Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church 155 Garfield Ave. • Mineola, N.Y. 11501 Telephone (516) 746-1223 • Fax (516) 294-5311 Hours - Monday through Friday • 9:00 AM - Noon, 1:00 PM - 8:30 PM • Saturdays - 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM • Sundays - 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM October 19, 2014 • Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Clergy Msgr. Robert J. Batule, Pastor Rev. Tomaz Gomide, Associate Pastor Rev. Richard Kammerer, Associate Pastor Rev. Patrick Callan, In Residence Deacon Brian J. Mannix Pastor Emeritus Rev. James C. Bowman Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 PM, 8:00 PM (Spanish) Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM (Portuguese) 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 7:00 PM Daily Mass Schedule Monday Through Friday 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM Parish Website Parish Email Parish Outreach: Telephone (516) 248-4858 • Director - Mrs. Nuria Campos Religious Education: Telephone (516) 294-0631 • Fax (516) 294-0352 • Director - Mrs. Susan Anaischik Music Ministry: Telephone (516) 746-3582 • Director - Mr. Troy Gordon Portuguese & Spanish Ministry: Telephone (516) 746-1223 • Coordinator - Mrs. Carolina Macedo Confessions: Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 PM and by appointment. Baptisms: Portuguese (1st and 3rd Sundays) 1:00 PM • English (2nd and 4th Sundays) 1:00 PM Spanish (1st Sunday of the Month) 1:30 PM Visits To The Sick: Priests and extraordinary ministers regularly visit those confined to home and administer the sacraments. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. Marriages: Registered members of our Parish who wish to be married in Corpus Christi should contact the rectory office at least six months in advance of the wedding date to make arrangements. Devotions: Miraculous Medal Novena, Mondays after 7:30 AM and 9:00 AM Masses. Check the bulletin for various special devotions during the year. R.C.I.A.: Those who wish to become Roman Catholic should contact the Coordinator, Rev. Richard Kammerer, at the rectory. New Parishioners: Are requested to register with the rectory office. You Together Are My Body 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19th, 2014 Corpus Christi Church PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Formed by the Word of God, and nourished by the Eucharist, we strive through prayer, education and service to manifest God’s transforming love in the world, as we work together to become, what we proclaim ourselves to be, CORPUS CHRISTI, THE BODY OF CHRIST. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday, October 20, 2014 – St. Paul of the Cross 7:30 AM Edward Kittle – 9th Anniversary 9:00 AM Bridget Lydon Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:30 AM Joseph B. Vaskas 9:00 AM Alfredo Orrino Wednesday, October 22, 2014 – St. John Paul II 7:30 AM Leroy Barroca 9:00 AM Eileen Araujo Thursday, October 23, 2014 – St. John of Capistrano 7:30 AM James Neilan, Jr. 9:00 AM Jose Goncalves & Isaura Damas Friday, October 24, 2014 – St. Anthony Mary Claret 7:30 AM Domingos Barbosa & Antonio Cirne 9:00 AM Delfim & Georgina Almeida Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:00 AM Greg Peppard 5:00 PM Kathleen Miller – Birth Rem. Marion & Mickey Rowe Isidore G. & Marjorie E. Irace Vicencio Viegas Andrew S. Lubrano Helen Hinck – 5th Anniversary Sunday, October 26, 2014 – 30th Sunday 7:00 AM Antonio P. Lopes, Maria & Joaquim de Sousa 10:00 AM John Wardell – 50th Anniversary 11:30 AM People of Corpus Christi 7:00 PM Patrick Phelan – 2nd Anniversary Banns Of Marriage 1st Time: Duane Spearman, St. Claire, Bronx & Julianne Saitta, Corpus Christi 3rd Time: Paul Harden, St. Hedwig, Floral Park & Mary Ann Rodriguez, St. Aidan, Williston Park WEEKEND MASS PRIEST CELEBRANTS’ SCHEDULE Saturday, October 25th, 2014 5:00 PM Fr. Kammerer 8:00 PM Fr. Tomaz Sunday, October 26th, 2014 7:00 AM Fr. Callan 8:30 AM Fr. Tomaz 10:00 AM Fr. Kammerer 11:30 AM Fr. Callan 7:00 PM Fr. Tomaz STEWARDSHIP CORNER Sharing Time, Talent