Saint Gabriel and Good Samaritan Parishes

Saint Gabriel and Good Samaritan Parishes
Rev. Eric Ayers
Rev. Mr. Roy Smith
Rev. Mr. Jerry Wyngaard
Lisa Gorton
Director of Parish Formation
Carole Peters
Formation Coordinator
Faith Grubbs
Domestic Church
Resource Assistant
Roni Pfrang
Children’s Formation Coordinator
Therese Venti
Parish Business Manager
Brad Gorton
Office Assistant
Tina Gudgel
Suzanne Maerz
Music Minister
Good Samaritan
Catholic Church
8901 Winterpock Rd
Chesterfield, VA 23832
13441 Patrick Henry
Amelia, VA 23002
Liturgy Schedule
St. Gabriel
Wed Mass - 9:00 am
Fri. Mass—9:00 am
Sat Mass - 5:30 pm
Sun Masses - 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Holy Days - 9:00 am & 7:00 pm
Good Samaritan
Sat Mass - 4:00 pm
Sun Mass - 4:00 pm (Hispanic)
Parish Office:
Tele: 804-639-6712
Fax: 804-639-6591
Church: 804-639-4102
Office Hours: Mon-Thu: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Fri: 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Anointing of the Sick
This sacrament is best celebrated outside a hospital
setting. It takes place in the chapel before or after Mass or
at home. Contact the parish office for arrangements or
call the office number (639-6712) in emergencies.
Ministry to the Sick
Let the parish know when a fellow parishioner is seriously
ill. The person who is ill, or a family member, should
make arrangements for home or hospital visits, or for
prayer remembrances.
This sacrament is celebrated either with the assembly at mass or
in a private setting on designated dates throughout the year. In
anticipation of the birth of their child, it is recommended
parents contact the parish office SIX MONTHS IN
ADVANCE for sacramental preparation prior to the
celebration of baptism.
Pastoral Consultor Council
Laura Lincoln
Finance Council
Terry Bowes
Stewardship Team
Nancy Wilson
RCIA (Becoming Catholic)
Lisa Gorton
Saint Gabriel
Catholic Church
Mike Magee
Pat Herman
If you would like Confession, please approach Father
Ayers after the 5:30 pm mass on Saturday or after the
11:00 am mass on Sunday.
Weddings cannot be scheduled before a couple meets with
the pastor or a Deacon. Couples should contact the parish
office for an appointment at least one year in advance of
their proposed wedding.
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
This Week’s Calendar
Sunday, October 12th
Sabbath Sunday
8:15am Rosary For the 40 Days for Life Campaign
9:00am Mass
11:00am Mass
12:15pm St. Anthony’s Bread
12:30pm Companion Lunch
Monday, October 13th
No Events
Tuesday, October 14th
9:00am St. Peter’s
9:00am Morning Prayer
10:00am Golden Angels
7:00pm Baptism Class
7:00pm Bible Study
7:30pm Fishermen
October 12, 2014
Please pray for the sick of St. Gabriel & Good
Samaritan churches:
Names will appear for a month after notification;
Resubmit if needed
George Blum
Lisa Carlson
Mark Carscallen
Eric Fletcher
Ron Geczi
Janet Joyce
Patricia McCarty
Sister Natalina
Anna Norman
Benjamin Peacock
Rick Sak
Chris Sherman
Tom Stump
Linda Young
Jason Zaccarine
Steve Zaffuto
Wednesday, October 15th
9:00am Mass
9:45am WINGS
6:30pm Joy of the Gospel DVD Study
Thursday, October 16th
9:00am Morning Prayer
7:00pm Gifts
7:00pm Prayer Leader Meeting
7:00pm RCIA Candidates Meeting
Friday, October 17th
9:00am Mass
10:00am Praying Hands
10:00am Bible Study
Saturday, October 18th
9:00am Spiritual Enrichment Course
5:30pm Mass
Sunday, October 19th
8:15am Rosary for the 40 days for life campaign
9:00am Mass
10:15am Pre-K and Kindergarten Formation
11:00am Mass
1:30pm Grade 2-5 Formation
1:45pm Grade 1 Formation
4:30pm Middle and High Schoo1 Formation
For the full parish calendar—
go to our website:—
click on “Events: Parish Calendar”
Please pray for those service members of St. Gabriel
& Good Samaritan churches currently deployed:
ET3 Daniel Parker, CPT Peter Fritz
Lt. Jason Herres, Maj. Brian Wirtz,
John T. Diem SCPO U.S. Navy
Lt. Col. Brian Smith USAF
Next Week’s Mass Intention
4:00pm Paula Will
5:30pm For the Parish
9:00am June Ellison
11:00am Ralph Morelli
Sabbath Sunday: October 12th
Food Weekend:
November 1st & 2nd
November 8th & 9th
Baptism Class:
October 14th & 21st
Register at the office or
If you wish for your pictures to not appear in our publications and/or
on our website, Please contact the office at 804-639-6712
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Annual Diocesan Appeal
The 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal has begun. This year our parish goal is $29,900. As
of Friday, October 3, 2014 $9,625 or 32.19%
has been raised.
