The View October 2014 Volume XI Issue X CHURCH OF SCOTLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH USA FIRST PRESBYTERAIN CHURCH CLEVELAND CELEBRATES ITS FIRST "KIRKIN OF THE TARTANS" by John Rogers After many months of preparations the time is here! We hope that each of you take part in this celebration of our Denomination’s Heritage—namely its connection to the First Presbyterian Church 147 N. Main St. Cleveland, GA 30528 706-865-6499 Church of Scotland, and then the history of the Scots in America. The Saint Andrew's Society of Washington, D.C. held the first Kirkin' during the early years of World War II. The late Dr. Peter Marshall ("A Man Called Peter"), an eloquent Scot, then Chaplain of the U.S. Senate and Pastor of New York Avenue Presbyterian Pastor: Rev. Andy Chambers Church, led the service in 1943, choosing the "Kirkin' O' The Tartan" for the title of his sermon. He had preached many sermons in support of the British War Relief and the Scottish Clans' Evacuation Plan. His sermons were so popular that a request was made Office Manager: Linda Watkins for their publication, with the proceeds from the sales designated for war relief programs. As the war continued, the D.C. St. Andrew's Society continued to hold services of unified prayer for the subjects of the British Isles. These became known as Website: Kirin's. In the beginning the Scots laughed at our American effort to be Scottish. However, now it has become a huge event in Scotland. "Kirkin of the Clans" can be translated into "Gathering of the Clans" and could be just as easily stated as the gathering of families of our church. Gathering at the Kirk (church). We do this every Sunday and several other times through the week. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Pastor’s Corner 2 If you are a history buff of American History and particularly of history in the south, Backpack Ministry 3 from Darien to the present. Women’s Activities 4 I hope that each of you join in this "First" for FPC and become a part of the Kirkin. October Calendar 5 A Scottish supper will be served on Saturday with yes, Scottish food, Scottish atmos- Mission News 6 phere, unveiling of the new Tartans, Scottish toasts and music. Sunday we will parade WHAM 7 Presbyterian Men 8 Scottish Heritage 9 All Saints Service 10 then as a reader you will find no end to these readings. They are abundant all the way from the square into the church all to a bag piper and a traditional Kirkin service. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those that have helped on this project. In particularly Pastor Andy in wanting to do a Kirkin, Becky Clark on sewing the tartan banners, Judy Winski for spearheading the Scottish supper with great interest, and Bill Hines for cutting out 24 pole stands. Thanks to the eighteen donors of tartan banners and those that considered and yet still might decide to donate one. THE VIEW from Presbyterian Hill October 2014 2 Consecration Sunday Is Coming A few months ago, the Session of our congregation selected the New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program as a way to teach the biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this year. New Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who Pastor Andy should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. New Consecration Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?” During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we are asking our attendees and members to make their financial commitments to our church’s missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries in this community and around the world. Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending morning worship on Consecration Sunday. We also, urge people to attend who feel strongly opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in such a way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a card. We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During morning worship our guest leader will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members making their commitments as a confidential act of worship. We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday events through the Consecration Sunday team and leadership of our church. Since we will make no follow-up visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will make every effort to inform, inspire, and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship. Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday events. Pastor Andy Wednesday Activities Join us each Wednesday evening for dinner at 5:30 PM 5:30 Dinner followed by Bible Study at 6:20 PM. We will continue with 6:20 Bible Study our conversations around the book “Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations,” by Robert Schnase. 3 THE VIEW from Presbyterian Hill October 2014 FPC to Host the Weaver Believer Survival Revival On Sunday, October 12th, at 7:00 PM, our church will be the setting for a toe-tapping, upbeat, southern gospel group perform for the community. LOTS OF FUN WAS HAD BY ALL AT ADULT GAME NIGHT!!! that will The Weaver family is originally from White County. The parents and six of their eight children make up the Weaver Believers. A total of 16 showed up with lots of good food and time yummy desserts! The game of choice this night in motor performing was the old reliable Phase 10. We were so glad to years. see our new visitors Penelope and Steven Derry. They now travel full coaches and professionally have for been eight They have been named "Bluegrass Band of the Year" in 2009, 2010, 2011 by They jumped right in and learned to play and different music associations and have received Penelope was even declared the winner at her other accolades for songwriting and perform- table! Way to go! ing. Their work is given to the glory of God Look for the next Game Night coming soon. We and no admission is charged—a love offering hope to have different games nights like Scrabble will be received and their albums will be for or Dominos, or even Charades! Come join the sale. If you want to enjoy an inspirational and laughter and fellowship! entertaining evening with a family that lives their love for God, mark the date. SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 24th MOVIE NIGHT Showing: “God Is Not Dead” We’re Cleaning Out the Closets Rated PG New uses are being planned for some spaces in the This movie was recently showing in theaters church. FREE POPCORN AND DRINKS! This means that some items need to be moved and some have to go. If you have anything PG – Parental Guidance Suggested- Some material may not be suitable for children. Parents are urged to give parental guidance as the motion picture contains some material that parents might not find suitable for their young children. in any of the rooms or closets that you consider “yours” please remove them. We wouldn’t want anyone to be unhappy if their item went missing. It will cost $260 to feed one child for the school year in White County the White County Backpack Buddies Community Program. If each of us donate $5 per month September through May, we could together feed over 13 children during this school year. Volunteers are also needed to pack the bags. A volunteer training class is scheduled for Thursday, October 2nd at 9:30 AM in the cafeteria at Mossy Creek Elementary School. Buddies Program Please earmark your donations with “Backpack Buddies”. Thank you in advance for your support of this worthwhile project! THE VIEW from Presbyterian Hill October 2014 The Morning Women’s Bible Study will meet on Thursday, October 9th at 10:00 AM. We will gather at the church for our study, which will be chapter 10, “The Privilege of Paupers.” There will In October, our regular PW meetings is scheduled for Sunday, October 19th at 6:00 PM. be an around the table discussion. Be sure to read the chapter and answer the questions starting on Our CT meeting will be Wednesday, October 8th page 282. Afterwards we will share our joys and at 3:30 PM. concerns. Lunch will follow; bring something to eat, if you wish. Mary Ann Clyburn will be our hostess. We will have Knit and Stitch on the remaining Wednesdays: October 15th, 22nd, and 29th at All women are welcome, whether a member of 3:30 pm. First Presbyterian or not. Please join us in our study, fellowship and missions. Northeast Georgia Presbyterian Women There's always something interesting going on for Presbyterian Women in Northeast Georgia. One of the upcoming events is the Presbytery meeting at Nacoochee P.C. on October 25th. Edie Covert, NEGA Presbytery Associate Presbyter for many years, retired this past July. At this meeting Edie will be honored for her years of service. We will have our annual retreat November 7-9 at Camp Pinnacle in Clayton. We'll start the evening with singing and rejoicing and then have gathering time. Saturday we'll begin with breakfast fol- lowed by singing and then the program. In the afternoon we'll have workshops with a variety of topics. It will be hard to