Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church 155 Garfield Ave. • Mineola, N.Y. 11501 Telephone (516) 746-1223 • Fax (516) 294-5311 Hours - Monday through Friday • 9:00 AM - Noon, 1:00 PM - 8:30 PM • Saturdays - 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM • Sundays - 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM December 28, 2014 • The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Parish Clergy Msgr. Robert J. Batule, Pastor Rev. Tomaz Gomide, Associate Pastor Rev. Richard Kammerer, Associate Pastor Rev. Patrick Callan, In Residence Deacon Brian J. Mannix Pastor Emeritus Rev. James C. Bowman Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00 PM, 8:00 PM (Spanish) Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM (Portuguese) 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 7:00 PM Daily Mass Schedule Monday Through Friday 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM Parish Website Parish Email Parish Outreach: Telephone (516) 248-4858 • Director - Mrs. Nuria Campos Religious Education: Telephone (516) 294-0631 • Fax (516) 294-0352 • Director - Mrs. Susan Anaischik Music Ministry: Telephone (516) 746-3582 • Director - Mr. Troy Gordon Portuguese & Spanish Ministry: Telephone (516) 746-1223 • Coordinator - Fr. Tomaz Gomide Confessions: Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 PM and by appointment. Baptisms: Portuguese (1st and 3rd Sundays) 1:00 PM • English (2nd and 4th Sundays) 1:00 PM Spanish (1st Sunday of the Month) 1:30 PM Visits To The Sick: Priests and extraordinary ministers regularly visit those confined to home and administer the sacraments. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. Marriages: Registered members of our Parish who wish to be married in Corpus Christi should contact the rectory office at least six months in advance of the wedding date to make arrangements. Devotions: Miraculous Medal Novena, Mondays after 7:30 AM and 9:00 AM Masses. Check the bulletin for various special devotions during the year. R.C.I.A.: Those who wish to become Roman Catholic should contact the Coordinator, Rev. Richard Kammerer, at the rectory. New Parishioners: Are requested to register with the rectory office. You Together Are My Body The Holy Family December 28th, 2014 Corpus Christi Church PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Formed by the Word of God, and nourished by the Eucharist, we strive through prayer, education and service to manifest God’s transforming love in the world, as we work together to become, what we proclaim ourselves to be, CORPUS CHRISTI, THE BODY OF CHRIST. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday, December 29, 2014 7:30 AM Dympna Fee 9:00 AM Stephen P. Zido Tuesday, December 30, 2014 7:30 AM Leroy Barroca 9:00 AM Lynn T. Hogarty Wednesday, December 31, 2014 7:30 AM Bridget McGrath 9:00 AM Rev. James Gilhooley 5:00 PM Living & Deceased Family and Friends of the Bordonaro Family 5:00 PM People of Corpus Christi Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God MASSES Wednesday, December 31st, 2014 Vigil Masses 5:00 P.M., 7:00 P.M. Thursday, January 1, 2015 9:00 A.M., 12:05 P.M. A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION Thursday, January 1, 2015 – Mary the Holy Mother 9:00 AM John de Almeida 12:05 PM Kitty T. Connors Friday, January 2, 2015 – Sts. Basil & Gregory Nazianzen 7:30 AM Doris C. Neger 9:00 AM Len Hickson Saturday, January 3, 2015 9:00 AM Deceased buried from Corpus Christi in November 2014 (see page 4) 5:00 PM Larry Egan, Sr. Deceased Members of the Whelan Family Mary Bergius and John & Loretta Garvey Marie Piccione Virginia Spae Maria Angelica Cunha Sunday, January 4, 2015 – The Epiphany of the Lord 7:00 AM Catherine Walsh 10:00 AM Amos Reilly 11:30 AM People of Corpus Christi 7:00 PM Palma Errico Please Pray For The Deceased Angelina Scheppa Anna Falotico WEEKEND MASS PRIEST CELEBRANTS SCHEDULE Saturday, January 3rd, 2015 5:00 8:00 PM PM Fr. Kammerer Fr. Tomaz Sunday, January 4th, 2015 7:00 8:30 10:00 11:30 7:00 AM AM AM AM PM Msgr. Batule Fr. Tomaz Msgr. Batule Fr. Kammerer Fr. Kammerer Hospitality Volunteers Needed The Hospitality Committee provides refreshments and food in connection with Liturgical Celebrations and Religious Education meetings in order to encourage fellowship within Corpus Christi Parish. We are looking for volunteers (men, women and young people) to join our committee. Please call Maryann at 747-4761 if you are interested. 