28th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 To Everything There Is A Season and A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven A Time to be Born: Matthew James Panaia God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a Stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. A Time to Welcome: Marilyn Panaia A Time to be Wed: A Time to Heal: Msgr. Edward Alleyne, Baby Grace Bailey, INCOME: Religious Education: Misc: Pro-Life: Shredding Event: EXPENSES: $11,997.00 2.00 1,222.00 633.00 134.00 $ 15,284.00 Specific details of income and expenses are available upon request. Please call Anne at rectory office (429-1330). Thank you! Religious Education RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BEGINS as children enter the First Grade and continues through Confirmation. The policy of the Diocese is that a child must be in continuous Religious Education to be considered a candidate for Confirmation. Diocesan Policy states that children receive their Sacraments in the Parish in which their family is registered. CATHOLIC SCHOOL PARENTS – If you are a registered parishioner at Holy Eucharist Parish and your child attends an area Catholic School, please notify the Religious Education Office either by phone 856-428-9207 or email religioused@holyeucharistcherryhill.org. LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH CHILDREN is a celebration of the readings in a setting and in a language more appropriate to their understanding. Through the generosity of some of our parishioners, this is offered at both the 9:45 and 11:15 am Masses during the fall, winter and spring months. All are welcome – children, Jr./Sr. High helpers, and parents! No registration is required. If you would like more information on Liturgy of the Word with Children, please contact the Religious Education Office at 856-428-9207 or by email at religioused@holyeucharistcherryhill.org Susan Bibbo, Msgr. William Brennan, Robert Cherfane, Marie Chiulli, Jeanne Cocco, Isabella Colon, Larry DiMaio, Ron Donato, Sr., Diane Eldridge, Richard Flowers, Kevin Gallagher, Sam Hess, Lauren Hyde, Janice Judge, Mary Keashen, Billy Kelly, Alma Keys, Jane Kijewski, Edward King, Jim Kocsis, Charles Lafferty, Loriann Laquitara, Colin Lawler, Joan Martin, Christine McClay, Terri McGann, Baby Liam McGuire, Msgr. Tom McIntyre, Patrick Monahan, Tom O’Brien, Helena Okrasinski, Anna (Connie) Osisek, Devon Paradise, Mary Powers, Chris Proino, Tori Riegert, Tom Robitaille, Max Schaffer, Louise Schmidt, Rhonda Schwartz, Eddie Spillane, Diane and Alfred Stippick, MaryEllen Taggart, Joyce Tempski, Anne Timlin, Patricia Toledo, Baby Anthony Venuto, Kerry Ann Walsh, Grace Ward, Mollie Ward, Karen Joy Wright, Agnes Zimbecki A Time to Die: As a faith community it is very important that we pray for each other, especially the sick. If someone in your family is sick, please let us know by calling the rectory office and we will list them in the bulletin and remember to pray for them. At the beginning of each month we will start a new list October Calendar of Events 13th Parish Offices are Closed 10:00 am 4:30 pm 7:00 pm 14th 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 15th 10:00 am 6:30 pm 17th 6:00 pm Chinese Auction 18th 1:00 pm 50+ Ministry October Calendar of Events 12th 9:45 am Family Liturgy Mass 27th 7:00 pm 7th gr. Parent Confirmation meeting Altar & Rosary Children’s Choir practice Novena & Benediction Boy Scouts 19th Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet Adult Choir practice RCIA Quilters Bible Study Feed the Hungry Sunday Parish Announcements WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE AT THE ALTAR? If you are a boy or girl in the third grade or above, we would welcome you to serve at Mass! It really is easy and we will be happy to show you how! Also, we would love to have more adult men and women serve. I am especially interested in family members that might want to serve together! Training sessions will begin as soon as we have an idea of how many are interested. A sign-up sheet is in the vestibule. Any questions please call Fr. George at the rectory. We look forward to seeing you! DID YOU KNOW? God is writing an original script with each of our lives. He’s not writing a remake or adaptation of someone else’s life, but something never before written. Through each of us God wants to open up countless possibilities of saying “yes” for all who come after us. Never underestimate the power and fruitfulness of your “yes” to God! Katrina Zeno CHERRY HILL FOOD & OUTREACH COUNCIL. Next week is Feed the Hungry Sunday. “He who opposes the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” Proverbs 14:31 ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY. PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE FOR MEETING! The regular meeting of the Altar & Rosary Society will be on Monday, October 13 at 10:00 am. Rosary will be in Church followed by a business meeting and light refreshments in rooms 108/09. If you haven’t brought in your lottery tickets, please bring them to the meeting. THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL WORLD MISSION SUNDAY MASS celebrated at Holy Eucharist Parish on October 19 at 11:15 am. This Mass will recognize the commitment of members of the religious community that is distinctly missionary. Fr. George will be the main