Elecom Group Results of Operations for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2010 www.elecom.co.jp 1 Contents Corporate Profile Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 2010 FY3/11 Consolidated Financial Outlook 2 Corporate Profile 3 Elecom is a manufacturer which offers comprehensive proposals for PC, AV, and slate (smartphone and e-book) related products. Representative Established Fiscal year end Capital Head office No. of employees Stock market Junji Hada, President May 1986 March 707 million yen (as of March 31, 2010) 4-1-1 Fushimi-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 【Non-consolidated】396 (as of March 31, 2010) 【Consolidated】558 (as of March 31, 2010) Listed on JASDAQ (code: 6750) 4 The Position of Elecom Products which connect man and machine A better and easy-to-use“Man-machine Interface” 5 A Foldable Bluetooth® Keyboard for Smartphone Released Android smartphone including Xperia™ and “TK-FBP017BK”, a Bluetooth® keyboard for a foldable compact smartphone which supports iPhone 4 and iPad and Windows PC 6 Spread of Business Domains Smartphone-related Game console-related e-book related IP phone-related 1 seg-related To a new domain Slate PC-related Full seg-related New domain Memory Furniture Storage Wireless LAN-related Smartphone Slate PC In-car device-related Music distribution terminal-related Network Digital camera-related Conventional business Accessory IO device Supply 7 BCN Award Segment “BCN Award 2010” Won 8 titles including mouse category that won the award for 10 consecutive years! *Figures represent POS data (Jan. – Dec. 2009) calculated by BCN Inc. エレコム 24.8% その他 27.4% エレコム 22.7% その他 40.3% エレコム 40.2% A社 19.0% その他 44.6% A社 19.1% B社 13.6% B社 15.9% A社 18.8% エレコム 17.6% B社 13.6% その他 20.8% その他 14.7% エレコム 40.3% A社 12.4% その他 58.2% エレコム 34.9% B社 19.3% B社 19.1% B社 11.8% A社 19.8% エレコム 23.3% その他 59.5% A社 9.5% B社 7.7% A社 31.1% その他 16.7% エレコム 28.7% B社 27.3% A社 27.3% “BCN award” is an award which honors a vendor who ranked first in annual sales volume (Jan. – Dec.) of PC-related and digital appliance-related products based on “BCN ranking” that was gathered and calculated by BCN using POS data of retailers in Japan. 8 Corporate Philosophy The Elecom Group is dedicated to continuous growth. We constantly take on the challenge of capitalizing on new opportunities and entering new fields. Every employee overcomes challenges with sincerity, humility and boundless enthusiasm. Learning from one another, working hard and always welcoming new challenges are the sources of growth for the company and individuals alike. Sustaining growth of the ELECOM Group makes it possible to create products that offer greater enjoyment, comfort and innovation. We use these products to be a source of happiness for even more customers. We also want our employees to have a sense of direct participation in our growth so they can expand their knowledge and lead more fulfilling lives. These are the goals that define the Elecom Group. Code of Conduct Seek the path of righteousness Always asking yourself if you are taking the correct actions while refocusing your energy on the fundamental principles for behavior. Live the right way as a human being. Think about results To reach for even greater accomplishments, establish your priorities so you can take actions efficiently. Think about others Always be aware of the situations of other people and be considerate. Be humble Be humble and never boast or look down on others. 9 History of Numerous G-Mark Awards 1989 1990 1993 1994 1996 1998 2003 2007 2001 2000 2004 2008 2009 1997 2002 2006 2005 2010 10 Offices Elecom Elecom Group Group Domestic Domestic Offices Offices Elecom main/branch offices Logistics center Osaka head office Higashinihon logistics center (Tokyo & Aomi) Tokyo branch Nishinihon logistics center Kitanihon branch (Osaka & Nishi-yodogawa) Nagoya branch Customer support center Osaka branch Sapporo ESSC Hiroshima branch Logitec offices Fukuoka branch Tokyo head office Elecom sales offices Nagano sales office Tachikawa sales office Saitama sales office Yokohama sales office Sapporo sales office Takasaki sales office Kanazawa sales office Overseas offices Kyoto sales office Korea Okayama sales office China Kumamoto sales office Germany (ednet) (As of end of