HOLY FAMILY PARISH 17 Fordham Avenue Hicksville, NY 11801 516-938-3846 www.holyfamilyparishny.org TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12, 2014 Mass Schedule Monday-Friday 7:00 and 9:00am Saturday 9am and 5pm Anticipated Sunday Mass Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12 Noon and 5:00pm Holy Day Masses* Anticipated Mass of Holy Day 5:00 pm Holy Day 7:00am, 9:00am 7:30pm *(Check bulletin for changes) PARISH CENTER HOURS Monday-Thursday: 9am-4pm, 7pm-9pm Friday: 9am-4pm Saturday: 10am-6pm Sunday : 10am-1pm WELCOME If you are new or have not yet registered, contact the Parish Center for a census form. Sacrament of Reconciliation- is celebrated every Saturday from 4pm to 4:45pm in the Church or by appointment with a priest. Sacraments of Initiation- Baptism is celebrated on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Sunday of the month at 2:00pm Please call the Parish Center to make an appointment for the necessary interview. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)- is the process of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) into the Body of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church for all those who are not baptized. If interested, please contact the Parish Center. Baptized non– Catholics and Adult Catholics who have not been confirmed are invited to contact the parish offices for information on this process. Sacrament of Marriage- Marriages must be arranged with the parish no later than six months in advance of your desired date. Please call the Parish Center to set an appointment. Sacrament of the Sick- celebrates the desire and truth of Jesus’ healing touch and His desire that we might have life and have it to the full. It is offered to anyone who is seriously sick, about to undergo surgery and/or suffering the effects of advanced age. It is celebrated weekly at the 9:00am Saturday Mass. Emergency sick calls will be attended at any Time. Eucharistic Adoration- Monday through Friday 7:30am until 8:45 am. Miraculous Medal Novena—is celebrated on Saturday morning at 8:45am. Holy Family Parish 475 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time HOLY FAMILY PARISH DIRECTORY 516-938-3846 PASTORAL STAFF F G G , P FatherGerard@Holyfamilyparishny.org . 307 F F Z, A P FatherFrank@Holyfamilyparishny.org E. 305 F D M, A P FatherDerick@Holyfamilyparishny.org E. 333 D J MN DeaconJoe@Holyfamilyparishny.org Ext. 351 D J MG DeaconJohn@Holyfamilyparishny.org E. 352 S C R, OP, P S M SisterCarol@Holyfamilyparishny.org E. 331 M. M D, P , H F S MDoherty@HFSLI.org Ext. 328 M. C W, A , R E CWeiss@Holyfamilyparishny.org Ext. 320 M. R L, D M RLand@Holyfamilyparishny.org Ext. 308 M. S B, Coordinator of Youth Ministry YouthGroup@Holyfamilyparishny.org Ext. 340 M. D M, P A A DMannion@Holyfamilyparishny.org Ext. 303 HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL M. L R, S E. 329 M. R MF, N Ext. 332 M. P H, A A. Ext. 331 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM M. J B S JBerk@holyfamilyparishny.org Ext. 321 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY PROGRAM O O Outreach@Holyfamilyparishny.org T E. 322 E. 323 PARISH SUPPORT STAFF M. N B, A NBrown@Holyfamilyparishny.org Ext. 316 M. T K , P S TKammerer@Holyfamilyparishny.org Ext. 302 M. R P, P T S RPerazzo@Holyfamilyparishny.org Ext. 301 M. M M, F M Ext. 364 IN RESIDENCE F . MICHAEL R, C , Holly Paerson Ext. 342 October 12, 2014 2 MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY OCTOBER 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Parishioners of Holy Family 9:00 am Edward Pound 10:30 am Thomas Lavelle 12:00 pm John Schubert Katherine Young Robert Gregory 5:00 pm Rosemary Glover MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014 7:00 am Edward Davey 9:00 am Anthony Zampelli TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr 7:00 am Elspeth Provenzano 9:00 am Frances DePellegrini WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014 Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of theChurch 7:00 am Ethel Sullivan 9:00 am Mary Lee THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 Saint Hedwig,Religious; Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque,Virgin 7:00 am Stephen Dimino 9:00 am Special Intenons of Joseph Lupparello FRIDAY OCTOBER 17, 2014 Saint Ignaus of Anoch, Bishop and Martyr 7:00 am Michael Alfonso 9:00 am Raphael Ho SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2014 