OCTOBER 2014 50p The Parish Magazine of the Bridgnorth Anglican Team Ministry CROSS+LINK Linking Parish Churches around Bridgnorth St Mary Magdalene SS Peter + Paul St Calixtus St Nicholas St Mary Magdalene St Leonards Hall Bridgnorth Tasley Astley Abbotts Oldbury Quatford Bridgnorth Bridgnorth Acton Round Aston Eyre Monkhopton Morville Upton Cressett St James’ Hall St Mary the Virgin Aston Eyre St Peter’s St Gregory the Great St Michael’s www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 1 Cross+Link October 2014 Letter from the Dean of Hereford ‘Memories’ I’ve kept a diary since the age of 18, when I was in the sixth form at school. Each day, I’ve written a piece - often not particularly interesting - but, looking back over forty years, the diary enables you to see trends in life - reasons for joy and sorrow and gratitude. I tend to note things which are whimsical or funny - just my nature, I guess. This month, with a new bishop on the horizon, I’ve drawn out a few pieces about bishops I’ve known: 2 May 1990 (When Precentor at Ely Cathedral) Bishop Peter Walker retired last November and the new bishop is Stephen Sykes, Regius Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. Today we all go to Southwark Cathedral for his Consecration. The new bishop has chosen to use the Prayer Book consecration service, which is stately, if very bleak... 5 May 1990 Bishop Stephen Sykes is enthroned as bishop. A wonderful service but a boy called Spinner was sick - spectacularly - over the edge of the Choir stalls - and a verger had to rush in with mop and bucket, just in the nick of time before the processions had to pass that way.... 11 December 1993 (When Vicar of Tewkesbury Abbey). Enthronement of the new Bishop of Gloucester, David Bentley. He is very tall and with his mitre is very impressive indeed! 26 April 2004 (When on visit to Tanzania for Centenary of St Mark’s College, Dar-es-Salaam). In the evening we are taken out to dinner by Bishop Valentino and his wife, Grace - to a very nice restaurant in the smarter part of Dar. There are seven of us, including the Principal of St Mark’s College and the Vicar General of the diocese (who doubles as archdeacon) and his wife. During the meal disaster strikes - the Principal’s plastic chair crumples under him and his imposing bulk lands on the floor of the restaurant. In trying to help him up, the bishop’s wife falls too and there is a scene of some chaos. When all are restored to the perpendicular, the waiters take no chances and give the Principal a stack of plastic chairs for the remainder of the meal. I ask if this is a special Tanzanian custom at a farewell meal for friends....! All this may raise a smile but, perhaps behind it is something serious. I’ve never agreed with that old song in Salad Days - ‘We said we’d never look back’. No it’s important to look back - to learn from our successes - to learn from our www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 2 Cross+Link October 2014 failures - for without that ‘looking back’ it’s so difficult to move forward. Indeed, at the heart of our faith is a looking back - we remind ourselves at every Eucharist that Jesus commands us to look back to ‘do this in remembrance of me’. The beginning of a new Episcopate in a diocese is a time for looking back - to the tradition which has brought us to where we are - to faithful pastors who have guided us to the present - but it’s also a time for looking forward - to new possibilities for ministry and mission, remembering those words from my favourite book of the Bible, the Epistle to the Hebrews ‘Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever’. Our thoughts and prayers are very much with our bishops - with Bishop Alistair as he continues to guide us with wisdom, skill and patience - and with Bishop Richard as he prepares to come to us as our Father in God. Michael Tavinor - Dean Clergy Thoughts - Liz Angell As many of you know, I love watching sport on TV (or at least some of it!), especially athletics. The Invictus Games used the power of sport to inspire recovery, support rehabilitation, and generate a wider understanding and respect of those who serve their country. Competitors came from all walks of life, bound by their armed forces experience - and their determination not to let illness or injury defeat them. As in the poem the games are named after, these men and women are "bloody but unbowed". The games, championed by Prince Harry, have given them an additional focus to their lives. On 19th July 2007, Derek Derenalagi was in Helmand Province, clearing a helicopter landing site and went up to high ground to get a clear view of the area. As his vehicle reversed to park, it hit an IED and exploded. Derek says ‘I remember lying there with my legs shattered and people around me screaming. I looked up to the sky and said a prayer: Lord Jesus, if you need to use me to motivate others about Your Kingdom, please give me back my life again’. Derek was initially pronounced dead but amazingly, one of the doctors saw a slight pulse movement. He was operated on and then taken back to the UK. www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 3 Cross+Link October 2014 Maurillia Simpson was injured in a road accident in Germany in 2010 