New Martinsville United Methodist Church 10 Howard Jeffers Drive New Martinsville, WV 26155 PHONE: 304-455-1422 Website: Email: Rev. Sharletta M. Green October 12, 2014 SUNDAY SCHEDULE STUDENT SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 A.M. 9:15 A.M. Children’s Church Ages 2 - 6th Grade Contemporary Worship Communion at this Service Third Sunday of Each Month 10:30 A.M. 10:30 A. M. Little Peeps Up to Age 4 Traditional Worship Communion at this Service First Sunday of Each Month FBI (Faithful Bible Investigators) ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 Christ’s Disciples 10:30 Searchers 10:30 Comfortable Christians K - 4th Grade CIA (Christians In Action) 5th - 12th Grade All are welcome to share Christ’s Table Welcome Visitors We are pleased to welcome you to the service of worship at New Martinsville United Methodist Church. If you are a first-time visitor this morning, it is our hope that you feel at home and welcome among us. We are glad you are here! Please fill out a Newcomer’s Card (located in the pews), and place it in the offering tray. You will be added to our mailing list. Vision A people who are being transformed by the Spirit of God into the likeness of Jesus Christ and are being sent out to transform their world. Sonbeam - Church Newsletter The Church Newsletter (Sonbeam) is available anytime on the Church website, (click on Newsletter then the link to the pdf file). There are also copies of the Newsletter on the round table located in the Church Narthex. SERMONS - OCTOBER October 19 October 26 Laity Speaker - Barb Hopkins Love of God; Love of Neighbor Matthew 22:34-46 Worship Bulletin October 12, 2014 Order of Worship 9:00 A.M. (Nursery is available for Children up to 5 years) ___________________________________________________________________ Please Stand as You Are Able Announcements Opening Song Gathering Meditation Songs of Praise “Come, Now Is The Time To Worship” “A New Hallelujah” “I Am Free” “God With Us” Prayer Children’s Message Scripture Lesson Message Invitation To Christian Discipleship Offering “Free, But Still In Bondage” Exodus 32:1-14 Pastor Sharletta M. Green “Dwell In Me” Prayers of The People Closing Song “Break Every Chain” Sending Forth Song of Celebration “Break Every Chain” ———————————————————————————————————————————— 10:30 A.M. (Nursery is available for Children up to 5 years) Please Stand as You are Able Introit Announcements “Father, We Have Heard You Calling” Welcome Greetings In Christian Fellowship Prelude “They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love” Scholtes Call To Worship Opening Prayer Lord’s Prayer Hymn #110 “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” Choral Worship Children’s Message Hymn #536 “Precious Name” Scripture Lesson Message “Free, But Still In Bondage” Invitation to Christian Discipleship Offering Invitation Offertory “Children Of The Heavenly Father” Doxology Prayers of The People Hymn 467 Sending Forth Postlude “Trust and Obey” Exodus 32:1-14 Pastor Sharletta M. Green Swedish Melody NOTES Announcements We’re on the Air! Our 9:00 a.m. service is carried live on Channel 15 on Suddenlink Cable and 99.5 F.M. on your radio dial. Altar Guild October 19, 2014 Jo Fauber Annie Blackburn Liturgist Serving Next Week October 19, 2014 Genie Clements Ushers Serving Next Week October 19, 2014 9:00 A.M. Bill & Rae Stuart* Mike Barth Shane Mason 10:30 A.M. Bob & Karen Berry* Debbie Keough Mary Jo Gaiser *Usher Captain JUDY’S PLACE - ASSISTANCE NEEDED Judy’s Place (the battered women and families shelter) has completed renovation of their apartments and are in need of some items as they hope to move in some new clients soon. Items needed are; cookware, pots, pans, silverware, a counter-top microwave, and kitchen towels. If you would be able to supply some serviceable items from this list, we will deliver them to Judy’s Place. See Jim Wobig, or the Church receptionist. PIGEON FORGE TRIP We are planning a bus trip to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee from April 21st - 24th. Seating is limited, so if you are interested, please see Dianna Lawrence for details. COMBINED SERVICE Sunday, November 2nd, is All Saints Day and we will be having a combined service at 10 am that Sunday. If you have someone you would like to have remembered at this service, please send their names and photographs to Pastor Sharletta or the Church Office by Friday, October 24th. Following the service, we will be having a soup and salad CARE PACKAGES FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS AND THE MILITARY This year we will be sending care packages to our college students and the military to let them know they are loved and are in our prayers. If your children are in college (either locally or away from home), or a member of the family is in the service, or if you know someone in college or the service, and you would like them to receive a care package, please send their name and address to the Church Office by Thursday, November 20th. We want to send the care packages to the college students so they have them by or before their final exams, and to the military so that the packages will reach them before Christmas. We will soon have a list of items we would like to include. TRUNK OR TREAT The annual Trunk or Treat will be held on Sunday, October 26th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. for children ages up to 6th grade. The