21/12 - Coventry-catholicdeanery.org.uk

Corpus Christi Church - Langbank Avenue, Coventry. CV3 2QP
St. Anne’s Church - 2, Dunsmore Avenue, Coventry, CV3 3AG
Tel: 024 76448170. Email: corpuschristi@gmx.co.uk
Parish Website: www.cccov.org
Deanery Website: www.coventry-catholicdeanery.org.uk
Registered Charity No: 234216
The Parish Priest: The Reverend Father David Gnosill, B.D., S.T.L.
Times of Masses and Services: 20th December - 28th December 2014
Saturday Corpus Christi 5.00 pm
Sunday St Anne’s
9.00 am
Corpus Christi 10.30 am
Corpus Christi 1.00 pm
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Thanksgiving (M & R): Ivy Howkins
Patrick McSharry: Thomas Jnr & Thomas Snr McDonagh
Marie & Branislaw Siedlecki
John Hampshire: Kathleen & Michael Hogan
Baptism: Dina & Nyotta Dangi
your offering. For every £1 given
the Government will give the
Parish 25p. Thank you!
10.00 pm Corpus Christi Convent Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion
7.00 pm Corpus Christi John Richardson: James Cannon
Christmas Eve
Wednesday 5.00 pm
If you pay Income Tax then
please remember…
Corpus Christi Joseph & Elizabeth Keeley: Ernest Walker: Francis Clancy,
Joe Cunningham & John & Angela Gormley
7.00 pm St Anne’s
Fr David’s Intention: Pro Populo: Maise Robinson
9.00 pm Corpus Christi Fr David’s Intention: Pro Populo: Joan Kelly & Maureen Cahalin
This weekend
Christmas Flowers and
Christmas Day
Next weekend
No Second Collection
9.00 am St Anne’s Christine Bieliauskas: Chris & Edna Kent: Mr & Mrs Alwill: Michael & Julia Johnson
10 30 am Corpus Christi Holy Souls: Karl Janota: Anne Malize & family
St Stephen’s Day
10.30 am Corpus Christi Altar Servers & their Families: Michael Tuft & Family
11.00am Corpus Christi
St. Anne’s Sanctuary
Lamp Intention
Wedding Mass for Joe Killick and Hannah Ngure
The Holy Family
Saturday Corpus Christi 5.00 pm Theresa Anatuanya (80th Birthday): Gertie Bagan
Sunday St Anne’s
9.00 am Christine Bieliauskas: Mary Gibbs: Kathleen MacKenzie
Corpus Christi 10.30 am To End Abortion: Fr Gregory Anatuanya: Fitzpatrick & Lilley Family
This week:
The Holy Souls
Next week:
Christina Bieliauskas
Saturday 20th December
5.00 pm Claire Reay
Pat Timmons: Christine Angliss: Marie Anne Bowell
Sunday 21st December
9.00 am Bob Angliss
John Fallan: Pat Kennedy
10.30 am Trevor Bloodworth
Sarah Pearson: Anne Malize: Kay Lewis
Saturday 27th December
5.00 pm Marie Anne Bowell
Tony Kirby: Helen Ward: Stewart Richardson
Sunday 28th December
9.00 am Joan Leavy
Jim Rossiter: Rosaria Petrucci
10.30 am Gerard McAleese
Sacred Heart Candle
Our Lady Candle
This Week: Esther McGrath
Next Week: Josie & Family
This Week: Josie & Family
Next Week: Sp Int. Maria
Infant of Prague Candle
St Padre Pio Candle
Chukwudi Malize: Maureen Stevenson: Tom McGovern
St. Anthony Candle
This Week: Gina Morrison
Next Week:
St. Clare Candle
This Week: Phyllis & John Johnson This Week: Francis Baxter This Week: D G & H Jones
Next Week: Malcolm Knight
Next Week: Paula & Paula Next Week:
First Collection
Gift Aided
Non-Gift Aided :
Second Collection
Christmas Flowers:
Financial Matters
Corpus Christi
St. Joseph Candle
This Week: Fr David & Family
Next Week: John Kelly
St. Juliana Candle
This Week: Susan & James Doherty
Next Week:
To request a
candle, please
blue form and
hand it into the
Candle: £3.50.
Sortitio / Lottery
St. Anne’s
Thank you for your support
Winner: J Tobin
Winner: G Morrison
No. 31
No: 50
Amount: £29.00
Amount: £29.00
This is Corpus Christi’s weekly Parish Lottery. Numbers are
on sale before and after Mass in the Church porch. Each
number costs £1. Half the money goes to the Re-decoration
Fund and the other half is divided equally between two lucky
Exposition & Benediction of The Blessed Sacrament
Every Tuesday evening in Corpus Christi beginning
at 6.00 pm
After all Masses, and by appointment except Sunday and
after the Christmas Masses.
