Document 338186

“We the family of God at Foothills Church of
Christ, Commit ourselves to the open pursuit of
the truth of the gospel; To present that truth to
others in love;
To support and build up one another in all matters
of Christian citizenship;
That we might expand and strengthen the
Kingdom of God”
PO Box 9026, Reno, NV, 89507 (775)322-1695
Sermon by Gary Cage:
I Thess 4:1-8, I Cor 6:12-19
I Pet 4:1-5
You can listen to streaming audio of
the sermons by going to our Website:
• Maisy Mae Amanda Werner was born Tuesday the 7th, at 12:56
pm, weighing 8 lbs 12 oz and 21 inches long.
• Outdoor Club from Bruce Farrenkopf: Our church here at
Foothills has a strong interest in the outdoors. I am hoping to
organize some outdoor activities for our church members. The idea
would be to gather some interested people for small local outings on
a monthly basis. Right now I have in mind day hikes, snowshoeing
and rock climbing. The difficulty level would be easy to moderate
and age groups 12 and above are very welcome (younger would be
OK if accompanied by an adult). Developing the Outdoor Club will
be an evolving process. Let me know either in person or by email if
you would like to participate or if would like to recommend a favorite hike or activity. I will post future activities in the church bulletin
at least a week in advance.
• Carolyn Junta needs some help with work around her housesanding and sealing her deck, some just heavy work with garden,
and a sliding door that needs some attention. If anyone can help she
would appreciate it. She does not expect work for free—is willing to
pay. Also, she has a large, working but old swamp cooler to sell if
anyone needs one—will take any offer, and if not, she will donate it
to Habitat for Humanity. Call her or talk to her at church. Cell is
• A karaoke machine has been donated to the church. If you would
like to borrow it, please see Dave.
• Jeannene Lovern is a member of the Reno Gleaning Project
which picks fruit. They keep some and give some away to charities.
She can schedule places to pick near the church. The times to pick
and days are flexible. They usually pick for an hour each visit. If you
are interested in helping her call her at 331-2862.
• Ashton Pultz is collecting aluminum cans for a Washington D.C.
trip with his school. Donations gladly accepted.
• Sign Language Class for all ages Tuesdays at 137 Burns St. Reno
3:30-4:00pm taught by Ivye 846-4456
• Attention Yard Work Volunteers: Send all questions regarding
yard work to Mike Pile at:
Cheri Hadsell is having thyroid issues. She will schedule an
appointment with an endocrinologist to figure out what to do
about it.
Elijah Shelton has knee surgery on the 29th.
Jay Thom to have back surgery.
Francie Bow has non-cancerous lesions inside her leg bones.
Carol Means (Evans) is in Phoenix at Mayo Clinic Transplant
Center, currently undergoing tests to see what treatment should
be. She wants everyone to know that she misses us and sends
her love. See Cindy Miecznikowski for more info.
Jim Moore has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Madison Swain serving as part of a mission team in the Czech
Republic. She will be there for 2 years.
Lila Barber preparing for another stem cell treatment. Stem cells
will be provided by her sister if all goes as planned
Mike Musser is showing improvement with his knee replacement
• Prayers for those with ongoing health issues: Ross Carr is
considered quadriplegic at this point. He is in the hospital with
pressure sores. His sister is his caregiver. Ron and Joan Owen,
Dan Smith and AJ Blomquist.
• Prayers for our mothers-to-be: Brooke Cage and Krystl Vierra
• Prayers for our loved ones in the military: Jason Dye, Mike
Estrada, Nicholas Hurst, Eric Tutor and Ben Steele.
• Prayers for those who are away at school: Vance and Rachel
Bow, Russel Chase, Alex Tower
Prayers for our extended family: Kelly Bow’s friend Brianne, is
pregnant and having issues with rejection of the fetus. Ivye’s
niece, Cindy Lance is experiencing triple vision, could be Bell’s
palsy. Bill Lance has heart problems. Yolanda Sulferino’s
daughter in law’s brother has been fighting the super bug. He
is now at home and responding to his meds. Charlotte
Heatherly’s niece, Michelle, as she deals with the loss of her
husband and that she would seriously consider her own eternal
future; also her sister Judy to know how to help her. The
Inscore’s friend Kelly Avery has 3 ovarian cysts. Procedure to be
determined. Kamiko Carpenter: Joe's mom has a hard time
sleeping at night because of a pressure sore. Pray for pain relief
and better sleep. The Carpenters miss us all. Sandy Lopez: Linda
Inscore’s sister in law who has stage 4 liver cancer.