and Treasure The Bishop’s pastoral letter on stewardship reminds us, “Jesus not only calls people to him but also forms them and sends them out in his service. Being sent on a mission is a consequence of being a disciple.” The collection for October 11/12 = $12,530 The collection for last year at this time = $14,677 The Mass attendance for October 11/12 = 1,510 The number of envelopes used = 520 Weekly Envelopes We request that all of our parishioners be registered. We ask also that our parishioners use envelopes to support Corpus Christi financially on a regular basis. If we see that envelopes are not being used to support the parish regularly, we contact the envelope company and the envelopes are no longer sent through the US mail system except at Christmas and Easter. Using envelopes consistently is the best way for a parish to plan prudently as far as the budget and expenses are concerned. You are also able to support Corpus Christi electronically now. If you are interested in this type of giving, please let us know. A few parishioners choose to do this and our weekly income through regular collections is a few hundred dollars higher each week. Thank you! 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 1 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Corpus Christi Church There seems to be much confusion these days over the meaning of marriage. To bring a little bit of light to this subject, I thought I would reflect on this calling from the Lord in view of another calling from the Lord – the one to celibacy. The Lord’s death on Calvary was from all appearances a crushing defeat; in reality though it was an extraordinary victory for Christ with implications for all His disciples who would hope to embody in their vocational decisions the love which the Cross reveals. The wood of the Cross on which Jesus hung had a vertical and a horizontal beam. We might say that holy matrimony is a witness to the verticality of love or love’s depth. Celibacy, on the other hand, witnesses to the horizontal nature of love or its breadth. As the Cross would not be what it is without its vertical and horizontal beam, so the Body of Christ would not be the Church without the reinforcing witness of marriage and celibacy. The nature of this relationship between marriage and celibacy then is not oppositional but complementary. The complementarity of marriage and celibacy is borne out for us by the fact that physical procreation needs to be complemented by spiritual maternity and paternity. At the same time, maternity and paternity can never be merely spiritual; otherwise, the human family would not grow and the family born of water and the Spirit would not grow, either. The Spirit is given to us, says Saint Paul, that we might become the children of God, joint heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with Him so as to be glorified with Him. (cf. Rom 8:17) Marriage and celibacy, each subject to its own trials in this world, offer a witness that there isn’t anything that can separate us from the love of God in Christ. (cf. Rom 8:39) This witness is present when husband and wife undertake daily the responsibility of honoring the vows they exchanged on their wedding day. The same holds true for the celibate who endeavors to be faithful on a daily basis to the promises he assumed on the day of his ordination. In each case, it is a question of hoping every day to overcome evil with good. The hope of every day anticipates or prefigures the final hope bound up with the redemption of our bodies. (cf. Rom 8:23) Just recently at Mass, we heard on two consecutive days (Monday and Tuesday of the Twenty-Eighth Week) that Christ has set us free for freedom. (cf. Gal 5:1) For spouses and celibates, freedom is attained the same way: through selfmastery, that is, we love chastely according to our state in life. And by chastity, we will see God (cf. Matt 5:8) – no small achievement considering that now we see as if through a glass darkly. (cf. 1 Cor. 13:12) On the last day of the Synod in Rome on The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization which is today (October 19th), Pope Francis beatifies Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) who had the difficult task of defending celibacy and marriage in back to back years – 1967 and 1968 – with the encyclicals Sacerdotalis Caelibatus and Humanae Vitae. May we draw inspiration from his example to give a worthy witness ourselves to these two vocations today. Msgr. Bob Batule Pastor October 19th, 2014 Bulletin Announcements Today, we mark World Mission Sunday and there is a second collection. It will be taken up immediately after the first one at all Masses. The Solemnity of All Saints is Saturday, November 1 st this year. Since it falls on a Saturday, the obligation to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not binding. Nevertheless, we still urge you to attend the morning Mass at 9:00 AM. Registered parishioners who receive envelopes regularly will have no doubt recognized an envelope for the Catholic Ministries Appeal marked October 26th. We realize that some of you may have already contributed in 2014 to the Appeal and we thank you. For those who have not yet contributed, there is the convenience of the envelope you received in the regular mail. Appeal envelopes may be placed in the second collection the last weekend of the month. We are just about at 275 donors to the Catholic Ministries Appeal for this year. We have already eclipsed 60% of our goal ($88,300.00) in pledges. Thank you for your generosity. Let’s see if we can increase the number of donors and perhaps even get close to 70% of our goal. As I have indicated before, no gift is too small. I encourage you to contribute $50.00 or $75.00 at your earliest convenience. According to the latest results, we are 41 donors ahead of the pace for last year at this same time in the Catholic Ministries Appeal. And we are $11,900.00 ahead of the pace for last year at this same time. Thank you so much for your continued generosity! We are very appreciative. We are happy to announce that Pat Gavin and Anne Gallagher will be honored for their long time service to Corpus Christi Parish on Sunday, November 23rd in Fitzgerald Hall at a reception beginning at 4:00 PM. Pat is the Regent of the Court Immaculata, Catholic Daughters of the Americas and Anne is President of the Rosary Altar Society. We invite all to join us. Prior to the reception on Sunday, November 23 rd, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration starting at 3:00 PM. At the conclusion of the Holy Hour there will be Benediction. We extend an invitation to all parishioners to join us at this devotion right before Thanksgiving and the beginning of Advent. Our annual autumn fundraiser is well underway now. Registered and active parishioners received in the mail a letter from the pastor and four (4) chances for four (4) cash prizes, the top one being $3,000.00. Kindly return your tickets within the next few weeks for a shot at winning. The drawing will take place on Sunday, November 23rd in Fitzgerald Hall. On the weekend of November 1st and 2nd, we will offer chances for our annual autumn fundraiser outside of church. If you did not receive chances in the mail and wish to assist the parish financially, please see the parishioners who are selling chances before or after Mass. We need your support for all things Corpus Christi. Please help us meet our financial obligations with your donation. (Continued on the next page) 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 2 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Corpus Christi Church The Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus announces a Family Fun Night at the council on Saturday, October 24 th at 7:30 PM. Admission is free to the council building on Jericho Turnpike in Mineola. There will be entertainment for children along with food and gifts. If you would like to attend, please call Grand Knight Ray Ardunuy at 631 235-9589. October 19th, 2014 Religious Education Update Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014 9:30 AM Gr. 5-6 (Fitzgerald Hall) 10:00 AM Class Mass for Gr. 5 and Gr. 6 Students Several Corpus