St. Martin de Porres Parish 118 Cedar Valley Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 845.473.4222 845.473.4223 FAX email: PARISH STAFF Msgr. James P. Sullivan Rev. Abraham K. George, M.C.B.S. Rev. Daniel Tuite Deacons: Victor Salamone, Franklin Hung, Robert Jarmick, David Nash, James Fiorio, Michael Correale William Kennedy, Parish Finance Director Kathleen Davis, Administrative Assistant Patti Norman, Administrative Assistant Jackie Hourani, Music Coordinator Peter Stafford, Trustee Maureen Schade, Trustee MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL: 5:00 PM SUNDAY: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM WEEKDAYS: 6:45 AM & 12:15 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM HOLY DAYS: Consult Parish Bulletin SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:45—4:45 PM and other times, please call the rectory. SCHOOL 845.452.4428 Mrs. Kathleen Leahy, Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 845.471.8728 Mrs. Janet McGuirk, Coordinator Mrs. Ellen Farina, Assistant Coordinator Office Hours Monday—Thursday 9:30—1:30 PM PARISH CEMETERY Call 473-4222 BAPTISM: Celebrated on Sundays at 2:00 PM. Please contact the rectory well in advance of the Sacrament. Baptismal preparation class is on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Church. MARRIAGES: Couples should contact one of the priests or deacons at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. A marriage preparation program is required. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Please call the rectory if you wish to receive the Sacraments at home. Notify us of any hospitalization so that we may be of assistance. NEW PARISHIONERS: We welcome you and would like to meet you. Please introduce yourself to one of our priests, deacons or call the rectory. Please consult the bulletin for registration information. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday—Friday 9:30 AM—3:30 PM OCTOBER 12, 2014 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME REFLECTION He resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem. (Luke 9:51) The young teacher dragged herself into the faculty lounge one day. To no one in particular, she sighed, “I can’t get through to my class. I try everything, from fun games to dire warnings, but I can’t get these kids to listen to me. Some days they drive me crazy.” An older teacher, well regarded and perceived as the staff’s strictest disciplinarian, nodded and said, “Don’t forget to love them.” Jesus never forgot to love us. His love is so radically different from what we conceive love to be that it’s impossible to fathom it without the grace of the Holy Spirit. For our sakes, Jesus “resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51), even though he knew that horrible suffering and an agonizing death awaited him there. He knew that he would face rejection from those he had taught and loved and that even his closest friends would abandon him. Still, he went. And he went ready to forgive all of them—and all of us. Too often our approach is like the inexperienced teacher’s. We take on some service project, or we do something special for our family with the notion that we will receive thanks, respect, and honor for our dedication. But when things fail to materialize as we had hoped, we feel hurt. Have you ever known the bitter sting of ingratitude or rejection from someone in your family or community? How did you react? Contrast this with the way Jesus reacted to the “unclean” Samaritans in today’s Gospel. His disciples, who should have known better by that point, were the only ones to receive a rebuke! God’s Son became flesh and died on the cross so that we could learn how to love each other as his Father loves us. We are all called to love the people in our lives with Jesus’ love. And we can do that only as we yield to the Holy Spirit’s