Corpus Christi Catholic Church! Rev. Michael G. Taylor, Pastor Rev. Michael R. Duesterhaus, Parochial Vicar Deacon Michael O’Brien November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Sacramental Information Marriage: Couples must contact the parish at least six months prior to the wedding date. It is best to contact the parish as soon as you become engaged to set up your initial appointment. Baptisms: Baptisms take place at John Champe High School, on the second Sunday of each month, at 12:30 pm, immediately following the 11:30 am Mass. Baptism preparation instruction is required for parents who have not previously attended a class. Please call the parish office for the schedule and to register. Holy Communion & Anointing of the Sick: If you or someone you know would like to receive Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick please call the parish office to arrange a visit. Parish Registration: If you would like to register as a parishioner at Corpus Christi Mission please visit our website, and download a registration form. Upon completion, you may drop it in the Sunday collection basket, or email to If you are moving out of the parish or have a change of address, please contact the parish office. Mass Schedule Weekend Masses are at John Champe High School, 41535 Sacred Mountain Street, Aldie, VA Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am, 10:00 am, and 11:30 am Weekdays Monday and Friday: 9:30 am Tuesday and Thursday: 12:15 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am Weekday Masses and Confessions are held at Corpus Christi Parish Office, 43130 Amberwood Plaza, Suite 150, South Riding, VA Confession Schedule Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 pm, Wednesday: 6:00—6:45pm Thursday: 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 1 hour before each weekday Mass Monday - Friday Parish Office Corpus Christi Parish Office 43130 Amberwood Plaza, Suite 150, South Riding, VA Phone: 703-378-1037, Fax: 703-378-4442 Office Hours Monday through Thursday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday: Closed Parish Secretary Bulletin Deadline 10:00 am Friday 9 days prior to the Sunday publication. Announcements should be sent to Mrs. Christine Zigadlo Director of Religious Education Mrs. Delores Nelson 1 Worship Mass Intentions Weekly Mass Readings Sat. November 22: St. Cecilia Sunday Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 9:00 am : 5:00 pm: Timothy Razzano Monday Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5; Lk 21:1-4 Sunday, November 23: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Tuesday Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11 8:30 am - Thomas and Eileen Poynor 10:00 am - Virgilio Angelo + 11:30 am: People of Corpus Christi Mission Wednesday Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19 Monday, November 24: St. Andrew Dun-Lac & Companions Thursday Rv 18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9a; Lk 21:20-28 9:30 am: Mary Morton + Tuesday, Nov. 25: St. Katherine of Alexandria Friday Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2; Lk 21:29-33 12:15 pm: Sharon Tarlano Wednesday, November 26 7:00 pm: Anne Krachey Saturday Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36 Thursday, November 27 12:15 pm: Timothy Razzano + Friday, November 28: For all who are sick and suffering, especially: Jack WolfeKinzel, John Hughes. Kim Bielecki, John Iademarco and John Paras, Joyce Leonard, Evan Solomonides, John Cusato, Eileen Reosti, Charles Smith, Peter Purtell, Joe Dudash, Dina Zeller, Irene KoKorchen, John Kokorchen, Christopher Orme, Benjamin Climaco, Janice Donnelly, Paul Jones, Geoff Erb, Sandra Heatwolt, Mary Jo Pasquarello, Louan Dolan, Roseann Childs, Geraldine Horgan, and for all our homebound parishioners and all who care for them. 9:30 am: Patricia Derr One must never forget the infinite graces that flow from the Sacrifice of the Mass which benefit one’s soul. A parishioner may offer a Mass for several reasons: for example, in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (such as on a birthday), or, as is most common, for the repose of the soul of someone who has died. Please come to the Parish Office if you would like to schedule a Mass Intention. The normal donation is $10.00. Parish Apostolates, Ministries, Services Altar Servers Mark Zigadlo, Lectors Catherine Ahye: Choir & Musicians (9th Grade-Adult) Jennie Salinas; Legion of Mary Berta O’Mara, 703-327-9156 Collection Counters Amy Cadenas, RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Father Taylor, 703-378-1037 Environment & Linens Mary McMullan, Prayer Shawl Knitting Mary McMullan, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Father Taylor, 703-378-1037 Pro Life Apostolate Mary Chris Beardsley, Jen Bishop: Evangelization Committee Russell Ramey, Rosary Group Carmen van Leeuwen, Finance Council Tim Hartless, Mass Set-up / Take down Crew Fred Wintrich, Flower Pick-up Bill McMullan, Ushers Nick Curran, Food Pantry Drop-Off (WFCM) Maureen Knight, Vocation Committee Bill and Deb Sjoberg, 703-378-1037 Homebound Meals Mary Ann Rutler: Women of Corpus Christi Cindy Hartless, Hospitality Apostolate (Sun. Coffee & Donuts) Rich Langguth, Youth Apostolate Father Taylor: Knights of Columbus Nick Curran: 2 From the Parish Office Prayer to St. Joseph Dear Parishioners, Oh Good St. Joseph, watch over The mission Church of Corpus Christi. through your intercession, may