Christi parishioners are receiving honors at the Religious Education Awards convocation on Tuesday, October 28th at Saint Agnes in Rockville Centre. They are: Russell Miller and Mary Daraio (10 years service); Karen Rosier (20 years service); Evelyn D’Agostino (25 years service) and Dorothy Vann (30 years service). We congratulate them all and thank them for their contributions to our own religious education program. Friday, Oct. 24, 2014 3:30-4:30 New junior lector training (church) The Church prays for All Souls on the 2 nd of November which is a Sunday this year. At the 11:30 AM Mass, those who have been buried from Corpus Christi in the last year will be remembered by name in the Prayer of the Faithful. Deceased family members and friends will be remembered in our Novena of Masses commencing on November 2nd. Kindly return your All Souls envelopes in the collection basket or through the US mail. Food Pantry News The Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus right here in Mineola will make a pitch for new members at Masses on the weekend of November 8th/9th. Catholic men who are 18 years of age and older are eligible to join. The adult faith enrichment offering for the autumn entitled Implications of the New Evangelization has met three times now. You can still join us for the last two sessions on October 22nd and 29th. We are using the series called Catholicism by Fr. Robert Barron. We start at 7:00 PM in the faculty room of the school building on the second floor and we finish by 9:00 PM. The annual Lessons and Carols will be held on Sunday, December 21st at 4:30 PM in the church. The lighting of the tree on Garfield Avenue will take place at 5:30 PM and a reception will follow in Fitzgerald Hall. While this event is still far off, we did not want to apprise you of the date now so that you can plan to be with us just a few days before Christmas. Remember Our Sick Please remember the sick in your daily prayers, including the following who have asked to be included in our list: Tom Azzolini, Vera Barrick, Vinnie Benedetto, Anne Boland, Dianne Bombardi, Marie Byrnes, John Carney, Frank Castellano, Mary Cavanaugh, Manuel DaPonte, Mike Dougherty, Maria Que Duong, Ronald Fox, Joe Fitzgerald, Kenneth Gallagher, Tracy Goon, Robert Hartlett, Anthony Heinrich, Edward Hilbert, Sue Krebs, Raymonde Laramee, Marguerite Leahy, Vincent Lodato, Gail Luksch, Alice Martin, Helen Melvin, Kenneth Mongiardo, William Walter Patterson, Vincent Piliero, Beatriz Silva Pontes, JoAnn Russo, Mary Santucci, Lindy Spaulding, Maria Diana Tran, Michael Torres, Jack Vanchieri, Lorraine Verdade, Lynda Anne Baka-Williams, and any other members of our parish who are sick at this time. Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 9:30 AM Gr. 7-8 (Fitzgerald Hall) 10:00 AM Gr. 7-8 Class Mass Gr. 8 Rite of Enrollment Ceremony The Outreach Office is located in the Lower Church. Please use the outside stairs to enter. Thank you for helping us keep our pantry stocked. God bless you for your weekly donations, they do not go unnoticed. Are you struggling in these difficult economic times? You may be eligible for some assistance. Please contact our Parish Outreach Ministry program (248-4858) to schedule an appointment for a confidential assessment of your situation. There are many programs and services that may offer some relief. We wish to express our gratitude to all our parishioners for their constant care and overwhelming generosity. The Ministry of Consolation The Ministry of Consolation is asking for your support. If you can spare an hour or two every few months, we ask that you consider being a part of this Ministry. Altar Servers, Greeters, and Bakers are needed. This is a very inspirational and rewarding gift of your time and talent. For further information contact Ann Jankay, 248-4615 or Patsy Gavin 741-8095. Nite-At-The-Races On Friday, October 24, 2014 Court Immaculata #444 of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas is sponsoring a Nite-At-The-Races at Fitzgerld Hall: Post Time 7:15 pm. All are invited to join us for this fun-filled evening of meeting and greeting old friends and making new ones. A donation of $15.00 includes admission ticket, light refreshments, soda, coffee, tea and cake. For further ticket information call Gloria at 516-742-8077. 