
Gemeindebrief der Lutherischen Kirche.
Congregational Newsletter of the Lutheran Church.
Jahrgang/ Year 43
October 2014
Honor the Lord generously, and don't skimp on the early
produce you present.
Sirach 35:10
Ehre Gott mit deinen Opfern gern und reichlich, und gib deine
Erstlingsgaben, ohne zu geizen.
Sirach 35.10
Ehre Gott mit deinen Opfern gern und reichlich, und gib
deine Erstlingsgaben, ohne zu geizen.
Sirach 35.10
Unser Text in diesem Monat ist aus Sirach, welches nicht mehr in unseren modernen Bibeln mit aufgenommen ist. Die Apocryphen, eine Serie Bücher zwischen dem Alten und dem Neuen Testament erscheinen schon einige Zeit nicht mehr in der Bibel. Das bedeutet
aber nicht, dass dieser Monatsspruch uns nichts zu sagen hätte. Er ist
sogar sehr relevant.
Bei Gemeindeversammlungen sind die Ausgaben oft ein wunder
Punkt. Kostenanschläge müssen gemacht werden, Gehälter und
Rechnungen bezahlt werden damit die Gemeinde weiter bestehen
kann. “Charities” brauchen unsere Unterstützung. Ein jeder muss
sich fragen: Wie viel kann ich geben? Wie viel ist genug?
Unser Vers gibt uns keine direkte Antwort. Er will uns aber darauf
aufmerksam machen, dass alles was wir haben, von Gott kommt.
Unser Leben und seine Gegenwart schenkt er uns. Wenn wir das bedenken, sollen wir mit einem fröhlichen Herzen geben. Aus Liebe
gab Gott sein Bestes, seinen Sohn Jesus Christus. Beim Abendmahl
werden wir daran erinnert wenn wir die Worte “Jesu Leib für dich
gegeben, Jesu Blut für dich vergossen” hören.
Dieses soll uns dankbar machen und dazu führen, dass auch wir fröhliche Geber werden. Allein aus Liebe zu Gott dienen wir dann unserem Nächsten, sei es die Familie, den Nachbarn, Gemeindemitgliedern, Witwen und Waisen oder Notleidenden nicht nur mit Geld,
sondern auch mit unseren Gaben und sie werden erkennen, dass wir
Kinder Gottes sind! Amen.
Uli Göhring
Übesetzt von der Redaktion
“Give unto the most High according as he hath enriched thee; and as thou hast gotten, give with a
cheerful eye.” Sirach 35 v.10
The verse which we are to ponder on this month
comes from Sirach, a book which is no longer found
in our modern Bibles. The series of books that could be found in between the Old and New Testaments are known as the Apocrypha,
were left out of the scriptures some time ago. However this does not
mean that the watchword chosen for this month has nothing to say to
us. On the contrary it is very relevant.
Giving is often a hot topic amongst congregation members and in the
Annual General Meetings of Congregations. Budgets must be met
and salaries and accounts must be paid to keep the congregation
afloat. Then there are also the various charities which need our support! How much do I have to give is the question that each one of us
has to ask himself or herself? What is enough?
Our verse does not answer this question directly. However it does remind us that the Lord has enriched us. Actually everything we possess He has allowed us to possess. That includes our whole life, including His gracious and merciful walk at our side on the path of life.
The writer then continues, suggesting if we take this into consideration, then we give with a cheerful heart. The Lord does not want anything which we give grudgingly. He gave lovingly the most valuable
possession He has, namely his Son. We are reminded of this personally every time we receive the body and blood of the Lord Jesus,
when we hear the Words: “Given for you!” The thought should then
arise in us of how we could show a little thankfulness towards our
precious Saviour. Our prayers and actions could then be: “For You I
give a ‘better than I think that I can afford’ financial offering. Because I love you Lord I show love and care for my family, the members of the congregation, my neighbour, for the widows and orphans,
for the less fortunate. Yes Lord, I know I cannot buy my salvation,
but at least I can spread my love, so that others can see Jesus in me,
because you loved me first. ” If we are able to give freely of our possessions, our talents, our time and our love, then we are giving with a
cheerful heart, causing a joyful eye, leading to wonderful differences
in our lives! Amen .