while preparing for a tour to Afghanistan. She said she felt she had "nothing else to live for" at the time but represented the British Armed Forces team in seated shot put, javelin and discus. "You make every day you live after your injury worthwhile and make it count," she said, "The Invictus Games has brought life, hope and identity for all wounded, injured and sick soldiers again." Prince Harry said, 'These games have been about seeing guys sprinting for the finish line and then turning round to clap the last man in. They have been about team-mates choosing to cross the line together; not wanting to come second, but not wanting the other guys to either. These games have shown the very best of the human spirit. And then there are others, perhaps watching at home, at an earlier stage in their recovery or for whom the challenges ahead still seem insurmountable.‘ Comments from other competitors included “If it puts a smile on one person’s face it’s worth it - and it’s put a smile on lots of people’s faces.” Many thousands of TV spectator sent messages saying how they had been personally inspired by the indomitable spirit of the competitors. Cara, who suffers from an autoimmune disorder in which her immune system attacks the body’s own cells, tweeted “Now I feel I can start seeing myself as something new. I’m starting to think now that my Games have just begun.” The words 'I Am' are taken from the logo of the games, which features them stacked above one another. Invictus By William Ernest Henley Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Lord, captain of my unconquerable soul, help me to be all that you intend me to be. That I may find life in all its fullness and that others might find you through me. Amen www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 4 Cross+Link October 2014 Holidays are coming to an end and life at St Mary’s is returning to its natural pace. One of the great strengths of St Mary’s is that alongside to maintaining a regular and busy tradition of choral and other worship, it is also used as a community building. The church is open daily and is used by other organisations in the town. This month the church has played host to a concert by the Bridgnorth Musical Theatre Company of Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore. The church was full and the concert was excellent and it all resulted in a very enjoyable evening. We also played a host to the Froncysylite Male Voice Choir who gave a concert in aid of the Mayor’s charity. I was away so unable to attend but from what I hear this was another excellent concert evening. St Mary’s has also been very active in taking part in the Festival of Churches with the church being open for teas and coffees and to welcome walkers and riders. Finally this month the church has been home to an exhibition of the work of our very own talented church warden, Sandie Phillips. Catherine Wilson St Nicholas Oldbury and Eardington At the moment we are all gearing up for our second Wedding Fayre, which will be held on 20th September as part of the Festival of Churches event. As advertising is so expensive we have already held one jumble sale at St James' Hall and are planning another at St Leonard's Hall on October 11th (all contributions gratefully received!) and we hope for a successful day. Harvest has already been celebrated at Eardington Village Hall with a special service and barbecue on th 14 September. A great sum of £100 was raised for Operation Noah which is a charity dealing with the problems of climate change. Our Harvest at St Nicholas will take place on Sunday 5th October and we will welcome Harry Holland (who is being baptised), and his family and friends for this celebration. This will also be our third experimental all-age service with drinks and chat at 10.30am followed by a short, informal, creative act of worship entitled, 'God longs to bless us'. Please join us if you are able and let us have your feed-back. Mike and Jo Kerridge have booked Bamboo restaurant for a pie and mash evening on Monday 6th October (highly recommended!) please contact them if you would like St Mary Magdalene Bridgnorth www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 5 Cross+Link October 2014 to join in. such a lovely, inspirational lady who We continue to remember those of our has done so much for our team. May friends who are ill, and were saddened she rest in peace. to hear of the death of Shona Holland Helen Bagnall St Mary Magdalene - Quatford The Festival of Churches weekend proved to be a great success, with an increase in visitor numbers, which included the Ride and Stride. There was great interest in the display (compiled by Bob Curtis) of old documents relating to the rebuilding of the tower and nave, other documents and ledgers and a display of WW1 information. Several visitors found references to their "ancestors", which to lead to further details of family history. Two couples who had married at Quatford in the 70's met each other by chance so had stories to exchange. The daughter of Elsie Ainsworth who many will remember also spent some time with us on Saturday. The Celebration service conducted by The Rt Rev Michael Westall, Assistant Bishop of Hereford, was an uplifting service and appreciated