www.standrewrcc.org www.standrewsilverandgold.com alumni@standrewcs.org Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ October 12, 2014 Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm Pastor Fr. Richard R. York Parochial Vicars Fr. Andrew Malarz Fr. Gordon Zanetti Fr. Elbano Muñoz Deacon Rev. Mr. Peter Fullen Deacon (candidate) Mr. Edison Gibbons Church Hours Monday - Thursday: 7:00am - 2:00pm Friday: 7:00am - 4:30pm Confession Times Saturday: 9:30-10:30am and 7:00-8:00pm (or by appointment) Weekend Mass Schedule Vigil: Saturday 4:00pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30am, 12noon, 1:30pm (Mass in Spanish) and 7:30pm Mass (Chapel) Monday - Friday: 7:30am and 9:00am Saturday - 9:00am St. Andrew Catholic Church 2628 Del Prado Boulevard, Cape Coral, Florida 33904 Pastor’s Reports Catholics Returning Home Brothers and Sisters, Currently there are over 4500 families in our parish and many children and youth are being educated in the faith. Were you raised Catholic but have not been to Mass for awhile? Are you a Catholic who now feels a hunger for the Sacrament? The foundation of our Catholic Faith is the celebration of the Sacraments. And the primary Sacrament is the Holy Eucharist. Saint Andrew Church in Cape Coral has prayed the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every day for 50ty years. As we celebrate our Anniversary as a Eucharistic Church, let us participate by: Would you like to know more about the Catholic Church as it is today? Would you like to belong to St. Andrew Parish? No matter how long you have been away, No matter what the reason, we invite you to consider renewing your communion with the Catholic Church. Honoring our PAST 9 Days of Adoration Make a daily visit to Blessed Sacrament Between Oct. 23 to Oct. 31 Sunday, October 12, 19, & 26 at 4pm in the Parish Hall Please contact Dan and Barb Sasso at dbsasso@embarqmail.com or 239-542-6613 Celebrating the PRESENT 9 Days of Celebration Attend the special Events each day Between Nov.1 and Nov.9 Praying for the FUTURE 9 Days of Family Rosary Pray the Holy Rosary for our Future Between Dec.6 and Dec.14 Sincerely in the Lord, Father Richard York, your Pastor ST. ANDREW DAY MONDAY, October 27, 9am-5pm Planned Parenthood at Winkler and College in Ft. Myers 40 Days for Life Schedule ♦ Holy Hour 12:30-1:30 each Friday -in Chapel ♦ Friday Oct 24 from 9am - 1pm -College Pkwy and Winkler ♦ Fri. Oct 31 from 1 - 5pm -College Pkwy and Winkler For additional information call Gwen Worrell at 239-573-9388 (or) Jane Longo at 239-541-7796 Provides: Free pregnancy Testing, Free Ultrasounds, and Caring Counseling. 91% of vulnerable women choose life for their babies after counseling with our nursing staff, and/or an ultrasound performed by our registered ultrasound technician. That represents 1,211 babies saved in 2013. What can you do: join the Community Pregnancy Clinics to help build a Culture of Life. Material donations are also greatly appreciated. Contact Caitlin Schubert at 239-262-6381 or visit www.community4life.com WORLD MISSION SUNDAY There will be a special Diocesan Collection next weekend, October 18/19 for the Propagation of Faith. Your financial contributions will benefit young Churches in Mission Lands across the World. Please be generous and mark your donation envelope “Propagation of Faith”. Youth Information Mass Intentions, Daily Readings, Parish News St. Andrew