child/children must be accompanied by an adult. The event will provide an opportunity for the children of our church and the community to have an evening of fun. Members of our congregation will be gathered in our parking lot with decorated trunks, truck beds or tables decorated around the theme of Halloween to give out treats. There will be food and games. Please plan to join us for this fun filled evening. For more information call 304-455-1422. HELPING HAND We will be collecting cans of fruit to donate to Helping Hand for the month of October. Please bring the canned fruit to church and place it in the shopping cart located in the Church Narthex with a “Helping Hand” sign. UNDIES SUNDAY If you forgot to bring your items for Undie Sunday, there is still time. Please bring in your donation, and place in one of the containers in the Narthex. PRAYER CORNER As we study today’s passage from Exodus 32, we become aware of several different points of view. First is the anger that God feels toward the Israelites, who have become corrupt and have turned toward false idols. As God addresses Moses, He says, “Your people” whom “you brought” out of Egypt. The next viewpoint is that of Aaron. He is the one who must face the impatience and increasing anger of the people that Moses left in his care. So, Aaron makes a compromise, a golden calf is made, and a festival to the Lord is held. Then we have the viewpoint of the people Moses rescued from slavery. They question, “Who is this Moses, anyway, and where is he?” Finally, we have Moses, himself, who dares to start a dialogue with God, reminding Him that these people are God’s people, begging Him to turn away from His anger. A key component in each of these situations is impatience and the imposition of blame. Ultimately, though, Moses proves his leadership in his conversation with God, which stops God from disowning the Israelites, His chosen people. The question for us today becomes, “Why are we impatient, and why are we quick to blame others for given situations that we might be facing?” God will not give up on us, nor should we give up on God. Loving Father God, forgive our impatience. We know that You are with us in all our trials, and that with You we are secure. Let us be the people You wish us to be, faithful and patient in our living. Amen. This Week’s Birthdays 12 Bobby Wetzel 13 Joe Craycraft, Roger Hindman 14 Brittany Ferrebee, Todd Fox, Tracy Mason, Candance Southerly 15 Reece Warren 16 Chase Cain, Heather Dills, Melissa Shimp 17 Jake Bland, Christa Harshberger, Naoma Jones 18 Landon Herrick, Drake Kocher, Norm Riggs 19 Bob Berry, Emmaly Dawson, Adam Morgan, Phyllis Norris, Sam Stewart Men & Women in the Military Dave Blair Jan Briner Bula Burton Ruth Cade Juanita Cousten Chuck Crawford Kim Dallison Cecil Deiterich Dick Fonner Don Frye Wilma Glenn Linda Holman Carla Hopkins Norma Hunley Carol Ann Jackson Genie Kennamer Clara Lafferty Amber Looney Gina Ludolph Bonnie Makris Jo Miller Madeline Miller David D. Morris Susan Myers Clara Peggs Wesley Powell Edna & Wayne Riel Dorothy Risinger Betty Shackelford Davey Sivert David Smith Janie Spence Gary Tennant Toy Tennant Carol Valentine The Lost & Unspoken Requests of our Hearts The Homebound Weekly Activities Sunday, October 12 REGULAR SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 3:30 NM Youth Group 5:00 Small Group Thursday, October 16 8:30 8:30 9:00 9:00 10:00 10:00 2:30 4:00 6:30 6:30 Weight Watchers Pre-School Covenant Meeting WV Choice Good Samaritans Rebecca Circle Home Schooling - MPR Girl Scouts Halloween Party Weight Watchers Celebrate Recovery This Week’s Anniversaries 12 Benny & Aleatha Howell 15 Steve & Jan Poe 17 John & Joan Posego 18 Mike & Charlene Blair LAST WEEK’S ATTENDANCE: 258 Contemporary Service Director: Worship Leaders: Traditional Service Choir Director: Pianist/Organist Jan Jones Jackie Patterson Mike Piekarski Genie Clements Katy Bohrer Millie Sue Swartling Barb Daly This Weeks’s Liturgist: 10:30 A.M. - Barbara Hopkins Ushers - 9:00 A.M. Chuck & Wilda Fruner* Jim & Carol Ann Archer Ushers - 10:30 A.M. Fred Goddard* Mike Glow Chris & Abby Delaney *Usher Captains Neill Marshall - Head Usher of 9 A.M. Service Don Watts - Head Usher of 10:30 A.M. Service Altar Guild: Jo Litman & Lee Horn Monday, October 13 8:00 8:30 10:00 12:00 12:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 MPR - Carpet Cleaning Pre-School Staff Devotions Pre-School UMW Meeting SPRC Meeting Finance, Lead Team & Trustee Mtg. Narcotics Anonymous Friday, October 17 12:00 Narcotics Anonymous 5:00 Cancer Awareness - Minal Patel - Library 5:30 MPR - Birthday Party Tuesday, October 14 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 12:00 6:00 6:00 MPR - Carpet Cleaning Pre-School Celebrate Recovery Step-Study Prayer Shawl Meeting Brown Bag Pre-School Cub Scouts Celebrate Recovery Step-Study Saturday, October 18 8:30 1:00 6:00 7:00 Wednesday, October 15 8:00 8:30 9:00 12:00 1:00 5:45 7:00 MPR - Carpet Cleaning Pre-School WV Choice Pre-School Circle of Joy Praise Team Practice Chancel Choir Practice Weight Watchers MPR - Basketball MPR - Basketball Narcotics Anonymous Sunday, October 19 9:00 9:00 9:00 10:15 Contemporary Worship Service Children’s Church Christ’s Disciples Comfortable Christians High School Sunday School Searchers Sunday School Big House 10:30 Traditional Worship Service 5:00 Small Group
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