March 2010) 11 Consolidated subsidiary (Japan) ■ Logitec Corp. Consolidated subsidiaries (overseas) ■ ednet GmbH branch office Belgium, Austria Sales subsidiaries ednet AG (Switzerland) ednet Nederland B.V. (The Netherlands) Procurement subsidiary ednet HK Limited (Hong Kong) ■ ELECOM KOREA CO., LTD. (Korea) ■ ELECOM (SHANGHAI) TRADE CO.,LTD. (China) 12 Logitec is a manufacturer of PC, network and AV-related devices. Elecom Group’s growth will accelerate by “shifting” and “expanding” its business domain. Name Logitec Corporation Established June 1982 Capital 200 million yen Head office 2-6-3 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo No. of employees 94 (as of March 31, 2010) Office Nagano office (Nagano) 13 ednet GmbH is a manufacturer of PC peripheral products and supplies in Europe. Advanced into Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and Belgium. Name ednet GmbH Established May 9, 2000 Head office Germany Major offices Brunn am Gebirge,Austria Bousval,Belgium Consolidated subsidiaries ednet AG (Switzerland) ednet Nederland B.V. (The Netherlands) ednet (HK)Limited 14 Exclusive Distributorship Agreement 15 LaCie Head office S.A. 33/41 boulevard du General Martial Valin 75015 Paris,France Established March 1, 1989 Capital 3,603 thousand euro Representative Philippe Spruch, Chairman & CEO Business Manufacture and sale of computer peripheral equipment Sales 301 million euro (FY6/09) ◆There are more than 30 million users worldwide and became one of the world’s top 3 brands ◆ Became No.1 as a European vendor ◆Recognized as a brand that is most selected by music and various other creators ◆ Has LaCie’s own hardware and software engineers and all products are developed and designed at a design center in Paris 16 Background① of Exclusive Distributorship Agreement ■ Empathy for design value-added 17 Background② of Exclusive Distributorship Agreement ■ Supplement of strengths and weaknesses (Products) ・World’s leader in the HDD and NAS fields (product lineup, price advantage) ・From a strategic standpoint, want to strengthen HDD and NAS even more ・Want to strengthen accessory business in the future to improve profitability ・Has a large selection of accessories and skills in planning and development Storage products Accessories Other peripherals 97% 2% 1% LaCie’s sales ratio 18 Background③ of Exclusive Distributorship Agreement ■ Supplement of strengths and weaknesses (trading areas) Europe + Middle East Asia Oceania 60% 8% ・LaCie is strong mainly in France ・Elecom’s German company North and South America 32% ・LaCie Japan’s sales ratio is 2% ・Elecom has one of the best marketing skills in the industry 19 Summary of Business Model Elecom proposes and offers numerous products to users by utilizing Elecom’s strong IT infrastructure, logistics infrastructure and sales channel. 【 【 Group’s strong assets (electronics retail stores, etc.) Companies (agencies, etc.) Direct marketing (catalog, Internet, etc.) Customers Development Developmentand andproduction production of storage, AV devices, of storage, AV devices, network-related, network-related,etc. etc. Elecom Elecom 】 】 Marketing Division Division Marketing Factoriesof ofpartner partnercompanies companies Factories inJapan Japan&&overseas overseas in Development Developmentof ofproducts products Including PC supplies, Including PC supplies, furniture, furniture,memories, memories, IO IOdevices devicesand andAV AVproducts products Retailers Overseas (overseas subsidiaries, etc.) Sales channel Logistics infrastructure IT infrastructure 20 Growth Strategy Image Expansion of market share in Japan Advance into new product field Four Four growth growth factors factors Expansion of overseas business M&As 21 To New Business Domain Various PCrelated products MicroSD card Headphones Smartphone protection film FM transmitter Smartphone case Smartphone charger Bluetooth products 22 Expansion of Sales Area Prioritized Category Smartphone accessories Smartphone ⇒ Focus on retailers and companies The entire smartphone market trend ■ No.of contracts(Total) ■ No.of shipments(Total) ten thousand Game market Recommended products of “Final Fantasy XIV” 23 Expansion of Sales Area Prioritized Category Bluetooth products Industry’s smallest canal type for both ears (microphone