Government of Odisha Tender Notice Tender Call Notice No. (03) of 2014-15 1. Name of the work : Construction 2. Estimate Cost : Rs 43,04,740/- 3. EMD : Rs. 43,047/- 4. Class of Contractor : B&A 5. Period of Completion : 3 (Three) Calendar Months 6. Date and time of availability of bid document Last date and time of receipt of the Bid : 08.10.2014 to 4 P.M. of 29.10.2014 7. of Elephant Proof Barrier of Chandaka Wild Life Division in the District of th Cuttack for the year 2014-15 under 13 FCA (such as Dry Stone Masonary, Digging of open trench & Providing with Laterite Stone Massonary & Water Passage) : 30.10.2014, 2 P.M : 8. Name of Address of the Officer Inviting Bid Divisional Forest Officer, Chandaka Wildlife Division, Gajo Vihar, Barmunda, Bhubaneswar – 751003 Further details can be seen from the website of Chandaka Wildlife Division, Divisional Forest Officer, Chandaka Wildlife Division, Bhubaneswar 0 OFFICE OF THE DIVISIONAL FOREST OFFICER & WILD LIFE WARDEN CHANDAKA WILD LIFE DIVISION, GAJO VIHAR, PO-BARAMUNDA BHUBANESWAR TENDER CALL NOTICE TENDER CALL NOTICE NO- (03) of 2014-15 1. The Divisional Forest Officer & Wild Life Warden, Chandaka Wild Life Division, Gajo Vihar, Bhubaneswar, on behalf of Governor of Odisha invites Percentage Rate bids for the works as detailed in table below, from eligible contractor registered with the state Government and Contractor of equivalent Grade / Class registered with Central Government / MES / Railway or other licensing Authority for execution of civil works on production of definite proof from the appropriate authority. 2. The bidders may submit bids for the following works. Sl No 1 1 Name of work 2 Construction of Elephant Proof Barrier of Chandaka Wild Life Division in the District of Cuttack for the year 2014-15 th under 13 FCA (such as Dry Stone Masonary, Digging of open trench & Providing with Laterite Stone Masonary & Water Passage) Approx estimated Cost (Rs.) Class of contractor eligible Bid Security / E.M.D (Rs.) 3 4 5 43,04,740.00 B&A 43047.00 Cost of documents (Non refundable) including VAT @ 5% (Rs.) 6 10,000/+ 500(VAT) Period of completion (In months) 7 3 (Three) calendar Months 3 Bid documents consisting of specifications, the schedule of quantities and the set of terms and conditions of contract and other necessary documents can be seen in office of the under signed during office hours on working days except Sunday and public holidays till last date & hour of sale and receipt of tender papers. 4 Bid must be accompanied with bid security (EMD) of the amount specified against the work in the table under Col.5 above from any scheduled Bank payable at Bhubaneswar and duly pledged in favour of the Divisional Forest Officer, Chandaka Wild Life Division, Bhubaneswar. Bid security will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding documents. Tender paper without Bid security in specified form along with bid shall be rejected. 5 The sale of the Bid documents shall start from dt- 08.10.2014 during the office hours and will close on dt.29.10.2014 at 4 P.M. Bid shall be received in office of the undersigned by 2 P.M. on Dtd.30.10. 2014 6 Bid must be delivered in the tender box to be maintained in the office of the undersigned. 1 7 8 9 Bid documents may be purchased from the office of the undersigned against a nonrefundable cost of the documents as indicated column-6 in shape of two separate demand draft( Rs 10,000/- & Rs 500/-) issued from any Scheduled bank payable at Bhubaneswar and in favour of Divisional Forest Officer, Chandaka Wild Life Division . Bid documents requested by mail will be despatched by registered post / speed post on payment of an extra amount of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred) over and above the cost of the Bid documents. The authority will not be held responsible for the postal delay if any in the delivery of the documents or non-receipt of the same in time. Engineer Contractor desirous of availing E.M.D. exemption shall submit an affidavit to the effect that he/she has not availed these facilities for more than two works during the current financial year. The name of the work and authority to whom he has submitted the tender shall be specified in the affidavit. If the same is not enclosed with the tender it shall be treated as normal and no claim for E.M.D. exemption shall be entertained. 10 The Technical Bids will be opened on dt.30.10.2014 at 3.30 P.M. in the office of the undersigned in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representative who wish to attend and Financial Bids of successful bidders will be opened on dt. 01.11.2014 at 3.30 P.M in the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief Wild Life Warden, Odisha, Prakruti Bhawan, Nilakantha Nagar, Bhubaneswar. If the office happens to be closed on the last date of receipt or opening of the bids as specified, then the Bids will be received and opened on the next working day at the same time and venue unless otherwise notified. 11 Additional performance security shall be furnished by the bidder when the bid is less than the tender cost by more than 10% and within 15% in such event successful bidder shall deposit an additional performance security to the extent of 1.5 times of the differential cost of bid amount & 90% of the estimated cost as indicated in Col.3 of the table in shape of Deposit receipt of any scheduled Bank / N.S.C./ Post Office Time Deposit Account / KVP / Post Office S.B. Account only duly pledged in favor of Divisional Forest Officer, Chandaka Wild Life Division at the time of drawal of Agreement. 12 The tender should be mandatorily accompanied with the Xerox Copies of the valid registration Certificate, Bid Security (EMD) Valid VAT clearance certificate, PAN card and other requisite documents specified in eligibility criteria and as per the DTCN. Otherwise bid shall be treated as non responsive. 13 The other details can be seen from the bidding documents. 14 The Authority reserves the right to increase / reduce the scope of work and cancel the tender without assigning any reason thereof. Divisional Forest Officer Chandaka Wild Life Division, Bhubaneswar Memo No. 4691 Dated- 8.10.2014 Copy along with C.D. containing N.I.T. forwarded to Head State Portal Group I.T. Center, Secretariat Odisha, with a request to display N.I.T in the website of Govt. of Odisha up to to 12.30 PM on 30.10.14. Encl: CD- 1No. Divisional Forest Officer Chandaka Wild Life Division, Bhubaneswar 2 Memo No. 4692 Dated- 8.10.2014 Copy forwarded to the Director, Printing Stationary and Publication, Government of Odisha, Madhupatana, Cuttack-10 for information and necessary action. He is requested to arrange for publication of TCN in next issue of Odisha Gazette. Divisional Forest Officer Chandaka Wild Life Division, Bhubaneswar Memo No. 4693 Dated- 8.10.2014 Copy submitted to the Principal Chief Conservator of Forest-cum-Chief Wild life Warden, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for favour of kind information. Divisional Forest Officer Chandaka Wild Life Division, Bhubaneswar Memo No. 4694 Dated- 8.10.2014 Copy submitted to the R.C.C.F. for favour of kind information. Divisional Forest Officer Chandaka Wild Life Division, Bhubaneswar Memo No. 4695 Dated- 8.10.2014 Copy to Notice Board / Range Officer, Dampada for information and wide circulation. Divisional Forest Officer Chandaka Wild Life Division, Bhubaneswar 3
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