DAY 2 Published by FALL 2014 Scan with Layar Tuesday, October 7, 2014 DALLAS Wheeler vows competition will be protected; FCC will take action when necessary By Bruce Christian H earing, hailing and then leading the cheer: “Competition, competition, competition,” Federal Communication Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler on Monday assured COMPTEL PLUS attendees the FCC is ready and willing to step in should private industry fail. “The best way to serve consumers and economic growth is through the push and pull of competition,” Wheeler said in his keynote address, adding that “where competition exists, the Commission will protect it. Likewise, where it can be made more vibrant, it should be incented.” Wheeler acknowledged COMPTEL’s members deliver competitive alternatives to business and enterprise customers, which helps enterprises provide better, more affordable goods and services to the public. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler discusses issues affecting the telecommunications industry and vows to support measures that promote market competition during his keynote address. The Chairman said he wanted to view the conversation regarding supporting competition with a look at the future. “Our basic approach is simple, and by now familiar,” Wheeler said. “Technology transitions are good and they should be (See Wheeler on page 32) Introducing Nitel Ethernet Services Lower Costs and Expand Your Network Reach with Layer 2 Interconnect Instant Nationwide Reach Productivity Enhancing Tools 500,000+ fiber-lit CLEC buildings Instant pricing through n-Tellipro™ web portal 15,000+ ILEC/RBOC COs serving Ethernet over fiber Full pricing integration through API access 1,430 ILEC/RBOC COs serving Ethernet over copper Real-time network monitoring, ticket entry and Interconnect at any of 61 POPs in 20 markets management through MyNitel web portal or mobile app Tap Into the Power of Ethernet Lower equipment costs Universal, familiar technology No coordination of IP addressing or routing Greater choice of bandwidth options Contact a Nitel Carrier Solutions representative today to learn more. 773.661.5579 | | Beka Publishing, COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 1 Visit us at Your Grow Revenue & Profits Become an MVNO Your Brand Your Service Leverage the POWER of Telispire A Full Turn-Key Solution Customizable & Flexible Low Capital Expenditure Telispire’s PHOENIX Back Office System Activations Billing Provisioning CRM System White Label Solutions Usage Alerting Ecommerce Tier 1 Customer Care Integrated Business Models Postpaid Prepaid Machine-to-Machine Join us at our Booth 314 to learn more about how Telispire can help you grow your revenue! Comptel Plus Fall 2014 Convention & EXPO October 5-8 Gaylord Texan Dallas, TX Booth 314 Our nationwide fiber-optic infrastructure is available and being used today by community anchor institutions in 22 states. With ring-protected paths for scalable data transmissions from 10 Mbps to 10 GB, our network offers the connectivity your enterprise offerings need. Mediacom Business Advanced Services Include: ■ Long Haul Transport ■ Wireless Backhaul ■ Point-To-Point Ethernet Service ■ Metro Ethernet ■ Dedicated Internet Access ■ Primary Rate Interface Call and learn how easy and profitable it is to add Mediacom Business services. Christina Montalvo Carrier Account Executive (515) 246-2251 • Day 2 Is NFV the future or an over-hyped story? By Prayson Pate CTO and Senior Vice President of Engineering of Overture T he telecommunications industry has come a long way since network functions virtualization (NFV) and its extrapolated promise of software-defined services hit the Internet hard enough to cause a buzz. We are digging into how to move NFV from a data center phenomenon into a network-based technology that works at a Carrier Ethernet, carrier-class level. Is NFV an over-hyped old story in emperor’s new clothes? In the run-up to the COMPTEL PLUS session, “NFV: Hype, Hope or Honest Value?” at 9:30 a.m. today, four industry experts join me to talk about this topic relative to the service provider, the enterprise and the future. The true power of implementing an NFVenabled solution via a Carrier Ethernet-based service is the ability for rapid-fire creation of new revenue streams through the delivery of differentiated and customized NFV-enabled services on top of existing network services, said Ray Patalano, director of Solutions Marketing for Cyan. “Services, such as a software-based firewall or virtual router, can be delivered without adding additional hardware or rolling a truck and technician to turn up the new service. That’s a great OPEX saving, but the true value is in delivering the right service, at the right time and price for the end user before your competition does. “NFV delivers a scale and speed we’ve yet to experience as an industry, and its timing is perfect, as enterprise customers are demanding more services that are flexible and open enough, and the control to change their own services via a web portal without service provider interaction.” Masergy’s CTO Tim Naramore added that “corporate CIOs are under pressure to reduce costs, increase services supported and, maintain compliance. Utilizing NFV in the PoP or customer premise, IT departments can simplify interoperability testing of multiple, disparate systems by buying a pre-integrated solution from their carrier.” Naramore continued. “Implementing NFV offers a new level of business agility, enabling IT network administrators to add functionality without shipping equipment or incurring capital expense overhead.” I believe much of the NFV focus has been to cut CAPEX and OPEX. This is a worthy goal, but it doesn’t address the real problem service providers face. A more important driver is the ability to create and to deploy new revenue generating services quickly and efficiently. NFV enables that innovation by allowing service providers to access a whole new set of software tools and development models. NFV has particular benefits for the competitive service provider. By removing the need to deploy appliances, it empowers them to address opportunities that were previously inaccessible. Said Eitan Schwartz, vice president of Service Provider Line of Business for North America at RAD, “In 2015 we will see early adopter deployments introducing NFV-based, value-added services to enterprise customers wherever they make the most practical, economic sense – including the customer edge for maximum service agility with minimal upfront investment or infrastructure change. “Service providers adopting an evolutionary approach utilizing hardware-based, Layer 2/ Layer 3 demarcation devices with CE 2.0 certified functionality and x86 compute engine will be first to benefit from improved customer satisfaction and higher profitability,” Schwartz continued. “This is achieved by complementing SLA assurance with powerful VNFs providing servicechained, value-added services.” Schwartz added distributed NFV will become mainstream in 2016 with deployments by innovative operators worldwide looking to differentiate themselves with agile, future-proof edge solutions that can evolve with changing network requirements and customer demand. ATLANTIC-ACM delivers metro wholesale awards S trategy research consultancy ATLANTICACM delivered its 2014 Metro Wholesale Provider Excellence Awards Monday afternoon at the COMPTEL PLUS. The awards are based on data for the 2014 edition of ATLANTIC-ACM’s Metro Wholesale Service Provider Report Card and derived from more than 1,800 individual ratings of metro service providers by their wholesale customers. ATLANTIC-ACM President Fedor Smith delivered the awards to: • Fibertech: CLEC Brand, Sales Reps, Provisioning, Network Performance, Billing, Customer Service and Data Value • Inteliquent: CLEC Billing and Voice Value • AT&T: ILEC Brand and Network Performance • CenturyLink: ILEC Brand, Sales Reps, Provisioning, Billing and Customer Service • Windstream: ILEC Voice Value and Data Value Boston-based ATLANTIC-ACM is a provider of strategic research and consulting services to the communications and information industries. For more information, visit ATLANTIC-ACM’s website at 4 COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Beka Publishing, LEBANON KEENE Day 2 NTT Com helps fight DDoS attacks T he title of a recent report on distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks pretty much summarizes the present cyber security landscape: “The Danger Deepens.” The study by leading information services and data analytics provider Neustar found DDoS attacks, more unpredictable than ever, are evolving in strategy and tactics. A DDoS attack is an attempt to make a network resource unavailable by interrupting or suspending services of a host connected to the Internet. DDoS attacks can strike at any time, potentially crippling network infrastructure and severely degrading user experience. Depending on the type and severity of an attack, the impact can result in resource damages, millions of dollars of lost revenue and irreparable harm to a company’s brand. Any organization with an online presence is a potential target for a DDoS attack, yet many organizations have inadequate security strategies in place for defending against such a threat. Early DDoS attacks were focused primarily on flooding network resources with unwanted traffic so that legitimate traffic would be unable to reach the intended target. More recently, application layer attacks designed to compromise a specific service on a host have become more prevalent. Because application layer attack traffic looks similar to legitimate traffic, traditional security measures, such as filtering, firewalls and IPS/IDS are not sufficient defenses. In addition, attackers are learning from the defending countermeasures and adjusting their attacks towards other targets and vulnerabilities. UNITEL offers risk management solutions A s the largest communications insurance agency in the United States, UNITEL has been active in the sector for more than 10 years. Its team has more than 100 years of combined experience in insurance and risk management focusing on the technology and communications market. Although traditional insurance markets are used most commonly, UNITEL can provide a number of risk management techniques to any insurance problem to achieve adequate coverage at affordable prices. UNITEL has numerous insurance products including, technology errors and omissions, property and casualty as well as bonds. Some included business types are: traditional telephone companies or incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs), competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), broadband companies and Internet service providers, as well as some of the newer entrants into the communications industry, such as middle mile providers. As an insurance agency, UNITEL writes an ancillary benefits insurance program dedicated to communication companies looking to provide employee benefit options at a competitive price. To that end, COMPTEL partners with UNITEL Insurance to help member companies enhance their employee benefits packages while potentially saving money. Through this program, COMPTEL members have exclusive access to a number of benefits including: • Discounted pricing •Three-year rate guarantee 6 COMPTEL Plus • Flexibility in plan design • Underwriting concessions Among the programs available from UNITEL and Principal Life are: •Life and AD&D • Guarantee issue amounts • Voluntary life options available • Portability provisions • Short-term disability • Flexible elimination periods • Employee assistance program •P artial disability benefit with 20 percent loss of income • Survivor benefits • Rehab incentive programs • 24-hour coverage • 17 movable provisions • Long-term disability • Flexible elimination periods • 401(k) retirement plan supplement • COBRA premium supplement • Spouse rehabilitation benefit • Dependent education benefit • COLA benefits • Activities of daily living provisions • Critical illness •G uarantee issue coverage with no individual health questions • $50 annual wellness benefit • Portability • Multiple payouts – two per lifetime •G uarantee issue coverage for spouse and child For more information, contact Mike Reed at 402.680.3255 or | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 The motivations of attackers can range from social and political protests to financial extortion with the intent to disrupt governments, organizations or businesses and cause financial or reputational harm. Recent political unrest in the Middle East and North Africa saw corresponding spikes in DDoS attacks on regional businesses and governments. In many cases DDoS attacks are the cover for other crimes, such as property, fund or data thefts. As the holiday shopping season approaches, online retailers and e-commerce businesses are especially vulnerable, even if they have some DDoS mitigation tools in place. DDoS attacks can strike at any time, potentially crippling network infrastructure and severely degrading user experience. There is no single defense strategy to defend against today’s sophisticated and evolving DDoS threat landscape. Instead, a layered defense approach is recommended that combines traditional security measures, vast availability of bandwidth, intelligent DDoS mitigation systems and sound risk management strategies. Recognizing the ongoing and increasing threats from DDoS attacks, NTT Communications (NTT Com) has deployed technologies to help mitigate these threats. Built on