Fall 2014 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SUPERIOR Spartan News Celebrating Success! Welcome to the 2014/15 school year. There is much to celebrate as we begin a new year. Superior High School continues to expand options for students to obtain college credit while taking courses in high school. With ten Advanced Placement (AP) courses and twenty dual credit courses (high school and college credit) an increasing number of SHS students graduate each year with enough credits to enter college with advanced standing. Each year, an increasing number of students are recognized as AP scholars. In addition to AP success, SHS continues to score above the state and nation on the ACT. Music, athletic, and co-curricular programs continue to excel. SHS student athletes have a long history of earning athletic scholarships at NCAA division I and II schools. Each year, several of our athletic programs compete at the state level. Choir, Band, and Orchestra programs continue to be recognized for top performances at the state level. Annually, students in FCCLA, DECA, FBLA and Skills USA are recognized for excellence at the state and national level. SHS has a strong tradition of supporting academic excellence. With the School District of Superior Scholarship Foundation awarding nearly ½ million dollars to the Class of 2014, 140 graduates received financial support to attend college. With the one to one technology initiative, SHS is well on the way to providing a laptop for each student. Staff and students are excited about enhancing learning opportunities through the integration of technology, teaching, and learning. The NBC Spartan Sports Complex is an impressive facility that will benefit the students, school, and community for years to come. Make it a point to see this facility – get out and support the boys and girls athletic teams! For important information about the beginning of the school year, please take a moment to read the rest of the Spartan News. I am looking forward to a great year! Kent Bergum, Principal SHS PHONE NUMBERS 715-394-8720 Principal Kent Bergum, ext. 103 Assistant Principals Bill Punyko, 9th/10th Grade ext. 111 Steve Olson, 11th & 12th Grade ext. 115 Ray Kosey, Activities Director ext. 149 Mike Matejka, Truancy ext. 118 Attendance Office Janice Stack, ext. 108 Police Liaison Officer Tom Johnson, ext. 106 Health Assistant Lori Kelleher, ext. 109 Counselors/715-394-8725 Wendy Nelson ext. 122 A-F Kelly Bergum ext. 123 G-K Gene Powers ext. 120 L-P Brandon DeLacey, ext. 204 Q-Z Dates to Remember Spartan News, Fall 2014 Sept 3 Picture Make-up day Sept 26 Homecoming Oct 3 Picture Re-take day Oct 16 Parent/Teacher Conferences A-K Oct 18 Fall Ball Oct 21 Parent/Teacher Conferences L-Z Oct 30 & 31 No Classes for Students Attendance Matters Again this school year SHS will be making a strong effort to encourage students to be in school every day. Students who miss school fewer than 10 days per year have the highest graduation rate. We want all students to graduate and receive the best education possible. We need the students present to achieve this goal. With the new accountability measures in the state mandated School Report Card, attendance takes on greater significance than ever before. Included in the report card, is a measurement termed “absenteeism rate.” One way we are trying to encourage students to attend school is by only allowing students with an attendance rate of 90% or higher to go to the Fall Ball and Prom. We will also not allow our most truant students to attend extra-curricular activities (Sporting events, Pledge Makers events, etc.) When a student is present at school he/she gains: *Improved critical thinking skills *Access to more career choices *Exposure to a wide variety of educational opportunities *Improved social skills Being absent costs the student: *Disengagement from studies and academics *A loss of social skills and discipline that can lay the groundwork for a productive life *A rollback in critical thinking/learning skills *Lack of screenings for vision, hearing, and scoliosis *Lack of screenings for developmental disorders *Lack of support from programs which promote physical activity and nutrition *A decrease in the likelihood of graduating I will be meeting with students and families to support positive attendance. Truancy tickets will be the last step. I hope together we can avoid truancy tickets. How Parents can help: Don’t let your child stay home unless he/she is truly sick. Keep in mind complaints of stomach ache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home. If your child seems anxious at school talk to teachers, school counselors, or other parents Stay in contact - - always call/email/send a note about your child’s absence. Develop back-up plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, a neighbor, or another parent. Try to plan family trips during school breaks. Plan the night before… clothes, rides, homework, etc. School District of Superior Attendance Policy: State law (Wisconsin Statute 118.15) allows students up to 10 excused absences per year. The School District of Superior allots the first 5 excused absences in the first semester and the second 5 excused absences in the second semester. The state considers additional days absent after these 10 excused days as truant. Days a student is tardy can also be counted as a partial absence. Spartan News, Fall 2014 Missing a day here and there DOES matter. https://getschooled.com/dashboard The following reasons for being absent will not be factored into the students attendance rate: ●Dentist or Doctor Appointments (provided the attendance office receives verification from the doctor). ●Illness (provided the attendance office receives verification from the doctor). ●Bereavement ●Participation in school activities ●Religious Holidays Mike Matejka, Assistant Principal (attendance) 715-394-8720-X118 Mike.matejka@superior.k12.wi.us Attendance Office (Janice Stack) 715-394-8720 X 108 Spartan News, Fall 2014 If you are not already on the SHS email list and you would like to receive Spartan News and other information from SHS electronically, please email your request to: terri.vanert@superior.k12.wi.us SHS ACTIVITES CALENDAR and EMAIL GROUP Go to the school district’s webpage at: http://www.superior.k12.wi.us. You will find the Activities Calendar link on the left hand side. This site will provide you information on SHS activities. You can also go directly to this site at http://www.lakesuperiorconference.org and click on Superior High School. The fall sports schedules are now available on this site. Please contact Ray Kosey, Activities Director, at ray.kosey@superior.k12.wi.us to be added to the parent email group and receive sporting event information electronically. ATTENDANCE & HOMEWORK REQUESTS If your child will be out ill or will not be attending school on any given day, please contact the attendance office at SHS at 715-394-8720 ext. 108 and leave a detailed message with your child’s student ID number. If you have medical documentation to support the absence, please be sure to send the medical note with your child when he/she returns to school. The doctor’s office or clinic can also fax a note to 715-394 -8760 Attn: Attendance Office. UPDATE YOUR INFORMATION If a student moves during the school year, it is very important that you make sure to update your information with the office at SHS. We try very hard to keep our students and families updated on current and future happenings at Superior High School. Any changes can be reported to the grade level secretaries. Mary Kay Jensen, 9th & 10th Grade, ext. 111 Dori Martin, 11th & 12th grade, Ext. 116 Student Picture Make-up and Re-takes If your student missed picture day in August, Lifetouch will be here on Wednesday, September 3rd for make-up pictures. Order forms can be picked up at main office. Friday, October 3rd Lifetouch will be here for any students who need picture re-takes. SHS Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-8:00PM Thursday, October 16 (Last Name A-K) Tuesday, October 21 (Last Name L-Z) Spartan News, Fall 2014 Welcome Freshmen and Parents!! Our goal for the class of 2018 is to help students become independent learners preparing freshmen for their sophomore, junior and senior years, ultimately laying the foundation of being “Career and College Ready.” 9th grade students will be assigned to academic teams similar to the middle school where students work with the same group of core teachers. This way students and teachers get to know each other quickly, parents and teachers have better lines of communication to be on the same page, and stronger support can be provided for students who need help. After the first month, the teams may assign a Senior Mentor to work with a select group of freshmen during advisory. Senior Mentors will help with organization, home-work completion, and extra guidance to manage success in school. The Lunch and Learn program also during the advisory period, gives kids the chance to have a college-like experience of freedom to join clubs, socialize and work with staff out of the usual academic setting. There are over 30 clubs and activities for students to participate in; ranging from Art Club, Intramural Sports, to Video Game Design. After the first quarter, however, students must have passing grades to participate or they will be assigned to a support advisory in order to get a passing level. With this level of freedom, a higher level of responsibility is required at the high