Uli Göhring
Profile of the month
Darryl and Seemole Mfeka
Spiritual background
We started attending Sunday fellowships at Hayfields Lutheran Church as visitors since mid 2013 then officially joined as members at the beginning of 2014.
Darryl grew up attending the Methodist church in Ndwedwe (KZN) while Seemole was brought up in the Lutheran church in Malokong (Limpopo). When
we met in Johannesburg in 1998, we attended the ELCSA church in the city until 2002 when we relocated to KZN. Having moved to KZN in 2002, we settled in Verulam, north of Durban and in search of a spiritual home of fellowship
we visited various ministries in the area. In 2009 due to career and business
advancements we moved to Pietermaritzburg. We continued to fellowship and
participate in other ministries, however there was always a spiritual gap from
both our childhoods that could not be filled through fellowship at these charismatic ministries.
Finally in December 2012 when we moved to Scottsville, we came across a
street pole notice about an event that was to take place at the Hayfields Lutheran church. Although we did not attend the said event, our souls could not
rest as we realized that there could be a Lutheran church not so far from our
residence. A few months later we drove around looking for the church, and indeed we found out it is not far from us plus it is the same ELCSA church that
we were brought up in. In fact, Seemole grew up in one of the first built Lutheran churches in South Africa which was built by the German missionaries in
1867 in the rural village of Malokong near Mokopane in Limpopo province.
Family background
Darryl grew up in a rural village of Ndwedwe in KwaZulu-Natal where he
completed his schooling in 1993 after which he studied further at a Technical
College in Nongoma. In 1997 he moved to Johannesburg in pursuit of employment. Seemole grew up in a rural village of Pudi-a-kgopa (aka Malokong) in
Limpopo province where she completed her schooling in 1994 after which she
studied further at University of Johannesburg. In 1998 we met in a rather
strange encounter as we both did not understand each other’s language (isiZulu
and Sepedi). However since the union was God’s plan, we eventually managed
to communicate and built a wonderful relationship that is still growing until today. In 2003 we got married and were blessed with our first baby girl Luyanda
and in 2010 another blessing in the form of our son Mthokozisi came our way.
Current Activities
We currently reside in Scottsville and we work together in our Canopy manufacturing and sale business. We are also involved with the emergency medical
health education and quality assurance sector which is also becoming an expansion of our business ventures. We are a family that enjoys participation in our
local spiritual assembly and we are looking forward to a wonderful stay here at
ELCSA Hayfields branch.
We are glad that you have found a spiritual home in Hayfields and are looking forward to
your participation in our congregations life. Ed
Profil des Monats
Darryl and Seemole Mfeka
Luyanda and Mthokozisi Mfeka
Darryl und Seemole Mfeka
Seit Mitte 2013 besuchen sie die Hayfields Lutherische Gemeinde
und sind seit anfangs 2014 Gemeindemitglieder dieser Gemeinde.
Darryl besuchte vorher die Methodistische Kirche in Ndwedwe
(KZN) aber Seemole wuchs auf als Lutheraner in Malokong
(Limpopo). Als sie sich 1998 in Johannesburg kennen lernten, besuchten sie gemeinsam die ELKSA Gemeinde in der Stadt bis sie
2002 nach KZN zogen.
Sie wohnten zunächst in Verulam und besuchten mehrere verschiedene Kirchen in der Umgebung. Durch ihre Berufe bedingt
zogen sie 2009 nach Pietermaritzburg und besuchten hier auch verschiedene Kirchen. Ihnen lag die charismatische Art der Gottesdienste nicht und sie vermissten ihre gewohnten Gottesdienste. Als sie
2012 nach Scottsville umsiedelten fiel ihnen ein Poster am
Lampenpfahl auf der eine Veranstaltung in der Hayfields Lutherischen Kirche bekannt machte. Obwohl sie nicht bei dieser
Veranstaltung waren, wussten sie dann, dass es eine Lutherische Gemeinde in ihrer Gegend gab. Einige Monate später machten sie sich
auf die Suche und entdeckten, dass es tatsächlich eine ELKSA Gemeinde gibt genau wie die in der sie aufgewachsen sind. Seemole
wuchs auf als Mitglied einer der ersten von den Deutschen Missionaren gebaute Kirche (1867) in dem Dorf Malokong bei Mokopane in
Profil des Monats
Darryl stammt aus Ndwedwe in KwaZulu-Natal. Nach Beendung der
Schuljahre studierte er in Nongoma in einem Technical College. In
Johannesburg suchte er eine Arbeit. 1994 beendete Seemole ihre
Schuljahre in dem Dorf Pudi-a-kgopa (aka Malokong) und studierte
dann an der Johannesburg Universität.