Saint Luke, Evangelist 9:00 am Lydia T. Khouri 5:00 pm Thomas Foley SUNDAY OCTOBER 19, 2014 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Parishioners of Holy Family 9:00 am Kathryn Janson (20th Anniversary) 10:30 am Catherine Mary Gronroos 12:00 pm Salvatore DePaolo 5:00 pm John Larrick Holy Family Parish 475 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 3 ...from Father Gerard HOLY FAMILY FESTIVAL FINANCIAL RESULTS - Because I can do all things in him who strengthens me. “I can’t do it.” How many mes have you given up? How many mes have you lost confidence in yourself? How many mes have you stopped believing in your abilies? My guess is that the answer most of us would give to the above quesons is, “oen.” There are so many reasons to be discouraged or to just give up on our dreams and hopes. The reality is we have successes and failures in life—somemes without any effort or fault of our own. A failure or an obstacle does not necessarily mean we can’t do something. What it may mean is that we need a strength or a movaon that comes from beyond our abilies. In the spiritual life, we pursue not simply our own plan, but we allow ourselves to be directed, oen in a way that we do not want to go. “I can’t do that,” more oen is really, “I won’t do that.” Fear is the emoon that most oen causes us to believe that something is impossible. But what if it is not about me or what I want? If God is truly calling us to something, will God not provide us with the ability to do so? I don’t hold myself up as an example of self confidence by any means, but I do know that many accomplishments have occurred because it has been the abilies that God has bestowed on me. My own vocaon of priesthood has provided me with many examples of what has been done by him who strengthens me. So to what is it that you keep saying, “I can’t?” Is it a career advancement, a relaonship, a health improvement, a religious vocaon, seeking forgiveness or an act of mercy? Instead of saying, “I can’t,” let us replace that phrase with another that is just as familiar, “thy will be done.” When we say these words in the Lord’s Prayer, we are surrendering the personal concept of, “I can’t” and accepng that with the Lord all things are possible. I can’t but you can, O Lord, and may your will be done through and with all of us who place our hope in you. all of the bills from the fesval have now been paid, we can announce that this year’s fesval produced a profit of over $77,000. It is, therefore, the most financially profitable fesval in our seven year history. Thanks to all who work so hard to make it a success and to all of you who support the fesval. I am oen asked what are we spending the fesval money on? My answer always is, without the fesval and our summer camp we would not have the funds needed to operate our parish. As you will see when this past year’s financial report is published, we finished the fiscal year with a $77,000 operang surplus. This small surplus is needed for, at best, the building up of our savings and, at worst, to pay for unexpected expenses that occur. The fesval profits therefore are necessary to sustain our parish’s everyday operaon. THANK YOU! - A few recent events have occurred in our parish that have happened only because of the generous efforts of some dedicated parishioners. A few weeks ago we held an outstanding Fall Fesval/ Carnival for families, last weekend we enjoyed a Fall Party and dance and this past week our annual Golf Oung occurred. I want to thank the members of the Family Life, Fall Dance and Golf Commiees for making these events possible. Being able to socialize and build relaonships is an important part of our communal life. We are all very grateful to those who have worked so hard to bring us together in these ways. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD - This week we have begun an experience that we hope will enhance the experience of our twice monthly preaching to children. On the first and third Sunday of the month at the 10:30 mass, the other priests and I have called the children forward to share in the homily. Beginning this week on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at the same mass, children 5-10 years old will be dismissed during the Liturgy of the Word, so that they can have a more meaningful opportunity to reflect on the Sunday scriptures. They will return as the Offertory begins. As we begin this venture, the separate experience will be led by the priests, deacons, and Mrs. Cathy Weiss. We look forward to this new way of sharing faith with our young people. Peace, Holy Family Parish 475 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 HOLY FAMILY COUNCIL Knights of Columbus NIGHT AT THE RACES Fund Raiser Saturday, November 1st, 2014 at 6:30pm Holy Family School Cafeteria 25 Fordham Ave. Hicksville, N Y Admission $12.00. Pre-register By calling Past Grand Knight Anthony Vota at 516 796-2039, Or E-Mail to aplusmlvota@opmum.net. Please advise of how many will be coming. Pre register by OCTOBER 27th, 2014. Thank You. Buffet supper, beer, wine, soda, coffee, tea, cake * * * SEATING LIMITED TO 125 * * * The horses have been working out in Pimlico and are ready to run And they’re off… Proceeds help support the Seminarians, Parish Outreach and other local charies. Women of Beauty Catholic Women’s Conference Holy Family Council, Knights of Columbus Want to thank all those who donated used eyeglasses to our appeal. Over 180 pairs of Eyeglasses were collected and forwarded to NEW EYES, in New Jersey. They will be checked for the prescripon strength and given to a person in need of glasses. Again, we thank you ! HOLY FAMILY COUNCIL, Knights of Columbus Next Sunday, World Mission Sunday, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, calls every Catholic to celebrate at the Eucharist, our vocaon to be missionary and to help the Missions. As Catholics around the world, here at home and in the Missions, gather at the Eucharisc table, let us pray for the Church’s worldwide mission and offer financial help through the Propagaon of the Faith for more than 1,150 dioceses in Asia, Africa, Lan America and the Pacific Islands. Thank you for your generosity. Saturday, November 8, 2014, 9 am-4 pm St. Joseph Parish, 39 N. Carll Ave, Babylon, NY Keynote Speaker: Pat Gohn Author of “Blessed, Beauful and Bodacious-Celebrang the Gi of Catholic Womanhood” Tesmonies by Long Islanders – Peggy Clores, Angela Rizzo and Bridget McCormack To purchase ckets on line hp://www.drvc.org/new_evangelizaon Quesons or for more informaon contact Marianne Sheridan (516) 678-5800 x615 or msheridan@drvc.org THE OFFICE FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN/YOUNG PEOPLE: We are all responsible for the safety of children and vulnerable adults:. If you suspect mistreatment of a child or vulnerable adult by a member of the Clergy, Church Employee or Volunteer—Phone the Hotline to make report—516-594-9063. All appropriate steps will be taken to protect the reputaon and privacy of those involved: the person making the complaint, the vicm and the accused. For more informaon on the Charter for the Protecon of Children/ Young people, visit the Diocesan Website and click on Protecng God’s Children Tab. 4 Holy Family Parish 475 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time This Week In Religious Ed…. Monday, October 13: No Class- Columbus Day Thursday, October 16: Confirmaon Candidate’s Night of Reconciliaon from 7:00-9:00pm in Holy Family Church REFLECTING ON THE WORD (from Sadlier Publicaons) Gospel: Mahew 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 This is a story that actually happened: When a groom-to-be called off the wedding, the bride decided to go ahead with the wedding banquet. Instead of inving friends and relaves, she invited some homeless people. These unlikely guests in their thri-shop clothes had a wonderful me. And the bride who didn't become a bride had the joy of sharing her banquet with them. This story is very similar to today's gospel and the parable Jesus tells about the feast hosted by God. The invited guests do not show up, so other guests are gathered from the streets October 12, 2014 5 Ronan Fitzgerald Morgan Franolich Jacobo Giraldo Holy Family School… Patrick Harten “making a difference, Critiano Huallanco Anisha Jaipershad one child at a time” David Jojan Ashia Kelly Holy Family School takes very Zenzele Kelly Gabriel Kuras seriously the sacred trust Christopher Loiacono parents put in us when they Brianna Martinez choose to send their child to Rebecca McLam our school. We are keenly Kaitlyn Messina aware of our obligation to Michael Messina educate the whole child; Tien Nguyen spiritually, academically and Aliya Normandia socially. We acknowledge the John O'Brien Brianna Pereira positive in each child in a Liliana