Parish Office Phone: 239-574-4545 Fax: 239-574-2450 www.standrewrcc.org St. Andrew Parish School 239-772-3922 www.standrewcs.org (October 12, 2014) Page 6 https://www.facebook.com/ StAndrewCatholicChurchRCC Stewardship of Time Please pray for: Fred Emmons, Karen Ann Boyer, and Tyron Adams Please remember our beloved Deceased: Religious Education Children, Youth, and Adults 239-574-2411 50th Anniversary Website www.standrewsilverandgold.com Alumni for St. Andrew School alumni@standrewcs.org Online Giving Program www.standrewrcc.org and click on “We Share” HOLY DAY SCHEDULE Vigil: 7:00pm 7:30am, 9:15am, 11:00am ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday: 7:00-9:00pm Friday: 12:30-4:30pm Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00pm Benediction - 4:15pm BAPTISM Baptisms are held on the Last Saturday of the month. Baptism Class is required for parents and godparents, and Registration Forms for both Baptism and Baptism Class can be obtained at the Religious Education Office, or on our website at www.standrewrcc.org, under Parish Information, then forms. Completed paperwork can then be submitted to the Religious Education Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Diocesan Regulations: Couples must be 19 years of age. Must give 6 months notice. Please call the Parish Office prior to making any other arrangements. HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK Call the Parish Office any time 239-574-4545 Clifford Clare, Philip Errandi, Susan Barbado, Wanda Marinozzi, and Jean M. DeRosa Mass Intentions ( * Living + deceased ) Monday, October 13 7:30 +Dr. Octavio Maramara +Gerald Hayes 9:00 +Paul Henry, Sr. +Biagio and Philomena Scamardella Tuesday, October 14 7:30 *Fr. Gordon +Samuel Meloni 9:00 +Dante Gioacchini *Rosalie Rychwalski Wednesday, October 15 7:30 +Anita Geslani +Jhonny Kozacko 9:00 +Robert Beausoleal +William Rolph Thursday, October 16 7:30 +Hilda and Roosevelt Silva +Patrick and Ellen Lee 9:00 +Dante Gioacchini +Kathryn Montagnino Friday, October 17 7:30 +George Furlan +Chalut Sakornsin 9:00 +Virginia Sommer +Ysidora Alindogan Saturday, October 18 9:00 +Laura Sortino +Patrick Aloia 4pm +James Yaufman +Mary Charles Sunday, October 19 7:30 +Peter Novosel, Sr. +Willaim Yankle 9:00 +Ruth Blankenship +Brian T. Creighton 10:30 +Lee and Quigley family +Lina and Giueppe DiCaterino 12:00 *Members of St. Andrew 1:30 +Maria Monegro +Nancy Salas 7:30p+Bertrand O. Letendre Silver & Gold Jubilee Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 6:30pm The Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Present & Planning for the Future Sponsorship Opportunities available below Jubilee Sponsor $15,000 Audio Visual and Print Recognition, a table of ten $100 Paid bar tab, Two 50th Anniversary Wine Glasses per person, 25th Anniversary Tumbler, and a commemorative Flash Drive with the Anniversary Audio Visual Production Title Sponsor $10,000 Audio Visual and Print Recognition, and a table of ten Gold Sponsor $5,000 Audio Visual and Print Recognition, and a table of eight Silver Sponsor $2,500 Print Recognition, and six Dinner Tickets Patron Sponsor $1,000 Print Recognition and four Dinner Tickets Benefactor Sponsor $500 Print Recognition and two Dinner Tickets Friends Sponsor $250 Recognition in Booklet Individual Dinner Tickets $75.00 per person School Alumni Dinner Tickets $50.00 per person For more information, please contact: Fr. Richard York, Pastor Anyone wishing to purchase one of these wine glasses as a memento of our Anniversary Year can stop by the Parish Office, or log onto our website at www.standrewrcc.org Vigésimo Octavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Informes del pastor Hermanos y Hermanas, Ahora mismo hay más de 4500 familias en nuestra Parroquia y muchos niños y jóvenes están siendo educados en la fe. La base de nuestra Fe Católica es la celebración de los Sacramentos y el Sacramento primario es la Sagrada Eucaristía. La Iglesia San Andrés en Cape Coral ha celebrado el Sagrado Sacrificio de la Misa todos los días por 50 años. Honrando nuestro PASADO 9 Días de Adoración Visita diariamente el Sagrado Sacramento Octubre 23 al 31 Celebrando el PRESENTE 9 Días de Celebración Participa cada día de los Eventos Especiales Noviembre1ero al 9 Page 8 LOS CATÓLICOS REGRESAN A CASA Una Invitación para los Católicos no practicantes buscando la Unión en la Comunión. Fue usted criado dentro de la Iglesia Católica, pero no asiste regularmente? Usted fue criado como católico, pero no asiste a la iglesia con regularidad? Es usted una persona Católica que ahora se siente separado de la Iglesia? Le gustaría aprender más acerca de la Iglesia Católica del presente? Le gustaría sentirse como en casa dentro de la Iglesia Católica? No importa cuánto tiempo usted haya estado alejado, no importa cuál sea la razón, lo/la invitamos a que considere la renovación de su comunión con la Iglesia Católica. Únase a nosotros. Las sesiones se darán en las siguientes fechas: Semana 4 - Octubre 12 La Misa paso a paso (Incluye explicación y repaso histórico) Semana 5 - Octubre 19 Compartiendo el Sacramento de la Reconciliación (Confesión) Orando por el FUTURO 9 Días de Rezar el Rosario en Familia Realiza el Santo Rosario por nuestro Futuro Diciembre 6 al 14 Semana 6 - Octubre 26 Invitación Especial: Misa de Renovación del Matrimonio Sinceramente en el Señor, Fr. Richard York, your Pastor Reunión de jóvenes de la parroquia (Rally del 2014) MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES Habrá una Diocesano Colección próximo fin de semana especial, octubre 18/19 para la Propagación de la Fe. Sus contribuciones financieras se beneficiarán Iglesias jóvenes en tierras de misión en todo el mundo. Por favor, sean generosos y marcar sobre de donativos "Propagación de la Fe". Recogida de alimentos para los necesitados Marquen sus calendarios! 8 de noviembre y 9 6 de diciembre y el 7 de Domingo, Octubre 19 Misa: 10:30am, Pasta Almuerzo y Rally: 11:45-1:00pm interesados en asistir a este evento pueden inscribirse en la web en www.standrewrcc.org. Lugar: St. Andrew Church and Hall Parish News (October 12, 2014) Page 9 BUNCO October 15 12:30pm at the Parish Hall $5 REFRESHMENTS 50/50 DOOR PRIZES Buy tickets in advance or at the door Sponsored by St. Andrew CCW Call Rose for tickets at 458-4744 All are welcome to attend! Happy Anniversary 56th Nicholas and Patricia Cioffi 42nd Neil and Laura Savage PARISH UPGRADES / RENOVATIONS / REPAIRS SUMMER 2014 MEN’S BREAKFAST St. Andrew Catholic Church Men's Fellowship will be hosting a Breakfast on Tuesday, October 21 at 8am in the Parish Hall. The Breakfast is open to all men of the parish. Please come and enjoy a good breakfast, fellowship and an interesting program. UPCOMING FOOD DRIVES Mark your calendars! November 8 and 9 December 6 and 