installed) Bluetooth stereo earphones LBT-HP04 series Neckband-type suitable for sports (microphone installed) Bluetooth headset LBT-AVNB01A series 24 Expansion of Sales Area Prioritized Category Network products 25 Expansion of Sales Channel① Creation of Demands Challenge new products using new sale channel LA MAISON DE MÉMOIRE Digital photo frame AN ECOL Charged batteries for women (Good Design Award product) 26 Expansion of Sales Channel② Enhancement of Products for Women BMCA26 series BMCAs7 series 27 Expansion of Overseas Operation① Operation in Asia Now rapidly expanding in South East Asia Expanding sales of Elecom products in various South East Asian countries including Thailand, Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. ①Operation of ELECOM’s booth/section Major retail stores of Thailand and Indonesia ②ELECOM STORE OPEN Plan to open in Singapore ③New Asian business Plan to operate mainly in China, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan 28 Example of Operation in Asia【1】 PC/IT retailer in Thailand (2010) 29 Example of Operation in Asia【2】 PC/IT retailer in Philippines (2009) 30 Example of Operation in Asia【3】 Apple Reseller in Bangkok (2009) Lifestyle shop in HKG (2010) 31 Expansion of Overseas Operation② Operation in Europe Cooperation with ednet Expand sales in Russia and Eastern Europe March 3, 2009 Participated in the overseas exhibition and raised the recognition of Elecom brand in the world 32 Expansion of Overseas Operation② Operation in Europe Cooperation with ednet Strengthened development of products for Europe ・Development of overseas packages ・Enhancement of foreign-language instruction manual Strengthened overseas marketing capability (proposal capability) ・Taught Japanese marketing method ・Introduced Elecoism (Temporarily transferred from Japan to Europe) 33 Expansion of Overseas Operation③ New Challenge~Inquiries in the U.S.~ August 2010 Started business with MoMA Favorable sales!! Now selling Elecom products via the Internet, catalogs and in stores 34 Capital and Business Alliance with IDEA International Co., Ltd. As part of attracting new customers, Elecom expanded its business with a partner company that handles IDEA’s directly-operated stores and fashionable goods Private placement Convertible bonds with stock warrants Expand Expandsales salesopportunities opportunitiesin inmutual mutualbusiness businesssectors sectorsand andbuild build an even closer relationship such as by capturing synergies through an even closer relationship such as by capturing synergies throughdesign. design. To develop Asian market, expands business with Elecom Group and agencies 35 Elecom’s Social Action Program Environmental efforts “ELECOM FOREST~Development of Elecom Forest” Co-exists with regional society Supports American Football Team “Elecom Kobe FINIES” Elecom signed the “ELECOM FOREST Mie Forest Development Declaration” with Mie Afforestation Promotion Society and Mie Prefecture declaring that we will jointly work on revitalizing natural forests. As a first step, we started the natural forest revitalization business targeting about 18 hectares of deforested area in Sone-ku, Owase-shi, Mie with the help of local forest cooperatives OWASE, ECOLO Association and residents of Owase-shi. From April 2009, as part of a community-based social contribution, Elecom became the official sponsor of the Japan American football league west division “Elecom Kobe Finies.” The team continues its activities based on the idea of “the spread of American football and regional contribution.” The team interacts with people and children in the community such as by playing matches seeking to appear in “Rice Bowl”, holding events to thank fans and holding sports festivals. 