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 3 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Corpus Christi Church Altar Server Schedule Sat., Oct. 25 th Sun., Oct. 26 5:00 PM th 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 7:00 PM N.Garcia/A.Garcia/A.Illiparambil C.Cunha/K.Cunha M.Basel/A.Ondris/C.Crecco J.Rosati/A.Rodrigues/E.Kille K.Roach/D.Roach/M.Dee 50/50 Fund Raiser September’s 50/50 Fund Raiser total was $1,355.00 with $677.50 going to the winner and $677.50 going to the parish. Thank you for supporting the Corpus Christi 50/50. Corpus Christi Parish Memorials Bread & Wine Monday, October 20th, 2014 – 9:00 AM In Loving Memory of Charles A. Melvin Requested by the Family Saturday, October 25th, 2014 – 5:00 PM In Loving Memory of Marjorie & Joseph McCarthy Requested by their Family Catholics for Freedom of Religion Preserving Freedom for All FORMING CONSCIENCES FOR FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP Coming event: Thursday, October 23rd Thomas Renker, Esq., General Counsel for the Diocese of Rockville Centre will be speaking on the current status of religious freedom. Presentation begins at 7:30 pm in the upper-school cafeteria. Telecare will be filming the evening. October 19th, 2014 Comunidad Latinoamericana del Cuerpo de Cristo 29º. DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO MENSAJE DE NUESTRO PASTRO BATULE Como Pastor les pido que consideren el apoyo financiero que ustedes hacen a la Iglesia de Corpus Christi en la Misa del Sábado por la noche con el Padre Tomaz Gomide; los días que se reúnen durante la semana para orar y cantar en el Fitzgerald Hall y en las ocasiones que se reúnen por situaciones especiales. Necesitamos que ustedes contribuyan más financialmente a la Parroquia, de lo que actualmente hacen. Nuestros gastos y facturas son muy altos para la calefacción, el aire acondicionado, luz eléctrica y otros servicios de mantenimiento y limpieza. Y para estos gastos no tenemos reservas para utilizar en el pago de estas facturas. Yo estoy pidiéndoles que cada familia contribuya con $10.00 por semana en la colección semanal de la Misa y deben de comenza AHORA. Nosostros necesitamos que todas las familias contribuyan esto y mucho mas cada semana para continuar nuestra misión de formar discípulos como el modelo de Cristo. La parroquia ha sido muy hospitalarios con ustedes y necesitamos que ahora generosamente con sacrificio nos respondan como otros feligreses de otras misas lo han hecho. Hay muchas partes en el Cuerpo de Cristo, pero el Cuerpo solo es uno. La Parroquia de Corpus Christi tiene muchas partes, pero es una Parroquia. Nosotros nos levantamos juntos y nos caemos juntos. Yo le insisto que hagan una mayor contribución a la Iglesia de Corpus Christi ahora. Hoy contamos que usted dara un paso adelante y hara su contribución. Sinceramente, Msgr. Robert J. Batule Pastor HORARIO DEL PADRE TOMAS GOMIDE Padre Tomaz Gomide estará atendiendo todos los Jueves de 3:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. a todas las personas que deseen algún tramite de Bautizo, Confirmacion, Matrimonio, etc. GRUPO CARISMATICO Todos los Miercoles a las 7:30 p.m. en el cuarto de reuniones de la Iglesia Fitzgeral Hall GRUPO JUVENIL Te invita a sus reuniones todos los Domingos de 1:30 a 3:30 p.m. en el basement de la Iglesia. 