S I R B ra nc h 9 8 The Rooster Tale A Nonprofit Public Benefit Organization for Retired Men Devoted to the Promotion of Independence and Dignity of Retirement October 2014 Message from the Big SIR: Mark Stuart (916-218-2287) Really, it’s hard to believe I’m saying this but we only have two more luncheon meetWednesday, th October 8 , 2014 ings left in 2014 and as has been said we have saved the best for last. So please plan on attending one or both of the remaining luncheons. Also, as a gentle reminder you At Timbers Restaurant need to attend five luncheons as we didn’t hold one of our special events this year. Sun City Roseville Over the last couple of years in my role as Little and now Big Sir I’ve gotten to know Starting 10:30 a.m. many of you, the members of Branch 98. Some have become very good friends. Lunch Menu Some of you have been dealing with health issues recently so I wish you all well and House Salad with Balsamic hope to see you all back soon at one of our luncheons or activities. Get well soon. Vinaigrette Dressing, As expected this year’s BBQ picnic was a great success, best attended ever from what Roasted Ball Tip Steak, I have been told. Great job Little Sir Gary, Bob Z. and all the guys who helped make Au Gratin Potatoes, the event such a success. The holiday Christmas Party is on the horizon, tickets will be sold starting at the Fresh Vegetables, October luncheon. We have even gotten inquiries from some other SIR branches asking if they might Rolls and Butter attend since they had heard about how wonderful last year’s party was. So if you weren’t able to attend Dessert last year party or are just not sure about going to a Christmas Party I suggest you give it a try, attend and Iced Tea and Coffee see what you have been missing. October Birthdays: Finally, just a little talk about the business of our Branch. I want to again invite each one of you to one Oct. 1st Ted Sobieralski of our Branch Executive Committee meetings. They are held before our luncheon and the meeting starts Oct. 1st Earl Wilson at 9am. At upcoming meetings we will be finalizing our 2015 budget, discussing upcoming events and Oct. 1st Bill Fisher possible dues, future social activities and much more. Members can ask questions of the Board or express Oct. 3rd Abe Rivera their opinions at the meeting. Oct. 4th Sam Kemp th Oct. 4 Harry Hopla Your Big Sir Mark Oct. 7th Glen Hall Message from the Little SIR: Gary Luis (916-797-0270) Oct. 7th Robbie Leydekkers Are you ready for some action? Our number Oct. 10th Marv Wherry th one club activity is golf. If you are interested Oct. 11 John Winger th in how to stop a slice, stop topping that ball, Oct. 12 Henry Deeken th improve your chipping and driving you are Oct. 14 Jay Gruenwald Oct. 15th Herbert Love in the right place. Is all that body motion in Oct. 15th Harold Holmes your swing driving the ball straighter or furOct. 16th Jon Georgie ther down the fairway? Or is it making sure the Oct. 17th Bob Zimmerman club face needs to get it to the position where it Oct. 17th Brian Stearns started? Pro Instructor Bob Epperly from AnOct. 19th Bill Wester telope Greens Golf Course is going to be your Oct. 20th Dennis Zan instructor for our meeting. He has instructed many celebrities and more importantly provided guidance Oct. 21st Ken Sladky to high school and college students who will hone their skills and pass them along from one generation to Oct. 22nd Fred Wight th the next. Take this opportunity to join all of us. Take a listen and gain a few tips that you can try on your Oct. 25 Henri Linnekens th next round or out at the driving range. Look forward to seeing all of you October 8th. Oct. 26 Fred Keillor th Oct. 26 Merv Fox Your Little Sir Gary Upcoming Events: Oct. 27th Norm Evensen Next Golf Tournaments: Oct. 6th Turkey Creek Oct. 13th Woodcreek Oct. 20th Cameron Park Oct. 27th Morgan Creek Nov. 3rd Diamond Oaks Nov. 10th Sierra View Nov. 17th Granite Bay Nov. 24th Serrano Chaplain: Xavier Gutierrez (916-415-1002) A PRAYER