36 Building of Trusting Relationship with Stakeholders ■ Carried out compliance and accountability and built a relationship of trust with stakeholders ■ Built an internal control system to promote a strong management base ・ ・ Strong relations of trust Strong relations of trust ・ ・ Strongrelations relationsof oftrust trust Strong Strong relations of trust Strong relations of trust Manufacturingcontractor contractor purchaser purchaser Manufacturing Investors Investors stakeholders stakeholders Financial FinancialServices ServicesAgency Agency stock stockexchange exchange 37 ・ ・ Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 2010 38 Consolidated Financial Highlights for the Six Months Ended September 2010 Succeeded in further strengthening sales strategy according to the characteristics of sales channel such as by introducing broad range of new products, promoting the efficiency of marketing activities and reviewing organization system. As a result, both net sales and ordinary income increased YoY. Net sales ¥23,371 million(YoY change:+7.2%) Ordinary income ¥ 1,858 million(YoY change: +92.5 %) 【Consolidated net sales】 6 months period Full year 48,438 40,000 20,000 0 23,371 2Q 10,842 2Q 11,360 1Q 10,964 1Q 12,010 FY3/10 6 months period 53,000 (Plan) 60,000 21,807 【Consolidated ordinary income】 2H (plan) 28,406 1H (plan 24,594 FY3/11 (FY plan) Full year 4,000(Plan) 3,591 4,000 2H (plan) 2,374 3,000 1,858 2,000 965 1,000 0 2Q 497 1Q 467 FY3/10 2Q 747 1H (plan) 1Q 1,111 1,626 FY3/11 (FY plan) 39 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 2010 【YoY】 (Million yen, %) Six months ended Sept. 2010 1Q Net sales 2Q Six months ended Sept. Change FY plan % Amount 12,010 11,360 23,371 21,807 1,563 7.2 53,000 Gross profit 4,396 3,819 8,215 7,442 772 10.4 17,659 SG&A expenses 3,202 2,994 6,197 6,319 -1.9 13,259 Operating income 1,193 824 2,017 1,123 894 79.6 4,400 Ordinary income 1,111 747 1,858 965 893 92.5 4,000 Ordinary income margin (%) 9.3 6.6 8.0 4.4 - - 7.5 Net income 478 357 836 -847 1,683 - 1,980 -122 (Note) Amounts are rounded down to the nearest million yen 40 Results by Product Category for the Six Months Ended September 2010 (YoY) 【YoY】 (Million yen, %) Six months ended Sept. 2010 1Q 2Q Six months ended Sept. 2009 Supplies 3,945 3,820 7,766 7,554 (33.2) (34.6) Storage and memory 1,634 1,658 3,293 2,979 (14.1) (13.7) IO devices 1,728 1,522 3,250 3,472 (13.9) (15.9) Digital home 3,125 2,911 6,036 4,966 (25.8) (22.8) Others 1,576 1,447 3,023 2,834 (13.0) (13.0) 12,010 11,360 23,371 21,807 (100.0) (100.0) Total sales Change Amount FY plan % 211 2.8 16,609 (31.3) 314 10.5 7,162 (13.5) -221 -6.4 7,231 (13.7) 1,070 21.6 15,385 (29.0) 189 6.7 6,610 (12.5) 1,563 7.2 53,000 (100.0) (Note) Amounts are rounded down to the nearest million yen (Note) Supply products were included in the PC supplies and furniture category in previous fiscal years but are now reported as the supply category for two reasons. First, due to a sharp decline in sales of PC furniture, these sales have only a negligible effect on total sales. Second, sales of non-PC products such as products for digital cameras and cell phones are accounting for an increasing share of supply sales, too. (Note) Digital home products are audio-visual and network products that were included in the others category in previous fiscal years. These products are reported separately as the digital home category starting in the first quarter of the current fiscal year. 41 Sales Analysis for the Six Months Ended September 2010 (YoY) ①Supply sales increased (smartphone- ⑤ related products were favorable) Up ¥211 million YoY Up Up¥1,563 ¥1,563 million million yen yen YoY YoY ②Storage and memory sales increased ④ ② ① (LaCie brand’s storage products, etc. were favorable) Up ¥314 million YoY ③ ③IO device sales decreased(affected by Sales of ¥23,371 million yen in 2Q severe competition in the mouse sector) Down ¥221 million YoY ④Digital home sales increased Sales of ¥21,807 million yen YoY (introduction of new AV-related products and network products were favorable) Up ¥1,070 million YoY ⑤Other sales increased (strong due to recovery in corporate demand) Up ¥189 million YoY (Note) Supply products were included in the PC supplies and furniture category in previous fiscal years but are now reported as the supply category for two reasons. First, due to a sharp decline in sales of PC furniture, these sales have only a negligible effect on total sales. Second, sales of non-PC products such as products for digital cameras and cell phones are accounting for an increasing share of supply sales, too. (Note) Digital home products are audio-visual and network products that were included in the others category in previous fiscal years. These products are reported separately as the digital home category starting in the first quarter of the current