Ihre unterschiedlichen Muttersprachen, - isiZulu und Sepedi, bereiteten ihnen, als sie sich erst kennen lernten Schwierigkeiten. Sie
konnten sich nur schwer verständigen, aber weil Gott sie zusammen
geführt hat, haben sie diese Schwierigkeit auch überwunden.
Sie heirateten 2003 und wurden durch die Geburt ihrer Tochter Luyanda gesegnet und wieder 2010 durch die Geburts ihres Sohnes
Sie wohnen in Scottsville und führen gemeinsam ihr “Canopy Manufacturing and Sale Business.” Sie sind auch tätig im “emergency
medical health education and quality assurance sector”, welches
gleichzeitig ein Teil ihrer Arbeit ist. Als Familie geniessen sie die
kirchliche Gemeinschaft hier und sind froh, dass sie zur ELKSA Gemeinde in Hayfields gehören.
(Auch wir sind froh, dass ihr eine neue Heimat hier bei uns in Hayfields gefunden habt und hoffen, dass ihr euch hier wohl fühlen werdet.) Redaktion
“Jacaranda Time”
By Helen Sutherland. Nairobi
The sky has fallen
Down the dusty ways,
Amongst the dirt and discord of the
In drifts and flakes of hyacinthian
The sky has fallen down.
Now, those on whom these times have laid such cares
They cannot lift their eyes the heavens to greet
May, in the gutters and the thoroughfares
Find Heaven at their feet.
October 14 POST November14
Ich hielt es für richtig, unter euch
nichts zu wissen als allein Jesus
Christus, den Gekreuzigten” (1
Kor 2,2)
Von Lucas Cranach dÄ gibt es auf dem Altar der Stadtkirche Wittenbergs ein
beeindruckendes Bild. Man kann daran verdeutlichen, worum es bei der
Reformation geht, und worum nicht. In der Mitte ist der gekreuzigte Christus.
Auf ihn zeigt Luther. Darum geht es bei der Reformation, bei Luther und auch
in der Lutherischen Kirche: Christus soll verkündigt werden, Jesus Christus
soll die Mitte sein.
Einige der Zuhörer blicken auf diesen Christus, sind ergriffen von ihm, anbeten
Einige blicken gebannt auf Luther. Bei der Predigt ist das normal. Aber
symbolisch deutet es auf ein Problem: Der Prediger wird zur Mitte, wenn
Menschen von ihm begeistert sind, und nicht mehr hinblicken, wohin er zeigt.
Das ist die Gefahr bei fast jeder Erweckungsbewegung: Jemand zeigt auf
Christus, und wird mit der Zeit selber zur Mitte - ganz gegen seinen Willen!
In zwei Jahren wird das 500. Jubiläum des Thesenanschlags gefeiert. Viele
werden bei Luther hängen bleiben. Aber hoffentlich werden auch viele den
Finger sehen, der auf Christus zeigt, und dann, durch Luther, den gekreuzigten
Christus erkennen.
Noch eine Person fasziniert mich in diesem Bild. Eine Frau blickt
zu uns hinüber. Mit einem Male stehe ich nicht vor einem Bild,
sondern werde Teil davon. Es ist, als würde ihr Blick sagen:
Schön, dass du da bist! Komm dazu, höre und sehe was wir
erleben dürfen: den gekreuzigten, auferstandenen Christus!
Am 31. Oktober feiern wir das Reformationsfest. Ich hoffe, dass
es bei jeder Feier solche gibt, die den Blick dieser Frau haben - damit Besucher
und Außenstehende nicht Beobachter bleiben sondern eingeladen werden:
Komm herein, du bist herzlich willkommen! Hier kannst du Jesus Christus
kennen lernen! Darum geht es bei der Reformation: Das Jesus Christus, als
Heiland der Welt, als Mitte erkannt und angebetet wird!