industry-leading DDoS protection platforms, NTT Com’s global Tier 1 IP network and 24x7 expert monitoring services, allows for fast and effective actions to minimize the impact of a DDoS attack. When notified of a possible attack, NTT Com expert Network Security Team analyzes key network data to confirm whether an attack is in progress, and then rapidly re-directs incoming traffic through our mitigation platform. The DDoS Protection Service platform is built on best-of-breed technology, which removes attack traffic and passes legitimate “clean” traffic onto a network, allowing businesses to stay online and function during the attack. NTT Com offers the technology, experience and flexibility that competitive telecommunications providers need to design and implement a comprehensive and successful DDoS defense strategy. For more information about DDoS attack protection, please visit Beka Publishing, LOOKING FOR THE LARGEST DARK FIBER NETWORK IN ARIZONA? MEET US AT THE COMPTEL DEAL CENTER. SRP Telecom’s service territory spans 15 cities across metro Phoenix and includes a network of more than 1,800 route miles. It’s the most physically diverse dark fiber network in the area. SRP is one of the nation’s largest public power utilities and has been providing water and electricity to Central Arizona for over a century. Backed by that longevity, SRP Telecom is one of the most stable, trusted and reliable brands in the market. Let SRP Telecom connect you at the speed of light. To meet us at the show and learn more, go to Day 2 Neustar adds digital, brand experts N eustar Inc. added digital and brand experts to its executive ranks, underscoring the company’s commitment to digital. Todd Wilms, Neustar’s new vice president, digital, and Angela Culver, the new vice president, brand; join CMO Lisa Joy Rosner, to help Neustar reach marketing, security and operations leaders. “Neustar’s goal is to help CMOs and CIOs be successful,” said Rosner. “To achieve this, we needed to enhance our team with savvy digital and brand marketers that speak the right language to these business leaders. I am pleased to announce the addition of top talent in Todd Wilms and Angela Culver as the newest members of our marketing team.” A widely recognized brand evangelist and social media leader, Wilms will drive the vision and strategy for all Neustar’s internal and external communications. Wilms was most recently SAP’s head of social business strategy, and led the charge in establishing SAP as a social business and transforming its marketing direction from “helping sales sell” to “helping customers buy.” A thought leader in the digital arena, Wilms has written more than 140 articles as a chief contributor to Forbes. He is a highly sought after keynote address speaker on social, digital and business leadership, and is a guest lecturer at multiple universities. A marketing executive with a rare combination of data analytics, security and telecommunications experience, Culver will manage and grow the brand, creative services, web, events and international marketing teams. Culver joins Neustar from ACLynn, a boutique marketing consulting firm she founded in 2004. Clients have included BroadVision, HP, iFusion and most recently URUUT. She has built a career in helping organizations use data to fine-tune their marketing operations and creative output, resulting in overall increase in brand equity. Prior to ACLynn, Culver was responsible for leading the marketing initiatives at Quova (acquired by Neustar in 2010). As head of marketing at Quova, she defined the geo-location product category, increasing the company’s market value and its opportunity to be acquired several years later. “I am a data junkie at heart,” said Culver. “I started using data to help make marketing decisions back in my early days at Brio Technology, and I never stopped. A strong brand starts with happy customers. Understanding our customers and how they respond to us – using our own analytic services – will help us determine how to increase the value of our brand. This is my charter.” More information is available at or booth 200. 8 COMPTEL Plus Windstream’s RevChain delivers seamless workflow F or more than 19 years, RevChain Solutions, a Windstream company, has maintained a reputation as one of the nation’s premier providers of enterprise carrier-grade billing, account management, customer care and accounts receivable billing platforms. To maintain its customer loyalty throughout the years, RevChain has applied enhancements to its service and support portfolio to adjust for the changing needs of its customer base. The most recent improvement of the RevChain platform, Software Release 8.4, offers a new functions to help enterprises achieve more efficient workflow processes. Designed to meet the demands of customers looking for integrated contract management and configurable workflows, RevChain Software Release 8.4 incorporates a “free-ware” workflow billing application platform and its advanced features enable customers to manage workflow requirements specific to their business. What makes RevChain Solutions Software Release 8.4 unique? While other billing platforms often require separate software packaging and licensing fees for contract functions, RevChain’s sophisticated contract management function is integrated into the core RevChain software platform. This robust functionality enables RevChain customers who work with clients at small-to-large businesses to implement contract terms and conditions easily into the billing process without the need for thirdparty software applications. Software Release 8.4 also helps growing businesses configure and adjust workflows for functions such as treatment and collections and eliminates the burden and costs of professional service charges. The RevChain Software Release 8.4 billing process supports E-Rate features to apply and to bill accurately educational and institutional funding programs, a sophisticated partner management feature and an integration tool called XBi to migrate external and legacy systems efficiently onto the RevChain platform. This platform has been installed in more than 70 locations internationally and is helping to address the needs of service providers across a variety of industries. RevChain has been recognized for offering the most sophisticated rating and pricing engine, allowing businesses to address complex discounted or contract terms and conditions and pricing requirements as needed. For more information about RevChain Solutions and Windstream’s Carrier Solutions, visit booth 401 or visit After delivering his keynote address, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler visits vendors on the EXPO floor. | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Beka Publishing, Day 2 Walker, SmartRG sign deal W alker and Associates Inc. and SmartRG Inc. have signed a multiyear master distribution agreement that expands the distribution reach of both companies. Walker will provide go-to-market and order fulfillment services, which include customer engagement, product distribution, technical support, advanced configuration and product rework services of the entire SmartRG product portfolio. SmartRG will provide advanced technical support, an established base of active customers and software-driven tools for advanced product customization. It also will gain access and introductions to Walker’s regional broadband service providers and reseller customers. The Walker and SmartRG relationship will expand the availability of SmartRG’s advanced residential gateway technology, cloud customer premises equipment (CPE) management software and value added solutions to a wider range of U.S.-based regional broadband operators and aid in growing Walker’s service provider customer base. ’Walker and Associates has a world-class sales and engineering team.’ — Jeff McInnis, SmartRG SmartRG CEO Jeff McInnis said, “Our teams are committed to a strategic co-marketing agreement, designed so that each company can leverage the other’s strengths.” McInnis added, “Walker and Associates has a world-class sales and engineering team, combined with an advanced telecom logistics operation that is second-to-none in the U.S. market.” While the two companies will benefit from the synergy the agreement brings, they also will benefit from the investments each will make in expanding its respective reach. All SmartRG gateways have the ability to be customized to meet the specifications of regional broadband operators and, in conjunction with this agreement, SmartRG will provide 10 COMPTEL Plus an enhanced level of support to Walker to support the growing needs of its North American customers more effectively. In addition, SmartRG will provide access to a suite of proprietary tools that enable Walker to create, quality assure, test custom CPE firmware and flash, which will deliver products to an operator’s exact specifications. As part of the initial investment, SmartRG will provide Walker access to the company’s advanced custom configuration tool as well as the company’s high density flashing system (HDFS) to be installed in Walker’s primary distribution center in Welcome, N.C. The HDFS system will also improve Walker’s ability to recondition “churn inventory,” further extending its customers’ CPE investment. Walker’s Vice President of Marketing Lisa Smiley said that SmartRG provides flexible, carrier class products for the residence. “SmartRG’s forward-thinking and attention to detail delivers the best possible customer experience. Their new products are compatible and interoperable with our broadband service delivery product of choice, ADTRAN Total Access 5000.” Smiley added, “Walker will provide all of the configuration services for these CPE devices from our in-house technical services facility. This is part of our total solutions packaging that includes network design and installation.” For more information, visit Walker & Associates in booth 507. Neutral Path opens carrier hotel in Iowa N eutral Path Communications has added a new carrier hotel in Sioux City, Iowa. Sioux City is an ideal location for interconnection with local and regional networks in the Western Iowa, South Dakota, Southern Minnesota and Nebraska areas, the company stated in a news release. Located on the neutral path dark fiber backbone spanning from Minneapolis to Omaha, carriers will have direct access to the key carrier aggregation points of Omaha and Minneapolis. The facility offers opportunities to interconnect with many other ISPs, service providers and enterprises in the region. “The Neutral Path Sioux City Carrier Hotel provides our customers with a carrier neutral space to regenerate their optical signal along our dark fiber backbone network, locate servers or other equipment, and exchange traffic with many others all within a highly secure and efficient environment,” said Scott Bergs, Neutral Path’s CEO. “This expansion fits well into our long-haul dark fiber route and will offer many options for our clients.” The Sioux City facility augments Neutral Path’s existing facilities in Mankato and Rochester, Minn., and our other regeneration locations spaced along its dark fiber backbone network spanning the Midwest. Vitelity vMobile wins award for innovation V oice over IP technology provider Vitelity’s vMobile won the Best of Show Award for Best Wireless/Mobile Solution during the ITEXPO in August. Winners of the Best of Show Award program are reserved for products or services that demonstrate raw creativity and technological innovation. Vitelity’s vMobile gives users the freedom to make their office anywhere they are. The mobile product provides full integration between the vMobile smart phone and any SIP-enabled PBX telephone system. Users are able to access their complete PBX feature set, regardless of whether they are in the office or not. vMobile brings the full integration to customers without relying on data, Wi-Fi, call forwarding or downloaded apps. All integration and functionality are completely native to the | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 vMobile smart phone. Additionally vMobile is able to seamlessly switch between Wi-Fi and cellular, optimizing access for customers and saving money over traditional mobile phone plans. “Vitelity is pleased and excited to win the award for Best Wireless/Mobile Solution,” said Jeannie Zaemes, director of Marketing, Vitelity. “The entire vMobile team has worked tirelessly to develop a truly innovative wireless solution that empowers communication for customers and gives resellers a unique smart phone product to expand their business and grow revenue.” Vitelity provides depth in communications expertise offering innovative products and services including VoIP, fax and hosting with its 50Gbit private dark fiber network and interconnections in major cities throughout the United States. To learn more about how Vitelity is empowering communications, visit booth 215 or go to Beka Publishing, If your network under-performs, you can’t come through for customers. To identify who they are and what services they really want, you need to be strong and agile. It all starts with your network. FOUR WAYS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR NETWORK AND BRAND • Trim stranded assets and under-utilized circuits • Whip your data into shape • Strengthen your number inventory • Bulk up network security To get your network in peak condition, delight customers and strengthen your brand, visit Booth 200 or Day 2 Equinox celebrates multiple milestones N ashville-based Equinox Information Systems reports several