Document 337491

The Catholic Parish of
Parish Office:
A/H Emergenc y:
Parish Priest:
St John 23rd
9852 0580
0403 766 468
Fr John M cSween ey
Assistant Priest:
Fr Robert William
O f f i c e H o u r s:
8. 3 0 am - 4 . 00 pm
( M o n d ay t o T h ur s d ay )
8. 3 0 am – 3. 0 0 pm ( F r i d ay )
Office: 9852 0581
P ar i s h C o u n c il P r e si d en t : B ar t
S ar l a b u s:
Office: 9852 0580
Office: 9852 0525
Saturda y Vigil:
6.00p m
Sunda y Masses: 7.30am , 9.00am ,10.30am an d 6.00p m .
By appointment o n Su n d ay at 12.00p m
First Rite: Sat u r d a y 5.00p m - 5.45pm & After any W eekday Mass.
Weekda y Masses: Mo n , Tu e, Wed , Th u r s , Fr i an d Sat at 9.00am
Ever y Tuesda y
(2/4 Tuesda y)
Expo sition at 6.30p m . Evening Prayer o f t h e Ch u r c h at 7.00p m
Rosary 7.15p m Novena Mas s to Our Lady of Perpetual Help at 7.30pm .
Hol y Hour: 7.30pm –8.30pm No v en a Mas s t o t h e Sacred Heart
Of Jesus A n d Ex p o s i t i o n A n d B en ed i c t i o n .
Sacrament of the Sick:
Marina Hardy
Jayne Campbell
02 9629 874 2
02 9852 0500
Parish Mission Statement
“The Parish of Saint John XXIII is a faith community with the Eucharist as its heart.
We are inspired by John XXIII’s prophetic opening of the windows of the Church.
We welcome the fresh air of the Holy Spirit, inviting every person to share in the responsibility of enriching the
life and faith of our community by sharing their gifts and talents.”
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 11/12 October 2014
Dear friends in Christ Jesus,
P a st o r a l A s so c i at e/S a cr am e n t al
Co o r d in at o r :
S u e A n dr us k i n J .P . 9 8 52 0 58 3
( M o n , T u es , W e d & T h ur s )
S ac r am e n tal @j o h n2 3r d . or g. a u
F i n a n c e:
M i l a Ll am as 9 8 5 2 0 5 80
( T hu r s da y & F r i d ay )
ac c o u nt s @j o h n 23 r d . or g. a u
RCIA Co-ordinator:
Sue Andruskin 98 5 2 05 8 3
S ac r am e n tal @j o h n2 3r d . or g. a u
First Saturday during 9.00am Mass:
Holy Cross, Glenwood.
John XXIII, Stanhope Gardens
A c t i n g P ri n c i p a l :
S t M a rk ’ s C o l l e g e , S t a n h o p e G a r d e n s
P ar i s h S e cr et ar y:
T a ny a G a tt 98 5 2 05 8 0
( M o n d ay - F r i d ay )
Youth Leaders
Krizzia Tiga:
C.J. Sarlabus
House Keepers
Theresa Cassar and Brenda Recchia
God’s call comes to us in
many ways and at many
different levels.
However, his call is not so
much a voice as a tug at our
hearts, which we feel at
quiet and reflective
moments in our lives.
He is calling us to a deeper
and more authentic life.
He is calling us into
intimacy with himself.
He is calling us into
community with others.
And at death he will call us
into eternal life.
The call of God is both universal and gratuitous and it calls for a faith-filled and
generous response in turn.
There are two messages disclosed by the parable. The first message is the universality of God’s call to salvation. Everyone is invited to the feast. Everyone is invited to the salvation. The invited guests who refused to go stand for the Jewish
people, the chosen people, who failed to accept Jesus as the Messiah. Those who
are invited later stand for the gentiles. In that sense all the people.
The second message is that God’s call requires a specific response. This response
involves accepting Jesus as Saviour and conversion of heart or according to the
parable, putting on a wedding garment.
