NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in Plastic Surgery (ST3) POST DETAILS JOB TITLE: NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in Plastic Surgery BRIEF OUTLINE: Duration of the Post 3 years (25% academic, 75% clinical). Lead NHS Hospital/Trust in which training will take place Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Research institutions in which training will take place i) Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Leeds ii) Other allied Institutes within the University of Leeds dependent on the specifics on the research project e.g. Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Biological Sciences. What arrangement of day release or block release will be used for protected research time? Clinical commitments will be tailored such that the appointee receives sufficient exposure to meet their clinical training requirements whilst ensuring a minimum of 25% protected research time. The appointee will have on-call commitments which will vary depending upon the clinical attachment and the shift system. Academic Clinical Fellowship Training Programme: Research Component The research component will be primarily based in the Leeds Institute for Molecular Medicine (LIMM), located on the St. James’s University Hospital Campus. LIMM is dedicated to research into defining the molecules involved in human diseases and in translational research to convert these studies into novel therapies. Research is carried out by both basic and clinical scientists. There are currently thirteen Sections arranged in four Divisions studying the spectrum of human disease and incorporating a Clinical Trials Section providing a strong basis for bench to bedside scientific strategy and 1 facilitating a bedside to bench approach by permitting clinical sample availability and directly facilitating clinical interactions mediated through clinical research workers. A multi-disciplinary approach is taken into researching human disease which facilitates the design and implementation of new therapies for diseases in the fields of cancer, rheumatology and inherited syndromes. Research initiatives include the YCR Centre for Pre-Cancer Genomics, the NIHR Leeds Musculoskeletal Biomedical Research Unit and the LIMM Chemical Cancer Biology Programme in the Section of Experimental Therapeutics. The first 12 months of the 3 year training programme will concentrate on undertaking a comprehensive literature review of the area of interest, completing generic research skills courses, and acquiring basic laboratory skills for subsequent application. The second 12 months will be dedicated to the chosen laboratory research project. The final 12 months will see the completion of the research project with submission of an original manuscript for publication, and application for a Research Training Fellowship to undertake a PhD. The Leeds plastic and hand surgery unit has research and clinical interests that run in parallel. These include nerve injury and repair, microsurgery and transplantation . Academic Clinical Fellowship Training Programme: Clinical Component The ACF will be based at Leeds General Infirmary in the first instance, but during the 3 year programme, will rotate through the other Plastic Surgery units in the region i.e. Bradford, Wakefield and Hull as part of their Higher Surgical Training in Plastic Surgery Over the 3 year training programme the ACF will gain exposure to all areas of Plastic surgery. He/she will be expected to acquire appropriate surgical skills in both the elective and emergency settings and in line with their non-academic contemporaries. There is an active Regional Teaching Programme with monthly registrar teachings which rotate through each of the Plastic Surgery units. The ACF post holder is expected to take an active role in the teaching programme. The ACF would have access to the core plastic surgery courses e.g. ATLS, Microvascualr course, BAPRAS/BSSH instructional courses etc. Academic Lead (University) for the IAT Programme Professor Philip Quirke, University of Leeds Academic Supervisor (University) details Grainne Bourke Consultant Plastic Surgeon LGI Educational Supervisor (Trust) details Ian Smith Consultant Plastic Surgeon LGI Clinical Supervisor(s) (Trust) details A named supervisor from each of the units 2 Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber Programme Training Director details Aidan Fitzgerald TPD Yorkshire Ian Smith Deputy TPD Yorkshire The successful ACF candidate would be expected to apply for a NTN at the first available sitting of the ST- National Selection Committee. Successful candidates: The exit from this post will typically be to an externally-funded research fellowship, leading to award of a PhD and subsequently application either for a Clinical Lecturer post or a Clinician Scientist Fellowship. Unsuccessful candidates: If the postholder does not achieve the expected clinical competencies, this will be handled in the same way as for all other trainees in speciality medicine. If the postholder fails to achieve academic competencies, or is unsuccessful in obtaining research funding, they would be anticipated to return to a clinical training post. This will be discussed in good time with the Programme Directors through the system for appraisal and mentoring of academic trainees. Whilst no guarantee of an appropriate post is possible, every effort will be made to accommodate such individuals within the local training schemes. Further Information For further information about the Academic Clinical Fellowship programme, please refer to the NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) Coordinating Trainees Coordinating Centre website For Informal programme specific enquiries, please contact Professor Philip Quirke, Any other queries to 3 Person Specifications Applicants for this post will have to meet the eligibility criteria listed on: The 2015 ST3 Plastic Surgery Clinical Person Specification AND The supplementary Person Specification for appointment to an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship How to Apply Applications will only be accepted through the Oriel online application system. A link to the system is available on the Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber PGMDE recruitment website: Applications open: Applications close: 10:00 on 13th October 2014 16:00 on 10th November 2014 After the application deadline no applications will be accepted. There will be no exceptions to this deadline. You are advised to complete and submit your application ahead of the deadline to allow for any unforeseen problems. Interviews will be held in Leeds on 4th or 5th December 2014. 4
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