fiscal year. 42 Ordinary Income Analysis for the Six Months Ended September 2010 (YoY) Up Up¥893 ¥893 million million YoY YoY ①Increase in gross profit Ordinary income of ¥1,858 million in 2Q Ordinary income of ¥965 million YoY (due mainly to increase in sales) Up ¥772 million YoY ②Decrease in SG&A expenses (due to decrease in system-related expenses, etc.) Down ¥122 million YoY 43 Effect of Profits and Losses of Subsidiaries for the Six Months Ended September 2010 Down Down ¥463 ¥463million million ①Effect of Logitec up ¥119 million Steady increase vs. budget ②Effect of overseas subsidiaries Nonconsolidated Ordinary income ¥2,322 million down ¥187 million Consolidated ordinary income ¥1,858 million Increase in ednet’s sales-related expenses ③Others down ¥395 million Decrease in dividends received by Elecom (due to elimination of dividends received from subsidiaries) 44 Results by Region for the Six Months Ended September 2010 (Reference) 【 Europe 】 Net sales: 959 Ordinary income: -181 【 Japan 】 Net sales: 25,083 Ordinary income: 2,414 E urope 3.6% Others 1.0% Sales ratio by region (FFY9/10) 【 Others 】 Net sales: 259 Ordinary income: -7 (Note) Unit: million yen (Note) Total figures do not match with consolidated figures because the figures are before elimination of internal transactions. J a pa n 95.4% Japan Europe Others 45 2Q Balance Sheet ■Decrease in accounts receivable (down ¥765 million) ■Decrease in inventories (down ¥1,381 million) Assets ¥18,639 million Liabilities ¥10,121 million ■Decrease in accounts payable (down ¥1,364 million) 【Current liabilities】 9,345 (Major breakdown) 【FY6/10】 (Million yen) 【Current assets】 15,947 Accounts payable 4,813 Short-term debt 500 (Major breakdown) Cash and deposits 4,301 Accounts receivable 5,776 Inventories 4,462 (Million yen) 【Fixed assets】 776 (Million yen) Liabilities 11,216 【Fixed assets】 2,691 Current liabilities 10,450 Assets 19,849 Current assets 17,671 Fixed assets2,178 【FY6/10】 (Million yen) Assets ¥8,517 million Fixed liabilities 766 Assets 8,632 Shareholders’ equity ratio 45.3% Shareholders’ equity ratio 43.1% 46 Cash Flow for the Six Months Ended September 2010 【Summary of cash flow】 (Million yen) Six months ended Sept. 2010 Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Cash and cash equivalents at end of the term 2Q -1,248 1,313 65 -90 -734 -825 -229 -595 -758 -184 -943 104 -1,048 3,950 4,301 4,301 5,304 -1,002 1Q 2Q Tangible fixed assets 51 128 179 Intangible fixed assets 91 134 143 262 226 406 91 91 198 243 R&D expenses -51 Factor 117 Private placement, bond underwriting by IDEA International Decrease in ednet’s debt (change in loans between the parent company and subsidiary) (Million yen) Six months ended Sept. 2010 Depreciation (total) Change 1Q 【Capital investments, etc.】 Total capital investment Six months ended Sept. 2009 Six months ended Sept. 2009 Change 19 160 102 124 262 143 182 196 -13 442 366 75 (Note) Amounts are rounded down to the nearest million yen 47 FY3/11 Consolidated Financial Outlook 48 Highlights of FY3/11 Consolidated Financial Outlook Forecast increases in both net sales and ordinary income YoY Net sales 2009/03 ¥49,312 million 2011/03 Up ¥4,561 million 2010/03 (up 9.4%) Down ¥874 million ¥48,438 (down 1.8%) Ordinary income 2011/03 ¥4,000 ¥53,000 million (plan) Up ¥1,013 million (up 39.3%) million 2010/03 Up ¥408 million million (up 11.4%) (plan) ¥ 3,591 million 2009/03 4Q 11,771 4Q 13,495 2H 24,981 3Q 13,210 2H 29,628 (※) 2H 26,631 ¥2,577 4Q million 1,299 4Q 179 3Q 13,136 3Q 2H 2,141 (※) 2H 2,625 2H 1,054 875 3Q 1,326 2Q 11,600 2Q 10,842 1H 24,330 1Q 12,730 413 1H 23,371 1H 21,807 1H 1,522 1Q 1Q 10,964 1Q 12,010 2Q 747 2Q 2Q 11,360 1H 1,858 2Q 497 1,109 1H 965 1Q 1,111 1Q 467 (*) Amount deducting 1H actual from FY plan 49 FY3/11 Consolidated Financial Outlook (Million yen, %) FY3/11 Plan Net sales FY3/10 Share Actual YoY Share Change Pct. Change 53,000 100.0 48,438 100.0 4,561 9.4 Gross profit 17,659 33.3 16,857 34.8 801 4.8 SG&A expenses 13,259 25.0 12,856 26.5 403 3.1 Operating income 4,400 8.3 4,002 8.3 397 9.9 Ordinary income 4,000 7.5 3,591 7.4 408 11.4 Net income 1,980 3.7 735 1.5 1,244 169.3 (Note) Amounts are rounded down to the nearest million yen 50 FY3/11 Sales Plan by Product Category (Million yen, %) FY3/11 Plan FY3/10 Share