Own Your Future CO N F ER ENC E PROGR A M M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Welcome to #ALTA14 With a fresh, new look and a refined focus, RamQuest offers the industry’s most comprehensive title and settlement solutions and… an integrated CDF solution that intuitively guides you through the new form! more than 50 innovative partner integrations to ensure that you are RESPA-TILA ready! a fully compliant, hosted option that eliminates the overhead and hassle of mainlining your own network! bE 1 of tHe firsT 250 to vIsit The rAmqueSt boOth And rEceivE a frEe, portAble Power chargEr! RechaRge at Booth #303 On behalf of the Board of Governors and the entire ALTA staff, we thank you for attending ALTA’s 108th Annual Convention. We are honored to serve as your host. From the general sessions to the professional development programs, we’ve developed an excellent program aimed at helping you understand the various issues impacting the industry and providing information about the changes happening in the market so attendees can take control of their future. Refinance business has dried up and a bevy of regulatory pressures are impacting order volume. Implementation of Best Practices has reached a tipping point and new mortgage disclosures hit the scene August 2015. There’s a lot changing, but we’ll provide insight on how you can overcome these hurdles and share advice on how your company can change its focus and create demand in your local market. With homebuyers wanting more information about the real estate process and associated costs, it’s critical for ALTA members to take control of their messaging to ensure that consumers, lenders, real estate agents, lawmakers and regulators fully understand our product. We’ll help you learn how to effectively tell your story. We’re transforming the way we operate to continuously improve our ability to meet customers’ needs and ensure the safe and efficient transfer of real estate. We should all be very proud of where we are today and excited about where we are headed. By attending the Annual Convention, you are putting yourself and your company in control by learning and being prepared. I’m sure you will depart feeling invigorated with new networking opportunities and innovative ideas on how to help your business succeed. Please let ALTA staff know if there’s anything we can do to make your time at the convention more enjoyable. Enjoy your stay in the eclectic, sophisticated and resilient city of Seattle! Best Wishes, Rob Chapman, ALTA President A Special Greeting from the ALTA President Dear Title Industry Colleague: 1 The American Land Title Association® is celebrating its 108th Annual Convention in Seattle, WA. ALTA’s largest meeting, our Annual Convention is where title insurance companies, abstracters, and title agents come together to network and build relationships with their colleagues and participate in a comprehensive accredited educational program focused on best practices, business development, government regulations and technology trends. In addition to phenomenal education, attendees can shop exhibitors for products, services, and technology solutions that are essential to their business operations. ALTA is the national trade association and voice of the abstract and title insurance industry. ALTA members search, review, and insure land titles to protect home buyers and mortgage lenders who invest in real estate. ALTA members range from small, one-county operations to large national title insurance underwriters across the nation. This year’s annual convention is located in the beautiful city of Seattle where the land is characterized by both land and water. Lake Washington is located to the east, Elliott Bay and Puget Sound, an arm of the Pacific Ocean, lies west. Waterfall Mountains rise to the east and west. City attractions are not only beautiful views at the tip of the Space Needle, but also the surrounding landscapes. The water area near Pike Place Public Market is a favorite destination for both locals and visitors. Here you will find the famous fish throwers and fresh food shops. If you are in search of something extremely unique, swing by the original Pike Place Starbucks while you’re close, after all there’s only one original Starbucks store! Museums offer another outlet in Seattle for entertainment. Locations such as the Seattle Art Museum, Seattle Asian Art Museum, Henry Art Gallery, Olympic Park sculpture, Wing Luke Asian Museum, the Flight Museum, and the Museum of History and Industry, are all well represented in Seattle. Welcome to #ALTA14> > Table of Contents 1 Schedule-at-a-Glance > > 4 ALTA Social Media Guide > > 11 Professional Development Sessions Overview > > 12 Schedule Detail > > 12 Thursday October 14 Opening General Session Friday, October 15 Friday General Session Saturday, October 16 14 16 22 23 30 Closing General Session 32 Closing Reception 34 Exhibit Hall Map > > 38 Exhibitor List > > 39 Exhibitor Descriptions > > 40 Ticketed Events > > 51 Tours & Activities > > 52 General Information > > 54 2013-2014 ALTA Board of Governors > > 56 ALTA Honorary Members > > 57 ALTA Past Presidents > > 58 Map of Seattle > > 60 4 Schedule 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Note: All Committee Meetings are open to all ALTA Members 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Convention Registration Sunday, October 12, 2014 Dahlia Lounge included in committee registration fee Monday, October 13, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast for Reinsurance Committee Pike 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast for All Committees 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Best Practices Task Force Meeting & Breakfast Denny/Mercer separate registration & fee required 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Forms Committee Meeting 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Title Counsel Committee Meeting Pine separate registration & fee required 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Education Committee Meeting Pike 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Seattle Icons Tour 7:00 p.m. Forms Committee Dinner committee members and guests only 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Public Relations Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. Title Counsel Dinner Blueacre included in committee registration fee 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Government Affairs Committee (GAC) Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2014 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast for All Committees 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Title Counsel Committee Meeting San Juan Foyer Elliot Bay separate registration & fee required 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Forms Committee Meeting Olympic 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch for All Committees San Juan Foyer 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. National Title Professional (NTP) Council Meeting 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Convention Registration Blakely Fifth Avenue Foyer 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Title Insurance Political Action Committee (TIPAC) Meeting 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. President’s Reception 7:30 p.m. Forms Committee Dinner Orcas Fifth Avenue invitation only Wild Ginger committee members and guests only 7:30 p.m. Membership & Education Committee Dinner Wild Ginger additional fee required 7:30 p.m. Tavolata Technology & Real Property Records Committee Dinner additional fee required 7:30 p.m. State Affiliates Dinner Cutters additional fee required Grand Foyer Grand Crescent 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. State Legislative/Regulatory Action Committee (SLRAC) Meeting 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Reinsurance Committee Meeting 12:00 p.m. Lunch for Reinsurance & Title Counsel Committees Grand Registration 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Professional Headshot Station 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch for All Committees Vashon II Olympic St. Helens Westin Lobby additional fee required Vashon I Fifth Avenue Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic Grand Foyer 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Native American Lands Committee Meeting Vashon I 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Membership Committee Meeting Vashon II 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Technology Committee Meeting 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Woodinville Wine Tour 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Regional Underwriters Meeting Fifth Avenue Westin Lobby additional fee required Grand Crescent 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Title Action Network (TAN) Committee Meeting Vashon II 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Real Property Records Committee Meeting Vashon I 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Social Media Help Desk 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Exhibitor Meeting with ALTA’s CEO 4:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Professional Headshot Station Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic Grand Ballroom 1 & 2 Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic 5 Pre-Convention Schedule-at-a-Glance Pre-Convention Schedule-at-a-Glance Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Pre-Convention Schedule 7:00 p.m. Reinsurance Committee Dinner Schedule M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 6 Schedule 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Convention Schedule-at-a-Glance 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Fifth Avenue First-Time Convention Attendee and New Member Orientation Convention Opening 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Grand Ballroom 1 & 2 Ice-Breaker Reception and Grand Opening of Exhibit Hall Showcase included in registration fee Sponsored by Softpro Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Convention Registration Grand Registration 7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Social Media Help Desk Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic 7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Breakfast in Exhibit Showcase Grand Ballroom 1 & 2 Sponsored by Fidelity 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Professional Headshot Station Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic 7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Vendor Demo Sessions See Page 14 4 concurrent sessions 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. International Development Committee & Breakfast Orcas 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. National Title Professional (NTP) Designation Breakfast 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. General Session Program 11:00 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. Professional Headshot Station Blakely invitation only Grand Ballroom 3 Sponsored by Fidelity Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic Grand Ballroom 3 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Abstracters and Title Insurance Agents Section Meeting including nomination and election of officers 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Fifth Avenue Title Insurance Underwriters Section Meeting including nomination and election of officers 11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Cascade II Vendor Education – Uniform Closing Data Set with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac 12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Social Media Help Desk LOOK Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic 12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Lunch in Exhibit Showcase Grand Ballroom 1 & 2 Sponsored by Fidelity 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Vendor Demo Sessions See Page 17 4 concurrent sessions 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Flightseeing Tour Westin Lobby additional fee required 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Main entrance of Westin Seattle “Behind the Scenes” Seattle Aquarium Tour additional fee required STRENGTH AND STABILITY FOR O V E R A C E N T U R Y. A tiger’s night vision is six times more acute than that of a human. At Old Republic Title, we have a network of sharp-eyed underwriters who are trained to spot defects in a title. Therefore, you can rest assured that when you work with us, you’ll receive unparalleled underwriting support and financial strength, nationwide coverage and in-depth local knowledge. This equals peace of mind both you and your customers can count on – and deserve. For an underwriter who looks out for you, count on Old Republic Title. 