Good Samaritan’s goal amount this year Is
$1,190 and as of 10/3/2014 $200 or 16.81 %
has been raised.
The second in-Pew weekend will be this weekend. So if
didn’t receive a pledge form in the mail they will be
available in the
worship space and at the Welcome Table in the
Commons. You can either mail your form directly to the
diocese, drop it in the mail slot at the Welcome Table or
drop it off at the Parish Office. The Annual Diocesan
Appeal helps support our parishes, our clergy, plus the
many different ministries within our diocese. Your
generosity is greatly appreciated.
Red Mass
The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo, Bishop of
Richmond, and The Saint Thomas More Society invite
everyone in the Richmond Diocese to join in worship and
fellowship at the 31st Annual Red Mass and Dinner on
Friday, November 7. Rev. Msgr . R. Fr ancis Muench,
J.C.L., Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Richmond, will
celebrate the Red Mass at 5:30 p.m. at Saint Benedict
Catholic Church, 300 North Sheppard Street, Richmond.
Dinner will follow in the Halsey Lecture Hall at the
Virginia Historical Society, across the street from Saint
Benedict Catholic Church. The keynote address will be
given by Mark Rienzi, Senior Counsel at The Becket
Fund for Religious Liberty, representing the Little Sisters
of the Poor, and by Sister Loraine Marie Maguire,
Superior Provincial of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Dinner tickets are $50.00 each. The Saint Thomas More
Society is an educational, fraternal, and service
organization of Catholic lawyers. Further information
can be obtained from Society President, James
Schliessmann, or 804-8731035.
St. Gabriel Angel Program
Mark your calendars for our annual Christmas gift-share
Angels Program that reaches out to over 700 needy
children and adults in the great Richmond community.
This program assists several organizations in the area who
have expressed a need for holiday gifts or donations.
The program is easy to participate in. Angels will be
distributed the weekends of November 15-16, 22-23 and
29-30. Collection of the gifts will be at Masses the
weekend of December 6-7. If you would like more
information, please contact Michele Greis, our program
Chair at 561-5143.
October 12, 2014
For Week Ending October 5, 2014
Kroger Community Rewards
Kroger Community Rewards proudly dedicates $3.5
million to assist charitable organizations, like our parish,
in this region. Please enroll your Kroger Plus card for St.
Gabriel. Every time you shop at Kroger and use your Plus
card it raises money for our parish.
To enroll your card go to their web-site at Our organization
number is 82387.
Food Lion Community Rewards
Every time you purchase Food Lion brand products and
have your MVP card scanned you ear credit for our parish
Please register your Food Lion MVP Card by going to their
web-site at, click on Community
Outreach, then MVP Rewards and enter our Organization
Code of 251776.
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Anthony’s Bread on Oct. 12 Looking for a grassroots way to teach
social responsibility to your children?
St. Anthony’s Bread is a great entry
level outreach program for the family
following the 11 am mass. On Oct.
12, meet in the kitchen and join the volunteers to
help make bag lunches of PB&J sandwiches and
snacks for the homeless. No signup required. NEXT
DATE: Nov. 9.