Actual YoY Share Change Pct. Change Supplies 16,609 31.3 16,692 34.5 -83 -0.5 Storage and memory 7,162 13.5 6,503 13.4 658 10.1 IO devices 7,231 13.7 7,211 14.9 19 0.3 Digital home 15,385 29.0 11,711 24.2 3,674 31.4 Others 6,610 12.5 6,318 13.0 292 4.6 Total sales 53,000 100.0 48,438 100.0 4,561 9.4 Total cost of sales 35,340 66.7 31,580 65.2 3,760 11.9 Gross profit 17,659 33.3 16,857 34.8 801 4.8 (Note) Amounts are rounded down to the nearest million yen (Note) Supply products were included in the PC supplies and furniture category in previous fiscal years but are now reported as the supply category for two reasons. First, due to a sharp decline in sales of PC furniture, these sales have only a negligible effect on total sales. Second, sales of non-PC products such as products for digital cameras and cell phones are accounting for an increasing share of supply sales, too. (Note) Digital home products are audio-visual and network products that were included in the others category in previous fiscal years. These products are reported 51 separately as the digital home category starting in the first quarter of the current fiscal year. Recent Disclosure Information ■ Notice Concerning Signing of Basic Agreement Related to Capital and Business Alliance (Aug. 25, 2010) Elecom and IDEA International Co., Ltd. (“IDEA”) resolved to sign a basic agreement related to capital and business alliance stating the cooperation of both companies using mutual management resources. Elecom has a business relationship with IDEA. Elecom is expanding its business with partner companies that handle IDEA’s directly-operated stores and fashionable goods as part of attracting new customers. IDEA has been expanding its business with Elecom group companies and agencies to develop Asian market. Regarding the capital and business alliance, Elecom and IDEA reached a basic agreement in principle considering that it is possible to contribute to the companies’ performance such as by building an even closer relationship between both companies and expand sales opportunities in mutual business fields. ①Summary of private placement by IDEA (1) Shares issued 146,500 shares of common stock ②Summary of IDEA’s convertible bonds with stock acquisition rights (2) Issue price ¥683 per share (1) Type and no. of bonds Convertible bonds with stock acquisition rights 40 rights (3) Total issue price ¥100,059,500 (4) Amount credited in stated capital (2) Name of bond ¥50,029,750 (5) Amount credited in stated capital reserve ¥50,029,750 IDEA International Co., Ltd. Convertible Bonds with Stock Acquisition Rights (3) Issue date September 30, 2010 (4) Issue price ¥10,000,000 (6) Allotee Elecom Co., Ltd. (5) Total issue price ¥400,000,000 (7) Payment date September 30, 2010 (6) Exercise price [Current] ¥683 per share (Conversion price) [Minimum] ¥479 per share [Maximum] ¥888 per share (7) Total exercise price (conversion price) (8) No. of potential shares ¥400,000,000 [Current exercise price (conversion price)] 585,651 shares [Minimum exercise price (conversion price)] 835,073 shares [Maximum exercise price (conversion price)] 450,450 shares (9) Depreciation period September 30, 2010 (10) Amount of depreciation ¥103 for each ¥100 of face value (11) Interest rate No interest will be paid 52 Recent Disclosure Information ■ Notice of Establishment of Subsidiary by Elecom Consolidated Subsidiary (Sept. 27, 2010) Elecom consolidated subsidiary Logitec Corporation resolved as follows to establish a wholly owned subsidiary as part of reviewing Elecom Group’s domestic business operation system. Summary of new subsidiary (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Name Logitec INA Solutions Corporation Head office 8268-1000 Misuzu, Ina-shi, Nagano Prefecture Name & title of representative Junji Hada, President and CEO Major businesses Development, manufacturing and sale of PC and storage products, maintenance and repairing of PC-related products, data recovery service Established October 1, 2010 Capital ¥100 million Capital reserve ¥100 million Major shareholder and shareholding ratio Logitec Corp. 100% Fiscal year end March 31 (Reference) Summary of Elecom subsidiary Logitec Corp. ①Name Logitec Corporation ②Head office 2-6-3 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo ③Name & title of representative Junji Hada, President and CEO ④Major businesses Research and development and manufacture and sale of personal computers, peripheral devices, information and telecommunications-related products, etc. ⑤Capital ¥200 million ⑥Major shareholder and shareholding ratio Elecom 100% 53 Recent Disclosure Information ■ Notice Concerning Dividend Payment from Retained Earnings (Nov. 12, 2010) Elecom resolved to pay dividends from retained earnings of record date of September 30, 2010 as follows. Amount Record date Dividend per share Total amount of dividend Effective date Source of dividend Recent dividend forecast (Announced on May 14, 2010) Previous results (Sept. 2009 dividend) September 30, 2010 ¥10.00 Same as on the left ¥7.00 September 30, 2009 ¥7.00 ¥ 199 million - ¥170 million December 10, 2010 Retained earnings - - December 11, 2009 Retained earnings As a result of taking last year’s management environment, higher-than-expected 2Q net income (consolidated) and other factors into consideration, Elecom will pay ¥10 per share for the 2Q ended September 2010, ¥3 higher than the initial forecast. Year-end dividend forecast will be decided after evaluating our future performance and currently there will be no change. As a result of this, forecast of annual dividend per share will be ¥18. (Reference) Annual dividend forecast Dividend per share Record date Dividend forecasts Current results Previous results (FY3/10) End of 2Q Year-end \10.00 \7.00 Annual \8.00 \18.00 \8.00 \15.00 (Note) Dividend forecasts are based on information available at the time this report was prepared. Actual results may differ from the above forecasts due to various factors. 54 Recent Disclosure Information ■ Notice Concerning Restructuring of Consolidated Subsidiary Mainly in Europe and Capital Increase by Consolidated Subsidiary (Nov. 12, 2010) Elecom resolved the restructuring of its consolidated subsidiaries mainly in Europe and also resolved to underwrite capital increase which will be conducted by one of the subsidiaries. 1. Restructuring of consolidated subsidiaries Elecom will strengthen ednet Group’s financial base while restructuring ednet group companies to raise management efficiency and transparency, and conduct quick decision-making. In addition, Elecom will work on building a close relationship with ednet Group and foster a sense of unity aiming to improve the entire Elecom Group’s corporate value. Summary of companies to be restructured (ednet group companie Name ednet GmbH ednet AG ednet Nederland B.V. ednet(HK)Limited Head office Representative Martin Bongard (Managing Director) Markus Rothweiler Wetzikon, Switzerland (Managing Director) Jan Theuwis Breda, The Netherlands (Managing Director) Yasuhiro Sonobe Hong Kong, China (Managing Director) Sulzbach, Germany 2. Capital increase by consolidated subsidiary Summary of capital increase ①Capital increase 8,000,000 euro (about ¥912 million) ②Allotee Elecom 100% ③Payment date November 29, 2010 Summary of consolidated subsidiary ①Name ednet GmbH ②Location Oberliederbacher Weg 36, Sulzbach/Ts. Germany ③Name of representative Martin Bongard ④Major business Planning and sale of PC and digital device-related products ⑤Established May 9, 2000 ⑥Capital 1,000,000 euro (about ¥114 million) ⑦Elecom investment ratio 100% (100% after capital increase) ⑧Fiscal year end December 31 55 Caution This presentation was prepared to obtain the understanding of Elecom. This is not a solicitation to make an investment in the Company. This presentation has been carefully prepared but the Company makes no guarantees that these statements are accurate. The Company is not responsible for any damage or loss caused in connection with use of information in this presentation. Forecasts and other forward-looking statements in this presentation is based on judgments made in accordance with information available at the time this material was prepared. Forecasts therefore embody risks and uncertainties. For this reason, please note that actual results may differ from the forecasts due to change in operating environment and other factors. Contact Financial Planning Office, Elecom Co., Ltd. Investor Relations TEL:+81-6-6229-2707 E‐mail:ir@elecom.co.jp 56
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