FOR TODAY What happened to all the easy answers? Things used to be so black and white- things were wrong or they were right, then life came along and showed me gray. I’m having trouble with gray, Lord- My placid stream of absolutes became a raging river as more and more of black and white became absorbed in gray. I’m living in the rapids, Lord, with changing forces all around. I can’t go back to where I was when simple answers were enough when each cliché made sense to me and “right is right” was just a fact of life. Now in this day of complexity, ambivalence and diversity, my only total certainty is You. Your Chaplain Xavier SIR B ran ch 9 8 M e mbers’ News an d . . . Bocce Ball: Bob Fricke (916 -773-3067): All six bocce courts were very busy, with playBeginning Cash (Aug. 1, 2014) $9,076 ers, at the BBQ Picnic last month monitored Aug. 2014 Receipts 5,234 painstakingly by Jim Dawes, Dennis Zan, and Aug. 2014 Disbursements -3,964 Larry Ogley. There was a tie for 1st [place Ending Cash (Aug. 31, 2014) $10,346 with 3 games each requiring a “‘Roll Off ” with Larry and Bonnie Hill winning and 2nd place 2014 Aug. YTD Voluntary Contributions going to Carlos and Pat Ramirez. There was also a tie for 3rd place requiring a “Roll Off ” Gold Pan in June $2,774 with Wayne and Susan Walden beating Fred This represents 61% of Total Mem- and Pauline Wigat. The results of the other games are as follows: Golf required at berships suggested $20 contribu- “Putt Off ” between Kay Borra and Frank Gallagher which frank won; Tric trac also required a Play Off ” amongst Nancy Allen, Ron Marino, and Brian Ziel which Nancy tion/member/year. ($4,560) won; Paddle Ball was won by Judy Jurovich with a score of 13; Free Throw won by Drawing: Year to Date through Brian Ziel with a score of 6; Bean Bag Toss was won by Harold Holmes with a score the July luncheon, we distribof 41 out of a max of 45; Frisbee Toss was also won by Harold Holmes with a perfect uted $1,087 in prizes and retained score of 30.I want to thank all my helpers including: Carl Allen, Tom Pratt, Xavier $1,087 for our Branch 98. Gutierrez, and Les Olsen . Next month we are having our Annual Bocce Ball Tournament at the SCR Courts on Wednesday October 8th, at 2 PM after the luncheon meeting. It will be a blind draw August 2014 Members Report for partners and limited to the first 16 players that sign up (8 teams of 2). Each team will play three 8 point games and get credit for their points toward he standings. There Starting Active Members 249 is a $3 entrance fee, payable in advance with cash prizes and medals for 1st, 2nd and Inducted New Member 13 3rd place. As of this writing, I have 16 players but am taking names for a substitute list in case of last minute cancellations or no shows. So, if you have to cancel, please let Resigned 2 me know prior to the October meeting. Thank you. Transferred Out 1 Bocce Bob Ending Active Members 259 August 2014 Treasurer’s Report New members: James Kimker Neil Lundy Angelo Coero Ed Daasch Marty Marovich Chuck Calderhead Tom Hovde Barry Watson Bill Kinzie Doug Smith Ken Northgrave Harold Caccamise Wayne Walden Resigned: John Norton Luke Smith Beale Airforce Base tour: Bob Zimmerman (916-253-7612) A few weeks ago 24 SIRs and 2 of their ladies drove up to Beale AFBase for a guided tour. We were privileged to watch the current generation U2s practice touch-&-goes (did you know they land on 2 bicycle wheels and use a chase car to land because the pilots can’t see the ground?) We got a personal introduction to a flight suit (a pilot is in one for up to 17 hours on a mission) and a chance to taste the Key Lime or Apple pie the pilots gnosh on (from the equivalent of a toothpaste tube!) We even sat in the decompression chamber used to accustom pilots to altitude pressure above 60,000 feet. Bob Zimmerman SIR State Individual Championship: Les Olsen (916-652-0090) The Division Qualifier was held Aug. 14 th @ Turkey Creek, and Branch 98 had a much better showing in this event! We have four