by all www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 6 those who attended; this was followed by wine and nibbles. Sunday was also a successful day with a steady flow of visitors. Our Songs of Praise in the Danery Garden was attended by the Town Mayor and his wife, went well, a relaxed and enjoyable afternoon, helped of course by a fine afternoon. Our thanks to Roz and Andy for their hospitality. My thanks go to everybody who helped in anyway, donations of cakes, flowers, which made the church look welcoming, strimming the grass, Carol and Greg for playing the organ, the choir, stewards and cleaning the church and of course all the people who took the time to visit and spend time in our special church. Thank you. Our next event is a Skittles Evening with fish and chip supper, on Tuesday 14th October at 7.00pm Venue: Bridgnorth Bowling Club. We look forward to a fun evening. Details from Rachel 766146. By then Christmas will be just around the corner!!!! Rachel Edwards Cross+Link October 2014 St Calixtus - Astley Abbotts I hope you are all enjoying the last days of this amazing summer, it made our team Rogation service at Severn Hall a great success, our thanks go to James and Datsa for hosting such a large gathering. Thank you once again to Reg and Elaine for our wonderful churchyard flowers, you are both amazingly green fingered! A date for you diaries-our Harvest Festival and Patronal service is on Oct 12th at 6.00pm, with wine and nibbles, all ages welcome. We will be running our vegetable sculpturing again, a prize for the most ingenious! We have missed you John at our services, and wish you a speedy recovery. Our sympathies are extended to the St Peter and St Paul - Tasley Tasley has been saddened by the passing of two long serving supporters of both the church and the local community, Sylvia Andrews and Shona Hollands. Both Sylvia and Shona gave their support to all the fund raising events in Tasley for many years. Shona was the PCC secretary for a number of years. They will be greatly missed by everyone. Our prayers and thoughts are with both John and Rick and their families. The 100 club winners for September: www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 7 families of Shona Holland, and Sylvia Adams at this sad time. Unbelievably another year has gone by and we are starting the next "100 club" year, our winners this year were: Dorothy Billings, Claire Hadden, Melissa Woolley, Kathleen Stephenson, Emilia Gennard, Sheila Kitchen, Linda Hadden, Margaret Moore, Graham Patey, Amanda Mason, Kathleen Turner, Juanita Gennard, Sue Turner, Rebekah Mondon, Shelah Westley, Hilary Fardoe, Mary Saunders, Jill Martin, and Nina Howells. I hope as many of you as possible will continue to support the 100 club, it is a good way to support your church with a good chance of a win, I will be bringing round the forms in the next few weeks. Shelah and Idonea St Peter & St Paul 100 Club - Sept Winners 1st 2nd 3rd 142 82 6 Mrs A Colburn Mr M McFarlane Mrs P Pace Forthcoming events for Church funds for October: Sat 4th Oct a Quiz and Supper evening at 7pm in the village hall - £7.50. Forthcoming events for Tasley Social Committee in October: Sat 25th Oct “Flicks in the Sticks” with Fish & Chip supper in the village hall at 7pm. Tel 764881 for tickets to any events. John & Bob Cross+Link October 2014 Music Notes Susanne Turnock Hopefully our choir members are rested and raring to go after the August break, even though many of us sang at the 10.30am Eucharist every Sunday in August despite the choir being on their official holiday! It has been a busy month for some of us as two of the St Mary’s choir sopranos, have welcomed their grandchildren into the fellowship of the church through Baptism at the morning services in August! Great family parties and celebration’s followed the Baptism’s which entailed so much organisation. Both babies were so well behaved in church and we all enjoyed the family welcome from all the parishioners. Sadly we have said our ‘Goodbyes’ to Janet Riley who had been a very loyal soprano for more than 15 years. Over this time she has gained the ‘Gold Award’ which is the highest award in singing from the Royal School of Church Music. In addition Sunday by Sunday she has been the music librarian ensuring that all the music is ready for choir practice and on Sunday. A ‘thankless task’, now taken over by Jane Downing. We had a very happy occasion when the choir took Patrick and Janet out for supper in August and presented her with a framed picture of some of the choir on duty on her last Sunday at St Mary’s. Janet and Patrick are moving to Banbury Cross to be nearer to their family. Janet promises us that she will come and sing with us again when she visits Shropshire. www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 8 Cross+Link October 2014 St Mary’s Chamber Choir resumes on Saturday 20th September 10am - 11.30am in church (St Mary’s - East Castle St) weekly until the concert on Saturday 6th December. New members are always welcome. Further details contact John Turnock john.turnock48@gmail.com or 01746 716282. St Mary’s Bridgnorth - Give, ye thankful people, give As the summer slips by, and we move into autumn, many of us will be thinking of harvest. For some