If you have any concerns about this service or suggestions for improvements, contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service on Freephone 0800 013 2511 or email: ccs-tr.pals@nhs.net For free, confidential health advice and information 24 hours a day, 365 days a year please contact NHS 111. If you require this information in a different format such as in large print or on audio tape, or in a different language please contact the service using the details on the inside back cover. Local Information Booklet Polish: Jeżeli potrzebujesz tych informacji w innym formacie, jak na przykład w dużej czcionce, w formacie audio lub w innym języku, prosimy o kontakt z Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust (Publiczny Zespół Opieki Zdrowotnej i Środowiskowej) pod numerem telefonu: 01480 308216 lub email na adres: ccscommunications@ccs.nhs.uk Portuguese: Se precisar desta informação em formato diferente, tal como impressão em letra grande, cassete áudio ou noutra língua, por favor contacte o Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust (Trust NHS dos Serviços Comunitários de Cambridgeshire), através do telefone 01480 308216, ou envie um e-mail para: ccscommunications@ccs.nhs.uk Russian: Если данная информация требуется в другом формате, например крупным шрифтом, аудиозаписи или на другом языке – просим обращаться в Социальные Службы Общественного Фонда Здравоохранения Графства Кембриджшир, по телефону 01480 308216 или отправлять электронное сообщение no адресу ccscommunications@ccs.nhs.uk Cantonese: 本資料亦以特大字體、錄音形式或其它語文提供,如有需要,請聯絡劍橋郡社 區服務國家健康信託(Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust),電話01480 308216; 電郵地址ccscommunications@ccs.nhs.uk Bengali Soham Health Visiting Team Children and Young People’s Unit (Cambridgeshire) Turkish: Eğer bu bilgininin kendi dilinizde çevirisini (ya da daha büyük harflerle baskısını veya kasete kayıtlı halini) isterseniz, lütfen Cambridge Bölgesi Kamu Hizmetleri Ulusal Sağlık Hizmeti Birimini (Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust) 01480 308216 no’lu telefon numarasından arayın veya ccscommunications@ccs.nhs.uk adresine e-mail gönderin. ©Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust Tel: 01480 355184 / 308216 Email: ccscommunications@ccs.nhs.uk Website: www.cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk Code No: CS/HV/LFT/0304 - V2.2 - October 2014 Date of Production: April 2014 Date of Review: April 2017 Page 12 Providing a lifetime of care Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust: providing services across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Luton and Suffolk Contents For further information about this service contact: Page Health Visiting Contacts 3 Child Health Clinics and Drop Ins 3 Useful Telephone Numbers/Support Groups 4 GP Surgery 5 Minor Treatment Centre 5 A&E Hospitals 5 Breastfeeding Support 6 Postnatal Group and Baby Massage 7 Local School Information 8/9 Useful Information 10 Soham Health Visiting Team Soham Children’s Centre The Weatheralls Pratt Street Soham Cambs CB7 5BH Tel: 01353 624411 (option 1) Page 2 Page 11 Useful Websites Your Health Visiting Team www.babycentre.co.uk - Pregnancy, birth and babies www./bbc.co.uk/parenting - Lots of good ideas and info www.cafamily.org.uk - For families with disabled children www.cambridgeshire.agov.uk/infocam - Local info for this area www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/library - Library www.direct/gov.uk - Child care info and much more www.dr.jackman.com - Breastfeeding info plus video clips about latching on www.fnf.org.uk - Families need Fathers www/gingerbread.co.uk - Organisations for lone parents www.healthvisitoros.com - Useful information www.healthystart.nhs.uk - Good information www.immunisation.org.uk - Immunisation information Naomi Greener Ebonie Chandraraj Laura Smith Sandra Lock Sue Patterson Hazel Poulter Health Visitor Health Visitor Health Visitor Student Health Visitor Nursery Nurse Administrator Team Contact Details: Health Visiting Team Soham Health Centre The