Volume 14, Issue 11 November, 2014 Sonbeam Newsletter N E W M A R T I N S V I L L E U N I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : I T E D M E T H O D I I M P O R T A N T S T C H U R C H R E M I N D E R ! Anniversaries 6 Birthdays 6 There will be TWO combined Calendar - November 7 services this month. Community Thanksgiving Service 2 ALL SAINTS DAY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 @ 10:00 A.M. Cub Scout Messenger of Peace Service 2 Operation Christmas Child 2 Missions & Outreach 5 Outdoor Chapel 3 Prayer Requests 6 UMW Reading Program 4 Wheeling Sleep Out 3 (Followed by Soup & Salad Luncheon) & Don’t forget to set your clock back one hour on Sunday, November 2nd! FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 @ 10:00 A.M. (Followed by Covered Dish Lunch) C O M E W O R S H I P W I T H U S Sunday Services Sunday Services (Cont’d) 9:00 AM - Contemporary 10:30 AM - Traditional Service Service Communion Served 3rd Communion Served 1st Sunday of Each Month Sunday of Each Month New Martinsville, WV 26155 Children’s Church 10:30 AM - Sunday School 304-455-1422 Children www.nmumc.org Christ’s Disciples Jr. High & Senior High All Are Welcome To Share Christ’s Table Adult Sunday School All Are Welcome To Share Christ’s Table Rev. Sharletta M. Green New Martinsville United Methodist Church 10 Howard Jeffers Drive P a g e S o n b e a m 2 O p e r a t i o n C h r i s t m a s N e w s l e tt e r c h i l d We are currently table in the Narthex. collecting boxes for We will take the shoeWe are currently collecting shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Operation Christmas boxes to the First Child, the PurseBaptist Christmas ministry. Last year, we Child, theSamaritan shoe box Church Novemcollected 83 shoeboxes in 2012 112 shoeChristmas ministry. and ber 21st, we so collected we need boxes.year, Our goal year is all 100 shoeboxes shoeboxes. Please prayerfully Last wethiscolat the lected shoeboxes Church no later than consider83 putting together a shoebox. and in 2012 we col- 11 a.m. on the 21st. If The flyers you how toyou pack the shoeboxes are located on lected 112telling shoeboxes. have any questhe goal round table the is Narthex. We will take the shoeboxes to Our this in year tions, see Dianna 10 0 FirstsBaptist hoebo x e s . November Lawrence Wo- all shoethe Church 21st,or so Jim we need Please prayerfully boxes at the Church no laterbig. than 11 a.m. on the 21 st. consider putting toIf you have any questions, gether a shoebox. The see Dianna Lawrence or Jim Wobig flyers for shoeboxes are located on the C O M M U N I T Y The annual Community Thanksgiving Service will be held on Sunday, November 23rd at 6:30 p.m. Pastor Sharletta Green will be officiating. T H A N K S G I V I N G S E R V I C E We hope you will join us in thanking God for our community and the many blessings He has poured out on us. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the service. C U B S C O U T P A C K M E S E N G E R O F P E A C E The Ronald McDonald House in Columbus, Ohio serves over 3000 families every year as a home away from home while a child is the hospital. Having family nearby is beyond measure. The House provides over 20,000 across from Nationwide Children’s Hospital, to an average of 250 people daily. All these services are free (lodging and food). Cub Scout Pack #102 is collecting the following items for this project, and the Cub Master will take them to the Ronald McDonald House. Please place your donations in the box located in front of the Church Receptionist’s desk in the Church Narthex, and we thank you for your support. # 1 0 2 S E R V I C E ITEMS NEEDED Individual Hand Soap Ziplock bags - Quart and Gallon Sizes Aluminum Foil Small Boxes of Cereal Scrubbing Bubbles for Bath Toothbrushes & Small Tubes of Toothpaste Double Scrubber Bowl Brushes Air Freshener Non-latex gloves Trash bags: tall kitchen & 40 gallon heavy duty CFL Light Bulbs and