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 1 The Holy Family December 28th, 2014 Corpus Christi Church What follows is a reflection on the Christmas mystery. Although Christmas Day is over, we continue to ponder the meaning of the Word becoming flesh right on up through the Baptism of the Lord. In the gospel for the Mass at Midnight, the evangelist describes the Infant’s birth as having taken place in Bethlehem. (cf. Lk 2:4) After the birth, the Virgin wraps the Christ Child in swaddling clothes and lays him in a manger. (cf. Lk 2:7) Apart from the Holy Family, the only persons present for this blessed event are the shepherds. (cf. Lk 2:8) They are, as the text indicates, astonished at what has occurred and the angels announce to them a message of great joy: “For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.” (Lk 2:11) It’s not just the wonder and awe of the shepherds which should catch our attention. For the gospel says of them that they are living in the fields, keeping the night watch over their flock. (cf. Lk 2:8) The shepherds are completely devoted to the work at hand. The fields constitute both their work and living space at the same time. For the shepherds, there is no time away, no distance or separation. Work and living are not neatly compartmentalized, each with its own distinct allotments and priorities. For their dedication and commitment, the shepherds are deserving of commendation and praise. What word is fitting for them? Surely, we cannot call them “fair” or “mediocre”; no, they are much better than these assessments. Let us call them good then. On second thought, let us call them not good enough. In the course of His public ministry, Jesus is asked what good must be done to gain eternal life. (cf. Matt 19:16; Mk 10:17 and Lk 18:18) To attain eternal life, Jesus answers, one must keep the commandments. (cf. Matt 19:17; Mk 10:19 and Lk 18:20) But there is more to this encounter between Jesus and the rich young man. Jesus adds, in the accounts rendered by Saint Mark and Saint Luke, that no one is good but God alone. (cf. Mk 10:18; Lk 18:19) Explaining this remark of Jesus, Pope Saint John Paul II writes in Veritatis Splendor (1993) that “[o]nly God can answer the question about what is good, because he is the Good itself.” (9) There is no denying the Incarnation is a very big mystery. It has to be – creation is correspondingly very big. However, the restoration of creation begins very small. It begins with a Baby. And in the manger, that Baby is a Shepherd even if He is yet to identify Himself as such. Christmas reveals the radical incompleteness of earthly things. The gospel tells us that magi from the east (cf. Matt 2:1) came to Bethlehem and offered the Infant gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. (cf. Matt 2:11) One interpretation of Little Christmas is that the magi were kings. If so, their kingship now becomes forever subordinate to Christ’s eternal kingship. As committed and faithful as the shepherds are living in the fields, they are seeing for the first time in the birth of Christ what it means to be a good shepherd. (Continued on the next column) Jesus proclaims Himself to be the Good Shepherd in Saint John’s Gospel. (cf. Jn 10:10) He guides and directs even from the manger. He can do this because the wood of the manger is like the wood of the Cross. The Cross is the gate to which Jesus refers in the tenth chapter of the Fourth Gospel. (cf. Jn 10:9) Whoever enters through the gate of the Cross finds life, an abundance of it. (cf. Jn 10:10) All shepherding, then, remains unfulfilled until it can promise eternal life. In the One Who lies in the Bethlehem manger, the promise of eternal life has indeed been