Quick Links: Announcements

Sincere Appreciation
 Carolyn and I are extremely grateful to the Deacon Ministry and each
and every one of our Kettering Baptist Church family who assisted them
in blessing and encouraging us this Christmas. Your outpouring of love
is heartfelt and truly appreciated. Thank you for demonstrating the true
meaning of Christmas. We sincerely love and thank God for you.
Thank You
 Manna Ministries CDC "Gifts of Hope" would like to thank each of you
who sponsored child/children or donated funds for the children in our
community and Baltimore. It was because of you that 81 children
received gifts and their families received grocery gift cards during this
Christmas season. May God bless each of you for sponsoring these
children and making a difference in their lives.
New Year’s Eve
 New Year’s Eve Service: Bring everybody out to Flowers High School
(10001 Ardwick Ardmore Road, Springdale, Maryland) for a great
worship filled watch night service as God leads us into a new year with a
new theme. Join us on Wednesday, December 31st at 10pm
promptly, as we praise God for his faithfulness and welcome in the New
Year. Wear your 2015 party hats as we celebrate the New Year. There
will be comedy, music, praise and worship and preaching with power.
Legacy Giving
 As we continue giving to the Legacy Offering there are some additional
items we would like to raise money to assure we can complete. The first is
the paving of the rear parking lot. The Goal is $55,000 to be raised prior
to March 2015. Help us meet this goal by adding additional money to
your legacy offering. Please write “Parking Lot” on your envelope
beside the additional portion you include with your legacy
offering. Thank you for being a legacy contributor. We currently need
$49,165.00 to reach our goal.
Parking Reminders
 Please respect cones and our neighbor’s mailboxes and driveways in your
parking on and around Kettering both on Sundays and weekly services.
Office Closed
 In celebration of the New Year, the church office will be closed on
December 31st and January 1st.
Bible Study & Awana Cancellation
 There will be no Bible Study (Noonday and Evening) or Awana this
Wednesday, December 31st; they will resume on Wednesday,
January 7th, 2015.
Announcements Continued
Men’s Ministry
 The “Huddle” – Come join us on Friday, January 9, 2015 from
7–9pm as we discuss Stewardship. 1 Corinthians 4:2 says,
“Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.” But
what is a steward, and what is stewardship? Join us as we explore
the issue of stewardship as we enter a new year, so that we can be
good stewards over all that God has blessed us with. Come to “The
Huddle” as we prepare to receive the next play! “The Huddle” is open
to all men. For more information contact Mack Harrell or Donald
DTM Registration
 DTM classes for Session A of the spring semester will begin on
Monday, January 19th, 2015. Registration will begin Sunday,
January 11th, 2015. As Disciples of Christ, we must study to show
ourselves approved unto God. Come and take advantage of the
various classes that will be offered to help you grow in your faith. A
listing of the classes is forthcoming. For more information contact
Min. Williams at (301) 336-7150
Youth Ministry
 Once again it’s that time for SNOW TUBING!!!!! The Youth Ministry
is hosting a Snow Tubing Trip to Whitetail Resort in Mercersburg, PA
on Saturday, January 17th 2015. All ages are welcome to come
but those that are 10 years old and under will need to be
accompanied with a parent or guardian. The cost for this trip is
$30 per person and that include your transportation,
snacks on the bus and unlimited tubing. The bus will leave
sharply at 6am and return at 2pm. Money will be collected after
each service in room 203. If you have any question please call
Pastor Pugh at 301-336-7150.
Women's Enrichment Ministry
 The WEM will be hosting a Sister-to Sister Prayer on Saturday,
January 31, 2015 at 9am, We are inviting every sister, young
and mature to come out and join us as we spend time in prayer sisterto-sister, heart-to-heart as God uses us this year to lift one another in
prayer. See you there!
Reporting Prayer Requests
 Please
kbchurch@ketteringministries.org, or through Kettering’s website at
www.ketteringministries.org or Kettering’s church app.
Announcements Continued
Inclement Weather Alert
 During times of inclement weather there are many ways to keep upto-date with worship service changes or cancellations. You can:
 Call the Church Office and select Special Announcements
 Log onto the church’s website at ketteringministries.org
 Tune into WUSA, Channel 9 or WTTG, Fox 5 and view
closures during the broadcast (or log onto their website)
 Tune into WTOP, 103.5FM (or log onto their website)
 Receive weather updates via the Kettering Baptist Church
App which is available on Android (Google play) and iPhone
(Apple store). To find the Kettering Baptist Church app in
Google Play, either search for it by "Kettering", or navigate to