Globe Style Small Bottles of Shampoo and Conditioners Bottled Water Full Size Blankets (white or beige) V o l u m e 1 4 , Is s u e 1 1 P a g e T h a n k y o u ! The Event Team would like to say a very special thank you to all of those who participated in and helped to make our annual Trunk or Treat a great success. We truly appreciate everyone who took time to decorate the trunks in your cars or trucks to pass out candy to the children. W I N T E R If you have a large aquarium you aren’t using and we could Thank you again. The Event Planning Team We also want to thank the Youth Group for helping to make the event a fun time for both children and adults. 2014 Trunk or Treat The Outdoor Chapel needs your help to assure that the fish in our pond survive the winter. Sometimes we just can’t get there daily to maintain a break in the ice. Last winter the pond would develop several inches of ice over night. You were so great that you have a year off to recover, and to create new ways to decorate your trunks next year! H O M E N E E D E D borrow it, or if someone has a aquarium and would take care of the fish at their home, we would be very grateful. “Five very nice fish in need of a winter home...can you help?” We have five very nice fish that we don’t want to lose. If you can help, please see Trish or Fred Eller or call them at 304-455-4852 or email them at teller6@hotmail.com. Thank you. W h e e l i n g You can save the life of a youth by making a donation toward the Wheeling SleepOut which will be held on Friday, November 7, 2014. The SleepOut was developed in 2011 to raise awareness to the problem of homeless youth in the Ohio Valley that the Youth Services System has been serving in the past 38 years. s l e e p o u t Our goal is to raise $50,000 this year. Your donation can help the homeless young adults (ages 17-23). Our program has reached many in the Ohio Valley. Your donation will be greatly appreciated. Please make your checks payable to “Youth Services Systems, Inc.” For more information visit our w e b s i t e a t www.wheelingsleepout.org or contact Debbie Loy at 740— 228-1906. 3 U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T W O M E N ’ S P R O G R A M R E A D I N G ‘ON THE WAY WITH JESUS” By Richard Showalter “The world is no stranger to closed doors. Repeatedly throughout history, doors have slammed shut-doors for progress, development, communication, travel. A large percentage of the world’s population from time immemorial has been curtailed in its opportunities for normal human expression and development by doors that have remained locked through oppression, violence, greed, and the chaos of conflict. But one door has remained open. The door for sharing the good news of freedom in Jesus Christ has never been closed since Pentecost. For no matter how many barriers are erected to inhabit the freedom of the people of God, the gospel breaks forth in new forms and configurations beyond the barriers. God is at work everywhere, drawing people to the risen Christ.” Richard Shoewalter’s lifetime passion has been his Anabaptist denomination’s local and international mission to enlarge the body of Christ through the transformation of individuals. He explores the multiple dimensions of Christian mission, its challenges and encourages the church to increase its local and global action. This book is counted as Mission reading for UMW. Betty Harvey The New Martinsville United Methodist Church extends Christian love and sympathy to the family & friends of Richard Thompson, ruth keenan, Dorothy downing, and the Stephanie craycraft family, in the loss of their loved ones. V o l u m e 1 4 , Is s u e 1 1 P a g e Missions & outreach Local Missions: We donated $100 to Disaster Response United States, Advance # 901670 We received 59 packages of underwear and socks for Undie Sunday We assisted in repairs to a house for a family to bring the house into compliance for requirements of the