The Rosary
Prayed in St. Anne’s, Thursday & Friday mornings starting at 9am
Christmas Offerings
The collection on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is
traditionally our offering for our Parish Priest. If you
would like an envelope for this collection then please
use the ones available at the back of church marked
“Christmas Offering”. Thank you!
Mass Intentions
Please remember to give any Mass Intentions at least
a month in advance. This helps to plan the diary.
Thank you!
Of your charity
Please pray for the souls of Mary Gleeson of Seymour Close and Reginald Daffen of Royal Crescent who have passed
away. Reginald’s Requiem Mass is on Tuesday 30th December at 11.30am in St. Anne’s. Mary’s Requiem Mass is on Friday
9th January in St. Anne’s at 10am. Reception into Church the night before at 5pm.
Coventry Food Banks
Thank you to all those who were able to collect for the Food Bank. Any further items should be taken direct to the Hope
Centre, Vauxhall Street, Hillfields, Coventry. Please inform Fr. David if you are taking the items. Thank you!
Corpus Christi Gift Aid System Can any parishioners that want to
order a box of Gift Aid Envelopes, that do not currently have a box,
please let Caroline Ward or Barrie Prue know by 30th Dec 2014. A
list will be put at the back of the church. Where parishioners want to
change from using Gift Aid Envelopes to a direct debit arrangement,
or parishioners want to set up a direct debit and are a tax payer,
please put your contact details on the list. Thank you!
New Year’s Day: The Feast of Mary, Mother of
God As we look forward to the beginning of a New
Year, let us renew our commitment to the Lord
through Our Lady on the Feast of Mary, Mother of
God. Mass will be in St. Anne’s Church at 10am on
Thursday 1st January. There will be refreshments
served after Mass in the Joachim Room.
The Traditional Blessing of Straw and Chalk
The Blessing of Straw will take place this weekend the 20/21st December 2014 at the end of all Masses. This lovely custom reminds us of Bethlehem which means House of Bread, and it encourages us to remember the stranger at Christmas.
The Blessing of Chalk will take place on the weekend of 3rd/4th January 2015. This custom asks for God’s blessing on our
homes for the New Year as we mark our doors with the invocation of the Magi; 20+C+M+B+15.
St. Stephen’s Day: 26th December 10.30am Mass
St. Stephen is the patron saint of Altar Servers. A number of our Altar Servers are part of the Guild of St.
Stephen. Those who are part of the Guild wear a medal around their neck during Mass. The Mass Intention
on St. Stephen’s Day will be for the Altar Servers and their families. It will be an opportunity for those who
are part of the Guild to renew their promises and for new members to be enrolled. All our Altar Servers from
both parishes should do their best to be at this Mass. Can parents please do their best to bring them, and
can parishioners do their best to attend this Mass to thank our young people who exercise this important
ministry in our parishes.
Those from St. Anne’s will need to bring their albs from the Church after the 9am Christmas morning Mass. Thank you!
Refreshments will be served after Mass in the Fr. Tuite room.
Parents Confirmation
The second meeting for parents from both parishes whose
children are preparing for
Confirmation is on Thursday
22nd January 2015 at 7.15pm
in Corpus Christi Church.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be on Sunday 8th
February 2015 at 10.30am
The Bambino (the baby Jesus)
In the Church of Sancta Maria in Ara Cœli (St Mary of
the Altar of Heaven) in Rome, is a carved wooden
image of the baby Jesus made from Olive wood from
the Garden of Gethsemane and adorned with votive
offerings. The children of Rome are encouraged to
write prayer intentions and leave them beside the
bambino. In both our churches there is a statue of
the Infant of Prague. We, adults and children could
leave our own prayer intentions next to the Bambino
now and throughout the Christmas season.
St. Anne’s Church Raffle
The raffle raised £282. Thank
you to all who supported this
event. A list of the raffle prize
winners is on St. Anne’s notice
Unclaimed prize winners:
Yellow tickets 71-75, 16-20, 1115 and white ticket 481-485
Fr. David would like to wish you and your loved ones a Happy and Joyful Christmas,
especially if you will be away from Corpus Christi and St. Anne’s.
May Christ our Saviour fill you with the gift of his peace and favour
and make you heralds of his Gospel