of us that may mean a physical, real, actual harvest of fruits but I invite you to think a little differently! Without the sowing and tending we’d struggle to reap any produce, and this is true in many ways. As a church we’re called to sow and tend to the faith of those around us, to spread the good news of Jesus, crucified and risen. We can do this individually, whether that’s by speaking about our faith to friends and family or donating to church mission charities. We’re called to this corporately too, and St Mary’s Bridgnorth does financially support mission and ministry across the town. One of our most significant projects in recent years has been the ongoing financial contribution made to the Youth and Schools Project, which has done sterling work with children and young people in our town. I firmly believe that there is a direct link between our own sense of thankfulness and what we’re willing to give to others, freely we have received, freely we give. As our minds, hearts and worship turn to harvest and thankfulness for all that God has done, so should our minds and hearts turn towards the ways in which we give. As a church we face the financial burden that investing in to the faith of our children and young people creates, but without such sowing there will be no reaping. It’s important that we continue to resource mission and ministry now, to build the church of tomorrow. The people of St Mary’s, Bridgnorth, will be celebrating Harvest Festival on Sunday 5th October at 10.30am, and we have designated October as a Gift Month. We’re inviting all our congregation to reflect on all that God has done and consider offering an additional financial gift in October to enable the PCC of St Mary’s to continue to invest in mission and ministry. Rev’d Laura Hill www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 9 Cross+Link October 2014 Morning Prayer Summer - 8.40am to 9.15am Mondays to Thursdays The clergy and the occasional congregation member meet for Morning Prayer (usually at St Mary’s) at 8.40am (silence) for 8.45am (start) each morning Monday to Thursday inclusive. We use set prayers, Bible readings, a psalm and more informal prayer as we pray for God’s world, our local communities, our churches and those particularly in need. It lasts about 25 minutes. From June we intend to move around the churches for the rest of the summer. Do join us whenever you can. (On the odd occasion the clergy may all be away on the same day – we’ll try to remember to let you all know!) *Thursdays at St James Hall Church at 8.30am **Mondays and Tuesdays at St Leonard’s Hall Church at 8.30am Sept Quatford Astley Abbotts St James’ Hall Church Oldbury 8-11 Sept 15-18 Sept 22-25 Sept* 29 Sept-2 Oct Oct 1-2 Oct Tasley St Mary’s St Leonard’s Hall Church 1-4 Sept** 6-9 Oct What? Something brand new at St Nicholas’ Church Oldbury! That’s right! Relax with a cuppa, squash, biscuits, chat and fun at 10.30am and informal worship from 11.00am - 11.30am All are welcome – any age, families, singles – everyone! First Sunday of each month 5th October, 2nd November and 7th December Come and join in. Help to shape the future! Need to know more? Contact Liz Angell 01746 767187 angell304@btinternet.com www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 10 Cross+Link October 2014 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 11 Cross+Link October 2014 VOLUNTEERING CHANGES LIVES: Royal Voluntary service is one of the largest volunteer organisations in the Country. Our volunteers love sharing time with older people because it’s enjoyable, rewarding and inspiring. There are no fixed hours for volunteering, you give the time that suits you, and after all it’s all about a mutually rewarding relationship. It can be a couple of hours every couple of months or 15 minutes once a week; we can fit around your busy life! By volunteering now you can help today’s generation of older people live and enjoy the kind of old age they deserve. STOP PRESS St Mary’s Restoration Trust It has just come to our notice that 2015 is the 900th anniversary of the foundation of St Mary’s Church (East Castle Street) as a Royal Chapel Peculiar. To celebrate this we would like to stage an exhibition about St Mary’s Church. We would be very interested to see any old pictures, postcards, books, posters, old parish magazines or any other memorabilia referring to the churches through the ages. Please contact: Heather Walters 01746 762713 hjackdaw@googlemail.com Chris O’Brien 01746 768983 chrishillobrien@gmail.com Elizabeth Smallman 01746 764149 eeesmallman@aol.com www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 12 Cross+Link October 2014 ‘Save the Children’ invite you to their annual Pre-Christmas Coffee Morning Saturday 18th October 10am - 12.30pm Bridgnorth Baptist Church Christmas cards and ‘Bring and Buy’ items UK government matched funding applies to this event. Thursday, in term time 6.30 – 8pm SJ Youth Club @ St James’ Hall Church for those in School Years 5 – 8 Food, games, craft, food, activities, food, trips, food! No need to book – just turn up! £1 per session For more info contact Rev’d Laura Hill Tel: 768027, or email revlaura72@icloud.com Find us on Facebook ‘SJ Youth Bridgnorth’ www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 