612.371.3882 oldrepublictitle.com Connect Socially: oldrepublictitle.com/social Underwriters in the Old Republic Title Insurance Group, Inc. are: Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, Mississippi Valley Title Insurance Company and American Guaranty Title Insurance Company 8 Schedule 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Grand Crescent 2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Professional Development Sessions See Page 18 5 concurrent sessions 3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Professional Development Sessions See Page 20 4 concurrent sessions 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Seattle Space Needle TIPAC Thank You Reception invitation only – transportation provided via Monorail The Pike Brewing Company 9:00 p.m. – Midnight Rock Out with TIPAC suggested contribution to TIPAC – walkable from the Westin Friday, October 17, 2014 7:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Convention Registration Grand Registration 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Social Media Help Desk Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic 7:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Professional Headshot Station Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast in Exhibit Showcase Grand Ballroom 1 & 2 Sponsored by NATIC 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Vendor Demo Sessions See Page 22 3 concurrent sessions 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Friday General Session 11:15 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. Lunch in Exhibit Showcase 11:15 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. Social Media Help Desk 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Convention Registration 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast Grand Registration Mezzanine Foyer 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Professional Development Sessions See Page 30 4 concurrent sessions 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. General Session Program Grand Ballroom 3 12:45 p.m. Past President’s Luncheon Departure Westin Lobby 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Past President’s Luncheon Blueacre invitation only 1:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Tastes of Pike Place Market Tour Westin Lobby 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Closing Reception & Dinner Experience Music Project Museum Reception Sponsored by Stewart included in registration fee Grand Ballroom 3 Sponsored by First American Grand Ballroom 1 & 2 Grand Foyer Sponsored by Old Republic 11:30 a.m. Westin Lobby Michael F. Wille Memorial TIPAC Tournament Departure lunch and transportation provided 12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Professional Development Sessions Saturday, October 18, 2014 Convention Schedule-at-a-Glance Convention Schedule-at-a-Glance 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ALTA Board of Governors’ Meeting 9 Schedule M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 See Page 25 3 concurrent sessions 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Newcastle Golf Course Michael F. Wille Memorial TIPAC Tournament separate registration required/ suggested contribution to TIPAC 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Woodinville Wine Excursion Westin Lobby additional fee required 1:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Professional Development Sessions See Page 26 4 concurrent sessions 3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Professional Development Sessions See Page 28 4 concurrent sessions Ice Breaker Reception & Grand Opening of the Exhibit Showcase Wednesday, October 15 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Join us in the Exhibit Showcase for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres as we kick off the 2014 Annual Convention. SPONSORED BY Social Media Guide M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Welcome to Seattle. #ALTA14 @ALTAonline – ALTA’s official Twitter handle Did you know that Seattle is home to the world’s first gas station (opened in 1907 on East Marginal Way), the first floating bridge (the Mercer Island Floating Bridge) and the original Starbucks (opened in Pike Place Market in 1971). We did. That’s because our local employees are just that - locals. They are title and underwriting experts that have local knowledge and understand the local customs, real estate laws, and needs of our title agents. Facebook.com/altaonline – ALTA’s official Facebook account The nice thing is, we have local experts in your neck of the woods, too. Sponsor Twitter Handles: We’re locals. Just like you. Wherever you call home, find out how our local experts can help you in your local market. Be sure to check into the ALTA Annual Convention on Swarm and tag all your photos with #ALTA14 on Instagram. Tweet important quotes and take photos during our many committee meetings, general sessions, receptions, and inside the exhibit hall. General Session Speaker Handles: Michelle Korsmo - @MichelleKorsmo Doug Duncan - @FannieMae Rob Chapman: @titlerob Frank Pellegrini: @fp1976 Linda Grahovec: @LindaGrahovec Jeanne Bliss - @JeanneBliss SoftPro - @SoftProSoftware First American - @FirstAmNews Data Trace - @eDataTrace Old Republic - @OldRepTitle RamQuest - @RamQuest Stewart - @StewartTitleCo ReQuire - @goreQuire Simplifile - @Simplifile TSS - @iwantTSS eLynx - @eLynx_Buzz Red Vision - @redvision RynohLive- @RynohLive LiensNC - @LiensNC Pavaso, Inc- @PavasoTweets If social media intimidates you or you feel you need a tutorial on the ways you can best use it, stop by the Social Media Help Desk in the Grand Foyer during the posted hours. Social Media Help Desk Hours Find a local expert. Visit www.fntg.com/local Wednesday, October 15 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Thursday, October 16 7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. 12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Friday, October 17 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. 2014 Social Media Guide Did you know? Official Annual Convention hashtag 11 12 CE/CLE/LPO Credits 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Sponsored By NATIC Stories from the Front Lines: ALTA Best Practices Implementation CE/CLE/LPO Credits ALTA is proud to offer CE and CLE opportunities at our Annual Convention. ALTA has submitted applications for CE and CLE credit in many states: When Does a Question Become a Complaint? And When Does a Complaint Become a Claim? E-Recording Overview and Charging Accurate Closing Costs 10 Steps To Business Preparedness AL 7 8.5 Technology Considerations You’ll Need to Be Successful in the CFPB Era AR P 8.5 Business Operations CO Improving the Consumer Experience with Digital Closings FL Our Stories: From Paperfull to Paperless^ CA P P 7 P GA 8.5 ID P (re)Structuring For Maximum Growth In Any Market IL P Expanding Your Business: Take Advantage of Out of State Commercial Opportunities Revealing the Cost of Title Services: Facts that will Guide You to Streamlined Operations^ IN 7 P KS 7 10 Legal LA 7 MD 7 It’s the Law! What you Need to Know to Protect your Customers’ Personal Information KY MN The Top 10 Legal Issues Facing The Title Industry MO Don’t Be a Claims Casualty: Claims Avoidance for the Title Agent MS E-Signatures and Title Insurance CFPB 8.25 MT 8.5 7 Are you Ready?: A Checklist for RESPA-TILA Success Beyond the Title Company: How will the New CFPB Rule Affect the Way Your Clients Do Business 10.2 8.5 P NC Sponsored By Locke Lord LLP 8.5 8.5 P NE 7 8.5 NJ P P NY P OH 7 8.5 The ALTA Universal ID: What Is It & How Will It Help Me? OK 7 9 The Impact of the Ability to Repay Rule and Qualified Mortgage on Borrowers and Closing Agents Don’t Forget the Post-Closing: Using Technology to Support Audit and Compliance OR PA P 7 SC 9 8.5 TN 7 8.5 TX P 8.5 Manage Your Brand and Connect with Clients Digitally UT 7 Winterizing for a Profitable First Quarter VA 7 P WA 7.5* P Sales, Strategy and Marketing Transform Your Entire Team into an Engaged and Motivated SELLING MACHINE WV 10.2 The Value of 25 Words WY Explain the Value of Title Insurance: Creating an Effective Message P indicates credits are still pending * Washington State Bar Limited Practice Officer Credit ^ = No CE Approval for Indiana P 8.5 13 Professional Development Sessions Professional Development Sessions Best Practices M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 14 Thursday, October 16 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Vendor Demo Sessions • 7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Habif, Arogeti & Wynne, LLP Olympic Kim McConkey; Partner-in-Charge of HA&W’s Compliance Success Program The Road to Becoming Compliant Using ALTA Best Practices: Practical Considerations and FAQs The title and settlement industry is undergoing regulatory changes. With these changes come serious business risks for settlement firms and title companies who are not compliant with ALTA Best Practices. Join Habif, Arogeti & Wynne, LLP (HA&W) to learn more about HA&W’s ComplianceSuccessssm Program, the fastest and most affordable path to compliance using ALTA Best Practices. TitleClose.com Vashon I Cheryl Cox & Marc Connelly When Consumers Shop – You Win. Come see how. TitleClose.com How have you positioned your business to succeed for serving your customers electronically???? Get ready for the Millennials to impact the market – online access is critical to your success in growing your business. “TitleClose.com” provides ANY title agent, closing attorney or escrow company the ability to be Eclosing enabled immediately – on the web, easy to use, easy to implement. RealEC Vashon II Finally. A firm that knows the title business the way you do. Locke Lord’s practice groups have grown to include lawyers who have spent their entire careers in the trenches as in-house counsel with title insurance and escrow operations of all sizes and lawyers with substantial government enforcement experience. We understand the issues facing your business as only insiders can. Our clients in the settlement services space rely on us for: • CFPB examination preparation and simulation • Analysis of existing and proposed business relationships and agreements for compliance under RESPA • Review and revision of reinsurance arrangements • Preparation of insurance holding company filings Chris Boring, Vice President Closing Insight – Industry Tool to Support the New Closing Process • Development of remediation plans, both proactively and in response to adverse regulatory findings The CFPB’s Integrated Mortgage Disclosure rule will have broad industry impact on how mortgages are manufactured in the U.S. Attend this demonstration of Closing Insight™ - a new technology designed to streamline the complex, multi-party closing process. • Defense of regulatory enforcement actions pending before state insurance regulators Entrinsik Grand Crescent Tad Buck, Director of Informer Services Enhance Title Production Data Analysis with Entrinsik Informer Join us to see how Entrinsik Informer delivers a total reporting solution enabling your organization to collect and analyze data from title production systems and other data sources. Experience intuitive, easy to use business analytics and interactive dashboards readily available for all types of users, from processors to team leads and executives. • Advice to insurance clients engaged in market conduct examinations • Review of marketing materials for compliance with state and federal law • Assistance with building a comprehensive compliance program and • Development of risk-based policies and procedures that meet both ALTA Best Practices and individual company needs. Our regulatory compliance lawyers have a unique understanding of the compliance needs of title insurance underwriters and agents. They leverage that understanding to provide practical, cost-effective solutions for our clients so our clients can focus on running a successful business. Because we come from your business, we know your business. The way you do. Timothy V. Kemp | Partner | T: 312-443-0232 | tkemp@lockelord.com 16 Thursday, October 16 SPONSORED BY Thursday, October 16 11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Cascade II Vendor Education – Uniform Closing Data Set with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Take Control of Explaining Your Value ALTA president Rob Chapman and CEO Michelle Korsmo will share results from ALTA’s year-long research project aimed at helping the title industry Rob Chapman Frank Pellegrini better communicate the ALTA President ALTA Past-president value of the industry. With homebuyers wanting more information about the real estate process and associated costs, it’s critical for companies