God’s invitation to a feast is a joy. Some may ignore the invitation. Those who To accept means to admit
ignore the invitation are not bad in themselves. They may be preoccupied with the
our need.
things in the world, even the legitimate things. It is said, a person can be so busy Jesus said, ‘Woe to you who
making a living that they fail to make a life. Jesus invites us to live our lives. Do are full now, for you will go
we accept the invitation to live our lives with Jesus?
Accepting the invitation of Jesus is a joy. But Jesus says, “If anyone wants to be But blessed are you who are
my disciple, let him take up his cross and follow me.” Suffering is the part of hungry now, for you will be
Christian life, because we have to witness the truth. But Cardinal Newman sugA sense of something missgested, “Joy is the child of sorrow.” Let us truly join ourselves with Christ.
We celebrate parochial feast of St. John XXIII and our 12 th Parish Formation an- ing in our lives is not a curse
but a blessing.
niversary this week. Fifty years ago this month, Pope, St. John XXIII initiated the
Second Vatican Council. He said it was time to “throw open the windows of the
church and let the fresh air of the spirit blow through.” It’s time to throw open the A spiritual hunger is God’s
way of inviting us to his
windows again to welcome the fresh air of the Holy Spirit. All are welcome to
share your gifts and talents to enrich our faith journey.
God Bless you all.
Kind Regards,
From the first Weekend of October,
Saturday Reconciliation will be from
5.00 - 5.45pm.
Volunteers are needed!
Please consider offering yourselves to
minister in one of the parish groups including the RCIA, the Baptism
Preparation programme, the Children’s
Sacramental Programme, or Community
The 2015 Columban Art Calendar is
now available at the Piety Stall for
$7.00. When you purchase the
calendar, you are participating in
God’s Mission and assisting
Columbans in meeting the needs
of the poor.
From the Parish Council
Bart Sarlabus Chair
“The holiness of the saints is not founded on tremendous things, but on the tiniest of things that
seem to the world to be nothing but trifles.”
– Journal of a Soul, St. John XXIII, 10 April 1903
Happy feast day and anniversary! In solemn celebration of the Oct. 11 feast day of St. John XXIII and our
12th Parish Formation anniversary, the following events
will be observed this weekend:
Fr. Robert will be celebrating High Mass during the
10:30 am Sunday Mass. Let us join him in worship!
At the Vigil Mass on Saturday the 11th, Fr. Robert will
bless a brass medallion that commemorates the
canonization of Saint John XXIII. This medallion
was commissioned by the shrine at the birthplace of
our patron in Bergamo, Italy. We will place the medallion in the Archive cabinet at the nave of our
The proposed design for the SJ23 Wall of Remembrance is posted in bulletin boards in the church foyer
and outside the kitchen. We go to tender as soon as
we have 3 quotations and hope to have this wall dedicated by Sunday, 2 Nov 2014. Please see me regarding monetary pledges (target is $10k) and/or services
like rendering of the wall or landscaping of the wall area.
We reiterate our invitation for volunteers for the new
Parish Hospitality team in 2015, so interested parishioners may sign up at the Parish Office or email me.
The Oct. 14 rotation of the SJ23 weekly rosary devotion will be hosted by the Ferino family at 2 Avril Court,
Glenwood. Host families for Oct. 28 and Nov. are
Have a great week!
The Sacramental calendar for 2015 can now be
seen on the Sacramental notice board in the
church foyer and also on the parish website . If you know of families
wanting to know the dates for the sacraments
next year, could you please advise them.
Also, please note that there has been an update
added to the Confirmation calendar for next year.
The original days and times for the rite of
Confirmation have been changed due to Diocesan requirements.
If you know of anyone who needs help from our
Community Outreach group please contact
Sue with their details, after you have asked them
if it is ok to share their details with us.