grace. If we open our hearts to the Spirit, who fills the Church with every good gift, we can learn to serve humbly and selflessly. It is not always easy, but we should never forget that Christ is in us. We can do all things through him who strengthens us! “Lord, a harvest of souls is ready. Send me out as a laborer filled with your love and compassion.” Saturday October 11 8:00 Marion Sauter 5:00 Gloria Constantino Sunday October 12 7:30 Bernadetto Polizzi 9:30 Howard Kane 11:30 Catherine Bonahue 5:00 Rudolph DeLaurentis Monday October 13 (Columbus Day) 9:00 Tony Sileno Tuesday October 14 6:45 Michael Plessl 12:15 Caroline & Aloysius Mikula Wednesday October 15 6:45 Alfredo Monti 12:15 Joseph, Anne & Angelus Murphy Thursday October 16 6:45 The People of St. Martin de Porres 12:15 Marie Danek Friday October 17 6:45 Don Rabenda 9:00 Ruber Delosanto 12:15 Chuck Wolff Saturday October 18 8:00 Vincent Francese (Living) 5:00 Joseph LaFalce, Jr. Sunday October 19 7:30 Louis Barone 9:30 Jane Dunn 11:30 Richard Dondlinger 5:00 Valerie Quinlan & Jane Mulroy There is only one Mass on Monday, October 13 at 9:00am. The parish office will be closed on Monday, October 13th in observance of Columbus Day, and will reopen on Tuesday, October 14th at 9:30am. page1 REMEMBER OUR SICK Daniel Kelleher, Dennis Lengyel, Christopher LaFalce, Jeanette Iulo, Robert Stoutenburgh, Peter Cavaliere, Pat Drain, Cathie Geerlings, Francesco Ramirez, Stephanie & Kevin Gieseler, Anthony Coviello, Phil Harnan, Matthew Bisanz, Bridie Craig, George Salchert, Josephine Bohac, Mary Peluse, Flo Nopolitano, Mary Trabucco, Mary Marquardt, Peggy O’Neil, Frank Hartenfels, Margaret Trojan , Tom George, Robert Belmonte, Sandra Paris, Sherry Fanelli, Catherine Gary Stuewer, Genie Rudmann, Beth Dziminowicz, Michael Micik, Angelo Colacicco, Katherine Murry, & Janet Gray. PARISH INFORMATION Calvary Cemetery 473-4222 62 Lagrange Avenue, Poughkeepsie Caring Committee Parish Office at 473-4222 Charismatic Prayer Group Meetings Monday-7:30 PM Bill Haag 462-3669 C. Y. O. Christopher Fields 462-8790 Knights of Columbus Peter Stafford 462-2119 Parish Council William Kennedy 462-4717 Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in The Nativity Center Parish Health Care Ministry Doris Kennedy Senior Program Val Brown Youth Ministry Grace McNamara 462-4717 471-7567 636-0514 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Friday from 7:30 AM-12:00 noon. ROSARY Each weekday (Monday-Saturday) after the First Mass of the day MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Monday after the 12:15 PM Mass MILITARY SERVICE We would like to remember all of our parishioners serving in the Armed Forces, at home, but especially those serving overseas. Please remember especially: Pvt. 1st Class Evan Simeon; LT. Ryan Henebery; Sgt. Christopher Wilks; Arm. Robert Wilks; Pvt. Donald Schneider; Sgt. Philip D. Percesepe, USMC; Sr. Airman Anthony DiMase; Corey R. Tag; E-4 James LeRoy, US Army; Ens. Kathryn Munson; Sgt. Vincent A. Fiorillo; Airman Frank Lauria; LT. Eric Hung, USN; Petty Officer 3rd Class Robert J. LaBarbera, III U.S.N.; PVT2 Ronald D. Biro; Sgt. Marc Coviello; Michael Wagner, Army; Pvt. Nathan Wentworth; Petty Officer 3rd Class Brian Brandon USN; Sgt. Levi Santagate, USMC; AM2 (AW) Bridgit Stratton; Capt. Eddie Preisser, US Army; Sgt. William Haas, USMC; Airman 1st Class Preston David Wtulich, USAF; Richard Milliot, 2nd Mate. Banns of Matrimony III Eric Orlowski & Mollie Woodbury I Joseph Porco & Sarah Sahawneh ST. MARTIN de PORRES NOVENA Wednesday after the 12:15 PM Mass CARE NET PREGNANCY CENTER 845-471-9284 HOPE & HEALING AFTER ABORTION 212-750-3967 PASTORAL INFORMATION If any of the following items pertain to you or to your family, please check the line in front of item. This information will be a great help to us. You may tear this off