Prayer Needs Week beginning 12th October *Please pray for … *Maureen Lamb, Larry and Jane, their daughter. *The Prayer Ministry Training morning on 18th Oct (see overleaf), especially that many will come and be really inspired by this. *The guides and all taking part in the Week of Accompanied Prayer (12th-19th Oct), that they will all be greatly blessed. Meeting to pray this week In addition to our regular services as a church family, we enjoy meeting together to pray for the needs of our community and our church. Please feel free to join with us this week: Wednesday: 9.30am The Wednesday Service will be Holy Communion in the Chancel. Saturday: 8.00-9.00am Prayer Breakfast in the Breukelman Room: (2nd 4th and 5th Saturdays of the month), (1st Saturdays) St. John’s BE and (3rd Saturdays) at the Way Inn . The latest of the flyers (pink) giving details of all services, readings, themes and preachers for October and November is now available in the lobby. Monday 13th October 12 noon Lunch Club in the Breukelman Room for our Senior Citizens. Tuesday 14th October 8pm CAST meeting (Community Action Sunnyside Team) is at Ali and Craig’s home, (Drive straight through PE village, and head down the hill towards the Leighton Buzzard Road.) For fuller directions, contact them on: Email: Everyone is extremely welcome. Wednesday 15th October 11.00am-12.30pm Men at Home at The Old Mill. Contact John Kirkby . 11.00am-12.30pm Girls Allowed at The Boat. Contact Barbara Smith . 1.00pm Pot Luck Lunch at St. John’s is CANCELLED. Friday 17th October 1.30-3.15pm Smarties is for Mums, Dads, carers, babies and toddlers to come and chat, make new friends, enjoy a cup of tea, play and do simple craft activities. 7-9pm Edge, our youth club for Years 7-13, in Hall. Collect for 12th October Gracious God, you call us to fullness of life: deliver us from unbelief and banish our anxieties with the liberating love of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Readings for Sunday 12th October Matthew 22:1-14 p.990 Isaiah 25:1-9 p.708 Psalm 23 p.555 Philippians 4:1-9 p.1180 Saturday 18th October 9.30am-1pm Prayer Ministry Training led by John and Heather Cowan of St Andrew’s, Chorleywood where they head up the Prayer Ministry. They are excellent. This is NOT just for the Prayer Ministry Team. It is for everyone to discover more about what we offer here at Sunnyside in Prayer Ministry, and for you to receive prayer if you would like it, as well as finding out if you would like to get more involved. Welcome to Love // Grow // Serve 12th October 2014 The Eight: The Nine: The Ten Thirty: The Six-Thirty: Holy Communion (BCP) Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship Welcome to Sunnyside We hope that you will feel very welcome in our church today. If you’re here for the first time, please fill in a welcome card and hand it to a member of the welcome team. Thank you. As a church we are seeking to: LOVE God and each other GROW in Faith SERVE our Community Please feel free to join us at any of our services today. We have refreshments between 10am and 10.30am on Sundays – get to know us over a tea or coffee! Contact For all enquiries please contact the Church office which is normally open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am-2pm. Church Office: 01442-875025 David Abbott: 01442-865100 Items for this notice sheet need to be given to the office by Thursday at the latest, please. General Information *Thank you to all the people who worked hard to help organise Songs of Praise and to everyone who provided such a splendid tea afterwards. *Thank you to Nick and Sue Hood for preparing and serving a great harvest lunch last Sunday. There was a great atmosphere and we really enjoyed the meal. *Thank you to Charlotte and Barbara who coordinated, set up (and contributed to) the amazing exhibition of craftwork last Sunday. Thank you to those who manned the stalls and to all the very talented exhibitors: including Jane Wood, Anna Wood, Ellen Wood, Jon & Laura Cook, Isabel Abbott, Vera Milosevic, Jill Constable, Chris Cartwright, Ruth Glithero, Jane Porter, Lesley Filippides, Joy Wright, Fern Reay, Ian Cheese, David Vesey, Maureen Lawrie, Aileen Fyfe, Jane Kippax, Kath Jones, Howard Smith, Bert Mabane, Jane Lines, Penny Riseley, Janet Ivin, Pat Simons, Pat Swan, Chris & Trevor Hutchings and anyone else we have unwittingly missed! *The successful Hemel Hempstead Street Pastors are now looking to recruit a team to patrol in Berkhamsted on Friday evenings for 2015, patrolling from 9pm to around 12 midnight, with exact times to yet be confirmed. Full training will be given. For more information, please read the poster in the lobby or speak to Mike Wallis *Our congratulations and best wishes to Ian and Maureen Lawrie on their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday 14th October. *Bible-reading notes: We have some up to date and some old copies of bible-reading notes. If our recent sermon series on The Book has inspired you to read your bible (or read it more), please take a copy. They’re in a box on the Welcome Desk. *Will Aid is a special partnership between the legal profession and 9 of UK’s best loved charities. Each November, local participating solicitors waive their fee for writing or updating a will. Instead they invite clients to make a donation to Will Aid. See poster and flyers in the lobby. *Part-time Playgroup Assistant (NVQ Level 2+) is required for the Sunnyside Community Playgroup on Tues, Wed and Fri mornings. For more information, please see the lobby notice board or write to: Dates for your diary Saturday 25th October 7.30pm “Prom Praise” at Christ Church Chorleywood. Noel Tredinnick and the All Souls Orchestra are giving a special “Prom Praise” concert featuring a feast of light classical music, hymns and contemporary worship songs, with special guest Geraldine Latty. Tickets are £10 (£5 under 16yrs). To book, please call 01923-284325, Saturday 1st November 8.30am onwards is the next joint gardening event. Please come along and help us. How do you feel when someone promises to pray for you? Affirming isn’t it? Praying for others is an integral part of being a Christian. Yes but….how to actually pray for someone, especially if they’re standing in front of you in church? Need help? Be here next Saturday 18th. Details overleaf.
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