actualized. To share in it ourselves, we must follow wherever the Lord leads, careful to hear His voice above the cacophony of other voices, and making His word the very center of our lives – not just on Christmas Day of course but every day. The shepherds living in the fields, through their encounter with divine goodness, have already started to become good themselves. And they have also made known the message about the Christ Child by telling others, according to the evangelist’s description. (cf. Lk 2:17) That is how our goodness grows and deepens – by taking up in a most serious way the demands of the new evangelization. We who are baptized and confirmed, we who share in the Holy Eucharist have a responsibility to imitate the heralding of the shepherds even if we do not live in the fields as they did. The goodness of the Christ Child in Bethlehem was announced by a multitude of the heavenly host. (cf. Lk 2:13) May we sing with them: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” (Lk 2:14) Msgr. Bob Batule Pastor Bulletin Announcements The rectory office closes on Wednesday, December 31st at 12 noon in observance of the Holy Day of Obligation on Thursday, January 1st. It re-opens on Friday, January 2nd at 9:00 AM. The first day of the new year (2015) is the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. There are two Vigil Masses on Wednesday, December 31st at 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM. And there are two Masses on Thursday, January 1st at 9:00 AM and 12:05 PM. Please note well that there is no evening Mass on January 1st and there is no Mass at 7:00 AM or 7:30 AM. Lectors and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are reminded that their Christmas gifts are in the small room off the lobby of the church. The box of gifts will remain there through the 1st of January and then it will be removed. (Continued on the next page) 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 2 The Holy Family As we get ready to close out the current year, I take a moment to thank all those who assisted us in getting the church ready for our celebration of Christmas. In particular, I am thankful to the maintenance staff for all the work they did in decorating the inside and outside of the church building; to the sacristans who helped in getting the sanctuary prepared for Masses on the Eve of Christmas and the Day itself; to the ushers who greeted church-goers and helped with the collections; the lectors and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion who carried out their liturgical roles; the altar servers for adding to the dignity of our worship and the ladies who cared for our liturgical linens. This is a last reminder about the availability of calendars for 2015. If you haven’t already availed yourself of one, please see an usher before or after Mass this weekend. You will also find the calendars on the tables near the doors of the church. As we get ready to start a new calendar year, I encourage all of our parishioners to renew their resolve to support Corpus Christi financially to the best of their ability. As you know, inclement weather is always a problem in January and February and this most assuredly cuts into Mass attendance and our collections in the early part of every year. If the weather prevents you from getting out to Mass, we would be deeply appreciative if you sent us your envelopes through the regular mail. We need to maintain the current pace of offerings to the parish in order to exercise a prudent stewardship of our resources. As we get ready to commence a new calendar year, I urge you once again to take up a generous and sacrificial support of Corpus Christi in the three areas of stewardship: time, talent and treasure. We ask you to commit to all three areas so that the Body of Christ may be built up by worship, education and service. All three elements (worship, education and service) are constitutive of our Catholic faith and the way that we honor all three is by being good stewards of time, talent and treasure. Happy New Year! May the God of heaven and earth bless