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SCHOOL School Art Room roof leaks - completed New Math books from Kinder to 4th Grade Air-conditioners replaced in School Cafeteria - original Hot Water Heater leaking in school (25yrs.) replaced Increase in JanPro for Cafeteria maintenance New Website design and maintenance New Leadership Team Costs (paid out of budgeted operating funds) $47,500 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PARISH Church Sacristy expansion New Server for Parish Office and three new towers for the Rel. Ed. Dept. Renovation of 3 new offices in School Building for Religious Education Dept. Renovation of 3 new Meeting Rooms in Office Building New computers: Fr. Andrew, Fr. Elbano, Fr. Remi, and Liturgy (900x4) New Evangel, Youth, and Website Coordinators (part-time) Costs (paid out of collection revenue) $65,500 1. Parish Office building Storage Center It soon will be holiday 2. New office for Fr. Andrew and Deacon Peter time! Let’s help stock the 3. Repair of bathroom in Fr. Gordon’s apartment shelves for those 4. New office for Liturgy & Evangelization less fortunate! - no costs - no costs - no costs - no costs Parishioner Since 1972 KEN SCHUMAN INSURANCE KEN SCHUMAN <RXU+RPHWRZQ$JHQF\ KEN’S AUTO REPAIR SPECIALIZING IN HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE AUTO - HOME - LIFE - HEALTH - BOAT - FLOOD MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT NURSING HOME - BUSINESS INSURANCE AUTO & MARINE ELECTRICAL SERVICE Complete Auto Repairs Est. 1973 ASE Master Automobile Technician )DPLO\2ZQHG2SHUDWHG6LQFH 542-5700 4533 Del Prado Blvd. Cape Coral, FL 33904 (239) 542-0008 4533 DEL PRADO BLVD. AFFORDABLE DR. RODNEY SMITH Optometrist Parishioner Conveniently Located Inside Target 239-573-4742 1890 NE Pine Island Road Cape Coral, FL Funerals & Cremations “Why be subjected to corporate prices?” Simple Cremations $650 239-481-1100 Mary V. Palumbo Phone: (239) 540-3220 Fax: (239) 540-3266 !"#$%&$'()*%+"%,#--*,,%'.%/*01+/-0$*%,+023.)4 1222 SE 47th St. | Cape Coral, FL 33904 email: pburgos@legacihealthcare.com www.legacihealthcare.com “Your Friendly & Caring Attorney” Wills & Trusts Probate Guardianship Matters Real Estate Corporations 12751 New Brittany Blvd. Suite 402 Fort Myers, FL 33907 225-7911 ESTATE PLANNING PROBATE BUSINESS PLANNING AV Rated by Martindale-Hubbell PIZZOLATOLAW.COM 30 + Years Experience Free Initial Consultation 5237 Summerlin Commons Blvd. Fort Myers, FL Ph: (239) 768-6898 Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Angela Cossentino, D.D.S. 2378 Surfside Blvd. • Suite 131 www.surfsidedentalcapecoral.com tel: 239-282-1940 Parishioner D’Orsa & Associates Public Adjusters ADVOCATE FOR YOUR INSURANCE CLAIMS Fire & Smoke • Water & Flood • Wind, Storm & Hurricane Ceiling & Roof Leaks • Burglary & Vandalism • Broken Plumbing Lines & Pipes • All Property Damage (877) 742-3587 • Public Insurance Adjuster P174940 M D S, M.D. Internal Medicine Luz Pacheco, ARNP 2002 Del Prado Blvd. S., Ste. 100 16251 N. Cleveland Ave., Unit 12 • Ft. Myers, FL 239-217-4470 613 Del Prado, Cape Coral 239-772-2122 !"#$% &'$()*'% +,-(-#./"."0)1( Honest, personalized eye care with compassion and integrity - Dr. Croley personally sees every patient. Voted Ophthalmologist of the Year by Who’s Who. With your frame purchase, Eyes of Faith will dontate a complete pair of glasses to missions. Dr. Croley will also donate an additional 20%. James Croley, MD/Cataract & Refractive Institute of FL www.FloridaCataract.com | 239.772.2122 16-0210-A Hours M-F 7-6pm • Saturday 8-1pm New Patients Welcome CORAL RIDGE FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY Cape Coral’s Only Funeral Home/Cemetery Facility Se Habla Español !"