Pereira variety of ways. The most Juliana Piscitelli popular acknowledgement is Rant “Student of the Month”. The Riley Michaela Rogers qualities that are honored Justin Rojas with this title are faith and Erin Sanginario character based. September’s Liam Scannell trait was “RESPECT”, and the Sarah Sheehan Anna Swinchuck following students were Talia Takahashi acknowledged for being respectful to teachers, staff, Maggie Tower visitors, their peers, property, Jeffrey Wortmann Isabella Yew School News our beliefs, and themselves each and every day. and invited to share the table and the joy. Somemes we might ignore God's invitaon. Do we recognize that God has an invitaon for us every day? How can we receive and accept it? Have you ever thought that other things were more important, or that you were too busy to accept God's invitaon to Eucharist, sacraments, prayer, or doing something pleasing to God and helpful to others? Anthony Frankie Robert Gwen Julia Patrick Kyle Michael Jaden Allison Mary Sienna Albanese Buonpastore Buonpastore Castellano Colonna Connors Coppola D'Alessandro Daly DeLuca DeMauro Diana The voting began!!! Please help us, once again, get the recognition we deserve and VOTE at bestof.longislandpress.com We have been nominated in five categories: Best Catholic School Best Nursery School Best Teacher: Mrs. Arzberger Best Teacher: Miss Farrell Best School Principal “Make a difference…VOTE every day through December 15th and get the good news about our wonderful Parish school out! Holy Family Parish 475 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 6 Holy Family Parish 475 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time The Holy Family Hicksville Knights of Columbus Council 11227 In Service to One –In Service to All The Man Who Stands With Us Never Stands Alone We are looking for men to join us in promoting the spiritual, social and charitable welfare of the Council and our Parish. Are you interested in helping those in need, serving the parish and community, and Living out Faith through Charity? All Practical Catholic Men over the age of 18 are welcome. Contact Grand Knight Don Cardone for additional details : 516 – 644-5898 or via email at : Holyfamilyknights@yahoo.com BANNS OF MARRIAGE Suzanne Guarna, Holy Family And Craig Bezmen,St.Dominic Jacqueline Russo, Holy Family And Brian Maire, St. Francis of Assisi Veronica Swierupski, Holy Family And Timothy Young, St. Adalbert Michael Diver, Holy Family And Julie Competiello, St. Peter the Apostle A prayer to share the vision… With grateful hearts and filled with the Holy Spirit, we pray for wisdom, guidance and insight, O Lord. Because you have blessed us with abundant gis we have been built into a community of service a community seeking knowledge a community of prayer a community of faithful stewards. Enlighten our minds, that we may know your will Enflame our souls, that we may grow in passion for you and your Church Embolden us with the courage we need to step forth to work in the vineyard of our parish Bless our parish community with joy and generosity so we may share in the building of your kingdom. October 12, 2014 7 ADULT FAITH FORMATION BOOK CLUB: MONDAY, October 27, 2014— Time: 7:30 pm Place: Convent Chapel Fr. Derick will lead a discussion on his own recently published book, “Your Uniqueness” based on Chapters 6 thru 10. Copies of the book are available at the Parish Center for $5 per copy. Please join us for this very special evening! refreshments will be served following the discussion. ADULT FAITH FORMATION ON-GOING FORMATION— EMs, USHERS & LECTORS Under the auspices of the Adult Faith Formaon Ministry, the parish is organizing an on-going formaon program for all Eucharisc Ministers, Ushers and Lectors on Saturday, October 18, 2014 in the Church at 1:00pm. A makeup session will be held on Monday, October 20, 2014 in the Convent Chapel (Parish Center) at 7:30pm. Holy Family Parish 475 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 8 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY OFFICE & FOOD PANTRY HOURS MONDAY to THURSDAY - 10:30am to 2:45pm Thurs. Evening by appointment – call 938-3846x322 PANTRY NEEDS… canned meat canned fruit mayo yams plasc wrap laundry detergent juice pasta sides chicken broth cold cereal toothbrushes dish detergent rice cooking oil apple sauce coffee (decaf) turkey gravy ssues stuffing Progresso soups boxed potatoes cranberry sauce ketchup deodorant COME VISIT THE THRIFT SHOP Mondays - Wednesdays – Saturdays 11AM - 3PM Food Pantry Needs Thank you to the families who have so faithfully supported the pantry with very generous donaons of food and household items. Our shelves are very low at this me. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Are You Looking for a Rewarding Job as a Home Health Aide? LI-CAN in partnership with VNSNY and Partners in Care are looking for eligible candidates for a free 3-week training course leading to state cerficaon. They will also offer a free 6-day PCA, CAN upgrade training course leading to state HHA cerficaon or a free 1-day refresher course for previously cerfied HHAs. VSNY and Partners in Care “Open House” informaon as well as many dates, locaons and mes for candidate eligibility interviews are posted on the Church entrance bullen boards. Contact Sister Carol (938-3846 x 331) or check the bullen board in the gathering space for further informaon. Looking for Caring Men & Women EAC Network’s In-Home Caregiver Services is looking for caring men & women interested in helping caregivers of older adults in your local area. For more than 27 years, Senior Respite has been supporng family caregivers by offering them anywhere from 2-6 hours “off” each week. We introduce a companion to visit with their loved one, keeping them safe and engaging in acvies. Companions can volunteer or elect to receive a wage of $8 an hour. They will receive ongoing training, professional support and an opportunity for personal enrichment. If you are a caregiver or potenal companion interested in more informaon or to register for training, please call the Senior Respite Program at 516-5390150 x 218. EAC Senior Respite In-home Caregiver Services is funded by the New York State Office for the Aging, Town of North Hempstead Project Independence and the Helen L. Morris Foundaon. Email Chrisne.weber@eacinc.org. Social Service Coordinator Posion Available If you are a caring, compassionate person who enjoys helping people, this job is for you. Organizaonal and computer skills a must. Part-me posion at a senior cizen apartment complex located in Uniondale, sponsored by Catholic Charies. Salary plus medical benefits & 401k. Fax or email resume: Stanan Mgmt.Corp., 33 Front St., Hempstead, NY 11550. Fax: 516-486-1896 or email to: stananrlty@aol.com. Are You a Family Member or Significant Other of Someone Coping with an Addicon? Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Service, Inc. is sponsoring a free four week series open to the community beginning on Oct. 8th. The series will explore: Addicon & Recovery, Codependency & Enabling, Effecve & Healthy Ways to Communicate & Set Limits, and Ways to Gain Support & Provide Support. Please check the bullen board facing Fordham Ave. in Church gathering space or contact S. Carol (938-3846x331) for further informaon. Part-Time Job Opportunity at Catholic Charies – Diocese of Rockville Centre Part-me Driver – Meals on Wheels Program, Freeport, LI (19 hrs./wk. – Need flexible availability from 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. – Fri.) We are seeking an experienced delivery driver who is familiar with South Nassau routes to deliver meals to homebound seniors while monitoring and reporng any changes in their physical, emoonal or mental status. HS/GED and a valid NYS Driver’s License required. Our ideal candidate will have at least 2 years’ experience as a delivery driver and demonstrated knowledge of vehicle maintenance. Solid communicaon, organizaonal and client service skills are needed. Email resume and cover leer of interest to: jobs@catholiccharies.cc or fax to: 516.733.7038 Are you or someone you know having family or interpersonal problems due to drinking ALCOHOL and/or using DRUGS? CATHOLIC CHARITIES / Talbot House, a Chemical Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia provides withdrawal and stabilizaon services on a voluntary basis to males and females over the age of 18, who are seeking to stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot House will assess the kind of care the person needs, to begin his/her journey in recovery. For more informaon, please call: 631-589-4144. Talbot House staff is available 24/7. Each call is confidenal. Talbot House is a NO fee for service program. Holy Family Parish Outreach 17 Fordham Avenue, Hicksville THRIFT SHOP CHRISTMAS & Warm Coat SALE Saturday – Nov.1st from 10am to 3pm – O’Dea Center Sunday – Nov.2nd from 9:30am to 1:30pm – O’Dea Center Many new and gently used Christmas gift items, decorations, Winter coats and jackets will be available. Holy Family Parish 475 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday , October 18, 2014 5:00 pm G.Gagliano, A.Ger, M. Smith Sunday, October 19, 2014 7:30 am S. Marn, M. Loscalzo, M. Losqualdro 9:00 am A. Castro, A. Canella, K. Morose 10:30 am J. Hartel, A.Jannace, J. O’Donnell 12:00 pm N. O’Brien, E. Sanginario, J.Sanginario 5:00 pm P. Harten, N. Kalipersad, N. Tomanelli Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/ Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31—5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Weekly Collecon Informaon Weekly Collecon 10/4-10/5/14 *funds needed to meet weekly budget $ 16,402 $14,629 October 12, 2014 9 Pray for Our Deceased Dolores LiCalsi We pray for the sick. Rosemary Ciorciari Riley June Perna Edith Grimmer Kaitlin Rose Murphy Tom Murphy Steve Tota Kenneth McCaffrey Debbie Wicks Ann Wetzel Evangeline Sanago Anthony Jimenez Debbie Harabedian Alberta Zero Leslie Hudson Dot Desimone Steve Tota Carol Nealon Therese Langer Stephanie Matzel Nora Chomicz Jessica Pezolano Ali Ohem Monica Molina John Ficke We would like to send a get well and or encouragement card to parishioners and their friends and families, as well as coordinate with Fr. Gerard and Parish Social Ministry .Please send in your requests or call the Parish Center, ext. 302 if you have any quesons. Please include: Name of the person :__________________________ Person making this request: ____________________ Year-to-date Surplus/(Deficit) $ (1,191) Relaonship to ill person: ___________________ Second Collecon – Respect Life$ 2,808 Your phone # _________________________ Your consistent weekly support is necessary. Please be mindful of the need to avoid sacrificing your weekly contribuon if you chose to support a special collecon and please support your parish every week Sacrificial Offerings Altar Candles for Week of October 12, 2014 In Loving Memory of: By: Their address: _______________________________ "The Rosary is a school for learning true Chrisan perfecon." Pope John XXIII Has it been a long Time since you have said the Rosary? Come join us to pray the Rosary! The Rosary is a great way to connect with God and one another. Rosary beads and instrucons on how to pray the Rosary will be provided. Light refreshments will be served. When: Saturday, October 18th Time: 11AM Place: Holy Family Church Come Alone Or Bring A Friend- All Are Welcome To Aend! Holy Family Parish 475 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS OPEN HOUSE SCHEDULE HIGH SCHOOL Saturday, October 18 - (9:00 a.m.- 12 p.m.) St. John the Baptist DHS, West Islip Sunday, October 19 - (10:30 a.m -2 p.m.) You’re invited to join Chrisans around the country in the 40 Days for Life campaign to bring an end to aboron. From Sept. 24th through Nov. 2nd, pro-life people will be making a concerted effort of prayer and fasng and peaceful vigil on behalf of the unborn babies dying by aboron. The 40-day vigil will take place daily, from 7AM to 7PM, on the public sidewalk outside the Hempstead Planned Parenthood aboron facility at 540 Fulton Ave. (Hempstead Tpke, just west of Hofstra). We ask that you spend at least one hour at the vigil during the 40 days in memory of the unborn babies and all those hurt by aboron. For more informaon: Long Island Coalion for Life 631-2431435; 40daysforlifeLI@gmail.com. On October 4th & 5th, Holy Family will once again be hosting a Baby Bottle Fundraiser to benefit The Life Center of Long Island. The Life Center is a crisis pregnancy center that counsels women and men who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. They provide maternity housing, medical care, referrals, cribs, car seats, diapers and ALL other baby items that are needed. We are asking that you pick up a baby bottle and fill it with your change. Most importantly, we are asking you to recite the prayer on the bottle. The prayer attached to the bottle will enable the counselors at The Life Center to say just the right words a mother or father may need to hear. It especially opens a mother’s heart to accept the truth. We believe these prayers lead abortion-minded women to call The Life Center in the first place. Let us pray with our whole heart for the lives of our