appraiser. We have some painting to finish at Helping Hand We have provided used furniture and appliances for 2 families and Judy’s Place and received items from 2 families. We have items to pick up from 4 families that we need to get as soon as possible. Items on our waiting list include 12 beds which includes 5 twin beds, 6 couches, 3 dressers, 1 chest, 8 bedroom end tables, 1 electric hot water tank, 2 recliners, 3 coffee tables, 1 kitchen table and chairs, 1 chair, 1 gas kitchen range, and 1 kerosene heater. We have an estimate of $3502.48 for materials for a new roof, but need to find funding to get the roof replaced for a lady. We have installed a tarp on the roof, but it is still leaking some. We completed some electrical repairs and assisted in getting a new furnace for a lady who is refurbishing a trailer for son and herself. We have some steps and a sidewalk to install to complete the project of installing a wheel chair ramp at a ladies house. We have 3 requests for help we are trying to get evaluated. UMCOR Hot Topics: (Mark donations at NMUMC with the UMCOR Advance #) https://www.umcor.org Flood recovery in Alabama & West Florida (U.S. Disaster Response, Advance #901670) Southeast Asia floods response (International Disaster Response, Advance #982450) Food Security in South Sudan (World Hunger and Poverty, Advance #982920) Water for Tanzania (Water and Sanitation, Advance #3020600) California wild fires (U.S. Disaster Response, Advance #901670) Relief for typhoon survivors in the Philippines (International Disaster Response, Advance#982450) Samaritan’s Purse Initiatives: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/index.php/Giving/Project_donations? Operation Christmas Child (Christmas Shoebox Ministry) 2014-5 Christmas Gift Catalog Jim Wobig 5 November Birt hdays 1 Bill Clements, Mike McVicker 2 Linda Haught 3 Matthew Keffer 6 Lori Fisher, Gary Lemons 7 Barb Daly, David Keffer 8 Joe Feeney, Robert David Phillips, Madison Whiteman 9 Adam Herrick 10 David Phillips, Dylan Shimp, Kerry Bohrer Stein 11 Kenneth Brown, Mike Craycraft, Alexander Jimenez, Allen Laugh 12 Emma Renee Craycraft, Shannon Joins, Gary Michael Lemons, Mary Kay Lemons Ritz, Mike Salmons, Charles Scott 13 John Goddard, Debbie Haught, Jared Seavy 14 J. Michael Barnes, Teresa Standiford 15 Makenzie Walker 16 Kathryn Douglas 16 Nichole Goontz 17 Andrea Bowman, Jim Campbell, Staci Fonner 18 Andrew Bowman, Lee Ann Horn, Jordan Schmalz, Ron Snell 20 Derek Ingle 21 Joe Hindman, Trista Lemons, Steve Shenefiel 22 Alaine Thompson 23 Steve Kocher 24 Bob Standiford 25 Katy Bohrer, Dolly Sands 26 Kari Morris, Jason Funari, Anita Puglia 27 Kenneth Goddard, Jackie Starkey 28 Chelsea Barker, Mildred Morgan, Brian Smith 30 Mark Dills, Sandie Lamm NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 5 Darrell & Donna Ashenhart 7 Cecil & Melody Deiterich 17 Sean & Lisa Yoho 18 Joe & Marsha Craycraft 20 Tom & Whitney Clegg 23 Gerald & Candy Litman 24 Fred & Carolyn Goddard 25 Allen & Malinda Laugh, Jamie & Elizabeth Johnson, Bill & Melissa Shimp 27 Steve & Margaret Fox PRAYER REQUESTS If you have a Prayer Request(s) after 1:00 p.m. on Thursday through Sunday, please contact Dianna Lawrence at moonbeam1@sudddenlink.net. Men & Women in the Military The Homebound Dave Blair Jan Briner Ruth Cade Juanita Cousten Chuck Crawford Kim Dallison Cecil Deiterich Don Donaldson Mary Dunlap Larry Felger Chuck Fruner Don Frye Denise Hammel Joyce Haught Cody Herrick Linda Holman Carla Hopkins Norma Hunley Carol Ann Jackson Laura Kane Hugh & Genie Kennamer Tom & Darlene Kirkhart Clara Laferty Amber Looney Gena Ludolf Bonnie Makris Jo Miller Madeline MIller David D. Morris Sheryl Morris Susan Myers Clara Peggs Russell and Wesley Powell Edna Riel Wayne Riel Lauren Severbeck Betty Shackelford David Smith Rhonda Blair Snyder Janie Spence Ed Toman Carol Valentine The Lost & Unspoken Requests of our Hearts 10 8:30 Pre-School 10:00 Staff