13 Cross+Link October 2014 Services We can offer help with… Personal Care Helping people out of bed Washing and dressing Helping people get ready for bed Bathing Toileting Night sits Domestic Help Shopping Cleaning Preparing food and drink Laundry Ironing These lists are not exhaustive we are very flexible to your individual needs which we can discuss in the comfort of your own home. We provide short or long term care. College House, St Leonard’s Close Bridgnorth, Shropshire. WV16 4EJ The Team Our team of carers are experienced and trained people who genuinely care. Each carer is CRB checked before starting work with us, references from previous employers are taken up. ALL of our carers are trained in: Moving and Handling First Aid Infection Control Adult Protection Food Hygiene Health and Safety Catheter Care Dementia Awareness Medication Fire Safety Implementing Equality www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 14 Cross+Link October 2014 Advertise here: promote yourself to the local community, and support the parish churches of Bridgnorth Tree Surgery Landscaping Digger Work Mobile Welding The Blacksmiths Shop, 13 Nordley, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. WV16 4SU Mob: 07967524742 Tel: 01746 552415 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 15 Cross+Link October 2014 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS - WE NEED THEM St James’ Hall Church For Hire Lodge Lane, The Grove. Available to hire. Following extensive renovation provides a comfortable, welcome venue, at a very reasonable cost. Bookings: Liz Fisher 01746 764059 or email: stjameshallbridgnorth@gmail.com or liz@olfisher.freeserve.co.uk Howard Galbraith Chimney Sweep Grass and hedge cutting General gardening maintenance Tel : 01746 764472 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 16 Cross+Link October 2014 She Gardens offers the complete package; from simply mowing your lawn or clearing an overgrown weed infested area to a complete re-design. With RHS qualifications, Gardeners’ World Live Gold and Silver Awards and over 10 years experience, you can be assured that your garden will flourish in Linda and Kerry’s hands. Linda 07792 305 100 Kerry 07549 009 880 Prompt, reliable & friendly service All types of flues & appliances cleaned. Cowls and Chimney Pots fitted. Fully qualified by the Guild of Master Sweeps & fully insured. Guild certificates issued after every sweep. Log Burner Installations/Chimney lining. Hetas registered. NO MESS NO DUST NO FUSS Call Eddie Tel. 01299 871334 / 07895 612915 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 17 Cross+Link October 2014 Bridgnorth Handy People Property maintenance & pest control UPVC fascia, soffit and guttering Roof & chimney repairs Gutter cleaning & repairs Garden clearance Re-felting sheds Interior & exterior painting/decorating Tiling & re-sealing bathrooms Hanging pictures, mirrors and so much more... No job too small We also do pest control Rats, Mice, Wasps, Fleas and all the nasties www.bridgnorthpestcontrol.com Competitive rates. Friendly & reliable. Contact Jackie: 01746 218487 or 07891 168961 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 18 Cross+Link October 2014 PLEASE SUPPORT THE BRIDGNORTH FOOD BANK WITH DONATIONS OF FOOD OR MONEY Tasley Village Hall Church Lane, Tasley. Available to hire. Following extensive upgrading, Tasley Village Hall provides a comfortable, welcome venue, at a very reasonable cost. Opening hours Mondays 10.30am – 12.30pm Number Seven, West Castle Street, Bridgnorth 01746 768129 bridgnorthfoodbank@gmail.com Bookings: Rachel 01746 767660 Reach over 500 local households, and support your parish churches. Advertise your local services here at very economical rates. Contact Mrs James 01952 461421 or email: james_k9@sky.com MARKETS STALLS On Saturday 4th October and Saturday 15th November, St Mary’s will be having the charity stall in the High Street. Please support us with donations of good quality bric-a-brac, books, plants, crafts, gifts etc. We would also welcome any offers of help on the stall. Thank you Jane Parr - 01746 768467 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 19 Cross+Link October 2014 Praise & Prayer An informal time to gather, to worship, to pray, to be 4th Sunday of the month 26th October 23rd November 6.30pm for 7.00pm start with refreshments at St James’ Hall Church Lodge Lane, Bridgnorth, WV15 5DD Contact Rev’d Laura for more details – 768027 – revlaura72@icloud.com The Verminator Bridgnorth Pest Control Please call: 01746 218 487 07891 168 961 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 20 Cross+Link October 2014 FRIENDSHIP LUNCH at THE SHAKESPEARE We are now into our 11th year of meals at The Shakespeare on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Do come from 12 midday to pay for your meal and for a chat before the meal is served at 12.30pm. The Shakespeare is now under new management. NB. The meal prices from now on will vary according to the meal served on the day, ranging from £5 - £7 for a 2 course meal which also includes Tea/Coffee. If you would like a good meal at a very reasonable price, in good company then do come and join us. You will be made very welcome. The skittle alley where