celebrant and homilist. We invite you to join our guests for light refreshments in the parish hall. Please call the rectory at 4291330 by October 17 if you plan to attend. BOY SCOUT TROOP 166 SPONSORED BY OUR PARISH IS HAVING A PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND BAKE SALE on Sunday morning, November 2 after all Masses. The cost is $5/person or $20/family of 4 or more. Please come and join us for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausages and juice, coffee and tea. If you can’t make breakfast, check out the great assortment of baked goods available. As always, the troop thanks you for your support. WEDNESDAY QUILTERS are a group of church women who meet weekly to make quilts for children in foster care and group homes. Over 600 quilts have been made and donated by the group. The Quilters would appreciate donations of cotton fabric and sewing supplies. We would gladly accept monetary donations too! New members are welcome! Please call Ann Hearn at 429-1330 50+MINISTRY will meet the 4th Wednesday of each month in the Parish Annex from 11 am to 2 pm. Come out to socialize, play games, or cards. Bring your lunch and enjoy good company! COME ONE, COME ALL! Low-Impact Line Dancing is being offered at Holy Eucharist Parish. All adults and young adults are invited to attend the one hour sessions. A donation of $2, $3 or $4 is all that is being asked. Proceeds will benefit Holy Eucharist Parish. The dance instructor is donating time and dance instructions. Please check the appropriate box for the day and time you would like to attend, cut out the form below and drop it in the collection basket. Line dancing will begin as soon as we get your quick response and ascertain a sizable group. Welcome and thank you! ----------------------------------------------------------------------Low-Impact Line Dancing Registration Friday 4:00 – 5:00 pm Saturday 2:00 – 3:00 pm Sunday 2:00 – 3:00 pm Number of persons attending _______ Name __________________________________________ Phone # ___________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINESE AUCTION COMING – The Altar & Rosary Society’s 21st annual Chinese Auction will be held this Friday, October 17 in the Parish Center. Tickets are $5/each and will be sold after all masses this weekend and are also available at the Parish Office through Friday, Oct. 17. Last weekend’s ticket sales went very well, so again we remind you to buy your tickets in advance as only 250 are available and last year was almost a sell-out! Hope to see you for an evening of fun, friendship, and a chance to win over 100 great prizes! SHARE THE WORD. Please join us for a morning of interesting discussion. We are a small informal group that meets Monday morning at 10 am in rooms 102/04. Our purpose is to discuss the readings for the upcoming Sunday liturgy to better understand the intended message and to discuss and interpret what it might mean to us. We also pray for the sick in the parish listed in the bulletin by name. No one has to verbally participate. Just by coming and listening, you will find it beneficial and interesting! Please call Gloria Gosnear at 428-4762 for more information. Pro-Life Corner LOOK FOR OUR MINISTRY INFORMATION ON OUR WEBSITE: www.holyeucharistprolife.org. Contact Info: OPEN HOUSE: Gloucester Catholic, Gloucester, NJ – Thursday, October 23 from 7 to 9 pm. Interested 6th, 7th, 8th gr. students and families are invited to attend the evening showcasing academic, athletic and extra-curricular offerings for both the junior and senior high. Faculty, staff and students will discuss scholarships, financial aid, transportation and related concerns. Visit www.gchsrams.org or contact Tom Flynn at 856456-4400 ext. 228 or tflynn@gchsrams.org St. Joseph’s Preparatory School, Phila., PA – Sunday, November 2 from 10 am to 2 pm. Before the Open House, you are invited to join the Prep Community for Mass at 8:45 am. Interested 8th gr. boys should sit for the Scholarship/Entrance Exam on Sat., Nov. 15 or Sunday, Nov. 16 at 8:30 am. Students must be applicants. Academic scholarships and financial aid grants will be awarded to eligible students. Registration for the Pre-7th & 8th gr. Summer Enrichment Program will be available at the Open House. This program is open to boys and girls entering the 7th or 8th grade. For additional information, please call 215-978-1954. St. Augustine Preparatory School, Richland, NJ – for 7th and 8th gr. boys, Friday, November 7. Registration will begin at 8 am. Entrance/Scholarship Exam at 8:30 am. Please visit admissions@hermits.com or call 856-697-2600 ext. 112 for more information. email holyeucharistprolifeministry@gmail.com or call 856616-1427. COME HAVE SOME FUN & SUPPORT OPTIONS FOR WOMEN! Get your tickets now for the Diamond Dinner Show being held at The Marian House, 507 S. Kings Hwy., Cherry Hill on October 25, 6:00 pm. Evening will feature Neil Diamond Tribute Artist, Tom Sadge. Purchase tickets online at www.diamonddinnershow.weebly.com No ticket sales at the door. Tickets must be purchased in advance THANK YOU FOR HELPING GUADALUPE FAMILY SERVICES. A special thank you to all who donated diapers to Guadalupe Family Services. You’ve helped families in need and made children happier and safer too. This is our third year holding this diaper drive and each year proves more