Document 338316

Conference Secretariat
Conference Management
PR & Communication:
Τel.: 210 6897552-3 Fax: 210 6897555
Mob.: 6932 342935, 6945 597848
Papadopoulos Panagiotis
Galanakis Ioannis
Κaravasilis Vasilios
Kiriazanos Ioannis
Papadopoulos Panagiotis
Tsoukalas Nikolaos
Verigos Kosmas
Karavasilis Vasilios
Kosmidis Paris
Papadopoulos Panagiotis
Tsoukalas Nikolaos
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the scientific forum
“Cancer treatments: State of art & cost effectiveness”, which will be
held on October 11th 2014, at the Athens Royal Olympic Hotel, under
the organization of the Greek Oncology Institute for Patient Support.
With the invaluable assistance of prominent scientists who will
participate in the forum as Chairmen and Speakers, we will all have the
opportunity to exchange opinions and share knowledge and experience
about a subject affecting both our everyday clinical practice, but also
the modern economic reality of our country.
We believe that your participation will be very helpful and will lead to
the success of the symposium.
Panagiotis Papadopoulos
Medical Oncologist
Head of Oncology Unit
Athens Naval Hospital
Scientific Programme
10:00 – 10:45 Registrations
10:45 – 11:00 Official Welcome
11:00 – 11:30 OPENING LECTURE
Chair: Paris Kosmidis
The medical breakthrough nobody’s talking about
Horizon 2020 - EU Funding opportunity
Speaker: Takis Kotis
11:30 – 12:30 ROUND TABLE: Treatment of metastatic gastrointestinal cancer
Chairs: Charalampos Christofillakis, George Samelis
11:30 – 11:50 NCCN/ESMO guidelines of pancreatic cancer
Speaker: Michalis Karamouzis
11:50 – 12:10 NCCN/ESMO guidelines of metastatic colorectal cancer
Speaker: Alexios Strimpakos
12:10 – 12:30 Cost effective treatment algorithms
Speaker: David Watkins
12:30 – 13:00 Coffee Break
13:00 – 13:40 ROUND TABLE: 1st and 2nd line treatment of metastatic NSCLC
Chairs: Epaminondas Samantas, Ilias Athanasiadis
13:00 – 13:20 NCCN/ESMO guidelines
Speaker: Ourania Katopodis
13:20 – 13:40 Cost effective treatment algorithms
Speaker: Jaishree Bhosle
13:40 – 14:20 ROUND TABLE: Treatment options of ovarian cancer
Chairs: Dimosthenis Skarlos, Gerasimos Aravantinos
13:40 – 14:00 NCCN/ESMO guidelines
Speaker: Flora Stavridi
Scientific Programme
14:00 – 14:20 Cost effective treatment algorithms
Speaker: Rebecca Kristeleit
Aravantinos Gerasimos
14:20 – 14:50 Melanoma session
Chair: Panagiotis Papadopoulos
Speaker: James Larkin
14:50 – 15:20 Lunch Break
MD, PhD, Medical Oncologist, Head of 1st Department of Medical Oncology, “St. Savvas” Anticancer Hospital, Athens, Greece
15:20 – 16:00 ROUND TABLE: Treatment of metastatic renal and prostate cancer
Chairs: Vasilios Karavasilis, Charisios Karanikiotis
MD, PhD, Consultant in Medical Oncology, Head of 2nd Department of Medical Oncology, “Agioi Anargiroi” Cancer Hospital, Κifisia, Athens, Greece
Ardavanis Alexandros
Athanasiadis Ilias
MD, Medical Oncologist, Director of 2nd Oncology Section, “Mitera” Hospital, “Hugeia Polis”, Athens, Greece, Ass. Professor of Oncology,
Northewestern University, Chicago, U.S.A.
Bhosle Jaishree
Dr., BSc, MB ChB, PhD, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, U.K.
Christodoulou Christos
15:20 – 15:40 NCCN/ESMO guidelines
Speaker: Nikolaos Tsoukalas
MD, Medical Oncologist, Director of 2nd Oncology Department, “Metropolitan” Hospital, Athens, Greece
15:40 – 16:00 Cost effective treatment algorithms
Speaker: Simon Hughes
Diamantaki Ioanna
16:00 – 16:40 ROUND TABLE: Metastatic BC
Chairs: Alexandros Ardavanis, Christos Christodoulou
16:00 – 16:20 NCCN/ESMO guidelines
Speaker: Eleni Res
16:20 – 16:40 Cost effective treatment algorithms
Speaker: Hartmut Kristeleit
Christofillakis Charalampos
Medical Oncologist, Head of Department of Medical Oncology, 401 Army Hospital, Athens, Greece
RN MSc, Director of Nursing, Athens Naval Hospital, Navy Nursing Corps Chief Executive, Athens, Greece
Hughes Simon
Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Trust, Honorary Senior Lecturer, King’s College, London, U.K.
