GERMAN MCA IN LONDON Schubert Society Singer Prize 2014 Anglo-German Circle: Childhood Fairy Tales Visit to Romford YMCA The Programme October - November 2014 2 What is the German YMCA in London? Founded in 1860, the Association is one of the oldest YMCAs in London and has been part of the English YMCA movement since that time. We are also one of the largest charities with German roots operating in England and support the German-speaking and local community in a variety of ways, from organised events and programmes, assistance to individuals in crisis situations, to material and practical support for other organisations. On the following pages you will find details of our regular programmes and events: our Parent-Toddler group, the au pair Tea Morning, the Members’ Luncheon Club, Schubertiade Concerts, trips and visits, and much more. Our home has been in the Lancaster Gate, Bayswater area north of Hyde Park in central London since 1959. Here, in Craven Terrace, is our Association’s centre and the Lancaster Hall Hotel. The hotel was opened in 1973 by the German YMCA and offers both the tourist and business traveller an ideal base in central London at affordable prices. Who can take part in our programmes? We are a Christian movement and stand for respect and freedom for all, tolerance and understanding between people of different faiths, opinions and race. About Us We welcome people of different Christian traditions, those of other faiths and those of none. Although, because of our Association’s heritage, the name contains “German”, “Young” and “Men”, we welcome anyone of any age and nationality, male and female. Our doors are open to all, members and non-members alike. What other services do we offer? Through our Youth Secretaries and the Programme Secretary (who is also the Association’s Chaplain) we aim to give advice to individuals, to those in crisis situations and those just in need of general advice. These could be long-term residents of London in need of ongoing support, an au pair who has to leave her host family at short notice, a student seeking long-term accommodation or a young person seeking advice on employment in the United Kingdom. We also offer an au pair placement service in cooperation with IN VIA, Germany. We try to create a network of people who, through direct contact with each other, are able to support one another on an ongoing basis outside the activities in our centre. 3 About Us2 SCHUBERTIADE Sunday 19 October, 15:00 Daniel Grice (baritone) Mark Packwood (piano) p8 Sunday 16 November, 15:00 James Brawn p9 (piano) Concerts in association with The Schubert Society of Britain for young adults 4 for young families 5 General Programme: for young adults 6 for everyone 8 News10 Text For The Month12 German-Speaking Organisations/Churches14 Faith Talk Services and Contacts15 Thursday 6 November, 19:30 Sunni Muslim Pilgrimage Regular Programme: p9 Accommodation and Map16 Voices in Harmony Peter’s Music Live Thursday 2 October, 19:30 Wednesday 5 November, 14:00 Music show for a good cause p8 Bring & Buy p9 Wednesday 26 November, 14:00 Saturday 25 October, 12:30 Supporting the seafarers Erlkings (Schubert played in Folk/Rock fashion) Margaret Townsend (harp) p10 p8 For events announced in German, a basic knowledge of German is required. Visit to Romford YMCA Monday 10 November, 11:45 p9 Published by: German Young Men’s Christian Association © Copyright 2014 Editorial Team: Uwe Maynard, Alice Melsheimer, Udo Bauer, Rachel Shilson, Barbara von Alten - Layout: Markus Hildebrandt Regular Programme: 4 for young adults TEA MORNING Jeden Donnerstag treffen sich Au Pairs zum Tea Morning in unserer Youth Lounge, 31 Craven Terrace. jeden Donnerstag, ab 10:30 Bei Tee, Kaffee und Keksen könnt ihr Kolleginnen, vielleicht auch einen Kollegen kennenlernen, euch unterhalten und Erfahrungen austauschen. Hier könnt ihr Pläne zur Erforschung Londons schmieden. Infos haben wir reichlich. Lo-Co London Connection up to For everybody who 30 of the age e in tim e m spends so ndon. and around Lo hannes Call Merle or Jo 84 on 020 7723 56 ls for more detai Whether you are an au pair, student, volunteer or young employee, we would like to