school. We found last year students have demonstrated a very positive attitude, acted responsibly and have had improved grades because of the relationships and support they receive. We look forward to another great year with your students and encourage you to stay in touch with your student’s teachers and counselors by emailing, calling and staying connected to grades and attendance through the on-line Parent Connect portal. Sincerely, Bill Punyko Assistant Principal 9th – 10th grades 715-394-8720 ext. 110 bill.punyko@superior.k12.wi.us SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL WEBSITE Check the SHS website http://superiorhigh.superior.schoolfusion.us/ for daily student announcements, SHS newsletters, and other important information. Spartan News, Fall 2014 SENIOR PROJECT UPDATE The Senior Project is in its 10th year as an expectation/requirement for graduation from Superior High School. Hundreds of students have learned about careers they are interested in and careers they have seen close enough to rethink a particular path; hundreds of students have learned a new skill like sign language, swing dancing, rebuilding cars and motors and bikes, building sheds and ice houses and furniture, how to ride and care for horses, surf the big lake, create stain glass and blow glass; nearly as many have learned that giving back to their community in some aspect feels pretty good (not to mention sharpen organization and communication skills); some have even found improved research and writing skills on topics of personal interest. The 20 hour requirement is almost always completed in no time when the student chooses to work on something of interest rather than what seems easiest. Once the hours and tasks are done, the student reflects on the project in writing, demonstrating basic/ necessary writing skills and then presents the learning to a panel of community members in an 8-15 minute presentation. Students can begin on a project only when it is approved by the Senior Project Coordinators and not until May of their junior year. The first presentations of this new school year will be near the end of October and we will begin the career research, the new skill investigation, the research, the writing and speaking for the 10th class of SHS. Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Kim Towns, Senior Project Coordinator at ext. 193 at the high school or at kim.towns@superior.k12.wi.us. YEARBOOKS & SENIOR PHOTOS 2014-2015 Yearbooks are now on sale for $60! You may purchase them in the Treasurer's Office with cash/check or online on the school WebStore with credit/debit cards. Senior Grad Pictures are due by October 24, 2014. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Christa Kalin at shsyearbook@superior.k12.wi.us. Spartan Shack and Sparty’s Locker Room The Spartan Shack is the original provider of Spartan apparel and merchandise for over 30 years. It is operated as a learning experience for the Marketing/DECA students at SHS. New inventory has arrived and has been placed in the store which is located in the ‘Link’ near the cafeteria at SHS. Hoodies, crewneck sweatshirts, t-shirts, baseball caps, stocking caps, mittens, Senior Shirts, old-school sweats and Under Armour Spartan gear is in-stock! After September 2, the store hours coincide with the school day. The Spartan Shack will also be open on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5-7pm. Sparty’s Locker Room will be open for business at the new NBC Spartan Sports Complex during all varisty football and soccer games. Sparty’s Locker Room is a branch of the original Spartan Shack (operated by the Marketing/DECA students of SHS) and will be providing the same high-quality Spartan merchandise in our new convenient location. Come visit us! Spartan News, Fall 2014 28th Annual Charity Tailgate Party The 28th Annual Charity Tailgate Party will be held on Friday, September 5 from 5-7pm at the new NBC Spartan Sports Complex. The beneficiary for this year’s event is Northland Honor Flight and the goal is to raise enough money to send 4 Northland veterans to Washington DC to visit the WWII Memorial. The cost is $5 and if you arrive prior to 6pm your game admission is included in the price. Hot dogs and Coca-Cola beverages will be provided to all those that attend! Have fun and donate to a worthwhile cause! Supper Program Starts September 2nd! Hungry after school? Stay for sports? Studying late? We serve FREE supper at 3 different sites Monday - Friday to any child 18 or under. Peter Rich Center 4:00 - 5:30 pm Games and Activities are available at this site. Superior Middle School 3:00 - 5:00 pm Superior High School 3:00 - 6:00 pm 28th Street Entrance – Concession Stand Please come and enjoy a free nutritious meal each day! Adults $3.15 