you with peace and health now and in the days to come. Altar Server Schedule st Wed., Dec. 31 Thurs., Jan. 1 Sat., Jan. 3 rd Sun., Jan. 4 th st 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 12:05 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 7:00 PM December 28th, 2014 Corpus Christi Church A.Santoli/E.Kille/J.DeSousa A.Lima/C.Lima A.Mendes/M.Mendes/G.Palumbo C.Cunha/K.Cunha/N.Cunha L.Verdade/A.Vaz/K.Pereira R.Laurice/M.Amican N.Baker/D.Galan/T.Jacob D.Crecco/C.Crecco/N.Schmitt J.Keesee/J.James/J.James STEWARDSHIP CORNER Sharing Time, Talent and Treasure Joseph’s obedience to God was not a one-time thing. His attention to the Angel’s warning kept Jesus from being murdered by Herod and led to the fulfillment of the prophecy that the Messiah would be a Nazorean. Fidelity to God’s will assures the best use of my talents, too! The collection for December 13/14 = $16,892 The collection for last year at this time = $15,017 The Mass attendance for December 13/14 = 1,691 The number of envelopes used = 584 Weekly Envelopes We request that all of our parishioners be registered. We ask also that our parishioners use envelopes to support Corpus Christi financially on a regular basis. If we see that envelopes are not being used to support the parish regularly, we contact the envelope company and the envelopes are no longer sent through the US mail system except at Christmas and Easter. Using envelopes consistently is the best way for a parish to plan prudently as far as the budget and expenses are concerned. You are also able to support Corpus Christi electronically now. If you are interested in this type of giving, please let us know. A few parishioners choose to do this and our weekly income through regular collections is a few hundred dollars higher each week. Thank you! Catholics for Religious Freedom Preserving religious freedom for all “Religious freedom, an essential requirement of the dignity of every person, is a cornerstone of the structure of human rights,” said Pope John Paul II (12/16/87) Upcoming Events: 1/11/15 Religious Freedom Sunday 1/16/15 National Religious Freedom Day 1/21/15 CFFR meeting Msgr. Kirwin Hall 7:30 PM 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 3 The Holy Family Corpus Christi Church Remember Our Sick Please remember the sick in your daily prayers, including the following who have asked to be included in our list: Tom Azzolini, Vera Barrick, Vinnie Benedetto, Dianne Bombardi, Marie Byrnes, John Carney, Frank Castellano, Mary Cavanaugh, Vincent Ciurleo, Manuel DaPonte, Mike Dougherty, Maria Que Duong, Virginia Fallon, Ronald Fox, Joe Fitzgerald, Kenneth Gallagher, Tracy Goon, Robert Hartlett, Anthony Heinrich, Edward Hilbert, Sue Krebs, Christopher Lally, Raymonde Laramee, Marguerite Leahy, Vincent Lodato, Gail Luksch, Alice Martin, Helen Melvin, Kenneth Mongiardo, William Walter Patterson, Vincent Piliero, Beatriz Silva Pontes, JoAnn Russo, Mary Santucci, Lindy Spaulding, Maria Diana Tran, Michael Torres, Jack Vanchieri, Lorraine Verdade, Lynda Anne Baka-Williams, and any other members of our parish who are sick at this time. The 9:00 AM Mass on January 3rd, is in honor of the deceased buried from Corpus Christi in November 2014: Jose S. Gaspar Paola Averaimo Teresa Veltre John Devlin (buried from another parish) December 28th, 2014 COMUNIDAD LATINOAMERICANA DEL CUERPO DE CRISTO LA SAGRADA FAMILIA La familia de Jesus de Nazareth nos ensena a las familias de hoy en dia a vivir en la Fe, a fundar sus bases en el Amor, a vivir en la Luz que solo Jesucristo nos da para los momentos de alegría, para las dificultades que las familias atraviesan. La familia de Nazareth nos ensena a estar con las manos abiertas a la bondad y al necesitado. A vivir en la Paz que solos los verdaderos Hijos de Dios saben tener. MISA DE AŃO NUEVO La misa de Año nuevo será el Miércoles 31, a las 7:30 p.m; en los tres Idiomas Portugues, Ingles y Español, unidos con todos nuestros hermanos de Corpus Christi FIESTA DE AŃO NUEVO Recibamos el Año nuevo junto con nuestros hermanos de Corpus Christi y el Padre Tomaz Gomide, el dia