the meals are held can seat a limited number of people, so if you are interested please give Chris O'Brien a call on 768983 to book a place. Special diets can be catered for with prior notice. To cancel a booking please give Chris at least 48hrs notice if possible as the chef needs to know exact numbers for catering. Any meals booked and not taken will be charged. The DATES for 2014 are as follows: 14th October, 11th November, 9th December - Christmas meal. We’re back!! We hope you’ve all had a lovely summer!! Little Stars will run each Thursday morning in term-time, from 10am - 11.30am in St Mary Magdalene church, in East Castle Street. Restarting on Thursday 4th September. Little Stars is open to babies and toddlers (under 5’s) and their grown-ups… parents, carers, grand-parents, childminders etc are all very welcome!! We’ll have a story and an activity, there’ll be plenty of time to play, and chat over a cuppa! If you want to know more please don’t hesitate to get in touch… Rev. Laura – revlaura72@icloud.com or 768027 You can also Bridgnorth’ find our www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk new Facebook 21 page – ‘Little Stars Cross+Link October 2014 Confirmation… COMING SOON!! The next confirmation service will take place on Sunday 16th November 2014, and if you are interested in being confirmed please do contact me as soon as possible, details below. Once we’ve finalized our list of candidates we will be arranging some preparation, this is a good way to explore your faith with others who are thinking about confirmation and is a safe place to ask any questions you have about God, Jesus and the journey of faith. What is confirmation? Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you have been baptised and your intention to live a life of committed discipleship. This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming bishop. The Church also asks God to give you power through the Holy Spirit to enable you to live in the way of Jesus. If you were baptised as a child, your parents and godparents were asked to declare publicly on your behalf that they believed in God and that they would bring you up to follow Jesus. They were asked to answer, on your behalf, that you had decided to turn away from everything which is evil or sinful and instead to turn towards Christ. At confirmation, you will renew these decisions and promises. If you've never been baptised, don't worry, talk to a member of the clergy and we can arrange for you to also be baptised at your confirmation. The declarations made by you will be made in front of the church congregation; the local Christian community will promise to support you and pray for you. The bishop will make the sign of the cross on your forehead with oil. This is a sign of the outpouring of God's Holy Spirit. At confirmation you may be asked if you would like a sponsor to stand with you as a symbol of their journeying with you in faith. Usually this is someone who has previously been confirmed. It may be one of the people who has prepared you for confirmation or it may be a youth worker, a good friend, a relative, or a Godparent. Rev. Laura Hill – 01746 768027 – revlaura72@icloud.com www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 22 Cross+Link October 2014 Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & The Middle East Iraq is a dangerous and violent place, but Mothers’ Union members are making progress with their local work. It was Easter 2006 that Mothers’ Union began a branch at St George’s Church, Baghdad. It was surrounded by razor and bomb barricades at that time. Christians had suffered enormous persecution following the fall of Saddam Hussain’s regime and thousands of Christians fled to neighbouring countries to escape sectarian violence. Amongst this atmosphere of constant fear and violence, Nawal George founded St George’s branch of Mothers’ Union. Her initial membership of 100 had grown to over 2,000 members by 2012. Christians of all denominations and Muslim women as well come to branch meetings for fellowship and support. This unusual parish comes closer to God by sharing their stories. Amongst the tales of terror the members express what the vicar of the church, the Rev Canon Andrew White, calls ‘a simple gratitude to God for survival’. Father Andrew says, ‘I have never before experienced a congregation like this. In Bagdad relationships with God are just as real as threats wavering outside’ The Mothers’ Union is the main driving force behind much of St George’s social outreach. In Baghdad each week members provide traditional delicious Iraqi food for 4,000 people, which is a particular blessing for those who are unemployed. Members also help children who have lost limbs in the war and www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 23 Cross+Link October 2014 run a clinic with doctors, dentists and a pharmacy. The clinic provides free medical treatment to over 2,000 patients a month. The most important task members do each week after the Mothers’ Union service is to visit poor families and the sick and disabled people and pray with them. Living in a Muslim-majority country, members are learning how to co-exist with Muslims and as a result of this their Muslim neighbours visit the church