choose - we'll have Why Should I Write A Memoir?; Shape-Note Music; Stained Glass (a hands-on project of making something to treasure of stained glass); Flowers - a holiday arrangement make and take event . In addition, we'll have a prayer walk around the Pinnacle campus with specific activities to be enjoyed either in solitude or with a prayer partner. The Retreat is a wonderful opportunity to get away for a while to study, reflect, worship, sing and discover something new. Brochures with registration forms are in the upper narthex on the sign up table. We'll be taking the van for those who want to ride. Cleveland has always had a great representation at this event so Y'all Come!! Mission Haven is a furlough home for Presbyterian Missionaries located in Decatur, Georgia and is owned and operated by Presbyterian Women of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee. Pick up a brochure from the information rack in the upper narthex to learn more about this mission and how you can help. Bernice C. Rogers, Moderator 4 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 2:00pm Dulcimer Practice 26 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 6pm PW Meeting 19 Kirkin of the Tartans 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 12:15pm Deacon’s Mtg. 2:00pm Dulcimer Practice 7:00pm Weaver Concert 12 World Communion Sunday 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 12:00pm Potluck Picnic 5 Sun Office Closed Happy Birthday! Joan Martin Office Closed 6:30pm Lion’s Club Mtg. 27 12:00pm Rotary 7:00pm NA & NarAnon 28 12:00pm Rotary 7:00pm NA & NarAnon 21 Happy Birthday! Becky Clark 20 Happy Birthday! Joyce Naivar Office Closed 6:00pm Presbyterian Men 7:00pm NA & NarAnon 14 Happy Birthday! Bekah Baughman 11:00am Rotary Bd. Mtg. 12:00pm Rotary 7:00pm NA & NarAnon 7 Tue 6:30pm Lion’s Club Mtg. Office Closed 13 Happy Birthday! Gyp Smith Julia Schutt 6 Mon 29 Happy Birthday! Melody Thomason 10:00am Morning Prayer 3:30pm Knit & Stitch 5:30pm Dinner 6:20pm Bible Study 7:30pm Choir Practice 22 10:00am Morning Prayer 3:30pm Knit & Stitch 5:30pm Dinner 6:20pm Bible Study Pumpkin Party 7:30pm Choir Practice 15 10:00am Morning Prayer 3:30pm Knit & Stitch 4:30pm Membership Mtg. 5:30pm Dinner 6:20pm Bible Study 7:30pm Choir Practice 8 Happy Birthday! Carol Floyd 10:00am Morning Prayer 1:30pm Kirkin Planning Mtg. 3:30pm PW CT Mtg. 5:30pm Dinner 6:20pm Bible Study 7:30pm Choir Practice 1 10:00am Morning Prayer 3:30pm Knit & Stitch 4:30pm Worship Team Mtg. 5:30pm Dinner 6:20pm Bible Study 7:30pm Choir Practice Wed 8:00pm NA 30 7:00pm Beta Signa Group Mtg. 8:00pm NA 23 8:00pm NA 16 8:00pm NA 5:15pm Free Clinic 10:00am Women’s Bible Study 7:00pm NA 31 7:00pm NA 24 7:00pm NA 17 Happy Birthday! Genie Bogart 7:00pm NA 10 Happy Birthday! Bruce Floyd Jannie deWaart 5:30pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm NA 8:00pm NA 9 1:30pm Admin. Team Mtg. 3 Fri 2 9:00am AARP Safe Driving Class Thu First Presbyterian Church—Cleveland 9/25/14 5:30pm Community Worship Stated Presbytery Meeting Nacoochee Presb. Church 25 5:30pm Community Worship 18 5:30pm Community Worship 6:00pm Scottish Dinner 11 Happy Birthday! Neile Chambers Treisa Caporale Bill Bryan 5:30pm Community Worship 4 Sat 5 October 2014 THE VIEW from Presbyterian Hill MISSION TEAM NEWS Melody Thomason, Mission Elder Operation Christmas Child (shoeboxes) is underway at FPC. This year we will give you some options. You can bring a shoebox filled, or you can bring your items and place them in the boxes located in the lower Narthex. The boxes are marked for boys, girls and miscellaneous items, such as soap, toothbrushes, pencils, crayons, etc. There is a fourth box for donations to help cover the cost of shipping the shoeboxes. The suggested amount is $7.00 or more per shoebox. Please place your check made payable to Operation Christmas Child in one of the envelopes provided before placing it in the donation box. If you don’t want to buy items yourself, you can donate money to the Wednesday Night WHAM group who will go shopping for you. The deadline for bringing your donations will be Wednesday, November 13th, when we will have our “Packing Party” for all church members, youth and adults. There will be no Bible study that evening. We will gather at 5:30 PM for pizza and start packing the shoeboxes from the donated items while listening to Christmas music. Pens and paper will be available to write notes to place inside the shoeboxes. We will need Christmas wrapping paper and plenty of large