Mit herzlichem Gruß im Dienste dieses Herrn,
Die Predella von Cranach ist im Internet bei
October 14 POST November 14
For I resolved to
know nothing while I
was with you except
Jesus Christ and him
crucified. 1 Cor 2,2
The reformation artist Lucas Cranach senior has drawn an impressive illustration of Luther preaching. It symbolises many aspects of the reformation and the
Lutheran Church. It clearly shows that Christ the crucified is the centre of the
Church and of all preaching. It also shows Luther’s passion for Jesus Christ.
His highest goal was to proclaim this Christ.
Looking at the congregation, one can read a lot into their faces. Some look at
the crucified Christ, adore and worship him. It is so wonderful when people
hear the gospel and get to know Christ. The sermon has fulfilled its purpose!
Quite a few look at Luther. This is the danger of any revival movement. To the
preacher Christ is at the centre, but all too easily it happens that the audience
starts worshipping the preacher. This also remains the danger of the Lutheran
Church - that we focus on Luther, rather than looking at where he is pointing!
Yes, we may look at him – but may we then also see where he is pointing, and
look at Christ.
One face fascinates me. One woman seems to be looking at
us. Suddenly I am no longer just an observer. I am standing
in the room! Her eyes are calling: Come and join us. Come
and listen - and meet Jesus Christ.
On 31 October we will be remembering Reformation day. A
lot of focus will be on Martin Luther. I hope that many will
see the real focus and hear the wonderful message that Jesus
Christ, the crucified is the Saviour of the world. I also hope that in each service,
in each congregation, there will be those like this one woman, who ensure that
onlookers will be met by welcoming glances that say: Come in and get to know
our Saviour Jesus Christ!
Yours in service of this Christ,
A high resolution image of the predella can be found at http://
News from the Church
Congratulations to Frank Schütte who passed his second theological
examination on 13 August 2014. He was ordained in the Johannesgemeinde Pretoria on 17 August, and has commenced his service as
pastor-coll in Augsburg Congregation (Eastern Circuit). We wish
him, his family and the congregation God’s blessing for their journey
Various elections were held recently.
Vryheid elected Pastor Rüdiger Lutz from East London as successor to Dirk Köstlin. He will be seconded by the Cape Church as from
1 March 2015.
Hermannsburg School and Congregation elected Pastor Rene
Risch as successor to Burgert Brand who will take up his office as
Bishop in Namibia on the 1st of January 2015.
Pastor Reinhold Schiele was elected as pastor of the Northern Congregations of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nambia.
He will commence his duties there when he returns from Germany at
the end of 2014.
Southern and Eastern Circuits elected to continue with the 25%
Youth Pastor post KZN for a further 3 years.
Both ELCSA (Cape) and (NT) at their synods in 2013 adopted a
motion of “engagement in view of marriage” between the Churches.
The respective church councils were tasked to take the process further.
On 4 August a task team comprising of the bishop, president of synod
and treasurer of each Church met to address the issue in more detail.
The following was agreed upon:
The aim is one Church which serves and empowers its congregations to fulfil their local calling and where these congregations
constructively engage with one another.
The task team divided into sub-teams on structure, laws and finances.
Each of these sub-teams is encouraged to think outside the box,
rather than just adapting or amalgamating what we have.
At the next meeting in November 2014 the suggestions will be discussed. After that you will receive a next report.
Circuit Choir Festival in Harburg
On Sunday the 14th September many members of our congregation,
including thirteen singers, attended this year’s Circuit Choir Festival
in Harburg.
At 8a.m. the choir started practicing. The morning program commenced at 9a.m and the church (worship) service started at 10a.m.
The theme of the day was “Time”, namely “There is a Time for everything” from Ecclesiastes 3:1. Pastor Burgert Brand highlighted this
point in his sermon and put emphasis on the fact that we should make
a joyful noise when we praise God and that God does not care
whether we are always on pitch or not, while singing or even playing
an instrument. He also made it clear that sadness and mourning also
have their time.
Dean Ron Küsel used the song “Now is the time to worship” when he
addressed us and bid Pastor Brand farewell. The festival was enriched by the brass band and the children’s choir.
Altogether thirteen pieces were sung by the choir which included
songs in both German and English, and also traditional and more
modern pieces. The choir and the congregation filled the hall and
everyone joined in to make time for praising God.