people who qualified to go to Poppy Hills in October! Congratulations to: Transferred Out: Ed Begley Larry Hill 2 | The Rooster Tale John Reuter Alex Borra Rich Hargens October 2014 SI R B ran ch 9 8 ... Ac t ivit ies The 2014 SIR Branch 98 Bar-Be-Que The Annual SIRs BBQ Picnic was a rousing success. Over 150 people gathered at the Sun City Roseville Bocce courts for a late afternoon of games, Bingo, food and drink, and of course, bocce ball. Plenty of food & drink, but we still underestimated the group’s penchant for white wine. Amazingly, the ladies won most of the prizes; better luck at the Christmas Dinner Dance guys. Photography Challenge! Hi Guys, Do you remember the photography challenge I talk about in my last month Rooster Tale? Well, so far only 4 of you sent me their 3 best shots in each of the three categories. I’M SURE MANY MORE OF YOU HAVE TAKEN GOOD SHOTS YOU WANT TO SHARE WITH THE OTHERS AND EVENTUALLY WIN ONE OF THE PRICES. So hurry up and send me your best shots before next October luncheon to giorgiodina@hotmail.com. The three categories were: 1. Portrait of people participating to the BBQ (SIR members AND spouses) 2. Documentary pictures of food 3. Documentary pictures of the events/games Each member can participate with a maximum of 3 pictures per category. At the October luncheon we will have an evaluation of all the pictures sent and we will give monetary prices to the bests in each category. Thanks for your engagement and see you at the luncheon, Your Editor and Photographer, Giorgio John’s Spot: John Conger (916-804-6460) Trivia #1: What animal has more taste buds than any other animal in the world? a) Frog b) Octopus c) Catfish d) Monkey. Trivia #2: What fast food restaurant got its start in the front room of a Shell gas station? a) Taco Bell b) Kentucky Fried Chicken c) Pizza Hut d) Burger King. (answers at bottom of John’s Spot) RESTAURANT TIP: The Place,221 Vernon St. Roseville----Italian Food. GOOD MOVIE: NOVEMBER MAN. Good Acting--Action, and Ending. ONE JOKE: Two SIRS were in Wal-Mart when their shopping carts collide. 1 st says to the other, “Excuse me--I was distracted looking for my wife” 2 nd answers: “So am I, and I’m getting a bit desperate” 1 st Replies: I’ve been all over the store, maybe I can help you. What does your wife look like? 2 nd answers: “She’s tall, long blond hair, pretty, long legs, buxom, and a tight, round bun. What does your wife look like?” 1 st Replies: “Never mind---Lets look for yours”. MY SIXTH NEW PGA RULE FOR SENIORS: There is no penalty for hitting a ball in the water. Golf balls should float. Senior golfers should not be penalized for manufacturers shortcomings! Mark Your Calender: Breeders Cup: 10/31-11/1, Santa Anita October 2014 [answers to Trivia: #1 (c); #2 (b)] The Rooster Tale | 3 SIR B ran ch 9 8 M e mbers’ News an d . . . News from the Golf Activities - Friday Golf at Antelope Greens: It happened again! For the 2 nd time this season we have a player with a Hole-In-One. Congratulations to Tom Whalen for making an Ace on the 145 yard 6th hole. Tom was very gracious in buying beer for all those who stayed to celebrate with him. Tom said this is his 4 th hole-in-one in his golfing career. Please make sure to congratulate him for this great success. See you at the next tournament, and remember that our season at Antelope Greens will close on October 10 th with our great BBQ party. Don’t miss it, Len Sampaio and the AG Team NEW! Jerry’s Wrinkled Wisdom: Jerry Foster (916-740-3297): Get Your Yard Ready for Fall. Even though Summer is still in our memories, it is time to get our lawns ready for Fall and Winter. So IF your lawn has survived the drought, this is the time when our lawns need to be fed and nourished so they may survive next year’s problems. There are a lot of good commercial fertilizers on the market, however, there are a lot of “home remedy” cures to some of the most common problems. Fertilizing: Home Remedy’s The following remedies will help your lawn look greener and