compound. Christian families in the north of Iraq have suffered dire persecution recently and the Rev Canon Andrew White has suggested that the outside world pray for: 1. The protection of us and all Christians in Iraq. 2. Our provision that we may be able to help all in need at this desperate time. 3. Our perseverance that we and our people will not give up the spiritual fight before us. ‘Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; Be merciful to me and hear my prayer’ Psalm 4:1 The population in Iraq is 31,858,481. Mothers’ Union members total 3,250 Our next meeting is on Tuesday 14th October, at 2 pm in the Baptist Church schoolroom. At this meeting Mr Les Pinder will be talking about the story of the Christmas Shoe Boxes. You are most welcome to join us. Marjorie Hayward 762766 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 24 Cross+Link October 2014 REGISTERS BAPTISMS 07.09.14 Frankie Vegas Caw WEDDINGS 13.09.14 Nicholas Graham McLeod / Lisa Walsh FUNERALS 26.08.14 02.09.14 05.09.14 09.09.14 12.09.14 12.09.14 Dorothy Ann Read Dorothy Edith Lawley Rosemary Lucy Whiteford Sylvia Andrews Trevor Bernard Povey Seonaid Ealasaid Hollands St Mary’s With St Leonards 200 Club Winning tickets in the September 2014 draw are as follows: Ticket No 174 197 120 34 183 135 185 77 162 175 Sept - Winners John James Keri James Martin Blackburn Martin Blackburn Margot Leach Mavis and George Cartwright Stan Oakes James Layland Colin Cundy Hilary Evans Princess Royal Hospital 01952 641222 Royal Shrewsbury Hospital 01743 261000 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Shropdoc 08444 068888 Bridgnorth Hospital 762641 Bridgnorth Medical Practice 767121 Police non-emergency calls 101 Shropshire Fire and Rescue 01743 260260 Gas emergency 0800 111999 Electricity emergency 0800 056 8090 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 25 Prize £20 £10 £10 £10 £10 £10 £5 £5 £5 £5 Shropshire Council 0845 678 9000 Bridgnorth Library 763358 Traveline (Buses) 0870 6082608 Bridgnorth Endowed School 762103 Oldbury Wells School 765454 St John’s Primary School 762061 St Leonard’s Primary School 762781 St Mary’s Primary School 763455 Castlefields Primary School 764072 St Leonard’s Church Custodian 769720 Cross+Link October 2014 FRIENDS’ OF ST MARY’S - Forthcoming events: Friday 14 Nov - Fish & Chip Supper at Toni’s - Quatford - Members only Monday 5th Jan - New Year Meal at The Punchbowl - Members only Wednesday 28th or Thursday 29th Jan - Theatre trip to The Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton to see ‘ Barnum’. Places are available. For more details please call Chris O'Brien 768983 or Ann Clarke 764699. We have recently received a donation of £160 from the family of the late Gerald Lovett. The money is part of the donations received at Gerald's funeral. It is for us to use as we feel best. At present our chairman Ann Clarke is making a short list of things the church needs at this time. Members will be told as soon as a decision is made by the committee. A thank you is being sent to the family on members behalf and to say how delighted we were to be remembered. Chris O’Brien th Bridgnorth Anglican Team Ministry Open to personal callers: Mon - 11.00am - 12.30pm Team Office: St Leonard’s Hall Church, Tues - Thurs 8.30am - 11.30am Racecourse Drive, Fri - 8.30am - 10.30am Tasley, Email : Bridgnorth bridgnorthteamministry@yahoo.co.uk WV16 4NR Website : Tel: 01746 767174 www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk Rev Liz Angell - Team Vicar 32 Goodwood Avenue, WV15 5BD 01746 767187 angell304@btinternet.com Rev Laura Hill - Team Curate 41 Innage Lane, WV16 4HS 01746 768027 revlaura72@icloud.com Rev Marjorie Brooks Team Curate 01746 761942 marjorie.brooks47@googlemail.com www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk Honorary Assistant Ministers Rev Sarah Cawdell 761573 Rev Hugh Patterson 765298 Rev John Webb 01384 295856 Rev John Ward 764758 Local Ministry Development Group Mrs Dorothy Leiper Mrs Meg Marshall Mrs Jane Peeler Mrs Sandie Phillips Mrs Kay Prior Miss Sheila Royle Mr Colin Slade 26 764514 764568 767043 769271 768259 766577 766568 Cross+Link October 2014 St Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth Churchwardens Dr William Davis...766036 Mrs Sandie Phillips...769271 Secretary Mrs Lesley Wilkinson...764338 Treasurer Mr Martin Blackburn...766529 Verger Mr Roger Taylor...767345 St Mary Magdalene, Quatford Churchwardens Mr Bob Curtis...766126 Miss Rachel Edwards...766146 Secretary Miss Rachel Edwards...766146 Treasurer Mrs Phyllis Taylor...762318 Verger Mr Bob Curtis...766126 St Nicholas, Oldbury Churchwardens Mrs Liz Fisher...764059 Mr Ken Biggs… 01384 243372 Secretary Mrs Diana Scutt...761679 Treasurer Mrs Jo Kerridge...766473 St Peter & St Paul, Tasley Churchwardens Mr John Hirst...763626 Mr Robert Turner...764881 Secretary Ms Leslie Edwards...761847 Treasurer Mrs Irene Rogers...765926 St Calixtus, Astley Abbotts Churchwardens Mrs Shelah Westley...762871 Mrs Idonea Pickering...763065 Secretary Mrs Juanita Gennard...768674 Treasurer Mr Barry Hazelwood...01952 883816 St Mary the Virgin, Acton Round Churchwardens Mrs Bridget Chappuis...714035 Mr Thomas Kennedy...714360 Secretary Mrs Jane Madeley...785751 Treasurer Mrs Susan