unborn children. Please pray for the members of our Parish Family Serving in the Armed Forces If you have a name of a loved one serving our country, please submit to the office, or place in the offertory basket at Mass and include their name and rank. Name AND Rank Thomas J. Kilbride, Major, US Army John Patrick Kilbride III, Lt. Col., US Army Thomas C. Ludwig, Major, ,US Army Michael Tynan, Lance Cpl., US Marines Michael W. Aznaran, BM3, US Coast Guard Mahew Sweeney, Captain, US Marines Mahew Antonik, Sgt,. US Marines Rigoberto Colon “Rigo”, US Marines James Colvin, 2nd Lt, US Marines, Michael Silver, Lt. Jg., US Navy Brendan Gill, St. Sgt, US Army Robert Savoldy, Spc, US Army Frederick J. Brion, Lt. Julian M. Coca A1C Air Force 10 Don’t Forget Your Baby Bottle! OPEN HOUSE DATE & TIME McGann-Mercy DHS, Riverhead October 12, 2014 Devin G. Hudson, H.A., US Navy Cameron James, 1st Lt., US Army Jeremy D. Schara, STG2, US Navy Daniel Gabbard, Pvt., US Marines Rafael Garcia, Pvt, HHC 8 ENBN, Shawn R. Searle, PFC, US Army Rebecca Burgess, 2nd Lt., US Marines Thomas Likos, Spc, US Army John Patrick Orr, Tl., Jg, US Navy . Daniel Erik Rogers, Lt. Jg., US Navy Daniel Cavelli,, Cmdr., US Navy Robert T. Ludwig, Sgt., US Army Andrew Hupfer, PFC, US Army Eric Hupfer, PFC, Us Marines Patrick McCallion, PFC, US Army Michael Handwerker, 1st Lt., US Army Brendon McShea, Major, US Army Thomas Mcshea, 1st Lt, US Army Ned J. Davis, ENS, US Navy John M. Mirro, GM2, US Navy Paul J. Laughlin, Colonel, US Army Robert M. Dones, PFC, US Marines Thomas Heibert, Colonel, US Army Ryan Calabrese, Seaman, US Navy Mahew Reyes, Lcpl, US Marines Elizabeth Werns, LTC, US Army Colleen M. Paon, ENS, US Coast Guard Funeral Homes 935-7100 125 W. Old Country Road, Hicksville, New York 11801 • Fax 935-0815 655 Old Country Road, Plainview, New York 11803 • 938-4311 Kathleen Joyce, Ph.D. PAT DOLAN PLUMBING Licensed Master Plumber Licensed Psychoanalyst Individual, Couples, Family Clinical Hypnosis 1137 Old Country Rd Plainview, NY 11803 (516) 938-0800 DONOVAN & DONOVAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wills • Personal Injury • Elder Law • Estates • Criminal • Traffic Violations 90 Newbridge Road Hicksville 938-1717 24 HR EMERGENCY SERVICE 516-747-8213 No Overtime Mon-Sat 7am-7pm Banquet Hall Available Home Remedy Plus Construction Lic./Ins. GENERAL CONTRACTING Commercial/Residential/Industrial Serving Long Island for 50+ Yrs. p 516.233.6619 • f 516-612-4145 email stasi.general@yahoo.com Free Est. /Lic. /Ins.#H2216920000 Jim Langenfeld More than fast. More than signs. 474A Old Country Rd., Westbury, NY 11590 516.334.7446 • www.fastsigns.com/564 Banners • Posters • Dimensional Lettering & Signage • Vehicle Graphics & More! Hicksville Flowers Serving Hicksville for 50 Years Weddings • Funerals • Fruit Baskets Plants • Bouquets • Flower Arrangements 18 Newbridge Rd. Hicksville 681-5010 Just North of RR. INCOME TAX PREPARATION PERSONAL • BUSINESS Knights of Columbus, Levi own Newly renovated, 100 Person Capacity 10% Off With This Ad (516) 735-1724 • kofclevi own.org Alban Miranda CPA, MBA S TA S I TM 798-8943 EAST VILLAGE CAR CARE, INC. Complete Auto Repair Foreign & Domestic 151 Jerusalem Ave., Levittown, NY 11756 (East Village Green Shopping Center) 516-731-3737 425 Broadhollow Road Suite 427 Melville, NY 11747 516.302.7188 a.miranda@pguptacpa.com All phases of home remodeling and repair. www.pguptacpa.com Quality work at reasonable prices. 516-513-0541 • Fellow Parishioner (Mention this ad for parishioner discount) Levittown Lanes Enjoy a Bowling Fun Pack, Call for Special Rates! (Inc. 2 Hrs. of Bowling, Lg. Cheese Pie, Pitcher of Soda & Rental Shoes)! Fundraisers Birthday Parties Team Parties Learn To Bowl www.Levittownbowling.com • Bowlmore1@aol.com 516-731-5700 • 56 Tanners Ln., Levittown BOOK ONE OF OUR BIRTHDAY PARTY PACKAGES WITH 12+ KIDS-TAKE $25. OFF YOUR FINAL BILL PERSONAL - BUSINESS - PROFESSIONAL TAX-ACCOUNTING SERVICE (516) 565-0289 Need Help with LOVE ONES or HOUSEHOLD?? SENIOR CARE - BABYSITTERS -Cleaning Service DivisionLive-in/out. FT/PT (Drivers) WE DO BACKGROUND CHECKS. PRINCE AGENCY 516-482-7467 princehomecareservices.com ANTHONY LOIACONO, CPA PARISHIONER E. Meadow Michael Pascucci Helen Mary Makeup ATTORNEY AT LAW 20 Barrel Lane, Hicksville, NY 1181 516-398-8168 michaelmpasc@aol.com WEDDING, PROM, FORMAL MAKEUP & HAIR 516 974 9929 helen.mary@live.com Gluten Free & Tree