company milestones. September marked the start of the company’s 29th year. Founded in 1986 with a simple, clearlydefined vision: “to be a great place to work,” founders Wayne Lowe and Byron Middendorf have succeeded in fulfilling the mission by focusing on what really matters: family comes first. Knowing their families are well cared for allows Equinox employees to focus on the business of providing the best telecom solutions in the industry when they are on the clock. This philosophy is responsible for its second milestone, the signing of its 350th customer. Equinox’s employees are passionate about helping carriers protect and optimize revenue, believing each customer should benefit from its products, but should also enjoy the experience. Instead of wielding large advertising budgets or flashy marketing campaigns, Equinox relies on the best form of marketing personal referrals from existing customers. Every member of the Equinox team takes this commitment seriously. As a result, the majority of new customers comes through industry referrals or experience using the product at a previous employer. Equinox takes pride in its reputation, knowing it is built on a foundation of exceeding customer expectations. The results of a recent survey demonstrate success in this arena, as 97 percent of respondents said “Yes, absolutely!” when asked whether they would recommend Equinox products to their friends and colleagues. When asked to rate their experience with the Equinox Support Team, 87 percent checked the highest rating – Extraordinary. Such results reinforce the core principles that drive Equinox and perhaps explains another phenomenon, which is repeat business. The company offers business assurance solutions in two distinct categories: fraud management (Protector) and mediation/usage analytics (TeleLink). While virtually no customer buys both Protector and TeleLink simultaneously, more than 40 percent of all customers rely on and have solutions in place. Based on the relationship and overall project ROI, customers repeatedly task Equinox with helping them achieve additional revenue saving and optimization efforts. When asked to comment on the company’s success, Equinox Executive Vice President David West said, “Surpassing milestones, such as total numbers of customers, net promoter score and repeat business, is an exciting accomplishment. However, these measures merely reflect our success at what really matters – creating and maintaining an environment where talented people can excel at their jobs and also enjoy their families and lives outside of work. “The milestones we celebrate today are possible because of Equinox’s 28-year investment in employee happiness,” West added. Since its inception, Equinox has helped customers in the telecommunication industry stop fraud, mediate usage data, manage expense and optimize revenue. The company has grown and adapted technologically to become an industry leader for business assurance software solutions. For more information, go to booth 414 or visit Inc. places Nitel in select group N itel, a managed telecom service provider, was named to the annual Inc. 500|5000 list for a sixth year in a row. It also landed a spot on the Inc. 5000 Honor Roll as one of a select group of companies to make the list five times or more. The list, published annually by Inc. magazine, represents the top privatelyheld companies in the United States, ranked by growth percentage. Nitel posted a three-year growth rate of 57 percent, as well as adding to its staff count by 35 employees over the same period, taking its total to 108. “We continue to focus on the growth of the Nitel network,” CEO Rick Stern said. “Over the past year we’ve expanded our network to six core and 52 access PoPs, with over 200,000 lit buildings across the country. “We’ve added industry leading tools, like our MyNitel web portal, where clients can easily access their network and billing information from their desktop,” Stern added. “And our first-of-its-kind MyNitel mobile app allows clients to get real-time network data on their iOS devices. In the coming year we look forward to further bolstering our network and increasing our innovative product set to continue our aggressive plan for growth into the future.” For more information, visit EZtax announces two billing partnerships E Peter Radizeski, founder and president of RAD-INFO INC., serves as a host at the HUB on the EXPO floor. 12 COMPTEL Plus Ztax (formerly known as BillSoft Inc.) continues its phenomenal growth this year, and with its expansion come new partnerships with two billing providers, H2O Overgroup and OneBill. The innovative billing systems of these two companies are fully integrated with EZtax software, making it easy for their customers to use EZtax and benefit from its exceptional features. As EZtax demonstrates its products are superior, its billing system partners continue to refer their clients to the company. One of its long-term partners, CommSoft, recently recommended EZtax to a new clients, EATEL. | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 “It is refreshing to actually have dedicated support when I have a tax question,” said Liz Cook, controller of EATEL. “At EZtax, I talk to my primary point of contact live each time. This is a great service because we don’t have to explain our business every time that we call. EZtax customer support has served us extremely well.” CommSoft has an end-to-end billing and OSS software suite designed to meet the needs of each department in your company. For information about CommSoft, visit EZtax looks forward to continued growth with its newly established and existing partners. For more information about EZtax, visit booth 207 or go to Beka Publishing, Symphony puts all the pieces in perfect harmony Can’t find the right information at the right time? Billing & CRM Mediation Is it taking too long to get products to market? Rating Executive Dashboard Roaming Are you capturing billing from all sources? Are you duplicating tasks? Suite of Products Settlements Provisioning Symphony™ – a carrier-grade, stand-alone, turnkey platform – can handle all these issues and so much more! Symphony enables service providers TopUp Workflow Customer Self-Care and resellers to launch new Business Support Systems applications and service offerings within their existing OSS. Symphony is brought to you by telecom experts who have built and installed state-of-the-art systems for large and small companies across the globe. Find out more! Stop by Booth 419 and enter to win an Apple iPad. 585-419-7040 Copyright © Xelex Technologies, Inc 2014. Day 2 Premium rate number fraud increases P remium rate numbers have been a staple of the telecom industry. Unfortunately, fraudulent use of premium rate numbers has exploded during the last several years. TransNexus President Jim Dalton emphasizes, “Premium rate numbers are begging to be used for fraud. The premium rate number business model made sense before VoIP technology was available. Now, a whole ecosystem has evolved that makes traffic pumping fraud to premium rate numbers an easy endeavor for anyone.” A new TransNexus report examines the growing problem of telecom fraud stemming from the use of premium rate numbers and how TransNexus fraud detection solutions can help to protect service providers. According to the report, the problem with premium rate numbers is they are easy to abuse. The money paid to the “business” acts as a strong incentive to pump traffic to a phone number. Traffic pumping, or access stimulation, is a scheme in which a fraudster uses inappropriate means to artificially inflate traffic to their premium rate number. The criminal can hack into a phone network, use stolen equipment or simply use deceptive practices to generate traffic to premium rate numbers. The results can be tens of thousands of dollars in fraudulent charges. Recently, a seven-person architectural firm in Atlanta received a $166,000 bill for fraudulent calls to Gambia, Somalia and the Maldives. The firm has filed a complaint with the FCC citing its service provider, tw telecom inc, is aiding and abetting the fraudulent scheme, since it has paid its international carrier for the fraudulent traffic. Because the public looks at telecom fraud as similar to credit card fraud – something for which they should not be liable – most service providers are unable to collect payment for the huge charges and are stuck paying the bills themselves. Researchers at TransNexus turned up 41 companies that offer quick setup for premium rate number services. A potential fraudster needs to contact only one of these companies to be provided with a list of premium rate numbers. The service will then give the criminal a cut of the income provided from calls to the numbers. Many services even offer help setting up a custom interactive voice response (IVR) system or call center answering. Fraudsters only need to specify whether they want the line to be answered with psychic readings, betting tips, chat lines or weather reports. Potential fraudsters don’t need special equipment to operate a premium rate number. Incoming calls to the premium rate number are connected to international points-of-presence, where they are either terminated onto IVR equipment or internationally forwarded to the fraudster’s own SIP servers. Most services can handle up to 99 simultaneous calls at a time. The full TransNexus report, “Hacking Premium Rate Number Schemes,” details how fraudsters are acquiring premium rate numbers and includes call-flow diagrams that illustrate the way they take advantage of the system. The report is available for free download at php/whitepapers. For more information, go to TransNexus at booth 514. Global Capacity buys Megapath services G lobal Capacity announced in September that it signed a definitive agreement to acquire the network services business unit of MegaPath Corporation. The transaction is expected to combine the complementary capabilities of Global Capacity’s One Marketplace platform and cloud application with MegaPath’s robust network infrastructure and intelligent delivery systems. The acquisition will create a $300 million company focused on making it simpler, more cost-effective and more efficient for customers to buy network connectivity in today’s increasingly complex $318 billion global data connectivity market. MegaPath provides data, voice, security and hosted IT services for small, medium and enterprise businesses nationwide. Its services empower businesses to communicate among their headquarters, employees and business partners, easily and securely. As a result of the acquisition, Global Capacity will gain infrastructure and human resources that allow it to compete more effectively on a global scale. Global Capacity is a connectivity-as-a-service company that improves the efficiency and reduces the cost of buying access networks globally. Through its One Marketplace, the company brings together customers and suppliers in an 14 COMPTEL Plus automated platform that provides ubiquitous access network solutions that deliver on its brand promise: “Connectivity Made Simple.” Pivotal Group owns Global Capacity. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. “We are pleased to announce the acquisition of these strategic assets from MegaPath,” said F. Francis Najafi, founder and CEO of Pivotal Group. “The disruptive nature of the One Marketplace platform has become increasingly self-evident in the market, and the ability to accelerate the scale and competitiveness of our platform through the addition of these assets is very exciting.” The acquisition also will provide Global Capacity with a significant expansion of business and wholesale customers, as well as the United States’ largest aggregated central officebased network, serving 50 markets, reaching more than 14 million businesses and adding more than 300 experienced employees. “Our acquisition of MegaPath’s network services business furthers our strategy to simplify network connectivity by creating one of the most innovative connectivity as a service companies in the industry,” said Jack Lodge, president of Global Capacity. “By expanding our product portfolio, and our network’s reach and depth, we can now deliver access to over 98 percent of the U.S. market, | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 offering our customers more options to connect to even more choice locations while improving our price performance, and building on the double digit growth we enjoyed this past year.” The network services being acquired is aligned with Global Capacity’s initiatives for growth. Key drivers include: • Continued build-out of ubiquitous network reach; • Enhancements to Global Capacity’s cloud application that enables real-time design, price and ordering of connectivity; and • Improved real-time network management tools to meet telecommunication carriers, managed service providers, system integrators and enterprise customers increasingly application centric bandwidth requirements. With the sale of its network services business unit, MegaPath will continue operate its managed voice, data, security and cloud services businesses. The transaction will enable MegaPath to focus on these high growth segments. At closing, MegaPath will become Global Capacity’s largest wholesale customer. “This transaction provides great benefit to our network services customers, while enabling MegaPath to focus on investing in the growth of our core value added services,” said Craig Young, CEO, MegaPath. “Customers will benefit from (See Global Cpacity, page 16) Beka