9.13 Printed on recycled paper. Requests for assistance or materials in alternate formats should be directed to Jane S. Leal by phone at (609) 655-5141, through the New Jersey Relay Service at (800) 852-7899 or by email at jl@mciauth.com. Middlesex County PROPERTY OWNERS: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR TENANTS RECEIVE THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION MIDDLESEX COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS Ronald G. Rios, Freeholder Director Blanquita B. Valenti, Deputy Freeholder Director Kenneth Armwood Carol Barrett Bellante Stephen J. Dalina H. James Polos Charles E. Tomaro ***The 2015 pick-up schedule for January, February and March will be made available exclusively on the MCIA website www.mciauth.com.*** MCIA BOARD Leonard J. Roseman, Chairman Robert J. Mantz Jacque Eaker Anthony Raczynski Camille Fernicola Richard Pucci, Executive Director MCIA Board Carol Barrett Bellante Freeholder & MCIA Liaison Leonard J. Roseman, Chairman Robert J. Mantz Jacque Eaker Anthony Raczynski Camille Fernicola MCIA DIVISION OF RECYCLING 55 Edgeboro Road, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (800) 488-MCIA • E-mail: mciarecycling@mciauth.com MCIA ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 101 Interchange Plaza, Ste. 202 Cranbury, NJ 08512 Phone: (609) 655-5141 Fax: (609) 655-4748 E-mail: mciaadmin@mciauth.com Website: www.mciauth.com SPOTSWOOD Curbside Collection Schedule Inside! MCIA DIVISION OF RECYCLING 55 Edgeboro Road East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Phone: (800) 488-MCIA Fax: (732) 628-0338 E-mail: mciarecycling@mciauth.com Edward J. Windas, Recycling Manager Richard Pucci Executive Director (800) 488-MCIA (6242) Municipal recycling schedules available at www.mciauth.com PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 1940 BELLMAWR, NJ RECYCLING SERVICE INFORMATION SPOTSWOOD 2014 Recycling Guide www.mciauth.com l 800-488-MCIA CURBSIDE COLLECTION SCHEDULE TUESDAYS January February March April May June 14 • 28 11 • 25 11 • 25 8 • 22 6 • 20 3 • 17 July August September October November December 1 • 15 • 29 12 • 26 9 • 23 7 • 21 4 • 18 2 • 16 • 30 NOTE: Municipal Public Works holidays do NOT affect the recycling collection schedule. IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS 732-251-0700, ext. 822 Jean P. Mayer, Spotswood Director of Public Works & Recycling Coordinator Recycling Hotline: 800-488-MCIA (6242) Curbside Recycling Collection, Service Matters & Information WEATHER EMERGENCIES Changes in collection schedules due to weather emergencies or other emergency situations will be announced on the following radio stations: WCTC (1450 AM) and WMGQ (98.3 FM). You may also check for changes on the website at www.mciauth.com or by calling 800-488-MCIA (6242) for specific information. LEAVES, BRUSH & GRASS LEAVES placed in biodegradable bags only will be collected curbside beginning in November. Please refer to the fall edition of the Borough newsletter for the collection schedules. In the spring, leaves must be bagged in biodegradable bags only. Please refer to the spring edition of the Borough newsletter for collection schedules. BRUSH is collected by appointment from April 2014 - October 2014. Tree parts must be no more than 5 inches in diameter and cut and tied with string or cord in lengths no longer than 4 feet. The Borough is NOT responsible for the removal of tree parts larger than 5 inches in diameter. Twigs under 1 inch in diameter can be put out with garbage in a separate container. Call 732251-0700 to arrange for pick-up. SPOTSWOOD: 2014 www.mciauth.com l 800-488-MCIA GRASS placed in open containers or biodegradable bags ONLY will be collected curbside Monday of each week from April 28, 2014 - October 22, 2014. Containers weighing up to 50 pounds will be accepted. Plastic bags filled with clippings will NOT be accepted. Other vegetable waste can be put out with the household trash. SPECIAL ITEMS SPOTSWOOD’S RECYCLING DROP-OFF CENTER is located on Third Street/Boro Yard (off Brunswick Avenue) and is open to Spotswood residents only. Items accepted include newspapers tied in bundles, mixed paper in proper containers, cardboard flattened and tied, glass bottles, aluminum/steel/tin cans, #1 PETE and #2 HDPE plastic containers and motor oil in sealed containers. Hours of operation: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., and Saturday, 8 a.m. - 12 noon. The center is closed on holidays. thank you… for your commitment to recycling and for helping to make Middlesex County a New Jersey recycling leader. TEXTILES (clothing or fabric more than 1-foot square) may be deposited in drop-off boxes at the Borough Recycling Center and may also be dropped off at the Spotswood First Aid. METAL/APPLIANCES are collected curbside by appointment only, Please call 732-251-0474 to arrange for a pick-up. CONSUMER ELECTRONICS: Consumer electronics (such as desktop and laptop computers, monitors, scanners, modems, printers, cables, keyboards and televisions) can also be deposited at the Third Street recycling drop-off center. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - to 3:30 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Additionally, residents can arrange an appointment for curbside pick-up by calling 732-251-0474. BULK will be scheduled twice a month. Bulk items include furniture, windows, etc. Lumber needs to be cut and tied no larger than 4-feet with nails removed or bent over. Bulk collections are arranged by appointment only. Call 732-251-0700 PLEASE REMEMBER: The Recycling Center is for Spotswood residents ONLY. NO paints, chemicals, propane tanks or HAZARDOUS WASTE accepted. Motor oil is accepted. “The success of Middlesex County’s recycling performance is due to the partnership of the Middlesex County Improvement Authority with the County’s Solid Waste Management Division and the dedication of our County residents to recycling.” -Richard Pucci, Executive Director, MCIA SCHOOL BOOK RECYCLING Students throughout the County are getting hands-on recycling education with the introduction of a book recycling program sponsored by the MCIA and the County. Outdated hardcover and softcover books that can no longer be used, sold or given away are being recycled in this program. Students remove the hardcovers from the books then reap the rewards. The recycling processor pays for each ton recycled. This program is not for residential use. PAPER SHREDDING Middlesex County residents are invited to recycle old documents and confidential files safely and securely at mobile shredding events scheduled throughout the year. Bring old files, receipts, bills, financial statements and any documents that have not been recycled due to confidentiality concerns and watch them get shredded on-site. Call the County Division of Solid Waste Management at 732-745-4170 for dates and locations.
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