A word of special thanks goes out to Pastor Reiner Focke and the
Harburg congregation, Pastor Burgert Brand, Dean Ron Küsel, Mrs.
Marianne Kassier and everyone else who attended. It truly is wonderful to experience the interaction between our congregations and to
realize that all the planning and preparation for this festival was
really worth it.
Lukas Röhrs
Jubilee Confirmation
Back: Margrit von Fintel, Maggie Wylie, Pastor Victor Röhrs
Carin Thom, Alex Oellermann, Eckhard Engelbrecht
Front: Mona Volker, Ninnie Meyer, Pastor Petra Röhrs
At the Jubilee confirmation we found out some interesting information about
the confirmands: Friedrich Keyser, one of the oldest members of our congregation, was confirmed 80 years ago in Braunschweig. (Unfortunately he and
his wife, Selma were not able to join the service owing to his ill health.) Selma
Keyser, Alec Oellermann and Eckhard Engelbrecht were confirmed in Hermannsburg in 1944 (incidentally: the father of Pastor Victor Röhrs was confirmed together with them) Both Ninnie Meyer and Mona Volker were also
confirmed 70 years ago - in Wartburg. Margrit von Fintel and Carin Thom
were confirmed together in Piet Retief in 1954. The group of Jubilee confirmands was joined by Maggie Wylie who was confirmed in 1964.
Thank You
For the Special and blessed Confirmation Jubilee Service, we would like to
thank Pastors Victor and Petra Röhrs, the Organ and Brass Band players, the
Choir and Worship team most heartily. We two sat on the same school bench in
Wartburg and are now neighbours in the Lutheran Gardens. We could attend
the service together, both pushed in a wheelchair, while our Confirmation song,
“Mein Schöpfer steh mir bei” was sung. It is so true, as Pastor Victor said, this
Confirmation day means more to us than it did 70 years ago, as we know what
it means to belong to Jesus Christ, who led us through the many dark times we
Ninnie Meyer and Mona Volker
From Council
Dear Congregation
The Spring Fest was a great success. We thank everyone who helped,
made generous donations or just came to enjoy the morning with us.
The Ridge drummies were an inspiring start to the Fest and then the
GHS Wind Band once again entertained us with magic music. The
Kartoffelpuffer and Potjie were so popular that we could have had
Mettwurst and Kochkäse, biscuits and bread, the famous Kaffeestube
and the White Elephant all attracted many people. This surely makes
us feel that all the hard work was well worth it!
The following weekend it was Visitation time. The Saturday was well
supported by our members. This shows that so many of you have our
congregation at heart and show support for what is going on in the
congregational life. Thank you!
As was decided at our Half-yearly meeting, Pastor Victor Röhrses
post has been changed from 75% to 100%. The results is that our
monthly contribution to ELSA(NT) has increased. As we did not
budget for this we appeal to you to pay your contributions should you
not have done so. A monthly payment makes it easier and every extra
Rand we can receive helps us. We thank all those who are already
contributing so willingly.
We would like volunteers to join our “Friends of Bishopstowe” group
so that we can take care of the cemetery on a continuous basis.
Friends, please contact Arthur St John Ward who will lead this project.
Wishing you all a wonderful last quarter of 2014.
We welcome our new member Engela Geldenhuys.
May you find a spiritual home in our congregation.
The visitation team!
Huwald Schmidt, Ammon Madziba,Pastor Manfred Müller-Nederbock,
Almut Buhr, Hein Balzer, Jens von Delft, Dean Ron Küsel.
Our council after a long weekend!
Still Smiling!
Spring Fest preparations!
A joyful group preparing
the meat for all the lovely
Administrator Post
Hayfields Lutheran Church-2 Bester Rd, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg
The job entails the following:
Reception, dealing with the public and congregational members, answering the phone, receiving visitors, dealing with bookings of the
church and hall, record keeping, registry, clerical, financial (book keeping with Pastel, petty cash, banking) and other general secretarial functions such as the monthly newsletter, calendar, various lists and rosters,
recording minutes at the AGM and Half-yearly meetings, buying, stock
taking, supervision of domestic worker, supervision of the garden, seeing to general maintenance and appearance of the buildings, assisting
with the preparations of functions and other reasonable requests which
may be made by council.