Publishing, MegaPath Wholesale Your Total Access Solution Provider Nationwide Coverage Speeds To A Full Gig Ethernet AsyE Fiber Access AsyE SDSL Ethernet DSL Access T1 SDSL Services Value Added Services DSL T1 BIA/ DIA CoS/ QoS Bandwidth Access Options Fiber GigE IP Backhaul MPLS VPN BIA/ Ethernet DIA AsyE Fiber Pro Install CoS/ Access Services QoS SDSL Aggregation NNI MPLS VPN MPLS ICI GigE ATMIP Backhaul DSL Pro Install Aggregation NNI BIA/ DIA Services Reliability SECONDARY LOGO T1 Pro Install CoS/ QoS Comprehensive Support MPLS ICI ATM GigE MPLS VPN IP BackhaulH E X BE0822 Aggregation HEX 404041 NNI MPLS NOTES ICIThis is the wholesale secondary logo. This logo should be used only if primary logo can not be used. Please refer to brand st ATM Our Nationwide, MPLS-Enabled, IP Network Provides Access for Voice and Security Solutions as well as Performance for your Enterprise and SMB Customers Day 2 Carriers change as a result of wireless backhaul growth T he free-for-all days of wireless backhaul billing are coming to a close. As wholesale carrier services evolve and grow, wireless service providers, like Sprint and AT&T, are tightening their wholesale billing and auditing practices. Many wireless and dark fiber providers have begun insisting that wholesale carriers provide mechanized, industry-standard bills and reports, which can be loaded into their systems for processing and verification. “It’s a pretty common industry response,” said industry expert and DataTech CEO Jon Jones. “When new wholesale revenue streams, like wireless backhaul, begin you often end up with a mixed bag of approaches and solutions. “However, as those streams grow and establish themselves, providers begin to take a closer look at how they process, verify and resolve issues with invoices rendered to them,” Jones continued. “In the case of backhaul, for example, the wireless providers noticed a lack of consistency in the billing formats and circuit inventory provided by the wholesale carriers.” Jones added, “Everybody was doing things differently and many carriers were using homegrown solutions or cheap online services to produce bills and spreadsheets of circuit informa- tion that looked acceptable, but could not be easily processed or audited by the wireless providers. “To establish consistency, providers are turning to the mechanized C-BOS compliant bills, BDTs and CSRs most often associated with landline access/interconnection billing as a solution,” he added. Communications Data Group CEO Bob LaBonte said, “It makes sense, even if it’s a bit ironic. As industry and regulatory changes continue to call into question the future of access/interconnection, here come these new emerging wholesale markets that can directly benefit from the standards established for managing switched access circuits. “We’ve actually been billing backhaul services and producing C-BOS compliant wholesale bills, BDTs and CSRs for numerous clients for several years using tools originally designed for carrier access,” LaBonte added. With wireless data traffic projected to reach nearly 16 million Terabytes by 2016, and Ethernet backhaul revenues expected to eclipse $10 billion by 2017, wholesale backhaul services will continue to expand, as likely will the billing and auditing requirements of carriers. For more information, visit booth 319 or go to (Global Capacity continued from page 14) the expanded portfolio of connectivity solutions provided by One Marketplace.” Global Capacity’s One Marketplace eliminates the complexity and inefficiency of buying network connectivity by combining interconnected, aggregated network with a cloud application that automates the procurement of network services. One Marketplace streamlines service delivery and ensures the best client experience by providing customers with a single interface through which to design, price and fulfill multinetwork, multigeography requirements, as well as a single SLA, contract and point of contact. Prior to the transaction’s closing, the companies will continue to be led by their respective management teams. Upon closing, Jack Lodge, president of Global Capacity, will lead the combined company. Throughout the closing process, there will be no impact to customer service or support, and a detailed planning process is underway to ensure a seamless transition at closing. The deal is expected to close in December, following customary regulatory approvals. For more information, visit or Roundtable lets execs speak their mind F our C-level executives, representing over many, many years,” he said. “Customers Medin verbalized what all panelists know: different aspects of the communications don’t care about that, however, but when we do “There is a certain amount of physics in this busimarket, engaged in a casual conversalook at investments, we should be asking how it ness,” he said. “As you go into more and more tionMonday during the Executive Roundtable serves our customers.” markets, it’s difficult to close the gaps in some of General Session at COMPTEL PLUS. Bye also emphasized the need for fairness, the really small rural markets.” COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering moderated pointing out how “a couple of players completely He added that it is good to see people looking the discussion among Chris Ancell, CEO of XO dominated the lower frequency spectrum; it’s for new ways to do business, calling the “data Communications; Stephen Bye, CTO of Sprint; important that we have policies that make it piece,” relatively easy, but noting that adding TV Jeff Gardner, president and CEO of Windstream; competitive there.” is “a struggle.” and Milo Medin, vice president of Not wanting to waste an opportunity, Access Services for Google Inc. Pickering asked each of the panelist With FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler in what his company needs from the FCC. the front row, the executives discussed Ancell said certainty around special industry priorities, opportunities and access, as well a close look at the “lock impediments in today’s environment, up” contracts. hitting on hot-button topics such as Bye called for a “fair environment” access, interconnection, fairness and where everyone can compete equally. He certainty in a market that seems always said the FCC plays an important role as to be in flux. a referee to “keep the dominant players Ancell stressed decisions made at in check.” a company level, as well as at the Gardner called for the FCC to keep FCC, need to consider how changes customers in mind in making the deciaffect customers sions that lead the industry through Bye added that while companies the transition from older systems that invest in future technologies, the are going away to the new world of customers are more concerned about communications. (From left to right) COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering moderates the Executive what they are paying for services today. Roundtable featuring Chris Ancell, CEO, XO Communications; Stephen Bye, CTO, And Medin discussed the need to Sprint; Jeff Gardner, President & CEO, Windstream; and Milo Medin, Vice President “Payback of investment return is manage access rights fairly. of Access Services for Google Inc. 16 COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Beka Publishing, THE REAL NUMBERS IN NUMBER PORTABILITY 17 YEARS WITHOUT A COMPETITIVE BID PROCESS FOR THE LNPA CONTRACT $2 BILLION ADDITIONAL FEES CONSUMERS AND CARRIERS WILL HAVE PAID NEUSTAR DUE TO NO COMPETITIVE BIDDING $1 MILLION 0 CHANGES PER DAY IN CHARGES TO CONSUMERS AND CARRIERS FOR EVERY DAY OF DELAY* TO BUSINESS RULES, PROCESSES AND PORTING TIMES WITH ICONECTIV 19 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ICONECTIV HAS IN NUMBER PORTABILITY THERE ARE TWO FACTS ABOUT COMPETITION: IT BRINGS BETTER SERVICES AT LOWER PRICES FOR CONSUMERS, AND INCUMBENTS HATE IT. ICONECTIV WILL DELIVER THE SAME FUNCTIONALITY AT A LOWER PRICE. SUPPORT COMPETITION. DON’T LET NEUSTAR CONTINUE TO MISREPRESENT TRANSITION COSTS AND OVERCHARGE CARRIERS AND CONSUMERS. WWW.ICONECTIV.COM/INSIGHTS/COMPETITION *According to August 8th CTIA Reply Comments Day 2 Tuesday, October 7, 2014 7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. COMPTEL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Yellow Rose Ballroom 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. COMPTEL PLUS REGISTRATION Longhorn Marble Foyer Sponsored by GENBAND US, LLC BROADBAND INNOVATION 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. COMPTEL PLUS DEAL CENTER Longhorn Exhibit Hall Sponsored by bandwidth Sessions are color-coded by specific focus: Blue: Cloud Market Red: Broadband Innovation Green: Network of the Future CLOUD MARKET What’s the Forecast? Multiple Clouds on the Horizon Texas Ballroom 1 Moderator: Brian Fung, Reporter, The Washington Post Speakers: Dr. Jonathan Reeve, Senior Director, Product Marketing, CenturyLink Cloud Vaughn Suazo, Distinguished Systems Engineer, Cisco Mike Toplisek, Executive Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer, EarthLink BROADBAND INNOVATION Rural Broadband: Extending the Reach to Meet Demand Texas Ballroom 3 Moderator: Philip Macres, Principal, Klein Law Group Speakers: Thomas Beem, Vice President Sales and Marketing, Iowa Networks Services Inc. Andre Cooks, Director of Business Development, COMLINK Bruce Holdridge, CLEC/Subsidiary Manager, Gila Local Exchange, Inc. d/b/a Alluvion Communications Erin Ostler, Director of Sales, Emerging & Wholesale Solutions, Sprint NETWORK OF THE FUTURE Open Internet: What’s at Stake? Texas Ballroom 5 Moderator: Trey Hanbury, Partner, Hogan Lovells Speakers: Robert Beury, Vice President, and Chief Legal Officer, Cogent Communications Steve Davis, Executive Vice President, Public Policy and Government Relations, CenturyLink Matthew DelNero, Deputy Chief of Wireline Competition Bureau, FCC Gene Kimmelman, President and CEO, Public Knowledge Matthew Polka, President and CEO, American Cable Association (ACA) CONCURRENT SESSIONS 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. CLOUD MARKET Locked Down: Key Components for Airtight Security Texas Ballroom 1 - Presented by Metroplex Technology Business Council (MTBC) Moderator: Drew Snow, Vice President, Member Services, MTBC COMPTEL Plus Fiber, Fiber Everywhere: The Intersection of Industry, Government and Policy Texas Ballroom 3 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. 18 Speakers: Jeff Schilling, Chief Security Officer, FireHost Jeff Shaffer, Lab Manager, and Group Leader for the North Texas Electronics Crime Task Force, U.S. Secret Service Kevin Wheeler, Founder and Managing Director, InfoDefense Moderator: Geoff Why, Member, Mintz Levin Speakers: James Capuano, Senior Vice President & Chief of Network Operations, FirstLight Fiber Joanne Hovis, President, CTC Technology and Energy, and Immediate Past President/ Board Member of National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) Michael Hurley, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Fibertech Networks Ron Kormos, Chief Strategy Officer, FiberLight NETWORK OF THE FUTURE Network Function Virtualization (NFV): Hope, Hype or Honest Value? Texas Ballroom 5 Moderator: Prayson Pate, CTO and Senior Vice President of Research and Development, Overture Speakers: Tim Naramore, CTO, Masergy Ray Patalano, Director, Solutions Marketing, Cyan Eitan Schwartz, Vice President, Service Provider Line of Business, North America, RAD 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. General Session: Wireless Backhaul Grapevine A Moderator: Sean Buckley, Senior Editor, FierceTelecom Speakers: Chris Albering, Vice President, Product Marketing, Fairpoint Communications Jerry Cady, Director, LSN (Formerly LS Networks) Greg Ortyl, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, PEG Bandwidth 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. COMPTEL PLUS TRADE EXPO Longhorn Exhibit Hall Lunch served Stop by the new multimedia COMPTEL PLUS HUB to get the latest news from the show. 2:15 p.m. Exhibit Hall Drawing Grand Prize Drawing Sponsors: •C OMLINK (Booth 601) • CSF Corporation (Booth 418) • GeoResults (Booth 415) • NetSapiens (Booth 421) •R AD (Booth 609) •S ales Tax Associates Inc. (Booth 413) • Sonus Networks (Booth 203) CONCURRENT SESSIONS 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. CLOUD MARKET Transforming Enterprise Networks: An Aggregated Multi-Cloud Strategy Texas Ballroom 1 Moderator: Ben Edmond, Chief Revenue Officer, Global Capacity Speakers: Adam Janota, Director, Global Networks, Equinix Russell Lahti, Director, Technology & Systems, COMLINK Duncan Puller, Vice President of Data Center and Cloud, Ciena BROADBAND INNOVATION Rural Telehealth: A Healthy Business Opportunity Texas Ballroom 3 Moderator: Randy Lowe, Partner, Davis Wright Tremaine Speakers: Dr. Chris Gibbons, Scholar in Residence, Connect2Health FCC Task Force and Associate Director, Johns Hopkins Urban Health Institute Larry Jonczak, Director, Information Services, Lakes Regional Community Center Tim Koxlien, Founder and CEO, Rural Health Telecom, a division of Telequality Communications Inc. Ryan Lehman, Director of Health, BT Americas, BT Global Services NETWORK OF THE FUTURE The Bottom Line: Maximizing Network Revenue Texas Ballroom 5 Moderator: David Byrd, Chief Marketing Officer, ANPI Speakers: Anand Buch, CEO and Co-Founder, NetSapiens Tom Savard, Vice President, Product & Technology Development, Transition Networks Gary Zimmerman, Senior Director, Product Marketing, Neustar Longhorn Exhibit Hall COMPTEL Booth 325; Located in the COMPTEL PLUS Hub 