and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Rectory. You may also use our e-mail address. ___New in parish, would like to register ___Change of Address ___Moving out of the parish ___Need information, please phone ___New telephone number ___ E-mail address _______________________ ___Family member_______________________ who is ill at home__at_ hospital Room Number_____ Your Name: _____________________________ Address: ________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________ Page2 Health Care Ministry Program On October 16th at 7:00 PM in the Nativity Center the Health Care Ministry will sponsor a program about Long -term Planning and Home Care Services. The speaker is Nicole Peluse, Director of Mid-Hudson Regional Licensed Home Care. Ms. Peluse, who has held the position for six years, has a BA and an MA from Marist College and teaches classes at the college. Come and share in the wealth of information from this dynamic speaker. Refreshments will be served. ALL ARE WELCOME. Teachers/Aides/Subs Needed Religious Education is still in need of loving and caring people. If you are interested in helping the youth of the parish, please call the Religious Education Office. Our Lady of Lourdes High School Open House Our Lady of Lourdes High School will host its Open House on Sunday, October 19th from 1pm – 4pm. All interested students and their families are invited. Tours of the school will be given and information packets available, including admission and application requirements. Faculty, staff, club moderators and coaches will be on hand to answer questions. If you need additional information or are an older student interested in attending Our Lady of Lourdes High School, please call the school at 845463-0400, ext. 1111. TACHS EXAM To qualify for entrance to almost all of our Catholic High Schools, eighth grade pupils must take the Test for Admission into Catholic High School. The examination will be held on Friday, November 7th. You may register for the exam on-line @ For further details please call 866-618-2247. “Catholic schools prepare every student to meet the challenges of their future by developing their mind, yes, but also their body and their soul and spirit. ” ~David Vitter~ St Martin de Porres-Saturday, October 25th 9:30-3:30 in the Nativity Center. St. Mary’s Church Fishkill-Saturday, November 1st, 9:303:30 in School gym. St. Mary's Wappinger -Saturday, November 8th, 10-4. Worldwide Marriage Encounter “The feast was ready, but those who were invited were not worthy to come.” God invites us to make our Sacrament of Matrimony worthy to come to the feast. Enrich your marriage to make it what God wants it to be. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is November 1st & 2nd. For information call 1-877-NYS-WWME: ext. 3. SEPARATED AND DIVORCED The meeting of the Ministry to the Separated and Divorced will be held at St. Martin de Porres Parish in the Nativity Center, back room at 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. For more information please call Fran @ 914-522-5928 or Cathy @ 845-546-0268. Baby Bottles Please remember to keep filling your Good Counsel baby bottle with spare change. You are helping their 4 pro-life homes and national crisis pregnancy hotline (800-723-8331). Baby bottles will be collected during the weekend of October 26. Ways to support St. Martin de Porres School SCRIP- The PSA will be selling gift cards after 5:00pm Saturday and 9:30 & 11:30am Sunday Masses Oct. 18th & 19th. Target- Take Charge of Education: Register your card designating SMDPS School code 10910). The school will Receive 1% of your total bill. Tools for School: Register your Price Chopper AdvantEdge card designating SMDPS (School code 16284). Box Top for Education & Campbell Soup Labels: Send in box tops and labels for the school to receive credit for supplies. A+ Bonus Bucks: Register your S&S card designating