Companion Luncheon (For
Widows & Widowers)
This group meets at Dolce Vita on
the 2nd Sunday of the month (Sept.
– May) from 12:30 – 3 p.m.
Meeting Sunday, October 12. The
luncheon provides a comfortable and compassionate
place to share your common journey and personal
stories. NOVEMBER DATE: Nov. 9. Questions,
contact the office at 639-6712.
October GIFTS Meeting
The monthly women’s spirituality
group, GIFTS, will meet on
Thursday, Oct. 16. The evening
begins with fellowship at 6:45 p.m.
followed by the speaker
presentation at 7 p.m. Sandy Smith
will evangelize about the "Call to Love" with a talk
entitled "The Monkey in The Middle". I'm
intrigued...aren't you? The ladies of GIFTS meet the
third Thursday of every month to share our faith,
friendship and God's love with one another. Please
join us this month or next. The more the merrier.
Good Samaritan Food Sale,
Sunday Oct. 19
To support the celebration of the
Feast of Our Lady of Guadaloupe
on Friday, Dec. 12, the planning
team is offering a donut sale after
the Sunday, Oct. 19 9 a.m. mass
and taco sale after the 11 a.m. mass at St. Gabriel’s.
All proceeds will go to cover costs of the celebration
and your support of our sister parish is greatly
October 12, 2014
Faith Formation Sessions, Sunday,
October 19
PreK-K: 10:15-10:45 in Office Meeting Space – Allelu! – Revelation and
Saints Children and Youth Grades 1High School need to come to sessions
prepared with at-home formation using the curriculum for their grade level.
Grade 1: 1:45-3:15 p.m. in Office Meeting Space –
Unit One and All Saints pgs 15-18 in A live in Christ
Grades 2/3: 1:30- 3:30 pm in Worship Space – Unit
One and Called to be Saints pgs 15-18 in A live in
Christ Book
Grades 4/5: 1:30 – 3:30 pm in Commons – Unit One
and Call to Family… pgs 292-293 in A live in Christ
Grade 6: 4:30-6:30 p.m. begins in Commons then
move to Office Meeting Space –Unit One in A live in
Christ Book
Grades 7/8: 4:30- 6:30 pm in Commons — Unit One
in A live in Christ Book
High School: 4:30 – 6:30 pm in Worship Space —
Chapter 1 in Catholic Essentials
Prayer in the Garden
Sunday, Nov. 2, 10:15 a.m.
Join the New Evangelization
Intercessory Prayer Group on the first
Sunday of the month to pray for each
parishioner, for the community, the
diocese and any special intentions you may have in
the Prayer Garden between the 9&11 a.m. masses.
Monday, November 3
The second session will be held in
nursery from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Read Chapters One and Two in
Confirmed in the Spirit Book to prepare.
Respect Life Ministry Offering
Parish Rosary
Beginning Sept 28 and continuing
through Nov 2, the Rosary will be said
on Sunday mornings at 8:15 before 9am
Mass. Please join us in the worship space!
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Helping Hands, Saturday,
Nov. 8
Our parishioners provide the
opportunities… our youth make it
happen! How it works... our youth
meet at the church and then go to a home to do a job
that needs done. Or do you have a neighbor that
needs tasks done at their home? Any donation will
go toward Dresser Building (chests of drawers that
our youth build and donate to Caritas). We need
adults, and youth ages middle school and up
interested in serving on this ministry...and bring
your friends! You can sign up on the clipboard at
Youth Ministry Table in the Commons if you
would like to help OR are in need of help.
CHASM Thanksgiving
Dinner Collection At Masses
on Nov. 15th and 16th
Please bring donations to help
those in need prepare a holiday feast for their household. MEAL GIFT PACKAGE INCLUDES: 40 oz
can of yams or sweet potatoes, 13 oz box of mashed
potatoes, 14 oz can of cranberry sauce; two 15 oz
cans of corn, two 15 oz cans of green vegetables, two
bags or boxes of stuffing; two cans or packages of
gravy, box of hot chocolate and tea bags, and a box
or bag of cookies. Bring all donations to the masses
on Nov. 15th and 16th. We also give a $15 gift card to
each family to help buy the turkey and other
perishables. If you would like to purchase a gift card,
visit the SCRIP table after mass.