rubber bands. Our goal is to fill 150 shoeboxes this year. With your help, we can do it. Please see list below for suggested items. For more information see Melody Thomason. Donate one or more items from each ‘something’: SOMETHING TO LOVE Teddy bear, doll, soft toy, etc. SOMETHING FOR SCHOOL Exercise book, pencil case, pens, pencils, coloring pencils, sharpener, eraser, chalk, etc. SOMETHING TO WEAR T-shirt, shorts, underwear, cap, beanie, sandals, flip-flops, etc. SOMETHING TO PLAY WITH Tennis ball, cars, skipping rope, marbles, musical instrument, yo-yo, slinky, finger puppets, wind up torch, etc. (No battery operated items)* SOMETHING FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Soap and face wash, toothbrush, hairbrush, comb, hair-clips, scrunchies, etc. (No toothpaste)* SOMETHING SPECIAL Carrying bag, sunglasses, bangles, necklaces, craft kits, stickers, note or photo of yourself. *Item could leak and ruin other items in box. CHRISTMAS INTERNATIONAL HOUSE 2014 Foreign students attending American Universities will soon have the opportunity to register for the Christmas House International Program. Once again we plan to take on two students from 12/18/14-1/2/15 to provide housing , entertaining, sightseeing and giving them a glimpse of Christmas in America. Put this on your calendar and think about how you would like to get involved this year. Stay tuned for more information. 6 THE VIEW from Presbyterian Hill October 2014 WE HAVE A MISSION WHAM is an acronym for We Have A Mission. Our program is in the beginning stages of development. Our focus will be on mission work within our community as well as abroad. The first project we took on was to recognize our local EMS in remembrance of 9/11. Our youth made goodie bags and thank you cards and delivered them on Wednesday, September 10th. Pictured with the EMS manager is Audrey Harbst, Aubrey Free, Duren Chambers, Elloree Chambers, Avery Chambers, and Nick Vetrano. MISS WARRIOR HANNAH WALL Being chosen Miss Warrior 2014, as a part of the Homecoming Court, is such an honor. Miss Warrior is voted on by the senior football players. As a little girl, I dreamed that one day I would get to walk across the field with my Daddy, just like the older girls did. I enjoyed getting all dressed up and riding in my dream car, a 2014 Mustang Convertible. I am truly blessed to have had this experience and to share it with my family. A huge thanks to Nanette Baughman for providing the banner for my car, as well as Jacky Jones Ford and everyone who made the night possible. Hannah Wall Youth and Kids Pumpkin Party October 22—after dinner Music, S’mores, Pumpkin carving & decorating 7 THE VIEW from Presbyterian Hill October 2014 PRESBYTERIAN MEN 8 by John Rogers OF FPC The monthly meeting is scheduled for Oct. 7th at 6:00 PM. All men and older teen males are invited and encouraged to attend. Supper will be served by the Presbyterian Women. We will be going over what we will be doing at the Scottish Supper as well as planning the Valentine Dinner. On September 18th, Presbyterian Men and ladies traveled to Brasstowne Resort Lodge in Hiawassee for the return of our annual event, "Ladies Day Out", which has been on a hiatus for the past two years. There were 16 of us. The picture has Betty Smith peeking around Betty Sloop. The pasta bar was good as usual. It is interesting that our waiter was Pacer. He was our waiter at our first outing several years ago and when he heard we were coming, he made a request to be our waiter again-just like a homecoming. Some of us stopped by Alexander's on the way back to introduce Betty Sloop to Alexander's. Church Members Volunteer to Mentor School Age Youth The White County Mentoring Program held an information session for new volunteers and seven of our members attended with the intention of serving children. School October 5th counselors at each of our public schools identify children October 5th is World Communion Sunday. them at school for 30 minutes to an hour each week. We will join with Sisters and Brothers from There are more children in need than there are mentors around the world at the Table to celebrate our unity in Jesus Christ. who would benefit from a mentor that would meet with in the program, so more are needed. If you can share a little time each week and have a heart to touch a life that will benefit from a relationship with an adult outside their Worship to be held in our “back yard” at 11:00 AM followed by a pot-luck picnic. family, contact Cassie Abernathy at (706) 878-8778 