per meal A MESSAGE FROM THE HEALTH OFFICE… Welcome back students and parents, If your child will be taking a daily medication at school this year, all medication must be sent in the original Rx bottle. (If you ask your pharmacist for a buddy bottle for school, they will give you an empty Rx. bottle with a label). Parent's please drop off your child's medication in the health office (B-1). The Health Office is located in back of the school, use the Gym doors #11 and the health office is the 1st one on your left. You will also be able to pick up and fill out your child's medication forms at that time. If you have any questions please call me, my number is 715-394-8720 ext. 109 Thank you, Lori Kelleher, S.H.S. Health Office Spartan News, Fall 2014 Superior Athletic and Academic Hall of Fame Here are the 2014 Superior Athletic and Academic Hall of Fame class of 2014 inductees. Academic Hall of Fame inductees: Bert Richard, Kim Moncel and Yvonne Cloutier. Athletic Hall of Fame inductees: 1970 SSHS Baseball Team. George Lehman, Richard “Stan” Kennelly, Orvin Clarke, Mark Fitzgerald, Dan Morgan and Pat Paquette The induction ceremony will correspond with the 2014 SHS homecoming week and is scheduled for Saturday, September 27, 2014. Tickets for the induction ceremony will go on sale September 1, please contact Activities Director Ray Kosey for ticket information. Ray.kosey@superior.k12.wi.us or 715-3948720 ext 149. Fall Orchestra and Choir Concert, Monday, Oct. 27, 7:00PM Everyone Welcome! HOMECOMING 2014 Homecoming Week is September 22nd through the 26th. Daily dress: Monday - Tie Dye, Tuesday Home State, Wednesday - Class Color, Thursday - Super Hero & Friday - Spartan Spirit (50 years of Spartan Gear - wear your old stuff or new). Various daily activities. Assembly Friday September 26th with the parade afterwards. At 7:00 PM the Spartan Varsity Football Team will take on River Falls! GO SPARTANS!! FALL BALL This year’s Fall Ball is Saturday, October 18th. The Dance will be held at the Yellowjacket Union from 8:00 - 11:00p.m. Tickets are $35 for a couple and $25 for a single. There will be snacks and beverages provided at the dance. Pictures will take place at SHS from 2:00 until 9:00 pm. Please see the back of this newsletter for the dance guest verification form and policy. All Night Grad Party The All Night Grad Party Committee will be selling Younker's Community Day booklets beginning in September. Booklets are $5 and all proceeds go to the All Night Grad Party. Younker's Community Day sale will take place in November. Contact Julie Urban at 218-590-0917 if you would like to purchase a booklet, or pick one up from any committee member or at the Main Desk at the Administration Office. Spartan News, Fall 2014 YOUR SHS COUNSELORS 715-394-8720 Mrs. Wendy Nelson A-F Ext 122 Mrs. Kelly Bergum G-K Ext 123 Mr. Gene Powers L-P Ext 120 Mr. Brandon DeLacey Q-Z Ext 204 UPCOMING EVENTS Juniors & Seniors: Education/College Fairs September 23rd at College of St. Scholastica—Duluth 5-6:30PM. Students may attend on their own. September 24th at College of St. Scholastica—Duluth 9-11:00AM. More information to follow. Youth Options: The deadline for youth options applications for spring semester is October 1, 2014. ACT Test: The next test days are September 19, 2014 and October 25, 2014. Pre-registration deadline for October testing is 9/19/14. PSAT Test: The PSAT test will be offered on October 18th. Pay the $14 fee in the Treasurer’s Office; sign up in the Guidance Office; and, show receipt of payment to Mrs. Edgette in the Guidance Office to pick up your study guide. Senior Rotary & Junior Optimist: Represent your school at a service organization. Find out what service organizations are all about. Two senior Rotary students and two junior Optimist students are selected each month. Applications are available in the guidance office or on the SHS Counseling webpage. Deadline for applications is 9/22/14. College Visit: Vermillion College will be at SHS on Oct 14th. They will be available to see students at 11:30AM. Spartan News, Fall 2014 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SUPERIOR SHS CALENDAR 2014-2015 Tuesday, September 2............................................................................................... First Day of School Thursday, October 16 (Last Name A-K) .................................. Parent/Teacher Conferences; 3:30-8:00pm Saturday, October 18 ................................................................................................................ Fall Ball Tuesday, October 21 (Last Name L-Z) ................................... Parent/Teacher Conferences; 3:30-8:00pm Thursday, October 30 & Friday, October 31 ............................ No Classes for Students-Staff Development Wednesday, November 26 .......................................... No Classes for Students–Designated Teacher Conf. Thursday, November 27 & Friday, November 28 ........................................................ Thanksgiving Break Wednesday, December 17 ..................................................... Parent/Teacher Conferences; 3:30-8:00pm Wednesday, December 24 through Friday, January 2 .......................................................... Winter Break Friday, January 23 ............................................................................................... End of First Semester Thursday, February 12 & Friday, February 13 ......................... No Classes for Students-Staff Development Monday, March 9 through Friday, March 13. ........................................................................ Spring Break Thursday, March 19 ................................................................Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30-8:00pm Thursday, April 2................................................................... No Classes for Students-Staff Development Friday, April 3 & Monday, April 6 ................................. No Classes for Students–Designated Teacher Conf. Saturday, April 11 ......................................................................................................................... Prom Monday, May 25 .............................................................................................................. Memorial Day Friday, June 5 ......................................................................................................... Last Day for Seniors Saturday, June 6. ..................................................................................................... 7:00pm Graduation Tuesday, June 9.................................................................... School Term Ends/End of Second Semester Superior High School Grading Periods: 1st Quarter: September 2 – November 7 2nd Quarter: November 10 – January 23 (End of 1st Semester) 3rd Quarter: January 26 – April 10 4th Quarter: April 13 – June 9 (End of 2nd Semester) Superior High School Conferences (3:30-8:00PM): Thursday, October 16 (Last Name A-K) Tuesday, October 21 (Last Name L-Z) Wednesday, December 17 Thursday, March 19 Spartan News, Fall 2014 SHS Bell Schedule 2014/15 Common Planning Time ....................... 7:30-8:01 Warning Bell ................................................. 8:01 1st Period ......................................... 8:06 – 8:53 2nd Period ........................................ 8:58 – 9:45 3rd Period ...................................... 9:50 – 10:37 4th Period..................................... 10:42 – 11:29 L&L ............................................... 11:29 – 12:29 L&L A L&L B 11:34 – 11:59 12:04 – 12:29 5th Period....................................... 12:34 – 1:21 6th Period......................................... 1:26 – 2:13 7th Period......................................... 2:18 – 3:05 Spartan News, Fall 2014 SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PARKING PERMIT APPLICATION 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR PARKING PERMIT # ____________ ANNUAL / SEMESTER 1 or 2 COST OF PERMIT $15.00 PER SEMESTER OR $25.00 ANNUALLY Please complete this form in ink (no pencil), have Library sign off that no library fines/books are due, and return it to the Treasurer’s Office, room 105. All information must be completed and the form signed by the student and parent or guardian before the application can be processed. Students must pick up their parking permits in the Treasurer’s Office as well. It usually takes 2-3 days to process the application. If you have questions about the permit or application process, call the Police Liaison Office at 394-8720 ext. 106 or the Treasurer at 394-8720 ext 119. STUDENT DATA: _________________________________________________________________________ Student ID# Last Name First Name Date of Birth _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address with City/State/Zip Phone # Grade VEHICLE DATA: ______________________________________________________________ 1. Plate Number State Year Make Model Color (2-dr or 4-dr) ______________________________________________________________ 2. Plate Number State Year Registered Owner’s Name/Address/Phone Number(s) Make Model Color (2-dr or 4-dr) Insurance Company IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL STUDENTS: 1. Students must NOT violate any WI Traffic Laws or violate the SHS Code of Conduct or Disciplinary Code. Students must have a valid permit to park in the SHS lots. 2. Students agree to submit to a random drug test (urine test) upon request. 3. Students must operate their vehicles in a safe and defensive manner. 