The applicant must be computer literate with word and excel experience. Pastel experience would be an advantage but not a requirement.
Must be able to deal with financial matters and have a good rapport
with the public.
Hours of work: 08:00 to 16:00 Mondays to Fridays.
Starting date: 02 January 2015.
Full CV, copy of ID and drivers license can be handed in at the office;
Posted to: P.O. Box 10074, Scottsville 3209 in a sealed envelope clearly
marked with ‘Application’;
or e-mailed to:
For further information contact Wal Bornheimer:
082 9201722 / 033 3472471
Der Gebetskreis
Dieser Kreis ist vor einigen Jahren unter der Leitung von Gisela
Tscheuschner entstanden und die Treffen wurden im Mutterzimmer
der Kirche wöchentlich am Mittwoch um 8.30 Uhr gehalten.
Als Martin pflegebedürftig wurde, verliessen beide unsere Gemeinde
und zogen zum Altenheim nach Neudeutschland. Wir vermissen sie
Ruth Schärf übernahm dann die Leitung, aber weil die Kirche oft abgeschlossen war, kam der Vorschlag sich regelmässig bei Nummer 4
im Luthergarten, mit wenigen Ausnahmen, weiter zu treffen.
Verlauf des Gebetsmorgen:
1. Ein oder zwei Lieder werden gesungen
2. Gebetsanliegen werden genannt so wie: für Kranke, alle Christen,
Kirche und Gemeinde, Pastoren, Hospitalarbeiter, unsere Alten und
Jungen, die Ehen, unser Land Südafrika und die Welt und besonders
wo Not und Unruhen herrschen usw.
3. Die Tageslosung wird gelesen und besprochen.
4. Jeder bekommt Gelegenheit zum freien Gebet
5. Schlussgebet
Manchmal haben wir gemeinsames Frühstück oder etwas später Tee
und Kuchen wenn eines der Mitglieder Geburtstag feiert. Dann sind
die Ehepartner mit dazu eingeladen.
Wenn jemand ein persönliches Gebetsanliegen hat, soll sich die Person bei uns melden. Dieses bleibt unter uns.
Tel 033 3968217 Ruth Schärf,
033 3968204 Helga Schröder
033 3968239 Erika Timmermann
033 3968229 Elli Craig
Wer sich unserem Kreis anschliessen möchte, ist herzlich willkommen. Wir sind zurzeit sieben Teilnehmer.
Gebete sind wichtig, unser VATER im Himmel hört unsere Gebete
und wir haben schon manche Gebetserhörungen erfahrten und sind
IHM dankbar.
Helga Schröder
Our Prayer Group
The Prayer Group was started by Gisela Tscheuschner before her husband Martin became frail and they moved to the Port Natal Old Age
Home. We miss them dearly.
The first meetings took place in the “Mother’s Room” in the church
but because the church needed to be locked during the day, it was decided, that the meetings would take place at No.4 in the Lutheran
Gardens every Wednesday morning at 8.a.m. Ruth Schärf, now leads
this group.
Order of the meetings:
1. One or two songs are sung
2. Prayer requests are mentioned. Also prayers for the sick, all
Christians and their churches, Pastors, Congregations, Hospital workers, the aged, the young, marriages, our country and the whole world
especially where there is war and strife.
3. The Watchword for the day is read and discussed
4. Everybody gets an opportunity to say a prayer
5. Closing prayer
Closing hymn
When someone from the group has a birthday, we have either breakfast together or tea and cake. To this we also invite the spouses.
Should you wish us to pray for something, please contact any of the
people mentioned below. These requests are treated in confidence:
Ruth Schärf:
033 3968217 Helga Schröder: 033 3968204
Erika Timmermann: 033 3968239 Ellie Craig:
033 3968229
At present we are seven members. Anyone wishing to join this group
is welcome.
Our father in heaven hears our prayers and we are grateful for having
experienced this. Our prayers are important to Him.
Helga Schröder
Translated Ed.Team
About Spring, Winter and Rain Gauges.
“Has Spring finally sprung, or are we sinking back into
Winter ? “ It is now the 28th of August and the first
question above is invariably followed by another :
“How much rain have we had since May this year ?”