To contact Sue phone 9852 0583 or
Peace and blessings, Sue Andruskin J.P.
GTK (Getting to Know God, Others and Yourself) YOUTH GROUP every 2nd and 4th Sunday:
School Years 4-9: Meet St Mar k’s Staff Room.
When? at 4.30pm for after noon tea. 5.00pm
Break open the word.5.30pm Welcome others to
mass. 6.00pm is the Youth Mass and after mass
veg out and something to eat till7.30pm. Leave
from Church. /
Krizzia Tiga:
C.J. Sarlabus
1st Collection: $2,225.15
Funds go to Diocese and helps support
2nd Collection: (Pays Parish Debt and on
going running costs. If you can, please put
a little extra on the Second Collection.)
PG Envelopes:
PG by EFT:
Total Collections :
We pray and remember…...
Born to Eternal Life:
Joe Cassar, Fr Dave Hume, Lucy
D’Cruz, Arturo O. Cobarrubias,
James, John & Joshua, Sammy
Peter Loughlin, Delfin Delos Reyes,
Jude Vittorio Faelnar, Rosalina
Linsao, Belen Ortiz, Lisa Echevarria, Cristina Maguddayao, Paul
Aquilina, Noella Tsang, Nikhil &
Ahhil, Cynthia Ferrer, Jun Arizala,
Ron Barzaga, Gerry Galam, David
Whitelaw, Nikhil Parvathaneni,
Jerzy Kuziak, Gay Z Coco, Oscar
Nieves, Edwardo Ho, Nonita Zamora, Josie Zidar, Pumida Alexander,
Erlinda Zamora, Pixs Damayanthi
Perera, Vicky Medaglia, Elmer
Samaniego, Cynthia V Cano, Luci
Jabson, Nora Medina, Baby Edward Taylor, Liza Sehob, Celine van
de Bosch, Aida Lustre, Felomina
Docena, Cynthia Villafuerte Cano,
John & Rhronda Devereaux, Andreas Bengough, Felomina Decena,
Ronaldo Zamora, Dwayne Xavier
Erasmo, Felomina Docena, Shona Modrich, Lourdes Subijano,
Anthony Joseph.
We welcome into our church
Stefano Penaloza
Arya Grunert
Callie Jones
Finn Meredith
Layla Pantaleone
Monday 20th October
Lunch at Berowra Waters Café
12 noon or meet at
Glenwood Community Centre at
Novena Mass to Our Lady of
Perpetual Help
Tuesday nights beginning with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 6.30pm,
Evening Prayer of the Church at 7.00pm,
Rosary at 7.15pm and Mass and Novena
prayers at 7.30pm.
For further details contact
Merrilyn 9629 4552/
0413 424 552
Cook - Housekeeper
This weekend we celebrate
feast day of St John XXIII
as well as the 12th anniversary of the formation of our
parish. At the Vigil mass on
Saturday Fr Robert will
bless a brass medallion
that commemorates the
canonisation of our patron
saint. It was commissioned
by the shrine at the birthplace of St John XXIII in
Bergamo, Italy. We will
place the medallion in the
Archive cabinet, along with
a number of other St John
XXIII medals.
St Anthony’s of Padua Parish,
Toongabbie is seeking a CookHousekeeper for 4Hrs Per Day, 4
Days per Week. To view the full
Job Ad and Download the Job Description, please visit the Catholic
Diocese of Parramatta’s Website and
go to the employment page to
view the full advertisement and the
position description.
Applications close Monday 13th
October 5pm.