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Don’t miss the chance to win one of the grand prizes at COMPTEL PLUS! Prizes include American Express gift cards worth $1,500, $1,000 and $500. How the Raffle Works At the time of registration, each attendee will receive an entry card. To be eligible for the drawing, the attendee must visit each sponsor’s booth to receive a stamp on the entry card, deposit the card in the bin at the COMPTEL booth. Only entry cards with all sponsors’ stamps are qualified for entry. Entrants must be present at the time of drawing to claim their prize. Unlock the Value of the AT&T API Platform for Solution Providers | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 General Session Grapevine A – Sponsored by AT&T Foundry Speakers: Ryan Stafford, Director, Marketing Communications, Emerging Business Markets, AT&T Sara Straley, Director, Product Development, Emerging Business Markets, AT&T COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2014 Exhibitor List COMPANY BOOTH # ADVA Optical Networking Inc. 208 Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc 209 AT&T Partner Exchange 518 Beka Publishing 624 BillSoft Inc. 207 Brocade 519 Carrier Hotel Alliance 202 CHR Solutions Inc. 619 Ciena 501 Comlink601 Communications Data Group 319 Compliance Solutions Inc. 614 Comptel224 Consolidated Communications Inc. 300 Contingent Network Services 212 Core Communications 513 CSF Corporation 418 CYAN309 DIDx225 ECI Telecom 312 Endstream/1st Point Communications 612 Enghouse Networks 206 Equinox Information Systems 414 FISPA - The Federation of Internet Solution Providers of the Americas 626 Freeside Internet Services 321 GeoResults Inc. 415 Granite Telecommunications LLC 620 GSAssociates318 H20 Overgroup 618 Huawei North America 213 ICON Cloud Solutions 219 IEEE Dallas Section 627 INDATEL406 Infinera Corporation 302 LightRiver Technologies Inc. 412 LightSpeed Technologies 613 LinuxMagic527 LSN320 Magic Telecom 420 NetSapiens Inc 421 Neustar200 PEG Bandwidth 306 Presidio Network Solutions 227 Profitec Billing Services Inc. 307 RAD609 RIOREY220 RiverRock Systems Ltd. 520 Sales Tax Associates Inc. 413 Sandy Beaches Software 508 Snom Technology Inc. 201 Sonus Networks 203 Spirit Communications 621 Sunesys, LLC 512 Taqua214 Technologies Management Inc. 506 Telecom Professionals Inc. 308 TelePacific Communications 301 TeleSphere Software 607 Televergence Solutions Inc. 324 Telispire314 Thermo Credit LLC 615 TimelyBill407 TMCnet218 Transition Networks 313 TransNexus Inc. 514 Unite Private Networks 326 VarData LLC 525 Vector Data 221 Vitelity 215 VTX1315 Walker and Associates Inc. 507 Windstream401 Wolfe521 Xelex Technologies 419 Beka Publishing, Day 2 COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2014 Convention & EXPO October 5 - 8, 2014 Gaylord Texan - Dallas, Texas Beka Publishing, COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 19 Day 2 Two at MediaCom named innovators T wo members of MediaCom’s senior management were named as Agency Innovators for 2014 by global marketing title, “The Internationalist.” The awards are designed to recognize agency leaders who are transforming the shape and role of their companies, broadening the areas where they add value for advertisers in areas such as trading, procurement, strategy and digital. Global Chief Strategy Officer Matthew Mee was recognized for his role in delivering MediaCom’s global connected planning system, while Steve Carbone, chief digital and analytics officer at MediaCom USA, was recognized for his work in driving innovation across the agency’s 225-strong digital team. Mee recently launched MediaCom’s connected planning approach and digital hub to all 5,800 agency staff across the global network. It’s designed to ensure the agency’s clients benefit from transformative communications performance by focusing on their whole communications system rather than just individual channel silos. The rollout of the digital hub gives the agency’s planners the tools they need to apply systems thinking to the key communications challenges their clients face, regardless of the market or sector in which they operate. Carbone joined MediaCom USA in 2013 to ensure the company produces the most innovative digital work in the media sector. He leads digital for some of the biggest U.S. advertisers, including Volkswagen, Subway, Shell, Revlon, Dell and Bayer. He previously led Grey Interactive, G2 Direct & Digital and was a founding partner at UMarketing Digital. Global Capacity brings multicloud panel together G lobal Capacity, the network connectivity company, has assembled four of its top customers and partners to participate in today’s executive roundtable, “Transforming Enterprise Networks: An Aggregated, Multi-Cloud Strategy,” at 2:30 p.m. in Texas Ballroom 1. Global Capacity’s Chief Revenue Officer, Ben Edmond, will moderate the panel of network and cloud providers, including Russell Lahti, director of Technology Systems at COMLINK; Adam Janota, director of Global Networks at Equinix; and Duncan Puller, vice president of Data Center and Cloud Strategy for Ciena. The session is expected to provide an invaluable 360-degree perspective that makes up key elements of today’s cloud ecosystem. Panel participants will discuss how network and cloud service providers are aligning to help competitive operators and global enterprises leverage the benefits of cloud services. Discussion points will provide insights into the speed, security, performance and agility offered by establishing private network connections to the cloud. Adoption of cloud is prevalent across a number of industries. According to Gartner, end-user spending on cloud services could reach more than $180 billion by 2015, with IDC predicting a steady growth in the number of telecommunications services consumed by cloud companies. With Global Capacity’s panelists of experts designing, implementing and operating cloudbased solutions, insights into the needs of customers and how they use the cloud are expected to be revealed. TO CALL OUR PRIVATE LABEL PACKAGE A NEW REVENUE STREAM WOULD BE AN UNDERSTATEMENT ANPI Hosted UC Private Label Package INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY ENABLE MOBILITY INCREASE COLLABORATION ENSURE BUSINESS CONTINUITY There is nothing like the ANPI Hosted Unified Communications Private Label Package. It gives you marketing assistance, sales support and training, automated provisioning, billing, customer care and an entirely new revenue stream. Plus, it includes Atlas, the world class platform for complete customer lifecycle management. We also have other solutions to boost revenue and improve margins, such as Wholesale Long Distance and Tandem Services. Learn more at ELIMINATE/REDUCE CAPEX AVOID TECHNOLOGY OBSOLESCENCE 20 COMPTEL Plus To schedule a meeting at COMPTEL, call 877-366-2674. | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Beka Publishing, Day 2 Windstream awarded Robin Air Force Base contract W indstream, a provider of advanced network communications, was awarded a contract by the United States Air Force to provide Robins Air Force Base with diverse voice communication services. Windstream will provide Ethernet and voice services to Robins AFB, the largest industrial complex in Warner Robins, Ga., employing more than 25,000 people, including civilians, contractors and troops. The five-year award includes all commercial voice, data, and Internet services intended for non-secure communications, such as phone calls home for the soldiers on base. “With the technology solutions we’re providing to Robins Air Force Base, we’re supporting the overall mission of the United States Air Force – ‘to fly, fight and win... in air, space and cyberspace,’” said Mike Magliato, Windstream’s vice president and general manager of Government Solutions. “Equipping those who defend and protect our country with custom-designed solutions that help them win in any capacity – whether in combat or in communications to their loved ones back home - is an honor for the Windstream team,” he added. With its nationwide network of more than 118,000 fiber route miles, Windstream has been serving government entities, such as the Department of Defense and Defense Information Systems Agency, Federal Aviation Administration, Depart- Beka Publishing, ment of Treasury, Department of Veterans Affairs, U.S. Army, Air Force and Navy, U.S. Courts and the Department of Homeland Security since 2005. “Providing secure and reliable communications and IT solutions to the U.S. government is a source of pride for Windstream,” said John Leach, Windstream’s executive vice president of Enterprise Sales. “When government operations are involved, our ‘smart solutions, personalized service’ brand promise is more critical than ever to ensure those operations succeed flawlessly.” Windstream offers a full suite of advanced network communications and technology solutions, including voice and data services such as VoIP, SIP trunking, MPLS, and dedicated highspeed Internet. Windstream also offers Unified Communications, managed services, cloud computing, disaster recovery and networking services designed to help businesses increase productivity and improve operational costs. For more information, go to booth 401 or visit EZtax taps into new industries B ecause of its expertise in the sales and use-tax arena, EZtax (formerly BillSoft) has been gaining customers in numerous industries. “We specialize in retail, technology and telecommunications to name a few,” the company stated in a release. “EZtax’s versatile and userfriendly products give confidence to businesses of all sizes, in all markets, that their indirect tax challenges are being solved. “As we experience this phenomenal growth, we continually strive to improve our superior customer service and support.” EZtax offers indirect taxation solutions for nearly 750 distinct products and services with more than 300 detailed built-in tax descriptions in nearly 100 countries. One of the company’s most recent improvements is the enhancement of its disaster recovery system. To safeguard clients’ data, EZtax has upgraded its disaster recovery system to include live data replication and automatic failover of services. EZtax uses a Class 5 underground facility for its backup servers to the EZtax primary data center in case a disaster occurs. For more information on the benefits of choosing EZtax as your total tax solution, visit booth 207 or go to COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 21 Day 2 ADVA Optical Networking showcases transport SDN A DVA Optical Networking will play a vital role in the world’s largest demonstration of transport software defined networking (SDN). Developed jointly by members of the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) and Open Networking Foundation (ONF), the demonstration will span carrier environments in China, Europe and the United States. It will highlight how SDN can be used by carriers to develop a service-centric network infrastructure. ADVA Optical Networking will use its FSP 3000 platform with Reconfigurable Optical Add/ Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) technology and its Network Hypervisor to showcase how flexible SDN-based networks can become. “We were the first to bring SDN into the optical domain, we were the first to underline the potential this technology could have on a network, how it could usher in a new era of opportunity,” said Christoph Glingener, CTO for ADVA Optical Networking. “This is why we’re working with the OIF and ONF. We’re using our experience of SDN in the transport layer to further highlight its benefits to network operators. “What’s key about this global demonstration is the sheer scale of interoperability, the sheer scale of interworking,” he continued. “The industry is working collectively to drive programmability forward and define the right standards that guar- 22 COMPTEL Plus antee network performance and ease-of-use. The outcome of this demonstration will reveal how we can gradually transition to a service-centric network that will open new revenue opportunities.” The global transport SDN demonstration will be the first time that ADVA Optical Networking publically shows its new Network Hypervisor technology. ‘We’re using our experience of SDN in the transport layer to further highlight its benefits to network operators.’ – Christoph Glingener, ADVA The Network Hypervisor is a critical component in the development of service-centric networks. It enables carriers to develop virtual networks that support multi-tenancy and single customer ownership on a shared underlying | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 physical infrastructure. The level of freedom is a significant departure from operational models and could impact several key areas: It could reduce operating costs, ensure rapid provision of new services and drive a quicker return on investments. These are goals carriers have wanted to achieve for years. The OIF and ONF interoperability demonstration will highlight what’s possible. “The migration to a service-centric network has been a long-held aim of carriers. It presents a genuine opportunity to achieve cost savings and drive new revenue opportunities,” said Ulrich Kohn, director of Technical Marketing for ADVA Optical Networking. “To be successful here, carriers need firm assurances that this technology can perform, that the vendor community can deliver. That’s why the OIF and ONF demonstration is so important. “We have carriers and vendors from across the globe working together to achieve interoperability, to assure interworking, to develop a clear roadmap for the future. The results from this testing will clearly highlight where we are and the next steps to achieving the full potential that transport SDN offers,” Kohn added. For more information on the ADVA Network Hypervisor and programmable networks go to booth 208 or visit Beka Publishing, Day 2 LSN begins Confluence Initiative for rural Northwest L SN announced the launch of its Confluence Initiative, which brings federal, state and private industry broadband infrastructure initiatives together into a cohesive and robust regionwide network. During the past six years, many seemingly unrelated broadband initiatives supported by federal or state programs and private industry have bolstered access to broadband infrastructure in rural communities. LSN believes bringing all the uncoordinated efforts together is the first chapter in what could be a spectacular broadband story. The Confluence Initiative has two main parts. The first component is based on the idea that all individual initiatives should build exponentially upon each other. LSN reasons funded fiber initiatives that pass unrelated and initially unfunded fiber points will need to intersect eventually. The second component is based on fostering fiber route protection in underserved communities. By connecting isolated fiber routes created through unrelated initiatives, LSN creates a secure and robust Layer 2 network for rural communities. avoided and a robust network can be created to serve all communities. The 11 cell towers are just part of the story, however, as LSN has been contracted to deliver fiber to the tower to nearly 500 locations in Oregon and Washington. The company completed construction and delivered its 400th tower location in September. All towers are served with fiber and the services are delivered via LSN’s layer 2 backbone. During the height of the projects, more than 200 people were directly or indirectly employed and more than $50 million were invested in the construction project. LSN said most of the construction occurred in remote areas with difficult terrain, adding complexity to the project. However, its ability to deliver FTTT in rural parts of the Pacific Northwest has helped fundamentally change the wireless providers approach to delivering 4G-LTE to the area. For more information on LSN and its services, visit booth 320 or go to LSN’s goal is to bring these initiatives together by building out new and connecting isolated fiber networks. LSN has seen success with the strategy. In 2011, the company received funding from the Oregon Health Network to connect a remote prison healthcare clinic in Southwestern Oregon. Although the economics for completing the project were unfavorable, LSN proceeded. The fiber route was in close proximity to 11 cell towers, and while the company had no contracts to bring fiber to those towers, it believed the need for fiber to the tower services would present itself. A purely return on investment view would have discouraged completion of the initial build, however, three years later, all 11 cell towers are in service via the initial build. The confluence of this project allows 4G-LTE service in a critical need public safety area and prepares the area for the eventuality of the FirstNet initiative. LSN’s goal is to bring these initiatives together by building out new and connecting isolated fiber networks. By doing this, overbuilding can be Beka Publishing, COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 23 Day 2 Cyan introduces Planet Orchestrate C yan, a provider of SDN, NFV and packetoptical solutions for network operators introduced Planet Orchestrate, a multivendor and multi-domain, NFV and Cloud orchestration application for Cyan’s Blue Planet, the industry’s first carrier-grade SDN platform for network operators and the WAN. Unlike other “siloed” solutions, Planet Orchestrate combines the power of WAN service creation and automation with the orchestration of virtual resources – creating a software-defined engine for revenue generation in carrier networks. Defining the Orchestration Challenge Network operators need to introduce, automate and operationalize virtualized services among data centers, on top of existing network services and across the WAN. Legacy hardware-based appliances dedicated to performing a single function within the network are expensive and inefficient. Orchestration solves this problem by delivering the framework, templates and processes essential for stitching together virtual and physical resources, as well as automating and dynamically configuring these resources across multiple network domains. “The top motivation driving service providers to pursue SDN and NFV is the ability to deploy services much more quickly for new revenue opportunities – it’s about revenue and service agility,” stated Michael Howard, principal ‘Planet Orchestrate is ahead of the market and has already proven its viability and interoperability.’ – Michael Hatfield, Cyan analyst, Infonetics Research. “While operators are certainly attuned to the capital and opera- tional benefits of these transformative technologies, it is the orchestration of virtual compute, storage, and network, combined with the automation of existing network resources that will lead to new, higher-margin revenue streams and happier customers.” Planet Orchestrate is purpose-built for managing, automating and orchestrating end-toend services that leverage physical and/or virtual resources, including compute, networking, and storage from a “single pane of glass.” To speed time to market rapidly, customers will be able to define and create new service types using Planet Orchestrate’s service template architecture. Also, Planet Orchestrate provides multidomain orchestration, cloud services orchestration, and NFV orchestration (based on the ETSI NFV ISG Management and Orchestration framework). This new Blue Planet application uses open APIs to ensure interoperability with different OSS/BSS platforms, cloud management systems, SDN controllers and virtualized network function (VNF) managers. Key Planet Orchestrate features include: • Multi-Domain Service Orchestration – Planet Orchestrate enables seamless service delivery across multiple domains. It can leverage existing SDN controllers Are You Maximizing Your CABs Revenue? With decades of experience, the Data Tech CABSPros team is dedicated to maximizing your company’s CABS revenue. From switch to bill to a check in the bank, Data Tech CABSPros offers the true end-to-end, best practice CABS solution anywhere. Complete Billing Assurance, the powerful CDG CABS and Mediation engine, and stellar, consistent results are what sets CABSPros apart. “Toll Free Provisioning Made Easy” Toll-Free Provisioning, Texting & LCR Software If you are a Carrier, Reseller, Master Agent, or Toll-Free RespOrg, we can help you! • Customer/Agent Portal, Toll-Free Number Management, Provisioning, Texting & Route Optimization Software CABS Billing Assurance ...welcome to both • 8MS Now Allows You to Provision SMS/800 AND Your Carrier’s Network in One Step Automatically! • 8MS is Used by Over 85 RespOrgs to Manage 30% of all Toll Free Numbers in the Industry • Save Money Immediately Using CSF’s Toll Free Provisioning and LCR Software! Give us an opportunity to show what we can do for your bottom line. 706.698.3282 24 COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 CSF Corporation Contact +1.732.302.0222 Frank Lauria, 732.713.3562 Ask us about 8MS TeXT texting for toll-free numbers! Beka Publishing, Day 2 and management platforms to deploy end-to-end services. Through a single painof-glass, Planet Orchestrate can help to break down management silos and enables network operators to provision and manage services across networks comprised of legacy and new SDN/NFV-enabled components. Multi-domain service orchestration supports service-chaining between VNFs and physical network functions to allow operators to deploy services efficiently across networks. • NFV Orchestration – Planet Orchestrate is designed to fulfill the roles of the orchestrator and VNF manager functionality described in the ETSI NFV ISG architecture. Planet Orchestrate NFV orchestration is both VNF vendor and function neutral, providing a platform for operators to deploy and manage a variety of VNFs at varying degrees of scale and performance. Planet Orchestrate supports VNF management and orchestration across one or more data centers, as well as distributed architectures where VNFs may be deployed at the customer premise edge. Furthermore, the NFV orchestration engine supports intelligent VNF placement to maximize performance within a virtualized infrastructure. • Cloud Orchestration – Planet Orchestrate enables network operators to offer flexible data center service offerings, such as IaaS, PaaS, etc. and coordinate that across a wide area network. Operators will be able to offer their customers the ability to instantiate new cloud resources, such as virtual machines, new tenant networks and storage, on-demand through an enterprise portal with the ability to control network and virtual resource allocation. • Production networks, trials and PoCs – Cyan’s Blue Planet is deployed and provides SDN control and service automation in more than 120 networks. Planet Orchestrate, the new application for Blue Planet, is being validated in customer labs, official ETSI proof-of-concept demonstrations, and Cyan’s Blue Orbit Lab, which is dedicated to testing, demonstrating, and delivering real-world, multi-vendor SDN and NFV solutions. The first live proof-of-concept demonstration of Planet Orchestrate functionality was showcased at Tokyo Interop in June of 2013. Two additional ETSI-approved operator-sponsored proof-of-concept demonstrations have since followed in 2014 including “End-to-End vEPC Orchestration in a Multi-vendor Open NFVI Environment” and “Multi-vendor Distributed NFV.” “Planet Orchestrate combines the capabilities of a WAN service automation and network management system with an SDN controller and orchestrator to enable network operators to deliver new services, on both physical and virtual infrastructure, more quickly and at a lower cost,” Beka Publishing, said Michael Hatfield, president, Cyan. “Developed in collaboration with network operators and other industry-leading Blue Orbit partners, Planet Orchestrate is ahead of the market and has already proven its viability and interoperability via multiple real-world trials and proof-ofconcept demonstrations.” While the benefits of network transformation are clear, the specifics of how to bring together multiple network domains, VNFs and cloud can seem daunting. Cyan’s Professional Services orga- nization is available to help carriers accelerate technology integration and speed new service introductions. By working closely with service provider IT and DevOps teams, Cyan’s team of SDN and NFV software engineers will be able to help ensure that Blue Planet applications are integrated seamlessly into a carrier’s existing BSS/ OSS environment. For more information go to booth 309 or visit COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 25 Day 2 BTI advances Carrier Ethernet portfolio B TI Systems, a provider of cloud and metro networking software and systems to global content and service providers, announced enhancements to its Ethernet business services and mobile backhaul solutions with the addition of the BTI SA-805 service-access platform for high capacity Ethernet access. Introduced at COMPTEL PLUS, the MEF 2.0-compliant BTI SA-805 is compact in size and enables service providers to address the transition 26 COMPTEL Plus to 10G access services in a cost-effective manner. The SA-805 also has advanced features designed to protect and increase revenues. “As the leading provider of specialized communications and connectivity solutions for the global capital markets, we are constantly optimizing our network to increase bandwidth, performance and scale,” said IPC’s Vice President of Global Engineering Tim Carmody. “Carrier Ethernet access and aggregation are | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 vital to deploying reliable and scalable Ethernet business services. “IPC already leverages BTI’s broad portfolio for both metro networking and low latency Ethernet business services, including most recently the BTI 7800 Series as a 100G core platform,” he continued. “We look forward to further optimizing our 10G Ethernet access and aggregation through the compact and scalable end-to-end packet solutions in the enhanced BTI 800 Series.” Growth in service provider network traffic is creating the need for increased bandwidth from the end user to the core of the network. For example, streaming video is driving an increase in residential customer bandwidth requirements by 31 percent compound annual growth rate by 2018, according to ACG Research. Service providers are reacting to enterprises that need high speed, guaranteed performance for cloud service access by providing SLA-guaranteed 10G Ethernet business services. Mobile operators need more bandwidth for 4G LTE and LTE-Advanced Radio Access Networks (RANs) to keep up with the flood of video streaming and other bandwidth-intensive applications from the proliferation of smartphones. The BTI 800 Series provides scalable solutions that are MEF CE 2.0 compliant, drive 1G to 10G access services, are cost effective and increase revenue opportunities for service providers. “Service providers are constantly increasing bandwidth and driving new services which require an