UNITY POST Autumn 2014. Vol. 1 No. 3 Take a tour: pages 4-6 CELEBRATING COMMITMENT 50 YEARS AGO, in 1964, the Roman Catholic Church worldwide made a ground-breaking commitment to work for Christian Unity. As part of the Second Vatican Council, it issued a Decree on Ecumenism, called Unitatis Redintegratio. The Decree signalled a positive change in the climate for Christian unity and has led to much closer relationships between many Churches since. POST-REFORMATION Photo: Philip Hatfield. www.ph-photo.co.uk The main national commemoration of Unitatis Redintegratio will be held in West Yorkshire this month. The entire Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales will attend a service of Ecumenical Vespers in Leeds Cathedral at 5.30pm on Tuesday 11 November. The preacher will be an Anglican Archbishop, the Most Revd. David Moxon, who is the Anglican Communion’s representative in Rome. But what is the ecumenical climate today, and how might all the Churches move even closer together in the next 50 years? That will be the theme of a WYEC-sponsored seminar to take place immediately before Ecumenical Vespers, at 2.30pm in Wheeler Hall, Leeds Cathedral. A richly diverse team of national experts will be taking part: A sign of the openness to unity which we can so easily take for granted. At a service in Leeds this autumn, which many the Revd. Dr. David Cornick, General Secretary of Churches Together in Eng- WYEC Church Leaders attended, the Revd. Mgr. John Wilson, Administrator of the Catholic Diocese of Leeds, receives a land; blessing from the Rt. Revd. Walter Jagucki, Bishop of the Professor Paul Murray, Catholic pioLutheran Church of Great Britain. neer of “Receptive Ecumenism” in which Churches are open to learning from each other; the Revd. Dr. Cally Hammond, Anglican representative at the World Council of Churches; and the Revd. Ken Howcroft, President of the Methodist Conference. The service and the seminar together make for an historic ecumenical occasion. You can be part of it by coming to Leeds Cathedral on 11 November. No tickets are needed for the service. For a free ticket to the seminar, please send an email to:- clivebarrett@wyec.co.uk. IN THIS EDITION. Page 2: Bigger picture Page 3: Local news Pages 4-6: Le Tour— How was it for you? Page 7: Diary Page 8: Unitatis Redintegratio details. WYEC: supporting churches together across West and western North Yorkshire 1 Porvoo and Pour Nous Photo: Philip Hatfield. www.ph-photo.co.uk It is not often that Churches sign historic agreements to join in Communion with each other, but that is exactly what happened in Yorkshire this autumn. The Porvoo Communion is an international group of Anglican and Lutheran Churches. At a special service in York Minster, membership was extended to the Lutheran Church in Great Britain and to the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad. These Churches, both of which are represented in West Yorkshire, are now in full Communion with the Church of England. Left: the Revd. Gita Putce of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad, pictured here with Pastor Mark Hardy of St Anne’s Lutheran Church, Headingley. Right: the historic signing in York Min- Churches Together in England CTE has long had three Presidents, from the Anglican, Catholic and Free Churches. Other Presidents were recently appointed from the Orthodox Church and the Pentecostal family of Churches. A sixth President has just been added: Billy Kennedy from Pioneer will represent a grouping including the New Churches, the Society of Friends and the Lutheran and Germanspeaking Churches. At the same time there is a new Free Churches President—Hugh Osgood, from Churches in Communities International. Taking Stock A West Yorkshire welcome awaits the Revd. Mgr Marcus Stock, who this month becomes the next Catholic Bishop of Leeds. With a special interest in education, he has been a parish priest in Birmingham, and the General Secretary of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. His ordination takes place in Leeds Cathedral on Thursday 13 November. Welcome too to the Rt Revd. Jonathan Gibbs and the Rt. Revd. Toby Howarth, recently consecrated Bishops of Huddersfield and Bradford in the Anglican Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales. The Churches Together