God’s fullest blessing be upon our clergy and parishioners. In thanksgiving to Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and all the Angels & Saints, we rejoice that on Sunday November 16 Bishop Loverde announced that Corpus Christi would indeed become a parish church! The effective date of his decree is this Sunday, The Feast of Christ the King. As you provided for Mary and Jesus, when He had “no place to rest his head,” so too, bless us with a Church And stable home. As you read this right now, I hope you to stop and say a Hail Mary, thanking our good God for the countless graces He continues to pour out upon us. Grant us a generous spirit and patience to endure joyfully whatever challenges or crosses Our Lord may ask us to carry. In Christ, Fr Taylor St. Joseph, faithful guardian of Christ, Pray for us. Faith Direct our gift exchange and RSVP to Cindy Hartless so that we can be sure to have a seat for everyone. With the arrival of autumn, we invite you to join Faith Direct, our parish's electronic eGiving program. Our to-do lists can get lengthy this back-to-school season, but Faith Direct's eGiving program will give you one less thing to remember each week - no more envelopes to find and checks to write before you go to Mass. Enroll today by visiting and use our church code, (VA 315), or pick up an enrollment form from the parish office to get started! Mission Church of Corpus Christi “For God, All Things Are Possible” Capital Campaign Thank you to everyone who had made a pledge to the “For God, All Things Are Possible” capital campaign. Please use Faith Direct or your blue envelopes when making a payment on your pledge. You may mail your blue envelope to the parish office, or drop it in the collection basket. Please call the parish office if Women of Corpus Christi you have questions, or if you need more blue enve(WOCC) - learning to live our faith lopes. Blue envelopes are now available in the We are a group of Women growing in our faith, shar- back of the Auditorium at John Champe High ing our faith with others and serving the Corpus School. Thank you for your generosity. Christi Mission. For more information please contact Cindy Hartless: or 703-625Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions 0916. General Intention: That all who suffer loneliness All Women of Corpus Christi please join us for our may experience the closeness of God and the support November “field trip” to the Washington D.C. Botani- of others. cal Gardens. We will gather at the Catholic Center at Missionary Intention: That young seminarians 10:00am (following daily Mass) to carpool. We will and religious may have wise and well formed take the Metro to the Botanical Gardens, enjoy lunch mentors. at the American Indian Museum Cafe and then return home by about 3pm. Please contact Cindy Hartless for additional information and/or to let us know you are joining in the fun day. All Women of Corpus Christi are invited to our Christmas Party at Ciro’s in Stone Ridge Sunday December 7 at 7pm. Please bring a gift ($10-$15) for 3 Religious Education News for our Mission Reserved Seating at John Champe HS Sunday Nov. 23 Religious Ed Classes The seats along the main aisle will be designated “reserved seating” for anyone attending Mass who is seated in a wheelchair or who may need assistance and their families. Please keep in mind that food and beverages are not allowed in the auditorium. Also, please refrain from using the sliding desk tops during Mass. Thank you! Sunday Nov. 30 No Religious Ed Classes Saturday, Dec. 6 Saturday at the Movies Must Pre Register 10:00 am—12:00 noon Sunday, Dec. 7 Religious Ed Classes Sunday, Dec. 14 Religious Ed Classes Last class before Christmas break Wed. Dec. 17 1st Penance Retreat permission slip and 1st Holy Communion Rec ord form are due. Evening Bible Study for Women A Powerful Study on the Blessed Mother: Filmed on location in the Holy Land, Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother will place you in the midst of the powerful drama of Mary’s earthly life, taking you through her joys and her sorrows. You will learn how she works in our lives today, drawing us ever closer to her divine Son. Seeing Mary in this way will change you forever. She will become a part of your daily life and help you to become more like Christ. Congratulations to the winners of our first annual all saints festival: The Guessing game winners : Cheerios - Aubrey Miller, Candy Corn Ryan, M&Ms - Lori, Beans - Sierra Price, Jelly Beans - Caroline Sheffler, Pasta - Isabella Ubillus. The Raffle winners: Carolina Munoz - Darn yarn set, Ava Wergley - The art and activity collection, Roessler - the Spiderman book. Join us for Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother on November 20, December 4,11,18, January 8, 15, 22, 29 at 7:30 PM. For more information or to register for the study, contact Mary Chris Beardsley at In honor of the Thanksgiving weekend, there are NO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES on Sunday, November 30th. Have a happy, holy, and fun-filled Dulles South Food Pantry Corpus Christi Catholic Mission supports the Dulles Thanksgiving and remember to Whom we owe our South Food Pantry with food collection baskets at thanks. weekend masses. Baskets are located in the rear of Our First Saturday at the Movies Session will be held the church near the exit. All non-perishable food is on Saturday, December 6th in the Corpus