or Pastor Andy. New Look at If you visited our church website in the recent past, you saw an “Under Construction” notice. Recently, a new look and format has debuted with lots of help from Cindy Free and Andy Chambers. We have gone to a completely self service web design that is fully implemented and maintained in house. You will find lots of daily updates that hopefully will have you visiting the site often. Bible readings, church calendar and other news are posted each day and of course the streaming of our services each week, so our page might be useful as your home page. There are more things being added each week as we “flesh out” the “skeleton” so keep an eye on us as we continue to develop this as a link to your church. THE VIEW from Presbyterian Hill October 2014 PASTOR ANDY RETURNS TO KENYA by Rev. Andy Chambers On October 19, immediately following worship, I will be off on my second trip to Kenya. Most of you know that I also serve on the board of Our Journey, Inc., a nonprofit determined to help some of the worlds most vulnerable-widows and orphans. We do this mainly by supporting the work of three local pastors in and around the city of Nakuru. Money is sent quarterly to pay for feedings at dumpsites, internally displaced people camps (IDP's), slums, and a preschool for orphans. This year we have focused our efforts not just on monthly feeding programs, but also self-help programs to reduce the cycle of dependency that is rampant in these areas of extreme poverty. I am proud to announce that FPC has played a major role with these programs. With the donations collected last year (a little over $3000), we were able to help purchase a brand new commercial Poshu mill. (A Poshu mill is used to grind corn down into a grit like flour that ultimately becomes a staple food source called ugale.). Pastor David will no longer have to pay to have his corn milled. Instead he can use that money to buy seed or to provide a loan to a widow to begin a new business. He will also be able to feed hundreds of children at and around the preschool he and his wife run. Another program we have funded came from a vision that Pastor Ken had for starting a sewing school in one of the slums he ministers in. Pastor Julius has helped many women start their own businesses through various micro loans-- fruit and vegetable stands. An on-going ministry we have funded for a few years is our blanket and shoe project. This year we will hand out 775 blankets and around 500 pairs of shoes. God is so good!!! Needless to say, I am excited about my return to see all that God has been and is doing in Kenya. I also look forward to seeing my friends in ministry who I have worked hard with for the past year through email and Facebook. It is such a blessing to be a part of this very special ministry. I encourage you to pay attention the FPC website while I am gone. My plan is write updates on what we are doing and seeing. I ask for your prayers beginning now for another safe journey and for our work while we are there. Pray also for my family back here in Cleveland. I will look forward to sharing all about the mighty work of our Heavenly Father on my return. 9 10 First Presbyterian Church 147 N. Main Street Cleveland, GA 30528 Phone: 706-865-6499 Fax: 706-865-5362 E-mail: Website: SHARE THE LORD’S CHURCH HERE ON PRESBYTERIAN HILL. INVITE A FRIEND TO WORSHIP WITH YOU. NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER Wonderful Wednesdays DEADLINE OCTOBER 15 Chairperson & Editor Bruce Morgan Publisher Cookie Mathis Linda Watkins WHAM: after school Dinner: 5:30 PM Bible Study: 6:20 PM Committee Members Mil Clyburn Jan Hopkins Betty Smith Judy Winski Have you checked out our new website? ALL SAINTS SERVICE AARP DRIVING CLASS During the worship service on Sunday, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 November 2, the names will be read of 9:00 AM those who have died this past year. A list has been started on the sign-up Pre-registration is required. Sign up in the Upper table in Upper Narthex. Please list on Narthex or contact Judy Winski at 706-892-4964. the sheet the names of any family or friends you would like included in the service. You may also contact the church office at or 706-865-6499 with the information. Cost: $20.00 non-AARP members; $15.00 AARP members (bring your AARP member number). Contact your insurance agent for auto insurance discount information. A good time to invite friends and neighbors to join us.
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