The answer to the last question is that 14.2 mm of rain have fallen in
the Hayfields area in this period. In addition, in July we had 4 successive days of frost. Just one further point. The trees seem equally
confused by the weather. For example, some of the white stinkwoods
in Lutheran Gardens are sprouting the tiniest of fresh green leaves
while others are dreaming away in their Winter sleep.
But now to the question of rainfall and how it is measured. What do
we mean when we say that “We have had 5mm of rain?” Is it measured in millilitres or millimeters, and why do persons in adjacent
houses often record different readings? To answer this we have to go
back some time in the history of rain gauges. The first known records about rainfall, and ways to measure it (according to Wikipedia),
are attributed to the ancient Greeks in about 500 BC. The readings
were correlated against expected growth of plants. Nowadays plastic
rain gauges fitted with a funnel and a graduated container are commonplace. If the container is almost full to the top (where the container is at its widest), variable readings result as it is difficult to see
the meniscus (lowest point of the curved water level). Accurate readings are obtained from a “standard rain gauge” consisting of a funnel on top of a container, which in turn has a graduated glass measuring cylinder (in mm) inside it. If you record 5mm,
and you have a catchment area of one square cm or
100 square meters the rainfall is still 5mm deep !
Siegfried Drewes
Joy and sorrow
Basil Allen, the husband of Signe Allen passed
away on
Tuesday, 16 September 2014.
May the Lord bring comfort to Signe and her
Heilige Vader-God, ek aanbid U as die God
wat nie net lief het nie, U is liefde!
U is die bron van suiwer en ware liefde;
daarom is my gebed:
“Here, leer my om waarlik lief te hê.
Ek bely, Vader, dat ek so maklik onnadenkend by ander
verbybeweeg dat my liefde verwelk
soos lentebloeisels wat deur ryp vernietig word.
Help my om waarlik lief te hê
sodat mense se oë sal skitter
met vreugde wanneer hulle myne ontmoet.
Gee dat geen daad of gesindheid van my
enigiemand sal ontneem van vreugde of vrede nie.
Gee dat ek u liefde met my lewe
en getuienis sal versprei.
Bewaar my van liefdelose gedagtes
teenoor my medemens.
Gee dat droewige oë sal glimlag
en moeë rûe regop sal kom
deur die tere aanraking van my liefde.
Gee dat ek in navolging van u liefde, ‘n seën sal wees
vir almal met wie ek vandag in aanraking kom.
Gee ook, goeie Meester, dat verlore siele deur my liefde
by u volmaakte liefde sal uitkom.
Leer my deur u Seun en deur u Gees, o God,
om waarlik, na u voorbeeld, lief te hê.”
Uit Grenslose Genade Solly Ozrovwech.
Ingestuur deur Ansie Vogt
Thank you & Hospital Visitation
Hospital Visiting Ministry for October 2014
E & O Engelbrecht
E-A Uken
P. Summersgill
M van Niekerk
Thank You!
We would like to thank you all for thinking of us. Such lovely things
for two old people.
A special thank you to Victor for his visit. God bless you all.
Friedrich and Selma Keyser
The Baking of Christmas Biscuits is already in full swing.
May we again, appeal to you for your donations to help pay
for the ingredients? We all know how the prices of groceries
have soared lately and we would be very grateful for your
Donations may be left with Monica Deppe or
Erika Timmermann.
This beautiful little girl is the
granddaughter of
Ingrid and Hans Schröder.
Can you help?
Kenosis Community Trust: Part-time Manager
Kenosis Community Trust: Part-time Manager
(This is a 50% post which may be upgraded if sufficient funds come in.)
The Kenosis community trust is a Christian community service project in Bishopstowe, just outside Pietermaritzburg. It runs an AIDS orphans project and a creche as well as programmes in community outreach and is an active member of the
CINDI network (Children in distress). It hosts a community of Lutheran sisters
and has partnerships with local and international Lutheran congregations as well
as other Christian groupings.
Job description
* Be present at the project at least three times a week for supervision of staff, liaison with project co-ordinators and the local management committee.
* Oversee maintenance of buildings and gardens and the utilisation of land to
make the project more sustainable
* Network with other projects to build up the project's community impact.
* Build up the funding base of Kenosis, locally and internationally.
*Liaise with administrator to ensure money raised is accounted for and compliance with labour and financial laws. .