successful. It was a wonderful way to honor Respect Life Week at our Parish. The drive has ended, however if you still want to donate diapers, it’s not too late. Please email our ministry and arrangements can be made. Thank you! Area Announcements ANNULMENT AND MARRIAGE ISSUES WORKSHOP. Are you or a loved one considering a Church annulment? Do you have a prior marriage that needs to be annulled? If you were married outside of the Catholic church, would you want your marriage to become a sacrament? If the answer is YES to any of these questions, please consider attending a workshop that will focus on these and other important marriage issues on Monday, Oct. 27 from 7 to 9 pm at The Catholic Community of Christ our Light/Resurrection School Auditorium. The workshop will be presented by the staff of the Camden Tribunal and there will be a period for questions at the end of the workshop. 16TH ANNUAL WHITE MASS FOR HEALTHCARE WORKERS AND ST. LUKE’S AWARDS. On Sunday, October 19 we will be celebrating the White Mass for Healthcare workers and their families in the Chapel of OL of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden at 1:00 pm. The St. Luke Awards for outstanding service in Catholic health care within the Diocese of Camden are presented during the Mass. This year’s honorees are Joseph W. Devine, President, Kennedy Health Systems, Saints Peter & Paul Parish, Turnersville, Rev. James J. Durkin, St.Mary’s Catholic Home, David Haggerty, LCSW, St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Haddon Twp. Reception will follow Mass.Keynote speaker will be Rev. Terry M. Odien and the topic will be Spiritual Issues in End of Life Care. If you would like to attend the Mass. Please call Katherine Boyer at 856-342-4150 or email: Katherine.boyer@camdendiocese.org to RSVP. REPORT SEXUAL ABUSE An independent, toll-free number has been established by the Diocese of Camden to help callers report cases of sexual abuse by priests, deacons, religious, employees and/or volunteers. Calls are handled by a licensed clinical social worker. In accord with state law, cases of child sexual abuse are reported to the NJ Division of Child Protection and Permanency and law enforcement. For information or to inquire about counseling and support services, call: 1-800-964-6588 Ministry Schedule SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 9:00 People of the Parish 5:00 Marge Enos by husband, Sal and Joe & Rita Powell by Joe and Lorraine Powell SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 8:15 Fred, Jr & Richard Mari by Dolores &Thomas Colace and Harry Reynolds by his daughter 9:45 Don Schrieber by the Schrieber family and Matthew Dumser by the Mullarkey family 11:15 Procopio Eleazar by Amy Garcia and Philip Navak by Diane Simon MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 7:00 Rennan Sarmiento by the Exconde family 9:00 Special Intentions of Tom & Chris O’Brien by Chuck and Elaine O’Brien TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, October 18 5:00 pm Jeanette Clapp, Lorraine Powell, Pat Scanni, Tom Wieliczko Sunday, October 19 8:15 am Joanne Correia, Richard Eldridge, Gloria Gosnear, Kathy Navins 9:45 am Minnie Cordo, Roseanne Garrity, Jo McBride, Charles Stippick 11:15 am 7:00 People of the Parish 9:00 Thomas Fleischer by the Oberstaedt family and Rita Carabasi by cousin Rita Johnson Glenn Courtney, Deborah Michel, Edwin Santos, Sandy Scheiner Lectors WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:00 People of the Parish 9:00 Geraldine Muller by the Comperatore family Saturday, October 18 5:00 pm THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 Evelyn Cuttino, Kathleen Mike-Mayer 7:00 People of the Praish 9:00 Special Intentions of Buenafe Salindong Azucena by Jasmin Patulot Sunday, October 19 8:15 am Alfred Cordasco, Cathleen Patti FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 9:45 am 7:00 People of the Parish 9:00 Don Schrieber by Colleen and family 11:15 am Linda and Napoleon Juliano Patrick Barrea, Sr, Jean Rances SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 9:00 People of the Parish 5:00 Frank Narciso by his family and Madeline Scanni by Joe and Lorraine Powell SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Altar Server Saturday, October 18 5:00 pm Ryan Cherfane, Julian Cuttino, Joe Powell 8:15 AJ Valle by his family and Josephine Cannataro by Francine & Tony Cardillo & Cecilia Matozzo 9:45 Constance Bach by the Hicks family and Eugenia Pineda by Nap & Linda Juliano 11:15 Mrs Rita Carabasi by the Harder family and Frank Alvin Spruill by Pat & Paul Kalata Sunday, October 19 8:15 am Alex Watts, Matthew Watts 9:45 am Peter Longo, Jr., Vincent Tucci 11:15 am Carmen Argentina, Alyssa Santos, Emily Santos ALTAR FLOWERS FOR THE MONTH Special Intentions of the Donor OF MARY’S LAMP BURNS OCTOBER 12 THE SPECIAL INTENTIONS OF Mary TO Music Ministry OCTOBER for the OCTOBER 18 FOR SANCTUARY LAMP BURNS OCTOBER 12 TO OCTOBER 18 IN LOVING MEMORY OF Frank Narciso requested by his family Saturday, October 18 5:00 pm Joanne Solometo, Irene Brennan Sunday, October 19 8:15 am Rita Lipski, Irene Brennan 9:45 am Diana Tavares, Irene Brennan 11:15 am Folk Group With Thanks for Special Intentions Granted, a donation has been made for the Altar Wine and Host for the month of October
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