• Printer Cartridges: Now you can use our “Classroom” rewards
no. (7756733452) when you shop at Office Depot, Staples or Office
Max. Your shopping earns dollars for our Bible teachers. Your old
ink cartridges earn reward dollars too. Thanks for helping.
• Al Lachner is looking for a house to rent. He would like a small
fenced yard, He has two small dogs under 10 lbs. each.
• For Bulletin submissions contact me, Dave Inscore at or 842-5717 and leave a message. Texting
isn’t helpful as I would have to remember everyone who sent a text
that week. Please have submissions in each Friday.
(Adult Class—The Book of Matthew)
• 7:30 PM Bible Study:
Jesus' Last Days
The Blomquist's
3577 Willowdale Dr., Sparks,
• 7:00 AM Coffee Girlz
at My Favorite Muffin, 340 California
Ave., Reno. Come anytime between
7:00 and 8:30 and start your day with a
• 6:30 PM Devo at Matt and
Kelley Bow’s
• 6:00 PM potluck dinner at the
• 7:00 PM class: Prophets
1st & 3rd
• 9:30 AM Senior Ladies Bible Study,
Psalms and Proverbs at Francie Bow’s
home, 1655 Pedretti Rd. Call Charlotte
Heatherly for details 997-9199.
• 2:30 PM at TMCC
Call Paula for details: 853-9294 or
•Men's & Women's Business Meetings
Men in the meeting room
Women in the Jr. High classroom
collegegroup for meeting
times and places. This group caters to
the college age, singles etc. Call Zach
Hadsell 229-1088
-young-families/607188249291646 for meeting
times and places. This group caters to
couples and families with young
children. Call Matt or Kelly Bow
• 8:00 AM Saturday (varies),
at the building
• TODAY: Men’s and
Women’s Business
Meetings immediately
following assembly. ALL
members are encouraged
to attend to help us make
decisions about our body.
12:30-3:00 Teacher training
18th: Brothers'
Breakfast from 8:00-9:30AM. Zach
Hadsell and Caleb Cage preparing
Ladies Night Out
at 5:00pm Shannon
Bow's House/Clay Canvas. Potluck dinner
at 5:00pm at Shannon's, Clay Canvas 80s
Night at 7:00 pm. RSVP to Shannon for
Clay Canvas by Wed. Oct. 15.
• OCTOBER 25th: Harvest
Festival 6:00pm here at the
building. Everything is free,
just bring a bag of candy for
the kids. There will be a ping pong
tournament and everyone is encouraged to
dress up (adults too!) Barry and Kristina
Bow are the contacts for this.
• OCTOBER 26th: 12:30 - 2:00 there will
be a party for kids who have turned in all
of their home work for the education
program. There will be food and games
Please pickup your children at 2:00
Reno Pops Concert,
Scoundrels, Villains
and Knaves. Come
out and support Ivye
Johnson and Larry Neel and enjoy a FREE
concert. Go to for more
• DECEMBER 6th: Ladies Tea and
Ornament Exchange followed by Ladies
Seminar 8:30 am, at Paula Farrenkopf’s
house, 2169 S. Tesuque Road, Reno. Paula
and Cheri Blomquist are contacts for this
Study Gary’s apologetics course
at your leisure online:
Click on the Christian Evidences
Class tab. Then click on the
Syllabus page and click on Item 1
Intro and wait for the narration to
start (it might take a moment). You
might be required to download
QuickTime7 in order to access
the narration.
October 13th:
Hunter & Britney Mattice
October 15th:
Bruce & Paula Farrenkopf
October 12th: Penny Schadegg
14th: Dawn Prunty
15th: Bob Baker & Max Thom
17th: C J Crossthwaite
18th: Ruby Musser
Budgeted: $2,803
Last week: $1,711
Please be sure to spend some
time with those who can’t easily
get out:
Dan Smith 1533 Gault Way
Sparks 89431 356-7086
Dawn Prunty 1610 Prater Way
#A, Sparks 89431 359-3363