November Book Discussion
This group meets on the Third Saturday
of every other month from 10 - Noon.
On Nov. 15, the group will discuss A ngels and Saints: A Biblical Guide to
Friendship with God's Holy Ones by Scott Hahn,
who explores the truth that Jesus Christ has united
heaven and earth in a close communion with the
hosts of heaven surround the earthly Church as a
"great cloud of witnesses." If interested in this discussion, please signup at the clipboard on the Adult
Formation Table in the Commons.
October 12, 2014
A Biblical Walk Through the
Mass: Understanding What We
Say and Do in the Liturgy
Five- Week Study Begins Friday,
Nov. 7, 10 a.m.
In A Biblical W alk Through the
Mass, Dr. Edward Sri takes us on a unique tour of
the Liturgy. Based on the revised translation of the
Mass, this five-week study explores the biblical roots
of the words and gestures we experience in the
Liturgy and explains their profound significance. If
interested, signup on the clipboard at the Adult
Formation Table in the Commons. SPACE IS
LIMITED so signup
YA-YA Crop Walk
October YA-YA (Youth and Young Adult) Event on
Oct. 26th is the Chesterfield CROP Hunger Walk
from 1:30-3:30 p.m. on the Brandermill
Trails. Register at and
join the St. Gabriel YA-YA team! Twenty-five
percent of all donations goes to FeedMore to feed the
hungry in Chesterfield County. The rest of the
donation provides food and clean water globally.
Trunk-or-Treat J oin us for our Tr unkor-Treat party on Sunday, October 26,
after the 11am Mass. Kids can wear their
costumes to Mass, then enjoy games,
crafts and community. Decorate your car
for trick-or-treating or show off your creativity for
the pumpkin decorating contest. See you there!
Knights of Columbus Council 13170
"Family of the Month"
While we know there are many great families in our
Parish who work hard on making St. Gabriel and our
community better, we would like to acknowledge one per
month as a thanks for doing what they do.
The Longerbeam’s
Orville and Pa y, this couple's quiet unassuming manner is no
indica on of their ac ve involvement in both Parish and
Council ac vi es. Always available to lend a hand, they have
ac vely taken over the Keep Christ in Christmas
program. Pa y is an ac ve member of Gi s. Orville can be
found any me work needs to be done and helped with the
playground mulching project this month. They were both
involved with the Ministry Fair and, as a couple, currently
sponsor a RCIA couple.
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
Good Samaritan: Offertory—$1,408.50
Special Collection , 9/28/2014 —$217.00
 We are in need of more readers, greeters, and gift bearers! Please
see Jerry if you are interested.
 Choir practice is now after Saturday Mass. Join the choir!
 Next food pantry collection: November 1
 Next Capital Improvement fund collection: November 8
 Join the Ladies for our monthly luncheon on Wednesday, October
15, 11:30am at Vinny's in Chesterfield. Let Mary Worrell or Jennifer
Hayghe know if you are planning to come. Meet at church at 11am
to carpool.
 Ladies Holiday Luncheon at the Jefferson Hotel is Friday,
December 12 at 11am. Please let Mary Worrell or Jennifer
Hayghe if you would like to join us. Space is limited.
Domingo 5
Sábado 11
Sábado 18
Sábado 25
Misa 4:00 p.m.
Misa 7:00 p.m.
Misa 7:00 p.m.
Misa 7:00 p.m.
Domingo 2
Sábado 8
Sábado 22
Misa a las 4:00 p.m.
Misa a las 4:00 p.m.
Misa a las 7:00 p.m.
Venta de Comida el domingo, 19
de octubre en la iglesia de San
Al finalizar las misas de 9am y
11am tendremos DONAS de
Krispy Kreme.
También tendremos ALMUERZO a la venta al finalizar la misa
de 11 am.
Noche de Oración todos los viernes a las
7:00 p.m. en la Iglesia.
Venta de comida después de la misa.
Boletos para la rifa solo $2.00.
También tenemos artículos religiosos a la
Todos los fondos de las actividades son a
beneficio de la celebración de la Virgen de
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 12, 2014
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