to take control of their messaging to ensure Diane Evans Michelle Korsmo ALTA President-elect ALTA CEO that consumers, lenders, realtors, lawmakers and regulators fully understand their product. Be sure to attend this fascinating general session as ALTA unveils the best ways to communicate with various audiences based on research from focus groups and online surveys around the country. This Isn’t Your Father’s Housing and Mortgage Market A sluggish first half of the year resulted in the Mortgage Bankers Association to cut its 2014 loan origination forecast to $1.05 trillion. While economic growth is slowing compared to 2013, the housing market suffers from a lack of supply and demand. Is this the market your company can expect for the next few years? Doug Duncan will provide insight into what he’s seeing on the housing front and will share his thoughts on what to expect in terms of volume over the next year so you can properly prepare and adjust staffing. M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 This special education session will address the availability of the Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) and the tools that can assist with implementation of the UCD. Soft Pro Cascade II Amy Riggsbee, Senior Vice President Maximize Efficiency with SoftPro Select and See the New Closing Disclosure Forms! Come see the award-winning and most advanced software in our industry today, SoftPro Select - fully customizable for your business with powerful workflow automation, robust reporting, vendor integrations, mobile apps and more. Also, see a sneak peak of how SoftPro has incorporated the new Closing Disclosure Forms! SMS Cascade 1A Scott Fairbanks, Enoch Wadsworth, Pam Sember, Krista Arce SMS- One Source, Many Solutions for ALTA Best Practice Compliance SMS is a single source for implementing ALTA Best Practices in your office, with a full line of products and services developed for title and settlement professionals. Join us for this informative demonstration to discover how SMS is helping customers like you meet compliance requirements in a dynamic environment. RynohLive Dick Reass, CEO Six Steps to Total Escrow Security Rynoh’s Dick Reass will explain that by following some simple escrow accounting best practices, and using today’s technology to your advantage, your business and your customers’ funds will be safer instantly. The presentation will review each of the six steps and provide a detailed explanation of why these specific best practices are critical, as well as offer answers to common questions and expert insight on fact-based scenarios. BeesPath Spencer Cazier, Business Development Manager Secure Communications, Simplified. Keynote Speaker Doug Duncan Fannie Mae Chief Economist Cascade 1B Cascade 1C Securely communicating with customers doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it should be simple. Come learn how BeesPath makes encrypted email and web portals a thing of the past by providing a secure, cloud-based communications platform that integrates messaging, file delivery, and instant chat. Did we mention it’s simple? 17 Vendor Demo Sessions • 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Opening General Session • 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Grand Ballroom 3 OWN YOUR FUTURE • #ALTA14 18 Thursday, October 16 E-Recording Overview and Charging Accurate Closing Costs M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Ops Thursday, October 16 Expanding Your Business: Take Advantage of Out of State Commercial Opportunities Fifth Avenue Compliant and accurate documentation of the closing and settlement process is more important than ever before. Adopting appropriate recording procedures and pricing policies ensures that a company can meet state, federal and contractual obligations. Adopting these procedures also means a company is compliant with ALTA’s Best Practice #4! Attend this session to hear speakers discuss how to incorporate E-Recording into the process and how to document these procedures and monitor compliance.” Cascade IB This program will identify key issues in taking advantage of out of state commercial opportunities and will provide tips to help build an agency’s national commercial platform, whether that entails adding states to the company’s licensed jurisdictions or developing relationships with partner offices in targeted expansion areas. Attendees will gain a clear understanding of potential obstacles and the ways to navigate through the nuances of national commercial business. Brian Benson (CEO, Closing Corp) Patrick Curry (CEO, WACO Title Company) Jerry Lewallen (eRecording Partners Network) Donald O’Neill (EVP/Chief Compliance Officer, WFG National Title Insurance Company) Judi Souza (CSEO/CEI, Escrow Expertise) Daniel Fowler (CEO, Near North National Title LLC) Colleen Morrison (VP & Counsel, Near North National Title LLC) Steven M. Napolitano (CEO, First Nationwide Title Agency) Randle P. Shoemaker-Crump (SVP, Fidelity National Financial) SSM CFPB The ALTA Universal ID: What Is It & How Will It Help Me? Cascade II A universal identification number for settlement agents simplifies and streamlines the lookup of agent qualifications and Best Practice certification for and across different participants in the loan closing lifecycle. Learn how the Universal Agent ID is being structured, how it is tied to the ALTA Best Practices, and what you can do to leverage this ID to advance your business standing. Andy Crisenbery (SVP, eLynx) Craig Haskins (COO, Knight Barry Title Inc.) Penny Reed (Vice President, Wells Fargo) Marvin Stone (SVP, Stewart Title Guaranty Company) SSM Transform Your Entire Team into an Engaged and Motivated SELLING MACHINE Cascade IA Imagine what your business would look like if you could turn every employee into a sales person. Easier said than done? … we think not. Engaging all employees and creating a sales environment is the key better customers, better employees, and better results! We’ll show you how to do it, in 75 minutes or less. Winterizing for a Profitable First Quarter: Don’t Settle for Being in the Red Cascade IC Woe is the gardener who expects a bounty in summer without the hard work required in the spring. Just say “no” to our industry’s seasonality in 2015 and beat the odds by being profitable in Q1 without mass layoffs. Sow your seeds of growth and profitability for Q1 now and for the next 2 months with a few key strategies. Attendees will leave this session energized, empowered and with a plan to start 2015 off strong! Cynthia McGovern (CEO, Orange Leaf Consulting) Wake Up and Smell the Coffee! TAN promotes the value of the land title industry and allows you to advocate from anywhere. TAN is fast, FREE and easy to understand. Join TAN today and see what’s brewing in your area! Chris Black (Attorney/Owner, Winged Foot Title LLC) Justin Black (Strategic Advisor, Sirota) Rich Griffin (Southwest Agency Manager, North American Title Insurance Company) www.titleactionnetwork.com 19 Professional Development Sessions Professional Development Sessions • 2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. BP 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE 20 Thursday, October 16 Are you Ready?: A Checklist for RESPA-TILA Success Fifth Avenue Where should you be on the RESPA-TILA implementation timeline? What obstacles are preventing you from getting there? What should your tactical plan look like for the next 9 months to ensure success? This interactive session will identify stumbling blocks and action steps for getting past hurdles. Take the pause button off of your implementation, bring your questions to this panel of experts and learn what you can do now to ensure you are ready. Attendees will leave this session with a list of action items to ensure RESPA-TILA compliance! Chuck Cain (Sr. VP Agency Manger Midwest, WFG National Title Insurance Co.) Richard Horn (Partner, Dentons US LLP) Mary Schuster (Chief Product Officer & EVP, RamQuest) Ops Revealing the Cost of Title Services: Facts that will Guide You to Streamlined Operations^ Cascade II What can you do to reduce costs and streamline your title production operation? Join us for this unique session and learn about the true cost of title production based on a recently conducted landmark industry study. From procuring title data and images, to employing labor and managing risk, this session will provide you with the insight you need to make effective changes that will improve your bottom line. Linda Naylor (Sr. Business Development Manager, Accenture) Michael Tafoya (CEO, Title365) Brian Twibell (CEO, RedVision) Le It’s the Law! What You Need to Know to Protect Your Customers’ Personal Information Cascade IA Under Federal and state laws (including the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), title companies must protect Non-public Personal Information, also known as Personally Identifiable Information (PII), (which includes first name or first initial and last name coupled with any of the following: Social Security Number, driver’s license number, state-issued ID number, credit card number, debit card number, or other financial account numbers). In this presentation, you will learn about the laws, the penalties for non-complying, and how to remain compliant in five easy steps. Jake Finnell (VP, Rpost) M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 BP Thursday, October 16 21 10 Steps To Business Preparedness Cascade IB If a disaster occurred at your office, how would you continue to serve your clients? Statistics show that 94% of small business owners believe a disaster could seriously disrupt their business within the next two years. Are you prepared? Join us as we discuss the Top 10 ways to prepare any organization. Based on Agility’s 25 years and thousands of recoveries, these simple steps could mean the difference between surviving a disaster, and giving in to one. ALTA members who have experienced disasters in their own operations will also share personal stories of recovery and preparedness. Nolan Frazier (Strategic Sales Manager, Agility Recovery) Craig Haskins (COO, Knight Barry Title, Inc.) Rock Out with TIPAC! Thursday, October 16 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 Midnight Pike Brewing Company $75 per person/ $100 at the door (All fees contributed to TIPAC) See registration form for rules and eligibility requirements Join TIPAC for a night of live band karaoke where you get to be the rock star! Come sing your favorite songs with a little help from Seattle’s original live karaoke band, Rockaraoke! The Pike Brewing Company is located in the heart of Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market Professional Development Sessions Professional Development Sessions • 3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CFPB 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE 22 Friday, October 17 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Cascade II Steve Russo, Executive Vice President Do You Have A Plan to Support ALTA’s Best Practice – Pillar #3 To Safeguard & Protect NPI Data…? We Have Your Solution! CertainSafe™ is a web-based, Cloud-compliant secure data storage vault that gives owners the ability to store and retrieve MicroEncrypted™ and MicroTokenized™ documents and data of ALL types. NIC - LiensNC Kim Tanner, Director of Operations LiensNC: A Modern Approach to Mechanics’ Lien Law Cascade 1A An online application created specifically to facilitate North Carolina’s mechanics’ lien laws, LiensNC.com creates a transparency of construction project involvement so that potential interests are known at closing. NIC’s State Construction Registration system is a modern approach for addressing the ageold mechanics’ “hidden lien” problem in your state. National Notary Association Chris Sturdivant, Director of Business Notary Signing Agent Certification Cascade 1B Learn about SigningAgent.com’s Notary Signing Agent Certification program. Our industry-recognized program teaches Notaries how to become a Notary Signing Agent including step-by-step procedures for executing loan documents, review of the Professional Code of Conduct and best practices for GLBA compliance. A background screening is also included with the program. Did you lose this program again? Don’t lose your head over it, go to the ALTA Convention Microsite to receive the most up-to-date information on session times, rooms, speakers, tours and more. Bookmark the link now: meetings.alta.org/annual/ 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Grand Ballroom 3 Friday, October 17 SPONSORED BY How the New Closing Disclosure Will Affect the Way You Do Business Moderator The road to compliance takes a new turn in August 2015. Join us for this Alison Gareffa Old Republic National Title informative session to understand the changing needs of your lender and realtor Insurance Company clients. Our panel of experts will address Anne Anastasi NTP Genesis Abstract and identify key industry roadblocks Richard Bramhall before implementation of the new Westcor Land Title Insurance Co. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Linda Grahovec NTP Closing Disclosure form including: Fidelity National Title Group complete timeframe, form preparation, Penny Reed form delivery and post-closing activity. Wells Fargo Ensure your company is on the right path for success and growth by understanding the changes affecting the industry over the next year. Own Your Future and Learn about Untapped Growth Opportunities As a specialist in corporate positioning and media relations, Ken Schmidt was asked to work with Harley- Davidson to help restore the company’s image and create demand for its motorcycles. Within a few short years, HarleyDavidson became one of the most visible and frequently reported-on Keynote Speaker companies in the world, while sales Ken Schmidt of its motorcycles rocketed upward. Schmidt will share how you can change the culture of your company to stand out, create demand in your local markets, fuel client referrals and take advantage of the look-alike/act-alike competitive environment. 23 Friday General Session • 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Vendor Demo Sessions • 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Secure Cloud Systems, LLC. M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Technology Considerations You’ll Need to Be Successful in the CFPB Era Cascade II Ninth Annual Michael F. Wille Memorial TIPAC Golf Tournament Friday, October 17 • 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. $350 per person (All fees contributed to TIPAC) See registration form for rules and eligibility requirements. The Golf Club at Newcastle in Newcastle, Washington Newcastle is spread out across 350 acres and features breathtaking panoramic views of Lake Washington, Mt. Rainier, the Olympic and the Cascade Mountains, and the city of Seattle. Designed by acclaimed golf course architect Robert E. Cupp in consultation with Masters Champion Fred Couples, the tournament-caliber, full-facility complex features challenging fairways and greens, an 18-hole bent-grass putting course, and a private grass practice tee including three holes for pitching, putting and chipping. The Title Industry Political Action Committee (TIPAC) is the collective voice of the title insurance industry and the official PAC of the American Land Title Association. TIPAC is dedicated to building and developing relationships with Members of Congress, while educating and advocating on behalf of the title industry. Your contribution to TIPAC is vital to ALTA’s legislative efforts on Capitol Hill. Continued support of TIPAC by every ALTA member is instrumental to our success. With the CFPB implementation dates fast approaching, the landscape of how Settlement Service Companies interact with Lenders will change. This session will outline specific technology milestones all settlement servicers should be thinking about and working on, including who/how the Closing Disclosure will be produced, security of NPI data, eSignature, QC & Closing Collaboration with the Lenders. Attendees will leave this session with a complete list of all the major technology initiatives they need to have completed to be competitive next August when the CFPB rules go into effect. Rob Chapman (EVP/CIO, Old Republic National Title Insurance Company) Larry Godec (CIO, First American Title Insurance Company) Kevin Gugenheim (EVP, Fidelity National TItle Group) Marvin Stone (SVP, Stewart Title Guaranty Company) Le Don’t Be a Claims Casualty: Claims Avoidance for the Title Agent Cascade IA The industry paid almost $830 million in claims in 2013; come listen to senior counsel representing both national and regional underwriters for tips on how to avoid this! Panelists will discuss the most prevalent national claims trends in raw numbers and dollar amounts. The session will also address fraud prevention and easily avoidable errors, including defective mortgage preparation, signing and notarization, and payoff errors, which can lead to major claims. Attendees will leave this session with tools to identify potential claims and simple solutions to help them avoid becoming a claims casualty! Mark Borst (VP, Stewart Title Guaranty Company) Guy DeFrances (VP & General Counsel, Connecticut Attorneys Title Insurance Company) Michele Green (VP, First American Title Insurance Company) SSM Manage Your Brand and Connect with Clients Digitally Cascade IB With the new ways of communication increasing each day, it is more important than ever to connect with consumers – wherever they may be. This session will help you think through the process of understanding how consumers communicate concerns and feedback and how you can create a reputation management program for your business. Additionally, we will explore the precise methods to use to connect with potential clients digitally and discuss the best ways to maximize your time (and budget) on your social media strategy. Krista Arce (Business Development Manager, Rizolv) Bill Risser (VP, Chicago Title Agency) Wayne Stanley (Manager of Public Affairs, American Land Title Association) 25 Professional Development Sessions • 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. BP Friday, October 17 26 Friday, October 17 The Impact of the Ability to Repay Rule and Qualified Mortgage on Borrowers and Closing Agents Cascade II Mortgage lenders continue to refine their compliance with the CFPB’s rules relating to a borrower’s ability to repay the loan. As a result, closing agents find that they are tasked with new responsibilities to help the lender comply with these regulations. This session will cover specifics of the rule and lender expectations, but will also provide an open forum for discussion and suggestions “from the floor” on how to best provide needed information. Chris Christensen (Peirson Patterson, LLP) Ruth Dillingham (Special Counsel, First American Title Insurance Company) SSM Explain the Value of Title Insurance: Creating an Effective Message Cascade IA ALTA has spent the past year working with the communications firm, Forum Strategies, to research the best ways to communicate with consumers, lenders, realtors and regulators. This engaging session will explore the results of the research project including video highlights from the focus groups and survey results statistics. Attendees will leave Seattle with the knowledge needed to take control of communicating the value of their business to their most important clients: consumers. Michelle L. Korsmo (CEO, American Land Title Association) David Laufer (Principal, Forum Strategies) Michele Mitola (Vice President, Forum Strategies) Photo By Eli Christman M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Le Friday, October 17 27 E-Signatures and Title Insurance Cascade IB E-signatures are gaining popularity in the real estate world. Title agents need to understand the underwriting requirements related to them. To do so, speakers will address the difference between recorded and unrecorded documents, the difference between in-person and “”remote”” e-signatures, and how to analyze e-signature reliability using the principles of authentication, attribution, and anti-repudiation. You will walk away with an understanding of e-signatures from a title insurer’s perspective and how to use them in your closings. Christos Bettios (CIO, First American Title Insurance Company) Justin Lischak Earley (VP, Underwriting, First American Title Insurance Company) Steven Wolf (Mortgage Systems Administrator, Boeing Employees Credit Union) Ops Our Stories: From Paperfull to Paperless^ Cascade IC Title professionals can save money and improve efficiency by becoming paperless. In this session, two title agents will tell you the story of their journey of becoming paperless. They will present on the actual process of customizing the use of your software to match your current workflow with paper files. Additionally, you will hear tips and tricks on how to lead through change, and the keys to a successful transition. The question and answer time of the program will be ample and discussion will be welcomed. Stephanie Fullerton (President, Streamline Consulting) Nicole Plath (CEO, Fortune Title Agency, Inc.) Paula M. Zwiren, Esq. (President, Zwiren Title Agency, Inc.) NEED MORE CASE LAW? Title and Escrow Claims Guide Published since 1996, Title and Escrow Claims Guide is the favored research book for land title industry claim administrators and retained counsel. The guide provides more than 1,400 pages of practical analysis that is valuable for: • claims administrators • agency managers • coverage counsel • examiners • underwriters • escrow officers Get Your Claims Guide Today at www.alta.org/publications/titlelaw Professional Development Sessions Professional Development Sessions • 1:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. CFPB 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE 28 Friday, October 17 Beyond the Title Company: How will the New CFPB Rule Affect the Way Your Clients Do Business Cascade II The CFPB rule will affect the entire real estate market. You should prepare not only yourself and your title company, but also your clients. During the next nine months, you have a unique opportunity to teach your realtor clients, your lender clients and your attorney or law firm clients about how this rule will affect them. Arm them not only with your expertise but also the tools to prepare them for questions and situations to come. This session will address how to effectively train lenders, realtors and attorneys for these coming changes. If you train them now, the transition will be smoother for all parties involved – including the consumer! Linda Grahovec NTP (VP, Fidelity National Title Group) Ops Improving the Consumer Experience with Digital Closings Fifth Avenue With the CFPB final rule on integrated mortgage disclosures, much of the focus has been on forms, but the real estate industry will begin to see a shift of focus to the closing process and improving the consumer experience. As the Bureau initiates its eClosings pilot program, it’s safe to assume that eClosings will become a fixture in the industry. Come to this session to learn how digital closings work and how each party in a transaction, including the consumer, benefits from a digital closing. Chris Christensen (Peirson Patterson, LLP) Nancy Pratt (Director of eStrategy, Pavaso Inc) Marvin Stone (SVP, Stewart Title Guaranty Company) Brian Webster (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) *invited M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 SSM Friday, October 17 29 (re)Structuring For Maximum Growth in Any Market Cascade IA With the industry and the marketplace changing so rapidly, it’s important to be able to lead your organization to the next level. Using lessons he’s learned from two decades of experience working with more than 850 title companies, Darryl Turner will share the largest and most common mistakes title companies make while attempting to grow sales and revenue. Attendees will hear tips on how to avoid these mistakes and experience unlimited growth. Darryl Turner (CEO, Title Solutions Group) Le The Top 10 Legal Issues Facing The Title Industry Cascade IB This session will feature a lively panel discussion focusing on recent legal issues facing the title and escrow industry. The broad areas of discussion will address recent cases and rulings relating to claims, underwriting, regulatory and company liability. The panel discussion will cover recent legal decisions in various state or federal court and address how those cases could potentially affect individuals or companies operating within the title and escrow industry. Make sure your company is prepared for the effects of these issues! Marjorie Bardwell (VP, Fidelity National Title Group) Cheryl Cowherd (Senior Underwriting Counsel, Agents National Title Insurance) Kenneth Styles (Shareholder, Miller Starr Regalia) Need a Break? Studies have shown that taking breaks can create enhanced learning opportunities. We’ve arranged a number of off-site tours for your pleasure. Be sure to participate in at least one, if not more! All tours include transportation, guide services, admissions, taxes, and gratuities. Photo By Michael Righi Visit the ALTA Registration Desk to Sign Up Professional Development Sessions Professional Development Sessions • 3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. CFPB 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Saturday, October 18 When Does a Question Become a Complaint? And When Does a Complaint Become a Claim? M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 