Logo has just got sharper. Churches Together in England have chosen a sharper version of their logo and are making this available to Churches Together groups who want to sharpen up their image. See what is available for free at www.cte.org.uk/logo. Hustings 2015 New guidance for churches and Churches Together groups wanting to organise hustings at next year’s election can be found on the WYEC website, www.wyec.co.uk. It includes the Electoral Commission rules on hustings and the Churches Legislation Advisory Service guidance on lobbying. The Christian Enquiry Agency has doubled the rate of hits on its website. See why at www.christianity.org.uk. Time to Enquire WYEC: supporting churches together across West and western North Yorkshire 2 Festivals Congratulations to Christ Church, Halton in East Leeds, which has just celebrated 25 years as a Methodist and United Reformed Church Single congregation Local Ecumenical Partnership. The celebration included a flower festival. Festival Angels were out in force at the Leeds Festival this summer. The Rt. Revd. Nick Baines, Anglican Bishop of Leeds, joined the team, some of whom came in from Kirkheaton. 120 volunteers provided lost property facilities, a prayer café and safe space for thousands of music fans over August Bank Holiday weekend. Drums, Donkeys and LC* Bear (* = Love Calderdale) Photographs from yet another stunning Christians in Calderdale celebration this summer CHURCHES TOGETHER build community with people of other faiths A celebration at Dewsbury Minster marked the launch of a Near Neighbours programme covering Bradford, Dewsbury and much of Leeds. There are small Government grants for community projects bringing together churches and local people of other faiths. As the Bishop of Pontefract, the Rt Revd Tony Robinson, said, “For us as Christians the love of neighbour is not an option – it is a duty”. Members of Churches Together in Lower Colne Valley raised £888 for Christian Aid in a sponsored walk visiting all the churches in the Churches Together group. The Torch Trust is a Christian organisation supporting people with sight loss, promoting fulfilling Christian lives. The local rep is James Seager, james@torchtrust.org, 07446 898149. HOST, a voluntary agency promoting international goodwill, seeks hospitable people of all ages. Will you welcome an international university student, far from their own family, to their home, for a day, a weekend or at Christmas? Students will travel for the privilege of meeting you, to learn about UK life, and share their own culture. Please see www.hostuk.org or call Anne Ramsden, 01484 654994. (Watch out for the Faith in Community Network, launching in West Yorkshire in 2015.) VACANCIES Children’s Ministry Enabler, Bradford North Methodist Circuit. £19-20k. Details: recruitment@bradfordnorth.org.uk, 01274 787626. Deadline: 5 November. Chief Executive, Bradford Churches for Dialogue and Diversity. Up to £39.8k. Details from admin@bcdd.org.uk. Deadline: 10 November. Chaplain, Wakefield Hospice, required to lead, coordinate and deliver the religious and spiritual care service across all departments. 30 hours p.w. £21.4k£27.9k pro rata. See www.wakefieldhospice.org. Deadline: 12 November. Touchstone Administrator, to provide admin support for the project. 15 hours p.w. £9.6k-£10.4k. Application pack: admin@wymethodist.org.uk. Deadline: 17 November. WYEC: supporting churches together across West and western North Yorkshire 3 Allez, Alleluia! Churches put on a wheely good show! THE Churches of West Yorkshire and North Yorkshire celebrated Le Tour in style: Community, Hospitality, Velocité. In Huddersfield, St Philip's at Birchencliffe, really cranked up the gears because Le Tour passed between the church and its Community Centre. The Vicar of Birchencliffe, the Revd Mary Railton-Crowder, said: “The church and the grounds were decorated with yellow flowers, yellow bikes and lots of bunting. We had two hospitality teams, one working on each side of the road. It was hard work but we all had an amazing time! “The Community Centre and grounds hosted 400 plus people. The Scouts and Guides provided barbecues, games, stalls etc and we provided refreshments, face painting, toilets and baby changing facilities. “On the other side of the road, our Mothers’ Union provided refreshments