4. Students will NOT litter or loiter in the parking lots. 5. Students MUST park their vehicles in the student lots only and park within the designated spaces provided. You cannot park in a Staff lot or the Catlin Ave Loop Area. 6. Parking permits will hang from the inside mirror with the numbers facing outside. It is the student’s responsibility to have the permit displayed in the vehicle each day. CONSEQUENCES FOR VIOLATIONS OF RULES (One or more consequences may be imposed): 1. A refusal to submit to a random drug test will result in a suspension of your privilege to drive or park your vehicle at SHS for one calendar year. If you drive a vehicle or if your vehicle is parked in the SHS lot after a refusal to test, that vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense. A parking ticket will also be issued. 2. If you fail the random drug test, you will lose your privilege to use the lots at SHS for 9 weeks. Any other Code of Conduct consequences will also be imposed. 3. Failure to possess or display a current/valid Parking Permit will result in a parking citation and may result in having your car towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. 4. School discipline and loss of parking privileges for other violations may also be imposed. Signature of Student (required) Signature of Parent/Guardian (required) (Date) By signing this form, I am volunteering for suspicionless random drug testing during my entire high school career. I further give the school permission to notify my parent(s) o test results. For Office Use Only _____________ Date Paid Treasurer Approval_______ _______________ Amount Paid Library Approval _______ _______________ Cash/Check # ___________ Receipt # Students with outstanding library or academic or extra/co-curricular fines will NOT be issued a parking permit until the fines are paid in full or books are returned for credit. Spartan News, Fall 2014 Policy Superior High School Prom & Fall Ball Attendance Requirement: Students must be in attendance a minimum of 90% of the school days to attend the Fall Ball or Prom. For Fall Ball, the attendance rate will be calculated from September 2 through October 3. For Prom, attendance will be calculated from September 2 through March 27. The following reasons for being absent will not be factored into the 90% attendance rate: ●Dentist or Doctor Appointments (provided the attendance office receives verification from the doctor). ●Illness (provided the attendance office receives verification from the doctor). ●Bereavement ●Participation in school activities ●Religious Holidays Guests are welcome at the Prom and Fall Ball with the following stipulations: The guest is less than 21 years of age; and, The guest is currently attending high school or is a high school graduate and is currently attending a post-secondary institution or is currently employed. Verification from the employer or postsecondary institution must accompany the guest verification form. NOTE: Guests may be subject to a background check. Requests for approval of guests must be submitted in writing to the principal a minimum of two weeks prior to the dance. Approval must be granted before purchasing a ticket for the dance. The Fall Ball is open to students in grades 9 through 12. The Prom is open to students in grades 11 and 12. A Superior High School student in grade 11 or 12 may bring a guest who is in grade 10. The Prom is not open to 9th grade students. Spartan News, Fall 2014 SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL GUEST REQUEST/VERIFICATION Dear High School Administrator/Employer: _____________________________________ has been invited by ______________________________ (Invited Guest) (SHS Student) as a guest to attend the SHS FALL BALL to be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014. We would very much appreciate signatures on this form verifying that the above guest is an individual in good standing; demonstrates strong values and character while attending your school or place of employment. Thank you for helping us to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for our school dance. Your efforts and insights are appreciated. Please fax this completed form to SHS by Friday, October 3rd to Kent Bergum, 715-394-8760. Sincerely, Kent Bergum, Principal Superior High School Please complete all information below Guest: School: Age: Grade (circle one): 9 10 11 12 Parent(s): Home Address: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Emergency Contact Person: Emergency Contact Phone: Parent Signature (If guest is currently enrolled in high school) SHS Student Name: Principal/College Dean/Employer Signature: Spartan News, Fall 2014 Date:
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