affordable, seamless path to highperformance Ethernet WAN and 4G LTE mobile backhaul services,” said BTI Systems Senior Product Manager Frank Chang. “Reducing operational costs and complexity are also vital, and the 800 Series seamlessly integrates with our entire packet optical portfolio – including the BTI 7800 Intelligent Cloud Connect and BTI 7000 platforms – all managed with a single management and control system. “BTI continues to establish a leadership position in delivering solutions that add value to our service provider customers, while increasing revenues and enabling new services,” he added. The BTI 800 Series are compact, multiservice, carrier-grade platforms designed to deliver Ethernet, or Ethernet and TDM-based connectivity for enterprise business and wireless provider mobile backhaul service applications. The small form factor, low-power requirements and wide-temperature range support make the BTI 800 Series ideal for use at wireless towers or customer premise locations – delivering highperformance, scalable services, while reducing operational costs and complexity. The BTI SA-805 is an ultra-compact Ethernet access device that supports 4xGE/10GE SFP+ ports with Ethernet switching capacity up to 40Gbps, G.8032v2 resiliency, Beka Publishing, Day 2 Y.1731 Ethernet OAM, built-in RFC 2544 test, SyncE and IEEE 1588v2 support. The fan-less 805 delivers up to 4x10GE in a conventional GE NID form factor. The BTI 800 Series platforms integrate seamlessly with the BTI 7800 platforms providing high-speed 100G metro packet core network connectivity, and with the BTI 7000 Series platforms with packetVX Carrier Ethernet switching modules that provide Ethernet service switching and aggregation. The entire packet portfolio is supported by the SDN-enabled BTI proNX Control Software and associated applications, including the BTI proNX Service Manager, BTI proNX Dashboard and BTI proNX SLA Portal. The BTI proNX Service Manager includes a comprehensive and intuitive graphical user interface that provides a full set of ISO FCAPS management functions and focuses on pointand-click activation of Ethernet services endto-end across the network. The BTI proNX SLA Portal leverages standard Y.1731 OAM functions for end-to-end Ethernet service quality monitoring, and provides real-time as well as historical access to performance statistics and monitoring of key performance indicators. For more information, visit BalsamWest FiberNet, NGN create new fiber path B alsamWest FiberNet announced an interconnection partnership with NGN to create a direct carrier-grade network path between Knoxville, Tenn., and Atlanta. The resulting transport network path allows direct connection between carrier exchanges at Digital Crossing in Knoxville and Telx in downtown Atlanta without routing through other cities like Chattanooga or Nashville. By bypassing traditional hubs, the alternative, diverse route offers low latency. The combined network provides DWDM transport services from 1Gbps to multiple 10Gbps waves. “BalsamWest has always focused on offering next generation carrier-grade infrastructure throughout our Appalachian Mountain network.” said Terri McElroy, BalsamWest CEO. “This partnership with NGN allows us to further enhance the diversity and redundancy of network routes available to our carriers and enterprise customers throughout the entire southeast.” NGN CEO Paul Belk added, “NGN hopes to meet the demand of Atlanta-based customers and carriers to bypass traditional, high traffic routes through Chattanooga,” added CEO Paul Belk. “This is especially critical for applications requiring non-oversubscribed connection, which may include enterprise customers, data centers, wireless backhaul and telecom carriers.” For information on either network, contact or Reach outside your footprint. Mammoth Networks: Your off-net provider. Contact us at 307.685.5557 or visit Beka Publishing, COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 27 Day 2 snom unveils lineup of mobile DECT products s nom technology AG, a developer of IP desktop business phones, unveiled lineup of IP-based cordless DECT products delivering major improvements in coverage, reliability and features. The snom M65 IP DECT phone, M700 multicell base station and the M5 DECT repeater are the first of a new wave of innovative communications products that snom will bring to market in the coming months. snom is on the leading edge of SIP-based desktop phone development, with a full complement of feature-rich, affordable endpoints for 28 COMPTEL Plus every business need. Now it is broadening its reach to satisfy the millions of business users requiring on-site mobility. The M65 handset combines business communications functionality with the intuitive features offered by mobile carriers. It is ideal for businesses that require mobile coverage across several floors or throughout large buildings. The new generation of snom DECT phones integrates seamlessly with existing phone systems for presence, paging and other capabilities, and is | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 far less expensive and offer better call quality than cellular phones. The snom M700 multicell base station delivers expanded coverage over several floors or throughout large buildings. It links multiple M700 base stations to form a network enabling free movement and seamless handover between base stations for uninterrupted calls while moving from one base station to the next. The M700, which can be used in single cell or multicell configuration, supports up to 200 handsets, 40 base stations and 100 repeaters in the same installation. The M65 phone has a two-inch backlit color display and a backlit keypad for dialing in poor lighting conditions. Other features include wideband audio (including speakerphone) for the crispest voice quality, six polyphonic ringtones and vibration setting for incoming calls. Dual internal antennas ensure reliable reception, with talk time of up to 17 hours between charges. When used with the new snom M700 base station, the M65 features voicemail, call forwarding, call lists, caller ID, direct search in a corporate directory, three-way conferencing, auto answer, two simultaneous calls and many other capabilities. The cordless DECT phone offers expanded range and is operational up to about 130 feet beyond its base station in a typical office environment. Shop floors can expect range of about 195 feet and about 300 feet for production areas, without obstacles. “Our M65 DECT phone and M700 base station represents a new generation of feature-rich mobility for business users,” said Tom Ostrander, snom’s director of North American Channel Sales. “These new products offer expanded range, and more features and flexibility for administrators to easily increase the number of users while maintaining performance.” DECT phones offer a multitude of benefits for business users and administrators including: large coverage area, low cost, high capacity, very high security and call quality. These benefits are applicable to businesses of any size. Base stations, which are an integral part of DECT infrastructure and cordless VoIP communications, support HD audio and synchronize themselves – no additional hardware necessary. The snom M5 repeater, which includes DECT encryption, increases reception range and bridges any gaps between base stations, ensuring the continuity of calls and eliminating blind spots. The snom M65 DECT phone and M700 base station are interoperable with all major VoIP systems. The M65 phone and the M700 base station will be available in mid-October, 2014. The M5 repeater will be available later this year. Along with the new DECT products, snom also unveiled a modernized, streamlined corporate logo that better reflects our product portfolio. snom’s DECT lineup gives business users the flexibility to be more mobile, which, in today’s environment, is an absolute requirement. To see these new phones and for information, go to booth 201 or visit Beka Publishing, Day 2 H2O Overgroup Honored on Inc. 5000 List H 2O Overgroup, a billing and back-office solution provider, ranks No. 4,219 on this year’s Inc. 5000 list of America’s Fastest Growing Companies. This is the third consecutive year the company has been part of this prestigious group. “We are once again thrilled and honored to be recognized as one of the fastest growing companies by Inc. magazine,” said Brent Maropis, CEO of H2O Overgroup. “This continued recognition is a testament to the dedication of our team, as well as the support of our outstanding clients and industry partners.” This year marks the most competitive winners in the list’s history. The Inc. 5000’ s aggregate revenue is $211 billion, generating 505,000 jobs during the past three years. “What surprises me, even though I know it’s coming, is the sheer variety of the paths our entrepreneurs take to success, thematically reflecting how our economy has evolved,” says Inc. President and Editor-In-Chief Eric Schurenberg. H2O Overgroup’s path to success began in 2002 with the creation of H2O, a cloud-based platform to manage billing and back-end operations in real time. As an early pioneer of cloud solutions, H2O has grown to be an industry leader for technology and communication service providers. The company considers itself a “next-generation billing and back-office solution” that allows service providers to acquire, manage, analyze and grow their customers. H2O helps service providers grow beyond their legacy systems by consolidating customer data across multiple systems, facilitating faster timeto-market and improving operational accuracy and efficiencies. Features include ordering, provisioning, high-velocity rating, usage tracking, realtime reports, automated processes, ticketing, customer relationship management tool, and full-service billing. For more info, visit or call 866.470.5502. CSF adds 8MS TeXT to provisioning, LCR suite C SF Corporation announced the availability of 8MS TeXT to enable texting with toll-free numbers as part of its 8MS toll-free provisioning, and LCR software suite. CSF’s 8MS toll-free number management, provisioning, and least cost routing solution allows carriers, RespOrgs, and enterprise customers to provision faster, safer and more efficiently. The addition of 8MS TeXT for toll-free numbers adds texting enablement to CSF’s 8MS suite of solutions. “CSF is pleased to announce the availability of 8MS TeXT,” said Frank Lauria, CSF’s executive vice president. “In addition to provisioning and managing toll-free voice services and routing using 8MS, our customers can now enable texting from the same easy to use 8MS provisioning interface. This opens up a whole new revenue opportunity for RespOrgs, carriers and their customers because mobile users can now send texts to and receive texts back from toll-free numbers. “With a whole new generation of customers that prefer to interact via text, and years of investment in branding of their toll-free voice vanity numbers, this new capability is not only logical but highly synergistic with their existing toll-free voice services,” Lauria added. Live demonstration of 8MS TeXT are being conducted along with the rest of the 8MS tollfree provisioning and LCR software suite at the CFS booth, 418. Or for information, go to Beka Publishing, We’re NTT Communications. And we’re global leaders in all Internet-related business. We’re dedicated to getting your data and video where they need to go. Fast and safe, through our Tier-1 Global IP Network. And that’s what we do. All day. Every day. Join our network, and experience the benefits of our award-winning products and services. • Global IP Transit • DDoS Protection Service • Smart Content Delivery CDN Solution • Industry-leading Service Level Agreements • Extensive Private Peering • 24/7 Global Network Operations Center COMPTEL Plus @NTT_America | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 29 Day 2 Tower Cloud launches Ethernet private line services T ower Cloud Inc., a backhaul transport and wireless infrastructure specialist across the Southeastern United States, has launched Ethernet private line services designed to give customers reliable, high-speed, point-topoint or point-to-multipoint network connections over Tower Cloud’s fiber network. Companies seeking high-speed, scalable Ethernet support for business-critical applications can get data speeds from 50 Mbps to 100 Gbps using Tower Cloud Ethernet private line services. Tower Cloud’s private line service gives customers a dedicated service connection that combines an IP/MPLS platform with high transmission rates and unparalleled reliability. The service is ideal for broadband-intensive applications such as video and other large content files, since it combines high throughput with low latency and low jitter. “We are delighted to be able to extend the same carrier-grade connectivity we deliver to our wireless carrier customers to other organizations looking for high performance and superior reliability,” said Ron Mudry, CEO of Tower Cloud. “With our high-speed network we can support virtually any application, including video conferencing, telemedicine, point-to-multipoint collaboration, and more. We consider ourselves the carriers’ carrier, and now we can offer that same high-performance connectivity to companies across the Southeast.” Ethernet private line services are an excellent option for financial institutions, healthcare providers, government agencies, educational institutions and other organizations that need to move vast amounts of data across a secure connection. Tower