ST. PETER’S CHURCH OCTOBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm 5 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time PANCAKE BREAKFAST 12 28thSunday in Ordinary Time 19 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ministry Fair 10 am/12 pm 26 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 REFUGEE DINNER 6:00 pm 13 THANKSGIVING DAY 20 Bible Study 7 pm 27 Bible Study 7 pm K of C Meeting 7:30 pm 7 Queen's Park 10 am 8 Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm RCIA 7-8:30 pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm 14 RCIA 7-8:30 pm 21 Queen's Park 10 am 15 Pro-Life Prayers 12:30pm St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 12:30 pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm 22 Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm RCIA 7-8:30 pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm 28 RCIA 7-8:30 pm 29 Seniors KeepFit 12:30 pm PREP 6:15-7:30 pm Thursday Friday 2 Kiwanis-10 am YAH Meeting 12:45 pm Legion of Mary 12:30 pm Community of the Risen Lord 7:00 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm 9 CWL meeting-10am Legion of Mary 12:30 pm YAH Bingo-1 pm Parish Council Meeting: 7 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm 16 Legion of Mary 12:30 pm YAH Bingo-1 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm Community of the Risen Lord-7:00 pm 3 Eucharistic Adoration 12:30 to 2 pm 4 Saturday 10 11 17 18 Royal City Manor 10:30 am Ministry Fair 6 pm 23 Legion of Mary 12:30 pm YAH Bingo-1 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm 24 In the Care of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate since 1860 330 Royal Ave., New Westminster, BC V3L 1H8 Phone: 604-522-4611 Fax: 604-522-9142 Emergency: 604-522-0176; 604-522-5894 E-Mail: Website: OCTOBER 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor: Father Martin Moser OMI 25 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5pm Sunday 9am 11am and 5pm WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday through Friday 12 Noon Monday and Saturday, 9:00 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 9am and 11am Masses Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4pm to 4:45pm Tuesday thru Friday 11:40am – 11:55am Baptisms & Marriages: Please call the Parish Office 604-522-4611 30 YAH Executive Meeting-10 am Legion of Mary 12:30 pm Choir Practice 7-8:30 pm Community of the Risen Lord-7:00 pm Finance Meeting 7 pm 31 Parish Organizations Catholic Women’s League St. Peter’s Young at Heart Senior Group Pro Life Society St. Peter’s Youth Group Choir Outreach Knights of Columbus St. Vincent de Paul Society Development & Peace Queens Park Mass Team Social Justice Legion of Mary Mass Lectors Sat. 5 pm L:Marian Soff C:Gina Tolentino Sun. 9 am L:Peter McConville C:Agnes Natoc 11 am L:Dan Roxas C:Eufemia Muralla 5 pm L:Marivic Cregan C:Nicole Oke MINISTRY SCHEDULING FOR OCTOBER 18/19 Eucharistic Ushers Ministers (& Collections) Peter Tolentino Rebecca Licas - U Edgar Lagmay Mietek Nieradka Teresa Lagmay Peter Becher Thomas Fontaine Bill Conolly Flora Kennedy - U Kath Conolly Werner Meisl Carole McConville Frankie Chiu Dan McGuire Rob Kok Larry Lambert - U Angie Kok John Forget Tess Marier Paul Taylor Bob Denny Nora Riordan Ricardo Payot - U Louis de la Torre Veronica de Guzman Tim Salvacion Lina Furminger Greeters Vangie Knowles Altar Servers Vincent Tolentino Callista Tolentino Gabrielle Tolentino Flora Kennedy Anabela Chiu Mark Almonte Isabelle Satimbre Ilona Goda Danny Radaza Frances Vu Eric Vu Clare Vu Jullianna Oke Kyle Berry Sabrina Berry COFFEE SUNDAY HOSTS & HOSTESSES / LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH CHILDREN FOR OCTOBER 19 Sun. 9 am Sun. 11 am Coffee Sunday Hosts & Hostesses Ian & Johanna Ciprian John & Lily Forget Liturgy of the Word with Children Andrea Lee & Maggie Lister Angie Kok & Marian MacDougall Prayers for the sick: Please remember those among our families and friends who are suffering the burden of illness or pain especially: Albertine de Cupyer, Fleur Ange Diemert, Jocelyne Bolt, David Gillmor, Patrick Manghi, Anna Bauer, Antonio Giacomini, Tena Colton, Lesli Balango, Eldie Guinomma, Nellie Cavell, Lorraine Cahill, Caferina Tolentino, Wynne Simmer, Sharon Courtnage, Tony Marino, Patrick Coll, Gerald Visutskie, Mary Beames, Christine Perrot, Daniel Gourlay, Kenneth Landale, Dolores Elamparo, Diane Elamparo, Fred Hoffer, Kathleen McGuire, Pat Munn, Marlene Colledge, Aline Nordstrand, Edgardo Arellano, Gerald Davis, Arlene Donato, Patricia Piper, Cora Viray, Emelita Tolentino and Ron Breslin. May they experience the love and warmth they need, to be healed in body and spirit. St. Peter’s Parish is seeking a dynamic individual with a strong commitment to young people and the Roman Catholic faith to serve as the Parish Youth Ministry Coordinator. The Parish Youth Ministry Coordinator will work with the youth on volunteer opportunities, opportunities for a missions trip, as well as weekly programming. This is a paid, part-time position that requires excellent administrative, interpersonal skills and a commitment to the parish and its youth. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume by October 18, 2014 to: For more info please contact St Peter’s Church (604) 522-4611. REFUGEE FUNDRAISING DINNER: A Big Thank you to all who supported our refugee fundraising dinner either through donating or through attending. Donations by the CWL, KofC, Social Justice, and YAH were gratefully appreciated. A special thank you to Stefanie Boch, Lily and John Forget, Norah and Bill Andrew, Gerry and Sue Spindor, Marisa Brown, Vern and Alicia Piper, Anna Rekowska, Margarete Bradley, Nora Riordan, Jean Bouchard, Helen Krayachie, Larry Lambert, Wally Licas, and all those who helped with clean up. A big thank you to our chef Andy Boch, who served us a wonderful dinner. The amount raised was $ 3,734.96. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES FAIR: We are looking for volunteers for all liturgical ministries, especially altar servers and leaders for children's liturgies. On Saturday and Sunday October 18, 19, you will be asked to sign up if you are interested. 1. Readers, 2. Greeters, 3. Singers, 4. Altar Servers, 5. Leaders for Children's Liturgies, 6. Coffee Makers, 7. Ushers/Collectors, 8. Youth Liturgy Singers & Musicians, 9. Eucharistic Ministers. CWL BAZAAR - Saturday, November 8, 9 am to 3 pm in the Parish Hall: We are looking for donations for our Silent Auction, Baking Table, Jewellery Booth, Knitting and Sewing Booth and Christmas Booth. Cash donations are also welcome! Information Anne - 604-526-6602. THE THIRD ANNUAL ARCHBISHOP'S DINNER is a fundraiser for Catholic Charitable causes. The dinner will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 28 at The Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver. Tickets are $ 150.00 each. If you plan to attend, call Henrietta Lam at 604-683-0281, ext. 238 for more information. CANDIAN CATHOLIC ORGANIZATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE FALL ACTION: SOW MUCH LOVE - We are continuing with the Caritas Internationalis campaign against global hunger One Human Family, Food for All, which was launched by Pope Francis on Dec. 10, 2013. Under the slogan "Sow Much Love", we are inviting you to join our fall action campaign to educate ourselves about the role of family farmers as stewards of the world's seeds, and take action to support the rights of farmers to use, conserve, exchange and save these seeds, which feed the world. As members of Caritas Internationalis Global Week of Action, Oct. 12-18, 2014, D&P members will join Catholics around the world who are working to address global hunger. Please take the brochure in your bulletin, read it and follow up on suggested activities. NEW WESTMINSTER HOMELESSNESS COALITION SOCIETY presents 7th Annual Fundraising Dinner/Auction Thursday, October 16, 2014 at the historic Columbia Theatre (530 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC). Tickets: $75 each (tax receipts issued for allowable portion). COME HAVE FUN AND MIX WITH COMMUNITY MEMBERS FOR A GOOD CAUSE!! Doors open at 5:30 pm - Dinner served at 6:30 pm with GUEST SPEAKERS: Joe Calendino - Founder & Executive Director of Yo Bro Youth Initiative ( and Sgt. Toby Hinton - VPD & Odd Squad Productions ( To purchase tickets or to donate a silent auction item, contact Linda Asgeirsson at 604-517-1703 or email For more information go to: LIVING THE GOSPEL: A Call to Ecojustice, You are invited to a workshop on the urgent call to ecological discipleship facilitated by Sister Mary Rowell, CSJ, PhD UofT and Bob McKeon, PhD, Office of Social Justice, Edmonton on Saturday, Oct 18, 10:00 am-4:00 pm at Holy Name Church Hall, 33rd and Cambie. Fee: $55.00, please bring lunch. Co-sponsored by the Canadian Religious Conference, Office of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation and Programs in Earth Literacies. To register: email: or 250 220 4601, 604 272 4779 website: KEN-YA HELP? Fundraiser Event for the Oblates Kenya Mission. Fr. Ken Forster OMI will host this event on Saturday, October 25, 6:00 pm at St. Augustine's, 2028 W. 7th Avenue, Vancouver. Buffet, Raffles, Entertainment & More. Tickets: $ 80. (Tax Receipt $ 40). Email: or phone MaryAnn at 604-739-8215. Detailed information at If you cannot attend this event, donations gratefully appreciated. Cheques payable to: OMI Lacombe Canada - MAMI. Sent to: OMI Lacombe Canada, Kenya Mission, 1311 The Crescent, Vancouver, BC, V6H 1T7. Envelopes $ 5,100.15 LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS Loose Weekly Budget $ 808.55 $ 5,000.00 Building Fund $ 1,873.95
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