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 4 Domingo XXIX do Tempo Comum Corpus Christi Church “Dai a César o que é de César e a Deus o que é de Deus”. (Mateus 22,21) O relacionamento entre a religião e a política tem sido sempre problemático. Existem aqueles que julgam que a Igreja deve estar completamente separada da sociedade civil, preocupando-se somente com as coisas espirituais. E existem aqueles que pensam que a Igreja deve estar metida na política para proteger os pobres e os injustiçados. Na história das nações, muitas vezes a Igreja e o Estado caminhavam de mãos dadas. O rei ou o chefe da nação colocava o Estado a serviço da Igreja e, por outro lado recebia a bênção da Igreja. O rei era coroado pelo bispo e os bispos eram nobres ricos e o papa era o rei dos Estados Pontifícios. Não havia nenhuma separação entre a Igreja e o Estado. Isso nunca deu certo. A Igreja se transformou numa força política e perdeu a sua liderança espiritual. A Igreja tem o direito e deve falar em nome da justiça, deve proteger os direitos dos fracos, mas não pode involucrar-se na política. Quando isso sucede, a Igreja sai sempre a perder. PREPARAÇÃO BAPTISMAL A partir deste mês, a preparação baptismal não mais será feita às 8:30 da noite, mas sim, às 8 horas da noite, todas as últimas quintasfeiras do mês. A inscrição deverá ser feita com antecedência na reitoria da igreja com o padre Tomaz, o que pode ser feito nas quintas-feiras das 3 da tarde às 8 da noite. Para marcar o baptismo é necessário trazer a certidão de nascimento da criança. 19 de Outubro, 2014 Horário do padre Tomaz O padre Tomaz está à disposição das pessoas todas as quintas-feiras das 3 da tarde até as 8 horas da noite. Não há necessidade de marcar apontamento. Marcar Missas em Português para os Domingos Na sexta-feira, dia 7 de Novembro, estará aberto o livro para marcar as intenções para as missas do domingo em português. Não mais que duas intenções por domingo por família. Temos que dar espaço a outros que querem colocar uma intenção por familiares. CRUZEIRO PARA A ESCANDINÁVIA E SÃO PETERSBURGO NA RÚSSIA Data: 25 de Maio a 6 de Junho Preço: $3,295 dólares Inclui passagem aérea de Nova Iorque. Cruzeiro pela Dinamarca, Alemanha, Estónia, Finlândia e Rússia. Impostos, duas noites em Copenhaguen, na Dinamarca. Transferências, pequeno-almoço em Copenhagen Os lugares são limitados. Faça agora a sua inscrição. Trabalhaste muito na vida. Lembrese do ditado: “caixão não tem gavetas”. Celebração dos Fiéis Defuntos Domingo, dia 2 de Novembro, celebramos o dia dedicado aos fiéis defuntos. A missa desse dia será oferecida por todos os falecidos das nossas famílias. Não haverá intenções particulares nessa missa. Lembrem os familiares e amigos: Não podemos nos esquecer dos nossos familiares que já partiram deste mundo. 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 5 Since 1953 Licensed & Insured Visit Our Newly Renovated Showroom For Displays 145 Hillside Ave. Williston Park & Sale Items We Specialize In: Siding • Roofing • Windows Doors • Awnings • Sunrooms • Basements Screen Rooms • Porticos • Carports 49 E. Jericho Tpke., Mineola, NY Mon.-Fri 9-6; Sat 9-5; Sun 12-4 516-746-0460 Jack Gayson Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. 131 Roosevelt Ave., Mineola, NY 516-248-4105 T SONTOS FURS L &S EATHER HEARLING SALES • SERVICE REMODELS • REPAIRS STORAGE 224 Jericho Tpke., Mineola, NY 11501 516.746.5500 $2 OFF Brunch Saturday or Sunday 2 person max. OR 10% OFF check, $15 max. Exp.11-15-14. Dine in Only. Not Valid with other offers. $5.00 OFF ANY SERVICE 574 Willis Ave., Williston Park, NY 11596 (516) 746-0303 2349 JERICHO TURNPIKE GARDEN CITY PARK, NY 11040 516-493-9030 • EATATMOTHERS.COM Drive Thru Service - No Appointments 10 Minute Oil Change THE HALLER AGENCY, INC Bert Mota ASE Master Tech. Parish Member ...and everything else! 43 Roselle St., Mineola, NY 11501 phone: (516) 877-9899 fax: (516) 750-5115 e-mail: John Musella Frank Musella Licensed Master Plumber LIC # 1008 718-470-0808 LIC #2060 516-437-5343 Portuguese & Continental Cuisine Specialty in Seafood Catering Available 241 Mineola Blvd., Mineola 516-742-9797 Trustworthy, Reliable & Knowledgeable • 24 Hr. Emer. Svc. 619A Willis Ave., Williston Park 516-746-3353 WILLISTON PLUMBING COUNTY -WIDE Lic.#2101 • N. Hempstead • Ron Doughty, Pres. Licensed Master Plumber HALLER-ZAREMBA & CO., INC. ALL FORMS OF PERSONAL & COMMERCIAL INSURANCE AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • BUSINESS • LIFE & HEALTH • WEDDING TRAVEL GUARD • FLOOD • BONDS • BUILDERS RISK • LIABILITY 37-02 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718) 359-8300 AUTO FOR NEWLY LICENSED DRIVERS & SENIOR CITIZENS 516-746-2150 • FAX 516-746-2477 328 HILLSIDE AVE., WILLISTON PARK, NY PAPA SORTO’S LACASA LATINA PIZZERIA & RESTAURANT SPECIAL - LARGE PIE $ 9.50 REG. 12.20 1 PER CUSTOMER Bairrada Restaurant Dine-In • Take-Out • Delivery • Catering 144 Jericho Tpke., Mineola 516 877 0008 58E OLD COUNTRY RD.