Devotion 12:00 Pre-School 12:00 UMW 12:30 Pastor Study on James 2:30 Kidz First 5:00 SPRC Meeting 6:00 Pastor Study on James 6:00 Finance, Lead Team & Trustee Meeting 7:00 N/A - Choir Room 9 24 8:30 Pre-School 9:00 WV Choice 10:00 Staff Devotions 12:00 Pre-School 12:30 Pastor Study on James 6:00 Pastor Study on James 7:00 N/A - Choir Room 23 26 8:30 Pre-School 12:00 Pre-School 12:30 Walking With God 5:30 Girl Scouts 5:45 Praise Team Practice 7:00 Chancel Choir Practice 19 8:30 Pre-School 9:00 WV Choice 12:00 Walking With God 1:00 Ten At The Table 5:45 Praise Team Practice 7:00 Chancel Choir Practice 27 HAPPY THANKSGIVING OFFICE CLOSED 20 8:30 Pre-School 8:30 Weight Watchers 9:00 Covenant Meeting 9:00 WV Choice 10:00 Good Samaritans 2:30 MPR - Home Schooling 4:30 Girl Scouts (Daisy’s) 6:30 Weight Watchers 6:30 Celebrate Recovery 29 8:30 Weight Watchers 7:00 N/A 8:30 Weight Watchers 7:00 N/A 12:00 Narcotics Anon. 4:00 MPR - Girl Scout Thanksgiving Dinner 28 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY OFFICE CLOSED 22 8:30 Weight Watchers 4:00 MPR - Birthday Party 7:00 N/A 15 8 8:30 Weight Watchers 1:00 MPR - Fund Raiser Bently Yow 7:00 N/A 1 8:30 Weight Watchers 9:00 MPR - Baby Shower 4:00 MPR - Birthday Party Sat 21 12:00 Narcotics Anon. 14 7 12:00 Narcotics Anon. Fri P a g e 5:00 Small Group 25 8:30 Pre-School 9:00 WV Choice 9:00 CR Women’s Step Study 10:30 Prayer Shawl Meeting 12:00 Pre-School 12:00 Brown Bag Small Group 6:00 CR Step Recovery 6:30 Cub Scouts 7:00 Friendship Circle 18 8:30 Pre-School 9:00 CR Women’s Step Study 10:30 Prayer Shawl Meeting 12:00 Brown Bag Small Group 12:00 Pre-School 6:00 CR Step Recovery 6:00 Send, Engage, Relate, Equip & Prayer Team Mtgs. 6:30 Cub Scouts 13 8:30 Pre-School 8:30 Weight Watchers 9:00 Covenant Meeting 10:00 Good Samaritans 10:00 Rebecca Circle 6:30 Weight Watchers 6:30 Celebrate Recovery 6 8:30 Weight Watchers 8:30 Pre-School 9:00 Covenant Meeting 10:00 Good Samaritans 4:00 Girl Scouts 6:30 Weight Watchers 6:30 Celebrate Recovery Thu 1 1 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT & HANGING OF THE GREENS 10:00 Combined Service - Covered Dish Luncheon 30 5:00 Small Group 6:30 Community Thanksgiving Service First Church of God 17 8:30 Pre-School 10:00 Staff Devotions 11:00 REM - Thanksgiving 12:00 Pre-School 12:30 Pastor Study on James 6:00 Pastor Study on James 7:00 N/A - Choir Room 16 3:30 Youth Meeting 4:00 Amedisys Memorial Srv. 5:00 Small Group 12 8:30 Pre-School 12:00 Pre-School 12:30 Walking With God 1:00 Circle of Joy 5:30 Girl Scout Troop 1514 5:30 Grief Support Group 5:45 Praise Team Practice 7:00 Chancel Choir Practice 5 8:30 Pre-School 12:00 Pre-School 12:30 Walking With God 5:30 Grief Support Group 5:45 Praise Team Practice 7:00 Chancel Choir Practice Wed Is s u e 11 8:30 Pre-School 9:00 CR Women’s Step Study 10:30 Prayer Shawl Meeting 12:00 Pre-School 12:00 Brown Bag Small Group 6:00 CR Step Recovery 6:30 Cub Scouts 4 8:30 Pre-School 9:00 CR Women’s Step Study 10:30 Prayer Shawl Meeting 12:00 Pre-School 6:30 Cub Scouts 6:00 CR Step Recovery 7:00 PM Towers - Pastor Green Tues 1 4 , 3:30 Youth Meeting 5:00 Small Group 3 8:30 Pre-School 10:00 Staff Devotions 12:00 Pre-School 12:30 Pastor Study on James 2:30 Kidz First 6:00 Pastor Study on James 7:00 N/A - Choir Room Mon 2 10:00 Combined Service Soup & Salad Luncheon 3:30 Youth Meeting 5:00 Small Group Sun NOVEMBER V o l u m e 7 Non Profit Org. The Sonbeam Newsletter U.S. Postage Paid New Martinsville United Methodist Church 10 Howard Jeffers Drive New Martinsville, WV 26155 Permit #60 Return Service Requested Need to Contact the Church Office? ...Open Hearts Mail: 10 Howard Jeffers Drive New Martinsville, WV 26155 Telephone: 304-455-1422 E-Mail: office@nmumc.org Website: www.nmumc.org In Person: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. We’re on the Web @ www.nmumc.org … Open Minds … Open Doors
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