SMDPS (school code 07838) and the school will earn money based. All you have to do is: Log on to to register online OR Dial 1-877-275-2758 to register your card over the phone. Please visit the PSA website for all information regarding our committee and events. St. Martin de Porres Ecumenical Group The national Make a Difference Day is Saturday October 25 from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. This year we will again assist in The Habitat for Humanity’s Paint the Neighborhood community outreach project. Members of the St. Martin de Porres Ecumenical Committee will be in the vestibule of the church after Mass today with information and for you to sign up for the project. For more information visit ; November 1st & 2nd, Spirit of St. Martin Neighbor Helping Neighbor; December 1st, Advent Service 7:00 PM in St. Martin’s Church. 40 Days for Life There will be a prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood on Noxon Street in the city of Poughkeepsie, on Tuesday, October 28th. We are looking for volunteers from St. Martin's who will spend an hour or two at the vigil, in peaceful prayer. Vigil will begin at 7AM and end at 7PM. To sign up, please contact Joan @ 845-337-5180. Christmas Around the World The Maryknoll Sisters welcome you to come & enjoy our Christmas Around the World International Bazaar on Saturday, Oct 25th @ 100 Ryder Rd. Ossining, from 10:00am4:00pm. There will be hand crafted items from Asia, Africa, South & Central America & the USA. Baked goods & all day breakfast buffet. For further info call 866-662-9900. page3 Fall Garage & Rummage Sale The Women’s Parish Club of St. Joachim / St. John the Evangelist Church will be holding its Fall Garage and Rummage Sale on Thursday, Oct. 23rd & Friday, Oct. 24th from 9am to 2pm & Saturday, th Oct. 25 from 9am to 1pm in St. Joachim’s School Gym, on Leonard Street, in Beacon. Affordable lunch is available. Come in and shop! Values galore! You won't be disappointed! “SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF MARTYRS” Auriesville, NY, Tuesday, OCTOBER 21, Bus Departs Holy Trinity 7:30 AM, 11:00 Mass in the Coliseum will honor Saint Kateri. Bus Departs Shrine 4:00pm, More info at Cost is $30.00 pp which includes round-trip transportation/tip. Payment by cash or check (payable to “Holy Trinity”) accepted until the bus is full. First-come first-serve only with payment. Tickets must be picked up at the rectory in person. Bring a bag lunch or purchase snack/beverages at the Visitor Center. Calvary Cemetery Columbarium Cremation Garden To accommodate the current Catholic Church discipline and practice, Calvary Cemetery offers a variety of options for the respectful disposition and memorialization of cremated remains. The division or scattering of cremated remains is not in line with Catholic practice. There will be an informational meeting about the new proposed Columbarium on Thursday Oct 30th at 7:30pm. Anyone interested in obtaining a niche please call the parish office. Habitat for Humanity Music of Mozart & Haydn Concert, benefiting Habitat for Humanity of Dutchess County, Sunday, October 19th at 7:30pm at Christ Episcopal Church, 20 Carroll St. Poughkeepsie. Choral music performed by regional choir, Organ music performed by Craig S. Williams. Suggested donation $12. Religious Education News: Registrations are now being taken for our first Family Catechesis/LOFT event of the year. Please see your child's folder for information, or pick up a registration form in the back of the church. It will be held on Saturday, November 8, 2014. Time choices are: 8:45am11:15am, 11:30pm -2:00pm. & 2:15pm-4:45pm all grades need to attend with their families on one of the two dates for this year. The registration deadline for November 8, 2014 is Tuesday, October 28, 2014. Any questions please call the Religious Education Office at 471-8728. Bereavement