CFPB Saturday, October 18 Don’t Forget the Post-Closing: Using Technology to Support Audit and Compliance Cascade II Cascade IB The CFPB has received over 110,000 complaints in two years in the mortgage arena. Not only is proper handling of complaints crucial under the seventh pillar of ALTA’s Best Practices, but it can also help prevent claims or worse, a CFPB investigation. This session will address the proper handling of consumer complaints in accordance with the ALTA Best Practices and when a complaint can become a claim. Join us for a discussion of how to properly document and escalate complaints. Efficient, compliant post-closing procedures might mean the difference between being a CFPB-compliant settlement agent and being left off of a lender’s approved settlement agent list. This session will offer important technologies and workflow improvement ideas to support fast, efficient, and compliant post-closing strategies. Tomorrow’s settlement agent needs to take advantage of industry technologies to improve consistency, compliance, and to provide audit and control transparency to lenders, customers and underwriters. Cynthia Blair (Shareholder, Rogers, Townsend & Thomas, PC) Cheri Hipenbecker (General Counsel, Knight Barry Title, Inc.) Tim Pearson (Reg. President, TRN) Kate Steineman (Vice President, Wells Fargo) David Townsend NTP (CEO, Agents National Title Insurance Company) Vicki DiPasquale (VP, Simplifile LC) John Ralston ( VP, Medallion Analytics) Richard Reass (CEO, RynohLive) Elizabeth M. Tanner, Esq. (EVP, Final Trac LLC) Nancy Landmark NTP (VP, Commercial Partners Title, LLC) IT R OV I E P D 201 4 E A me ri c Photo By Cedward Brice With the new Combined Disclosure taking effect in 2015, it is more important than ever that we, as title professionals, succinctly explain to our customers, advocates and adversaries, the value we provide to the consumer and to the investor in real estate transactions. The most effective communication is brief, pointed, and revolves around the listener’s interests, needs and understanding. Learn to craft your own 25-word message about the Value title professionals bring to the table. R Bill Burding (EVP, Orange Coast Title Company) Craig Haskins (COO, Knight Barry Title Inc.) Kim McConkey (Partner, Habif, Arogeti & Wynne LLP) Rand Meyer (Partner, Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP) Kirsten Pollock ( VP/Audit Director, Investors Title Insurance Company) Cascade IC on What does the road to compliance with ALTA’s Best Practices look like? Come learn from others that have successfully implemented ALTA’s Best Practices. When to begin? What worked? What didn’t? What challenges to expect? What kind of time and resources are necessary for successful implementation? What is the risk of noncompliance? Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn from those who are already compliant. The Value of 25 Words an a ti Cascade IA SSM ci Stories from the Front Lines: BP ALTA Best Practices Implementation 31 Professional Development Sessions Professional Development Sessions • 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. BP 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE EL 30 Lan d Titl e A ss o The Elite Provider Membership Program is comprised of premier service providers committed to offering comprehensive benefits to the title insurance and settlement services industry. www.alta.org/elite 32 Saturday, October 18 OWN YOUR FUTURE • #ALTA14 Closing General Session • 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 Noon Closing General Session 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 Noon Improving the Consumer Experience: It All Starts With You Join us for an exciting closing general session on Saturday as we discuss the best ways to enhance the consumer experience. From the title search to the closing table, we’ll highlight realworld examples of companies that are leading the way in assuring consumers walk away with an extremely positive Diane Evans NTP experience. During this session the ALTA President Elect 2014-2015 ALTA Board of Governors Land Title Guarantee Co. will be installed and you’ll hear from freshly elected ALTA President Diane Evans on her vision for the association over the next year. She’ll explain why it’s important for title professionals to get involved with ALTA and their state land title associations and how active participation now will help dictate your future in the industry. Additionally, Jeanne Bliss, president of Keynote Speaker Jeanne Bliss CustomerBLISS and executive coach on customer-driven growth, will discuss CustomerBLISS what’s most important for delivering meaningful customer experiences that drive profitability and growth. Attendees will walk away with strategies and tools to build powerful customer relations. S AVE T H E DATE 2015 ALTA Business Strategies Conference March 18 - 20, 2015 Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Closing Reception & Banquet at the Experience Music Project (favorite music genre themed attire - optional) Saturday, October 18 • 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. RECEPTION SPONSORED BY Photo By: Andrew E. Larsen Let’s rock ‘n’ roll and close out the 2014 Annual Convention with a bang! Please make your travel plans accordingly, as you will not want to miss out on this unique experience. Dinner will be held at the Experience Music Project (EMP) in the heart of downtown Seattle. Located in the shadow of the Space Needle, EMP is a one of a kind music museum combining interactive and interpretive exhibits to tell the story of the creative, innovative, and rebellious expressions that define American music. EMP encourages visitors of all ages and backgrounds to experience the power and joy of music in its many forms. Please feel free to dress in your favorite music genre. Additional tickets may be purchased at the onsite registration desk for non-registered guests. Please visit the ALTA registration desk to receive a light-up guitar pin. This will be your admission onto the Monorail and into the museum. AL TA Go ld Pa rtn er Thank You to Our 2014 Strategic Partners and Conference Sponsors Diamond Partners As a Stewart Trusted Provider you’ll be able to show lenders that you’re the kind of agency they need to work with. Another reason why Stewart is the right underwriter for you. Being a part of the Stewart agency network is an accomplishment and marks you as a top tier agency. The Stewart Trusted Provider seal gives you a way to market your elite status. A symbol of the quality and trustworthiness of your agency, the seal is proof to lenders that you have been vetted and verified through our rigorous vetting process, which we believe to be the toughest in the industry. Visit us at the ALTA® Annual Conference booth #204/206 to find out more about Stewart’s initiative to provide our agencies with the knowledge and tools needed for success in the new regulatory environment. Platinum Partner Gold Partners Bronze Partners Conference Sponsors LiensNC A member of the NIC family of services www.liensnc.com © 2014 Stewart. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 38 Vendor Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Exhibit Hall Map ® Powered by: M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Vendor Information LiensNC A member of the NIC family of services www.liensnc.com REAL PROPERTY ABA SECTION OF TRUST & ESTATE LAW Your Source for Success TITLECLOSE.COM 39 40 Vendor Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Vendor Information Axis Technical Group Booth 210 300 South Harbor Blvd, Suite 910 Anaheim, CA 92805 www.axistechnical.com • 714-491-2636 Axis Technical Group is a global business technology advisor to leading companies in the real estate, healthcare, and financial services industries. Fast, fluid and focused, our global team provides unmatched technical and business expertise. Coupled with our advanced intelligent classification and data extraction software offering, Axis AI, Axis empowers organizations to rapidly access and transform their data into relevant and actionable information. It’s not just about the technology – it’s what we can do for your business. ALTA’s Land Title Institute ALTA Lounge 1828 L St. NW, Suite 705 Washington, DC 20036 www.landtitleinstitute.org • 202-296-3671 ALTA’s Land Title Institute (LTI) is the educational subsidiary of the American Land Title Association. LTI started with one correspondence course over 30 years ago and has evolved into an organization which offers comprehensive title industry training for everyone in your operation. Whether it’s your first day on the job or you’re looking to bolster decades of knowledge with the latest information, you can “Rely on LTI” to provide the training you need. BeesPath Booth 105 PO Box 85 Richmond, UT 84333 www.beespath.com • 435-258-5065 Securely communicating non-public information with others doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it should be easy. BeesPath radically simplifies the way real estate financial service providers communicate with each other and their customers, making encrypted email and web portals a thing of the past. Our secure, cloud-based platform integrates bi-directional messaging, file and data exchange, and instant chat – bringing all your business communications into one easy-to-use platform. American Bar Association Section of Real Property, Trust, & Estate Law Booth 116 321 N Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654 www.americanbar.org/aba.html • 312-988-5683 The ABA Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law (RPTE) is a diverse community of nearly 22,000 U.S. and international lawyers, paralegals, real estate and financial services professionals, law students, and legal educators. We provide leadership and subject matter expertise on current regulatory and legal issues, trends, and best practices with the singular goal of empowering our members to better serve their clients. ATG LegalServe Booth 313 1 South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor Chicago, IL 60606 www.atglegalservice.com • 312-752-1407 ATG LegalServe, a subsidiary of Attorneys’ Title Guaranty Fund, Inc., is uniquely qualified to serve the title insurance industry. We can help you comply with the background check requirement in ALTA’s Best Practice Pillar 2. We offer 24/7 online ordering and retrieval, and our knowledgeable staff is available to help. Our solutions are tailor-made for you, affordable, and in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. For more information, visit us at www.atglegalserve.com. Black Knight Financial Services, Data & Analytics Booth 417 601 Riverside Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32204 www.bkfs.com • 904-854-5310 Black Knight Data & Analytics provides end-to-end business development and production solutions for Title Underwriters and Agents. With business development tools including TitlePro247, Premium Leads marketing lists and Title Market Share, you can help your customers generate new opportunities for success and growth. Our Property Insight solutions help you perfect the search for title with Automated Title Plants, Advanced Search Technology, Title Workflow Automation and Production Services. Title companies rely on us for better performance, quality, convenience and support. BMI Digital ReeL Booth 415 1115 E Arques Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085 www.digitalreel.com • 408-736-4397 BMI Digital ReeL is a microfilm conversion solution that includes the filmto-digital conversion service at our NIST compliant facility. We make exact replicas of your original microfilm or microfiche and include a software viewer that resembles a reader printer. Full text search enables quick access to any property record. Adjustable grayscale image enhancement allows users to optimize even the toughest-to-read images. Digital ReeL is available on premise or as a cloud-based hosted service. Exhibitor Directory Exhibitor Directory Agility Recovery Booth 117 2101 Rexford Road; Suite 350E Charlotte, NC 28211 www.atclose.com • 412-265-1029 Agility Recovery, a former division of GE, is North America’s premier provider of business continuity & disaster recovery solutions. Agility provides robust, sensible and easy-to-implement recovery solutions for an affordable monthly membership fee, providing access to temporary power, office space, communications and computer systems. For more than 25 years, Agility has ensured that businesses are there for their clients and our 100% success rate at fulfilling this promise is why our clients and partners comprise over 19,000 organizations across North America. 