No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, No matter what your current family or marital situation, No matter what your past or present situation, No matter what your personal history, age, background, race, etc., No matter what your own self image or self-esteem. You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at St. Colette Catholic Church! We are so happy to have you here! 3900 Meadow Drive, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Parish House: 847-394-8100 Fax: 847-394-8102 Website: Parish House Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sat. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday - Closed MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Friday 6:30am (Liturgy of the Word) 8:00am Saturday 8:30am & 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am & 9:00am & 10:30am 12:00pm (Español) Reconciliation Saturday– After 8:30AM mass Page Two Mass Intentions for the week of October 11th– October 19th -------------Intenciones del la Misa durante la semana Del 11 de octubre al 19 de octubre Each Mass is offered for all the faithful, living and dead. The following are specifically remembered this week. SATURDAY– October 11th, St. John XXIII, Pope 8:30AM People of St. Colette 5:00PM Marie Connolly, Paul Stinger, Paul Chybicki, Michael Chybicki, Louise Chybicki, Dorothy Fojtik, Frank Miller, Katherine Maloney, Margaret Castaldi, Jim Conley SUNDAY– October 12th– Twenty Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka, Erin Miller, James Stuerebaut, Eleanore Healy Esther Foropoulos 9:00AM Danny Miller, Gregg Miller, Joseph Clark Jay, Mary Benson, Swan William Benson Jr., Swan William Benson III, Tom Reading, Jesus Arroyo 10:30AM Eleanore Healy, Adam Drobny, Robert Stuerebaut 12:00PM Emiliano Chavez, Yolanda Parada MONDAY - October 13th 8:00AM Esther Foropoulos TUESDAY—October 14th, St, Callistus I, Pope & Martyr 8:00AM People of St. Colette WEDNESDAY – October 15th, St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Doctor of the Church- OBL. 8:00AM Helen Choloske, Angeles Arcenas THURSDAY– October 16th, St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin 8:00AM Maria Auxilio Del Real Muñoz FRIDAY - October 17th, St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr– OBL. 8:00AM Thomas Grady SATURDAY– October 18th, St. Luke, Evangelist– FEAST 8:30AM People of St. Colette 5:00PM Henry Geisen, Laurie Wenzel Kowaleski, Frank Miller, Eleanore Healy, Robert Pitts, Class of 1959 SUNDAY– October 19th– Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Sr. Jo-Ann Brdecka O.S.F., Joseph J. Brdecka, Erin Miller, James Stuerebaut, Eleanore Healy Robert Duffey, Arne Sovik 9:00AM Danny Miller, Gregg Miller, Joseph Clark Jay 10:30AM Eleanore Healy 12:00PM Emiliano Chavez, Yolanda Parada Page Three Pastor’s Corner Thank you! The Hispanic Ministry has donated $1,000 to the church from their Hispanic Heritage Picnic profit. I would like to thank the Hispanic Ministry for this generous donation and may God continue to bless the work they do for this parish. -Rev. Msgr. Peter Galek Welcome through the Waters of Baptism The following children were baptized through water and the Holy Spirit into our Community of Faith: Caleb John Curtin Weekly Reflection GOD'S WORD TODAY No one alive can tell us what heaven is like. Today's scriptures give us an image to assist us in envisioning what it will be like when we rest in God's eternal presence. The banquet is a fitting image in so many ways. First of all, there are invitations issued to this banquet. Through our Baptism, we received an engraved invitation. We should be spending our lives preparing for the banquet, but other invitations come our way and distract us, luring us away from the great feast. Some people never accept the invitation. Others lose it along the way. And others simply say, "I cannot come." Today's scriptures are among the most challenging we ever hear because they ask us to examine our priorities. We know that everything in this world will pass away. Yet because of the sinful human condition, we hold on to things as if they will grant us salvation. Today is a day to rediscover the invitation to the banquet if it has been lost. Today is a day to let our hearts rejoice in the promise of the glorious banquet to come. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Company WHAT RETURN CAN I MAKE TO THE LORD FOR ALL THE GOOD THINGS HE HAS GIVEN ME? We are the sinners who God has invited to enjoy the benefits of his compassionate love. He has given us life. He has given us truth. He has spoken to us of his love for us in his desire that we know his happiness. He has given us his son to show us his willingness to search out and seek all of us so that we may understand just how much God wants us to be a part of his kingdom. He accepts us as we are. He would like us to welcome him as he comes to us to enrich our lives with all he can bring us. Pasta and Prayer Evening Thursday night will be our monthly posture and prayer night. We will gather in the church as usual at 6:30 PM to pray the Divine Office. Our prayer will be followed by Pasta and Halpin Hall. Lunch Benefit On October 19th from 11:00AM to 2:00PM, the Hispanic Ministry will be hosting a lunch for Father Matthias Lugemwa and his pastoral mission in Uganda. This lunch is a great opportunity to support the children of Father Matthias’ school in Uganda and also enjoy a delicious meal with him. The lunch will consist of baked chicken, green lettuce salad, potato soup, pasta salad, a beverage, and a desert. The cost for each plate will be $7. Kids ages 3 -5 will pay $5 and children under 3 are free. ALL sales will go to benefit this great cause. We hope to see you there. Page Four Looking for Quality “Gently Used” Children’s Clothing, Equipment, & Toys at Low Prices? Come to the: Friday Oct. 17, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday Oct. 18, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: St. Colette Par ish Center 3900 Meadow Dr. Rolling Meadows SELLING: Children’s Fall/Winter Clothing (Infant to 16) Toys & Equipment, Halloween Costumes, Books, Shoes, Baby Accessories,Women’s Maternity Wear and much more CASH ONLY/ ALL SALES FINAL/ BRING A LAUNDRY BASKET TO CARRY YOUR PURCHASES Free Admission Rain or Shine Sponsored by the St. Colette School Parent’s Club Questions? Call St. Colette School Office (847) 392-4098 Page Five Page Six See What’s Happening at St. Colette this Week! Monday, October 13th No events today Tuesday, October 14th 7:30PM Lector Practice/CH Wednesday, October 15th 5:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Share Faith Respect Life Mtg./PHLR Spanish Choir Practice/CH Thursday, October 16th 7:00PM Adult Choir Rehearsal/CH Friday, October 17th 5:30PM 6:00PM Bingo/HH Rosary-Holy Hour/CH Saturday, October 18th 10:00AM Share Faith Sunday, October 19th 11:00AM 5:00PM Father Matthias Lunch Benefit Share Faith Weekly Stewardship Reflection Collection for the Weekend of Oct. 5 2014 Colecta del fin de semana de Oct. 5 2014 Total Collection: $12,094.77 (Colecta Total) Total Attendance: 979 (Asistencia Total) Thank you for your continued generosity May God bless you! Gracias por su generosidad continua. Dios los bendiga! “And my God will supply every need of yours…” Philippians 4:19 God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. Second Collection Next Weekend World Mission Sunday October 18th & 19th Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM Sunday 9:00AM Sunday 10:30AM Sunday 12:00PM Presider Fr. Brian Simpson Fr. Matthias Lugemwa Fr. Peter Galek Fr. Matthias Lugemwa Fr. Claudio Diaz Lectors Ryzner & Huberty Otano & Otano Feikes & Feikes Gron & Vinezeano TBD Eucharistic Ministers B. & T. Hansen I. & L. Vineyard M. Chybicki M. Lund R. Thomas J. Healy J. Simeon C. Truskowski