Group This group, led by Deacon Vic, will begin its seven week series on Tuesday, October 14th at 7:00 PM in the Nativity Center, back room. This series begins with “To accept the reality of the loss”. All are invited to attend. Catholic Charities Catholic Charities Community Services of Dutchess County! What is Catholic Charities and how can I help? Discover how your time and talent can make a difference to families confronted with crisis who may feel helpless and overwhelmed. Your knowledge of our services can be a lifesaver to someone in need with no one to turn to. We seek volunteers who are compassionate, patient, and willing to assist people with our CCCSC service information. Volunteer opportunities vary, times are flexible and training is provided. Join us for our Wednesday Information sessions, October 22nd at our Poughkeepsie Office. For more information, please contact: Sophia Sciacca at or 845-4521400 x4254 or Catholic Charities Community Services - Guild for the Blind Program is looking for a Social Casework Consultant in Dutchess County This Consultant position provides direct case management services to legally blind individuals in need through advocacy, information, referral, crisis intervention services and short term case management. Qualifications Education and/or experience required - Skills, Licenses, and/or competencies required: Masters degree in social services required with at least two years of experience in the social services field. Excellent interpersonal skills, knowledge of social service delivery systems, knowledge of County resources, good organizational, time management and communication skills. Individual must possess the ability to work well independently as well as part of a team. Knowledge & use of Microsoft Office. Applicants must submit a resume and cover letter highlighting relevant past experience and qualifications, and state their position of interest and desired compensation. Submissions without the information listed above will not be considered. Please send resume and cover letter to: or Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, Human Resources Department,1011 First Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10022, Fax: (212) 826-8795. Senior Center Program Events Craft Fair-Oct. 25th 9:30-3:30. Many new vendors, raffle, hot dogs, pizza, snacks, soda, coffee & tea. Mohegan Sun-Nov. 13th- bus leaves 8:00am returns 7:00pm. $30 per person get back $15 food coupon & two $10 spins on the wheel. Defensive Driving-Nov 22nd-9:00am-4:00pm, $20 per person for AARP members, $25 per person for non-AARP members. Arrive by 8:45. Call Val @ 462-3105 or Mary Long @ 297-0186. Bring lunch or you can order pizza that day @ $1.25 per slice. Harvest Card Party Luncheon Vassar Warner Home, 52 South Hamilton St., Poughkeepsie, Thursday, October 23, 10:00am-2:00pm. $15 per person, for tickets call 845-462-3246. page4 426deporrespage5 Vincent J. Miller Miller,, Funeral Director Pre-Need, Traditional & Cremation Services • At Home Counseling Not Affiliated With Any Other Area Funeral Homes 3rd Generation Family Owned & Operated Parishioners 485-0241 371 Hooker Avenue, Poughkeepsie Hunt Travel Agency For All Your Travel Needs! 845-462-1447 132 Spackenkill Road Matt Swanson, Certified Arborist Office (845) 635-8858 Joseph M. Prisco, D.D.S. • Joseph Arcuri, II, D.D.S. Diplomates American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 845-471-5202 Tub Grinding Natural & Colored Mulch Snow Plowing Richard G. Rosenbloom D.M.D. Specialists for Children, Teens & Adults 1145 Route 55, Lexington Park LaGrangeville, NY 12540 (845) 471-1186 1491 Route 52, Suite 45 Fishkill, NY 12524 (845) 897-5500 Pete’s Paint Work Inc. Quality Job-Fair Price Peter Dahowski 914-456-5915 Calvary Cemetery St. Martin’s Rectory 118 Cedar Valley Road Law Office Of Cemetery: 62 LaGrange Avenue 845-473-4222 