The St. Paul’s Epistle The Weekly News Forum for St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church October 11 and 12, 2014 Our Mission Statement: To witness to our faith in Jesus Christ through worship, education, building relationships and caring for others. THIS WEEK AT ST. PAUL’S THOSE WHO SERVE: October 13—19, 2014 Tuesday, Oct. 14 Epistle Articles Due/Noon Today 7P Choir Wednesday, Oct. 15 Items for The Disiple’s Connection (newsletter) and Items for Nov. Calendar Saturday, Oct. 18 6P Worship—No Communion Sunday, Oct. 19 8:15A Worship—No Communion 9:30—10:30A Education Hour 10:45A Worship—No Communion Please Note: No Confirmation Class October is Pastor Appreciation Month…Take time this month to Let Pastor know that he is appreciated…by Card, note, or just spoken well wishes. Most important, include him in your prayers for for his spiritual, physical and emotional well-being and for the well-being of his family. October 18 and 19, 2014 ELDERS: Saturday Sunday Sunday 6:00PM 8:15AM 10:45AM John Doeing, Jr. Aaron Lindrose Eric West COUNTERS: Jenn Drake, Frank Vosicky LECTORS: Saturday 6:00PM Sunday 8:15AM Sunday 10:45AM Dave Murphy Jack Lelle Terry Wakelee GREETERS: Saturday 6:00PM Carl/JoEllen Graziadei Sunday 8:15AM Jeff Troutman Sunday 10:45AM Marian Sweetapple ACOLYTES: Sunday 8:15AM Sunday 10:45AM Steven Kallay Jacob Shutic SUNDAY SCHOOL STAFF: Preschool - 2nd Gr.: Laura Sears, 3rd—5th Gr.: Billie Lelle, 6th & 7th Gr.: Laura Pohto, 8th— 12th Gr.: Eric West, Music: Marlyss Sekki, Substitute: Rich Szoradi, Sunday School Superintendent: Michelle Szoradi, Adult Classes: Pastor Sundbom and Jack Lelle COMMUNION WAFERS St. Paul's now has gluten free Communion wafers available for those with such health needs. Please notify Pastor or an Elder if you need them distributed to you during Communion. Noisy Mite Update! Praise God for the noisy mites collection on the weekend of October 4-5. In thanksgiving to God for His sacrifice and fragrant offering - we collected $509.16 which will be used for the mission work of the LWML. Here is a breakdown of what was collected: $325.00 in checks and bills $90.25 (361 quarters) $45.90 (459 dimes) $24.20 (484 nickels) $20.81 (2,081 pennies) $3.00 (3 dollar coins) In addition there was $1.10 in Canadian coins, 1 "no cash value" token, 1 small blue button and 1 St. Benedict medal. Thank you to our collectors: Andy, Wren, Marti, Diane, Jenn and Laura. The Youth Group Hayride & Roller Skating... were great fun with 7 members joining us on Saturday evening and 7 (with a guest) on Sunday afternoon. Thank you to the generosity of Thrivent Financial and our church family for making these events possible! Our next meetings... are at 6PM on October 12th ('think pink' for breast cancer awareness) followed by our annual Halloween costume party on the 26th. Now is the time to put thought into a non-macabre costumes! Remember to bring a food bank item! Suggestions for October for “Just One Thing” …our Stewardship Program designed to be “Just One Thing” you can do to use your Time, Talent and Treasures! are up on the double doors at the back of the church. Order your 2014 Boar's Head Christmas Festival Tickets. Dates are: Thursday, Dec. 11 - 6:30; Friday, Dec. 12 - 7:30 Saturday, Dec. 13 - 4:30. On line ordering is easy! Go to and follow the prompts or for more info., call Zion at 440.357.5174 YOUR CHURCH COUNCIL AT WORK/OCTOBER, 2014 “Your Church Council At Work” means a continuing commitment by its members and those in the congregation to a life of growing discipleship…Preschool reported that the NLSA accreditation has been renewed for the next five years…Outreach has scheduled a “Meet and Greet” session for the preschool-the purpose of which will be to make parents aware of the ministry of our congregation. Also, the mission board has been updated-please pray for Pastor May and his family. Buildings and Grounds reported that our sign has been refurbished and the new landscaping near the preschool entrance is nearly complete. Additional business included: Funding for the Christian Counseling service (housed at Zion Lutheran Church and available to all our members) has been given financial assistance by one of our members; the “Manual for Church Council, Officers and Boards” has been approved and will be published very soon (copies will be available for viewing in the church office by November 1); the process of developing our Mission, Vision, Values Statement continues with the Mission Statement in place, a Values statement has been developed and is being reviewed and the council will now begin the