ElectricAccelerator Huddle (Beta) Release Notes Version 2015.06.30 Electric Cloud, Inc. 35 South Market Street, Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95113 www.electric-cloud.com Product Description Product Description ElectricAccelerator Huddle™ from Electric Cloud, Inc. is a high-performance replacement for GNU Make, Microsoft NMAKE, and Visual Studio build facilities. Huddle uses your development team's spare CPU cycles to dramatically reduce software build times. Unlike other parallel build tools, Huddle ensures correct builds by using patented conflict detection and correction algorithms, so your build results—including the build log—are identical to a serial build, but they happen with the speed of a parallel build by using every core across your team. You can also use Huddle to accelerate static analysis tools (such as Coverity, Klocwork, and Parasoft), unit testing, and linting tasks. What's New or Modified New Features and Functionality JobCache Feature The JobCache feature is introduced. This feature lets a build avoid recompiling object files that it previously built, if their inputs have not changed. JobCache works even after you clean the build output tree (for example, using “make clean”). JobCache is installed automatically with Huddle. JobCache has the following benefits: l Speeds long, full builds (for example, when you do a “make clean” and then a “make,” or when you run a build in a new workspace) l Builds faster than ccache l Avoids certain false cache hits that might occur when you use ccache l Complements existing Accelerator performance enhancements such as schedule optimization and dependency optimization For information about using JobCache, see the ElectricAccelerator 8.0 Electric Make User Guide. (EC-11427 and EC-11006) ElectricInsight ElectricAccelerator ElectricInsight® 5.0 is now included with Huddle and is installed automatically. It is available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. ElectricInsight is licensed separately from Huddle; this license expires on January 31, 2016. For information about using ElectricInsight 5.0, see the ElectricAccelerator ElectricInsight 5.0 User Guide at http://docs.electric-cloud.com/accelerator_doc/AcceleratorIndex.html. (EC-11485 and EC-11434) Other New Features and Functionality 2 l The license that allows free usage with unlimited local and remote cores during the public beta is extended to January 31, 2016. (After the beta, Huddle will be “free forever” for use with up to eight local cores, and additional cores can be used on a pay-per-use basis.) (EC-11485) l The Visual Studio integration (which is installed automatically with Huddle) is upgraded to version 4.2. For a list of changes, see the ElectricAccelerator Visual Studio Integration Guide for version 4.2 at http://docs.electric-cloud.com/accelerator_doc/AcceleratorIndex.html. l Basic annotation is now enabled by default in cluster mode. For disabling all annotation, the --emakeannodetail=none eMake option is introduced. The --emake-annodetail=none option disables basic annotation, even when the --emake-annofile eMake option is used. (EC-11448) l The size of the Huddle installer is reduced. (EC-11425) Known Issues l The Huddle Portal now displays a news feed story that informs users when a new Huddle version is available for download. The story is removed when all local and cluster agents are upgraded to the current version. (EC-11150 and EC-10985) l You can now replay a cached parse result in a different workspace, if all input files are the same and have the same path relative to your eMake roots. (EC-9761) Resolved Issues l Fixed the issue in the Huddle Portal in which the values of the Build Hours Used field and the Build Hours Saved field were not updating properly. (EC-11437) l OpenSSL is upgraded to version 1.0.2b. New Platforms Support is added for Ubuntu Linux 14.04 (kernel 3.13) (32-bit and 64-bit). Known Issues l Clicking the Huddle Portal Charts tab might return a 403 Forbidden (403) HTTP status code, even though you are logged in as a registered user. (EC-11525) l When hosts whose user is unknown are upgraded, repeated messages are created in the Huddle Portal activity news feed for them. (EC-11519) l In the Charts tab of the Huddle Portal, the Cumulative Build Hours Used/Saved chart is sometimes blank, even though substantial builds have occurred. (EC-11513) Installation and Upgrade Notes (Ubuntu Linux platforms) If the kernel headers package is not already installed, the Huddle installation fails with the following error message: The compilation of the local file system kernel module failed. This may be an unsupported platform or the kernel header files could not be