#$ %&'( )*+,'- ./,-0 1,2( 1/3,+0 4+/3&-, ##55! 6 7#5879#8$:;$ 6 <<<=1/3,+.&->(4?'(3,+@/A(=B/A Aileen Ardolino Agency Owner of Cape Coral Deborah Brooker Marzella Customer Service Representative !"#$%&'%() *% +,- ,+'.%/% 0#(%12 Big John’s Shopping Center 1319 Cape Coral Pkwy E Cape Coral, FL 33904 Henry L. Albrecht Realtor, Broker, Parishioner, School Parent • Voted Cape Coral’s Realtor of the Year 2012! • Specializing in Cape Coral since 1996! ! " #$%& %'(#) *+(,- .(/0#, Cell phone: 239-839-1218 E-mail: Henry@GulfGatewayRealty.com 1112.+$3.#-(1#45(#$-426&0 p 239.540.7060 c 239-810-2836 f 239.540.7066 customer service 877.677.4063 aileen.ardolino@weinsuregroup.com weinsuregroup.com For Advertising Information, call JOE SHEEHY at Messner Publications today! 203-231-0727 jsheehy@messnerpublications.com “I will rebate a portion of my commission at closing to a Buyer or Seller so &',& 3#4 +,- 5#-,&% .& 6,+7 &# , +'4(+') 8+'##9 #( +',(.&3 #: 3#4( +'#.+%12 DAVID & SONS AUTO REPAIR in God we trust Full Service Auto • Domestic & Foreign “Honest & Reliable” Se Habla Español Boat Covers • Tops Repairs 1517 SE 25th Ln • 239-829-0873 25 Years Experience Frank & Son Towing Services INC. YOUR LOW COST OPTION 24 Hour Service • Lic & Ins Special Rates for Dealers & Shops We Buy Junk Cars STEVE (239) 603-9049 239.560.2105 ay Sund Chu rch Day BAYSHORE GARDEN CENTER So many ways to help you grow! INTERIOR License #PT0201381, 07911 239-458-1149 Cell 239-292-1545 Over 30 Years In Business Plaster & Dry Wall Repair Paper Removal • Insured Bring Your Bulletin! $1 Donated for each Meal to Building Fund 239-949-3080 28601 Trails Edge Blvd 5870 Bayshore Rd. N. Fort Myers 239-543-1443 Parishioner www.bayshoregardencenter.com Matt FELGER PLUMBING INC. LICENSED AND INSURED CFC 1427532 239-440-3716 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL MICHAEL A. GENNARO, ESQ. FRANK A. PAVESE, JR., ESQ. ALISON C. HUSSEY, ESQ. 4635 S. Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral FL 33904 (239) 542-3148 www.paveselaw.com BISHOP VEROT CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Ranked one of the TOP 50 Catholic high school’s in the Nation 99% of graduates continue their formal education at the collegiate level with over $11.5 million in scholarships and grants Learn more about the benefits of a Catholic education Gina Lombardo, Development Director Deanna Breen, Admissions Director (239) 274-6730 (239) 274-6760 447 Cape Coral Parkway E, #107 –The Poutine Queen JOHN VANDERHEYDEN, INC. www.cycomptec.com (239) 770-1843 (239) 829-5230 Painting (Interior & Exterior) • Power Washing • Building Maintenance Licensed & Insured • 35 Yrs. Experience • Free Estimates COMPUTER REPAIR • ON-SITE • NETWORK SOLUTIONS FOOT CARE Marius Espeleta D.P.M. PA 2002 Del Prado Blvd. S #102 (239) 573-4826 Robret Greco President LEED AP 6WDWH&HUWLÀHG(OHFWULFDO&RQWUDFWRUV 842 SE 46th Lane • Cape Coral, FL 33904 239-542-1624 • 239-980-8200 cell • 239-549-4166 fax robert@ acraelectricinc.com EC 0000346 www.acraelectricinc.com Jack Martin, GRI, e-Pro, REALTOR® Parishioner since 2000 Direct (239) 707-9015 3409 Del Prado Blvd. • Cape Coral Jack@TheJackMartinTeam.com www.TheJackMartinTeam.com Commercial • Residential • Property Mgt. 16-0210-B Cyber Computer Technology, Inc. “Gravy Makes Everything Better” Try our famous Poutine, Peameal Bacon Sandwiches from Canada & Taylor Pork Roll from New Jersey. Other Menu Items include, Chicken strips & Hand cut french fries. We are the Big Pink Food Trailer at the Trebing Tile Lot 4315 Del Prado Blvd. South, Cape Coral 33904 239-285-2479 • www.facebook.com/Queenofpoutine PLUMBER !"