Miércoles 31 de Diciembre, después de celebrar la misa de Año Nuevo: Adultos $ 35.00, Niños de 8 a 15 años $ 15.00 menores de 8 años no pagan, pero no tienen derecho a silla. Ven y celebremos la llegada de 2015 Religious Education Update Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014 9:30 AM Gr. 7-8 (Fitzgerald Hall) 10:00 AM Gr. 7-8 Class Mass Sunday, January 4, 2015 9:30 AM Gr. 1-2 (Fitzgerald Hall) 10:00 AM Gr. 1-2 Class Mass Tuesday, January 6, 2015 - Classes resume Wednesday, January 7, 2015 6:30 PM First Holy Communion Teacher Meeting “20 Minutes with the Director” January 4 Grades 1 and 2 January 11 Grades 3 and 4 January 18 Grades 5 and 6 January 25 Grades 7 and 8 FELIZ AŃO NUEVO, TE DESEAMOS LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA, DESEANDOTE QUE ESTE NUEVO AŃO TU PROPOSITO PRICIPAL SEA EL ACERCARTE MAS A DIOS, CONOCIENDO MAS LA GRANDESA DEL MISTERIO DE DIOS, Y SOLO CONOCIENDO A JESUCRISTO PODEMOS CONOCERLO Y PARA LLEGAR A EL DEBEMOS CAMINAR POR EL CAMINO DE HACER SU VOLUNTA, EL CAMINO DE LA HUMILDAD, EL CAMINO DE SER POBRES, QUE NECESITAMOS DE DIOS, EL CAMINO DE QUE SOMOS PECADORES, PORQUE SOLO ASI TENDREMOS LA SALVACION (Papa Francisco) 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 4 Festa da Sagrada Família Corpus Christi Church “Senhor, que na Sagrada Família nos destes um modelo de vida, concedei que, imitando as suas virtudes familiares e o seu espírito de caridade, possamos um dia reunir-nos na vossa casa…” (oração colecta) Através do Natal, Deus entrou na história e assumiu a totalidade da condição humana, menos o pecado. A narrativa da experiência de Jesus está nos Evangelhos. José e Maria entregam-se à providência divina, seguindo, com Jesus, todas as prescrições da Lei Judaica. Desde a infância de Jesus a Sagrada Família é perseguida e fogem para o Egipto. Apesar de ser uma família sagrada, eles compartem as alegrias e sofrimentos de toda família. O Livro do Ben-Sirá nos apresenta os fundamentos de uma família orientada pela Lei de Deus. A família é o templo mais importante de Deus. Nela as pessoas aprendem a convivência, o amor, o respeito. São Paulo, na Carta aos Colossenses, nos apresenta os princípios fundamentais que devem orientar as famílias. Honrar pai e mãe é um dos mandamentos da Lei de Deus. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, os pais têm os seus deveres para com os filhos. Jesus, Maria e José são para nós os modelos de uma família fiel a Deus. AVISOS 28 de Dezembro, 2014 No preço não estão incluídas as bebidas. Tickets na reitoria da igreja. Missa de Ano Novo No dia 31 de Dezembro vou celebrar missa às 7 horas da noite. A missa será celebrada em inglês. Aqueles que vem à festa de Ano Novo poderão vir a essa missa e depois descerem para a festa no salão paroquial. CRUZEIRO PELA ESCANDINAVIA E SÃO PETERSBURGO. Procurem fazer suas reservas. O espaço é limitado. 13 dias: de 25 de Maio a 6 de Junho Preço: $3295 Podem pegar os folhetos na reitoria da igreja. Não deixe para depois, pois, por esse preço, as cabines vão ser vendidas brevemente. MISSAS DURANTE A SEMANA Na sexta-feira, dia 9 de Janeiro, haverá missa em português às 8 horas da noite. Se alguém quiser marcar intenções para essa missa, poderá fazê-lo nas quartas ou quintas-feiras. HORÁRIO PARA O ANO NOVO PASSAGEM DO ANO NOVO A reitoria estará fechada a partir do meio-dia do dia 31, quarta-feira, e reabrirá somente na sexta-feira, dia 2, às 9 horas da manhã. Na quarta-feira, dia 31 de Dezembro, teremos a nossa festa de Passagem do Ano Novo no salão da igreja. O preço é de 35 dólares por pessoa. Criança até os 7 anos de idade não pagam, mas não tem direito à cadeira. Dos 8 anos até os 14 anos, o preço é 15 dólares. DESEJAMOS A TODOS UM ANO DE 2015 CHEIO DE SAÚDE E DE MUITAS BÊNÇÃOS DE DEUS. 416 – Corpus Christi – Page 5 Bert Mota Gallagher, Walker, Bianco & Plastaras Attorneys At Law Robert J. Walker, Esq. 98 Willis Avenue, Mineola 516-248-2002 ASE Master Tech. Parish Member RISTORANTE Family Style Menu Private Room Available For Your Special Event! 