Christi Misaccepted. The Top needed items are: Shelf stable sion Office site from 10:00 am to 12 noon. Prior regMilk, Cooking Oil, Sugar, Flour, Rice, Beans, Fruit, istration is required. Please be sure to register by NoCereal, Pancake Mix, and Seasoning packets. vember 23rd. Only parents who are Virtus certified If you are in need of help please contact the church are able to stay as chaperones. office or go to for more information. There will be Eucharistic Adoration on Sunday, December 7th for all students in the John Champe Auditorium, led by Father Taylor. Teachers, please take Youth Group roll at 12:45 and have your students seated in the auditorium by 12:55 pm. High School Youth Activities To equip you with all the tools you need to be happy, holy, healthy, and Heaven bound. December 14th is the last class before our Christmas vacation begins. Classes will resume on Sunday, January 11. For more information, please email Have a blessed and holy Christmas - and remember; what if it was your birthday and everyone received a gift but you? Give a gift to Jesus this year and visit someone in a nursing home or hospital on Christmas Day. Then you can really say, Happy Birthday Jesus. Our Lady, Help of Christians, Pray for us! God bless you! 4 Around the Diocese Project Rachel Natural Family Planning Classes The pain caused by abortion is often not recognized by our society. This pain comes in part from a denial that there was a child who is no more. We want to reach out to you with the mercy and love of Christ and help you be at peace with yourself and God. Please call the confidential, toll-free Helpline: 1-888-456-HOPE, or email: The Couple-to-Couple League offers NFP classes throughout Northern Virginia. Classes usually consist of three, 3-hour sessions spaced about one month apart. Total cost for course and materials is $135 per couple (Spanish courses are $40). Register online at: For classes in Northern Virginia, please go to Post Abortion Website Virtual classes now available. For schedule, visit An invitation for help, healing and hope is waiting for you at It’s a safe place to take the first step to learn more about healing after abortion. All inquiries for assistance are completely confidential. Talk to someone who understands. Contact us today for non-judgmental and compassionate care. For more information, please visit our website or call 888-456-HOPE (4673). Gabriel Project Help for the Unemployed and Underemployed Christians Are Networking (CAN), the all-volunteer jobs ministry of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, offers support to anyone who is unemployed or struggling with career transition decisions. We offer free coaching and prayerful support in resume writing, self- marketing, interviewing, and networking skills. For more information, please contact one of our four Christians are Networking (CAN) locations: St. Philips Catholic Church in Falls Church at; St. Martin de Porres Senior Center in Alexandria at; St. Theresa Catholic Church in Ashburn at; and Precious Blood Catholic Church in Culpeper at Are you a new or expectant mother looking for help? Gabriel Project has many amazing mentors with lots of experience not only in raising children but also in living a life firmly rooted in Christ. Our mentors are happy to come and welcome you into the community, and help you during this time of transition. So, whether you’re a brand new mom or a mom looking Arlington Diocesan Choir for support because you are new to the area, contact Gabriel Project at (703) 841-3810 or at GabrielPro- The Arlington Diocesan Choir has openings for See our website at teers who are willing to use their musical gifts in service to the Church. The Diocesan choir sings for jor celebrations including the annual Blue Mass, MarCatholic News on Your Smartphone riage Jubilee Mass, Rite of Election, Diocesan ConfirGet the latest news on local parish activities, Catholic mation, and Ordinations. Rehearsals take place Monschools and the latest happenings with Pope Francis day evenings preceding each liturgy at the Cathedral and the Vatican delivered to your inbox. Visit of Saint Thomas More in Arlington. Requirements ACHnewsletter to sign up for the Arlington Catholic include previous choral experience, good sight readHerald’s e-newsletter, and don’t forget to find us on ing ability, and regular attendance at rehearsal and Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. liturgies. For further information, call the Office of Sacred Liturgy and Music at (703) 841-2552. Courage Meetings in the Diocese of Arlington Follow Bishop Loverde on Twitter COURAGE Support Group for Those Experiencing Same-Sex Attraction. COURAGE is a group that meets regularly to offer fraternal, moral, and spiritual support for those who experience same-sex attraction and desire to live chaste lives according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Meetings are for men and women and strict confidentiality is maintained. For more information, please contact or visit http:// Pioneering the #NewEvangelization, follow @Bishop_Loverde for pastoral updates, inspiration and more. Follow our diocese on Instagram You already get frequent updates on all things Catholic, and diocesan news, awards and events, through our Twitter (@arlingtonchurch) and Facebook ( accounts. Now you can follow all of this and more on Instagram @arlingtonchurch today. 