-MINEOLA 516.739.3856 $ Gallagher, Walker, Bianco & Plastaras Attorneys At Law Robert J. Walker, Esq. 98 Willis Avenue, Mineola 516-248-2002 RISTORANTE Family Style Menu Private Room Available For Your Special Event! 159 Jericho Turnpike • Mineola, NY 516.294.4620 Klein, Geier, Lipp, M.D., L.L.P. Gastroenterology Robert Klein, M.D. Steven Geier, M.D. Alan Lipp, M.D. TAPAS & BAR • LATIN FUSION • Established in 1969 “Great Food & Superior Service” • Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools Vincent A. Conti, D.D.S. • Grades 7-12 • Small Class Size Cosmetic & Family • Individualized College Guidance Dentistry • Interscholastic Sports Program 516-280-2802 499 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola • Financial Aid Available for Highly Qualified Local Students 516-280-7795 611 Old Country Rd. • Westbury, NY 516-746-5900 • Fax 516-746-5904 PODIATRIST Internal Medicine Rosa Pereira, D.O. Hue Ly, M.D. Dr. Mark Buthorn, Jr. 80 Windsor Ave., Mineola, NY Terminal: Herb Hill Rd., Glen Cove, NY General Care & Surgery • House Calls • Insurance Accepted 300 Old Country Road, Mineola 747-8222 Member of Parish GULLWING MOTORS, INC. Imported Motorcar Specialists SALES • SERVICE • COLLISION 516-742-3320 300 Old Country Rd., Suite 31, Mineola F: 516-742-3327 100 Windsor Ave. • Mineola, NY Steve & Louis Palumbo 516-294-9380 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® Jim Paterson Agency 483 Jericho Turnpike Mineola, NY 11501 516-248-6809 State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois Wood-Char CHURRASQUEIRA RODIZIO Portuguese Barbeque 100 Herricks Rd., Mineola, NY 11501 516.280.8000 Italian Restaurant Great Food Superior Service 149 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501 516-747-2545 Fax: 516-747-2571 PRECISE AUTO DETAIL 10% OFF MAKING CARS LOOK NEW... 74 Willis Avenue Mineola, NY 11501 Anthony Petito Jr. ...SINCE 1992 WITH AD Large Selection of Tropical Marine Fish, Tanks & Supplies. Small Animal (Exotic) Dept. Exotic Birds & Pet Supplies 176 Jericho Tpke., Mineola 516.739.1015 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 thank you Cantonese, Chinatown Cuisine 516-621-2143/9683 376 Willis Ave., Roslyn Heights FREE Roast Pork Fried Rice 1 Pint w/any $20 Purchase • 1 Qt. w/any $30 Purchase Take-Out • With Coupon Please patronize the businesses that advertise in your bulletin and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. If you would like to advertise in this bulletin please contact John Patrick Publishing (800) 333-3166 ext. 161 516-294-8346 416 Corpus Christi, Mineola, NY (i) (UPS) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Stuart S. Rubin, DDS, PC “Serving Our Customers Since 1960” SCHEURER MONUMENTS FG Est. 1855 - Open 7 Days All Phases of General Dentistry FRANCHINA & GIORDANO, P.C. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW 230 Mineola Blvd. Mineola APPLIANCES & TV INC 248-3623 294 Hillside Ave., Williston Park 516-248-6767 A Family Owned and Operated Auto Service Center Caring For Your Car And Servicing The Brakes • Steering • State Inspection Community For Over 60 Years All Major Repairs MARY P. GIORDANO MARIA DEMARCO BEGLEY A/C & Heating Service 10% Parishioner Discount on Any Work When You Mention This Ad. 516.742.0010 61 Willis Ave., Mineola Mon-Fri 7am-6pm MARIANNE A. SIMONI 1050 Franklin Ave., Ste. 302 • Garden City, NY 11530 516-877-7500 • Fax: 516-877-7743 GRAMMAN PLUMBING & HEATING • • • • Repairs Boiler Installation Back Flow Testing We Take Care of All your Plumbing Needs! We Accept OVER 50 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE 356 Westbury Avenue, Carle Place 516-746-0045 BISCUITS & BARBEQUE GREAT BARBEQUE Louisiana Specialties Mineola’s Best Kept Secret! 