Kennedy...714203 St Gregory the Great, Morville Churchwardens Mr Barry Jenkinson...714009 Mr Dominic Crowe...01952 728883 Treasurer Mrs Kathy Renshaw...789271 Upton Cressett Monkhopton Churchwardens Mr Terry Fellows...01902 564748 Mrs Tammy Williamson...785576 Treasurer Mr Tim Morris...789271 St James’ Hall Church Booking Secretary Mrs Liz Fisher...764059 liz@olfisher.freeserve.co.uk Aston Eyre Churchwardens Mrs Margaret Cosh...714248 Treasurer Mrs Shelley Caine...714362 St Leonards Hall Church Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660 Deadlines for Cross+Link articles for 2014 (Which means we go to PRINT on this date at 1pm!) Nov - Wed 15th October Dec/Jan - Wed 19th November www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 27 Nov issue copy date: Wed 15th October 2014 at 1pm If you would like to contribute to or receive a copy of the magazine via email, please send your name and email address to janedowning123@btinternet.com and james_k9@sky.com - Cross+Link Editors Jane Downing & Kathy James Cross+Link October 2014 TEAM CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER/NOVEMBER SEPT 28 Sun OCT 01 Wed 01 Wed 02 Thurs 02 Thurs 03 Fri 04 Sat 07 Tues 08 Wed 09 Thurs 09 Thurs 11 Sat 14 Tues 14 Tues 15 Wed 15 Wed 16 Thurs 16 Thurs 21 Tues 21 Tues 22 Wed 23 Thurs 23 Thurs 28 Tues 29 Wed 29 Wed NOV 02 Sun 05 Wed 06 Thurs 06 Thurs 08 Sat 4.00pm Harvest Evensong and Auction Quatford 10.30am 7.30pm 10.00am - 11.30am 6.30pm - 8.00pm Holy Communion LYFE Little Stars Youth Club for Years 5 - 7 Morville Harvest Supper Charity Stall - St Mary’s House of Prayer Holy Communion Little Stars Youth Club for Years 5 - 7 Jumble Sale LMDG Quatford Skittles night at Bowling Club Holy Communion LYFE Little Stars Youth Club for Years 5 - 7 PACT Surgery House of Prayer Holy Communion Little Stars Youth Club for Years 5 - 7 Quatford PCC Meeting Holy Communion LYFE St Mary’s 32 Goodwood Ave St Mary’s St James’ Hall Ch Morville Village Hall High Street St Mary’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St James’ Hall Ch St Leonards’ Hall Ch 32 Goodwood Ave Cricket Meadow St Mary’s 2 The Hawthorns St Mary’s St James’ Hall Ch St James’ Hall Ch St Mary’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St James’ Hall Ch 32 Goodwood Ave St Mary’s 32 Goodwood Ave Commemoration of the departed service St Leonard’s Day - Holy Communion Little Stars Youth Club for Years 5 - 7 Wedding Castle Park Memorial leading to Remembrance Service at St Leonard’s Church for 11.30am Armistice Service LMDG Holy Communion LYFE Little Stars Youth Club for Years 5 - 7 Charity Stall - St Mary’s Wedding Sinfonia Concert Confirmation Service St Mary’s PCC Meeting Holy Communion Pastoral Group Meeting Little Stars Youth Club for Years 5 - 7 Installment of Richard Frith as Bishop of Hereford Tasley PCC Meeting Holy Communion LYFE Little Stars Youth Club for Years 5 - 7 LMDG St Mary’s St Leonard’s Ch St Mary’s St James’ Hall Ch Tasley 8.00am - 4.00pm 7.30pm - 9.00pm 10.30am 10.00am - 11.30am 6.30pm - 8.00pm 12noon - 3.00pm 9.30am 7.00pm 10.30am 7.30pm 10.00am - 11.30am 6.30pm - 8.00pm 3.00pm - 4.00pm 7.30pm - 9.00pm 10.30am 10.00am - 11.30am 6.30pm - 8.00pm 7.30pm 10.30am 7.30pm 6.30pm 10.30am 10.00am - 11.30am 6.30pm - 8.00pm 1.00pm 09 Sun 10.45am 11 11 12 12 13 13 15 15 15 16 17 19 19 20 20 22 24 26 26 27 27 27 10.45am 7.30pm 10.30am 7.30pm 10.00am - 11.30am 6.30pm - 8.00pm 8.00am - 4.00pm 11.00am 7.30pm 10.30am 7.30pm 10.30am 11.30am 10.00am - 11.30am 6.30pm - 8.00pm 11.30am - 1.30pm 7.30pm 10.30am 7.30pm 10.00am - 11.30am 6.30pm - 8.00pm 7.30pm Tues Tues Wed Wed Thurs Thurs Sat Sat Sat Sun Mon Wed Wed Thurs Thurs Sat Mon Wed Wed Thurs Thurs Thurs www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 28 St Leonard’s Ch Town Hall 32 Goodwood Ave St Mary’s 32 Goodwood Ave St Mary’s St James’ Hall Ch High Street St Leonard’s Ch St Mary’s St Mary’s St Mary’s St Mary’s Rectory St Mary’s St James’ Hall Ch Hereford Cathedral Tasley St Mary’s 32 Goodwood Ave St Mary’s St James’ Hall Ch 32 Goodwood Ave Cross+Link October 2014 Anglican Church Services in Oct 2014 HC = Holy Communion MP = Morning Prayer St Mary Magdalene Bridgnorth Trinity 16 Sunday 5 Trinity 17 h (every 1st Sunday) th Sunday 12 (every 2nd Sunday) Trinity 18 th Sunday 19 Trinity 19 Sunday 26th (every 3rd Sunday) (every 4th Sunday) 8.00am HC 8.00am HC1662 8.00am HC 8.00am HC1662 10.30am HC/ Harvest 10.30am HC 10.30am HC 10.30am FC 6.30pm Evensong 6.30pm Evensong 6.30pm Evensong 9.00am HC 9.00am HC 6.30pm Evensong St Mary Magdalene Quatford 9.00am HC 9.00am HC1662 St Calixtus Astley Abbotts 9.00am HC 6.00pm Harvest/ Patronal St Nicholas Oldbury 10.30am All Age Worship/Harvest & Baptism 10.30am HC 10.30am HC & Baptism 10.30am HC St Peter and 10.30am HC & St Paul Baptism Tasley 10.30am FS 10.30am HC 10.30am MP St James’ Hall Church, The Grove 3.00pm HC 9.00am MP 3.00pm HC 6.30pm Praise & Prayer St Leonard’s Hall Church, 10.30am FS Tasley St Gregory the Gt Morville 9.00am HC 11.00am HC 10.30am FC 11.00am HC (SSch) 11.00am FS 11.00am HC Aston Eyre 10.00am HC 10.00am MP St Mary the Virgin Acton Round 10.00am HC 6.30pm Evensong/ Harvest Monkhopton www.bridgnorthteamministry.org.uk 29 Cross+Link October 2014
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