Your Tax deductible generous support of the Festival is deeply appreciated. Please make check payable to: ST. PETER’S BOAR’S HEAD FESTIVAL and indicate one of the categories of gift: Benefactor Sponsor ($500) ($250) Friends of Music ($125) Contributor ($60) Backer ($40) Other $_____ PRINT name as it should appear on the Donor List:__________________________________________________________ Return to: St. Peter’s Boar’s Head Festival, 3025 Church Road, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-1707 If you would like to attend the Festival by ordering tickets for a suggested donation of $12 each, Please use the order form above. This space for Ticket Office use only
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