516-493-9797 106 E. Second St., Mineola 2 Blocks East of Roslyn Rd. Professional Legal Guidance Parishioner 92 Main St., Mineola, NY 11501 516.742.0031 Lunch • Dinner 516-294-0725 10% Off Any Service Mon. or Tues. 169 Second St. Mineola, NY 11501 Kevin & Colleen Hanrahan 333-0251 Family Dental Care Eugene Simons D.D.S General & Cosmetic Dentistry 331 Willis Ave., Mineola 746-5050 INTEREST FREE PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE Office Hours: Se Habla Español KUCK’S DELI & YOGURT SHOP Catering For All Occasions Home Made Specialties Toda Clase de Articulos Religiosos Party Heros 3 to 6 Feet Long Incienso • Velas • Perfumes 141 Mineola Blvd., Mineola, NY Aceites • Rosavios • Estatuas PHONE: 516-746-4729 516-334-0173 • 146 Post Ave., Westbury Lunes a Sabado 10am-7pm FAX: 516-747-3273 Jane Café Restaurant, Inc. (Opposite Holy Rood Cemetery) Serving All Cemeteries Monuments, Lettering & Mausoleums Repair & Cleaning The Gentlemen of the Appliance Industry ELDER LAW • WILLS • TRUSTS • ESTATES EMILY F. FRANCHINA 23 Post Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 Monday 10-7pm • Tuesday 11-8pm Wednesday 11-8pm • Thursday 10-7pm Friday 10-6pm • Saturday 9-2pm Participating Provider for Most Insurance Plans Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Thinking of moving or selling you Una Walsh Broker Owner home in the Mineola area. Please contact: Frances or Domenica Barbuto Licensed Sales Associates - Coach Realtors 24 Hillside Avenue Williston Park, New York 11596 Office: 516-248-9494 Cell: 516-639-6668 FLORAL HOMES 266-19 Hillside Ave., Floral Park, NY 11004 Phone: 718-343-4200 • Home: 516-354-1971 Cell: 516-220-8993 • Fax: 718-343-4936 Email: • PARK FUNERAL CHAPELS Generations of Dignified Personal Service Vincent B. Lanza, Funeral Director 2175 Jericho Tpke. PALACIOS LAW GROUP 516-747-4300 Se Habla Español ACCIDENTS • BANKRUPTCY • CRIMINAL LAW • FAMILY LAW • IMMIGRATION • REAL ESTATE • 15 ROSLYN RD., MINEOLA, NY 11501 • (516) 873-8783 MOC AUTO CENTER, LLC D. Reis JC ORGANIZING We love the jobs you hate. Free Estimates. Attic/Basement Declutter, House Organizing, Garage Declutter, Deck/Fence Staining, Refinish Hardwood Floors, Powerwashing, etc. Fine Furniture and Architectural Woodwork 327 Sagamore Avenue • Mineola, NY 11501 Domingos Reis, President/Parishioner Tel: (516) 248-5676 Fax: (516) 746-5223 Jay Carlos (516) 633-4971 State Farm ® Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 516-741-7577 J. Garcia Pereira Painting & Decorating Residential • Commericial Interior & Exterior 257 Horton Highway, Mineola, NY Cell: 361-6634 Timothy J. Dalton Licensed Funeral Director New York & Florida Mon-Fri 8-6 • Sat 8-1 Funeral Directors OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY SINCE 1949 Agent 174 Hillside Ave., Williston Park Parishioners: Maureen Corrigan Maria S. Cunha Falomos Hablamos Portugues Español 222 HERRICKS RD. • MINEOLA, NY 11501 516-746-1371 • 516-746-1865 WEIGAND BROS., INC. Providing Insurance and Financial Services Pete Masterson, LUTC, Foreign & Domestic Cars & Trucks COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE NYS Inspection • ASE Certified Technicians • Extended Warranties Honored Need Help with LOVE ONES or HOUSEHOLD?? SENIOR CARE BABYSITTERS -Cleaning Service DivisionLive-in/out. FT/PT (Drivers) WE DO BACKGROUND CHECKS. PRINCE AGENCY 516-482-7467 Glamour Tile Stone & Glass “Distinctive Funeral Service” 746-4484 49 HILLSIDE AVE. (CORNER OF NASSAU BLVD.) WILLISTON PARK, N.Y. 11596 K’S AUTO 344 JERICHO TPK., MINEOLA, NY Foreign & Domestic F: 516-246-9524 • 74 Willis Ave., Mineola, NY 11501 $50 OFF Any Purchase $500 or More! (516) 248-5546 516-246-9522 • 516-246-9523 THOMAS F. DALTON Funeral Homes Inc. (516) 354-0634 27-29 Atlantic Avenue, Floral Park, NY 11001 125 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 412 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, NY 11596 Chapels also available in Levittown & Hicksville Your Local Family Owned Funeral Home Since 1924 416 Corpus Christi, Mineola, NY (b) (UPS) Fax: (516) 354-0472 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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