5 St. Catherine of Alexandria: Feast Day: November 25 From the tenth century onwards veneration for St. Catherine of Alexandria has been widespread in the Church of the East, and from the time of the Crusades this saint has been popular in the West, where many churches have been dedicated to her and her feast day kept with great solemnity, sometimes as a holy-day of obligation. She is listed as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers of mankind among the saints in Heaven; she is the patroness of young women, philosophers, preachers, theologians, wheelwrights, millers, and other workingmen. She was said to have appeared with Our Lady to St. Dominic and to Blessed Reginald of Orleans; the Dominicans adopted her as their special protectress. Hers was one of the heavenly voices heard by St. Joan of Arc. Artists have painted her with her chief emblem, the wheel, on which by tradition she was tortured; other emblems are a lamb and a sword. Her name continues to be cherished today by the young unmarried women of Paris. Yet in spite of this veneration, we have few facts that can be relied on concerning Catherine's life. Eusebius, "father of Church history," writing around the year 320, had heard of a noble young Christian woman of Alexandria whom the Emperor ordered to come to his palace, presumably to become his mistress, and who, on refusing, was punished by banishment and the confiscation of her estates. The story of St. Catherine may have sprung from some brief record such as this, which Christians writing at a later date expanded. The last persecutions of Christians, though short, were severe, and those living in the peace which followed seem to have had a tendency to embellish the traditions of their martyrs that they might not be forgotten. According to the popular tradition, Catherine was born of a patrician family of Alexandria and from childhood had devoted herself to study. Through her reading she had learned much of Christianity and had been converted by a vision of Our Lady and the Holy Child. When Maxentius[3] began his persecution, Catherine, then a beautiful young girl, went to him and rebuked him boldly for his cruelty. He could not answer her arguments against his pagan gods, and summoned fifty philosophers to confute her. They all confessed themselves won over by her reasoning, and were thereupon burned to death by the enraged Emperor. He then tried to seduce Catherine with an offer of a consort's crown, and when she indignantly refused him, he had her beaten and imprisoned. The Emperor went off to inspect his military forces, and when he got back he discovered that his wife Faustina and a high official, one Porphyrius, had been visiting Catherine and had been converted, along with the soldiers of the guard. They too were put to death, and Catherine was sentenced to be killed on a spiked wheel. When she was fastened to the wheel, her bonds were miraculously loosed and the wheel itself broke, its spikes flying off and killing some of the onlookers. She was then beheaded. The modern Catherine-wheel, from which sparks fly off in all directions, took its name from the saint's wheel of martyrdom. The text of the <Acts> of this illustrious saint states that her body was carried by angels to Mount Sinai, where a church and monastery were afterwards built in her honor. This legend was, however, unknown to the earliest pilgrims to the mountain. In 527 the Emperor Justinian built a fortified monastery for hermits in that region, and two or three centuries later the story of St. Catherine and the angels began to be circulated. 1 Alexandria, the great Egyptian city at the mouth of the Nile, was at this time a center of both pagan and Christian learning. Its Christian activities centered around the great church founded, according to tradition, by the Apostle Mark, with its catechetical school, the first of its kind in Christendom. 2 Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea, who lived through all the vicissitudes of the years before and succeeding the Edict of Toleration and died about 340, wrote the first history of the Church. 3 Maxentius was one of several rival emperors who struggled for mastery during the first dozen years of the fourth century. Like the others, he tried to crush what he considered the dangerous institution of the Catholic Church. Some historians are of the opinion that Catherine suffered under his father, Maximian. 6 Friendly Professional Environment NITROUS OXIDE • IV SEDATION • EMERGENCY CARE EVENING & SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE • INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED LUSTRE CLEAN SERVICES 3 ROOMS $95.00 Premium Quality Service Since 1975 703-941-2206 703-435-3480 $1.99 FOR DRY CLEANING 571.220.0749 3856 DULLES SOUTH CT · 703-263-1806 Call For A Free Estimate Owned By The Town of Herndon PLUMBING & Caf fi HEATING, Inc. “Serving Northern Virginia Since 1967” HVAC · PLUMBING WATER HEATERS · BOILERS 703-836-6775 CUSTOM FLOOR Carpet • Hardwood • Laminate Tile • VCT • Kitchen • Bath MAIN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE 14101 SULLYFIELD CIR. #310, CHANTILLY, VA 20151 Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine 703-550-1200 The Pediatric Group, PC Fax 703-550-2016 703-481-8600 3914 Centreville Rd. #101 · Chantilly, VA 20151 NYSMITH SCHOOL Educating Inquisitive Minds To Their Potential Small Classes · Loving Teachers · 1:9 Ratio Min. 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