Weatheralls Pratt Street Soham Cambs CB7 5BH Telephone: 01353 624411 (option 1) Child Health Clinics & Drop Ins All weights under 2 years to be done naked Soham: Soham Children’s Centre The Weatheralls Soham Cambs CB7 5BH Every Thursday 1.30pm to 3.00pm CLINICS OPEN TO ALL Page 10 Page 3 Useful Telephone Numbers Isleham NHS Advice 111 Pre-School CAB 0870 751 0933 Police 101 MAMA (Meet a Mum Association) offering a listening service to sufferers from post natal depression Helpline: 020 8768 0123 7pm – 10pm weekdays Isleham Pre-School Playgroup Unit, Maltings Lane Tel: 01638 780060 Young Minds Parent Information Service. Free confidential telephone service and advice for any adult with concerns about the mental health of a child or young person 0800 018 2138 Primary School Isleham Primary School Maltings Lane Tel: 01638 780336 Soham Library Domestic Violence 24hr free helpline for women 0800 2000 247 Community Education 01353 722297 Clay Street, Soham CB7 5HJ Tel: 0845 045 5225 Website: www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/library A good source of local information. Computers and internet access available for public use. Mobile library service available in Isleham and Fordham, please contact the Library for further details. Page 4 Page 9 Soham GP Surgery Staploe Medical Centre Brewhouse Lane SOHAM Tel : 01353 624123 School and Nursery Information Soham Pre-Schools The Windmill Pre-School Groups are held at: • Soham Children’s Centre • St Andrews Primary School • The Weatheralls Primary School Minor Treatment Centre The Lantern Centre Princess of Wales Hospital Lynn Road ELY Please telephone for opening hours. Tel : 01353 656677 Primary Schools with Nursery Classes St Andrews Primary School Tel: 01353 720345 Weatheralls Primary School Tel: 01353 720456 The Shade Primary School Tel: 01353 612948 A&E Hospitals Secondary School Soham Village College Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Hills Road Cambridge CB2 0QQ Tel: 01353 724100 Fordham Pre-School 01223 245151 Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Hinchingbrooke Park Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE29 6NT 01480 416416 West Suffolk Hospital, Hardwick Lane Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 2QZ, 01284 713000 Fordham Pre-school 1a Isleham Road FORDHAM Tel: 01638 724183 Primary School Fordham Primary School Tel: 01638 720296 Page 8 Page 5 Breastfeeding Clinics in Cambridge Courses/Post Natal Support Groups Monday Post Natal Group 12:30pm - 2:30pm - Homerton Children’s Centre Holbrook Road, Cambridge CB1 7ST 10:00am - 12:00pm - Wisbech Oasis Children’s Centre, St Michael’s Avenue, Wisbech PE13 3NR Tuesday 11:00am - 12:30pm - Dumbelton Medical Centre, Chapman Way, St Neots PE19 2HD Wednesday 11:30am - 1:30pm - Chesterton Children’s Centre Franks Lane, Chesterton, Cambridge CB4 1TF Thursday 11:30am - 1:00pm - Oaktree Centre, Huntingdon PE29 7HN Friday A post-natal group that offers a supportive and relaxing environment, enabling you and your baby to make new friends. This group is held at Soham Children’s Centre. Please contact Sue Spruce, Nursery Nurse, on 01353 624411 Unfortunately we are unable to provide any creche facilities for older children. Baby Massage Sessions These are a series of classes designed for 5 week old to non-crawling babies, which take place at Soham Children’s Centre. 2:30pm - 4:00pm - Brookfields Health Centre Seymour Street, Cambridge CB1 3DQ You’ll discover ways in which baby massage can benefit you and your baby. It is a great way to relax, have fun together and make new friends. Breastfeeding Support Contact: Sue Spruce on 01353 725568 for further details. To book a place contact Soham Children’s Centre 01353 727188. National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0212 NCT National Helpline: (8am - 10pm) Tel: 0300 330 0771 Again, we are sorry that we are unable to provide any crèche facilities for older children. La Leche League Leader: Rachel O’Leary Tel: 01638 741291 Page 6 Page 7
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