41 42 Vendor Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Cloudstar Booth 212 10151 Deerwood Park Blvd, Suite 200-250 Jacksonville, FL 32256 www.mycloudstar.com • 800-340-5780 Cloudstar is a nationwide provider of data security, compliance, and cloud technology solutions for the next generation of successful title agents. Corporation Service Company Booth 216 2711 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19808 www.erecording.com • 800-927-9801 Corporation Service Company® (CSC®) provides eRecording solutions that establish an electronic “bridge” between submitters of real estate documents and county offices, enabling documents to be prepared, submitted, recorded/rejected, indexed and returned quickly, efficiently and electronically. For more information, visit www.erecording.com. Data Trace Booth 203 & 205 200 Commerce Irvine, CA 92602 www.edatatrace.com • 800-221-2056 Data Trace provides accurate real estate title search technologies and solutions. Our title solutions enable settlement services companies to quickly search and acquire historical real estate information. Beyond our title plants, Data Trace provides the solutions to help protect and grow your title business for the future. Document Processing Solutions Booth 113 590 W Lambert Rd Brea, CA 92821-3914 dpsx.com • 714-482-2060 DPS is a customer service oriented company offering nationwide document recording and transportation solutions for all organizations involved in the post-closing process in any real estate related transaction. We work with Title Companies, Escrow Companies, Realtors, Law Firms, Banks, Lenders and Trustees. DPS processes all types of recorded residential or commercial real estate documents and is an extension to our client’s internal processes acting as a third party administrator to close a file. Vendor Information Entrinsik, Inc Booth 406 7721 Six Forks Rd, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27615 www.entrinsik.com • 888-703-0016 Entrinsik Informer delivers a total reporting solution enabling your organization to collect and analyze important data from title production systems and other data sources. Experience intuitive, easy to use business analytics and interactive dashboards readily available for all types of users, from processors to team leads and executives. To get started on a free trial, contact sales at sales@entrinsik.com or call 888-703-0016. Visit www.entrinsik.com/Informer for more details. eRecording Partners Network Booth 311 400 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55401 www.erecordingpartners.net • 888-325-3365 eRecording Partners Network (ePN) is a national eRecording service provider. ePN has built a network of hundreds of counties located across the country to receive electronic recordings. With a business strategy based on technology leadership, competitive pricing and outstanding customer support, ePN has quickly become the vendor of choice for a growing number of title companies, banks, law offices, and other submitters. Ernst Information Services Booth 208 99 Washington Avenue, Suite 309 Albany, NY 12210 www.ernstpublishing.com • 800-345-3822 Celebrating 25 years, processing over 1 billion transactions; Ernst is the partner the industry trusts in meeting CFPB requirements for GFE Blocks 3-8 with 100% guaranteed accuracy. At Ernst we produce award winning technical solutions with unparalleled data expertise. We create custom solutions for our clients using their fees and their providers. Our solutions are easily integrated with processing speeds of less than ¼ second, available through Web, XML, Mobile and Custom Fee Engine technology. GreenFolders Booth 106 200 Commerce Irvine, CA 92602 www.greenfolders.com • 801-736-3191 GreenFolders is an electronic office management system that makes the dream of working without paper a reality. Though it’s more than just a pathway to paperless office, GreenFolders empowers you to be more efficient by eliminating the space between your desktops - connecting your staff and all your files in a single interactive collaborative environment. Visit us at www.greenfolders.com to learn more. 43 Exhibitor Directory Exhibitor Directory Closers’ Choice Booth 111 3601 Cardinal Point Drive Jacksonville, FL 32257 Closerschoice.com • 904-256-0053 Closers’ Choice has been leading the industry in providing Closing Software and Title Software to Closing & Title professionals for well over 30 years. Closers’ Choice delivers efficient settlements with advanced closing features to Settlement Agents, title companies, and law firms across North America. M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 44 Vendor Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Medallion Analytics Booth 403 22 Rutgers Road Suite 100 Pittsburgh, PA 15205 www.medallionanalytics.com • 412-327-7616 Medallion Analytics provides a suit of web-based productivity, compliance and quality tools for the title industry. Our settlement solutions extract data from documents and images throughout the closing process to help title companies automate the entire pre- and post-close settlement process. The end result is no rekeying, far fewer errors and lower cost. For more information, visit www.medallionanalytics.com. National Notary Association Booth 412 9350 De Soto Ave Chatsworth, CA 91311 www.signingagent.com • 800-876-6827 The National Notary Association’s directory, SigningAgent.com provides easy and instant access to a nationwide network of more than 20,000 professional Notary Signing Agents. To see how the NNA can help enhance your organization’s Notary compliance program, please contact Chris Sturdivant, Director, Business Development at 818-739-4086 or email csturdivant@nationalnotary.org. New Jersey Search Experts Booth 404 830 Broad Street Shewsbury, NJ 07702 www.statecapital.net • 800-876-8994 3 New Jersey Search Expert Companies, 1 easy platform, www. statecapital.net. Now you can order, track and retrieve your Judgment Searches, Corporate Status Reports, UCC’s, Tidelands, Floods, Tax, Assessment & Utility Searches, etc., all from one platform, and from 3 expert search companies; Priority Search Services, State Capital Title & Abstract Company and Western Technologies Group. Please take the time to visit our booth, so we can demonstrate our superior product quality and excellent customer service. Vendor Information 45 NextAce Booth 107 1100 W. Town and Country Road Orange, CA 92868 www.nextace.com • 440-725-8973 NextAce® is the premier provider of automated title production systems and data extraction services. With unmatched integration across multiple production platforms, the powerful and flexible NextAce platform connects a vast network of data resources to accurately create a single order or thousands across the nation. Gain real property intelligence only from NextAce: comprehensive automated title reporting and search solutions, and reliable interpretation of unstructured documents for title plant indexing, loan origination package processing, and other underwriting services. NIC – LiensNC Booth 112 19 W Hargett Street, Suite 507 Raleigh, NC 27601 www.liensnc.com • 919-615-3505 NIC Inc. is the nation’s leading provider of online services for federal, state and local A member of the NIC family of services governments. For over 20 years, NIC has www.liensnc.com been helping government communicate more effectively with citizens and businesses by putting essential services online, such as driver’s license renewals, property tax payments, permits, official court documents, business licenses, and registrations. In addition to more than 3,500 eGovernment solutions, NIC is the service provider of LiensNC, North Carolina’s online mechanics’ lien agent system. LiensNC October Research, LLC Booth 110 3046 Brecksville Road, Suite D Richfield, OH 44286 www.octoberstore.com • 330-659-6101 October Research, LLC is the nation’s leading provider of market intelligence, industry news and regulatory information for professionals in the real estate, settlement services and mortgage industries. Publications include The Title Report, The Legal Description, Valuation Review, RESPA News and Dodd Frank Update. The company also produces educational seminars, webinars, special reports and customized publishing. www. OctoberStore.com Op2 Booth 305 5801 Tennyson Pkwy, Suite 500 Plano, TX 75024 www.op2online.com • 800-542-5503 op2 is the hosted environment for RamQuest’s title and settlement solutions and has been providing Best Practices compliance for the industry since 2006. If questions about network security, data handling, disaster recovery and business continuity leave your head spinning…op2 can help. Built by title professionals for title professionals, op2 takes the hassle out of technology and frees you up to do what you do best. Visit www.op2 online for more information. Exhibitor Directory Exhibitor Directory Habif, Arogeti, & Wynne, LLP Booth 103 Five Concourse Parkway, Suite 1000 Atlanta, GA 30328 www.hawcpa.com • 404-892-9651 Habif, Arogeti & Wynne, LLP, through its ComplianceSuccesssm Program is the only CPA firm in the nation to perform ALTA Best Practices compliance benchmarking, readiness and certification reporting services. The ComplianceSuccess Program provides an independent third-party review using CPA professional standards on attestation reporting, trusted by banking and financial institutions. Our fast track approach can assess your current level of compliance and provide a remediation plan in as little as 10 days. M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Vendor Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE Booth 407 RamQuest Booths 303 & 402 2745 N. Dallas Pkwy, Suite 210 Plano, TX 75093 www.ramquest.com • 214-291-1600 RamQuest enables title and settlement operations to be competitively superior with products that include fully integrated Title and Settlement, Imaging, Transaction Management and Digital Marketplace solutions. Unwavering in our commitment to exceptional experiences, RamQuest does not just meet but exceeds our customers’ needs and expectations. Let us show you what our solutions can do for your title and settlement operation. Visit www. ramquest.com or call us at 800.542.5503 for more information. Real Estate Data Shield Booth 307 271 Madison Avenue, Suite 700 New York, NY 10016 www.realestatedatashield.com • 212-951-7302 Real Estate Data Shield, through its Compliance Management 2014 Platform (over 5,000 licensed users), provides our industry’s first security compliance solutions including: (i) written information security & related policy templates; (ii) staff training e-courseware; (iii) a security self-assessment tool to identify gaps in security; and (iv) through Security Compliance Associates (SCA) complete an On-Site Information Security Assessment & Certification . Our Executive Team includes title & settlement industry thought leaders, as well as internationally recognized privacy and data security legal, regulatory and compliance experts. IT R OV I E P D E ci ri c an a ti A me on R EL Exhibitor Directory Pavaso, Inc 2745 Dallas Pkwy, Suite 300 Plano, TX 75093 www.pavaso.com • 214-377-1794 Pavaso is an innovative technology company in the Real Estate Closing industry. We’ve created a powerful digital closing platform that takes the best of the web’s collaboration and social features, integrations, analytics and enterprise scalability to bring everyone in the closing process together on the same page. Lan d Titl e A ss o Real EC Technologies Booth 416 20 E Greenway Plaza, Suite 500 Houston, TX 77046 www.RealEC.com • 877-273-2532 RealEC® Technologies was formed by two of the largest settlement service providers in the nation, a lineage that shows our market-leading solutions. RealEC’s expertise delivers the RealEC Loan Quality Gateway™, a scalable technology platform that enables both efficiency and supports lender compliance with loan quality requirements. Components include Exchange™, Valuation Insight®, Quality Insight™, Closing Insight™ and iFolder. Over 15,000 service providers connect securely to their lending clients using RealEC solutions every day. Visit www.RealEC.com. Vendor Information 47 reQuire, LLC Booth 405 5029 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 225 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 www.gorequire.com • 757-226-8049 For more than a decade, reQuire has proactively tracked and verified the payoff and cancellation of prior mortgage accounts and liens after the closing; minimizing costs, disruptions, and frustrations for all parties associated with the transaction —homeowners, realtors, loan officers, attorneys, underwriters, and settlement agents. Visit gorequire.com to learn how. Exhibitor Directory 46 M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Rizolv Booth 104 200 Commerce Irvine, CA 92602-131 www.rizolv.net • 800-540-8089 Rizolv is an online consumer complaint management system for entities involved in the real estate settlement