159 Jericho Turnpike • Mineola, NY 516.294.4620 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto 145 Hillside Ave. Williston Park Jack Gayson Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. 131 Roosevelt Ave., Mineola, NY 516-248-4105 conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! PRECISE AUTO DETAIL 10% OFF Sushi Bar • Hibachi 516-873-8818 • We Deliver 949 Franklin Ave., Garden City, NY 11530 Special -15% Off Check ...SINCE 1992 WITH AD Anthony Petito Jr. 516-294-8346 Klein, Geier, Lipp, M.D., L.L.P. Gastroenterology Robert Klein, M.D. Steven Geier, M.D. Alan Lipp, M.D. Internal Medicine Rosa Pereira, D.O. Hue Ly, M.D. 300 Old Country Rd., Suite 31, Mineola 516-294-9380 WILLIS HOBBIES We Got The Fun Since 1949 300 Willis Ave., Mineola, NY 516-746-3944 • Steve Ford • LACASA LATINA 516-280-7795 GULLWING MOTORS, INC. Imported Motorcar Specialists SALES • SERVICE • COLLISION 516-742-3320 F: 516-742-3327 100 Windsor Ave. • Mineola, NY Steve & Louis Palumbo FREE Roast Pork Fried Rice 1 Pint w/any $20 Purchase • 1 Qt. w/any $30 Purchase Take-Out • With Coupon Trustworthy, Reliable & Knowledgeable • 24 Hr. Emer. Svc. 619A Willis Ave., Williston Park 516-746-3353 WILLISTON PLUMBING COUNTY -WIDE Lic.#2101 • N. Hempstead • Ron Doughty, Pres. Licensed Master Plumber 37-02 Main Street Flushing, NY 11354 (718) 359-8300 TAPAS & BAR • LATIN FUSION • Established in 1969 “Great Food & Superior Service” 611 Old Country Rd. • Westbury, NY Cantonese, Chinatown Cuisine 516-621-2143/9683 376 Willis Ave., Roslyn Heights ...and everything else! 43 Roselle St., Mineola, NY 11501 phone: (516) 877-9899 fax: (516) 750-5115 e-mail: John Musella Frank Musella Licensed Master Plumber LIC # 1008 718-470-0808 LIC #2060 516-437-5343 Sushi Ya MAKING CARS LOOK NEW... 74 Willis Avenue Mineola, NY 11501 • Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools • Grades 7-12 • Small Class Size • Individualized College Guidance • Interscholastic Sports Program • Financial Aid Available for Highly Qualified Local Students Dr. Mark Buthorn, Jr. Like a good neighbor, ® PODIATRIST State Farm is there. Jim Paterson Agency General Care & Surgery • House Calls • Insurance Accepted 483 Jericho Turnpike Mineola, NY 11501 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 T SONTOS FURS L &S EATHER HEARLING SALES • SERVICE REMODELS • REPAIRS STORAGE Italian Restaurant 224 Jericho Tpke., Mineola, NY 11501 516.746.5500 516-248-6809 300 Old Country Road, Mineola 747-8222 Member of Parish Wood-Char 516-746-5900 • Fax 516-746-5904 CHURRASQUEIRA RODIZIO Portuguese State Farm Insurance Companies Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois Barbeque 80 Windsor Ave., Mineola, NY 100 Herricks Rd., Mineola, NY 11501 Terminal: Herb Hill Rd., Glen Cove, NY 516.280.8000 $5.00 OFF ANY SERVICE 574 Willis Ave., Williston Park, NY 11596 (516) 746-0303 Drive Thru Service - No Appointments 10 Minute Oil Change Great Food Superior Service 149 Mineola Blvd. Mineola, NY 11501 516-747-2545 Fax: 516-747-2571 1 Long Beach Road Island Park, NY 11558 516-432-0300 416 Corpus Christi, Mineola, NY (i) (UPS) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • Stuart S. Rubin, DDS, PC “Serving Our Customers Since 1960” SCHEURER MONUMENTS FG Est. 1855 - Open 7 Days All Phases of General Dentistry 230 Mineola Blvd. Mineola FRANCHINA & GIORDANO, P.C. APPLIANCES & TV INC The Gentlemen of the Appliance Industry 248-3623 ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW 294 Hillside Ave., Williston Park 516-248-6767 ELDER LAW • WILLS • TRUSTS • ESTATES EMILY F. FRANCHINA A Family Owned and Operated Auto Service Center Caring For Your Car And Servicing The Brakes • Steering • State Inspection Community For Over 60 Years All Major Repairs MARY P. GIORDANO MARIA DEMARCO BEGLEY A/C & Heating Service 10% Parishioner Discount on Any Work When You Mention This Ad. 516.742.0010 61 Willis Ave., Mineola Mon-Fri 7am-6pm MARIANNE A. SIMONI Parishioner 1050 Franklin Ave., Ste. 302 • Garden City, NY 11530 516-877-7500 • Fax: 516-877-7743 Se Habla Español GRAMMAN Repairs Boiler Installation Back Flow Testing We Take Care of All your Plumbing Needs! We love