inside and outside for the crowds in the church grounds and out on the pavement. “We have no idea how many people visited the church, but we were packed out all day. A local swing band played in the church grounds and they delighted the crowds. We had so many lovely comments - and so many thank yous - it was wonderful. It was a wonderful day for our community. “ Spinning a yarn about Dewsbury Minster IN the run-up to the race weekend, Dewsbury Minster held an Arts and Culture Festival Fun Day" during which a bicycle was ‘yarnstormed’. “The bike was donated by Streetbikes and much of the wool used was donated by Unravel in Denby Dale and Creative Crafts in Dewsbury,” said Ronalda Johnstone. “On one side of the bike was Noah's Ark and animals — inspired by a large banner we have on display at the Minster. On the handlebars there was a tower and 8 bells to show our bellringing connection. On the other side was a St Paulinus cross, because St. Paulinus brought Christianity to the area - and also the Titanic and icebergs to show the connection with the bandleader who was a parishioner. On the saddle was a Bible.” WYEC: supporting churches together across West and western North Yorkshire 4 ‘Allo à l’eau . . . ’Water’ weekend! A GROUP of Huddersfield churches, who regularly offer food for thought, decided to offer “Water for Life” to Tour de France spectators. People from churches in Armitage Bridge, Berry Brow, Hall Bower, Netherton and Newsome were stationed at the bottom of Waingate in Berry Brow and handed out nearly 1,600 “Water of Life” sports bottles filled with Yorkshire spring water donated by Bronte Water, of Honley. From 7.30am on the Sunday, volunteers from across the community were filling and handing out bottles to the many cyclists heading up the valley to Holme Moss. Methodist minister the Revd John Hayes said: "As local church communities we were delighted to offer this as a refreshing gift. We are all followers of Jesus, who was once treated to refreshing water when he was tired and thirsty in a strange land. “As well as remembering the fantastic Le Tour day for the entertainment and great racing, we wanted people to remember Berry Brow for its generous hospitality." The church communities involved were Hall Bower Sunday School; Holy Trinity Church, South Crosland; Newsome South Methodist Church; Netherton Methodist Church; St Paul’s at Armitage Bridge; St John’s at Newsome ALTHOUGH not directly on Le Tour route, Christchurch, The Grove, Ilkley, offered visitors a chance to take some time out; to call in and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of a cyclingthemed prayer labyrinth. Outside the church door was a bicycle wheel to which notes of celebration or concern could be tied – these were offered in prayer by Christchurch prayer groups. The Christchurch Cafe opened for extended hours with an amended menu, providing hospitality and TV viewing of the big event. WYEC: supporting churches together across West and western North Yorkshire 5 Church says welcome with flowers A CHURCH in Honley welcomed its Tour de France visitors with a fine floral display. Trinity Church applied to the Holme Valley Parish Council for a grant of £101 to decorate the grassed area in front of the church with red and white begonias to represent the “King of the Mountain” stage of the race. Church secretary Jane Armitage takes up the story: “500 begonias were bought from the Kirklees Parks Department and were lovingly potted up by church members and watered daily. “We managed to keep most of them alive and certainly there were sufficient to spell out Honley Trinity Church. “We turned our noticeboard into a Tour de France promotion for teas, coffees and cakes, which we served on both the Saturday and Sunday, and in addition, sold craft items and a quiz, and made the church and its facilities available to visitors. “We must have had 100 visitors over the two days. With the lovely weather, refreshments could be enjoyed inside Honley’s blooming good show . . . with flowers, cakes and crafts and outside the church. The atmosphere was fun and friendly. “It was all very worthwhile. Our efforts raised a valuable £290 for church funds and we were able to sell quite a number of begonias to church members and passers-by after the weekend was sadly over.” Spectators