industry. Easy to access and use, Rizolv helps you capture, manage and resolve consumer issues quickly and completely. In no time, you’ll be turning complaints into opportunities to engage with your customers resulting in improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. RynohLive Booth 309 397 Little Neck Road, 3300S-306 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 www.rynoh.com • 877-467-9664 RynohLive is the only patented escrow and financial management solution on the market today and we exceed the requirements for ALTA’s Best Practice Pillar #2. RynohLive conducts a daily and automated 3-way reconciliation and an end-to-end auditing of escrow accounts, and we work around the clock to identify anomalies, potential fraud, and audit issues to minimize your exposure to loss. Our solution is surprisingly inexpensive and we’ll save you time, money…and possibly your business! Learn more at www.rynoh.com Secure Cloud Systems, LLC Booth 100 4740 Flintridge Drive, Suite 130 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 www.securecloudsystems.com • 719-323-6680 CertainSafe’s secure cloud systems Security-Storage-AccessibilitySystems-as-a-Service platform utilizes highly advanced, proprietary, MicroTokenization™ and MicroEncryption™ to protect and safeguard personal, corporate, private and other sensitive information and data. The platform performs these tasks while permitting organizations to secure, protect, analyze, share, and distribute mission critical information across multiple platforms in a manner never before achievable. CertainSafe’s architecture continues to grow and expand rapidly as a nimble technology. CertainSafe is a Registered Trademark of Secure Cloud Systems, LLC. 48 Vendor Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 Vendor Information Technical Imaging Systems Booth 109 610 East 40th St. Vancouver, WA 98663 www.tisimaging.com • 503-546-0517 Technical Imaging Systems (T.I.S.) has been in the data and conversion business since 1984 and is dedicated to giving our customers a product that will make their business and operations run more efficiently, organized, and secure. T.I.S. converts all types of film and paper media to quality, easily accessed and maintained digital files. T.I.S. is also a provider of daily electronic county land records serving title companies in both Oregon and Washington. SMS Booth 102 200 Commerce Irvine, CA 92602 www.firstamsms.com • 801-736-3181 From title production systems to trust accounting and escheat services, SMS delivers a complete set of solutions crafted to help you achieve a competitive edge. Spanning the entire real estate closing process our solutions seamlessly integrate front office tasks with back office processes to make your life easier and your business stronger. Visit us at www.firstamsms.com to learn more. TIAC 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1500 Bethesda, MD 20814-6522 www.alta.org/tiac/ • 800-628-5136 TIAC - The Title Industry Assurance Company is a member owned, ALTA-endorsed insurance provider designed to bring stability to a market long characterized by dramatic swings in price and availability. TIAC offers affordability that will be there for you now and in the future. SoftPro Booth 302 & 304 4800 Falls of Neuse, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 www.softprocorp.com • 800-848-0143 SoftPro is the nation’s leading provider of title, closing and escrow software. Offering an awardwinning suite of products designed to increase volume and revenue, SoftPro delivers innovative technologies to streamline the closing process. SoftPro has been recognized by the American Business Awards every year since 2007 – winning awards for superior customer service, support and product development. To learn more about SoftPro, visit www.softprocorp. com or call 800-848-0143. Stewart Booth 204 & 206 1980 Post Oak Blvd; Suite 710 Houston, TX 77056 www.stewart.com • 713-625-8022 Stewart is a customer-focused, global title insurance and real estate services company offering products and services through our direct operations, network of approved agencies and other companies within the Stewart family. Offering personalized service, industry expertise and customized solutions for virtually any type of real estate transaction, Stewart is the preferred real estate services provider. Visit Booth #204/#206, stewart.com Booth 409 TIPAC ALTA Lounge (Title Industry Political Action Committee) 1828 L Street NW, Suite 705 Washington, DC 20036 www.tipac.org • 202-296-3671 TIPAC is the voluntary, non-partisan Title Industry Political Action Committee created by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) to represent the interests of the title industry in our nation’s political system. TIPAC is the most effective tool our industry has to help elect and re-elect Members of Congress who support the title industry and understand our issues and values. Title Action Network ALTA Lounge 1828 L Street NW, Suite 705 Washington, DC 20036 www.titleactionnetwork.com • 202-296-3671 The Title Action Network (TAN) is an energized grassroots network of land title industry professionals dedicated to strengthening our industry’s voice in state capitals and in Washington, DC. Your voice is the most powerful tool we have to ensure state and federal legislators and regulators understand the value of the land title industry. TAN members receive brief and easy-to understand action alerts on issues impacting you both locally and nationally. It’s easy and free to become a TAN member! Exhibitor Directory Exhibitor Directory Simplifile Booth 202 4844 North 300 West, Suite 202 Provo, UT 84604 www.simplifile.com • 800-460-5657 Simplifile is the leading provider of electronic recording services, having securely e-recorded millions of land record documents to date. Simplifile accelerates document recording and provides a more efficient, convenient, and cost-effective recording option for both counties and their submitters. Visit us online at simplifile.com or call 800-460-5657 to learn more. 49 50 Vendor Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE TSS Software Booth 108 425 Fourth Street Annapolis, MD 31403 www.iwantTSS.com • 443-321-5610 This year, TSS Software Corporation celebrates 20 years as an independent technology solutions provider for the real estate title and settlement services industry. The company was founded in 1993 and its flagship solution, TitleExpress, is used by title industry professionals nationwide. TSS offers both cloud services and desktop applications, making our solutions compatible with all business models. To learn more about our industry-leading solutions go to iwantTSS.com or call 443-3215600. Windward Consulting | Software (ResWare) Booth 217 1612 Shenandoah Drive Waunakee, WI 53597 www.windwardrevolution.com • 608-850-5170 WINDWARD, the fastest-growing software and consulting company in your industry, passionately markets, sells and implements ResWare™ software; the industry-leading, unparalleled, proven and fully integrated software solution. For more than a decade, many of your trusted peers have trusted in WINDWARD to help align their business process flow with their goals, through increasing production efficiency as much as 300%, transparency, profitability, best practices and automation. Schedule a demo at www. getareswaredemo.com. Thursday October 17 Tickets for the following events are included in your registration fee. Additional tickets may be purchased at the on-site registration desk for non-registered guests. Conference badge or ticket must be presented to attend. Ice Breaker Reception & Opening of the Exhibit Showcase Grand Ballroom 1 & 2 Wednesday, October 15 • 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Join us in the Exhibit Showcase for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres as we kick off the 2014 Annual Convention. This is the perfect chance to reunite with old friends and welcome new attendees to the meeting. Take advantage of this great networking opportunity and visit with leading title industry vendors. Start the meeting off right by attending this informal welcoming celebration. Closing Reception & Banquet Experience Music Project Museum Saturday, October 18 • 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Let’s rock ‘n’ roll and close out the 2014 Annual Convention with a bang! Dinner will be held at the Experience Music Project (EMP) Museum in the heart of downtown Seattle. Located in the shadow of the Space Needle, EMP is a one of a kind music museum combining interactive and interpretive exhibits to tell the story of the creative, innovative, and rebellious expressions that define American music. EMP encourages visitors of all ages and backgrounds to experience the power and joy of music in its many forms. Please stop by the ALTA Registration desk for your special guitar that will serve as your ticket to this event. Please feel free to dress in your favorite music genre (themed attire is optional). 51 Ticketed Events Overview Exhibitor Directory TitleClose.com Booth 317 901 S MO Pac Expy, Suite 270 Austin, TX 78746 www.titleclose.com • 678-640-1551 “TitleClose.com” is a web based, consumer friendly, open, informative and transparent application for everyone – Consumers, Realtors, Lenders – to shop for the latest products and services from title and settlement providers across the nation. M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 52 General Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE NOTE: All tours require a minimum number of participants, see tour description. Tours are subject to cancellation if minimums are not met. Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Seattle Icons Tour 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Price: $75 pp Enjoy an easy ride on Monorail to the Seattle Center where you can take in the beautiful scenery of a park originally created for the 1962 World’s Fair and what is now home to the Space Needle and the new Chihuly Glass & Garden Museum. Gaze out across the city from atop the 605 foot tall Space Needle Observation Deck that features views of the Puget Sound, Mount Rainier, the Cascade and Olympic mountain ranges. Explore the work of Northwest glass artist, Dale Chihuly and the surrounding gardens that feature impressive glass chandeliers, towers, and a variety of unique installations. Woodinville Wine Excursion 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Cost: $75 pp In an intimate, relaxed setting, taste your way through two of Washington’s most notable wineries, Chateau Ste. Michelle and Novelty Hill l Januik in Woodinville. Washington State’s oldest and most acclaimed winery, Chateau Ste. Michelle, offers award winning wines and a tasting experience second to none. and combines an ongoing dedication to research with a commitment to classic winemaking traditions. Uniting innovation with tradition, Novelty Hill and family-owned Januik are two independent wineries that share a tasting room and production facility. General Information Thursday, October 16, 2014 Flightseeing Tour1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Cost: $190 pp Experience Seattle like never before! Take a 20-minute scenic flight over one of the world’s most beautiful cities by floatplane. Watch from one thousand feet up as the vibrant city comes to life while you fly over the bustling downtown waterfront and Ballard locks, right past the Space Needle and Experience Music Project. See hundreds of sailboats, fly over Shilshole Bay, Lake Union, the University of Washington, Lake Washington, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Mt. Rainier, Snoqualmie Falls, and more! “Behind the Scenes” Seattle Aquarium Tour 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Cost: $80.00 pp See, touch and explore the Pacific Northwest’s amazing underwater world at the Seattle Aquarium. Newly expanded, the Seattle Aquarium boasts many exciting features including new exhibits and underwater mammals. Get face-to-fin with marine life and discover the natural wonders of Puget Sound. Friday, October 17, 2014 Woodinville Wine Excursion 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Cost: $75 pp In an intimate, relaxed setting, taste your way through two of Washington’s most notable wineries, Chateau Ste. Michelle and Novelty Hill l Januik in Woodinville. Washington State’s oldest and most acclaimed winery, Chateau Ste. Michelle, offers award winning wines and a tasting experience second to none. and combines an ongoing dedication to research with a commitment to classic winemaking traditions. Uniting innovation with tradition, Novelty Hill and family-owned Januik are two independent wineries that share a tasting room and production facility. Saturday, October 18, 2014 Tastes of Pike Place Market Tour 1:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Cost: $75 pp Eat your way through Seattle’s most celebrated culinary landmark, Pike Place Market. Known for its exciting sights, sounds, and aromas, this nine-acre historic district is a vital part of Seattle’s social and economic fabric. Established in 1907, it is the oldest continually-operating farmers’ market in the United States. Experience some of the most sought-after stops, enjoy local culinary creations and interact with the eclectic community that frames the market. 