Volunteers Required
Neighbour Aid)
Catholic Social Services is seeking
volunteers to work within Blacktown Neighbour Aid. Our VolunOn Wednesday 5 November teers enjoy providing social supat 7pm, a farewell mass for port to individuals residing within
Archbishop-elect Anthony the Blacktown area, who are frail
aged, or younger people with a
will be held at
disability and socially isolated. If
St Patrick’s Cathedral.
you are interested in making a
connection with our people by giving 1 hour per week to enhance
Position Vacant
their independence and quality of
life, we would love to hear from
Property Development you. To register expressions of
interest or for more information
Project Officer
please call 02 8822 2238 or email
The Catholic Archdiocese of
Sydney is seeking applications
for the role of Property Development Project Officer. This
Initiative: Your Faith,
role is a full time position and #Life_Faith
Your Life Spirituality Together:
is based at the Polding Centre,
The Institute for Mission offers all, from
Sydney CBD. Further detail
young adults upwards, a series of enjoyaabout this position is available ble nights connecting God, our spirituality
and our lives in the world. Bring a friend
and accompany each other on your faith
Applications to Anthony Spata
by email at
by Friday, 24 October 2014.
Dates: From 7.30pm-9.30pm on 27
October & 24 November 2014, and 9 February 2015.
Venue: Our Lady of the Rosary P arish
Shrine, 8 Greyfriar Place, Kellyville.
RSVP: three days prior tel (02) 9831
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - YEAR A
© Labora Liturgy 2014 printed with permission
days of my life. In the Lord's own
house shall I dwell for ever and
ever. R.
Glory to God in the highest, and on
earth peace to people of good will. We
praise you, we bless you, we adore
Second Reading: Phil 4:12-14, 19-20
you, we glorify you, we give you
thanks for your great glory, Lord
A reading from the letter of St Paul
God, heavenly King, O God, almighty
to the Philippians
Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
I know how to be poor and I know
Son of the Father, you take away the
how to be rich too. I have been
sins of the world, have mercy on us;
through my initiation and now I am
you take away the sins of the world,
ready for anything anywhere; full
receive our prayer; you are seated at
stomach or empty stomach, povthe right hand of the Father, have
erty or plenty. There is nothing I
mercy on us. For you alone are the
Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you
cannot master with the help of the
alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
One who gives me strength. All the
with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
same, it was good of you to share
God the Father. Amen
with me in my hardships. In return
my God will fulfil all your needs, in
Christ Jesus, as lavishly as only
First Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7
25 :6-10
God can. Glory to God, our Father,
A reading from the prophet Isaiah
for ever and ever. Amen.
The word of the Lord.
On this mountain, the Lord of
Thanks be to God.
hosts will prepare for all peoples
a banquet of rich food, a banquet
of fine wines, of food rich and
Gospel Acclamation: cf Ephes. 1: 17.18
juicy, of fine strained wines.
On this mountain he will remove
Alleluia, alleluia!
the mourning veil covering all
May the Father of our Lord Jesus
peoples, and the shroud enwrapChrist enlighten the eyes of our
ping all nations, he will destroy
heart that we might see how great
Death for ever. The Lord will wipe
is the hope to which we are called.
away the tears from every cheek;
he will take away his people's
shame everywhere on earth,
Gospel: Matthew 22:1-14
for the Lord has said so. That
day, it will be said: See, this is our
A reading from the holy Gospel
God in whom we hoped for salvaaccording to Matthew
tion; the Lord is the one in whom
we hoped. We exult and we reJesus said to the chief priests and
joice that he has saved us;
for the hand of the Lord rests on elders of the people: 'The kingthis mountain.
dom of heaven may be compared
to a king who gave a feast for his
The word of the Lord.
son's wedding. He sent his servThanks be to God.
Psalm: Ps 22
R. I shall live in the house of
the Lord all the days of my life.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is
nothing I shall want. Fresh and
green are the pastures where he
gives me repose. Near restful
waters he leads me, to revive my
drooping spirit. He guides me
along the right path; he is true to
his name, If I should walk in the
valley of darkness no evil would I
fear. You are there with your
crook and your staff; with these
you give me comfort. You have
prepared a banquet for me in the
sight of my foes. My head you
have anointed with oil; my cup is
overflowing. Surely goodness and
kindness shall follow me all the
invite everyone you can find to
the wedding." So these servants
went out on to the roads
and collected together everyone
they could find, bad and good
alike; and the wedding hall was
filled with guests. When the king
came in to look at the guests he
noticed one man who was not
wearing a wedding garment, and
said to him, "How did you get in
here, my friend, without a wedding garment?" And the man
was silent. Then the king said to
the attendants, "Bind him hand
and foot and throw him out into
the dark, where there will be
weeping and grinding of teeth."