received a warm welcome at (from left), Christ Church Harrogate , Moortown St John and Holy Trinity ,Skipton. THE message of HOPE Huddersfield was being shouted from the rooftops when Le Tour came to town. At New North Road Baptist Church in the town centre, a HOPE banner flew among the brightly coloured bunting and little knitted jumpers specially put up for Le Tour. And just in case there was a passing helicopter or two during Le Tour, a banner declaring Jesus is Lord was on the church roof! Picture courtesy of the Revd Wayne Clarke. FOLLOWING Le Tour, in an edition of the Keighley News, a letter was featured from Colin Neville, of Silsden, headlined “Churches were Silsden’s heroes”. He wrote: “No doubt local politicians will want to claim a big slice of the credit for the warm welcome given to Le Tour competitors as they passed through Silsden on Sunday. But the real heroes were in fact the local Silsden churches, their ministers and congregation members. They were the main inspiration, leaders and creative movers in the town for this great event. WYEC: supporting churches together across West and western North Yorkshire 6 NEWS AND EVENTS ACROSS THE WYEC REGION - SO MUCH GOING ON! NOVEMBER 7. 7.30pm. Remembrance: music and poetry for those who have lost their lives through conflict. Bradford Cathedral. £8. www.bradfordcathedral.org. 8. 10am. “How does your church minister to people living with sight loss?” South Parade Baptist, Headingley. Organised by TORCH, Vision for People with Sight Loss. jamess@torchtrust.org. 07446 898149 8. 6-8pm. United Youth Event, firework display, hot dogs, parkin... St George's, Lupset. See www.facebook.com/ UnitedWakefield or contact Jon Buckley on 07450 778678 or jonathan.buckley@ymcawhiterose.org.uk. United is promoted by www.ymcawhiterose.org.uk 11. 6pm. Bradford Ecumenical Asylum Concern (BEACON). Delius Centre, with “Reflections on Forced Migration”. www.beaconbradford.org 11. 2.30pm. SEMINAR ON ECUMENISM: The Last 50 Years, the Next 50 Years. Wheeler Hall, Leeds Cathedral. David Cornick, Paul Murray, Cally Hammond, Ken Howcroft. 5.30pm. ECUMENICAL VESPERS. Leeds Cathedral. With the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. Preacher: Archbishop David Moxon, Anglican representative in Rome. 11. 7pm. Bradford Interfaith Prayer for Peace. Khidmat Centre, Spencer Road, BD7 2EU. 11. 7.30pm. Migrants on the Margins: prayer and presentations, St George’s Crypt, Leeds, 13 12.30pm. Prayer for Leeds. St George’s. 15 8.30am. Kidz Klub Big Breakfast, Bridge Street, Leeds. See Kidz Klub in action! www.kidzklubleeds.org.uk. 15. 7.30pm Beer and Hymns. Red Lion, Wakefield Road, Ossett. Book food, £3, by 11th. 01924 263497. 13 7.30pm. SARA MAITLAND gives the Hook Lecture, “Bread and Roses: Connecting Justice and Joy”. Leeds Minster. Admission by free ticket: events@leedschurchinstitute.org, 0113 391 7928. 16. 3pm. Oak Leaf Service for anyone in West Yorkshire killed or injured in road traffic accidents. Leeds Minster. Organised by SCARD – Support and Care After Deaths and Injuries. info@scard.org.uk. 01484 723649. 18. 10am. Training day for Church Treasurers. Green Lane Centre, Whitby. £35. www.thegoodbook.co.uk/bookings/#c252. (Similar day in Sheffield on 7 November, 0333 123 0880.) 19. 10am. Happiness Course Taster Day, with Andy Parnham, ex-doctor and church leader, and LIVABILITY. Encouraging communities to reflect on what it means to have a good life. £25 including lunch. Cartwright Hall, Lister Park, Bradford, BD9 4NS. https:// www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-happiness-course-taster-tickets-13547241163. 20. 7.30pm “Singing for Peace”. A workshop with Marty Haugen, St Benedict’s, Aberford Road, Garforth, LS25 1PX. £5. 20. 7pm. LEEDS LEADS: RESISTING WAR, 1914. Clive Barrett gives the Ellen Heaton Memorial Lecture at the Swarthmore Centre, Woodhouse Square, Leeds. LS3 1AD. 29. 7pm. Missional Generation launch. St John’s, New Street, Farsley, LS28 5DJ. Equipping Young People to be Influential for God. DECEMBER 1-23. Get your church (or other) group into the festive mood at Hinsley Hall, Leeds. Festive lunch, £14.50; festive dinner £22.50. Also b&b – single £39.50, double £49.50. See www.hinsley-hall.co.uk. 0113 261 8000. 23. 6.30pm. Churches Together in Wakefield carol singing, Trinity Walk. JANUARY 2015 18-25. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Resources, with input from the National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil (CONIC), are available at www.ctbi.org.uk/682. APRIL 2015 7-11. Hope Revolution: United We Stand; 5 Day Mission. “If you have young people aged 13-18, and would like a chance to express the HOPE that they found in Christ, by serving a local Leeds or Bradford community mission project together with other young people, this could be for THEM!” £85 all inclusive. www.facebook.com/MissionalGeneration WYEC: supporting churches together across West and western North Yorkshire 7 CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF CATHOLIC ECUMENISM “The restoration of unity among all Christians is one of the principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council.” The Second Vatican Council issued Unitatis Redintegratio, its Decree on Ecumenism, in November 1964. Fifty years on, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, with West Yorkshire Ecumenical Council, invite you to Ecumenical Vespers in Leeds Cathedral 5.30pm, Tuesday 11th November 2014 Preacher: the Most Revd. Sir David Moxon the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Representative to the Holy See and Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome __________________________________________________________________ Immediately preceding Ecumenical Vespers, you are invited to Wheeler Hall, Leeds Cathedral, to participate in a SEMINAR ON ECUMENISM The last 50 years; the next 50 years the Revd. Dr. David Cornick, General Secretary of Churches Together in England the Revd. Dr. Cally Hammond, Dean, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge the Revd. Ken Howcroft, President of the Methodist Conference, 2014-2015 Professor Paul Murray, ARCIC III Commission; editor, Receptive Ecumenism and the Call to Catholic Learning 2.00 for 2.30pm, Tuesday 11th November 2014 To book your place at this important seminar, email clivebarrett@wyec.co.uk UNITY IN PROCESS GET YOUR COPY NOW! To discover more about how your local actions for unity and your local Churches Together group influence the wider relations between the Churches, you need to read Unity in Process; Reflections on Ecumenism, edited by Clive Barrett. Buy your copies direct from www.wyec.co.uk (via Paypal) or by post from WYEC, 62 Headingley Lane, Leeds, LS6 2BX. It’s only £5.99 a copy; for group reading you can get 10 copies for £50. Please distribute UNITY POST far and wide and forward it to all your own email contacts. Send us details of all your stories and your plans, so we can celebrate everything that crosses denominational boundaries in our region. Read it online at www.wyec.co.uk. Whatever you do together, tell us, and we’ll encourage others to follow your good example. Deadline for the next issue: 1 December. To receive future digital issues, please email WYEC at clivebarrett@wyec.co.uk and we’ll add you to our mailing list. Use the same address for sending in all the news items and announcements you would like included. Churches Together groups —please help WYEC help to support you. All contributions gratefully received— we suggest an annual donation to WYEC of £3 per church in your group. Thank you! (If there is anything we can do support you, please don’t hesitate to ask.) UNITY POST is published by West Yorkshire Ecumenical Council, Hinsley Hall, 62 Headingley Lane, Leeds, LS6 2BX. (T) 0113 2618053. (E) clivebarrett@wyec.co.uk. (W) www.wyec.co.uk. (Twitter) @WYEC1. Find us on Facebook too. WYEC consists of: BAPTIST CHURCHES members of Yorkshire Baptist Association THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND West Yorkshire and the Dales THE LUTHERAN CHURCH THE METHODIST CHURCH Leeds District, West Yorkshire District THE MORAVIAN CHURCH Yorkshire District THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Diocese of Leeds THE SALVATION ARMY Yorkshire Division THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Quakers in Yorkshire THE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Yorkshire Synod THE WESLEYAN HOLINESS CHURCH WYEC is a registered charity, 1108691 WYEC: supporting churches together across West and western North Yorkshire 8
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