Thomas M. Gambino St. Martin’s Parish Cemetery Christenings • Communions • Confirmation Lunch & Dinner • Closed Monday ~ Sunday Brunch ~ 11:30 - 3:00 1820 New Hackensack Road (Rt. 376) Wappinger Falls, NY 12590 845.849.3565 • Pregnant? Need someone to talk to? BIRTHRIGHT can help! 473-1300 1-800-550-4900 National 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline (845) 462-2009 Philip Maiorana, D.D.S. Family Dentistry 182 Spackenkill Road Poughkeepsie, New York 12603 Tree Removal Skidsteer Work Land Clearing Stump Grinding 845.297.3994 Open 7 Days a Week 43 Vassar Road and ernity too! MENTION THIS AD Mat s e iz S for 20% OFF Teen Regular Priced Items FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY Marius Suditu, DDS 1289 RT. 9, STE. 8 WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY (845) 632-6613 PIZZA & CATERING Fax: (845) 632-6614 1574 Route 9 “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” 845-297-1498 Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! Wappingers Falls NEW Merchandise Added DAILY! CHILDRENS RESALE BOUTIQUE Longobardi’s Restaurant New Banquet Room Up to 100pp Dine-In • Take Out Open 7 Days Lunch & Dinner & Associates, P.C. Quality Clothing, Toys, & Baby Equipment, and more! Poughkeepsie • Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides • Care Management • Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies Specialty Services include: Cardiac Care • Diabetes Care Maternal Child Services Wound & Ostomy Social Work • Pastoral Care Civil • Criminal Family Retired NYPD 473-0427 222 Church St., Poughkeepsie $69 ADULT EXAM, X-RAYS & BASIC CLEANING Value $199 - Cannot be combined with any other offers or insurance. Basic cleaning in absence of periodontal disease. $39 CHILD EXAM, X-RAYS & BASIC CLEANING Value $159 - Cannot be combined with any other offers or insurance. Basic cleaning in absence of periodontal disease. Hobnobbin’ Pub NEIGHBORHOOD SPORTS PUB Happily Serving Poughkeepsie for 25 Years! Lunch & Dinner 7 Days • Private Parties Welcome 462-6810 11 VASSAR RD. • POUGHKEEPSIE, NY Join Us On Facebook! 10% OFF TOTAL BILL 1-855-488-2149 With this Ad • Exp 12/31/14 Ron Gerardi Pariohioner (845) 485-4300 Fax: 845-485-0071 56 Noxon Rd. Poughkeepsie, NY Highest Quality Work Guaranteed! 426 St. Martin de Porres, Poughkeepsie, NY (i) 24 Hr. Towing Complete Body, Collision & Paintwork John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Mid Hudson Podiatry Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Andrew S. Wilantewicz, DPM Board Certified in Podiatric Medicine & Orthopedics 282 New Hackensack Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845-462-8637 • Evening & Saturday Appointments Available The Avalon Assisted Living & Wellness Center (845) 463-0500 1629 Rte 376 Wappingers Falls, NY ADAM AND EVE HAIRSTYLISTS 30 Vassar Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Phone: 845-462-3299 Michael J. Sontheimer, Lic. Manager 845-452-0790 armele Fulton Avenue uneral Home 110 Poughkeepsie, NY Peter C. McGinnis, Esq. Attorney at Law Elder Law, Medicaid, Wills & Estates 515 Haight Ave. 845-471-5721 BAPTISM • COMMUNION CONFIRMATION FINE JEWELRY AND GIFTS POUGHKEEPSIE PLAZA (845)452-0026 Restaurant & Bar Sunday Brunch 11-3 Lunch & Dinner - 7 Days 10% Discount 46 Vassar Rd. Poughkeepsie, NY 845-214-0000 845.849.2839 Italian Specialties • Bronx Breads • Hot & Cold Catering 2521 C South Road (Rte 9) Poughkeepsie Fresh Mozzarella • Homemade Sausage Hours: Mon-Fri 6am-7pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 8am-3pm Route 55, Apple Valley Plaza 483-9600 John J. Gadonniex, CFP® 35 Main St., Poughkeepsie 845.452.4700 Full Italian Menu • Eat-In • Take-Out Catering • Full Bar • WE DELIVER Lunch & Dinner 7 Days ~ Joel Trocino, Chef/Owner ~ Vice President Wealth Management Advisor (845) 431-2205 2649 South Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 