For many are called, but few are
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father
almighty, maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible. I
believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the
Only Begotten Son of God, born of the
Father before all ages. God from God,
Light from Light, true God from true
God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him
all things were made. For us men and
for our salvation he came down from
heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was
incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered
death and was buried, and rose again
ants to call those who had been
invited, but they would not come. on the third day in accordance with
the Scriptures. He ascended into heavNext he sent some more serven and is seated at the right hand of
ants. "Tell those who have been the Father. He will come again in gloinvited," he said, "that I have my ry to judge the living and the dead and
banquet all prepared, my oxen
his kingdom will have no end. I believe
and fattened cattle have been
in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver
slaughtered, everything is ready. of life, who proceeds from the Father
and the Son, who with the Father and
Come to the wedding." But they
were not interested: one went off the Son is adored and glorified, who
has spoken through the prophets. I
to his farm, another to his busibelieve in one, holy, catholic and aposness, and the rest seized his
tolic Church. I confess one Baptism
servants, maltreated them and
for the forgiveness of sins and I look
killed them. The king was furious. forward to the resurrection of the dead
He dispatched his troops, deand the life of the world to come.
stroyed those murderers and
burnt their town. Then he said to
his servants, "The wedding is
ready; but as those who were invited proved to be unworthy, go to
the crossroads in the town and
6:00 PM
Acolyte / Sr Server
Janelle Jerusalem
Bernadette Virwani
Julienne Crasto
Johannes Halim
Val Linsao
7:30 AM
Colleen McCunnie
Cher Sareno
Lynn Pangilinan
Primo Pangilinan
Jasone Crosdale
9:00 AM
Darren Godwin
Clare Thirimanne
Stephanie Thirimanne
Ramie Tirol
Anh Kuziak
10:30 AM
Bing Catabas
John McCartney
Sabina John
Ding Mojica
Judith Castellino
6:00 PM
Vincent Gracias Flor
Youth - YFC 1
Youth - YFC 2
Nathan Anderson
William Kingsford
Dulcine D’Souza
Freddie Pereira
Ivan Crasto
Kylie Baker
Nellie Tambolero
Rosie Siachico
Athea Athaide
Rajendra Dasi
Rosemarie Barretto
Shalini Abeysirinarayana
Gabriella Stagnitta
Riza Linsao
Sharnie Fernando
Vincent Linsao
Troyce Quimpo
Angel Dionaldo
Chris Thirimanne
Gelina Montierro
Lilibeth Guevara
Nanette Gamboa
Qwayne Guevara
Bessie Mojica
Lolita Ramiscal
Mariano Ramiscal
Nimeshi Fernando
Patricia Charlton
Suni Fernando
Veronica Skipper
Bernadita Banez
Florence Holroyd
Janice Bonnacorso
Colby Izon
David Kuziak
Johanna Cusack
Matthew Sarabia
Megan Sarabia
Laura Bonaccorso
Louise De Salis
Marilyn Villa
Crystallina Surjanto
Eustacia Surjanto
Cohen Bosworth
Olivia Bosworth
Dean Athaide
Lester Villanueva
Gail Erasmo
Vince Erasmo
Ian Castelino
Lakshan Jayakody
Nathan Catabas
Vincent Gracia
Richie Jallorina
Natasja Surjanto
Des & Barb Lloyd, Riza Angelas, Merrilyn Taylor
Reliable Electrician: Michael Keft
Phone: 0433 363 675
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