April 9, 2015 CITY COUNCIL INFORMATION TRANSMITTAL April 9, 2015 The Following Council Action Requests Are Attached: Private Pay Options for Home Delivered Meals Program for Seniors................... 4 Solid Waste Education and Outreach Consolidation .......................................... 6 Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) ....................... 8 Memorandums Or Items Of Information Enclosed: Upcoming Public meetings & Events ............................................................. 13 Scheduled City Council Agenda Items/Policy Issues ....................................... 16 Status of Choke Canyon/Lake Corpus Christi Reservoir System ....................... 20 2 CITY COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTS (CCARS) As of April 8, 2015 Date Requested Action Request Staff Assigned Current Status Est. Completion Date 1. 3/31/15 Rubio Riojas Susan Thorpe Gus Gonzalez Working 4/15/15 2. 3/31/15 Vaughn 3/31/15 Magill Provide a memo detailing the proposed bollard locations and the type of bollards recommended for the Bayshore Park in the Bayfront Development Plan Project. Provide a memo containing the exact list of offsite improvements included in the Shoreline Realignment Project Change Order. Provide a memo comparing the costs of contracting out mowing services and performing that service in house. Provide a memo containing the Site Plan for the Elevated Storage Tank with recommended location at Rand Morgan and Leopard Street. Provide a memo that considers other location options for the Elevated Water Storage tank with the proposed location of Rand Morgan and Leopard Street. Provide a memo updating Council on the Transportation Studies taking place on the Island. Provide a memo reporting the possibility of extending the Home Delivered Meals Program to Private Pay individuals. Provide a memo that includes a Tasks Update from the Goals and Strategies of the Type A Board. Provide a memo comparing our Ethics ordinance with that of other cities. Address the possibility of a Combined Water Supply index and when to implement it. Susan Thorpe Working 4/15/15 Gus Gonzalez Working 4/15/15 Gus Gonzalez Working 4/15/15 Gus Gonzalez Working 4/15/15 Susan Thorpe Enclosed 4/8/15 Susan Thorpe Working 4/15/15 Margie Rose Working TBD Gus Gonzalez Working TBD Provide a memo including a comparison with other municipalities Gus Gonzalez of price per square foot for new buildings constructed, including design and construction. Working 4/15/15 Forward Council Members the list of balances in the CIP funds requested by Councilman Magill at 3/10/15 Council Meeting. Look at the Education Component of Solid Waste programs and consider consolidating them. Provide recommendation to Council. 1. Provide research on what other cities may use to set criteria for tax credit projects that come before them for support. E.g., different levels of support depending on the offerings of the project Wes Pierson Working 4/21/15 Gus Gonzalez Enclosed 4/8/15 Susan Thorpe Enclosed 4/8/15 Wes Pierson Working 4/21/15 Ref. No. 3. 4. 3/31/15 Vaughn 5. 3/31/15 McIntyre 6. 3/31/15 McIntyre 7. 3/31/15 McIntyre 8. 3/10/15 Vaughn 9. 3/10/15 Scott Riojas 10. 3/10/15 McIntyre Magill Vaughn 11. 3/10/15 Magill 12. 3/10/15 McIntyre 13. 2/17/15 2. Provide information on the TDHCA’s current points system in detail, to compare with what local criteria cities may be using. 14. Martinez Explore the use of unreserved fund balance for Bond 2012 2/17/15 projects. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 INFORMAL STAFF REPORT MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and Council From: Ronald L. Olson, City Manager Date: April 9, 2015 Subject: Upcoming Public Meetings and Events For your convenience, attached is a calendar of upcoming public meetings and events, as submitted by City departments. Please keep in mind that the City’s Ethics Ordinance prohibits Council members from speaking before City boards, commissions, and committees, except on behalf of your own personal financial interest, in which case you are to immediately state so publicly to the board, commission or committee. We hope this calendar will keep you informed about activities of interest taking place in your district and Citywide. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 13 April 07, 2015 Tuesday 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Library Board Room -- La Retama Central Library - 2nd Floor Board Room April 08, 2015 Wednesday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee -- City Hall, 6th floor Conference Room April 14, 2015 Tuesday 11:30 AM - 5:00 PM COUNCIL MEETING -- Council Chambers April 16, 2015 Thursday 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Community Youth Development Program Steering Committee -- Juvenile Assessment Center, 615 Leopard Suite 105 April 18, 2015 Saturday 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Volunteer Opportunity @ Oso Creek Park 2 @ End of Cimarron -- Mountain Bike and Nature Trails in Oso Creek Park Section 2 April 21, 2015 Tuesday 11:30 AM - 5:00 PM COUNCIL MEETING -- Council Chambers April 22, 2015 Wednesday 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Board of Adjustment -- City Hall, Council Chambers April 27, 2015 Monday 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Rebecca Huerta Transportation Advisory Committee -- City Council Chambers 14 4/9/2015 2:29 PM April 28, 2015 Tuesday 11:30 AM - 5:00 PM COUNCIL MEETING -- Council Chambers May 05, 2015 Tuesday 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Library Board Room -- La Retama Central Library - 2nd Floor Board Room May 06, 2015 Wednesday 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Beautify Corpus Christi Board Meetings -- BCCA Board Offices- 545 N. Upper Broadway 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Committee For Persons With Disabilities -- City Council Chambers May 07, 2015 Thursday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Human Relations Commission -- City Council Chambers 15 Rebecca Huerta 4/9/2015 2:29 PM CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI SCHEDULED CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS/POLICY ISSUES As of April 9, 2015 *Please note that this schedule may change at anytime due to scheduling conflicts and/or priority issues. (T) – Indicates Tentative Scheduling April 21, 2015 *Regular Meeting 1. (15-0127) Ordinance amending Chapter 38 of the City Code of Ordinances regarding park and beach vendors. 2. (15-0216) Motion approving a service agreement with Dorame General Repair and Lawn, LLC, Corpus Christi, Texas for Utility Worksite Restoration Services in accordance with Event No. 13, based on lowest responsible bid for an estimated annual expenditure of $364,225.00, of which $182,112.50 is required for the remainder of FY 2014-2015. The term of the contract will be for twelve (12) months with options to extend for up to two (2) additional twelve-month periods, subject to the approval of the Contractor and the City Manager or designee. Funds have been budgeted by the Utilities Department in FY 2014-2015. 3. (15-0254) Ordinance amending the FY 2015 Capital Improvement Program Budget adopted by Ordinance No. 030303 by transferring $78,000.00 from Fund 3365 Sanitary Landfill 2008 Certificate of Obligation Project Reserves to Project #E12190 Citizens Collection Center - Flour Buff/Padre Island; increasing expenditures in the amount of $78,000.00; and authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute a Real Estate Sales Contract with Alamo Concrete Products Company in the amount of $275,000 plus $3,000 in estimated closing costs for a total expenditure of $278,000, for the purpose of acquiring a tract of land containing 5.320 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Flour Bluff Drive and Division Road, to be used for the Citizens Collection Center Flour Bluff/Padre Island Area Project #E12190. 4. (15-0267) Ordinance authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute five-year lease agreement with Corpus Christi Police Athletic 4/9/2015 2:57 PM 16 League for the use of Ben Garza field located at 1815 Howard, including sublease of Driscoll Field located at 4235 Baldwin, for baseball program. 5. (15-0269) Motion authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute a Contract for Professional Services with RVE, Inc. of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $72,880 for the TXDOT Participation Projects - Task Order No. 9 - FM 2444 Waterlines Relocation and Abandonment-in-Place of Existing Waterlines 6. (15-0297) Motion authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County, Texas (PCCA) for improvements to Sam Rankin Street from Port Avenue to West Broadway Street. 7. (15-0299) Motion approving service agreements with the following companies, in the following amounts for mowing services in accordance with Event No. 12, based on lowest responsible bid for an estimated annual expenditure of $291,029.69 of which $121,262.37 is required for the remainder of FY 2014-2015. The terms of the contracts will be for twelve (12) months with options to extend for up to four (4) additional twelve-month periods, subject to the approval of the Contractors and the City Manager or designees. Funds have been budgeted by the Utilities and Parks and Recreation Departments in FY 2014-2015. Aspen Lawn Care Corpus Christi, TX $83,829.89 Dorame General Repair & Lawn, LLC Corpus Christi, TX. $207,199.81 Grand Total $291,029.69 8. (15-0311) Ordinance amending City Code of Ordinances regarding Island Strategic Action Committee election of officers 9. (15-0317) Motion authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute Amendment No. 1 to the engineering contract with Bath Engineering of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $90,955 for a total restated fee not to exceed $123,455 for the Alternative Capacity Power Generation. 