thicker: • SODA: Soda is loaded with carbohydrates. The sugars go down into the soil, and the microbes convert the soda into lawn food. Never use diet soda because it is filled with fake sugar, and sugar is what makes this whole process work for your lawn. (One can to 1 gallon of water.) • BEER: Like soda, beer has a ton of carbohydrates. It works similarly to soda, providing food for your lawn with carbohydrates. Carbohydrates convert into lawn food very easily, making beer a substantial fertilizer. Do not use light beer because it has less carbohydrates than regular beer. Use same as soda. • DISH SOAP: This is probably the most commonly used household item on lawns. It should always be diluted by water (1/2 cup per gallon of water), and should never be used on a lawn if it is over eighty degrees because it can cause lawn burn. Dish soap acts as a wetting agent for your lawn. This means that it helps water to penetrate the soil and get to the roots much easier. Another important thing to mention is to never use antibacterial soap because it will get rid of all the good microbes in the soil, ultimately harming your lawn. • MOLASSES: Like with soda and beer, the sugars in molasses work with the microbes to create lawn food. Molasses has an extremely high concentration of sugar so it is highly effective for your lawn. It also contains iron which keeps your lawn healthy and gives your lawn a vibrant green color. This should also be diluted with water (about 1:1) before it is applied to your lawn. A 30oz hose sprayer will cover about 2500 – 3000 sq. feet. • AMMONIA: like a lot of fertilizers, ammonia has high levels of nitrogen. Nitrogen is necessary for green plants to grow to their best ability. When it comes specifically to your lawn, the nitrogen in ammonia will make the grass greener and more plush. Nitrogen is also easily absorbed by plants. Like molasses and dish soap, ammonia should be diluted with water (1 cup ammonia to 1 gallon water) because at full strength it will ruin your lawn. Commercial Fertilizers: there are several web sites by SCOTTS, BAYER, SPECTRICIDE, ORTHO and others that have handy suggestions on lawn care. Google: “Lawn care tips”. FLU SEASON STARTS NOW! We all are busy and I know that I often forget to do some things that I mean to do. September is when the CDC recommends that we get our FLU shots to best protect us for the season. Some of my friends say that they never get the shot and I guess that is fine for them, however, I have been getting them for over 30 years and along with my daily vitamins and other meds (which I hate taking) I have had the flue maybe 4 times in 30+ years, so do what you think best for you. If it was myself, I would check with your Doctor or Pharmacy to see when they are available. This year they are also recommending that you get a WHOPPING COUGH booster shot because of the resurgence of this disease in the last year. Especially if you come in contact with infants or young children. So Grand Parents keep your loved ones safe, get your shots. 4 | The Rooster Tale October 2014 SI R B ran ch 9 8 ... Ac t ivit ies Phil’s Corner: Phil Lander (916-872-8060) CONFUCIUS MAY NOT HAVE SAID......but would have, if he had thought a bit more! Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient. Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly. Lady who goes camping must beware of evil intent. Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion. Man who runs in front of car gets tired... Man who runs behind car gets exhausted. Man who eats many prunes gets good run for money. War does not determine who is right; it determines who is left. Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night. It takes many nails to build a crib but only one screw to fill it. Man who drives like hell is bound to get there. Man who stands on toilet is high on pot. Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement. Man who fish in other man’s well often catch crabs. Finally CONFUCIUS DID SAY. . ...... “A lion will not cheat on his wife, but a Tiger Wood!” NEW: Chefs’ Corner: Giorgio Dina (916-521-9998) The more I talk to SIR members in our branch, the more I realize that many of us (I definitely include myself) not only enjoy good food - and good wine - but also enjoy the cooking and the preparation part of it. A couple of groups have been spontaneously created within our organization to enjoy each others’ company, share simple recipes, and cook and enjoy lunch together. Jerry Foster suggested to start a “Chefs’ Corner” in the rooster tale, so that everyone can share simple and tasty recipes with other members. Here the first recipe from Jerry. Please try it and surprise your spouses on your cooking abilities, and if you have a simple recipe to share, please send it to me. MY FAVORITE PORK RIBS w/o A BAR-B-Q By Jerry Foster With Summer still here and pork ribs on special at the grocery stores, it is the perfect time to make ribs better than most restaurants. They are as easy as 1-2-3 and they fall off of the bones without the use of a Bar-B-Q and very little prep time. 1) Purchase St. Louis style ribs if possible or ribs without the back flabby portion which you should remove for more even cooking. I like to put my favorite DRY Rub on each slab before cooking. Be sure to use a generous amount on both sides of the slab. Let rest in the refrigerator over night so the spices flavor the meat. Wrap the ribs in aluminum foil and place on a cookie sheet. 2) Pre heat your oven to 285 degrees and place your wrapped slab(s) and cookie sheet(s) into the oven and bake for 3.5 hours. When done, remove, drain the fat off, unwrap the foil and baste with your favorite sauce if desired and place back into the oven for 15 – 20 minutes. At this point you may want to place them on your BAR-B-Q for a crisper and more smoky flavor. This is your choice. 3) Serve or cut in to ½ slab portions and freeze for another time. If you choose to freeze, you can enjoy your ribs whenever you desire, even in the poring rain. October 2014 The Rooster Tale | 5 SIR B ran ch 9 8 Rocklin Branch 98 meets the second Wednesday of the month at: Timbers at the Lodge Sun City Roseville 7050 Del Web Blvd. Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 774-3838 Beale Airforce Base tour: Xavier Gutierrez (916-415-1002) During the visit to the Beale Airforce Base, I took a few picture I’d like to share with you. I enjoyed it a lot and hope that everyone, who was there with me enjoyed this day spent in a much different environment we use to live in. Thanks to Bob Zimmerman for the great organization of this tour. If you’d like to have some of the pictures I took, just let me know, Xavier Board Meeting: 09:00 a.m. Fellowship: 10:30 a.m. Luncheon: 11:30 a.m. SIR Branch 98 2014 Officers: Big SIR: Mark Stuart Little SIR: Gary Luis Secretary: Gary Johnson Assistant: Kent Miller Treasurer: Tony Licata Assistant: Bob Hendrickson Chaplain: Xavier Gutierrez Directors: Bob Zimmerman Bob Gilson Giorgio Dina John Conger John Reuter Pete Morelli Rooster Tale Editor: Giorgio Dina Database Manager: Wayne Mac Donald SIR State: Maynard Rodland, President Bobbie Hairston, V. P. Non-Responsibility Clause: All tours, trips and other activities arranged for or by Sons In Retirement Inc. and its Branches are for the convenience and pleasure of the members and their guests. Sons In Retirement Inc. and its Branches do not assume responsibility for the well-being or safety of the participants or passengers or their property in any matters pertaining to said tours, trips, and other activities. Sons In Retirement Inc. Imp or t ant! Time D ate d Mater i a l SIR Regional 9: Donald Dill, Director Area 15: Gale Jeffers, Governor GIORGIO DINA - EDITOR 721 KELLERMAN CT GRANITE BAY, CA 95746 For more information about SIR and SIR Rocklin Branch 98 visit : www.sir98.org www.sirinc.org SIR State quarterly Newsletter at: http://sirinc.org/sirhappenings/ 6 | The Rooster Tale October 2014
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