#$% & '() *+,, !-%.+,/ 01-/% & #--.232,% 45$% & 6.3.(7 *.-/% & 8319:% Schubert Plumbing 401k, Pension Rollovers Investments *2-(-92(7 #/A2%1+ Parishioner IM1PLUMBER@COMCAST.NET 772-7575 License #CFC1425906 2104 Del Prado Blvd. O’NEILL & SASSO, P.A. !"#$%&' John O’Neill M. Daniel Sasso Parishioner Parishioner 4020 Del Prado Blvd., Suite A1 • Cape Coral, FL 33904 239-542-1355 ()&*+,+(-%..+(/&01!,2(32!.#4+,!,2( (5*+%62++# !"(70&80&!,%06+9 7:+( TUFFY TIRE & AUTO SERVICE Joseph Magnant, MD, FACS 1335 Del Prado Blvd. S • Cape Coral, Florida 239-574-3313 Family owned and operated since 1996 by Mark & Patty Holmes, Parishioners Please visit our website for special offers! Try our FREE eVein Screening! www.tuffycc.com Experts in the Diagnosis & Treatment of: Tuffy is a full service auto repair shop. Thank you for supporting our business. Swollen Achy Legs • Varicose Veins Spider Veins • Leg Ulcerations &UHPDWLRQDQG)XQHUDO6HUYLFHV Se Habla Espanol, Most Insurance Accepted. TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC FUNERALS 239.694.VEIN (8346) weknowveins.com 7&2'!,%06#H#5*&%!. I*,#0E#;,!,2#)&!6+E2& DENTIST 3740 Del Prado Blvd. S., Cape Coral JUAN C. CASTELLANOS DDS, Parishioner 1338 Lafayette Street • Cape Coral, FL 33904 * Se Habla Español * Free Exam & X-Rays * Financing Available 239-542-3161 www.FullerMetz.com 239-542-3925 • www.coraldds.com Holy Family Farm BAYSIDE HEARING AID CENTER All Makes/Repairs, Sales & Service Absolute Lowest Prices! Ellie Winn, BC-HIS, ACA Audioprosthologist / Parish Members 16450 San Carlos Blvd,#3•Fort Myers, FL 239-415-0727 I Buy Antiques Coins • Old Costume Jewelry • Paintings Jewelry • Estates • Gold & Silver Call Us: (239) 574-2700 www.capefamilydental.com Quality Service you can trust! No job too Small! $ave by Calling Vince Pullen 239-989-9310 239-574-9436 / 239-470-1775 Parishioner Lic & Ins - S.K.D. Parishioner ;82<%!.%=%6>#?6@ Diabetic Shoes & Foot Care Wound Management Neuropathy Treatment Orthotics & Injuries Heel Pain/Foot Deformities # Dr. John J. Adler Parishioner SAVIOR PLUMBING LLC Foot & Ankle Center # Pat - 239-980-2728 2002 Del Prado Blvd S, Ste 202 • Cape Coral, FL 33990 FOR SALE: Chickens • Goats • Eggs A2B%<!&2#C++%>6'26,#C<<28,2B Board Certified Podiatrist # New Patients Welcome 1722 Del Prado Blvd. S. #12 Cape Coral, FL 33990 0<!,2B#;0*,D#0E#-!.FA!&, #239-573-9200 """G<<E00,B&G<0' ERIC W. BAXMANN, D.D.S. General Dentistry New Patients Welcomed 15650 San Carlos Blvd. • Fort Myers 239-489-1118 Your Home Guaranteed Sold or Rented for Top Dollar FRED PRICE BROKER/OWNER 239-770-7121 www.SoldCapeCoral.com 16-0210-O Sam Mazzotti, AAMS Lawrence Schubert (239) 564-0379 ;.<72%=,/ <> 6,%%-,+ ;.<729(321-%? !-9@ *1+ #/A,+32%2-B !-C1+D(321- 4(77 E&FGG&GHE&IEEE J KKK@D,%%-,+L.<729(321-%@91D RETIREMENT PLANNING FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW
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