invite you to get together, exchange work and life experiences, as well as going out and having fun... 5 for young families STRUWWELPETER Mütter und Väter mit kleinen Kindern treffen sich jeden Mittwoch beim deutschsprachigen “Struwwelpeter”, der Eltern-Kind-Gruppe im German YMCA. , ittwoch jeden M 2:00 1 10:00 Während die Kinder erste Kontakte zu Gleichaltrigen aufnehmen und ihr Umfeld erkunden, haben die Eltern Gelegenheit, es sich bei einer Tasse Kaffee gemütlich zu machen und sich auszutauschen. Call Rachel or Barb ara on 020 3238 2197 for more details After School Club for Kids & Parents For children from about 3 to 6 years Younger siblings are welcome Films, arts and crafts, outings, picnics, and more depending on season Parents or carers must stay and are responsible for their children Suggestions, ideas or wishes are most welcome When: Where: Languages: Costs: We serve: every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 15:30 to 17:00 here at the German YMCA English, German, French, the more the better! a donation of £2 minimum per session would be appreciated coffee, tea, juice and some biscuits or pop-corn General Programme: 6 for young adults Sa/So 4./5. 10. Wochenendausflug zur Isle of Wight Auch wer nur kurze Zeit in London ist, wird einen Aufenthalt am Meer, genauer auf der Isle of Wight, geniessen. Die größte Insel Englands ist mit ihren 380 km2 ca. 4 mal so gross wie Sylt und bietet neben vielen Stränden auch eine Reihe anderer Attraktionen. Quarr Abbey, eine berühmte Benediktiner Abtei, bietet uns Unterkunft und Verpflegung. Messe und Stundengebet sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Lebens der Abtei und es besteht für uns die Möglichkeit daran teilzunehmen. Weitere Informationen folgen nach der Anmeldung. Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl: max 12 Personen Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung in der Abtei und Fahrt: ca. £65 Th 9.10. Wicked – The Musical 19:30 Wicked tells the incredible story of an unlikely but profound friendship between two girls who first meet as sorcery students at Shiz University: the blonde and very popular Glinda and a misunderstood green girl, Elphaba. This spectacular, multi award-winning stage musical has become the most spellbinding and successful new musical in years. Booking: now openPrice: £25, please pay when booking Meeting point: Apollo Victoria Theatre, 17 Wilton Rd, London SW1V 1LG Fr 17.10. Lo-Co: Camden Pub Crawl 19:00 London ist bekannt für seine Pubs und Bars. Jetzt ist es so weit, dass wir diese auch mal genauer unter die Lupe nehmen. Die perfekte Möglichkeit dazu bietet der Camden Pub Crawl. Es winkt freier Eintritt in allen teilnehmenden Pubs mit je einem Freigetränk und noch viele weitere Vergünstigungen. Zum Abschluss geht es dann noch, für jeden der Lust hat, ins KOKO, eine bekannte Disco. Buchung: bis 10.10.Preis: £12 Treffpunkt: Camden Town tube station Sa 18.10. Dare to Differ: Introducing London 15:00 We will kick off this year’s Dare to Differ course with a talk by Steven Szymanski, a blue badge tour guide, who will give us an insight into London and its colourful history. Booking: guests please bookPrice: £3 for guests Meeting Point: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Sa 1.11. Lo-Co: City Walk 10:15 Wer an London denkt, sieht Big Ben, Westminster Abbey oder Buckingham Palace mit Wachablösung der Queen’s Guard praktisch vor sich. All dies sind Dinge, die man mal gesehen haben muss! Beim City Walk werden wir uns die interessantesten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Londoner Innenstadt anschauen und mit etwas Glück sogar bei 7 “The Changing of the Guard” dabei sein können. Anmeldung: ab sofortPreis: kostenlos Treffpunkt: außerhalb Tower Hill tube station Mo 3.11. Musical “Les Misérables” 19:30 Set against the backdrop of 19th-century France, Les Misérables tells an enthralling story of broken dreams and unrequited love, passion, sacrifice and redemption – a timeless testament to the survival of the human spirit. Ex-convict Jean Valjean is hunted for decades by the ruthless policeman Javert after he breaks parole. When Valjean agrees to care for factory worker Fantine’s young daughter, Cosette, their lives change forever. Booking: now openPrice: £22.50 (Please pay when booking!) Meeting point: Queens Theatre, 51 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W1D 6BA, 19:10 Tip: We 5.11. Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night In 1605 thirteen young men planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Among them was Guy Fawkes, Britain’s most notorious traitor, who was in the cellar of the parliament with 36 barrels of gunpowder when the authorities stormed it in the early hours of November 5th. The capture of Guy Fawkes is commemorated throughout Britain every year on or around the night of November 5th with bonfires and fireworks. Sa 15.11. Dare to Differ: Die Deutsche Botschaft in London 15:00 Welche Funktion und Aufgaben hat eine Botschaft im Ausland? Frau Reichl von der Deutschen Botschaft London wird die Aufgaben erläutern. Außerdem wird sie darlegen, welche Hilfestellungen ich als Deutsche/r von der Botschaft in Großbritannien erhalten kann. Buchung: Gasthörer bitte anmeldenPreis: £3 für Gasthörer Treffpunkt: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, W2 3EL Sa 29.11. Neasden Temple 09:30 We visit a traditional Hindu Temple: The Shri Swaminarayan Mandir. It is the first and largest Hindu stone Mandir Temple in the Western hemisphere. Inside, Indian beliefs, art and tradition come alive. Booking: now openPrice: £2 Meeting point: Stonebridge Park Station, NW10 ORW (behind the ticket barrier) Hinweis: Am Samstag, 6. Dezember findet im German YMCA ein Weihnachtsmarkt statt mit Angeboten für Leib und Seele. Bestimmt findet sich noch das ein oder andere Geschenk. Vielleicht haben auch Eure Gastfamilien Interesse? Gesucht werden immer Helfer/innen. Wenn Ihr Interesse habt, meldet Euch bitte im Büro! 8 General Programme: for everyone We Peter’s Music every Wednesday14:00 Th2.10. Anglo-German Dinner: Fish & Chips 18:30 Please book by 25.9. (two courses £6). Anglo-German Circle: Voices in Harmony Frank, Terry, Wally and guests welcome you to their new show Down Memory Lane. This time we raise funds for Look Good Feel Better, a charity helping women with cancer. Tu7.10. Feierabend Club: Charlie Chaplin’s City Lights 100 years of Charlie Chaplin films: We celebrate with his 1931 tale of the tramp, the flower girl and the millionaire. 19:30 14:00 Th9.10. Anglo-German Circle: Fairy Tales of our Childhood19:30 To remind us of our childhood, Merle will tell you something about Grimm’s fairy tales. Which fairy tales can you remember? Th16.10. Anglo-German Circle: Crossrail 19:30 Su19.10. Schubertiade: Daniel Grice & Mark Packwood 15:00 Tu21.10. Feierabend Club: Song for Marion 14:00 Paul Rowden, Community Relations Officer, presents the Crossrail project with a talk, some pictures and questions at the end. Daniel Grice (baritone) and Mark Packwood (piano) return to perform Schubert’s Winterreise. Heartwarming story about a very unusual choir (film). We22.10. Skattunier19:00 Skat zugunsten des German Welfare Council. £5 Mindestspende. Th23.10. Anglo-German Circle: German Town19:30 A documentary film on Seaford Town, a township in Jamaica that was founded by Germans in the 19th century. The producer and director of the film, David Ritter, will be present. Sa25.10. Bring & Buy12:30 Please collect anything sellable. If you can’t come on the day, please bring donations before the date. All funds raised will go to support seafarers in London. We will be serving light refreshments (Bratwurst, cake …) as an added attraction. Th30.10. Anglo-German Circle: Rachel’s Indonesia19:30 With over 13,000 islands and hundreds of ethnic groups, Indonesia is a fascinating and diverse country with a lot of hidden secrets. Rachel Shilson was lucky enough to visit two of Indonesia’s islands in 2011 and would like to share some of her photos and experiences with you including a blow-by-blow account of a traditional Indonesian wedding! Tu4.11. Feierabend Club: Das Leben der Anderen Oscar prämiertes Drama über die Stasi-Überwachung in der DDR (video, German with English subtitles). Mit diesem Film erinnern wir an den 25. Jahrestag des Mauerfalls. 