process of developing our vision (goals for our congregation in the coming years) -this will be explained in more detail at our Voter’s Assembly meeting in November (16.) MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! NOVEMBER 16, 2014 VOTERS ASSEMBLY St. Paul’s Annual TURKEY BOWL… I wish to say Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers for Sam after his football injury. A blessing they were to both Sam and the family. Sam is well on his way to healing completely and is doing well. Donna Salminen Mark Your Calendars! is planned for Sunday, November 23 , 3:00—5:00 p.m. at Rich Lanes, Fairport Harbor. rd COST: $5.00 / person…which includes: 2 games of bowling, shoe rental, food and a GREAT TIME!! Sign-up on the poster on the bulletin board next to the church kitchen. Fees can be placed in Dale Kerver’s church mailbox or can be paid at the event. Help Needed For Craft Boutique Set up for the CRAFT BOUTIQUE will be friday night (Nov.14)6p-8p, and tear down will be Sat. at 3p. Help is needed to set up and to tear down. Donations of baked goods and also people to man the bake sale are also needed. Sign up sheets for the above will be posted by Sunday (Oct. 12th) Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice Craft Boutique Saturday, November 15, 9am to 3pm Bake Sale • Concessions Free Admission Questions? Please call Kelly Debelak @440-223-9919 OSLS DINNER GALA AND AUCTION Break out your calendar and mark Friday evening, November 7th as our Annual Gala at Quail Hollow Resort, where we will have an enjoyable evening of fundraising for our school. The event will be filled with dinner, door prizes, and both a silent and live auction including gift baskets, gift certificates, vacations packages and much more. You can help us have a sell-out event by attending the gala. Babysitting will be provided at Zion, so a fun adult evening at Quail Hollow at a ticket cost of $50, is a fabulous way to spend your time and help your child's school. Any donations of Themed Gift Baskets and Restaurant or Store gift cards would be greatly appreciated. For questions, more info. or ideas, please email the Gala Committee at Church Office Subs Are Needed….to fill in for Kathy when it is necessary for her to be off because of illness or personal matters. Duties will consist of answering the phone, greeting people and sometimes misc. things that need to be done around the church office. No computer work. Pay is determined by hours subbed. For more info. Please contact Kathy Doeing, 354-3000 Important message from the church office: The whole month of Oct., I will be transitioning into a new monthly newsletter. "The Disciple's Connection" will pair with selected announcements which will appear in the service Bulletin weekly, and items that Pastor will announce before the services. The above will replace the weekly Epistle. The Disciple's Connection will be emailed to everyone on the new congregation mailing list. Paper copies will be available to those who ask for them each month. Articles for The Disciple's Connection (and also items to be included on the congregation calendar, which will now be included in the Disciple's Connection) need to be emailed to the church office ( by the 15th of each month, to appear in the issue of the Disciple's Connection the next month. Some of the articles I would like to include in issues of the Disciple's Connection are: A message from Pastor, Church Events, such as The Craft Boutique, The OSLS Gala etc..., LWML happenings, Bible Studies, Youth Group, Sunday School, Preschool, Council, including Council President's Page, Elders & other Boards & Committee news, such as Education, Stewardship, Outreach, special thank yous, special funraisers...... Again, all articles need to be emailed to the church office by Oct. 15th to appear in the Nov. Disciple's Connection. Remember also to include anything that you would like to appear on the Nov. Calendar. If you have questions, please email me or call the church office @ 440.354.3000. Blessings, Kathy Doeing Not to worry, The Epistle will be as usual for the next 2 weekends....The Disciple's Connection will replace the Epistle the weekend of 10-25/26. After that there will be a short announcement inserted into the Bulletin when needed or if room permits, the announcements will appear at the end of the Bulletin. The Epistle is now on our web-site. The Disciple's Connection will also be posted on the web-site, when it replaces The Epistle. I hope this had helped to clarify things for you. Blessings, Kathy
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