M. & T. Loesch C. Switchenberg I. Vardon S. Kirmse. K. Ratzer E. & P. Chauvin J. Pierson D. Cavi C. Statsny M. Barnes J. Velazquez J. Hyneman S. Kulvinen D. Nichols L. Lota TBD Altar Servers D. Fecko M. Fecko D. Cavazos G. Ramirez J. Bolanos M. Toenjes M. Hamblin I. Nehf J. Arrroyo V. Petrov R. Quiroz P. Fiscu N Bochenski TBD Page Seven SAVE THE DATE! The Hispanic Ministry invites you to our: 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Dance November 15th, 2014 7:00PM– 12:00AM Details to come! 9:00AM Hospitality Join us after the 9:00AM mass for some light refreshments and conversation. We look forward to seeing you there! OUR BLOOD DONORS ALWAYS COME THROUGH! We are always amazed by our wonderful blood donors and extremely grateful to the 37 generous donors who shared their gift of life on October 5 at the semi-annual Parish Blood Drive. This includes 3 ALYX (double red blood cell) donors whose donations are counted as double. Together you may have saved 111 lives! In fact, one of our own parishioners was saved by a blood donation just this week!. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways, and may He bless you all. Lector Ministry The Lectors will have practice every Tuesday at 7:30PM in the Church. Please contact Donnie Shirmer for any more information: 847-259-3410 or World Mission Sunday October 19th, 2014 Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit We really appreciate the help of parishioners Jean Duffey, Phil Graf, and George Wenzel and for their valuable assistance in running the blood drive. We couldn’t have done it without you! IMPORTANT - DONORS: Don’t forget to contact LifeSource at 1-877-543-3768 and select the cholesterol option to obtain your free cholesterol screening results - another great benefit of donating blood. You can also obtain this information online at under the “Wellness” section. Please mark your calendars for our next blood drive on Sunday, March 1, 2015. In the meantime, if you donate directly at LifeSource, you can credit St. Colette by mentioning our sponsor code RM10. We appreciate all of the donors who do so regularly. Gratefully, Jean Wenzel and Kathe Aldrich Ministry of Care If you are sick or recovering from an operation, the Ministry of Care at St. Colette would like to bring communion to you. Please call the Parish House at (847) 394-8100 to make an appointment.. Page Eight ALMUERZO PARA EL PADRE MATTHIAS El 19 de octubre, el Ministerio Hispano tendrá de un almuerzo para el Padre Matthias Lugemwa y su misión pastoral en Uganda. Este almuerzo es una gran oportunidad para apoyar a los niños de la escuela del Padre Matthias en Uganda y también disfrutar de una deliciosa comida con él. El almuerzo consistirá de pollo al horno, ensalada de lechuga verde, sopa de papa, ensalada de pasta, una bebida y un postre. El costo de cada plato será de $ 7. Para niños de 3-5 años pagarán $ 5 y los niños menores de 3 años no pagan. TODA la venta irá a beneficiar a esta gran causa. Esperamos contar con tu presencia. Reflecion Semanal LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY Nadie que esté vivo puede decirnos cómo es el cielo. Las Escrituras de hoy nos ofrecen una imagen que nos ayuda a visualizar cómo será cuando descansemos en la eterna presencia de Dios. El banquete es, de muchas maneras, una imagen apropiada. En primer lugar se extienden invitaciones para este banquete. En nuestro Bautismo recibimos una invitación impresa. Debemos pasar nuestra vida preparándonos para el banquete, pero otras invitaciones que nos llegan nos distraen y nos seducen alejándonos de la gran fiesta. Algunas personas nunca aceptan la invitación; otras la pierden por el camino. Y otras dicen simplemente: "No puedo ir". Las Escrituras de hoy son unas de las más desafiantes que podamos escuchar, pues nos piden que examinemos nuestras prioridades. Sabemos que todo en este mundo es pasajero. Sin embargo, por nuestra misma condición humana nos aferramos a las cosas como si nos fueran a dar la salvación. Hoy es el día de redescubrir la invitación al banquete, en caso que la hayamos perdido. Hoy es el día de dejar que nuestro corazón se alegre con la promesa del banquete glorioso que vendrá. Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor (c) J. S. Paluch Company REUNION DE MONAGUILLOS Saludo a los niños que están al servicio de Dios, deseando que su alegría sea lo que Jesucristo los invita a servir en cada Eucaristía que son obras del Espíritu Santo que lleva cada uno en su corazón. Porque Jesús dijo deja que los niños vengan a mí, por eso Jesús los necesita a cada uno de ustedes. Los invitamos a una reunión de monaguillos el día viernes 17 de octubre a las 7:00PM. Si tu deseas asistir te esperamos pero sino vienes no te pondremos en esta nueva lista de monaguillos porque se hará una nueva lista. Para que todos tengan la oportunidad de ayudar si tú no vienes no estarás en la lista de este ano. Por Favor, de hacer lo posible de venir, y que te acompañe tu papa o tu mama. Así estaremos tranquilos con tu presencia, así como Dios nos recibe. Su amiga y servidora, Patricia Sedano Coordinadora de Liturgia GUARDE LA FECHA! El Ministerio Hispano le invita a nuestro: 2 ª Baile de Acción de Gracias 15 de noviembre 2014 7:00 PM-12:00AM Detalles por venir! DOMINGO MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES El próximo fin de semana nuestra parroquia celebra el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Este año se nos invita a extender nuestras manos y ayudar a construir la Iglesia en Mongolia, la iglesia católica más joven del mundo, como también a iglesias locales en las zonas más remotas de nuestro planeta. Mediante el trabajo de estas iglesias y su testimonio de Cristo, los pobres reciben ayuda práctica y experimentan el amor y la misericordia de Dios, su esperanza y su paz. Por favor, rece diariamente por las Misiones y venga preparado el próximo fin de semana para dar generosamente en la colecta para la Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe. Para obtener más información, visite Page Nine– Religious Education SHARE FAITH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CORNER This month of October we will begin a monthly newsletter for the parents and parishioners. This will be a reminder of what will be upcoming in Share Faith. Parents this will also be a reminder for you for important meetings and dates of Share Faith as well. This month we will have some pictures of our 6th Graders planting our tulip and daffodil bulbs. It was a very nice event and the students enjoyed planting our flowers. Now they will sleep for the winter and when spring approaches they will begin to watch them grow for our Confirmation reception! How exciting! -Pam Kollman ATTENTION 7TH GRADE CONFIRMATION PREP 1 STUDENTS & PARENTS You as students of Prep 1 Confirmation are in charge of baked goods for the Pancake Breakfast/Burrito Lunch which will be held on Sunday, October 26th from 730am-200pm in Halpin Hall. If you can bake something at home you will be able to receive one (1) discipleship hour for this event. Please put information on the top of your baked goods that you will be bringing: name, room number and teacher. You will then receive the credit for this fun venture. Happy Baking!! October for Share Faith is as follows Share Faith Wednesday classes: Oct 15 at 5:30PM-7:00PM Share Faith Saturday Spanish classes: Oct. 18 at 10:00AM-11:00AM Hispanic Adult Formation: Oct. 18 – Sacraments of Initiation 11:00AM-12:30PM in the school Share Faith Sunday classes: Oct. 12 & 19 at 6:00PM-8:00PM FOCUS TEEN NEWS FOCUS TEENS – WHO IS UP FOR A MISSION TRIP???? ALIVE IN YOU - MISSION TRIP SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS JUNE 23-28 2015 INFORMATION For More Information, Call Lori Brandt (708)436-6147 Upcoming Events listed below: OCTOBER 