Karamitrou Amalia
Lt J Grade, MSc, RN, Athens Naval Hospital, Greece
Karamouzis Michalis
MD, PhD, Medical Oncologist, Assistant Professor, Medical School, University of Athens, Greece
Karanikiotis Charisios
MD, PhD, Medical Oncologist, Head, Department of Medical Oncology, 424 Army General Hospital, Athens, Greece
16:40 – 17:20 ROUND TABLE: The evolving role of cancer nurse specialist
Chairs: Ioanna Diamantaki, Amalia Karamitrou
Karavasilis Vasilios
16:40 – 17:00 Oncology nursing in Greece
Speaker: Dimitrios Papageorgiou
MD, PhD, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Department of Medical Oncology, Athens Euroclinic, Greece
Assistant Professor of Oncology, Head of Medical Oncology Department, “Papageorgiou” General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Greece
Katopodis Ourania
Kosmidis Paris
17:00 – 17:20 Oncology nursing in U.K.
Speaker: Karon Payne
Medical Oncologist, Head of 2nd Medical Oncology Department, “Hygeia Hospital”, Athens, Greece
17:20 – 17:40 Conclusions – Results
Kristeleit Hartmut
Conference Ending
Kotis Takis
Senior Management Consultant, Strategy & Planning, Cambridge University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust, U.K.
MRCP, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, U.K.
Kristeleit Rebecca
Clinical Senior Lecturer & Consultant Medical Oncologist, University College London & University College London Hospital, London,
Larkin James
FRCP, PhD, Consultant Medical Oncologist, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, U.K.
Papadopoulos Panagiotis
Medical Oncologist, Head of Oncology Unit, Athens Naval Hospital, Greece
Papageorgiou Dimitrios
General information
Conference Venue
Royal Olympic
28th Athanasiou Diakou str.
Athens, 11743
Telephone: 210 9288400
Conference Date
October 11th, 2014
RN, MSc, PhD, President of H.O.N.S.ESNE, Head Nurse, Oncology Department Euroclinic Athens, Greece
Clinical Nurse, Specialist in Lung Cancer, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, U.K
Payne Karon
Res Eleni
Medical Oncologist, Athens, Greece
Samantas Epaminondas
Greek Oncology Institute for Patient Support
The official conference language is English.
Presentations by P/C
MD, Medical Oncologist Head, 3rd Oncology Department, “Agioi Anargyroi”, Cancer Hospital, Athens, Greece
The conference room will be equipped with video projector for presentations via P / C. The presentation material must be
delivered at least one hour before the conference to the Presentation’s Secretariat.
Director, Oncology Unit, “Hippocration” General Hospital of Athens, President of the Hellenic & International Society of the Molecular
Targeted Personalised Treatments, Greece
Registrations: FREE
For online registrations please fill in the registration form you will find in the sites: or/and
Ass. Professor, Medical School of Athens University, Coordinator of B’ Oncology Department, “Metropolitan” Hospital, Athens, Greece
Registrations will take place during the designated times inside the conference program.
MD, MSc, MRCP, Medical Oncology Consultant, “Hygeia” Hospital, Athens, Greece
After the end of the conference a certificate of attendance with C.M.E. credits will be given.
Samelis George
Skarlos Dimosthenis
Stavridi Flora
Strimpakos Alexios
MD, MRCP, Medical Oncologist, Senior Research Fellow of Medical School of Athens Oncology Unit, 2nd Department of Internal
Medicine, “Attikon” University Hospital, Athens, Greece
Tsoukalas Nikolaos
MD, MSc, PhD, Medical Oncologist, MSc in Bioinformatics, Clinical Research Fellow in Oncology, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Cancer Centre
NHS, London, U.K.
Watkins David Consultant Medical Oncologist, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, U.K.
Certificates of attendance will be given only to those who have attended at least 60% of the total program hours.
Conference Secretariat
Conference Management
PR & Communication
Tel.: 210 6897552 - 3
Fax: 210 6897555
Mob.: 6932 342935, 6945 597848, Ε-mail:, Site:
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