*Correspond with donors and partners, liaise with staff and the organisation YeboYes in Germany to oversee the production and distribution of the newsletter
and the updating of mailing lists and website.
Required Qualifications
* Experience in business or the NGO sector, with project planning and staff supervision.
* Fluency in writing and speaking English. Some knowledge of Zulu and / or
German would be an asset.
* Computer literacy, ability to work with spreadsheets and websites.
* Ability to work with people from many backgrounds and the ability to build up
* Flexibility and sensitivity in handling the problems of young people.
* A letter confirming membership of a recognised Christian denomination.
Remuneration will be market related.
An initial contract will be negotiated.
Applications must be signed, be accompanied by a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, and copies of previous traceable work references.
Applications must be forwarded to
The Kenosis Community Trust
c /o Dr. Gertrud Tönsing
083 7809354
Closing date : 31 October 2014
Council & Portfolios
Wal Bornheimer - 033 3472471 / 082 9201722 or
Chairman: Communication. Employees, Duty Rosters (Consolidation of lists), Flower/Tea/
Welcomers List, Statistical return, NPO report, Monthly and Annual Calendar, 80+ Birthdays,
Council Window,
Pastoral: Funerals/Memorial Services, Prayer Ministry, Hospital Visiting, Children’s Church
Key- and Service Helpers, Hayfields Churches Network
Ernst-August Uken 033 3968221
Deputy Chairman:
Relationships: Kenosis, Lutheran Gardens, Partnership, All Lutheran Committee, Lutheran
Theological Institute, Mission Committee,
Craig Merryweather 083 4436953
Financial Matters: Finance, Asset Register and stock taking
Annette Pfeiffer 033 3441963 / 083 2323964
Support Services: Music Groups (Brass Band, Choir, Worship Team, Organ, Music under the
Impulse, Multi Media
Frank Böcking 082 7995797
Life Groups: Men’s Guild, Youth Work – Young Adults & LYF, Seniors’, House Groups
Arthur St John-Ward 033 3862980 / 082 8775959
Property Cemetery, Wall of Memory, Maintenance (buildings, grounds, vehicles), General
Equipment, Security, Fire equipment, Vehicles & Transport
Wards & Care – All Councillors together with the Ward Leaders
Fund Raising Events – members of the Wards responsible to take charge
Funerals – Councillor in charge of the Ward to which the deceased belonged
- Ward is responsible for the refreshments.
Weddings -Councillor in charge of the Ward to which member belongs.
Support Fund: Chairman, Vice-chairman, Treasurer, Pastor
Ward Leaders:
Edgar & Karin Ortmann, - 033 3303741
Annette Pfeiffer -033-3441963
Frank Böcking -0827995797
Anita Harms - 073 3705554
Wal Bornheimer - 033-3472471
Arthur St John Ward - 033 3862980
Ernst-August Uken - 033 3968221
Robert & Ronell Wichmann - 031 7811714 and
Carl & Christine Seele - 033 2510602
Ward 9 Monika van Niekerk, - 033 3966883
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
Ward 6
Ward 7
Ward 8
Craig Merryweather - 083 4436953
Quick reference
Pastor Victor Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 2871264
Pastor Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 3812012
Life Line:
033 3944444
AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322
Office Secretary: 033 3965169 (office hours only)
Contact Times: Mon. – Friday: 08:00 to 13:00
Postal Address: P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville 3209
Fax: 0865510014
Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg
Children’s Church: Heather Drews
Kids’ Club: Petra Röhrs
Youth: Petra Röhrs
Choir: Marianne Kassier
Brass Band: Thomas Ammann
Worship Team: Gertrud Tönsing
Mission Committee : Anita Harms
Partnership: Erlo Drews
Men’s Breakfast:
Synod Representatives:
Todani Moyo
Valentin Volker
033 3962814
033 3961953
033 3961953
033 3471048
033 3963322
033 3460498
073 3705554
033 3962814
033 3968259
Bank Account:
Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch
Branch Code: 22-14-25
Name: Evangelical Lutheran Congregation
Account Number:
5677 111 28 48
Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) :
Local page of our congregation is linked to this webpage under the
Southern Circuit Congregations
Impulse Newsletter:
E-mail contributions: or
or P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209
Closing Date for next issue 12 October 2014
(Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation: No.: 053-095-NPO)