53 Special Events and Tours Special Events and Tours Studies have shown that taking breaks can create enhanced learning opportunities. We’ve arranged a number of off-site tours for your pleasure. Be sure to participate in at least one, if not more! All tours include transportation, guide services, admissions, taxes, and gratuities. M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 54 General Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 ADA Accessibility/Accommodations: Head Shot Station ALTA is committed to ensuring that our convention is fully accessible to all persons. If you have a specific dietary or accessibility requirement, please contact Lauren Dollerschell at the registration desk and every effort will be made to accommodate your request. Help us accommodate you by letting us know of any requirements in advance. Need to revamp your social media sites? Stop by the Head Shot Station to get your professional photos taken! ALTA Booth Stop by between sessions and meet ALTA staff or rest your feet in our lounge! You can update your company’s online directory listing or renew your membership using the ALTA website. Non-members are invited to stop by to learn about the benefits of ALTA. ALTA Annual Convention Microsite All of the information you need to know about the American Land Title Association’s 2014 Annual Convention including schedules, list of exhibitors, attendees and more. For more information please visit the ALTA Social Media Help Desk located in the Grand Foyer. Assistance ALTA staff will be pleased to assist you in any way possible. Please call upon the staff (identified by blue badges and ALTA shirts) if you need help at any time. Attire General Information Live streaming We understand that not everyone from your office was able to join us here in Seattle, but they don’t have to be left out! This year, our general sessions will be broadcast live on http://livestream. com/ALTAonline with integrated chat for discussion and Q&A participation. Print & Internet Kiosk Located near the ALTA registration, internet & print kiosks will be available throughout the Convention for your convenience. These computers will have all of our Professional Development Session handouts available for you to print on demand. These handouts will become available on the ALTA web site following the Convention. QR Codes Look for the QR Code on the signs outside the professional development rooms. By scanning the code with your smart device, you can easily access each session’s materials. Safety and Security Average temperatures in Seattle at this time of year are a high of 60°F and a low of 46°F, so it’s important you prepare for the weather. All ALTA meetings are business casual. Keep your valuables and personal belongings nearby throughout the Convention. ALTA is not responsible for lost or stolen items during, before, or after the Convention. Please visit the hotel concierge if you have misplaced an item. Badges Smoking Policy Please visit the ALTA registration desk upon arrival to obtain your badge and other important information. Name badges must be worn to all scheduled convention sessions and events. Badges may be used in place of tickets for some Convention events. Please make your nametag is visible at all times. All ALTA meetings are smoke-free meetings. Smoking is prohibited throughout The Westin. Please be courteous to fellow attendees and other guests and follow The Westin smoking policy. Please seek The Westin staff for designated smoking locations. Charging Station Have questions about social media? Looking for new apps to try? Wondering how to start a Twitter account? Join our pros at the Social Media Help Desk during the open hours to have all your questions answered! If you find your mobile device lacking power, stop by the charging station for a quick fix. There will be cords for all types of devices. Continuing Education/Continuing Legal Education Each accredited session has its own sign-in sheet organized by attendee last name. If you need CE or CLE credit, be sure to sign up outside the specific session room. Social Media Help Desk Vendor Demo Sessions ALTA Associate members represent the broad array of products and service providers to the title industry. Vendor demo sessions will be given Thursday from 7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Then again on Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 55 56 General Information 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 General Information Hart McKillop Winter Haven, FL Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Tampa, FL Robert C. Bates Kansas City, MO George E. Harbert Rock Island, IL Harold F. McLeran Mt. Pleasant, IA President-Elect Diane Evans NTP Oscar H. Beasley Santa Ana, CA Benj. J. Henley San Francisco, CA Malcolm S. Morris Houston, TX Roger N. Bell Wichita, KS James O. Hickman San Diego, CA Thomas G. Morton San Francisco, CA Mark A. Bilbrey Minneapolis, MN Richard H. Howlett Malibu, CA J.J. O’Dowd Tucson, AZ John D. Binkley LaJolla, CA Lloyd Hughes Denver, CO Hazel Parker Los Angeles, CA Joseph C. Bonita Littleton, CO Gerald L. Ippel Los Angeles, CA Laurence J. Ptak Ft. Lauderdale, FL C.H. Bonnin Montclair, NJ Harrison H. Jones Louisville, KY Jack Rattikin, Jr. Ft. Worth, TX James L. Boren, Jr. Memphis, TN Donald P. Kennedy Santa Ana, CA M.L.R. Ranneberger Philadelphia, PA Marvin C. Bowling, Jr. Richmond, VA Frank I. Kennedy Detroit, MI Arthur L. Reppert Liberty, MO Charles H. Buck Baltimore, MD Parker S. Kennedy Santa Ana, CA Alvin R. Robin Tampa, FL Joseph D. Burke Philadelphia, PA Joseph S. Knapp Baltimore, MD James W. Robinson Miami, FL Rogers, Townsend & Thomas, PC Columbia, SC John Cathey Durant, OK Ernest J. Loebbecke Pasadena, CA James G. Schmidt Philadelphia, PA Representative, Agents & Abstracters Section Brian Pitman Robert C. Dawson Richmond, VA Alvin W. Long Flossmoor, IL Clem H. Silvers El Dorado, KS Independence Title Company Austin, TX William H. Deatly Los Angeles, CA James R. Maher Washington, DC E. Gordon Smith Dallas, TX Representative, Underwriters Section Steven G. Day Cara L. Detring Farmington, MO William J. McAuliffe, Jr. Bethesda, MD Mortimer Smith Berkeley, CA Mary C. Feindt Charlevoix, MI C.J. McConville Minneapolis, MN J. Mack Tarpley San Diego, CA Fred B. Fromhold Philadelphia, PA Philip D. McCulloch Dallas, TX William Thurman Austin, TX George B. Garber Laguna Niguele, CA Morton McDonald DeLand, FL John W. Warren Ponca City, OK William Gill, Sr. Oklahoma City, OK Thomas S. McDonald Sanford, FL Lawrence Zerfing Philadelphia, PA Land Title Guarantee Co. Denver, CO Treasurer Peter J. Birnbaum Attorneys’ Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. Chicago, IL Chair, Finance Committee William Burding Jr. Orange Coast Title Company Santa Ana, CA Chair, Agents & Abstracters Section Daniel D. Mennenoh H.B. Wilkinson Title Company, Inc. Galena, IL Chair, Underwriter Section John M. Hollenbeck First American Title Insurance Company Santa Ana, CA Representative, Agents & Abstracters Section Cynthia D. Blair Fidelity National Title Group Jacksonville, FL Representative, Underwriters Section Stewart Morris Jr. Stewart Title Guaranty Company Houston, TX Immediate Past President Frank Pellegrini Prairie Title, Inc. Oak Park, IL Honorary Members 2013 - 2014 ALTA Board of Governors Anne Anastasi, CLTP, NTP Paul W. Goodrich Hatboro, PA Chicago, IL President Rob Chapman 57 58 General Information 1907 - 1908 1908 - 1909 1909 - 1910 1910 - 1911 1911 - 1912 1912 - 1913 1913 - 1914 1914 - 1915 1915 - 1916 1916 - 1917 1917 - 1918 1918 - 1919 1919 - 1920 1920 - 1921 1921 - 1922 1922 - 1923 1923 - 1924 1924 - 1925 1925 - 1926 1926 - 1927 1927 - 1928 1928 - 1929 1929 - 1930 1930 - 1931 1931 - 1932 1932 - 1933 1933 - 1934 1934 - 1935 1935 - 1936 1936 - 1937 1937 - 1938 1938 - 1939 1939 - 1940 1940 - 1941 1941 - 1942 1942 - 1943 1943 - 1944 1944 - 1945 1945 - 1946 1946 - 1947 1947 - 1948 1948 - 1949 1949 - 1950 1950 - 1951 1951 - 1952 1952 - 1953 1953 - 1954 1954 - 1955 1955 - 1956 1956 - 1957 1957 - 1958 1958 - 1959 1959 - 1960 1960 - 1961 W.W. Skinner A.T. Hastings W.R. Taylor Lee C. Gates George Vaughn John T. Kenney M.P. Bouslog H.L. Burgoyne L.S. Booth R.W. Boddinghouse T.M. Scott James W. Mason E.J. Carroll Worrall Wilson Will H. Pryor Mark B. Brewer George E. Wedthoff Frederick P. Condit Henry J. Fehrman J.W. Woodford Walter M. Daly Edward C. Wyckoff Donzell Stoney Edwin H. Lindow James S. Johns Stuart O’Melveny Arthur C. Marriott Benjamin J. Henley Henry R. Robins McCune Gill William Gill Porter Bruck Jack Rattikin Charlton L. Hall Charles H. Buck E.B. Southworth Thomas G. Morton H. Laurie Smith A.W. Suelzer J.J. O’Dowd Kenneth E. Rice Frank I. Kennedy Earl C. Glasson Mortimer Smith Joseph T. Meredith Edward T. Dwyer George E. Harbert L.R. Zerfing Morton McDonald John D. Binkley Harold McLeran E.J. Loebbecke Lloyd Hughes George C. Rawlings Chippewa Falls, WI Spokane, WA Kalamazoo, MI Los Angeles, CA Fayetteville, AR Elkhorn, WI Jackson, MS Cincinnati, OH Seattle, WA Chicago, IL Paris, TX Atlanta, GA Davenport, IA Seattle, WA Duluth, MN Oklahoma City, OK Bay City, MI New York, NY New York, NY Seattle, WA Portland, OR Newark, NJ San Francisco, CA Detroit, MI Pendleton, OR Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL San Francisco, CA Philadelphia, PA St. Louis, MO Oklahoma City, OK Phoenix, AZ Fort Worth, TX Seattle, WA Baltimore, MD Crown Point, IN San Francisco, CA Richmond, VA Fort Wayne, IN Tucson, AZ Chicago, IL Detroit, MI Waterloo, IA San Francisco, CA Muncie, IN Portland, OR Rock Island, IL Philadelphia, PA DeLand, FL Chicago, IL Mt. Pleasant, IA Los Angeles, CA Denver, CO Richmond, VA M EET I NGS . ALTA. ORG/ANNUAL • # ALTA1 4 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106 1961 - 1962 1962 - 1963 1963 - 1964 1964 - 1965 1965 - 1966 1966 - 1967 1967- 1968 1968 - 1969 1969 - 1970 1970 - 1971 1971 - 1972 1972 - 1973 1973 - 1974 1974 - 1975 1975 - 1976 1976 - 1977 1977 - 1978 1978 - 1979 1979 - 1980 1980 - 1981 1981 - 1982 1982 - 1983 1983 - 1984 1984 - 1985 1985 - 1986 1986 - 1987 1987 - 1988 1988 - 1989 1989 - 1990 1990 - 1991 1991 - 1992 1992 - 1993 1993 - 1994 1994 - 1995 1995 - 1996 1996 - 1997 1997 - 1998 1998 - 1999 1999 - 2000 2000 - 2001 2001 - 2002 2002 - 2003 2003 - 2004 2004 - 2005 2005 - 2006 2006 2006 - 2007 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 2010 - 2011 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 General Information Arthur L. Reppert William H. Deatley Clem H. Silvers Joseph S. Knapp, Jr. Don B. Nichols George B. Garber Alvin R. Robin Gordon M. Burlingame Thomas J. Holstein Alvin W. Long John W. Warren James O. Hickman Robert C. Dawson Robert J. Jay Richard H. Howlett Philip D. McCulloch C.J. McConville Roger N. Bell Robert C. Bates James L. Boren, Jr. Fred B. Fromhold Thomas S. McDonald Donald P. Kennedy Jack Rattikin, Jr. Gerald L. Ippel John R. Cathey Marvin C. Bowling, Jr. Charles O. Hon, III Richard P. Toft Bill Thurman Richard A. Cecchettini Richard J. Oliver Parker S. Kennedy Mike C. Currier Herbert Wender Dan R. Wentzel Malcolm S. Morris Joseph M. Parker, Jr. Charles H. Foster, Jr. Cara L. Detring Frank P. Willey Stanley Friedlander Charles J. Kovaleski Mark A. Bilbrey Rande K. Yeager Michael F. Wille Gregory M. Kosin Gary L. Kermott Mike Pryor Mark E. Winter Anne L. Anastasi, CLTP Christopher Abbinante Frank Pellegrini Liberty, MO New York, NY El Dorado, KS Baltimore, MD Hillsboro, IL Los Angeles, CA Tampa, FL Bryn Mawr, PA La Crosse, WI Chicago, IL Newkirk, OK Los Angeles, CA Richmond, VA Detroit, MI Los Angeles, CA Dallas, TX Minneapolis, MN Wichita, KS Chicago, IL Memphis, TN Philadelphia, PA Sanford, FL Santa Ana, CA Fort Worth, TX Los Angeles, CA Durant, OK Richmond, VA Chattanooga, TN Chicago, IL Austin, TX Minneapolis, MN Green Bay, WI Santa Ana, CA Carlsbad, NM Philadelphia, PA Walnut Creek, CA Houston, TX Winston-Salem, NC Richmond, VA Farmington, MO Santa Ana, CA Cleveland, OH Orlando, FL El Reno, OK Minneapolis, MN La Crosse, WI Chicago, IL Santa Ana, CA Little Rock, AR Washington, DC Hatboro, PA Jacksonville, FL Oak Park, IL 59 ALTA Past Presidents ALTA Past Presidents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 2014 ALTA ANNUAL CONVENTION • THE WESTIN SEATTLE
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