2014 October 9th 6:00 to 7:00 pm: UCC Church Kirchoff Rd. Pads site set-up Oct. 12th 10:30 Teen Ministered Mass Oct. 12th Walk for Life – 6:00 to 7:00 pm Oct. 26th Pancake Breakfast/Burrito Lunch Welcome to Online Giving! Sacraments/Sacramentos Baptism/Bau smos Introducing...GiveCentral! St. Colette Parish has begun accepting online donations through GiveCentral, our new online donation service. GiveCentral is a safe, secure, and paperless way to make your Sunday offertory and other contributions. It was designed specifically for Catholic churches and schools in the Chicago area, and many other parishes in our Diocese have already found success with it. The site allows you to make a one time or automatically repeating payments on a schedule that works best for you, using any credit card, debit card or electronic bank account. We believe that having a flexible online giving option will make it easier for many of you to support St. Colette. Visit our website at and click on the “GiveCentral” link or go to and take a couple minutes to set up your donations. Questions? Please call Darlene Bulak at the Parish Office at 847-394-8100. Downtown Mount Prospect 320 West Central Road Mount Prospect ~847-255-7800~ Weddings/Bodas Contact Parish House at least 6 months in advance for adequate planning. Hablar a la Casa Parroquial con seis meses de an cipacion para poder planear adecuadamente. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. GEORGE L. BENAS, DDS. For further information, please call the Parish Office. General Dentistry Conveniently Located at Central Road & Northwest Highway in In English—For registration and more information contact the Parish House 2 months in advance. En Español-Para registraciones y mas informacion llamar a la Casa Paroquial con dos meses de an cipacion. Parishioner 1919 Algonquin Rd. Rolling Meadows 394-3689 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA OVER 45 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FACILITIES ALL ON ONE LEVEL— CREMATION SERVICES Funeral Home 847-253-0224 512188 St Colette Church (B) William Haberichter • Melissa Nelson • Matthew Haberichter • Directors 3615 Kirchoff Road • Rolling Meadows For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 CENTRAL EYE CARE, LTD. AFFORDABLE HANDYMAN SERVICES Thinking of Selling or Buying Real Estate? Bell Tower Realty The experienced board certified Bev Hansen Eye Doctors & Surgeons 847-303-5555 • We Specialize in Small Jobs at Central Eye Care, Ltd. have been providing Parishioner since 1969 Family Owned and At Affordable Rates that Senior Discount Program advanced, compassionate, Operated by the Ahlgrim Family & prompt eye care We Tell You Up-Front Douglas R. Ahlgrim to the Arlington Heights David Brittany Owner & Director Osgood, M.D. & surrounding areas • You Name It We Can Do It!!! Badawi, M.D. Palatine for over a decade. Rehabilitation Services, 201 N. Northwest Hwy • EYE EXAMS • DRY/ITCHY EYES Contact Ed Lassota 847-358-7411 • SCHOOL EXAMS • CATARACT & CORNEA Short and Long Term Care (847) 275-3193 • GLAUCOMA • DIABETES and Alzheimer’s Services • MACULAR • PTERYGIUM PROTECTING SENIORS DEGENERATION 4225 Kirchoff Rd. NATIONWIDE Appointments Mon. thru Sat. PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 224-735-2016 1614 West Central Rd., Arlington Hgts. Se Habla Español with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB *First Three Months R. BONO & SONS Carpets & Furniture Cleaning Specialists Sales • Installed • Repeated 10% PARISH MEMBER DISCOUNT PARISH MEMBER (847) 426-1900 1-800-750-2900 (847) 397-2400 Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Rolling Meadows Suburban Independently Owned and Operated “Over 35 Years Experience” Mark Berberick Manager - Broker, CRB St. Colette School Graduate 1808 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 Direct: (847) 385-3086 Fax: (847) 255-0492 Residence: (847) 392-9839 