Cloud’s Ethernet private line services are also ideal for high-speed links to cloud, content and storage services for applications such as big data. They include Ethernet services, optical wave services, LAN connectivity, pointto-point connectivity and machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity with a fully redundant core. And for maximum security and performance, Tower Cloud monitors circuits and equipment around the clock through to the customer’s site from its own Network Operations Center. For more information, TMI’s annual seminar, workshop set T echnologies Management Inc. (TMI) will present its autumn 2014 Telecom Regulatory Seminar & Workshop, Oct. 23-24, in Maitland, Fla. TMI’s specialized seminars and workshops feature best practices and strategies for telecom regulatory compliance in an expanding deregulated environment. Industry issues to be covered include VoIP regulation, special access data collection, telecom audits and step 4 access reduction. “Our Telecom Regulatory Seminar & Workshop this October is structured to provide training and practical regulatory business strategies participants can take back to their companies and apply immediately,” said Connie Wightman, TMI President. “We are extremely pleased that our newest consultants – Deborah Gainor (formerly of CenturyLink) and Sharon Warren (formerly of S2K Consulting) – will be expanding our curriculum to include tutorials focused on network integration and telecom auditing.” For more information, go to booth 506 or visit With the INS Family of Companies by your side. Inbound Customer Support Technical Support Services Hardware and Software Support IT Service Desk and Helpdesk Voice and Data Data Center Services Network Management and Support Managed IT Services Custom Software SS7 and Database Services When business is going to occur, attendees find their way to the Deal Center to iron out the arrangements. • 800-CALL-INS 30 COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Beka Publishing, Day 2 Vector Data releases Vault 2552 storage device V ector Data announces the release of the Vault 2552 hybrid storage array. Designed to support IT needs longer, the Vector Data Vault 2552 hybrid storage array provides better value than other systems in its class. The Vault 2552 simplifies the task of managing growth in house and in the cloud by providing support for a broader range of workloads along with seamless scaling of performance and capacity. With the release of the NEBS Level 3 (ATT-TP76200) and ETSI-certified Vault 2552, Vector Data provides network operators with a consistent storage product across their entire infrastructure including AC and DC powered, and NEBS and non-NEBS facilities. With proven integration to the cloud, users can leverage external storage resources to protect data and handle dynamic storage needs. For organizations concerned about budgets and meeting challenging IT needs, the Vault 2552 is a perfect choice. The Vault 2552 is powered by NetApp ONTAP, and supports Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows XP, Linux, Oracle Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, MAC OS, VMware and ESX. Vector Data COO Craig Stelmach said, “Vector Data is excited with this latest addition to its broad suite of field proven ruggedized hardware. The release of the Vault 2552 demonstrates that Vector Data continues to be at the forefront of the latest technologies and hardware.” The Vault 2552 is available exclusively through Vector Data. To learn more or request more information, go to booth 221 or visit UPN announces fiber network expansion in Council Bluffs, Iowa U nite Private Networks (UPN) announced construction of a major fiber network expansion in Council Bluffs, Iowa, has begun. The state-of-the-art-high-speed network will consist of a fiber-optic ring that will provide backbone route diversity into neighboring Omaha. “We are looking forward to expanding our network in Council Bluffs,” said Stuart Howerter, vice president of enterprise sales at UPN. “The network will cover the majority of the central business district, along with most of the Council Bluffs market, providing businesses and government entities access to the suite of products UPN provides, including Ethernet services from 10 Mbps to 100 Gbps, wavelength services, Internet access, and dark fiber.” Council Bluffs’ Chamber of Commerce President Bob Mundt added, “We are pleased to have Unite Private Networks as part of our fiber infrastructure. Our business community now has more options to create efficiency and competitive rates.” UPN provides high-bandwidth, fiber-based communications networks and services to schools, governments, carriers, data centers, hospitals, and enterprise business customers across a 20 state service area. Service offerings include dark and lit fiber, private line, optical Ethernet, Internet access, data center services, and other customized solutions. Headquartered in Kansas City, Mo., UPN provides customer-focused communications. For information, visit Booth #615 Thermo Credit focuses on funding well-run companies in every segment of the technology industry. We are able to deliver funding, insight, and strategic opportunities that foster growth for both traditional companies and those on the cutting edge. Working capital. No personal guarantee. Beka Publishing, 1-504-620-3316 COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 31 Day 2 (Wheeler continued from page 1) encouraged. But advances in technology will never justify abandonment of our values.” Drawing applause with the statement, Wheeler reiterated what he calls the “network compact,” includes expectations that consumers and businesses bring to the relationships with network providers: • Access • Interconnection • Public safety • Consumer protection • National security. “They must be protected,” Wheeler said to more applause. The FCC is gathering information to understand the impact of technology transitions have on the core values, Wheeler said, who added he and his fellow Commissioners will use the information to guide them in their policymaking around tech transitions. “Let me be clear: transitions to IP are not a license to limit competition,” Wheeler proclaimed to more applause. “So let’s concentrate on three keys to preserving network competition: access to last-mile facilities, the future of copper networks and VoIP interconnection.” Wheeler reminded the attentive audience the “Internet revolution” serves consumers and provides new opportunities for business. “It’s hard to think of a business in America today that doesn’t use the Internet to serve its customers better,” Wheeler said. “Whether the customer is a neighborhood pizza parlor, or a national pizza chain, the ability to enjoy the fruits of competitive networks often requires access to wholesale capacity.” He added COMPTEL members serve hundreds of thousands of businesses, offering competitive rates and customized services for medium and small businesses, and pointing out that larger incumbents often aren’t willing to do. “Of course, when CLECs offer competitive services, it creates an incentive for incumbents to invest more in their networks and offer better services to win their share of business customers,” Wheeler said. “This is good, and another example of the virtuous cycle of network innovation.” Recalling a statement he made last month, Wheeler said, “Communications policy has always agreed on one important concept: the exercise of uncontrolled last-mile power is not in the public interest. This has not changed as a result of new technology,” he said. “That is as true for businesses and other enterprise customers as it is for consumers.” He then reiterated, “There is no choice between embracing technological change and protecting values.” But he added serious questions exist regarding the current special access regime’s ability to ensure continued access at reasonable rates, terms and conditions. The FCC is in a position to make informed, data-driven decisions about where to curb market power and where to step out of the way, Wheeler said, calling special access a critical issue for providers and customers. However, he added “serious questions” exist regarding the current special access regime’s ability to ensure continued access at just and reasonable rates, terms, and conditions. Collecting data to support a comprehensive market analysis of wholesale access to last-mile services is underway, which Wheeler said that the FCC will be able to dig deeply into the critical questions. He added that if the results show regulation is needed to constrain market power, the ? Associating customers and special circuit IDs shouldn’t involve a multiple choice question. 32 COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 FCC will do so. Wheeler also addressed how “lock-up provisions” requiring large volume and term commitments in existing contracts are causing uncertainty, unreasonably raising costs, and delaying the transition to IP for your customers. “This does not serve competition and it does not serve your customers,” he said. “That is why I have directed the staff of the Wireline Competition Bureau to recommend ways to alleviate the impact of such provisions on the tech transitions.” Addressing copper infrastructure, Wheeler emphasized the importance it plays in a highspeed, fiber-driven world. “It’s easy to say that old-fashioned all-copper networks are obsolete. But for business and other enterprise customers, advances in copper technology can deliver highspeed broadband over those networks — especially over short distances.” He said technological advances are making DSL a powerful means of supplying broadband at a fraction of the cost, and the ubiquity of copper creates competitive opportunity, cautioning the importance of not rejecting everything old in the rush to embrace the new. “Our goal should be to improve our copper retirement process to strengthen our core values, including competition,” Wheeler said. “Let there be no mistake: there has been competition before the transition, and there will be competition after the transition.” Finally, Wheeler addressed the FCC’s strategy to promote competition in the enterprise broadband market is to clarify VoIP interconnection rights and obligations. “COMPTEL has described interconnection as the First Amendment for networks, ensuring the right to access any network, service and content,” Wheeler said. “That is a great analogy. Stop the guessing game. Schedule a demo! 866-TSPHERE Beka Publishing, Day 2 “VoIP interconnection is an issue that needs to be solved so that customers – small and medium size businesses, anchor institutions like schools, health-care facilities, and libraries, and others – can enjoy the benefits of robust competition.” He said, “If the industry in the public interest, FCC involvement will be low, but if the public interest is not being served, the Commission will not hesitate to act.” One of the problems that exists today, he noted, is that competitive providers that have implemented IP solutions are forced by incumbents to interconnect using yesterday’s technology, TDM. “This deprives customers of benefits of the IP transition, like HD voice,” Wheeler explained. “Rural providers, who have an effective advocate in NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association, made a compelling case for the relationship between HD voice and IP interconnection in filings over the summer.” “One analogy that comes to mind for me is that the current system is like taking a beautiful HD movie and converting it to analog before displaying it on a brand new 100-inch flat panel set,” he described. “No one would do that for video, why should we permit it for voice?” He added, “Losing the benefits of IP technology through needless TDM conversion is an annoyance today … That sort of inability to reach callers on other networks will take us back to the 19th Century at a time when we should all be enjoying the benefits of the 21st.” Concluding his presentation, Wheeler called on New York Yankee great Yogi Berra who once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there.” Wheeler said, “You know where you’re going, and it’s the right path. It’s the path called competition.” Beka Publishing, COMPTEL CEO Chip Pickering and the COMPTEL staff presents former CEO Jerry James a pair of custom-made boots to honor James’ long-time service to the association at the start of Monday’s General Session. COMPTEL Plus | Tuesday, October 7, 2014 33 On the floor Members meet, greet, converse, play games and shop while networking on the show floor during the COMPTEL PLUS 2014 Fall Convention & EXPO. Berge Kaprelian Group Publisher Percy Zamora Art Director Bruce Christian Editor-in-Chief COMPTEL PLUS Dailies Photos: ©2014 Harry Butler, Nashville See this year’s photos at: Event password: comptel_10_14 Jim Bankes Business Accounting Beka Publishing Berge Kaprelian President and CEO Neil Ende General Counsel Corporate Headquarters 745 N. Gilbert Road Suite 124, PMB 303 Gilbert, AZ 85234 Voice: 480.503.0770 Fax: 480.503.0990 Email: © 2014 Beka Publishing, All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in any form or medium without express written permission of Beka Publishing is prohibited. THE ONLY THING MORE POWERFUL THAN A BIG IDEA IS THE TEAM THAT CAN SEE IT THROUGH. Let’s build a team around your next big idea. From 100G Waves to Metro Ethernet to SIP services, the experts at Windstream Carrier Solutions can help turn your next big idea into reality.
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