14:00 9 We5.11. Peter’s Music Live: Erlkings14:00 A folk/rock band comprised of three classically trained multi instrumentalists, the Erlkings perform new arrangements of Schubert’s finest songs in fresh and original English translations. Th6.11. Anglo-German Circle: Faith Talk Hasan Sawar talks on the Sunni Muslim tradition of Pilgrimage. Sa8.11. Schubert Society Singer Prize 19:30 14:00-17:00 and 18:00-21:00 Ian Partridge’s Master Class for singers, which is part of the London Song Festival, will choose the winner of The Schubert Society Singer Prize 2014. You can attend for a concessionary fee of £7 when you quote “Schubert Society”. Rosslyn Hill Chapel, 3 Pilgrim’s Place, London NW3 1NG Mo10.11. Visit to Romford YMCA Th 13.11. Anglo-German Circle: Students under Honecker, 1971-89 19:30 Su 16.11. Schubertiade: James Brawn 15:00 Tu 18.11. Feierabend Club: Zorba the Greek 14:00 Th 20.11. Anglo-German Circle: London Quiz 19:30 Mo24.11. Skattunier19:00 We visit our fellow YMCA in Romford. We’ll have lunch, see the building and learn about their work. We meet at the exit of Romford station. Please book. £3 contribution towards lunch. 11:45 Julian Rhys examines responses of students to the GDR’s economic management, East / West German relations and the attitude of the rebellious student. James Brawn (piano) performs works by Schubert and Beethoven. On the isle of Crete a young writer wants to re-open a mine. Zorba (Anthony Quinn), a boisterous peasant, offers to help … (film). So you think you know London? Then come and try our picture quiz! Skat zugunsten des German Welfare Council. £5 Mindestspende. Conversation and Culture Classes: German (advanced) every Monday at 10:00 German (lower intermediary) every Tuesday 10:00 German (upper intermediary) every Tuesday 12:30 German (beginners plus) every Tuesday at 15:00 German (beginners) every Tuesday 18:30 Italian (lower intermediary) every Monday at 12:00 Peter’s Music every Wednesday at 14:00 10 We26.11. Peter’s Music Live: Margaret Townsend14:00 Th 27.11. Anglo-German Circle: Cheese & Wine Harpist Margaret Townsend will talk about the harp and perform classical and folk music. The collection at the end will be for Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline. Wine consultant Camilla Allison will guide us on a culinary expedition into the realm of cheese and wine tasting. 19:30 Forthcoming dates in December: Th4.12. Anglo-German Circle: Pine Arrangements 19:30 Sa6.12. Weihnachtsmarkt (helpers needed, please contact Udo) 13:00 Su14.12. Schubertiade (zither)15:00 Tu16.12. Weihnachstsfeier des German Welfare Councils14:00 Th 18.12. Weihnachtsessen (booking starts now)12:45 News Happy Birthday Hilda! Our member Hilda Sloane celebrated her hundredth birthday on 29 July with her neighbours and friends at Lawnfield House. She was in good spirits and enjoyed the food and the company, but especially the music by a keyboard player and singer. It made her sway and clap in her wheelchair. Congratulations and God’s blessings! Zum Geburtstag wünschen wir von Herzen Gottes Segen: Geburtstage im Oktober – Irmgard Byrne, Hildegard Charles, Rita Chesney, Nora Daur, Angela Fox, Aloisia Greaves, Martina Hildebrandt, Gloria Imig, Daphne James, Michael Kollmann, Roger Losse, Joan Luck, Numa, Barbara Nycyk, Sunyoung Park, Anneliese Perris, Helga Read, Hildegard Shepherd, Rachel Shilson, Emma Sydenham, David Thornett, Eileen Ward, Nicholas Wedd, Renate Wirth und Max Wright. im November – Irene Anderson, Maria Dionysiou, Arline Firth, Anne Furneaux, Gisela Hamilton, Alfred Harwood, Markus Hildebrandt, Douglas Hunt, Alistair Hutchenson, Johanna Jackson, Maria Lohre, Svetlana Masterova, John McLeod, Mervyn Martin, Terry Miles, Graham Miller, Maxine Pagnam, Katharina Prevc, Heidi Ram, Herta Rubman, Anthea Sharma, Mike Tobias und Heike Weicher. Happy Birthday to you all, Uwe Maynard 11 Au Pair Vermittlung 2014 Wie in den vergangenen Jahren reisten am 2. Sonntag im August die ersten Au Pairs pünktlich zur Vermittlung im Lancaster Hall Hotel an. Zwischen dem 11. August und der ersten September Woche bemühte sich das Vermittlungsteam Rachel, Barbara, Christina und Katharina, unterstützt durch die Freiwilligen des German YMCAs Merle und