ROSE AND KIERNAN, INC. INSURANCE, SURETY & BENEFIT SERVICES 60 Merritt Blvd., Ste. 202, Fishkill, NY 12524 ROBERT J. RANIERI, JR. Vice President Phone: (845) 350-3816 e-mail: ROSE BURNS Dr. Mary Rita Sheehy Optometrist Comprehensive Pediatric & Adult Vision Care 297-4444 187 New Hackensack Rd., Wappingers Falls Merrill Lynch Wealth Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith Incorporated, member SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Investment products: Are Not FDIC Insured Are Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value ©2011 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. ALLIANCE REALTY GROUP Cellular 845.518.9147 Business 845.297.4700 ext. 308 *Parties of 4 or more. Residential Commercial SHANLEY FREE Up to $20 value. With proper ID. Reservations required. Valid thru 2014. Martin Law Group, P.C. 2644 East Main Street Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 Estate Planning 845-440-8594 Accidents FREE CONSULTATION Real Estate Transactions M&D Home & Office Cleaning Quality You Can Stand On! REALTOR® Parishioner Installation Service Birthday Dinner Michael A. Martin, Esq. Fully Insured • Senior Discounts Du l oo o m DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE (845) 226-6700 fD 653 Route 82 co Hopewell Jct, NY 12533 r iv i ng. Melville H. Hughes, MD, PC Tania Cohen, PA-C, MPAS Medical, Surgical & Cosmetic DERMATOLOGY 1 Bushwick Rd, Ste. D • Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 471-5095 (845) 229-3376 NOW OPEN! SUNDAY BREAKFAST 8AM-12NOON 845-454-4930 Proprietors: Roger & Dawn Haight Quho Choi D. D.S. Cosmetic Dentistry Implant Dentistry Root Canal Fastbraces® Emergency Care Most Insurance Accepted Early Morning App. Available 11 New Hackensack Rd. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845-297-9959 Casual Family Dining Private Banquet Room for 30-80 people Off Premise Catering 12 BOTTLE CASES OF WINE EVERYDAY 1955 South Road • Poughkeepsie Next to Bugaboo Creek 1639 Rt. 376, Wappingers Falls (Just behind the Airport) 845-218-9044 $5 OFF any check over $35 or $10 OFF any check over $60 BARRE MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED 1958 MONUMENTS - CEMETERY LETTERING REFUSE REMOVAL SYSTEMS Quality Service Since 1955 (845) 896-6000 • (800) 522-7235 Fully Insured & References M-F: 10:30-7 Sa: 11-7 Su: 12-6 15% OFF 426 St. Martin de Porres, Poughkeepsie, NY (b) Carpet Installations • Vinyl/Tile Laminates/Hardwood • Carpet Removal Carpet Repair & Restretching WE INSTALL YOURS OR OURS 7 Pine Woods Rd, Ste. 5 • Hyde Park, NY 12538 $5 OFFtchess Sch Unisex Salon Hair & Nails • Waxing 1821 Rt. 376, Poughkeepsie 845-463-2449 • Open Tues.-Sat. Residential • Commercial Serving The Tri-County Region For Over 24 Years Stephen Shanley, Parish Member Professional & Experienced 347-665-3100 Shop At Home Service Available Fully Insured • Free Estimates Boilers • Furnaces • Water Heaters • Hydroair Central Air • Duct Work • Oil Burners • Piping Radiant Heat A Nu Do Revue Member of Parish WE SELL IT! WE INSTALL IT! WE REPAIR IT! WE GUARANTEE IT! 845-463-4279 HEATING AND COOLING 845-463-2071 Marisa Sarnelli Bernard F. Potrzeba - owner 229-2304 Hyde Park 223-3830 Hopewell Jct. GOOD EARTH LANDSCAPING Est. 1982 Certified Arborist • Fall Clean-up Snow Plowing & Blowing Walkways 845-452-8116 NYS Pesticide Lic. • Licensed/Insured 845-204-9555 (With this ad - Cannot be combined w/any other discount/offer) (845) 849-3999 1820 New Hackensack Rd. Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 We Deliver! PODIATRIST Tired of Painful Feet? Dr. David Stamm Board Certified DPM Over 25 Years of Experience Medicare Covered Diabetic Shoes 201 South Ave., Poughkeepise, NY 452-0696 28 Front St. Millbrook NY • 677-3363 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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