10. (15-0319) Motion authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute Amendment No. 1 to a Contract for Professional Services with Maldonado-Burkett Intelligent Transportation Systems, LLP of Austin, Texas in the amount of $30,321.74 for a re-stated fee not to exceed 79,833.85 for the Signal Improvements and Street Lighting BOND 2012 project. 17 4/9/2015 2:57 PM 11. (15-0321) Resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Texas A&M University Kingsville in the amount of $59,697 for a decision support modeling system for modeling the water resources around the Choke Canyon Reservoir Region of the Nueces River Basin 12. (15-0327) Resolution authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute all documents necessary to resolve the future funding of streets on the City's Street Master Plan by Tuloso-Midway Independent School District by Interlocal Agreement in relation to a subdivision plat for a new Agricultural Building. 13. (15-0331) Motion authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute Amendment No. 3 with Rock Engineering & Testing Laboratory, Inc. of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $75,306.00 for a restated fee of $181,250.00 for the Citywide Street Preventative Maintenance Program (SPMP) Year 2 project. 14. (15-0332) Motion authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute a construction contract with Grace Paving and Construction, Inc. of Corpus Christi, Texas in the amount of $1,880,404.50 for the Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Minor Street Pavement Improvements and to execute Amendment No. 2 to a Contract for Professional Services with Engineering & Construction Management Services, LLC (ECMS, LLC) in the amount of $88,440.00 for a restated fee of $114,940.00 for the Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Minor Street Pavement Improvements. 15. (15-0348) Ordinance authorizing the City Manager or designee to accept a donation from the Port of Corpus Christi Port Authority for $20,000.00 to be used to train firefighters in marina firefighting from the landside; and appropriating $20,000.00 from the Port of Corpus Christi Authority into the Fire Grant Fund No. 1062. April 28, 2015 *Regular Meeting 18 4/9/2015 2:57 PM Updates/Presentations (2014-2015): Written Economic Development Corporation – Water Quality Issues Health Benefits/Risk Management Capital Budget Report Worksource ADA Transition Program Non-Discrimination Ordinance TxDOT January / July January/ April/ July/ October January/ April / July/ October March/ June / September/ December March/ June / September/ December September (Annual) September (Annual) September (Annual) Quarterly Council Goals Update Budget /Performance Report Texas Medicaid Managed Care Initiative February/ May/ August / November March/ June / September/ December April/July/October/January Semi-Annual Economic Development Corporation (Presentation) April / October Crime Control and Prevention District May/November NAS-CC February/ May/ August / November Convention and Visitors Bureau March/ June / September/ December Port of Corpus Christi May/ November (Semi-Annual) Annual Downtown Management District CCRTA Strike Team Update 4/9/2015 2:57 PM Summer 2011 (Annual) Spring 2011 (Annual) April 2014 19 STATUS OF THE CHOKE CANYON / LAKE CORPUS CHRISTI / LAKE TEXANA RESERVOIR SYSTEM As of: 04/09/2015 Combined Daily Water System Index Combined Water System Index 1 Year Trend 100 80 50% Percent 40% 30% 20% 60 40 20 3/1/2015 4/1/2015 5/1/2015 3/1/2015 4/1/2015 5/1/2015 2/1/2015 1/1/2015 12/1/2014 11/1/2014 53.5% 10/1/2014 9/1/2014 8/1/2014 7/1/2014 100% 0% 6/1/2014 5/1/2014 0 Reservoir Capacities 100 90 80 83.5 82.6 Capacity (%) 70 60 58.4 50 40 46.2 30 34.0 32.7 20 25.0 10 0 Choke Canyon Lake Corpus Christi Full Last Year CCR / LCC System Today Reservoir Elevations CCR+LCC Trend 220.5 200 Texana 100 90 196.6 192.3 70 150 Capacity (%) Capacity (Feet-MSL) 80 94.0 91.5 87.7 100 60 50 40 30 44.0 41.0 44.1 50 20 10 0 2/1/2015 1/1/2015 12/1/2014 11/1/2014 10/1/2014 Today 9/1/2014 Last Year 8/1/2014 Full Texana 7/1/2014 LCC 6/1/2014 CCR 5/1/2014 0 RESERVOIR STATISTICS Date FULL 04/09/2015 04/08/2015 03/09/2015 04/09/2014 Choke Canyon Reservoir Lake Corpus Christi Elevation Volume % Capacity Elevation Volume % Capacity 220.5 695,271 100% 94.0 257,260 100% 192.3 173,995 25.0% 87.7 150,135 58.4% 192.2 173,098 24.9% 87.7 150,135 58.4% 191.8 168,547 24.2% 85.5 119,745 46.5% 196.6 227,487 32.7% 91.5 212,455 82.6% 20 CCR/LCC Combined Lake Texana Volume % Capacity Elevation Volume % Capacity 952,531 100% 44.0 161,085 100% 324,130 34.0% 44.1 162,101 100.6% 323,233 33.9% 44.1 162,101 100.6% 288,292 30.3% 41.0 134,434 83.5% 439,942 46.2% 41.0 134,434 83.5%
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