the jobs you hate. Free Estimates. Attic/Basement Declutter, House Organizing, Garage Declutter, Deck/Fence Staining, Refinish Hardwood Floors, Powerwashing, etc. Toda Clase de Articulos Religiosos Incienso • Velas • Perfumes Aceites • Rosavios • Estatuas 516-334-0173 • 146 Post Ave., Westbury Jay Carlos (516) 633-4971 Lunes a Sabado 10am-7pm We Accept Una Walsh Broker Owner OVER 50 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE 516-746-0045 Thinking of moving or selling you home in the Mineola area. Please contact: Frances or Domenica Barbuto Licensed Sales Associates - Coach Realtors 24 Hillside Avenue Williston Park, New York 11596 Office: 516-248-9494 Cell: 516-639-6668 Vincent B. Lanza, Funeral Director 2175 Jericho Tpke. M E N S W E A R N SPECIAL PROMOTIO INCREDIBLE PR ICES 50% OFF Selected Items Richard Harris / 468-6869/414-2244 w/coupon. Cannot be combined w/any other offer. Exp. 12-31-14 234A Jericho Tpk., Mineola, NY 11501 (Across From Jericho Terrace) 516-468-6869 • 516-414-2244 Agent 174 Hillside Ave., Williston Park 516-741-7577 Parishioners: Maureen Corrigan Maria S. Cunha Falomos Hablamos Portugues Español Timothy J. Dalton Licensed Funeral Director New York & Florida 331 Willis Ave., Mineola 746-5050 INTEREST FREE PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE Office Hours: Monday 10-7pm • Tuesday 11-8pm Wednesday 11-8pm • Thursday 10-7pm Friday 10-6pm • Saturday 9-2pm Participating Provider for Most Insurance Plans Residential • Commericial Interior & Exterior 257 Horton Highway, Mineola, NY Cell: 361-6634 FLORAL HOMES KUCK’S DELI & YOGURT SHOP Catering For All Occasions Home Made Specialties Party Heros 3 to 6 Feet Long 141 Mineola Blvd., Mineola, NY PHONE: 516-746-4729 FAX: 516-747-3273 Glamour Tile Stone & Glass TEL: 516-279-4400 516-747-4300 WWW.PUCNY.COM X-RAYS ON-SITE LAB MOC AUTO CENTER, LLC Fine Furniture and Architectural Woodwork 327 Sagamore Avenue • Mineola, NY 11501 Domingos Reis, President/Parishioner Tel: (516) 248-5676 Fax: (516) 746-5223 Foreign & Domestic Cars & Trucks COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE NYS Inspection • ASE Certified Technicians • Extended Warranties Honored 222 HERRICKS RD. • MINEOLA, NY 11501 516-746-1371 • 516-746-1865 Mon-Fri 8-6 • Sat 8-1 WEIGAND BROS., INC. Funeral Directors OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY SINCE 1949 “Distinctive Funeral Service” 746-4484 49 HILLSIDE AVE. (CORNER OF NASSAU BLVD.) WILLISTON PARK, N.Y. 11596 K’S AUTO 344 JERICHO TPK., MINEOLA, NY Foreign & Domestic F: 516-246-9524 • 74 Willis Ave., Mineola, NY 11501 $50 OFF Any Purchase $500 or More! (516) 248-5546 516-246-9522 • 516-246-9523 PARKING IN REAR MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED, REASONABLE SELFPAY FEES WE ACCEPT CHECK, CASH AND MOST MAJOR CREDIT CARDS D. Reis Pete Masterson, LUTC, Eugene Simons D.D.S General & Cosmetic Dentistry 210 OLD COUNTRY ROAD MINEOLA, NY 11501 (NEXT TO CHASE BANK) Generations of Dignified Personal Service Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 333-0251 Family Dental Care WALK-IN FOR ADULTS PEDIATRIC PARK FUNERAL CHAPELS State Farm® Kevin & Colleen Hanrahan 266-19 Hillside Ave., Floral Park, NY 11004 Phone: 718-343-4200 • Home: 516-354-1971 Cell: 516-220-8993 • Fax: 718-343-4936 Email: • 356 Westbury Avenue, Carle Place Providing Insurance and Financial Services (Opposite Holy Rood Cemetery) Serving All Cemeteries Monuments, Lettering & Mausoleums Repair & Cleaning Garcia Pereira JC ORGANIZING J. Painting & Decorating PLUMBING & HEATING • • • • 23 Post Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 THOMAS F. DALTON Funeral Homes Inc. (516) 354-0634 27-29 Atlantic Avenue, Floral Park, NY 11001 125 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 412 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, NY 11596 Chapels also available in Levittown & Hicksville Your Local Family Owned Funeral Home Since 1924 416 Corpus Christi, Mineola, NY (b) (UPS) Fax: (516) 354-0472 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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