E-Mail: Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas BREAKFAST • LUNCH Open Daily 6am-3pm 2905 Algonquin Rd., R.M. 847-577-5552 15% OFF ANY PURCHASE W/AD WWW.EGGLECTICCAFE.COM bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Carlos A. De León and Associates Advertising here helps your parish & your business. Abogados • Cierres De Compra Y De Casas • Divorcio • Bancarrota • Ley Penal 960 Rand Rd., Suite 219 • Des Plaines • 847-759-0088 Call Bob Hahn 800.566.6170 512188 St Colette Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Page Twelve PRAYER LIST Please remember the sick in our parish and keep them in your prayers. Por favor recuerden los enfermos de nuestra parroquia y manténgalos en sus oraciones. ************************ Brandt Apa Jade Cali Kayla Domonico Michael Gallaghar Jack & Lorraine Grady Linda Johnson Annie Joyce Mary Kedzie Gregg Gioulos Paul Launer Shirley Lewan Lucille McCafferty Barbara McIntyre Rita Olinake Jeanine Pickler Carolyn Skidmore James Stastny John Sulek Dionisia Tejeda Patty Villadonga Joseph Wieczorek Shirley Warden Don Di John Jason Frieders Rimo Loiotile Marco Caldera Carol Thompson Karen Peiss Jacob Arroyo Dennis Beckman Cheryl Fascano Laura Couch Anthony Faflik Lucia Gonzalez Myra Garcia Charlene LeValley Sally Hedrick Matt Horvath Tom Johnson Gloria Huberty Jennifer Joyce Nicole Joyce Sherrie Kirmse John Krohn Christine & Dave Macoahluso Anne Lefevre Diane Moreno Tim Lock Ronald Lohn Daniel Krysh Carmen Barba Nicholas Mostardo Krista Motley Lawrence Parker Bob Placek Guadalupe Robles Lauren Kane Jack Skrzypek Jay Foropolous June Stastny Phyllis Harmon Gloria Tapling James Coleman Celeste Travino Cristeta R. Vega Maria Elena Vinaja Miguel Vinaja Bob Lamb Vita Caravello Walter J. Zaremba Louise Zimmer John Kuhn Francine McCann Debbie Weihe Carole Goehrke Emily Winterstein Roger Mueller Carina Tassoni Jenifer Vinezeano Vendea Bowman Ralph Kappelman Mark Fava Nati Cervantes Bob Conway St. Colette Contact Information Parish House Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sat. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday - Closed St. Colette Parish House—(847) 394-8100 Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Peter Galek ext. #105 Associate Pastor: Rev. Brian Simpson ext. #104 Weekend Assistants: Fr. Bob Borre and Fr. James Murphy Deacon: John Connor (Retired) ext. #140 Pedro Sedano ext. 142 Music Director: Michael Myers ext. #107 Financial Operations Manager: Mrs. Darlene Bulak ext. #103; Secretary & Sacramental Records: Mr. Eduardo Guillen ext. #102; Religious Education: Pam Kollman ext. #122 Youth Minister-Focus: Lori Brandt ext. #121 *** St. Colette School - 3900 Pheasant Drive (847) 392-4098 Principal: Mrs. Valerie Zemko ext. #125 ************************* To appear on our Prayers For the Sick list, please notify the Parish House at (847) 394-8100. We try to revise our list every two weeks. Para que puedan ser anunciados en la lista de nuestras oraciones para los enfermos, por favor llamar a la Casa Parroquial al 847-394-8100. Nosotros tratamos de revisitar nuestra lista cada dos semanas. St. Colette has a Facebook Page. Be sure to like us to receive up to date information about events at the parish. Just search: St. Colette Catholic Church and press Like! Bulle n Deadline / Plazo del Boletín All articles must be dropped off at the Parish House or emailed to Eduardo Guillen at by noon on Monday to appear in next Sunday’s Bulletin. Todos los artículos para el boletín deben ser dejados a la casa parroquial o enviárselo a Eduardo Guillen a para el Lunes al mediodía para que aparezcan en el Boletín Dominical. Mass Intentions We encourage everyone to call or come in to the Parish House to request weekday Mass intentions for your loved ones! Visit or call the Parish House with all of your intentions at 847-394-8100 ext. 102
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