Johannes, für jedes Au Pair die richtige Familie zu finden. Christina und Katharina konnten mit ihren Erfahrungen als ehemalige Au Pairs den Neuankömmlingen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen. Damit die Wartezeiten und die damit verbundene Aufregung nicht zu lang wurden, boten die Freiwilligen ein buntes Programm an. Ausflüge, Filmabende, Tea Mornings und der ein oder ander Pub Besuch machten es möglich, sich untereinander und London kennenzulernen. Wir danken allen im Hotel, an der Rezeption, im Housekeeping und Restaurant, dass sie den Au Pairs den Einstieg in das Leben in London erleichtert haben. Hello everybody, My name is Johannes Hitzegrad and I am the new volunteer at German YMCA since September. I am 18 years old and come from Arnsberg, which is a small town in the west of Germany. I’m sure I will spend a wonderful year assisting with the programme of the YMCA in London and experience a lot of new things! I’m very happy about working in such a varied programme and meeting so many people of all ages and so I’m looking forward to getting to know you all soon and to becoming a part of the YMCA society! See you, Johannes In Memoriam Helga Ratcliff died 16 June 2014 aged 84. She was a strong supporter of the Schubert Society and will be remembered by a Zither concert on 14 December (details in the next programme). Marie Challen died 29 July 2014 aged 93. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and their family and friends. “The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.” Psalm 23.1 12 Oktober 2014 Ehre Gott mit deinen Opfern gern und reichlich, und gib deine Erstlingsgaben, ohne zu geizen. Jesus Sirach 35,10 Das klingt fast wie eine Aufforderung, mit der das Tempel- oder Kirchenpersonal die Spendenbereitschaft der Gläubigen maximieren will. Man kann und sollte es aber weniger zynisch betrachten. Es geht darum, Gott zu ehren. Nicht um das Geld scheffeln einer manchmal sehr irdischen Organisation. Es geht auch nicht um irgendeine Buße im Sinne von Bestrafung. Buße heisst eigentlich Umkehr vom falschen Weg, zurück zu Gott. Das kann - das sollte - fröhlich sein. Deshalb steht in unserem Vers das kleine Wort „gern“. Ehre Gott mit deinen Opfern gern Wenn wir mit saurer Miene geben, weil wir meinen gezwungen zu sein, dann ehrt das Gott überhaupt nicht. Gott will keine griesgrämigen Sklaven. Wenn wir geben, um dabei von anderen gesehen und für die Menge der Gaben bewundert zu werden, dann ehrt das Gott ebenso wenig. Da geht es dann mehr um unsere eigene Ehre. Wenn wir geben, um uns damit etwas bei Gott zu verdienen und ihn dazu zu bringen, unseren Willen zu tun, ist das auch keine Ehre für ihn. Ich würde mich nicht wundern, wenn er das eher als Beleidigung sähe oder nur mitleidig den Kopf schüttelt, dass da noch immer jemand ist, der meint Gott könnte mit Geld oder Taten bestochen oder bezahlt werden. Unser Vers meint, dass Opfer aus fröhlichem, dankbarem Herzen - eben gern – gegeben werden sollten. Weil der Geber weiß, wem er Text For The Month die Dinge verdankt, die er geben kann. Weil der Geber weiß, dass er nicht vom Geld oder Brot allein lebt, dass Gott uns mit den Gaben ausgestattet hat, die wir weitergeben können. In diesem Wissen kann man reichlich geben ohne zu geizen. Ist mir das immer bewusst? Gebet eines älter werdenden Menschen Oh Herr, Du weißt besser als ich, dass ich von Tag zu Tag älter und eines Tages alt sein werde. Bewahre mich vor der Einbildung, bei jeder Gelegenheit und zu jedem Thema etwas sagen zu müssen. Erlöse mich von der großen Leidenschaft, die Angelegenheiten anderer ordnen zu wollen. Lehre mich, nachdenklich (aber nicht grüblerisch), hilfreich (aber nicht diktatorisch) zu sein. Bewahre mich vor der Aufzählung endloser Einzelheiten und verleihe mir Schwingen, zur Pointe zu gelangen. Lehre mich schweigen über meine Krankheiten und Beschwerden. Sie nehmen zu, und die Lust, sie zu beschreiben, wächst von Jahr zu Jahr. Ich wage nicht, die Gabe zu erflehen, mir die Krankheitsschilderungen anderer mit Freude anzuhören, aber lehre mich, sie geduldig zu ertragen. Lehre mich die wunderbare Weisheit, dass ich mich irren kann. Erhalte mich so liebenswert wie möglich. 