Nut Free Can Do Dairy Free, Egg Free & Soy Free • All Allergies Listed Too * Special Decorating Days * Edible Logo Cookies & Specialty Designs 516-216-1719 West Village Green 1B, Hicksville 10% OFF All Orders www.kensfaucetandtoiletrepairs.com 37-02 Main Street • Flushing, NY 11354 (718) 359-8300 www.thewindsorschool.com Licensed Master Plumber KENS FAUCET & TOILET REPAIRS INC. All Plumbing Repairs (516) 338-5843 Serving the Community Since 1990 MEMBER 475 Holy Family, Hicksville, NY (inside) UPS • Established in 1969 • Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools • Grades 7-12 • Small Class Size • Individualized College Guidance • Interscholastic Sports Program • Financial Aid Available for Highly Qualified Local Students John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net “Hicksville’s Only Family Owned Funeral Home” Comforting families for over 85 years HICKSVILLE 47 Jerusalem Avenue (516) 931-0262 LEVITTOWN 2786 Hempstead Tpk. (516) 796-0400 Patricia Cassidy Lopez Licensed Sales Associate Cell (516) 457-6963 Fax (516) 937-6234 255 W. Old Country Rd. PCL820@aol.com Hicksville, NY 11801 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated P REVETE R EAL E STATE Office 2001-2007 Floral Park • 29 Atlantic Avenue New Hyde Park • 125 Hillside Avenue Williston Park • 412 Willis Avenue Beth Dalton Costello Timothy J. Dalton ANDY’S CARPENTRY LLC Family Owned Home Improvement Specialist Repairs & Remodeling No Job Too Small • Lic. & Ins. 516-735-4498 Parishioner Licensed & Insured and Operated Specializing in Roofing, Siding & Gutters $500 OFF Any Job over $5000 for Parishioners *See Website for Details mlbestconstruction.com Family Owned and Operated EAST MEADOW 2515 N. Jerusalem Rd. • E. Meadow, LI (516) 826-1010 WANTAGH 603 Wantagh Ave. • Wantagh, LI (516) 731-5550 EVERY CHILD SHOULD HAVE A CHANCE TO DANCE. Lessons in Ballet, Pointe, Tap & Jazz professionally taught. WITCOMB’S LANDSCAPING, INC. WOODBURY STUDIO OF DANCE ARTS 516-292-6060 516-681-2488 • HICKSVILLE See what color can do for you! Diamond Drugs II Rosales Salon For Price, Service & Convenience Full Service Salon For Women, Men & Children 420 Newbridge Rd., Hicksville, NY 11801 Harvey Staub, Pharmacist/Owner 724 Old Bethpage Rd., Old Bethpage, NY 11804 NEED A BET TER L AWN SERVICE? Since 1973 631-643-1404 Scott Hermann, Agent 1012 Jerusalem Avenue 516-783-5522 Scott@agenthermann.com All Ages • A Non-competition School www.woodburystudioofdancearts.com 516-338-2886 • 51 Urban Ave., Westbury Serving the Holy Family Parish & Community for Over 40 Years 516-935-2277 Fax: 935-1873 800-333-3166 Boos Flowers Flowers For All Occasions “Building & Remodeling into the Future” Fernando Albuquerque Weddings & Funerals Our Speciality Office 516-942-3294 38 West Village Green,, Hicksville Email: fa@legacystructuresllc.com (off Newbridge Rd.) 735-2244 Website: Legacystructuresllc.com 10% Off to Holy Family Members (Formerly Country Parkway Mobil) State Emission • NY State Inspection Station • Fleet Service Brake Service • Foreign/Domestic • Engine Repairs Towing Available • Diagnostic Service 42 East Carl St. Hicksville, NY John Patrick Publishing (516) 586-8733 Mon.-Fri. 9am to 7pm • Sat. 10am to 3pm Hours: Sun. - Tues. 10 - 6 • Wed. - Fri. 10 - 9 • Sat. 8:30 to 7 Country Parkway Repairs Jaco TRANPORTATION INC. to advertise in color, please call us at (516) 622-5909 • (516) 622-5910 www.rosalessalon.com • rosalessalon@gmail.com 90 West Nicholai Street Hicksville 516-931-3218 Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Serving the parish since 1970 Licensed Plumber • 24 Hr. Emergency Service • Parishioner 234-East Meadow Ave., East Meadow • 794-7380 QUICK EMERGENCY RESPONSE 24 HR. 7 DAYS And PHIL CEPARANO Plumbing & Heating Holidays All Leaks Repaired • Floods Pumped Repair Or Faucets • Toilets • Sinks • Drains • Heat • Waste & Water Lines Replace Residential Specialist All Work Performed By Owner HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY HIS CUSTOMERS TRY ME ONCE YOU’LL BE IMPRESSED WITH THE SERVICE 35 Years Experience Serving All Nassau www.ceparanoplumbing.com Licensed Master Plumber Serving the Holy Family No Job Too Small Parish & Community for ASK ABOUT MY 2 YEAR GUARANTEE Insured over 35 Years John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net 516-454-6557 475 Holy Family, Hicksville, NY (back) UPS
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