found. If this occurs, you must install the kernel headers. To do so, you can use the sudo apt-get install linuxheaders-`uname -r` command or the equivalent command for your specific Linux distribution. Then, you must uninstall and reinstall Huddle. (EC-11046) Hardware Requirements The recommended total amount of RAM for an agent host is 2 GB per agent plus the amount of RAM normally needed to execute your build. For example, if you are running four agents, and your build normally needs 8 GB, you will need ((2 * 4) + 8) = 16 GB. Copying the execserver Executable to a New Location if You Relocate eMake If you copy the 'emake' executable to a new location, you must also copy the execserver executable to that location. By default, the path to the execserver executable is /opt/ecloud/i686_Linux/bin/execserver (or /opt/ecloud/i686_Linux/64/bin/execserver, if you are running 64-bit eMake). Regenerating History Files After an Upgrade The identifier that is used to find certain types of jobs in the eMake history file is changed in eMake version 8.0. After an upgrade from Huddle version 2014.12.19 or older versions to Huddle version 2015.04.13, users should regenerate their history files by running their first build with the --emake-history=create eMake option to avoid unnecessary serializations. This build might have more conflicts than normal (but subsequent builds should return to normal). 3 Technical Support Technical Support To get help with installation and configuration, submit beta feedback, or ask questions, contact us at http://ask.electric-cloud.com/. For More Information 4 l To get started with Huddle, see the ElectricAccelerator Huddle Quick Start document at http://docs.electric-cloud.com/huddle_doc/HuddleIndex.html. l For basic Huddle terms and concepts, explanations of the relationships among the parts of Huddle, and more information about the Huddle Portal (the web-based Huddle dashboard), see the ElectricAccelerator Huddle Terms and Concepts document at http://docs.electric-cloud.com/huddle_ doc/HuddleIndex.html. l For a list of supported platforms and system requirements, detailed procedures for GUI, command line, and silent installations, as well as configuration procedures, see the ElectricAccelerator Huddle Installation and Configuration Guide at http://docs.electric-cloud.com/huddle_doc/HuddleIndex.html. l For other information about Huddle, see http://www.electriccloud.com/products/electricaccelerator/huddle/. l For information about using Electric Make (“eMake”), see the ElectricAccelerator Electric Make User Guide for version 8.0 at http://docs.electric-cloud.com/accelerator_doc/AcceleratorIndex.html. l For information about using ElectricInsight, see the ElectricAccelerator ElectricInsight User Guide at http://docs.electric-cloud.com/accelerator_doc/AcceleratorIndex.html. l For more information about the Visual Studio integration, see the ElectricAccelerator Visual Studio Integration Guide for version 4.1.6 at http://docs.electric-cloud.com/accelerator_ doc/AcceleratorIndex.html. For More Information ElectricAccelerator Huddle (Beta) Version 2015.06.30 Copyright © 2002–2015 Electric Cloud, Inc. All rights reserved. Published 7/5/2015 Electric Cloud® believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment from the vendor. THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS.” ELECTRIC CLOUD, INCORPORATED MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Use, copying, and distribution of any ELECTRIC CLOUD software described in this publication requires an applicable software license. Copyright protection includes all forms and matters of copyrightable material and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from software programs displayed on the screen such as icons and screen display appearance. The software and/or databases described in this document are furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software and/or databases may be used or copied only in accordance with terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or nondisclosure agreement. Trademarks Electric Cloud, ElectricAccelerator, ElectricAccelerator Huddle, ElectricCommander, ElectricFlow, ElectricInsight, and Electric Make are registered trademarks or trademarks of Electric Cloud, Incorporated. Electric Cloud products—ElectricAccelerator, ElectricAccelerator Huddle, ElectricCommander, ElectricFlow, ElectricInsight, and Electric Make—are commonly referred to by their “short names”—Accelerator, Huddle, Commander, Flow, Insight, and eMake—throughout various types of Electric Cloud product-specific documentation. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 5 6
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