13 Lehre mich, an anderen Menschen unerwartete Talente zu entdecken, und verleihe mir o Herr, die schöne Gabe, sie auch zu erwähnen. Teresa von Avila (1515-82) Teresa von Avila, Kirchenleherin; ihr Gedenktag ist der 15. Oktober November 2014 Learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1.17 Do good! What does that mean? Is there a list of things to do to be ticked off one by one? The second part of the list sounds like it. It points to a number of social problems of Isaiah’s time. Before social services that was all the more important, because there was no welfare state looking after the most vulnerable. Today this is all taken care of by the state and voluntary organisations, surely? Does this verse still speak to us? Unfortunately it should still speak to us, for there still is work to do. The state goes by the book. That can’t always fit every circumstance. Sometimes the rules seem heartless, because the state needs to save money. People who rely on benefits can be without proper income until their case is looked into, which can take weeks. But I don’t understand all the rules (and I wonder whether there is anybody who does?) and I don’t know how best to address shortcomings of the system. Yet I can keep an open ear and contemplate whether I can do anything useful. It’s not always an easy list to tick off. To be good at it, it needs a lot of learning. That’s why I have to admit I rather leave it to specialists like the German Welfare Council or the Citizens Advice Bureau. So what can we do? We can, for instance, speak up for those who are stigmatised unfairly or marginalised. It is an unfortunate fact of life that whole sections of our society are often judged by and condemned for the behaviour of a small minority whose actions reflect negatively on others. There are unlimited ways of doing good. The list can never be finished and ticked off to the end. Just one more look at the initial question: “Do good! What does that mean?” It does not only mean what you do, but also why and how. It is truly good if it is done freely and happily. If I do what is considered good because I feel forced to or because I want something out of it for myself it will never come across as truly good. It would just be a means to avoid something bad or get something good. It would not be as much fun or satisfaction as if we did it willingly, enjoying the good for its own sake. Udo Bauer German-Speaking Organisations 14 German-Speaking Churches, London Austrian Cultural Forum London 28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ Tel: 020 7225 7300, Deutschsprachige evangelische Gottesdienste in St Andrew’s Church Road, Petersham TW10 5HG Tel: 020 8876 6366 Gottesdienst jeden 2. und 4. Sonntag im Monat 16:30 Uhr Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) 1 Southampton Place, London WC1A 2DA Tel: 020 7831 9511, Deutsche Botschaft 23 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PZ Tel: 020 7824 1300, German Historical Institute 17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2NJ Tel: 020 7309 2050, German Saturday School Central London 2 Rowington Close, W2 5TF Tel. 07542 733 974 German School London Douglas House, Petersham Road, Richmond, Surrey TW10 7AH Tel: 020 8940 2510, German Welfare Council 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Tel: 020 7262 2463, Goethe Institut 50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2PH, Tel: 020 7596 4000 Hostel for young women Lioba House, 42-44 Exeter Road, London NW2 4SB, Tel: 020 8438 9628 Österreichische Botschaft 18 Belgrave Mews West, London SW1X 8HU Tel: 020 7344 3250, Schweizer Botschaft 16-18 Montagu Place, London W1H 2BQ Tel: 020 7616 6000, Deutschsprachige römisch-katholische Gottesdienste in St Thomas Aquinas Ham Street, Ham, Richmond TW10 7HT Tel: 020 8332 1036 Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11:30 Uhr Evangelische Christuskirche 19 Montpelier Pl., London SW7 1HL Tel: 020 8876 6366 Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11 Uhr Evangelische Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Kirche 50 Dacres Rd., Forest Hill, London SE23 2NR Tel: 020 7794 4207 Gottesdienst jeden 2. Sonntag im Monat 15:30 Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 10:30 Uhr Evangelische St. Marien-Kirche 10 Sandwich St., London WC1 9PL Tel: 020 7794 4207 Gottesdienst jeden 2., 3. Sonntag im Monat 11Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 15 Uhr Römisch-katholische Kirche St. Bonifatius 47 Adler St., London E1 1EE Tel: 020 7247 9529 Gottesdienst jeden 2., 4., 5. Sonntag im Monat 11 Uhr. 1. und 3. Sonntag am Vorabend-Samstag 18 Uhr Swiss Connection, Swiss Church 79 Endell St., London WC2H 9DY Tel: 020 7836 1418 Gottesdienst jeden 1., 3. Sonntag im Monat 11Uhr Services and Contacts 15 Au Pair Services The German YMCA offers an au pair placement service in co-operation with the IN VIA association in Germany. To find the right family for the right au pair and vice versa is one of our aims. To facilitate exchange between cultures is another. With our programmes, which include social-cultural events especially addressed to au pairs, we aim to give a broad experience of country, history and culture. We also offer the intercultural qualification course “Dare to Differ”. Telephone Contact With the support of the trustees of the former German Old People’s Home “Homelands” we have a project for anybody who is a native German speaker and lives in the UK. If you can not meet other German speakers in person this is an opportunity to talk to someone in your language. For further information please phone Maren Khan on 01268 551931. Volunteer Placement Services In co-operation with other organisations we offer young people the opportunity to volunteer abroad for a period of three to twelve months. Project themes could include: youth, sport, culture, social care, environment. Our aim is to provide young people with an intercultural learning experience and to encourage social integration. For further information, or if your organisation would like to host a volunteer, please contact Alice Melsheimer by phone or e-mail (see below). Office Hours The office is open from Monday to Friday 9am - 12 and 1 - 5pm. In case of an emergency please contact the duty manager of the Lancaster Hall Hotel on 020 7723 9276. Programme Booking If you would like to take part in our activities you can book in person, by telephone or e-mail. The German YMCA is a Christian movement which welcomes people regardless of their gender, age, religion or ethnic background. Chief Executive: Uwe Maynard Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 9276 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 Programme Manager: Alice Melsheimer Tel: +44 (0)1763 261 272 Chaplain & Prog. Secretary: Udo Bauer Programme Office: Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 5684 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 Youth Secretaries: Rachel Shilson Barbara von Alten Youth Office: Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 Au Pair Services: Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197 Fax: +44 (0)20 7706 2870 Volunteer Placement Secretary: Alice Melsheimer Volunteer Placement Services: Tel: +44 (0)1763 261 272 Volunteers (on placement): Merle Wessel Johannes Hitzegrad GERMAN MCA IN LONDON German YMCA, 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL Founded in London 1860 Reg. Charity No. 250118 Accommodation: Hotel Rooms Youth Wing Conference Facilities LANCASTER HALL HOTEL Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 9276 E-mail: LONDON W2 ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL S POST OFFICE LO PADDINGTON STATION N D O R A E R D S U N R . S G S T. TE R . TE R TE R LL C R AV HI . EN TE R . G ATE LANCASTER GATE UNDERGROUND A D R O MARBLE ARCH NE THE FOUNTAINS KENSINGTON GARDENS R T E W A Y S B A T. RD S LA TE R OXFO RK CAS UNDERGROUND PA LAN L A N C A ST ER T E R. . EN MARBLE ARCH HOTEL R E AV D IN E TE IR GERMAN YMCA LANCASTER HALL HOTEL HALL LANCASTER A R N ES SH N O P S X R S R U E TE U C N CR Offices and Youth Lounge: 31 Craven Terrace R E O S S A R TB U O A D R N W O S A O A E G TB G E D D S T. A UNDERGROUND E LO EV R E E PADDINGTON W G D C V R E E N E P T MainNEntrance and Reception: Lancaster Hall Hotel 35 Craven Terrace T THE SERPENTINE HYDE PARK
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